#+ sender: my holly <3
saintels · 10 months
diary entry? <3 (this is such a cute idea lina)
4K Celebration Post Here | ‘Dear Diary’ Mutuals Appreciation
Entry 4: Holly
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@messylustt ,
pinky promises. the fresh scent of rain. the color sage. the comfort of a studio ghibli film. cheek kisses. slow dancing to a record player. the cozy, tight aisles of a book store. swimming in the ocean at sunset. admiring art. little notes. green apples. enjoying the little things. collecting cassettes and film cameras. road trips. fish eye photos. loving comfortable silence equally as much as loud laughter. soft, dreamy eyes. a scrambled collection of beautiful sketches. giddy smiles. poems. shared playlists. words from the heart. talking about them to the stars. polaroid collages. wildflowers. assorted bouquets. dancing in the rain. elegantly vivacious, my # 1. holly
love, @saintels
mixtape: track one track two track three track four
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Perish? Dear Lord no. Inui has plans for a couples massage and a nice dinner for you...you may actually be late already.
oh shit, really?? and he didn’t tell me??? Σ(°ロ°)
but a massage sounds so nice right now, just the thought of it makes me all…sleepy…
and dinner sounds like a well deserved treat after this week; seishu really does spoil me, doesn’t he? but you won’t hear me complaining >///<
though, he might have to come and pick me up, considering i‘m already running late ♡ it’s not my fault this time!!
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💥 BONUS Spells, Chant, Candle color & more!
Phase: New Moon
Illumination: 0%
Moon Age: 0.04 days
Solar Eclipse Blessings!
On Tuesday, we will be blessed with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. As both the moon and the sun will be in the realm of the Scorpion during the eclipse, this is an especially potent time to draw on the energy and gifts of this water zodiac.
Solar eclipses are new moons with a powerful boost of the energy of the zodiac it is passing through. New moon eclipses bring the same focus on new beginnings, but with mega impacts all around us; transforming what is known, and leaping us forward to where we need to be. It is wise to surrender to these powerful forces, release control, and flow with our fate.
In fact, Solar eclipses have been synonymous with fate since ancient times. It is a time when we can see all the celestials in the heavens supporting our journey, as we integrate our shadow. Consciously or subconsciously, it will happen.
This is a great time to confront your shadow and face your psyche. Allow it to reveal itself in this dark night and practice the Art of Surrender.
Allow your fears to dissolve into faith!
When the moon is in Scorpio, our desires and focus become intensified and heightened. The energy surrounding this time is centered around highly charged emotions as they are felt on a much deeper level.
This is an excellent time to banish any fears and uncover our own strength and power. Engage in activities that involve releasing old habits, journaling, and deep self-examination.
Scorpio energy is passionate and mysterious. This energy is willing to face the darkness, in order to find the truth. Call upon this insightful energies to help you transform your fear into faith.
Tuesday is governed by the planet Mars; which is the ruling planet of Scorpio. Talk about alignments! Mars day is an auspicious time to invite strength and courage. It can also help us banish any toxic energy lingering, so we can open this cosmic portal and leaper into a healthier and more positive life!
🦂🌺🌀🌒🌑🌘🌀🌺🦂 Tuesday Magick
The Color of the day is SCARLET.
The Incense of the day is BASIL.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Spells:
Assertiveness, Action, Energy Boost, Domination, Career Change, Making/Consecrating Talisman, Return to Sender, Rekindle Relationships, Reversals, Freezer & Stop Gossip, Uncrossing, Leadership, Sweetening Love, Personal Transformation, Sex, Winning, Fire Magick, Banishing, Protection, Purifying, Release, Endurance, Physical & Emotional Strength, Personal Power, Vitality, Fertility, Root & Sacral Chakra practices.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Crystals:
Bloodstone. Carnelian, Coral, Diamond, Garnet, Red Jasper, Ruby, Magnetite, Pink Tourmaline, Onyx, Black Kyanite.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Colors:
Red, White, Black, Gray, Maroon, Blood Orange, Dark Reds.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Chakra:
ROOT: Comfort, Security, Support, Grounding, Stability, Nurturing, Parental Teachings.
Stimulate: Red. Balance: Black.
SACRAL: Creativity, Desire, Freedom, Passion.
Stimulate: Orange. Balance: Brown.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Plants:
Anise seed, Basil, Cactus, Clove, Chili peppers, Coriander, Cumin, Garlic, Ginger, Geranium, Hawthorn, Holly, Hops, Stinging Nettle, Star Anise, Mustard Seed, Onion, Black Pepper, Pine, Shallot, Thistly, Tobacco, Wormwood.
🧿 Tuesday-Marsday Deities:
Ares, Anath, Ceres, Demeter, Inanna, Lilith, Mars, Morrigan, Nergal, Shango, Tyr, Ogun.
🦂🌺🌀🌒🌑🌘🌀🌺🦂 New Moon Magick
💫 New Moon 3 Nights Magick:
(My personal Practice)
🌒 Night 1- Waning Crescent/New Moon:
Cleaning & Closure- Finish releasing what no longer serves you. Closure Journaling.
🌑 Night 2- Dark Moon/New Moon:
Honor Sacred Rest, Reassess Goals, Value Relaxation, Enjoy Fruits of Crafting
🌘 Night 3- New Moon/Waxing Crescent:
Set Goals, Journal Intentions, Begin New intentions & Manifesting goals.
🦂🌺🌀🌒🌑🌘🌀🌺🦂 Scorpio Magick
PLANET: Pluto, Mars
MODE: Fixed
GENDER: Female
🌺 Scorpio Colors:
Dark Red, Dark Purple, Black, Maroon
🌺 Scorpio Crystals:
Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Topaz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Opal, Ruby, Beryl, Garnet, Bloodstone, most red & black stones.
🌺 Scorpio Herbs:
Nettle, Hibiscus, Geranium, Horehound, Wormwood, Blackberry, Jergon Sacha (snake venom), Damiana, Blessed Thistle, Cardamom, Coriander, Black Pepper, Pine, Basil, Copal, Myrrh
🌺 Scorpio Moon Energy:
Intuition, Emotions, Deep Connections, Intensity, Transformations, Epiphanies, Introspection.
🌺 Scorpio Magick:
Mind/Psychic Magick, Root & Sacral Magick and Cleansings, Renewal, Rebirths, Transformation Magick, Beauty Magick, Sex Magick, Dark Magick, and Intense Mind Games or Psychic Attacks
🌺 Scorpio Chant:
"Like the sting of a Scorpion, new strength and power flow all inside me. I now have the strength and decision to achieve my dreams!"
(chant to raise energy before your spell)
🦂🌺🌀🌒🌑🌘🌀🌺🦂 #SpellOne
#Scorpio #Spell #Protection
1. Go outside and find a small rock (or choose one from your crystal collection). It should fit securely in the palm of your hand.
2. Stand in front of your altar and hold the rock out in front of you.
3. Say:
"I put on my armor and don my shield.
I am protected within my shell.
With the blessing of the Scorpion,
No harm can come to me now."
4. As you say the words, use the rock to draw a protective circle in the air in front of you. (The size of the circle does not matter, so long as you can comfortably make the motion of a full and complete circle)
5. Place the rock in a pocket or bag and bring it with you when you go out.
If you feel uneasy or sense negative energies, brush your finger against the rock to renew your scorpion shell of protection. 💎
🦂🌺🌀🌒🌑🌘🌀🌺🦂 #SpellTwo
#SpellOfTheDay #Shadow #acceptance
Shadows fill the sky today as a solar eclipse covers parts of Earth. It is also the night of the new moon. All of this energy makes a perfect time to confront your shadow self, the part of our psyche that makes uncomfortable and is often repressed or ignored.
Find a dark place where you won't be disturbed and place a lit candle in a spot between you and a wall. Ideally you want to be in a spot where you can cast a giant shadow.
In the darkness stare into your shadow and write down everything you see, positive and negative. Hold nothing back and be honest with yourself. Using your list as a guide work on integrating both sides of yourself from now until Imbolc.
Well there you have it!
My only wish, bc this takes me alot of time, is that you be as unique as you want to be, and bless up during this phase. Be gentle with yourself. Go deeper.
One Love!
Thee Naturalistic Mystic
Spells: Ari & Jason Mankey
Post: Thee Naturalistic Mystic
Photo: ©️ Crystal Vision Creations
Moon Times:
Moon enters Scorpio:
12:18AM PST. / 3:18AM EDT.
Scorpio Eclipse & New Moon:
3:49AM PST. / 6:49AM EDT.
***see comments for oracle magick!
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hswarm · 4 years
My Experience With Simvicii, Oliveandoak & Their Discord
I’ve seen a lot of posts going around in regards to simvicii, oliveandoak, their discord and private channels. I felt now would be the best time to speak out about my experience with these things. I think it’s best that people have as much information as possible.
Disclaimer: I am not innocent to anything and neither is anyone else in that discord. We are all at fault for allowing simvicii and oliveandoak behave the way they did as well as enabling/aiding in their behaviors. This is partly why I left tumblr back in March because I realized I had become the same type of person as them and I was disgusted with myself. This does not exclude me from any blacklash/punishment but I recognize my mistakes and left to address them.
How We Met: Probably around November/December or earlier back in 2019 Simvicii had dm’d me asking for a sim, this was when they went by a different username. At the time I wasn’t giving sims away because poor experiences but I had just followed her blog and became a fan so I gave her one. She later gave me a sim in exchange as well. The sim I gave her is who everyone knows as Hollie Evans. (More on this later)
Joining The Discord: After exchanging sims I never talked to Simvicii again so when Oliveandoak dm’d me asking if I wanted to join their discord I was a bit surprised. But me being me and wanting to be apart of something I chose to join, probably in early January. Everything seemed pretty normal at first but within the first few weeks I noticed a good amount of gossip going on. The server was still small and hand picked individuals so I guess they didn’t have to worry quite yet. Everything started pretty small/mild but then once the private channel was made things escalated.
The Private Channel: I guess under the safety of the channel Simvicii and Oliveandoak felt more comfortable being their true selves. Admittedly, Simvicii didn’t say too many harsh things but Oliveandoak definitely did. I remember on multiple occasions she posted screenshots of her asks and mocked the senders. There were a few asks where they didn’t quite make sense, most likely result of poor english, and she would mock them saying ‘wtf does this mean/how am i supposed to read this’ and others of the like.
Most of the time we, we being the others in the channel, would just go along with what they said. I noticed a few of them didn’t actually participate in many of those types of conversations, probably because they knew it was wrong. I myself would simply go along or ignore them because whenever I had tried to call Oliveandoak out for being too rude, mocking people, or simply tried to defend whoever it was she would get very passive aggressive with me.
Some Of What Was Said: For the most part I don’t remember a lot of the actual words and phrases they used but I remember a few of the topics. I know on several occasions they mocked their followers/people who sent them asks. They mocked simblrs they didn’t like. I actually remember three very specific simblrs being brought up almost daily by either simvicii or oliveandoak. They also would complain about people asking them to include POC or LGBTQ+ sims.
About The POC/LGBTQ+ Topics: I wanted to expand on this specifically because Simvicii is very good with words and a lot of us in the discord kind of were persuaded to agree based on how she worded things. So, most of the time the conversation was about how simblr forces people to include POC/LGBTQ+ sims and Simvicii felt that it was wrong or whatever because there’s a lot of blogs doing already + why should they be forced to do something on their blog, or something of that nature.
Now, to a degree I agreed with her simply because me being apart of the LGBTQ+ community I really hate seeing straight people trying to portray us. It almost always ends up weird and cringey. I didn’t want to see another person making that type of content. I just didn’t. So, I agreed and told her I didn’t think she needed to be posting that because she can’t related and it’s better to not do something you’re not informed on. However, that does not mean she can’t have LGBTQ+ backstory characters.
I know recently there’s a post going around with a screenshot of her talking about how asians are normally excluded from the term POC, especially here on simblr, and I have to agree. However, that does not mean you do not exclude the rest of the POC community in retaliation. Now, I’m not saying this to be rude but even when Simvicii makes “asian” sims they still look an awful lot like their white sims because their sim style makes them all look fairly similar. So, even when she made asian sims you could barely tell. But making asian sims does not exclude you from making black, hispanic, latino, middle eastern, islander, etc sims. You don’t get to trade one for the others.
Same with Oliveandoak. She got asks about her lack of POC sims and she complained saying ‘I have POC sims!!’. It doesn’t count when they’re all extremely white passing. I even personally sent her a dark skinned sim to which she switched the content on and made her look several shades lighter. This is a problem. Aesthetic or not you still need to include dark skinned sims and other races.
Moving on.
Hollie Evans: So, back to the original topic of Hollie Evans. A lot of you who know who Simvicii know who this sim is. She was one of the main characters paired as Romeo’s bff/gf/whatever. Well, yes I actually made that sim. HOWEVER, Simvicii claims (after 2-3 months of use) that the Hollie we see today isn’t actually my Hollie but a replica she made herself.
She claims that she ‘remade’ Hollie and just ‘used the same presets and everything’. I’m sorry but that’s not true. If you took a side by side of the two sims you would see that the facial structures are identical and we all know even if you try to recreate someone else’s style using the exact same content it’s not going to be 100% identical, which Hollie to her core is identical.
The thing that bothers me and hurts me is that she went our whole friendship telling me it’s the sim I gave her and then when confronted claims it’s not that sim, when clearly it is she just wants out of the doghouse. She sent Hollie to people for collabs without saying anything to me. She changed all her custom content ‘to match her style’ and she no longer uses the ‘Hollie Evans by Honeyswarm’ tags. Which the tag thing only happened after I left tumblr.
I think it’s extremely rude and hurtful to ask someone for a sim and then change everything about them, claim them as yours and share them with other people. It’s simply not right and she knows it. She would constantly bring up a blogger who had forced her to give them her sims and then ripped her off. She knows what that feels like and she knows that’s wrong.
There’s probably a hell of a lot more I could talk about, like the three blogs they always mentioned, how they all but basically convinced the private channel to exclude someone in the discord, their lack of care/empathy towards other server members/myself, admitting to sending hate to people they disliked/disagreed with and just their general toxic behavior and manipulation but I think this post is long enough.
I don’t have “evidence” to everything here because I never thought I’d need it/be posting about it but considering everyone’s coming out I figured I would too. The only “evidence” I have is in relation to our conversation when she admitted she ripped my sim off. If you’d like those I can share them but otherwise that’s all I have.
I don’t know if this post will reach anyone or even mean anything but I felt like I needed to say these things and make it aware to others. It’s always best to have as much information as possible so that’s what I’m doing here. It’s really up to you to decide what you do with it.
I also want to apologize to everyone affected by the things Simvicii and Oliveandoak have said/done. I’m so sorry I allowed them to say and do the things they said and did. I’m so sorry I didn’t stick up for y’all better. I was afraid of losing ‘friends’ and I was afraid what might happen if I went against them. That doesn’t make it any better but please no I am so deeply sorry for everything said/done in that server that I either aided in or allowed to happen.
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kate2kat · 3 years
First lines
Thanks @my-citrus-pocket for the tag!
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Ok, here goes:
1. Tail-lights streak the tarmac like blood washing down a drain if you close your eyes just enough in the backseat of a car speeding across the city after midnight.
Nocturnal Creatures, Inception, Arthur/Eames
2. The last box has been carried in, the last of Crowley’s plants set down in the conservatory, the furniture is still every which way.
Here is our paradise, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
3. When Eames asked, one night in bed, as if it was the most natural next step (and it was), Arthur just said, “Yes.” 
Red, Inception, Arthur/Eames
4. “Don’t you miss your shop?”
Now we both together, Good Omens,  Aziraphale/Crowley
5. It was yet another boring corporate job.
A new life,  Inception, Arthur/Eames
6. Soho is so much brighter and louder and flashier since the war.
Holy water, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
7. Bob wakes for no reason, the room is still dark, but the sound of rain ticking quietly against the window takes him back to the first time he stayed here with Dave, how he could hear it, only just hear it, over the sound of his own frightened heart and his own panicked breaths.
Rainy day, Rocknrolla, Bob/Dave (OC)
8. They are standing off by themselves in the porch of the village hall when midnight strikes.
Together,  Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
9. The first New Year, afterwards, Aziraphale promises himself he will always be open to new experiences, to change, to doing things he didn’t know he could, or would want to, with Crowley. 
Promises, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
10. “Oh dear!” Aziraphale is dusting the bookshelves in the sitting room. 
 Pretty, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
11. In the days after Christmas, when nothing happens, the dead days before New Year, adults are grumpy, which is hard to understand when they were laughing so hard at Christmas dinner. 
Little devil, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, and Warlock Dowling (POV)
12. It’s a small thing, but it’s their thing. 
Moments, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
13. “Cider,” says Crowley, shuddering visibly. 
Ghastly, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
14. Aziraphale finds the card Crowley made him when he goes upstairs to fetch his thick cardigan. 
You show me, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
15. They start arriving at the beginning of December: cards from their new friends in the village, decorated with robins, holly, Santas, stars, the manger in Bethlehem, some kitsch, some not. Inside, “Season’s Greetings!”, “Merry Christmas!”, “Wishing you joy this Christmas” and the like, signed by the senders, sometimes with a more personal line or two. 
Truest star, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
16. Maybe it is that story people seem to love so much at this time of year, but Aziraphale is haunted by things he failed to do, people he could not help, those for whom his attempts at blessing came too late, or were too slight to penetrate the bubble of misery that surrounded them.
Just kindness, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
17.  It’s a lot colder out here on the Downs than it is in London.
Something hot, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
18.  Aziraphale likes Christmas in the world — the lights, the decorations, the music, the way people at least try to be happy.
Risks, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
19.  “Reindeer? They’re alright, I suppose.
Unicorns, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
20. Crowley is a questioner, and here are some of his Christmas questions: Every day, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley
Trends? I seem to like quite short opening sentences, except when they are very long.
Favourite? I really like the first line of Red, because it lets you know straight away that these two are deeply comfortable with each other, and I like writing established relationships a lot.
I also like the opening of Rainy day, because it calls back to the very beginning of a relationship that had a difficult start, but that is now settled and comfortable, which the rest of the story demonstrates.
Tags: @deinvatiwrites , @fiamac , @oceaxe-ifdawn , @letteredlettered , @laurashapiro-noreally, @corinnetags
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jotaro - Fanletters
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
You and the infamous Jotaro were pretty close friends. It was really a weird friendship, but it worked out well. You knew each other from elementary school and lived 2 blocks away from each other. Your parents were nicely acquainted as well.
You basically grew up together. Overtime, you learned to manage his edgy nature and embrace his odd gestures of kindness while he learned to tolerate your eccentrism and appreciate your patience towards him.
In any other circumstances, you both would have never even been friends, but fate worked like that sometimes. You wouldn't trade Jotaro for anything in the world and he wouldn't let anyone think of even touching you.
Of course, everybody at school knew about the Jojo-Y/N duo. Everybody wondered how a girl like Y/N managed to get to the stone cold Jojo, and how a guy like Jojo could even bear the presence of the freaky Y/N.
Some were jealous, some were excited, and some were completely indifferent to the chemistry of the two.
And between some jealous fangirls stood some who wanted to take advantage of your accessibility to pass some messages, letters, gifts and many more to the lady-killer Jojo.
It has become a habit for you now, you didn't really mind, even if it could be bothersome sometimes. It was actually pretty entertaining for you. You were the person who received the most love letters at school, with your shoe locker and desk always filled to the brim, too bad they weren't from your fervant admirers, but Jotaro's.
You would usually just take the love letters to him but you always got the same response of denial. Telling you to just throw them away or whatever. But you would always try and convince him to read some of them with you, since 'it could be fun'.
"Yooo Jojo that one is wild look at that! Ewwww! Would you even do that to a woman? No that's straight up EVIL!" you showed him the letter as he was laying on his bed and you were sat at his desk.
"Yare yare daze... I don't want to see it" he huffed, not wanting to deal with yet another cringy lustful confession.
You two would spend some afternoons like this. Sometimes you felt like his personal assistant sorting out his mailbox or something.
One day was very special though.
At the end of one school day, you were assigned in cleaning duty. After cleaning with the other assigned students, you stayed a bit later to empty your shoe locker and desk which took forever. Everyone was gone by now and you were heading back to the classroom to get your bag and finally call it a day.
You got the lockers and opened yours to get your shoes but found one single letter left there.
"Oh? I forgot one... I was sure I got everything... Did someone just put it in? Eh whatever."
You took the letter, put on your shoes and decided you'll pass by Jotaro's house to give him the letter, even if you knew he couldn't care less about it.
"What do you want?" he grunted, but opened the door wide to let you in. The duality of the guy.
"Oh nothing important, just this." you handed the pastel pink enveloppe. "It sat in my locker, alone and afraid." you joked.
Jotaro reluctantly took the letter in his hand. He was ready to just tell you off and shoving it back into your face, but then he noticed what was written on the other side of the enveloppe.
'For Y/N <3'
Jotaro let appear a tiny smirk on his strong features. Things just got interesting for him. If you brought him the letter, that means you didn't notice it was for you.
To your surprise, Jotaro kept the letter and put it aside.
"Huh? You're not going to tell me to throw it away or shove it up my ass or something?" you said a bit baffled.
"No, I'll do it myself." he turned and tossed it on a nearby table.
You then felt Star Platinum slap you across the back of the head with a nice 'ORA!'
"Owowow!" you cried a little while rubbing your head. Jotaro turned around muttering his iconic "yare yare daze".
Later that evening, when you were already gone home, Jotaro took the liberty to read the letter, wondering what kind of boy could even be interested in you, and see who he had to pick a fight with.
He read the entire thing, and throughout the reading he thought that person was acting pretty mysterious, it was very different from the letters that he recieved from his fangirls.
No, here the letter was filled with many "I'll understand if you don't really roll that way" or "I know it's weird, please don't take this the wrong way". Basically the letter felt very apologetic and the person was obviously self conscious.
At first Jotaro didn't understand why until he read the name of the sender.
'Kaneda Mokou'
He froze. 'Mokou'? So it was a girl. Well at least he wouldn't have to fight anyone so that's good, but also it was interesting.
A girl was into you. Romantically. Or even more. How cute.
He leaned back in his chair, wondering what your reaction would be when he'll break it down to you.
Even if you had a weird sense of humor and overall weird personality, he knew you were very kind, too kind to confront these situations by yourself, especially if you had to reject someone.
He expected the next day greatly.
You went to pick Jotaro up to walk to school with him. You greeted Holly and went on your way with him.
"Aaah it's way too early, be my pillow Jojo." You leaned lazily on his arm without even waiting for his response and he just let you be, too tired to deal with your shenanigans right now.
After a brief moment of silence with both of you peacefully walking, Jotaro broke the ice suddenly.
"Y/N, what about girls?" he blurted. You stood back straight and looked at him like he was the craziest man on earth.
"What the hell is that question, out of nowhere? About your fangirls, you mean?"
"What if a girl liked you?" he looked straight ahead so you couldn't read his eyes, but he seemed serious.
"Aaah...." you paused to think. "I think I'd be flattered, but also sad that she would like me of all girls haha wouldn't that be funny? Not like it will happen anytime soon. Why? Did a guy ask you out again? Was it the letter from yesterday?"
He stopped in his tracks and had a scary glint in his eyes as he took the now opened letter from his pockets and handed it to you.
You hesitated and looked at him with worry.
"You scare me Jojo, what's going on?" he didn't reply. You just took the time to read the letter and realized it was not aimed at Jotaro at all, but at you!
You blushed at the realization and looked at him, but he ushered you to continue reading with his gaze.
Your face reddened the more you read the letter. The tender words of affection, the compliments, the poetic lines and the saddening doubt in the sender's words.
You finished reading and gasped when you saw that it was from your classmate Kaneda Mokou.
"W-waaah!!! Mokou-chan likes me???" You squirmed in embarrassment and stared at Jotaro who seemed amused by the ordeal.
Jotaro was this close to slapping you to space.
"Just go see her before I kick your ass" the boy growled.
"Hey Jojo, what do you think I should tell her?" you said recovering from your flushed state.
"I don't give a shit it's on you."
"So you wouldn't mind if she becomes my giiiirlfriend~ ?" you said with a teasing tone.
Jotaro flinched and didn't answer for a moment.
"...Do you want to?" he mumbled.
"I don't know, will you be okay with me kissing her and holding her hand and-"
He suddenly grabbed your shoulders, turned you around and shoved you forward.
"Just walk already we're late" he stayed behind you to hide his growing blush.
To be honest Jotaro had this tiny crush on you but even he barely realized it. He was very protective of you and swore he would beat the crap out of any guys that would confess to you, but now that the opponent was a girl he was lost.
Did he have competition? Were you even interested in girls? Or even interested in trying? What should he do?
He thought you would just be a coward and act as if the letter never existed, but now you acted like you were contemplating the offer a lot and that brought a sweat to his brow.
At the end of the day, you decided to talk to Mokou to give her your answer. Jotaro decided to wait for you a few feet away where he couldn't hear what you were saying.
After a few minutes of talking and even some laughing, Jotaro saw you both hug and then separate before bidding each other goodbye. You then joined your tall friend and he didn't say anything but his eyes spoke the question for him.
"Hmmm can you guess? Did I say yes or no?"
"Cut the crap Y/N."
"So impatient! To be honest I wouldn't have minded but..." you blushed a little bit and he raised an eyebrow at you "I think... I need someone that's a bit more like you, Jojo." You added, embarassed.
He showed you a surprised face a this sudden confession. Before he could react any further you continued.
"She wouldn't have put up with me I think. She's very nice and sweet, but she probably would have dumped me after, like, 3 days. Can't blame her haha." you laughed sheepishly.
"Good." Jotaro said turning around. You were confused at his reaction.
"Good? What do you mean 'good'? How is me being dumpable any good? Hey, come back here! ...Jojo! SLOW DOWN YOU'RE TOO FAST! JOJOOOOOO !!!"
He ignored you and speedwalked away from you as you started jogging to catch up to him.
That basically was your relationship with Jotaro Kujo. There was a hint of something more than friendship between you two, but neither of you could put your fingers on it.
"Finally haaah... I caught up to you haaa, you freaking daddy-long-legs" you panted.
He smirked and grabbed you in a headlock.
"Oi, that hurts let me go!" you hit his arm repeatedly, asking for mercy.
"You said you wanted me to be your pillow" he said, dragging you back home.
You only knew that you wanted to be with each other, and no one else.
"Yare yare daze..."
"...That's my catchphrase."
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thisdayinwwi · 4 years
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The Seattle Star., Dec 24 1919
A mailman, heavily laden with Christmas packages, stopped Tuesday afternoon at 3 p. m. In front of 723 Marion St., Mrs. Fred Finke went to the floor. The mailman handed her three packages done up in holly paper and gaudy with Christmas seals and gay ribbons. One package, heaviest of the three, fell to the floor Mrs, Finke picked it up, shook it and remarked: "Never mind. There's nothing broken." She went into the kitchen, her three children-—Fred, 12; Walter, 10, and Lilly 9 clustered about her, and began taking off the wrapping. Fate kindly with Mrs Finke and her little ones when it prompted her to break open the package rather than untie it in the usual manner intended by the sender. For the package contained a deadly infernal machine. The bomb consisted of a loaded .38 calibre revolver, containing three shells, placed in such a manner in a box filled with minced dynamite and a half dozen high powered percussion caps, that it was designed to explode when the lid of the box was slipped back. The hammer of the revolver was cocked and held in place by a rubber elastic attached to the lid. The contents were tightly packed in the container by cotton. "Something told me," said Mrs Finke to be careful." Police declare the explosives were sufficient, had the bomb worked, to have blown the building up killing the occupants. The bomb was mailed Monday from Portland and the wrapper was marked with a stamp issued by the G. F. Johnson Music house of that city. Husband a Musician Finke is a musician In the Seattle Symphony orchestra. He arrived home just as his wife was examining the bomb He is convinced he knows the man who planned to destroy his family. The sender evidently knew Finke is a musician and probably thought by sending the package in a box labelled with a music company's tag it would be accepted without suspicion.
Finke furnished the detective department with the name of his enemy, and an effort is being made to locate the man, as it is believed he came to the city, after ending his machine, to learn the results. According to Finke, the suspected man was infatuated with Finke's wife, and suffered from brain disorder. Finke recognised the box in which the bomb was placed by the burned design on It. "It looks like the box that used to be on this fellow's dresser in Salt Lake City, when he roomed at my house." said Flnke. "and I am certain I remember the box." "This is the second time an attempt has been made to kill my family The first attempt was made a few months ago. when we left the children in bed and went out we returned home and found them near death, and their room filled with gas The gas meter had been sawed with a hack saw. Physicians worked four hours before the children were revived." The sender is believed by Mrs. Finke, she said. to be the owner of a mine in Colorado, who lived in Salt Lake. The dynamite, it is presumed may have come from the mine.
"I hope they catch him." she said. "He would make a fine Christmas present." Finke sats he moved his family from Salt Lake, following the first attempt on the lives of the children. He has since attempted to locate the former roomer, but without success.
There were a number of roomers in the house at the time the bomb was delivered. Among them was E. Muller, also a musician. Muller called the police, and Motorcycle Patrolman C. Rix responded to the call. He brought the bomb to the station. Patrolman Rix declared the gun was well oiled, and worked smoothly. He expressed considerable surprise that the gun didn't explode with the rough handling the fake Christmas box had received. The bomb wan turned over to the postal authorities. All three of the Finke children were home from school on their Christmas vacation. Lilly was helping her mother iron in the kitchen when the bomb arrived, while the two boys were playing in the kitchen. Altho the children are old enough to appreciate their miraculous escape from death, none seemed to be nervous. Mrs. Finke laughed and calmly inspected the contents of the death box. altho Muller, the roomer, said she did turn white for an instant, when she first removed the revolver.
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Excuse #4--I’m not enough to succeed
When I starting reading this chapter, who knows how long ago, I paid close attention. I’ve used this excuse cards plenty of times, along with ‘I don’t have time to do that’, to trick me into thinking I can’t do something I want to do. I enjoyed listening to Rachel Hollis talk about her personal journey, too, though I wasn’t expecting it.
On pp. 31, the biggest excuse she gave herself not to start her own company is that she wasn’t smart enough. I was shocked! Hollis had never studied business or entrepreneurship at a university before starting her business. I was amazed that through all the experience she acquired, especially mentioned in Excuse #3,  she could do it.
One thing that this chapter aims to teach you about can be summed up from one of my favorite quotes thus far, “Either piss or get off the pot” (Hollis, pp. 32).
When you want something, you just go for it. If you don’t have the passion, time to stop and find something you are in love with. I think that’s the softer version!
Finally, the big message from this chapter and Hollis is that you are enough. I need to know I am enough. I can listen to the facts of my accomplishments instead of the opinions of being ‘not good enough’. 
Now, get out there and make something of yourself!
Whew, let me cool down for a second, for I have an exercise you can try on your own. I’m going to try and write down mine later tomorrow to share with you.
Hollis explains an exercise to write a letter to yourself, from yourself (pp. 36). In this letter, the sender is the part of you that hasn’t given up and knows you are enough to succeed in your passions and projects.
Whenever you feel like you are not enough, write a letter to yourself. Even when you’ve written a hundred letters to yourself, keep going.
Hollis, your significant other, me, or anyone doesn’t always have to encourage you for the fact that you are enough to succeed.
It starts with you.
*Photo Credit: this photo is a blurred version of the cover from the book. The cover is originally designed by Sami Lane from the Hollis Company, and the photo credit for the front page photo goes to Jorge Macias. Text is generated from FireAlpacca (Snap ITC).
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
hello hello! express tea delivery! i have a freshly brewed tea for... holly!
the sender seems to be from... childe!
here's your tea...
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and here's your letter!
hey girlie! <3 first off - the house is fine (no, really i'm not lying, xiao is being really civil and albedo is keeping his experiments rather tame since you left). secondly, i only terrorized about... less than ten people (nine! ..... and a half....... :3) this time, so i deserve a kiss later when you come back, okay? anyway, i know you're busy with a lot of things right now, so i'll keep this letter as short as i can... [you see a badly drawn doodle of what seems to be ajax pouting] i asked zhongli xiansheng's wife to send the most expensive tea to you, so i hope you like it! apparently it's a limited kind of tea or something. i was tempted to send you each of the... types? leaves? that they have, but she told me 'tea is best consumed right away' and said no!! hmph. the audacity. [you see a badly drawn doodle of what seems to be ajax puffing his cheeks] i have so many things i want to talk to you about, like tonia and teucer's latest endeavors in cooking, but i'll save it for later when you're back home! if you need anything, just tell your fatui escorts, okay? if they misbehave, remember their faces and i'll be sure to beat them up make them learn their lesson later <3 your best boyfriend, ajax
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enjoy and have a good day! <3
The aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the faintly lit room as the witch read the contents of the letter, a smile curling her lips and crinkling her eyes.
With a wave of her hand pen and paper appeared and she pushed her glasses up as she contemplated what to write.
My dear, Ajax,
I’m glad to hear you all are behaving yourselves and I’m looking forward to returning home soon. Also Xiao being civil has probably less to do with him and more with you not antagonising him. Anyway, you want only a kiss? You know you would have received that anyway, so is that really what you want to ask for?~
I appreciate the thoughtfulness and please do pass my regards to Rin and Zhongli, the tea is delicious. When I’m back home, we can go out together again and maybe I’ll let you buy me a different kind of tea then.
Oh, I look forward to seeing Tonia’s and Teucer’s progress; after all they’re learning from the best big brother. That reminds me, I miss your cooking and can’t wait to taste it again. (Though, I hope you’re using my absence to sate your seafood related cooking endeavours…)
And please do not harass your subordinates. I told you from the start there was no need to send them with me, you know I can handle myself. Besides, there are places they can’t follow me to anyway and I feel bad leaving them to themselves while I’m gone. Make sure to compensate them accordingly for their efforts when we’re back, alright?
Until then, don’t miss me too much, alright?
With love,
P.S: When I’m home, perhaps you should remind me that I am your wife, not your “girlfriend”, don’t you think?~
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