#// i figured i'd do this because the hyperfixation isn't going away at all
floraesky-a Β· 10 months
anyways i took the deep dive and went ahead and moved my toku muses onto their own multi over on @henshn.
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crimeronan Β· 5 months
Hello, got a TOH question for you! I'm trying to write a scene from only-slightly-canon-divergent!Luz's POV, and to dismay finding I'm struggling with it. Any pro tips for writing her you can pass on to someone who didn't study at Luz University? πŸ˜…
aw, this is a sweet ask. i'm flattered to be considered a resident luz expert! and i LOVE an excuse to infodump. this got long i'm sorry i just love thinking about. my girl.
luz is usually pretty whimsical and optimistic (which is why her later self-destruction hits so hard), she believes in people and she believes in The Triumph Of Good Over Evil. she's weird and doesn't understand social norms but she cares So Much, About Everything, Ever. she believes that things will work themselves out like they do in stories, she sometimes steps on people's toes when she's trying to fix a situation, she loves an underdog story and it's constantly getting her into trouble.
i think the biggest three things for me when writing luz POV are these:
she is UNRELENTINGLY kind and trusting.
this is her biggest strength - she's constantly befriending her enemies through the sheer power of earnestness. and this is how she makes and keeps friends like willow, gus, and eda.
this is also one of her biggest weaknesses - she gave hunter back his staff in hunting palismen when she Really Should Not Have, she didn't pick up on philip's Bad Vibes, etc.
she truly honest-to-god believes the best in everyone and is surprised and hurt whenever they disappoint her.
2. she has NO impulse control and CRIPPLINGLY hyperactive ADHD.
luz is all over the place, constantly. her thoughts and hyperfixations go a mile a minute. she can devour a book in a day and learn a conlang in a week, but she can't sit still and she has the type of ADHD that makes traditional classroom learning borderline-impossible.
outside of school, you see this constantly in the decisions she makes, or rather the decisions she Doesn't make. luz always blurts out exactly what she's thinking, when she's thinking it. she always thinks that her first solution to a problem is the best one & rarely plans beyond that. she's not an analytical strategist. in fact she's frequently fucking up everybody else's plans by..... just. being luz.
the fact that luz always says and does whatever she's thinking is, again, one of her greatest strengths: she is SO earnest and genuine, and it makes it easy for people to believe in her. she loves SO openly and is so lovable in turn.
it's also one of her greatest weaknesses because. oh my god, girl. challenging boscha to a witch's duel on willow's behalf. angrily shouting straight-up heresy about belos in public in hollow mind. all the shit that got her into trouble in the human realm before she ran away. u know
3. she is Desperately Afraid of hurting people.
i'd say she's afraid of being a Bad Person (TM), but i do think her fear is more specific. in WAD, her nightmare isn't exactly about having committed atrocities herself -- she doesn't even believe she could have! she knows she didn't create the statue graveyard, she immediately tells amity "i don't know what's going on, but i wouldn't have done this."
all of her fears are related to things her friends & family went through after meeting her.... she's terrified that she's going to hurt the people she loves, no matter how much she tries not to. she's terrified that her presence in the world is harmful by itself.
same with her rant in the classroom in TTT. when she says "it would be better if he [i] never existed," she even says (paraphrasing) "who cares about the broader impacts or the greater good. who cares if he was a hero or wanted to do the right thing. it doesn't matter!!! what matters is that he ruined everything anyway!!!!"
her anxiety with papa titan reflects this, too. "doesn't that make us just like belos??" she's figuring out how to navigate the world and complex morality and she's terrified of getting it Wrong. she already feels like she's done everything wrong & it's completely shaken her sense of self. she doesn't trust herself not to hurt people or to work for evil because she doesn't have a clear understanding of what separates her ideology from belos's.
this third point often isn't relevant in fluffy/lighthearted fic because luz's optimism, joy, and simple zest for life are Definitely dominant in her character. but it is VERY relevant when doing character studies or angstier writing exploring her headspace in situations where she feels guilty or afraid.
everything else is set dressing. she's quirky and weird, she's bouncy and stimmy, she loves bats and rats and snakes and bugs and creepy crawlies, she loves gross shit, she loves shipping and romance and sweeping high fantasy, she gets Deeply invested in every random plan she ever conceives, and she is Astonishingly easy to love because of how easily she loves.
you don't have to keep every single detail of this in mind when writing her!! this was just a nice excuse to gush about my girl who i love so so so so so fucking much. luz love of my life daughter of my heart FOREVER.
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emeritus-fuckers Β· 7 months
I would like to think I'd be a ghoul, but I'd be a rather gentle souled ghoul. My reasoning is mainly because I've been called the Raccoon Demon for fun and the title just feels right. There isn't much behind it, but that's my reason I can think of.
Out of the Papa's my favorites (if I had to choose) are Copia and Secondo, but realistically I see myself as a handful at times so I don't know it Secondo would like me very much. Personally, Primo and Copia would seem like the easier ones to work with, so either of them. I'd say primo because the thought of helping him with the garden or at least accompanying him would be nice. I'd definitely try to take pictures of the flowers, butterflies, and maybe even spiders the plants have by them. Or even Primo if he would like. The photography part also stands for Copia, who I feel like we'd both be close due to my love of rodents and his albums being one of my top ones. I definitely give off raccoon energy. Either way, I'd try to make lots of memories.
I'd definitely say that I'm ambiverted. It depends on my mood and how I wake that day. If things are going well, and I'm feeling very positive energy/I'm energetic, I definitely fall into extroverted mode. If I am tired or have had a physical, emotional, ect strain then I usually feel more introverted and less social/quiet. Being around people I love/trust is helpful, though. Additionally, I am either the type to fake it and force myself to interact to make a better impression/avoid conflict. I force it, but then I get more tired.
When it comes to chores I'd enjoy, I know that anything is more enjoyable if I have music to the point I need it to function a lot. I'd be best at acts of service as simple as running errands to making a meal for the ones I love. Besides that, I am neutral.
As for some information about me? Well, I really enjoy the outdoors and I took a hike yesterday and I really enjoyed it for the most part so there is that. Adventures in the woods! I well, I like Halloween, Fall, and Haunted Attractions. I'm short (5'1). I can end up figuratively bouncing off the walls if something related to my hyperfixations excites me. I'm rather emotionally sensitive/need positive reassurance plenty of times, though by being helpful and fed positive words, I could probably do anything. Or at least try.
- 🦝
This post is part of the 1000 followers role in ministry event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your role in the ministry is...Wildlife and landscape Photographer for the Clergy
Your boss is Primo but you often work for Copia.
You take photos of Copia’s rats, for their birthdays or for special celebrations/holidays. Also just day to day photos. Copia puts all of them in an album and hangs some up. He'll also give you a copy of the group photo at the end of the year.
You also photograph Primo's garden throughout the year.
Primo will also invite you to help in the garden if you have time. It's more something you do for pleasure. As you work you both share some stories and gossip. Primo will always make you a cup of tea in thanks. In summer and autumn sometimes spring if it's warm enough you sit outside his shed in the evening round the fire pit.
Copia will often join you both and bring some of his rats, one of his rats particulary likes you and sits on your lap. Copia also brings marshmallows to toast in the crackling fire.
You get to be outdoors a lot with your job and on your time off. Copia also will sometimes join you for a hike. It's mainly when he is stressed, you kinda have to drag him out at first as he makes protesting rat noises. But he really apprecaites it nand cheers up as soon as you are away from the Ministry and all the stress of his work. You also take Primo tea on days he is more tired and can't do as much as he wants to. You'll tend to the garden and make sure he has a good meal.
Copia and Primo both love your work. They also think you are awesome and amazing so you get plenty of postiive feedback and assurances from them (they are more than hapy to).
Written by Nyx
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quantum-carrie Β· 11 months
Could you tell us more about your two "modes"?
My... my what? I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean...
//so. here's the thing. carrie doesn't actually... know about all that? i'm still working on finding a way to incorporate it into the story (there would have to be a provoking incident that leads to her switching "modes," and i would have to talk to whoever she goes after especially if she does end up hurting them, so a lot of planning that i'm not sure how to do. also i don't really know how violence works in this rp), but since she doesn't remember what she does in "mode two"- at least not clearly- and nothing major has happened yet, she doesn't know anything about it.
however. as someone who is hyperfixating on carrie media in general and incredibly attached to this specific version of her, I'd be happy to explain more! this is also helpful for me, because i haven't actually figured out the details of much of this yet.
first of all! the reason i always put the "modes" in quotation marks is that that isn't really the most accurate description of it. it's not two entirely separate and distinct states of being (though there is a degree of separation that i'm trying to figure out), it's more like... the best way i can think to describe it right now is a cross between a panic attack and a werewolf transformation. which sounds fucking insane on its own, so let me try to explain.
you know how some werewolves transform when their emotions get out of control? yeah. that's basically what happens to her, minus the actual "transforming into a wolf" bit (i do want some kind of transformation, to really drive in the fact that this isn't her normal self, but nothing that extreme). when she gets too overwhelmed or angry, there are two ways it can go: she runs away/disconnects, or she goes into this state and lashes out (when she's overwhelmed, it's more likely she'll run, and when she's angry it's more likely she'll lash out, but it can go either way).
when she goes into this state, she's unable to really process anything, making her nearly impossible to reason with and explaining the memory loss (any memories she does have of what happens during this time are hazy and dreamlike, and it's easy for her to write them off as just strange dreams). she lashes out at whoever's closest, no matter what connection she may have to them. she doesn't fully understand what she's doing, just that she's either protecting herself or releasing long-repressed anger. she's extremely glitchy in this state (and when she's nearing it), though she doesn't know that. and i want some kind of transformation (probably related to the glitchyness somehow), but i don't know quite how that will work yet. i'll keep you posted.
my bullshit "scientific" explanation for why this happens (and why it's so extreme) is that it's some combination of an overactive fight or flight response- a glitch that makes her need to protect her user and herself far more intense than it should be- and an inability to properly process overwhelming emotions such as fear and anger. some programming error doesn't let her feel those emotions (and deal with them) how she's supposed to, but they're still there, so they build up over time and, when provoked, rush out and overwhelm her like a dam bursting. that's why the rest of her system is effectively shut off. those emotions are all she can feel.
aaand that's it for now. i'm sorry, anon, i'm sure you didn't want or expect six paragraphs of my rambling when you asked this question, but, uhh... here it is. hope you enjoy!
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fic ask game, 2, 7, 17, 18?
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
this one's hard because i feel like the response on my fics so far has been like extremely generous. like i feel like the things i decide to hyperfixate on are like, dead characters who people don't really seek out fics for, like lisa castle or jack murdock, so i don't exactly expect a big response?
i'd probably pick porcelain chips, if i had to pick one. I loved porcelain chips. it's probably one of my favorite things i've written.
porcelain chips happened a bit on a whim, a bit because i couldn't figure out how to get across why peter was like that in the first step of kintsugi. like, so much of peter's motivations in pottery shards was a lot of moments that formed his subconscious and impacted him forever. frank wasn't going to fucking figure it out--one of the main conflicts in pottery shards was that frank and peter are very different people and they don't really understand each other either. But I don't think peter's emotionally processed his own motivations and life experiences in a way that's simply put into words. the first step of kintsugi is a very straightforward, traditional narrative. but peter's mindset was always this kind of dreamlike compilation of these little moments that sort of chipped away at him and made him who he was.
like, how can peter explain that he thinks the sound of his uncle's door closing on the day daredevil took down the NYPD carved its way into his brain, and it's never quite been buffed out again. ben is someone who's a monument in his mind, and he had a very quiet anger to him that Peter's constantly trying to understand and unravel. there's so much of peter wrapped up in the moment he realized the thoughtless cruelty of people who price epi-pens, of the constant worry around money, of how badly he just wanted ben to be proud of him. so porcelain chips became this very poetic series of snapshots that i loved. peter in the first step of kintsugi needed an origin story, and i'm really happy with the one in porcelain chips.
7. What’s a troupe you love to write?
okay so like. i'm very obviously an angst and hurt/comfort writer, but that's kind of broad.
it's ironic that i'm going to say these are my favorite tropes, considering it's nothing i have on my AO3, but i love fake dating with a twist. i've got this hugely elaborate BNHA Fake Dating AU--except it's more as like, All Might and Inko being fake bitter divorcees. I've got Captain America and Sam Wilson fake dating, I've got Captain America and Matt Murdock fake dating. It's to fight Nazis. I've got May and Natasha fake dating. It's also to fight Nazis. I've got jon and gerry and danny all fake dating to fight evil and get free desserts (not in nhthcth). god why have none of these seen the light of day yet.
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
so, Kurt Vonnegut is probably my favorite author of all time, and a lot of my style came from cramming pieces of his works by the handfuls in my own pockets and walking away very very quickly before security spotted me.
i read slaughterhouse five in high school, and the non-linear narrative structure became something that immediately became a hallmark of how i wrote. my favorite of his is cat's cradle. if you read anything of his, i'd suggest slaughterhouse five, cat's cradle, mother night, and--if you really like his style--breakfast of champions.
I think the biggest takeaway's of kurt vonnegut's style, besides extremely fascinating narrative structures, is 1) he's a masterclass in messy characters, and 2) he's a fucking genius at embracing the narrative he's in.
There is not a single character in Vonnegut's works that's truly good or likable. they're just people. they're understandable people, but they're people. there aren't heroes. there isn't nobility. just humans. i think a big core of vonnegut's works is the absence of the divine plan (read sirens of titan if you really want biting commentary in the absence of divine plan). people can be good, if they fucking go out and do it. the world is fixed or broken on our terms. so you get these horrible, ugly, messy portrayals of humanity that's weirdly hopeful at the same time.
but vonnegut's also visceral because he refuses to flinch. if you want to see how little of a narrative flinch instinct this man has, read breakfast of champions. like, there's this entire part of breakfast of champions where he includes a character's dick length in the descriptions. cat's cradle includes this entire thing about feet. he will have weird shit in his writing that lesser writers would flinch from as being too scandalous or alienating to the reader. it somehow underscores his point perfectly and makes for a visceral gut punch of a story.
Terry pratchett's discworld series is also a must-read that influenced my style a lot. he's also got a very serious-funny style. like, his books are hilarious, imaginative, and his style is incredibly distinctive and unique, an he has some very incisive commentary on the world that comes through a very funny story. absolutely amazing stories all around. read small gods, the rincewind storylines, and the night watch story lines.
neil gaiman's also one of my favorite authors of all time, and he's sort of got this amazing balance of these amazing, imaginative, mystical worlds, absolutely beautiful and poetic prose, humor, and compelling narrative structure. like, the man knows how to nail chekov's gun to the wall and convince you that it's just a decoration, nothing to see here. he's also really good at not having a flinch instinct in his writing, like vonnegut. neverwhere, american gods, and a short story compilation called fragile things are some of my favorites.
lastly, there was this one fanfiction i've already rec'd, but it's probably the fanfic that was most influential on my own writing. it's a mirror, darkly by silverpard, and some of the lines in it are just so hauntingly visceral that it really made understand in a second what the character's felt. like, their entire description of jack the ripper is probably something i've been chasing in writing for a long time.
18. Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
I made a daredevil fic rec list here ages ago, renewing shoutout to these authors.
if it's magnus archives, i'd recommend terror management theory by @prismatic-et-al. it's a really interesting concept, and it's super well executed as well as beautifully written.
for marvel, i'd recommend Steve Rogers is (Not) A Good Influence by attackofthezee. I think they're @stevergrsno on tumblr now. it's so funny, and i absolutely love the characterization in it.
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robinofgothamcity Β· 3 years
scenario: you start seeing Jon which leads to the two of you having to hide it from your family and especially Damian.
pairing: jon kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / can you tell my kent family hyperfixation hasn't left yet? i swear it's becoming an issue lmaooo but this might actually be the longest fic i've written for this blog.
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you talked with your friends who you had snuck into the gala with. Rachel had begrudgingly agreed to come to meanwhile Cass and Steph were the only other ones who agreed to come on their own accord.
"Damian, your only friend is here," Dick said, earning a kick from his younger brother before getting up and leaving you and Raven alone. you knew it was a rare occasion that she even decided to show up so you didn't want to leave her alone. "we probably won't see my brother for the rest of the night. whenever his friend comes, it's like everyone becomes a background character. for him being my adopted 'twin' brother, I have yet to meet this friend."
Raven laughed as you saw the wine that the couple on the dance left on your table drunkenly. the bottle was little more than half-filled and you gave one quick look to Raven before pouring the wine into both of your glasses and discarding it right away.
"to not having fun for the rest of the night," you giggled as the two of you chugged the wine down in a mere few seconds, "drier than I thought it would be but it beats having to pay for it," Raven muttered as you agreed to sneak another bottle from the bartender so you wouldn't have to pay for it. even with your dad paying for all your necessities, the drinks at his galas were far too expensive for you to even willingly pay for them yourself. the only reason why he even paid for all your expenses was because you agreed to skip out on college to help run some parts of Wayne Enterprises with your brother.
another reason why you couldn't exactly go and pay for it yourself was because Bruce was not one to exactly be chippy at the idea of you getting plastered drunk at one of his public galas. "I got one of two ideas. one: I'll go flirt with the bartender and you can sneak behind him and get the other bottle or two: I can flirt with the bartender for enough time to see if he'll just willingly give it to us," you told Raven as she nodded with option two.
the bartender happened to be in his younger 50s. you recognized him from previous WE events and although he was familiar with your family, you doubted that he would say anything to your dad about you flirting him with. all you had to do was push the top of the dress down a bit and hike up the bottom to get his attention.
"hey Martin," you said, leaning up against the bar table and smiling, "enjoying the night?" you asked as you saw him flinch back in surprise. he nodded, trying to divert his eyes from looking at you in anyway you could have felt to be disrespectful.
"I was thinking, how much does the bottle of Lafite Rothschild go for?" you asked, giving him a pouty face. he gulped nervously, "almost ten grand ma'am," he replied, grabbing it from the wine stand, "even for me? I mean, my dad must've paid for it so does it even go for that much considering I am his child?" he asked.
you could tell that you had caught him in a predicament, "I would assume not, I assume you're twenty one, right?" he murmured, handing you the precious bottle. you smiled (a fake one that anyone could see through) and nodded before giving the old man a light kiss on the cheek, "thanks Martin, I appreciate it," you said, giving him a wave before leaving.
Raven perked up seeing the bottle in your hand, "snagged a ten thousand dollar bottle," you said excitedly as you waved it in your hand. Raven stared at you in shock, "you got a ten thousand dollar bottle in less than five minutes?" she exclaimed.
you giggled before whispering in her ear, "the benefits of being a child of Bruce Wayne is that you can practically get away with anything. especially when you're the daughter." you popped open the bottle as you handed her the wine glass and poured the drink with care. you gave her a slight cheers before taking a small sip and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as dry for a wine with a huge amount of alcohol percentage.
as the night progressed, you and Raven got actively more drunk. you hadn't realized how hard the wine had hit you until Raven was drunkenly getting pulled home by Gar as you sat at the table with a little less than the bottle still full. you hadn't seen your dad or brother all night and you figured they must've been pulled into doing Batfamily work at some point and left you alone with Steph or Cass. hell, maybe even Dick if he was still around.
you weren't actively apart of the vigilante work all of your siblings did but you did help them out with the technical parts of it when Tim wasn't available. you didn't really like fighting or risking your life so after you graduated, you interned at Wayne Enterprises under Tim's orders while Damian worked under your dad.
at the age of twenty-one, you still hadn't met most of the league for the exception of Wonder Woman and The Flash. the rest were strangers in your head and much to Damian's luck, he wanted to keep it that way. at least in his case with Jon.
"ow, I am so sorry," you slurred as you managed to hit someone on the shoulder. he chuckled seeing as how you were not attempting to get up, "you okay there ma'am?" the man with a southern accent asked. you giggled as you attempted to get up, "I'm ( your name ) and you are?" you asked.
"Jon Kent, pleasure to meet you," he said, kissing your hand. you blushed as you heard one of your favorite songs come through the speakers, "would you like to dance?" you asked, not even caring that you had met this just a few mere seconds ago. he nodded, figuring that since Damian left him stranded at the gala, he had nothing to lose.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played throughout the ballroom. Jon immediately took the reigns as the lead as the lights got dimmer and you danced against Jon sensually. "what got you dragged here?" you asked Jon. "my best friend invited me as his plus one. you?" he whispered in your ear, "I work for the company so I kind of had to attend," you managed to say before turning around and facing him.
you looked at Jon with drunken yet loving eyes, "you're handsome, you know that?" you said with no hesitation in your face. Jon laughed, placing his hand on your cheek, "right back at ya, darlin'," he replied as the song switched to another one of your favorite songs.
side to side by ariana grande started.
you shrugged, feeling as though you had nothing to lose and got up on your toes gave Jon a kiss on his lips. he was slightly taken back but played it off by returning it. the two of you remained kissing through the entirety of the song until Jon felt a familiar tap on his shoulder.
"I gotta go but if you're up for it, I'd love for ya to give me your number," you nodded excitedly as you practically snatched his phone from his hand and typed it in as quickly as possible with your name having a hundred emoji's next to it, "text me in the morning!" you screamed.
Jon laughed before following Damian from behind, "you suck, you know that!" Jon exclaimed, "I meet one girl I actually like and you drag me away!" Damian rolled his eyes, "please, you act like there isn't more girls out there to hit on." this time, it was Jon's turn to roll his eyes, "I got her number so I guess that's a plus."
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache but to a few messages on your phone. you smiled realizing that it was the boy you had met the night before.
"good morning...or actually good afternoon!"
Jon laughed from his side of the phone.
"good afternoon darlin'. I hope you had a good sleep."
you were texting your way down the stairs, greeting Alfred and Bruce before grabbing a plate of lunch and sitting down on the bar top. "what time you'd make it home?" Bruce asked, sensing the hangover you had. "a bit past midnight. drank a bottle of Lafite with Raven before dancing with a boy you invited," you said honestly.
Bruce felt himself go stiff at the admittance of you drinking the Lafite bottle but remained silent as Alfred placed Advil and one of your Gatorades next to you. "yeah, whoever must've danced with you last night must've been drunk too because you'd want to dance with you?" Damian said coming down the stairs.
you threw him a fork, Damian dodging it with ease, "I'd shut up if I were you. I'm actually getting coffee with the guy in like an hour," you replied, chugging down the rest of the food before getting up and going to your room, "yeah and I pray for the man who now has to deal with you," Damian screamed loud enough for you to hear.
you pulled on a skirt and tights before slipping on a sweater and fixing your hair and quickly doing your makeup. you grabbed the keys from your bag and took the back entrance to get to your car. one of the benefits of getting paid so much was that you were able to afford cars that were out of price range for a lot of people your age.
the coffee shop you decided to meet Jon at was a few blocks into the heart of central Gotham. you got a table farthest from the crowd as you didn't want any attention on you and your potential boyfriend. you saw Jon approaching at the front of the coffee shop and pulled on your sunglasses so no one outside could see who you were.
"nice to meet you, this time with me not being drunk," you told Jon, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek, "pleasure is all mine sweetheart," he replied, putting his arm around your shoulder. you got up to the front of cashier and scanned the menu.
"I'd like a venti mocha with oatmilk, what about you?" you asked Jon as he scanned the menu nervously before muttering that he hardly orders coffee. you smiled, "and an order of a grande peppermint hot chocolate," you added on as you took your card out, Jon's eyes widening at the black American Express card.
"wow, Wayne Enterprises must pay you really well," he exasperated, "yeah, I guess you could say that," you said as hesitantly as possible. after the two of you got the coffees, you got back to the table as you took off your sunglasses in a sigh of relief.
"do you really wear sunglasses everywhere you go?" Jon asked. you debated on telling him the actual reason but decided on a vague answer, "eh, it's more for secrecy. I guess if I get another date, I might tell you the real reason," you winked, making Jon blush.
through the weeks, you decided to keep the biggest part of your life a semi secret to Jon still. he knew vaguely of a few things but one mistake on your end managed to throw all of that away in more ways than one.
you were walking downtown with Jon, his hand grasping yours as the two of you roamed an area of town that you knew didn't have major significance to WE. you were holding a coffee in one hand as you walked about a few things that happened to you that week to Jon. it wasn't until you walked towards a busy street that your heart fell to your stomach.
a huge billboard, like signs you would see on highways, of you and Damian representing Wayne Enterprises stood in the middle of an intersection. you stared at the ground, your one secret given away as Jon stared down at you, a look of shock in his eyes.
"wait, you work with Damian Wayne?" he asked as he could tell that you did not want to look at him. you sighed, a bit scared, "work partners might be a little too far from what we are," you gulped, finally realizing that you had to admit to your family ties.
Jon looked at you, now more confused than shocked.
what you didn't know was that at the same time that you were about to confess everything to Jon, a paparazzi had taken dozens of photos of you and Jon that were immediately uploaded to various Twitter accounts and gossip magazines.
"Damian Wayne is my adopted brother. Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad. that's why I have a lot more money than any regular Wayne Enterprise worker."
Jon immediately stumbled to the ground, not expecting that answer coming from you. you immediately felt tears hitting your eyes as you figured that maybe Jon didn't want to be with someone so rich and famous. someone's whose family was always in the spotlight.
"DAMIAN WAYNE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Jon screamed, catching you off guard as this was the first time Jon had ever screamed at you. you nodded, trying not to look at him in the eyes, "he's going to kill me. your entire family is going to plot my murder. I'm a dead man. Clark is going to find me in a ditch," Jon started talking to himself.
it was now your turn to look at Jon confused, "wait, what?" you asked, wiping your tears. "YOUR BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND. Damian Wayne is Robin and I'm Superboy!" he whispered the last part, "I've been dating my best friends sister this entire time without realizing it!" he screamed.
you finally connected the dots. every time Damian said he was going on patrol with Superboy meant that he was going to hang out with Jon and every time Damian said that Jon turned down a patrol session usually meant that you were going on a date with him. both of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
"small world, eh?" you asked, trying to defuse the tension, "guess we better figure out a way to tell them, huh?" Jon replied as you both heard your phone going off with texts and calls. you opened it to see that Dick, Bruce, Tim, and even Jason and Alfred were frantically calling you.
"hello, what happened?" you asked, picking up Dick's call. "GET HOME NOW!" he yelled through the phone as you heard Damian's screeching voice from the other side, "why? what happened?" you asked, staring at Jon now in fear.
"SHE'S DATING JON? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL HER!" you heard Damian scream before something broke, "pictures of you kissing Jon came to the public on Twitter and he saw them," Jason said, half annoyed.
both of your hearts fell to your stomach as you realized it was now or never. everyone knew of your relationship and it wasn't even something both of you tried to do intentionally. you grabbed Jon's hand, yours shaking in fear as you got into the passenger side of his beat up red truck. he could tell you were beyond scared to go home and he now knew it was time. he had to man up before it got worse and you attempted to break up with him.
once you arrived to Wayne Manor, you sat still, not moving an inch. "it'll be okay darlin', I promise it won't be too bad," he murmured as he opened your door. you nodded as you hopped off and started walking towards the door.
you could hear Damian's yells still going on from the other side door as you opened it. you grasped Jon's hand and walked into the living space, Damian's eyes immediately looking at you before charging to Jon with every ounce of strength he had. Jason quickly grabbed you as Jon dodged him and Damian went straight to attack him again. you couldn't bare to look at the sight and felt tears spring to your eyes as you hid your face into Jason's side.
"hey, you okay?" Jason asked. he could see the tears in your eyes which instantly made him a bit upset. "enough," Jason screamed, catching everyone's attention. Jon and Damian saw the hurt look on your face and as soon as Jon realized you were upset at the fight he was having, he kicked Damian off of him and walked towards you.
he grabbed your hand and whispered an apology into your ear as he stroked your cheek lovingly, "I'm sorry dear but I wasn't expecting Damian to do this," Jon said as Damian watched the way Jon was treating you. a part of him knew that Jon would treat you right. Jon wasn't like your typical average boy but the fact that neither of you told him is what set him off and seeing you being so lovingly with Jon set him off again.
Damian ran towards Jon again but this time, you shielded him which made him stop immediately, "Damian, stop, please," you croaked. Bruce saw you trying to neutralize the situation and stood next to Damian, hinting at him to quit it, "I'm sorry we never told you but the reason why we never did was because we had no idea who the other was. I didn't know Jon was your best friend and clearly didn't know that he was Superboy and he had no idea I was even related to you nevertheless your sister. please, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine," you explained.
Dick, Jason, and Tim stared at Jon who grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side, "and I would have never made the move if I knew she was your sister but we fell in love and it was like a soulmate connection. we were meant for each other and I want her to be in my life. she's it for me," Dick sighed mesmerized as Tim and Jason gagged at the cheesy confession.
Damian growled, "if you even think of hurting her, Clark will be down one son and I mean it. that's my sister and no man will ever be good enough for her. you are my best friend and she might be a pain in my ass, she means the world to me. I will not hesitate to dig your grave and bury you alive if I see one tear of sadness coming down her face," Damian stated before hitting Jon on the shoulder purposely before walking away.
you smiled, your heart swelling at Damian's speech. he never once said anything like that about you and in his Damian way of being, you knew this was his way of accepting your relationship with Jon. you smiled at Jon before giving him a huge kiss on the lips, making your dad and all of your brothers gag at the sight.
"okay, save that shit for privacy, no one needs to see that," Jason said as he walked away. Bruce gave you one look before turning to Jon, "your father knows in case you were wondering but feel free to stay for dinner if you'd like," Bruce said before walking away with Tim and Dick walking away with him.
"I love you," you whispered to Jon as he let out a laugh against your lips, "I love you too and I'm all of this was cleared out." you nodded in agreement as you grasped his hand, "wanna come up to my room? I figured we should catch some sleep before Alfred calls everyone for dinner and Damian starts another fight," Jon agreed, giving you a kiss on your head as the two of you walked up the stairs.
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dannyphantom-rewrite Β· 3 years
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Character ref for; Jack, Maddie and Jazz,
Art by @gally-hin / @gally-hin-phantom
Okay so first off; in terms of Actual redesign, I didn't change a whole lot. I'm actually very fond of Jack and Maddie's design's, my only real issue was with their proportions. Like...look as a lady person who is also thiCC I do not have a fucking wasp thin waist and I'm sure I'm not the only one, lmao. As for Jack? Godamnit he looked like a brick on toothpicks. Just Let him be a fucking Bara man! Anyway of course I asked Gally to do this one bc they're fucking great at drawing different body types
I also cannot and will not take credit for Jazz's outfit. I didn't have any issue with her canon clothes aside from them being a bit plain, so what she's wearing here was literally pulled straight off of her original concept art, which I will link here.
Anyway, getting to the Actual character lore now, let's start with
Maddie Fenton
-Full name is Madeline (I haven't decided on a maiden name yet)
-Born and raised on a farm in Arkansas, had a southern accent that she trained herself out of in college bc it was just one more reason for people not to take her seriously. Still sometimes uses "y'all" completely unironically bc old habits die hard.
-She has a really big family, and they're proud of her accomplishments but feel like she's wasting her talent studying ghosts, because really, up until the Fenton portal was up and running there wasn't even any solid proof they existed. Her sister Alicia is the one outlier there, and even if she doesn't understand, it she completely supports her.
-She majored in engineering and minored in psychology at Wisconsin EDU. Her, Jack and Vlad were all in the same engineering class, and that's where they met.
-Maddie is particularly interested in how ghosts think, analysing their behavior, their motives. Not only that, but they aren't just dead people with unfinished business, they've built an entire culture in the Ghost Zone that is completely seperate from humanity, and she wants to understand all of it.
-skilled marksman and 9th degree black belt, (which is. The highest fucking level there is holy shit? I looked it up after I saw it on her wiki page.)
Jack Fenton
-He's from Minnesota (Amity park is in Illinois and him and Maddie didn't move there until after they got married)Β 
-okay, "but why minnesota specifically" you ask? Because. I crave. Foot ball discourse.Β 
-minnesota vikings vs green bay packers guys do you UNDERSTAND WHERE IM GOING WITH THISΒ 
-The funny thing is that Jack only watches football casually while Vlad is a fucking die hard so when these two got together to see a game it was like....
-Jack: Here to chill and have a good time.
-Vlad: Primed and ready to start a fist fight at any given moment.
-I am never not going to be salty about how Canon Jack was portrayed like a complete moron 99% percent of the time. Like no...theres a difference between Actual Stupid and ADHD induced dumbass-ery.
-Am I saying Jack Fenton has ADHD? Yes. why? Because I also have ADHD and I have always vibed So Hard with his Character.
-Jack is loud and easily excited about things that interest him. He's impulsive and fidgety and yeah, a bit absent minded. He has a mouth that clearly runs so much faster than his head. His train of thought doesn't get derailed so much as it stops and takes several different detours on the way to it's final destination.
-and that's only the tip of the iceberg, really, I'd need an entire essay to get into this completely, but I just really relate.
-Jacks skill-set / interests regarding ghosts vary a bit from Maddie's, most notably in the sense that he doesn't believe that they're static entities already set in their ways, completely incapable of change.
-Jack majored in engineering and minored in Biology at Wisconsin EDU.
-Jack's work with tech is a bit hit or miss. He definitely HAS the engineering skills, but the intrest isn't always there and he's constantly jumping back and forth between different projects. He tends to focus on the concept work and schematics and leave most of the assembly to Maddie as a result. It's an arrangement that works well for them, and has drastically decreased the number of unintentional explosions in the lab.
-A lot of Jack's work tends to revolve around ghostly biology and Ectoplasm, figuring out how ghosts are made, what makes them tick, what the hell Ectoplasm Actually Is, how it's used as an energy source, ect.
-and yes, that does also mean he handles the dissections.
-See that facial scar? Yeah, that's not actually there at the start of the series rewrite but it's very important for plot reasons so I had to include it. Can't say much more on the subject because SPOILERs owo.
Jasmine Fenton
-Jazz is a 18 years old, and a senior at Casper high.
-Which means she prepping to go away to college and won't be around to keep an eye on Danny.
-Obviously that doesn't mean I'm just writing her out of the story, oh no. Know why? Because she's also gonna go to Wisconsin EDU. ya know who else is in Wisconsin? Fuckin' Vlad.
-Jazz is autistic, Although she passes for neurotypical in part due to symptoms being completely over looked in girls due to gender stereotyping and also the fact that she doesn't have any special interests that are considered " "too weird.""
- Her hyperfixation with psychology started at a young age in an effort to better understand people, and social/emotional cues and all that.
-Jazz is well liked at school but she's not popular or apart of any specific group or clique. She's very kind and compassionate to people, and just about everyone knows her, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually Considered her a friend. Except maybe Spike.
-I'm gonna have to give spike his own Character ref at some point, but he's this scary looking goth kid that's been held back twice. He's actually super sweet, just really fuckin' quiet and anxious. Him and jazz kinda ended up gravitating towards each other. She might do most of the talking, but they look out for each other.
-its not like jazz doesn't try to socialize, but it's difficult and she's found it much easier and less stressful to just. Keep to herself and let her interactions with her peers stay shallow and superficial. Sure, it's lonely sometimes but it's better than constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing or making some other misstep.
-One of Jazz's other special interests is football, and it's not so much the players or the game as it is the strategy of it? Started out as one of those things you do to bond with your dad, and she ended up getting really into it.
-She absolutley winds up getting into stupidly intense discussions with Vlad about it, too, lmao.
-Her and Danny probably bonded over SBNation bc that shit has both sentient satellites and ridiculously complex football mechanics.
-She's completely oblivious to the fact, but Dash has a massive crush on her bc holy shit this girl understands football (hey bud your toxic masculinity is showing put that shit away)
-I mentioned that Danny was in Cheer for a bit in middle school so it makes sense that she'd also be pushed into doing some kind of extracurricular activity.....so.....she was in a martial arts class for a bit thanks to Maddie and has a good grasp on self defense.
I think that's everything? I feel like I'm leaving things out tho? Idk if I did I'll come back and add on to this later and also pls don't hesitate to ask questions bc it really helps me flesh things out better.
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ultraclops Β· 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it?Β " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’“
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’•
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (β—‘β€Ώβ—‘)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)β—œ" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...πŸ’“πŸ’“
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (β—‘β€Ώβ—‘ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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threenorth Β· 3 years
Dearest L
You say you can't trust me, so apart of trust is being open, and trusting.
I hyperfixate on information and gather things related to what i know, It hurts you call me a stalker but it's a title i dervse but ultimately it hurts you say them to me... But i hope i know deep down you didn't mean them and it was ill health because you would never say things to hurt me and even if you did i know they have meanings behind them... I'm scared again that I'd hurt you so as part of trust and being open to foster a friendship as you asked... Today I got a call that my assessment will be pushed back by two weeks, for some reason they didn't say why but vast i will say the next siganfant day that we share in dates that we share that i thought would be the day i message you to tell you I'm reday to be freinds again in my timezone equivalent of the day I'm being assessed and who knows it might have to then go on to more specialists within the hospital but i don't know my head space day to day but i welcome you back on that day because if it's ment to be that's just fate being fate again but i just don't want you to see me at my worse, you deserve me at my best and that's why I'm telling you.
Thank you.
You have made so many sacrifices for me and or ultimately you have done possibly more, I don't want you to blame yourself for my situation because none of my troubles are from you but i know a majority of yours must be from me.
I love you so much that it's hard for me not to write or. Show you my day that's all i want you to see... You asked me for one message a day sooo here's one letter a day... I'm repeicing my memory and it's very scatter brain at the moment... you... i do it so you can see what's going on in my life i don't expect a reply, the universe gives me the answers you want me to find... And vast I'm reday to talk to you whenever you want to but if i look like I'm in pain i probably will tell you if i am... But my smile i don't think has returned yet, the doctor thinks im a chronic depression fucking fabulous...
I qued some things for the day before what i assumed would be my assessment day but i won't put them on pause because they are susposed to happen as the day i wanted you back might in fact be the first day back to my life and that's the day I expected you call you to tell you i needed you as a freind but now that's the day I'm going to be assessed and that too is the day that i would call you to tell you that i need a freind again...
30th august.
It's day you i believe gave up on me.
You left me clues and i appreciate it.
I think I've almost got them all worked out but...
I'm not so good at clues but I'm figuring them out. I would tell you i promised my return i just think you deserve the best me and not while I'm such a mix up and down but before you think that your a mix and i dervse the best you, i chose you when we were young and i love your flaws but you didn't know all of mine maybe my poor spelling but that's why i want to be stable so i can eat your pain away every little bit of it...i picture it within my own life...
I'll sing to you everyday if i could But I'll write everyday till then...
I miss your laugh the most and all the stupid things you do, like singing to a dubstep song that's ridiculous but i try sing to my favourite instruments too but my smile hasn't returned but i know it will when i see your beautiful face your so beautiful it melts my pain away but only temporarily while i suffer from my mental health currently i have to spend weekend ends recharging as masking to everyone takes a toll on me mentally and physically currently.
I need you to look at the stars and remember my face because i see yours looking back at me...
A part of me will tell you that i saw us today, but the faces weren't ours. But i made a playlist if want to join me on the longest run.
I have asthma but now i can get meds to breathe.
Some of these songs are more so personal to me but i didn't want to add songs that might be trumantic. I've made playlists but this one is a theme
I'll call running till my legs bleed.
Burn after reading.
Everyday I struggle and struggle less but sometimes even to get out of bed on time but i see your laugh and smile in my head and it tells me today i fight for her because she's worth every ounce of what's left of me and ultimately what's coming back to me.
She's my fuel, she's the blood in my veins.
I close my eyes and i see her telling me to fight on.
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I hope you know your mediations are fueling my will power to fight on.
I hope my mediations send you to sleep quickly it's a big day tommrow, get some sleep I'll here dreaming of you in the small Window we share a bed.
Today's question is who's your favourite star wars character? and don't say han oh please no he's such a stupid character development especially in solo the movie... No not Jar Jar thot begot where's my hot nerd girl freind come on its obiwon or Luke skywalker...Oh okay daddy kylo's abs but that isn't as strong as Vader's force well okay Ben/Kylo's abs do have attraction but i ment cannonly Vader is... Fine okay jar jar is that really what your gonna go with? Pffft what a troll i know you like kylo's hair but Ani's hair in RotS it's like hellllllla what I'm wanting oh speaking of padmei oh lord yes please I'll take that and a slice of... Wait a minute did you go back to jar jar, he's sooo why lucuas whhhbyyyyyyy.
I guess L's favourite starwars character is unknown but we're see... Did you see i was knighted with a lightsaber at graduation? Oh that's a meme it's self, i give you full permission to stalk though my blog or instagram and anything you want to talk about whenever you want to just ask me about...when we talk again.
I miss you freind. But sending you my best.
Till tommrow. I hope you know how much of my heart is taken up by you and if you don't knoe every post was for you... Even if some of my stuff wasn't so accessible and for that i apologise i haven't been in a good Headspace.
Beaches or mountains.
I changed my mind... I think if that's what you ment.
That's where 10 said the words he had been meaning to.
That's where I'm uncomfortable but you wanted to be wed.
They have highs and lows.
Land where I'm surrounded by water.
The question is what did you really mean?
And if It's what I think my answer is anywhere and everywhere.
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