#//I also got too lazy to add my watermark
enchantingedits · 2 years
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Hey friends, and welcome back to my channel. I'm Tracking Error, my pronouns are they/them and every week I make convergence conspiracies while I get ready for my day.
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hugg-bees · 10 days
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tiny gif I made of my main OC iggy!! pose inspired by an old DeviantArt drawing. background is an edited screenshot of Microsoft 3D pinball: space cadet. check your email.
i probably could've gone a lil harder on this but i got eepy. also too lazy to add my watermark so be nice or else
semi life update:
sorry for lack of posts recently, ive been dealing with a lot and was hospitalized yesterday for bacterial gastroenteritis :( goes without saying im not feeling the best, so thank you for your patience and ill try to respond to dms asap !!
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puzzleb0nes · 2 years
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I was gonna wait until I got the rest of this mans Ref done (There is a part two), but I’ll just reblog this post and add it on later, also wanted to wait until I had a ref up of his brother (who will get added to the sans side blog at a later date), but I was thinking of this guy tonight so why not. Dont Mind the watermarks all over em, thats my art watermark and I aint taken em off for the RP blog, and Im too lazy to log into the art blog to post it ksjdfkdjs.
Swapfell Tundra is honestly just a name I tossed out there for where he’s from, but IDK if I’ll keep it ksjdhfkj
- This bonehead Paps goes by “Windigo” or “Windi” on the blog
- 7ft tall from the top of his skull to the bottom of his feet. The horns add an extra foot or so, his Boots add a few inches. 
- Lover of Maple Syrup 
- I’d describe him as a mix of Orange and Mutt, with Cryptid mixed in. 
- Pretty damn calm and collected, very composed, he rarely gets mad or annoyed, but when he does you can tell...his eyes change. VERY Quiet when he moves. More often then not, by the time you hear him walking up on you, it’s too late. His boots make deer like tracks uwu
- Him and his brother’s Timeline is pretty much an arctic wonderland, snow and ice literally everywhere (Hotland who, they have Freezeland. Waterfall? Naw, more like Icefall. Snowdin is the same though...just more snow, if that’s possible)
- He doesn’t mind if you hang stuff from his antlers, his brother does it all the time...usually some kind of bell so he can be heard moving around. 
- He does have a whole other side, much like Mutt on this blog who has split personality. Except, Windigo physically changes as well. Once I get that Ref done I’ll add that into a reblog of this uwu
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snaillock · 8 months
TYSMMMMM I'm so glad you like it!!! <3
I don't post my art cuz last time I posted my art people kept stealing it and it got annoying so I just kinda quit also it's just way to much work I'm really lazy like I can spend 2-10 hours on a painting but can't spend 2 minutes making a post
aw damn i’m sorry that happened :(
if you get back into posting your art again then you can try to add a watermark that’s too obvious for them to remove or try to pass as their own
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Illustrator Tutorial
So for quite a while I’ve been mulling over the idea of making a tutorial of how I create art in Adobe Illustrator. I’m not the best at explaining things but I just thought I’d share how I make my art! Warning—this is a super long post. And it’s not exceptionally interesting. Sorry about that….
I draw traditionally, so when I’m satisfied with my drawing, I open up Illustrator, make a new file, and place the artwork in it.
This is how I set up my file and work space. My layers are at the right of the screen (the top layer is my drawing layer, the bottom layer is my “sketch” layer, locked and usually set on 65-72% opacity). If I wanted to change the size of my Artboard (the file, basically) I would go to the Artboard window (located above my layers) and make my changes there. To the left is the Toolbar. It contains a ton of useful tools, such as the Selection tool (basically the “mouse”), Direct Selection tool (helpful for editing line work), the Pen tool (what I use to trace over my drawings), Type tool (for typing), Rectangle tool (for making quick shapes like squares, stars, circles, etc), Shape Builder tool (for merging shapes), the Hand tool (for moving the screen around—if that makes sense…) and the Zoom tool (lol pretty self-explanatory). There’s many more tools of course, but these are the ones I utilize the most. (Uh unfortunately the tools I am using aren’t showing up in my screenshots while I work…so I’ll just point them out as I use them)
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Now that I’ve got my file set up and drawing in place, I trace over it with the Pen tool. There is also another way to make line work. If you’ve got nice line work that you’re satisfied with you can simply select your drawing, then click “Image Trace.” Illustrator will make a vector image of the drawing. Personally I don’t like making line work that way because, well, I’m sorta odd when it comes to line work and I prefer to use the pen tool.
When I make a shape and connect two anchor points together, they make a single shape, like this head. You don’t necessarily have to make shapes in Illustrator, but it does make things easier imo.
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To edit my line work, I select the line work itself using the Selection tool, then go to Object>Transform>Reflect.
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Another window will pop up, and from there, I can choose if I want the image to be flipped horizontal or vertical. Then I click “Ok.”
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I make edits using the Direct Selection tool. Then I flip the line work back to how it was. I can do this by right clicking the line work and going to Transform>Reflect. The same window will pop up again, and I click Ok.
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But how do I make lines in Illustrator? I use the mouse when I work in Illustrator (I used to just use my laptop’s track pad, but uh…I highly suggest that you don’t do that! Using the mouse is a lot easier on the hand, and the track pad is pretty bad for carpal tunnel). You can also use a Wacom tablet or whatever, but I prefer using a mouse. Anyway, to draw in Illustrator using the Pen tool, simply click anywhere on the canvas to make an anchor point and drag the mouse away from where you clicked. As the mouse moves around, a line will follow it. If you click again, a straight line will appear.
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To make curved lines though, after you click on the canvas, drag the mouse around to make a curved line.
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To merge shapes, select each shape with the Selection tool (click on a shape, and while holding down the Shift key, click on another shape. Two shapes are selected at once now…or just drag the Selection tool over multiple shapes at the same time). 
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Drag over the selected shapes with the Shape Builder tool…
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…and one shape will be formed.
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So that’s how I make line work and shapes in Illustrator. If I want to rearrange which shape is “in front” or “behind” another shape, I select the shape, right-click on it, go to Arrange>then Send to Back or Bring to Front.
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If I want to make a duplicate of a shape, I select it with the Selection tool, click “alt” (on Windows) then drag the new shape away. Then I de-select it.
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When building shapes, sometimes I have to “delete” part of a shape so that it doesn’t show up in the final illustration. For example, when I make pupils. To do this, I select the shapes that have to be edited: the iris, pupil, and the eye itself. The eye won’t change, but in order to make the iris and pupil fit inside the eye, I’ll have to select it. If I don’t then all I’ll manage to do is merge the iris and pupil together.
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So after they’re all selected I use the Shape Builder tool and drag it over the part of the iris and pupil that I don’t want anymore. While doing this I hold the “alt” key down, so that when I’m done editing the eye, the extra shape will be deleted.
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And finally the line work is DONE!
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Now to add color. To change the color of a shape, I select it with the Selection tool then change the color from the Swatch window.
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When the artwork is colored, I get into the intricacies of line work! I like bold line work, and I like to create tapering lines for legs, mouths, and other little details. To make a bold outer line, I select all the major shapes that form the “outside” of the image, make a copy of them, and send them to the back (Arrange>Send to Back)
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To make the lines bold I change the stroke to a 5 pt. Oval (the upper left section is where the lines, or “strokes,” can be edited) then increase the stroke weight to 4 points.
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I slide all the shapes back behind the “front” shapes like so.
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For the front leg, I don’t want to keep the line work near the shoulder odd-looking like this.
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So I use the Direct Selection tool, select the anchors at the shoulders, and move them around till I’m happy with how they look.
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To further edit my lines I can select individual lines and change their shape from the “Uniform” line to any design I want. I like using this triangle-shaped line for whiskers and toes. Then I can edit the stroke width to be bigger or smaller.
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And finally, a cat is born!
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I’ll go over how I make backgrounds too. It’s not all that interesting though XD When I make backgrounds for my Warrior Cat drawings, I like to include patterns and gradients in them. First though, I make a simple shape.
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I try to avoid tangents at all costs so I use the Direct Selection tool to move the anchor points and lines around the main drawing. (BTW a “tangent” is when two lines touch each other without intersecting. It isn’t the most desirable thing to have in a piece of art). For example, the edge of the background square touching the bottom of the cat’s foot forms a tangent.
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When I’ve settled on a final design for the background shape, I make a pattern to fill it.
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I like to keep my patterns simple, so for this one, I made a circle pattern. To make the pattern, select the shapes you want for the pattern…
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…go to Object>Pattern>Make. A window will pop up saying that a new pattern has been added to the Swatches panel; click ok.
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In the dialogue box to the far right, the pattern can be edited even further. When I’m done editing it I click “Done” in the upper left corner of the screen.
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And a new pattern has been added to the Swatches! I make a duplicate of the background shape and change the Fill color to be the new pattern.
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Then I slide the patterned box in front of the orange one, but behind the cat, then I adjust the opacity.
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I make a third copy of the background shape, move it in front of the last two shapes, then click on the gradient box in the gradient window. It automatically makes a white and black gradient in the shape.
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To edit the gradient I click on the Gradient tool in the Toolbar. Then I can adjust the direction of the gradient.
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In the gradient window I can change the colors. I also change the opacity of the shape and switch it to “Overlay.”
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I add a bold white line behind the illustration, add my watermark, and I’m done!
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If I want to add shadows, I draw them over the illustration and adjust the opacity of the “shadow-shapes” till it looks decent. I change the shadow-shapes to “Multiply” as well. (I uh was just too lazy to add them to this pic but I have examples of cell-shading in a lot of my other pics).
Like I said, I’m not the best at explaining things, so here’s one of my speed drawings that show me using all the tools mentioned to make my drawings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD3wA_pwn4k
To finish this long (and probably boring) post, Adobe Illustrator is a vector based program. It doesn’t utilize pixels—I am NOT eloquent enough to discuss the differences so here’s a few sites that do:
Anyway I hope this was useful, even if in a small way! If any other Illustrator artists have tips, tricks, or tutorials they’ve made or have found useful, please share!!
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theky2aqw-blog · 6 years
Goblin Slayer ep 1 review and its review from Anime Feminazis
Yay I am back from the dead for some laughs and giggles before I will send some scary Pilipino, Japanese, Melayu, Indo, and ancient Greco-Roman Stories that will either put you on the edge or make you laugh to death.
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But for now let us go and either debunk or give a two cents from our famous misandrists from Anime Feminist - Yay my internal sarcasm will not let me laugh.
Because you know every rape depiction in fiction is to be banned even though there is parental guidance for shit like these
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and we have a cute depiction of Goblin Slayer killing goblins.
Well before we start --
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At the start of the episode we get to see what a fantasy anime can show, well at the very first start would be the shittiest hero introduction I can imagine. Maybe, just maybe if they were not simple dipshits who do not underestimate their opponents I will not probably tackle the bland first quarter of episode 1. Well they went off for an adventure to slay goblins, but the sad news is that their overconfidence caused them to be defeated and the party almost being wiped out by goblins - A common mistake by beginners that can kill you in the first move.
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Well I can fill you in the two quarters of the episode, Goblins raped the Fighter girl, killed the dumbass fuckboy who thinks a sword longer than a spatha or as long as a Tai Chi can work well in cramped spaces(mind you they are beginners with a confidence level that can annoy you to the bone) in a very brutal fashion and manner, their mage was stabbed in the gut by a poisoned blade in a fast swing of events starting with mage, then fuckboy, and then fighter who got raped.
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In these seemingly dark turn of events, our beloved Priestess tries to carry Female Mage and try to escape but was shot in the shoulder by a poisoned goblin arrow. All hope was lost until
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Our Hero, Goblin Slayer came to save the day. He proceeded on granting Female Mage’s wish to die and giving Priestess the Antidote despite her protests. She then assisted him in slaying more goblins to save her last surviving friend. Of course when the killing of baby goblins was shown, she protested on thinking there are some good goblins, but Goblin Slayer just said:
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Well soon, she became his one and only party member and the series will start from here.
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Well of course you guys wanted me to go on Anime Feminists article? Ok I will
Ok now I have pretty much laughed on any article that contains their own buzz words and their supporters being too morally superior in the argument but it is better for me to dissect and if there are dubious claims I will debunk them Shall we(also I will not put the entire words of the article word by word just snippets of it as I point out the arguments the article will make.):
1.”Y’all, I’ve got something that’s gonna blow. Your. Mind. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.Okay so it’s like. An MMO—Okay that’s not the part I meant.So it’s like an MMO, right, but it’s like. What if when you got overwhelmed in a raid it was, like, REAL LIFE, and there was BLOOD—” - Yeah your Sarcasm is never straight to the point. No wonder why I added this snippet for fun, its pretty obvious its not an mmo in its genre just pointing that out.
2.  “ My point is that GOBLIN SLAYER, putting aside its repugnant content, is a brainless copycat loudly braying about its cleverness despite being incapable of a single original thought. It would be pathetic if it weren’t so nasty, like a parasitic worm only worth grinding under your heel. “
 - umm its a no on the copycat shit thing. - Also Brainless???? I cannot stop trying to laugh had it not been for my tooth extraction preventing me from doing so. - Single Original thought? Umm almost every fantasy genre in anime/manga/light novels have ever shown this level of savagery and brutality in its first episode, a few did like GATE:JSDF, and sorry to say this Shit, but it is Sword - -- oh wait my friend said it was just like Berserk - pathetic? well its opinionated grounds but I have seen more hentai far pathetic than this outside from
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Please not this bullshit of a yaoi hentai....known as Boku no Pico.
ok....off track already...
4. “ It is laughably obvious that GOBLIN SLAYER longs to be Berserk, with its lone, implacable monster slayer and excessive focus on rape as an increasingly meaningless vehicle for cheap shock horror. Except that Berserk had a striking visual style, at least attempted to use assault in a meaningful way early on, and was a pioneer in its genre. Meanwhile, Goblin Slayer is limping in decades late with broken pacing and visuals so generic I look forward to people misattributing the GIFs of it on hentai blogs three seasons from now. ”
- umm article its not focusing on *Hears Boku no Pico Music* ahh fuck this I will just continue debunking....*internal death* Its not trying to be berserk in any shape or form...please stop this boku no pico music..... Also your sentences just implies it is going full Boku no Pico and Aki Sora on this. I am just cringing while listening to Boku no Pico since the pacing is pretty generic yes but not broken and you are just thinking about boku no pico
before I continue I just talked about Boku no Pico many times.....please I am dying internally.
5. “  It can’t even hit the basic watermark of the famous tentacle rape porno Legend of the Overfiend, which in addition to being very boring had genuinely impressive, fleshy-looking monster designs that turned the stomach to look at. Goblin Slayer has generic fantasy orcs and a boner for its own nonexistent cleverness. “ - I digress on the non....ok I will play with you because the song of Pico is killing me that I will just play along with your dubious claims. Well since its overly subjective. I will let you off for this dubious claims.
6.  “  The show’s treatment of women is upsetting, but not in any new or noteworthy ways. If I tell you that this Edgy Edgelord Show starts out with three untrained female characters getting in over their heads, I bet you can fill in the rest (you can even have “the one male adventurer dies offscreen while the women are tortured at length in full view of the camera” for free!). “
 - It just shows what goblins should be projected, a band of savages that is a threat to humanity. Also women in the older days are a profitable treasure that must be used to its fullest extent. I cannot say more since you are going to cherry pick me.
7. “  I bet you didn’t guess the deliberate close-up of our unnamed healer peeing her pants in terror, because this is nothing if not a fetish porn without the courage of its convictions, but two out of three ain’t bad. “ - What else do you want them to depict, them comforting her?! I cannot stop laughing while the cringy yaoi shit is playing in my ears, Won’t you pee in fear when your life is at its greatest edge writer? especially in her shoes that she cannot do anything...ok this is getting long...I need to contain myself from sarcasm and laughing.
8. “  Oh, and I’ll also throw in the end-episode reassurance that the kidnapped women are all broken for life with no hope of recovery, because these kinds of male-empowerment fantasies view women as a collection of holes dragging a punchline behind them. Because it can’t even bother with being a lazy “rape is the only trauma we can think of to have women grow strong from” story. “ 
- I cannot comprehend this feminazi anymore, I can easily debunk this by saying that once a woman who broken of rape and has PTSD because of her brutal experience from the beasts IDK like giants or what. What do you think, can you easily overcome such trauma? Oh wait you don’t because you are virtue signalling now.
- Also the last phrase is not lazy, its a simple pretext of how actual trauma and fear works. I cannot say more since I do not want to drag this on with Morals vs Logic arguments.
9.  “  And I’m just gosh-darned invested in the plucky and still-unnamed healer’s decision to go on more adventures with him so that the show can scar her in new and ever more masturbatory ways. “
- She called Priestess you dimwit. I cannot spoil the manga or anime for you kids, but soon she is the very person Goblin Slayer - Sama would care and protect 24/7 in his adventures killing goblins.(So No more Arguments I want to tackle, yay)
aaaaannnnd that is how “I can talk to you on this shitstorm
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Well I wanted to add more but since the shit music of boku no pico has finally stopped I can now take more than 2 cents about this than before. Goblin Slayer is the anime where I can say its never gonna be shown to children obviously well they would still watch it because its an anime. I cannot talk in a straight face because my laughter on how they think this is a copycat and an edgelord anime/manga/light novel is legit stupid and deserves another level of insults from these real world goblins. 
Time to see you next time
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@ artists
I buy art for my dragons occasionally (not as much as other people, but w/e) and I would just like to ask something of all artists out there: 
Do you know how annoying it is, having to comb through 280+ pages of messages and desperately digging through pings and art-for-fodder threads because I found a piece of art I bought stolen on instagram? It took me four hours.
Just so I could alert the original artist that someone was stealing their art.
I know there have been complaints on this blog against art signatures. Some people are gonna be assholes and remove ‘em because, well, 'it breaks the immersion u w u’ or some other stupid complaint.
Look, the only thing that 'ruins a dragon’s aesthetics’ or ’makes a dragon’s bio uglier’ more than a signature is having a “THIS ART IS BY X” TAG UNDER THE ART.
If I buy, idk, a sink that has no brand name on it, should I paint a 'noir series by yellowfin’ (totally made up btw) note on there? No, because anything I add to the sink will look infinitely uglier and dumber than the manufacturers branding the sink themselves darnit.
also the paint will probably get washed off because it’s a sink but that’s besides the point
Just, please sig your art for your own safety. (As long as you’re not that guy about it, because no one likes watermarks.) I got the stolen art thing cleared up, but I know a lot of people who would be too lazy to bother if they found the same thing happening.
Or, heck, now that I think about it, you don’t even need a signature! Just supply coding that like, links through to your tumblr or imgur or whatever. Please do SOMETHING.
(also dadmin there are two 'festival’ tags, just a heads-up)
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rrafeeg-blog · 5 years
Window Cleaning Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER
Do you wish to always have clean and sparkling windows in your house? I think I know your answer. It is YES right?. Because along with giving a fresh look to the house and enhancing the interiors, it gives us a better and clear view of the outside space around us.
Window cleaning is a satisfying experience for the eyes. It gives a pleasing moment when you see the dirt flowing down while cleaning.
Dirty windows give a sense of darkness and dullness. Even the sun’s rays find it difficult to reach the interiors of the house through the dirty windows.  And if this is the case with the windows at your place, it is the time to clean it.
I know that cleaning the windows is a task which you always want to avoid as long as possible because you think it is difficult. So you even end up spending money hiring professional cleaners for the purpose.
But what if I tell you that I will help you to make the process easier and that too with better cleaning results. Yes, these cleaning tips and hacks will make your window cleaning process easier and less hating along with giving you shining windows.
1. The right time to clean
When the warmth of the sun is directly hitting the windows, the cleaning solution will dry up very fast on the windows and will leave a residue behind in the form of spots and streaks.
The proper time to clean is when the sun’s rays are not directly hitting the windows or on a cool day or even during the early morning or night hours.
2. The best tools for cleaning
Not only the time to clean the windows should be proper, but also the tools for cleaning should be adequate. Before you start cleaning, you should know which cloth or tool you should use for a perfect clean. If you use any old cloth or towel to clean your windows, they will still be left with debris and lint.
Use a microfiber cloth for a lint-free clean. Newspapers will also be a good choice for a proper window clean. And a spray bottle is must have to store the cleaning solution or water if windows are not too dirty.
A microfiber cloth or newspaper along with the cleaning solution and some water is one of the best combinations for shining the windows. You can also use paper coffee filters if you are worried about catching the ink from newspapers on your finger.
3. Another option is to Squeegee
Another alternative to wiping the windows with a newspaper or cloth is using a squeegee to clean the windows. It also ensures a spotless and streak-free clean.
4. Don’t use hard bristle brushes and tough clothes
Using hard bristle brushes and tough clothes to clean the windows can damage them. Once I used a hard bristled brush to clean my room’s window which resulted in some scratches on the window. After that day, I have just used a microfiber cloth or sometimes a newspaper to make the windows sparkling again.
5. Cleaning Solution using Vinegar
A distilled solution of white vinegar acts as a good cleaner. Make this cleaner by mixing vinegar and warm water in equal quantity. You can take a basic measurement such as 1 cup white vinegar and 1 cup of warm water and then mix it together. Use this solution to quickly clean the windows.
If you want to use this solution for cleaning your kitchen windows, it is advisable to prewash the windows with soapy water. Or you can directly add the Dawn dishwashing liquid(around 5-6 drops) to the vinegar solution and use the resulting solution to clean the windows at once (I prefer this route). This is because kitchen windows are generally grimy. If they are not, then just use the distilled vinegar solution.
After cleaning with this vinegar-soap solution, rinse and wipe the windows to clean the soapy layer properly. For this reason, don’t add much dishwashing liquid as the dish soap may build up a soapy film which will be comparatively more difficult to clean.
cleaning service
6. An alternative to vinegar
Out of vinegar and lazy to get a new one from the shop? No need to worry. I have an alternative for you.
Black tea.
Brew a strong cup of black tea and allow it to cool for about an hour. Dip a cloth in it or fill it in a spray bottle and let it do its magic on the windows.
The tannic acid present in the tea is the main ingredient responsible for this magic. What more, you can also use Black tea for cleaning the bathroom mirrors too.
7. Ohhh…that scratch!!
Got a scratch on the window? Don’t worry. Here is an easy solution you should try out. Furbish that scratch (or scratches) using non-gel toothpaste. Personally, I haven’t tried it yet (my good luck: the windows are scratch free). I read it somewhere so I am not sure if it will work or not. You can try it out and I would be grateful if you would let me know whether it worked or not.
8. Cleaning the remnants of a sticker
I can understand that the remains of the sticker are difficult to clean as I have been through this problem. But WD-40 can make it an easy task which you can do by closed eyes. WD-40 is an awesome cleaner and can easily get that gunk off the window.
9. Getting the perfection on the edges
While wiping off the cleaning solution and water from the windows, it is for them to run all the way down and sit on the edges. Clean that accumulated liquid with a microfiber cloth or a soft cloth. Microfiber cloth soaks up the water or the cleaning solution and does not leave any lint behind on the glass. Even a soft steel wool pad works well.
Scan the windows at different angles and clean any leftover watermarks to get a perfect window.
10. Cleaning hard water spots
Hard water spots are a common occurrence on bathroom mirrors and shower doors. If the stain is so tough that vinegar is ineffective on it, use a dryer sheet. Dryer sheets are perfect for eliminating hard water stains
11. Cleaning the window screens
Window screens are full of dust, spider webs and all other kinds of dirt that we hate. A lint roller can successfully clean the window screens.
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meekochan-art · 7 years
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[ NOTE ] Unfinished, but I want to move on.
Modern AU guesswork of Liesl and Goblin King from Wintersong (by S. Jae-Jones).
AUs aren’t my thing. And yet... I wondered what kind of music Liesl would write, leading to what they might look like and figured it would be the closest thing to drawing a hawt Goblin King my hand is capable of doing. (Some songs I listen to lead to this pondering, since classical bores me. Overall, I got bad taste in music, so not gonna even attempt a playlist. But! Will mention that when shuffle played NIN “Closer” I was like, whoa, this totally fits their initial internal struggles and escapes before they find themselves. [edit] After reading the unadulterated version, their struggle doesn’t match the struggle I interpret in “Closer.” [/edit] )
When deciding a pose, this particular one immediately popped in mind. Thought of one of their early conversations, either in Goblin Grove or Marketplace Mall. (Leaning towards Goblin Grove for privacy.) Liesl is guarded and wary of Goblin King as he removes her headphones. (Or put on; I clearly didn’t add enough detail to suggest she’s listening to something to escape/ignore him. Lack of planning. *sweatdrop* )
So... What do you see? *.* Any storytellers conjuring up a scenario for this scene? (Or a seasoned AU consumer/creator desiring to correct my guesswork with the red pen of doom?) Please! Share your imagination in a reblog! (I beg of you: entertain meeeeeeee~)
The follow wall of texts are what I thought of when modernizing of Liesl and Goblin King as if Wintersong were to be set in modern times instead.
Liesl: Plain, dull, invisible... But not fugly; that would attract attention. Not sure if I should think of her as a cat person or a wolf lover... Part time local college student with undecided major, mostly due to being in a rut from helping out with local family business--a diner--and her slightly backwards thinking alcoholic father. (Her mother’s biggest mistake/regret is marrying the bastard?) Kathe is super hot and popular, and rumors suggests she slept with half the school. (Of course, Liesl does not believe such rumors.) Josef is a slowly becoming something on youtube...and in the near future something viral. Hans...the boring boy next door, I guess. *shrugs* Oh, and her grandma would be running a psychic hotline scam! No idea about Antonius and Francois...music producer and contracted child entertainer? Back to Liesl. She goes by Liz, maybe Lizzy as a young child. Music is her passion, obviously, and she mainly listens to highly artistic music plus quite a few strange experimental sleep-inducing tracks. Naturally, she’s the secret genius behind her lil bro’s unique sounds. Instruments...she has dabbled in all sorts, but main instrument of choice would be the electronic keyboard due to its convenience.
Goblin King: A mystery. Really. (How many decades/centuries has he lived? Does he update with time? Does the Underground now have electricity? Does metal burn him?) When I turned off my brain, gothic punk attire won. Though I suspect that’s just my subconscious forcing that aesthetics onto him. Sorry if I ruined him for you. *mopes* Could have left him with historic attire but it felt too...time travel-ish. I guess casual clothing would have been more fitting but so boring. (And what kind of casual would a modern day Goblin King don?) As for music, he listen to anything, but performs only certain genres. I can’t imagine him performing t(w)een pop. Not even humming along. Or, should that genre be a guilty pleasure of his? o.o’ In modern time, he’d upgrade to an electric violin for occasional fun, but still mostly rock on his acoustic. Somehow. Don’t ask me how. (Currently can’t think of how he’d transition to electric guitar. Otherwise that’s what I’d give him. Lead guitarist of The Underground! ...that’s a very uncreative band name. orz )
If you’re bored--or just plain curious--bonus stuff under cut~
[ WARNING ] The following image may cause you to spit/choke whatever’s in your mouth.
What if...
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I had to. I just had to. *walks out the door*
*sneaks back in* Okay, with that out of the way...
Intended to sketch up other styles but realized I’m way too lazy to google for ref. (I seriously can’t fashion. I google preppy and was like, nope, not gonna study.)
Also tried to sketch out other characters in modern time but didn’t get far...
Here’s Kathe. (Face is random cause I failed to formulate one in my mind.) As already mentioned, I can’t fashion. Seriously. I can’t. Despite years of flipping through fashion mags. Figured in modern time Kathe would be a health/fitness enthusiast that proudly shows off her killer(?) bod (that I failed to sketched out.)
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Still scrolling? Wow, you must be bored as hell!
If you’re one of those rare few people that enjoy seeing art progression from the beginning to the end... (If the GIF fails to load, please view it on dA.) As you can see, I wasted quite a bit of time adjusting Goblin King’s head and expanded the canvas and eventually just gave up after painting the values. (Meant to try glazing coloring technique again.)
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Oh, and that cropped image (with large ass watermark) at the top of this post... Supposed to be 100% zoom but gonna assume it’ll fail. Please fullview it on dA. ^^
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loveaningenue · 7 years
Swifthaal/Gyllenswift Timeline 2010
Following the modifications of the Buzzfeed article about Taylor last week, I decided to make a timeline of Taylor and Jake Gyllenhaal’s relationship. (Might be helpful for the newbies, you got to understand the PR side of her short-lived ‘relationships’.)
Do I think that it was a real relationship? No, I believe that it was purely a PR stunt, though somewhat more believable than Connor, Harry, Calvin and Tom (IMO). Now, this brings State of Grace, All Too Well, WANGBT, The Moment I Knew, and other songs on the table. Did she write those songs about him? Who knows; she wrote them, not me. Anyway, I’ll explain more after the timeline (at the bottom). 
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NB: Jake Gyllenhaal is an American actor best known for Brokeback Mountain (2005). Taylor was 20 years old and Jake was 29 years old. 
Timeline: October 2010 - December 2010/January 2011
October 23, 2010: Taylor and Jake reportedly go apple picking at Fishkill Farms and hang out backstage of SNL and support Emma Stone who is hosting the show.  
October 24, 2010: Taylor, Jake, and Emma reportedly have lunch in NYC. 
October 25, 2010: Speak Now Album is released. 
October 26, 2010: Taylor and Jake relationship rumours start spreading, and they are seen together in Brooklyn. (Sorry for the watermarks, but I’m too lazy to find some pictures without them). 
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October 30-31, 2010: Taylor and Jake reportedly have a weekend vacation at Big Sur and an ice cream date.
November 15, 2010: Back To December is released as a single. 
November 16, 2010: Jake goes to the Love & Other Drugs premiere alone.
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November 24, 2010: Love & Other Drugs is out in theaters. 
November 27, 2010: Taylor and Jake go to Fido coffee shop in Nashville. 
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November 30, 2010: Taylor and Jake have coffee in Nashville. (Again, sorry for watermark). 
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December 7, 2010: Taylor and Jake have a date in Brooklyn and Taylor walks with Maggie (Gyllenhaal) and her daughter around NY.
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(’Looking’ domestic)
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(’Close’ to the family)
December 9, 2010: Taylor and Jake drive around LA. 
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December 13, 2010: Taylor celebrates her 21st birthday. 
January (early) 2011: Taylor and Jake Gyllenhaal breakup rumours surface.
October 22, 2012: Red album is released. 
Small bonus:
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Taylor meets Jake Gyllenhaal’s family (possibly around Thanksgiving). 
General Conclusion So that was it. The 3 months long relationship between my two favourite SAGs filled with coffee dates and desperation for more photos (kind of). With Taylor releasing Speak Now on October 25 and Jake having Love & Other Drugs coming out on November 24, they both wanted the publicity.  
Swiftie Side The passionate relationship that inspired Red. Gwyneth Paltrow introduced Jake to Taylor, and they started dating in October 2010. Jake was a good guy until he didn’t attend her birthday. There’s a slim chance he took her virginity and swiftly ran away after because they were moving too fast. Special moments were the Apple picking date and their grocery date in Brooklyn (coffee, scarf, and sister).
PR Side As stated, Speak Now was released on October 25th and Love & Other Drugs on November 24th. Speak Now sold 1,047,000 copies in its first week. Love & Other Drugs opened with 9,739,161$ in its first weekend and grossed $32,367,005 domestically ($102,820,008 worldwide) with a budget of $30 million and an average of a 50% score from critics. With both projects released for over a month, there was no more reason to stay together, and rumours of their breakup appeared in early January (and later were confirmed). 
N.B. I don’t want to assume Jake’s sexuality when I don’t know anything about him, but he, like Taylor, has had many rumours about his sexuality, notably after his movie Brokeback Mountain (2005). Google Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols and see for yourself.  Taylor was not seeing anyone seriously, so it was for PR. 
My Thoughts There is a possibility their relationship was real. Jake hated being in the public eye and even stated: “One of the greatest parts about being in a relationship is the intimacy you share, but it can be difficult if you’re being watched the whole time.” when asked about Taylor Swift in December 2010. They had one heavily photographed pap walk together (+ Taylor and his sister) in their three months. The rest of the pictures were taken by other people with phones (except their walk in Brooklyn in October 2010). They had a lot of ‘reported’ dates that were witnessed but never photographed (Big Sur made me laugh a bit), so maybe they were a more ‘private’ couple. 
The amount emotion and sadness put into All Too Well make me doubt a few things sometimes, but that just proves how good of a songwriter Taylor is. If their relationship was real, she sure put a lot of emotion into a 3 months relationship. (I know I said that she wrote the songs and only she knew what was going on, but we can still try to interpret it). How can we look at All Too Well? (link coming soon). 
Also State of Grace and the “four blue eyes” always gets me, but what really makes me think it’s PR is this picture (along with the rest of that date):
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(Taken on December 7, 2010.)
Let’s take a moment and look at their pose. Just before this was taken, they were walking hand in hand, and they suddenly stopped and stared at the sky. The paparazzi was obviously there, and they gave them a shot. I would find it weird if two celebrities decided to stand on the sidewalk and just look at the sky. All the pictures were OTT in my opinion. The laughing and the hand holding looked forced. Taylor really tried to make them look romantic with her arm around him (and she kind of succeeded if some of her fans believe in that relationship). As I said, it was a 3 months long relationship, very common for PR stunts. Kudos to Taylor for acting decently unlike Jake who was not into it. 
Songs About Jake Red came out October 22, 2012, almost two years after their relationship. The ‘alleged’ songs about him are (in order of the Red album):  - State of Grace - Red - All Too Well - WANGBT - (maybe?) Come Back... Be Here - The Moment I Knew I’m working on a post about those songs, but it’ll take some time (they won’t be about how the songs are about him, more the story of the songs). 
The Aftermath At least they didn’t hate each other (see: Talvin). Apparently, at the 2015 Golden Globes after-party, they greeted each other in a friendly manner and chatted a bit, so I don’t think the three months was that bad. They never insulted each other afterward and bless Jake Gyllenhaal for not being bitter or anything. 
I should add that Taylor, nor Jake have stated that they dated, though Jake has been questioned about her, he never admitted they dated. 
Anne Hateway did, though. In an interview with Glamour Magazine UK, she said: “She just seems to be following her heart. I met her - I hope it's OK to say this - when she and Jake [Gyllenhaal] were together. She was 20 at the time, and we hung out one night. I was like, 'You are a magnificent creature.' She was on fire and I've watched her become this force of nature.”
Seven years later, their relationship was mentioned in this Buzzfeed article that was published January 31, 2017, and updated on February 3, 2017. After the update, every mention of Jake was erased. This leads to the question: Why? 
Who knows. Like, seriously, who even knows what their relationship was (except Taylor and Jake). I personally think it was PR (that worked mostly for Taylor). All I can say is believe in what you want to believe. 
After all that, it’s safe to say that it leans more towards PR, but it still looks more real than half of her other relationships. Bless her songwriting then. 
If I missed something, feel free to message me. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day! 
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onireview · 5 years
Kaptiwa Review – Make Money Super Fast with Video Marketing
Kaptiwa Review – Introduction
Video marketing is a mean of communication to reach out for customers as well as marketing products so that customers know what your business can do, through video messages, and content conveyed in videos with the ultimate purpose. is to help customers choose your product.
Let’s talk a little bit about the benefits of using video marketing.
Video marketing is the means of conveying messages without any means of transmission
It offers easy access to customers: Even fastidious customers who are lazy to read will be attracted to the videos. they are lazy to read, lazy to look at pictures but will be fascinated by videos of marketing videos that hit them right in the feels and give them what they want.
Plus, video marketing can create a sustainable trust for customers: video marketing is the most realistic footage of sellers about products, showing customers your peace of mind for businesses and products.
However, to get an effective marketing video, it requires you to be an expert and has dedicated support software. You can see there are so many applications on the market that helps you create videos. And today I want to share a completely new tool with you. Please continue to follow my Kaptiwa review.
Kaptiwa Rating!!
Easy To Use
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Kaptiwa app
Advantages - No skills or experience needed - Friendly with new people - Does not require any skills at all - Works on any device
Disadvantages - Internet connection is required to work - Therefore, you need to check yours carefully before starting work.
Learn More...
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Software Overview
Vendor: Dr. Amit Pareek
Product: Kaptiwa
Launch Date: 2019-Jun-21
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47
Niche: Video Software
Salepage: https://www.kaptiwa.com/jvzoo
Bonus: Yess!
Recommend: Strongly Recommend!
What is Kaptiwa about?
Kaptiwa is currently one of the most popular video marketing tools available today. It allows users to create videos from simple to professional with many different effects and support. Kaptiwa is rated by users as one of the easy-to-use video making tools.
With the interactive interface guide you through the steps of creating videos as soon as you start. If you want to publish freshly completed videos on YouTube, Kaptiwa helps you do this with just one click. It even helps users increase their interaction on video by 300%.
It only takes a few touches to create great videos. Just select your favourite photos and video clips; then in seconds, Kaptiwa will find great moments, add beautiful transitions and effects, and sync everything to the music. You can customize your story with words, music and more.
Kaptiwa has a variety of video styles to choose from, each with carefully designed transitions and graphics and an audio library with over 80 free songs. Your final products can be saved in stunning HD 1080p or 720p resolutions.
Creator of Kaptiwa
Dr. Amit Pareek and his partner (Er. Ashu Kumar) are the creator of the software. I’m sure you saw or heard his name somewhere. After all, he has a high position on the JVZoo chart.
Up to the present time, he has created a lot of quality products and they are loved by everyone. I have also used his products and I love it because it is extremely easy to use and delivers fast results.
Outstanding Features and Benefits of Kaptiwa
Kaptiwa will bring the following powerful features to you. You can learn more about them in the section below
Download sales videos, information videos or search for unlimited customers.
Sell ​​products with just a few clicks.
Vivid elements to attract potential customers to your video.
Free hosting on the most advanced server.
Attractive and easily customized video player.
100% of websites work smoothly on mobile devices.
HLS Program to operate on all devices.
Sample ads have been completed and easily customized.
Integration with leading Autoresponders in the world.
Includes training videos from A-Z.
Control 100% traffic to not leak out.
Super – fast and economical delivery.
Easily add videos on all your web sites late in just 3 simple steps.
Maximum flower participation of customer access.
Add videos in quality MP4 video.
Analyze videos to track the performance of the video.
Includes advanced lead generation templates for editing.
Quality drag and drop program.
Includes more than 50 other interesting features.
How to Use It?
Kaptiwa works with 3 steps below. You can do it without any skills.
Step 1: Download the video to Kaptiwa
Upload your videos to kaptiwa
Step 2: Customize the inner elements to suit your needs
Video Customization >> Video Detail >> Enter Title, Depscription, tag, category for your videos
  Video Customization >> Player Customize >> Player >> You can select player, player name, logo name, logo link, color, text color…
  Video Customization >> Player Customize >> Frame >> Options: fullscreen, mobile, laptop, tablet
  Video Customization >> Player Customize >> Thumbnail
  Video Customization >> Player Customize >> Subtitle
  Video Customization >> SEO >> Enter Meta Title, Meta Depscription, Meta keywords, focus keywords
  Video Customization >> Analytics Script >> Enter tracking codes from google analytics or any platform you want
Step 3: Publish and start making profits
Publish, share and checking
These 3 steps are too simple? You can do it without any skill or experience.
Also, you can follow the step-by-step in the video below from a my friend, Ben Murray.
Kaptiwa Video Marketing Software Demo
Who Should Use It?
There is a fact that more and more customers want to see goods than reading goods, eyes see headphones always more reliable than static pictures without knowing where the seller got from. Surely one of us at least once after watching a video that frantically searched the web and ordered it right away.
Food or cosmetic videos often attract customers, prompting them to immediately place orders without hesitation.
Also, the internet era exploded, the number of customers watching online video is growing, especially young people. Understanding this need, many businesses have followed this marketing path and achieved much success. Moreover, when your video appears on the top of this search, your product brand will have a lot of people known, revenue will also increase.
Video has a great spread. These Viral videos should be no stranger to you. Those are videos that keep up with the trend. The trend on the Internet can become a shared phenomenon on social networks. This is what any modern salesperson wants.
What an impressive number for any user who wants to make a video marketing campaign? You will only be able to create videos up to 5 minutes in length and display watermarks.
In short, I found that Kaptiwa is a video creation tool that everyone who wants to run a thriving business needs.
Pros and Cons
No skills or experience needed
Friendly with new people
Does not require any skills at all
Works on any device
Internet connection is required to work – Therefore, you need to check yours carefully before starting work.
Price and Evaluation
Kaptiwa has 2 options to choose from. If you are a beginner with a tight budget, you can choose to pay by monthly subscription ($25). However, this is not the only option. If you are ready to fight to make a profit, you should choose a 6-month package to get the deepest discount ($120).
Also, Kaptiwa will offer a return policy within 30 days. I think this is an investment with no risk at all.
Last Thoughts
In short, Kaptiwa is a simple to use video editing software. The built-in effects allow users to create video marketing, motion graphics, and design graphics that are catching up with Adobe seniors like After Effect, Adobe Premiere.
All of the motion creation features allow users to be infinitely creative. It is worth mentioning here that Kaptiwa now completely makes professional video marketing without the need for professional motion designers.
Do you think I’m flattering? Here, I can only speak part of the features and you will see behind many other effects waiting for you to explore once you buy the tool. ABut if you are using Kaptiwa basically and you can’t catch all features inside.
I do not do it because of the money. I do it because of passion, and share the best ideas with you. It is a challenge for those who dare to believe. Thank you for taking the time to read my Kaptiwa review.
The post Kaptiwa Review – Make Money Super Fast with Video Marketing appeared first on OniReview.
0 notes
crappycrafts-blog · 7 years
Session 1: Motivational excerpts
I am an artist…
Or so I say…
I am now a working artist in a small indie game company. However, I still think that my skills are not enough to make high quality art hence, the name crappycrafts. I am not saying that my boss was wrong to hire me but it’s just that I want to deliver more.
I am a lazy person. I am ambitious as well. Very contradicting huh? I am aware that I can’t reach my dreams if I stay lazy af but I can’t help it! Sleeping and playing games are just so fun to do!!! Thinking about it though, I have so much passion in playing games to the point that I exert so much effort to finish the story, complete all the missions/quests and get all items/equipments. That is why I don’t understand why I am being lazy to do things for the better of myself, right? I know for sure that if I exert the same effort that I put into games into learning and practicing art then I’ll get to achieve my ultimate goal, my ultimate quest in life and that is to be a professional artist. (my personal definition of professional is “being someone who doesn’t need a diploma or anything but someone who is knowledgeale in his craft and able to produce something that can level the standards of the community and the industry.)
I graduated college with a degree in BSIT with specialization in Digital Arts. It’s not an art school where I studied and as a matter of fact, college sucked. I didn’t learn a single thing in that course that helped me to get where I am now. What it thought me is that I can never learn the fundamentals unless I take interest to it (even without a teacher). So let’s get to the point shall we?
I am starting this blog(?) for the sake of keeping track with my studies. Hopefully I stay motivated. I am very bad at updating stuffs too so I am getting anxious as I am writing this but I have to learn how to negate my lazy self so I can continue forward.
I will be studying the book of Andrew Loomis, “Figure Drawig For All It’s Worth”. Almost all artists I saw online recommends his book and I’ve already read the book before but of course, I didn’t take it seriously. I just read it without grasping things and without applying and practicing those. I already started reading it again and I got some excerpts from it that I think are important to highlight.
All these excerpts can be found in the ‘Opening Chat’ section of the book.
You love to draw. You wish to draw well. If there is any chance, you greatly wish to make a living at it. - pg. 15
Honestly, I never thought that I will pursue art as a career. When I was a kid, I just draw whenever I feel like it. I can’t really say it was a hobby since it’s very rare that I draw although back in high school, I got so much passion in drawing that I draw even though everything I do looks like crap. Well, I still draw crappy art up to this day. I am one of those people who didn’t know what they wanna do in life and I just had to pick a course to take in college and so I said, “yeah well, I draw so maybe do that” I didn’t know I’ll regret that decision so much.
I believe that greater chances of success lie in the mental approach to the work, rather than in sheer technical knowledge - pg. 15
I am lazy… I already said that, right? So even if I get the urge to draw something and be creative, I just shrug the idea and think of it as a bother and that I’ll just exhaust myself. Someone slap me please…
I feel that talent means little unless coupled with an insatiable desire to give an excellent personal demonstration of ability. I feel also that talent must be in company with a capacity for unlimited effort, which provides the power that eventually hurdles the difficulties that would frustrate lukewarm enthusiasm. - pg. 15
Talent, well, I think that there are really gifted people. However, I also believe that talent is worth nothing if it’s not put into practice. It will stay stagnant and will never improve if not taken care of. Like a seed that needs to be watered and exposed to sunlight, talent needs effort to achieve improvement (but exposure isn’t a good deal to take advantage of artists so please stop that nonsense)
…what is of greatest importance and subordinates what must be there is of less importance - pg. 15
I used to get compliments for taking good pictures. So I thought that I have a good sense of composition but that isn’t the case. Taking pictures are a lot easier than drawing a whole scene. In pictures, I just need to position the camera in a nice perfect angle to capture my message but in drawing, I need to think of what things would make up the message I want to convey.
Everything about your pictures is, and should be, a little of you- pg. 16
This is probably the easiest thing I could do in all of these important points Loomis stated. I always put something of me in my art to the point that sometimes, I overshadow the personality of the character I wanted to portray. So far, I have 13 official OCs that I plan to create a comic of and they have varying personalities. I am an introvert and an extreme one so I always find it hard to portray my OC that is an extrovert. I suppose I need to control the amount of me that I put into things.
Good drawing is neither an accident nor the result of an inspired moment when the Muses lend a guiding hand. - pg. 17
THIS HITS HARD because you know what? I always rely on the supernatural being to bless me the motivation and the ability to draw sometimes. And at times when I feel really exhausted, I just thought that maybe the being is not here to bless me. Pretty ridiculous, right? I keep giving excuses not to draw or practice and yet I get frustrated when I can’t achieve what I have in mind.
Use another’s style as a crutch only-until you can walk alone. - pg. 17
There are lots of artists out there nowadays that has a distinct art style e.g, Kawacy, WLOP, Ilya Kuvshinov, Gabriel Picolo, Artgerm, Sakimichan and more that anyone would be able to tell that it’s their artwork without even looking at the watermark. I’ve been seeing other new artists out there that I could tell that they were influenced by some of these masters I mentioned. There’s nothing wrong with that and I am actually awed that they managed to get the technique from another and use it for their own. However, I honestly feel that anyone can have this distinct art style if we keep developing what we gained from others. So far, I have very inconsistent art style since im a crap.
… nurture individuality and not produce imitation. - pg. 17
I started out drawing by merely imitating a photo of a character. From the pose, to the expression, to the colors, and more. Of course, just like most of artists out there, I thought that this is what it means to draw. Apparently, that’s wrong. Drawing as a person can be different as drawing as an artist. An artist adds creativity to the creation and not just imitating what is seen.
Technique is not so important as the young artist is inclined to believe; the living and emotional qualities- the idealization you put into your work- are far more important - pg. 18
Every artist, every person has different experiences in life. These experiences enables us to think differently and have varying opinions. This creates a unique idea and personality within us and we can learn how to turn it into something creative that is new and that will define us.
For the next post, I’ll be tackling the chapter one of the book. I’ll probably take out some excerpts again and anything hat could be helpful to highlight.
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