#+ bonus – Hannah: ... wait what??
hacked-by-jake · 1 month
Richy and Hannah: *going into the forest at night*
Hannah: I’m scared in the dark...
Richy: Easy for you to say, I have to go back alone.
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galdra-studios · 8 months
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October is here! Time to pull out your sweaters, scented candles and spiced coffee, as we settle in for maximum Fall coziness!… Right after we’re done addressing the big corporate elephant who’s wandered into the room ^^0
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Last month, Unity made a startling decision that had us scrambling for a few days.
Unity is the game engine we use for Arcadia Fallen. It’s a popular tool that’s used by many indie developers, and it used to run on a monthly subscription model. But this month they suddenly announced they would change their monetization to instead charge a set fee every time a game runs their installer; more specifically, they wanted 20 cents every time someone installed a game. This sparked quite the stir online, from developers, gamers, and influencers. It was actually quite refreshing to see the industry unified for once, though the circumstances were very…urg.  Eventually, Unity reconsidered these changes and came up with something more reasonable, but we still felt uneasy. Daniel’s been reading through the fine print, and we’re not comfortable with the terms Unity proposes going forward. The difference is, they used to only charge a subscription fee for developing Unity games, but now they have added an implicit fee for distributing Unity games, which they can change at a whim and the change would also affect previously released games under the new terms. When they decide to crank up the fee, there’s no telling how it might affect a small studio like us, which is scary.
So what does this mean for us?
We’re going to continue developing Arcadia Fallen II in Unity, because we’re still on the old terms for the project, but any future projects will likely be moved to another engine. It sucks, because we’ve been developing a lot of really cool tools for our dialogue system that will now have to be remade, but we can’t risk our livelihood and the future of the studio on the whim of unpredictable tech giants. Speaking of which!
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We’re on Bluesky now as well!^^ If there’s one thing we’ve learned this month, it's that you should never become dependent on one mega corporation, so we’re trying to spread out a little. We’ll still be posting on Twitter, since Bluesky isn’t very accessible yet with their invite-only system, but hopefully it will be a good alternative to those who have left the old bird app.
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Writing is progressing smoothly. Lots of editing of the early chapters is being done at the moment to polish that section. Meanwhile, Hannah’s new sprite is looking super cute. The Illusionist prefect is ready to take on her exams with determination, coffee, and sleepless nights… Wait what?
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As a bonus this month, we also have a short time lapse of this month’s header art, enjoy~
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Thank you so much for following our journey! And we’ll see you in November for another DevLog!
The Galdra Team
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ggukkiedae · 6 months
Throwback 2018 #2 | Memories from the NCT 2018 Fan Party!
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haechan has his arm around her shoulder but spots the camera and starts dancing. She just watches him until he stops and apologizes slightly embarrassed, making her laugh
“we’re going to meet our czennies… i feel so good” he started dancing again then looked at hannah “haeeunie how do you feel?” “i feel like tonight’s gonna be fun, i can’t wait.” “dance with me!” “...”
she did end up dancing with him
you can see a clip of hannah running to her actual position, which was on the other end of haechan’s position and different clips of her paying attention to taeyong
when kun and ten are taking selfies by the nct sign on the door, you hear a faint “kun baba!” and hannah appears to take the picture with them, but ten just stares at her “oh so he’s kun baba and i’m just ten oppa?” “duh, take the picture!” and kun’s just laughing at them
she looks at ten weird when he pulled faces, and laughed when renjun called him scary “i agree with injun, and you know it’s true because it’s me and injun that agreed on something”
while jaehyun taeil and ten were doing sexy post pictures, you can see johnny adjusting the chains on her boss outfit for her
when taeyong finishes his backstage spiel, she appears from behind him, trying to figure out her mic pack, so taeyong helps her with it
then there are snapshots of their performances, and an especially prominent clip of her performing firetruck with the rest of 127
there’s a clip of her smiling right at the people in standing and handing them the balls gently
taeyong approached her “our princess, how was today?” “it was fun to have everyone together, and i got to perform firetruck as a part of 127 for the first time! i hope you enjoyed as much as i did, czennie, bye!”
bonus! during the q&a
"hannah!" "yes!" "as the only girl here, everyone is curious to know what the roles of each member is in your life" "ah, well, the oppas are all big brother figures, mark in particular is like the most realistic sibling type brother i have, chenle and jisung are my babies, jeno and jaemin are my best friends, injun is the bane of my existence, duckie's my twin, and special shoutout to kun baba! kun baba is kun baba"
"is there a member who takes care of you most?" "on a normal basis maybe johnny oppa or jaeminie" *insert jaemin's 'yes, she forgets to let others take care of her when she's with us in dream'*
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taglist: @1-800-enhypennabi @strwberrydinosaur @sunflower-0180 @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @world-full-of-roses @stopeatread
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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tufta · 10 months
in the middle of the first season, team tikki is still my favorite. I really like that corto has flaws, that she isn't just this perfect all talented girl, and that she still needs to learn, that she is brash and confident, but still trusts others and wants the best for her friends. And mouse is so adorable oh my, AND ENKI I love this nerdy boi. Kinda mad about his lips tho, french animators should at this point really know better.
Next are team Tao and Mirages.
Tao are also one of my favorite characters, especially Sun, since we got to know him a little more and better. He's so gentle and caring and just such a cinnamon roll? Ngl I really like him and corto as a ship. Mirages are also really interesting, even tho they are kinda the villains. I like Adam, he's a little cunning boi and I love that about him, but I especially like Hannah. She's great. She doesn't like Corto but there is some respect in that. She will do things according to her judgement and what she wants to do, even tho it's hard for her. I also ship her with corto, i think they would be an interesting duo.
Then the Cold Kings - there is not much of them as of now but I really like Manta - anger issues baby boi - and i can't wait to have him show up more in season two. Also, it's a spoiler, but I'm really looking forward for his and cortos relationship. Corto has a thing for Sun, we know that, and Manta is the polar opposite. It could be really interesting if done right and tbh? I think they look cute togheter, ngl
Pirates are cool, obvi, and I like their connection with Mouse. I think it's very wholesome. And characters with black circles under their eyes always have a bonus for me.
Team starfish - again, with the lips thing, they should do better. But it's a really cool concept, they are just doing it to become more popular. And they argue all the time? That's good, it brings some interesting dinamic. Plus, I love Debbie's design, her hair are so cool!
The sirens are interesting, bc even tho they use the good guy's tech - aka the genies and whale tech, they also are kinda the bad, mean guys. That's fun. Also brings something interesting to the table
Last but not least, the Bee team. I care about them the least, but still they are fun and I like their motives!
I've heard that the finale is quite shocking and I can't wait!
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lost-inthedream · 9 months
Hannah, how about morning sex with onf? (just an idea) ^^
Sorry for the long wait, my love. This came out so so soft. I hope you enjoy it!
They will be back soon!!!
Morning sex with ONF
Mostly how they start morning sex
Pairing: ONF x female reader
Warnings: bad language, semi-sonmo (with assumed consent), mentions of oral, mentions of penetration, mentions of masturbation
Bonus song rec: HOMESWEETHOME, by Yerin Baek
It usually starts with him refusing to get up and not letting you go. "What can be better than staying here with your man?" Is there any reasonable reason? Anyways, sometimes, you all just stay in bed for way too long.
Hyojin tightened his grip on your wrist after you insisted on leaving his side. Even though it was evident that he was fully awake, he started arguing that he needed more time and you certainly needed it too. He kissed your inner wrist with closed eyes, methodically going up your arm. " Also, you know I can eat pussy so well" he whispered against your shoulder.
"Boy, it's 9 AM" you chuckled, not sure whether he was truly down for it. The only thing he wanted was you lying back, right? You rested your body on the mattress, intrigued to see where that was leading you all to.
"Can I?" he asked brushing his nose on yours and delicately pulling on your waistband.
➹J-Us (Seungjun):
It starts with the two of you waking up very close. Your leg circling his waist and his face onto your neck/breasts.
He regained his conscience and nuzzled you awake. "Babe, you smell so good. Am I in a garden?"
You roused muddled, his voice calmly saying you were in his arms. It was so warm there, his breath tickled you in a good way. "G' morning, Jun" you murmured, still feeling your neck being sniffed by your boyfriend.
He alternated nose rubs and pecks all over your neck and jaw until he wanted more of you. Red patterns took your sensitive skin over and his skilled hands had pulled your strap top down. You did not even feel that coming, yet your nipples were between his fingers.
➹E-Tion (Changyoon):
You know it when you all will be making love in the morning by the kisses he traces down on your back. He never wakes you up harshly but when he is in a mood, he becomes mischievous.
The kisses he gifted you were indecent, they were noisy and it seemed like he was trying to save a melting popsicle. You woke up with your shirt rolled up and his sensual presence to arouse you. "My love," you whimpered "what do you want from me?"
"Is this bad?" he promptly asked just to turn back to his conduct because he knew the answer you would give him.
"On the contrary" you just formalize half moaning the words. Changyoon slowly laid on top of you, deliciously crashing you onto the mattress. His erection settled right between your butt cheeks while his mouth stood close to your ear "I want you so bad, let me be inside you"
➹Wyatt (jaeyoung):
On most occasions, it starts with you. You see him sleeping and even though he holds the prettiest pout, his arms are so damn bulky that it makes you curse in your head.
You kissed him good morning and whispered sweet nothings so he woke up smiley. "Please, more kisses" he requested low, in a way that have your mind speeding up. You need to hear his lazy moans in your ear.
You do as he asked for, lingering your lips on the corner of his own before saying your plea. "I wanna make love to you". He chuckled and leisurely grabbed you by the middle in order to bring you closer. His leg easily slid between yours and he started to suck on your shoulder. That had you hyperventilate in no time, like a fool. "Jaeyoung..."
A deep grunt reverberated from him every time you gasped his name. You hated the way he got you out of your mind before you could do anything. Even your hips moved by themselves so your folds rubbed against his leg.
➹MK (Minkyun):
It starts with him pretending he does not want you to wake up.
His nose brushed on your shoulder blade and he purred from time to time. You jerked a few times in your sleep so his heart fluttered in response but you were just slightly shifting position. He did not notice it but his grip around your waist tightened because of his anticipation.
After your hand stumbled from the pillow, you hooked one of his thumbs and forced his hand out of you. "Kyun, it hurts" you panted. The pout on his lips can be spotted in his voice. "Sorry, that wasn't my intention but... I'm in pain too"
You turned to face him the fastest you could, placing your face pretty close to his. Your eyes could not stay open while he admired your face with lust. "Tell me where it hurts?" you asked, starting to get concerned.
"Angel, it's my cock. I mean, I'm so hard" he confessed shamelessly.
➹Yuto (U):
You and he are so in tune that you often wake up both in a mood.
Your breathing was stable near his ear, so Yuto tried not to move. You hugged him as if he was a Teddy bear and your hand settled relaxed on his abdomen. He could not stop daydreaming about you stroking his member as the sunlight gifted your lazy bodies.
Once you woke up and found out he was killing time by playing with your fingers, you caressed his torso upwards, feeling every inch of him. "Gotta get up now, babe?" you asked.
"I don't have anything to do, plus wanna stay with you longer" he replied, letting you continue to palm him, though his touch slightly guided your massage down his shorts. With your delicate hand, you slid his waistband down and clutched his half-hard shaft.
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goldryush · 2 years
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Sweeter Than Fiction : a mark lee smau
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pairing : mark x fem!reader
side pairings : jeno x oc👀, renmin
summary : where you have grown a certain liking towards the boy who sits behind you in literature class, but here's a thing, you've never talked to him face to face. chaos unfolds when you try to befriend him in your own unique way!!
themes : social media au, university au, fluff, crack, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers, literature major!mark, SLOWburn, references to songs and different medias (musicals👀), hannah montana-ish au, LOTS amd i mean lotss!!! of taylor swift and pop culture references, mark talks like he's on stan twitter
warnings : swearing, stan twitter jokes, de@th jokes, some kys/kms jokes😔💔, my attempt at humor🫶, food!! (graphics) ++tba as the story progresses!!
(chapters/parts under the cut😁!!)
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started: sept 4, 2022!!
status: ongoing
ended: tba
update schedule : there IS no schedule. bsjkdaooraobs, I'm a uni student, and i might not be able to stick to a schedule, so it's gonna be updated, NOT according to a schedule, but definitely frequently!!😋
note : the timestamps are intentional unless stated otherwise☺️💘even i can't believe that my story actually follows a timeline
taglist: open! feel free to send an ask or comment on this post to be added :))
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☆ Profiles :: yn(s) & their emotional support squad
1. y/n's guide on how to embarass yourself
2. the problem solvers
3. rivals!!
4. heyyyyy
5. call him maybe?
6. bro,, we got too impulsive😰
7. we don't talk about hyuck
8. failed talking stage 😟 or a prank call 😣
9.1 . closure⁉️
9.2 . ladies(and mark) have a free pass
10. i want to write you a song
11 . rapper gf
12 . dumb conversations😮‍💨
13. forg_tful😞
14. laying the groundwork🫣🤭
15.1 a little break
15.2 a familiar place‽
16. in the lakes
17 . so this is what they call as cutting one's own throat ‽
18. the music industry meet up
19. *taps mic*
20. alexa play traitor
21 . so this is why jeno stays quiet
++more to be added as the series progresses
1. the start of the infamous rivalry
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a/n: hihi!! I'm back with another smau :D when i have one going on already, that too is a mark one. But i just had this idea for the longest time, and now that I'm done with all of my exams, i couldn't wait to post the masterlist finally ;-; . s/o to @njmverse for coming up with the best title ever😠‼️
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© 2022 goldryush on tumblr [all rights reserved]
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aaal-iz-well · 4 months
Okay, babe, deep breath.
Let's roll
WTF is happening? I swear to god a month ago I was checking this hashtag for updates like my life depended on it, and I had great plans for my wip's and everyone was making predictions about what the vault might contain.
Then I tell myself to start making some headway with my studies because exams are breathing down my neck and I (somehow) manage to keep away from this fandom that has been my life and blood for so long. AND ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE!!
Now we know that there are THREE books related to this fandom coming out this year and we might get Toby and Hannah and I'm so excited!
But there are two characters who have my undivided attention atm and I want to talk about them!
So now we have all the main characters, I'm so thrilled that Rohan is one of them because his story is so intriguing to me and it also adds to some much needed Indian or Pakistani (though most prob Indian) representation.
Just think about the kind of background he must have come from, let that blow your mind!
I know that he is going to have a real tragic backstory. Think something involving childhood abandonment or abuse or (most probably) separation from his loving family, coming to London, being faced with the HUGE cultural shock and the nail biting cold and relentless rain. Add to this: making sense of the weird accent. Being picked off the street to do some odd work for the Devil's Mercy. Slowly getting to know it's secrets and rising among its ranks till he reached Factotum. Falling for Zella (first love, maybe?), having his heart broken.
'cause baby now we got bad blood...
I also believe that often things are not so one dimensional and that Zella is nothing short of deserving the position. She has undeniably had her struggles with gaining the power she now holds and being a woman of colour in a royal household. But I'm focusing of Rohan here, maybe I'll make a detailed post about Zella sometime later?
These are all only theories, but I can't help thinking that it's going to be something along these lines.
And then there's the fact that Jameson is not going to be a main character (*crying emoji cause I cant seem to insert one of the proper size*) Like he has so many unfinished threads and so much family drama to sort out.
We never got to see an independent confrontation of Ian over how he used Jameson to get what he wanted, or anything about the Prague mystery!!
And I know this might be a bit controversial with some of you, but I really want to see him and Avery fight. Because ofc they are a power couple and express their love to each other in such creative ways. BUT, but you get to know so much about a character when you see their world shifting, when the one thing that they believed to be an anchor is uprooted. How they act when the other is out of orbit. AND WE SIMPLY HAVEN'T SEEN THAT FOR JAMESON. I also might be holding out for a very hot romantic make up later on, but my point stands.
So there's my little (rather late) bit, but still.
Also to those who have read my work and have been so kind to shower me with kudos and comments, I want to apologise profusely. There is a lot to come, but just not at this moment when exams are leeching the life out of me, and trust me when I say I have the most elaborate plans for the future!
Like always, can't wait to hear all your brilliant thoughts. Have a good day/night (depending on whatever time zone you guys are in)
Also please check out Lockwood and Co if you have the time because it's something that I can't stop thinking about and would love to talk about. As an added bonus, one of the mc is kinda like Jameson (and that's how you know I have a type)
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thelighthousestale · 4 days
Ship ask game:
Both for Tedoire and Hannah/Neville
what kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on?
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]?
And bonus question:
Do you think that Alice & Frank had moments in which they remember each other while staying at St. Mungo’s? Even if it’s just a glimmer of light in their eyes, or a small quirk or their lips.
Dates - I like to think Vic plans typical romantic dates and Teddy always makes a fool of himself. They go ice skating at Christmas and Ted falls down multiple times. They go rowing in a lake and Ted capsizes the boat. They make pottery at a sip and art event and he breaks everyone's bowls they just made.
Ted takes everything in stride and he may be a bit bruised, but he is not embarrassed. Vic is highly entertained and is busy trying to plan the next date where Teddy can trip and fall down during.
AU - Well now that I've finished Werewolf Registration Act of 1947 my next Tedoire fic will be Teddy's Very Inconvenient Time Loop.
For a muggle AU I think it would be fun to have Teddy be a wildlife photographer and Vic works for an NGO and they meet while abroad but oops his assignment has ended and when he ever see her again?
Dates - They go to botanical gardens and hikes in the country. Hannah has a scrapbook of flower pressings from their dates.
But they are very busy - Hannah running the most famous and busiest pub in wizarding Britain and Neville a Hogwarts tecaher which seems to be a 24 hr gig. So their dates night are usually a glass of wine in a corner booth of the pub, catching each other up on their busy day and spliting a piece of bread and butter pudding.
AU - In a no voldemort AU Hannah and Harry grow up in Godric's Hollow and Neville is Harry's childhood bff because their parents are friends and schedule playdates for them so all three grow up together.
When they are 15/16 Harry wants to throw himself off a cliff becuase he can't stand the combined will they wont they tension of ron/hermione and neville/hannah so he starts hanging out with Ginny so he can have some piece of mind back.
or wait is this a hinny story?
Frank and Alice
I think Alice had more sense of her mind than Frank. Perhaps Alice would look over and feel that the person in the bed next to her was someone important, like the visitor that gives her sweets, and maybe she shows her affection by patting his head or giving him her pumpkin juice from her food tray.
Frank is unaware of these gestures.
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sarkovslabcoat · 2 years
The Imperfects Headcanon Part 1
Juan or rather the Chupi was featured on BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural
He’s proud to accomplish something others could only dream of but at the same time he’s deeply embarrassed
he’s keeping it a secret from Tilda and Abbs for the sake of his own sanity
the episode about the terror of tacoma is one of the weakest episodes and is easily forgettable
Tilda is a huge BuzzFeed Unsolved fan and a boogara
Hannah is also a fan but a shaniac
Abbi never watched a single episode
Tilda and Hannah get together and make Abbi watch a marathon with them
Abbi gets really into the show and is proud shaniac
everything is fine and dandy until they reach the Chupi episode
ten minutes into the episode Abbi notices something
“why does this sound like Juan?”
“oh, please. this doesn’t sound like him...wait...OH MY GOD!”
all three loose their mind and Tilda is low-key jealous
 Tilda tries to call Juan but Darcy is the one who picks up
“Your boyfriend is on fucking Buzzfeed Unsolved!”
Darcy, a boogara and demon!shane truther, runs to her laptop and looks up the episode Tilda told her
Darcy is a proud girlfriend
Juan gets teased by everyone until the end of time
Tilda makes Burke watch Unsolved but she is not really into that. But Finch loves Unsolved True Crime
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
The Miys, Ch. 229
So... Kind of gave myself an anxiety attack.  Opened my current master doc (for those who are curious, this story fills 3 documents to the point of locking up my computer. Insert eyeroll here), and only saw this week’s chapter in the outline.
Scrambling to write the next chapter within the next week is NOT how I want to this to end. Everyone has been so patient with the chapters where I had to do that, and I. Am. Not. Ending. It. Like. That!
And then I saw that I just hadn’t added next week’s chapter to the outline. So all that frustration was for nothing.
This week’s recognition! Obviously @baelpenrose for sticking in here so long... geez it’s been years. @gingersnap126126, welcome aboard! @dierotenixe, because I can’t not appreciate Nixe... A character so incredible I had to figure out how to put a mermaid on a space ship!  And this week’s recognized speed runner, @mike-ks-66502-blog. As of posting you are up to chapter 53 as far as I am aware, but quite possibly beyond that, because every time I turn around you are 10 chapters past where I thought you were.  I am SO happy that you are enjoying the story... please feel free to tell me who your favorite character is so far!
Edit: And @mustachebatschaos... omg how could I forget!  You literally changed the entire course of this story!
Parvati and I were finalizing the phrasing on the dispatch to the ship and about to send it over to Hannah for one last check, when the pilot team suddenly started swearing loudly.  Launching to my feet, I saw everyone else was doing the same. “Maverick, Tyche, what - “
Klaxons started sounding, forcing me to cover my ears. “What is going on?!” I shouted.
“Weapons fire!” Evan yelled as she strode into the center of the room. “Firing from the Eko-mari fleet, away from the Ark!”
Over her shoulder, I could see Maverick slamming himself into his seat and pulling down the restraint system. “Noah! Turn that damned sound off, dude! No one can hear directions over that racket!”
My ears rang for a moment at the quiet before I was brave enough to remove my hands. They weren’t completely off, but at least quiet enough to talk over. “Parvati, start pulling up maps for people on recreation,” I ordered before trotting over to Tyche, who was swapping places with Evania. “Can you keep sitrep running with Xio?”
“On it,” she nodded. “Maverick and Evania are prepping for manual piloting and getting a better view of the field.”
“The Eko-Mari are firing at what appears to be a cloaked ship,” Noah announced from above. “Nothing indicates anything has been hit.”
Charly was halfway to the exit before she realized she had to stay put. She started pacing frenetically and held her hands to her ears. “Coffey, Nixe, we need Teeth in suspension yesterday. The Eko-mari are firing at something, and we think it’s the S’crirs or one of the other pirate ships. They have a right to know, but be prepared to sedate them.  If they leave that medbay, there’s no telling what they’ll do.”
“Alice! Are the checks done!?” I shouted, turning back towards the pilots.
“All…. most…. YES!”
“Conor!” I shouted into my databand. “Escort Derek to the nearest med bay - wait, no. Signal Sam to see which one he is closest to, then Derek to that medbay.  Bonus points if it’s - ” I cut off and whipped back around to Charly. “Twelve?”
“Twelve!” she shouted back before continuing to issue orders.
“Bonus points if it’s twelve. That’s where Charly’s family is. I’ll signal Simon and let him know, see if he’s close enough.”
“Do I need to come in and get Derek?” he asked, his tense enough that I knew he was ready to force the door if he had to.
“Noah should let him through without issue,” I responded, walking as briskly as I could without jogging to where Derek had squatted against the bulkhead, hands over his ears. “Hey,” I said softly, line still open and unmuted. “Conor is going to take you to a medbay with Sam, so it’ll be quiet. All you gotta do is make it to the door. I’ll walk with you.”
He nodded, so overwhelmed by the sudden noise and all the shouting that signing was out of the question. Instead, he rose to his feet and walked around the hand I held out.
Okay, no touching, got it, I thought, instead just making sure to walk where he could see me and getting him to the exit as quickly as possible. “Connor, we’re here.”
The door started to iris open, and before it was even halfway there, a hand thrust through with a pair of noise canceling headphones. “Here, bud.” When the door opened completely and he could see my confusion, he gave a short laugh. “When you said I may need to escort Derek away, I went and grabbed them just in case.”
“Good call,” I approved softly before handing the headphones off to Derek and kissing Conor’s wrist. “Be safe,” I whispered. “Charly filled in Nixe and Coffey, so they can give you the details.”
He dragged my hand up and kissed my palm before sweeping his arms wide to create a buffer for Derek. “Let’s go. Same drill as always - if you need to grab my shirt to stay close, go for it. I’ll big-guy my way through the crowd.  Hell, if we run into Jokul, we can practically create a bubble.”
Derek weaved past me, hands trembling while he tried to sign. “Jokul big,” he said, nodding that it was a good thing.
“Yeah he is! And he’s almost as scary as Tyche when he tries.” Conor carefully escorted Derek around the curve in the corridor. 
A high-pitched, semi-hysterical giggle echoed eerily behind them, and I forced myself back to the situation at hand. “Status?” I asked as calmly as possible.
“Additional shots fired, still none have landed,” Tyche rattled off. Her hands flew in a bizarre combination of dancing and conducting. “But the area is getting more focused, and if they hit one of the pirates, we’re going to be in a tough spot.”
“Evan!” Xiomara barked. “Which side of the ship is the fleet firing from?”
“Port, thirty degrees from our x.”
“Charly! Is the S’crirs on that side?”
Charly scrambled to contact, but received no response. Her eyes widened. “I am taking that as a yes.”
“ ‘Sorry, we can’t talk right now, we’re being shot at by your stalkers’ is pretty universal,” Arthur agreed. “Evan, Tyche, anyone with an engineering degree - how hard would it be for us to veer to starboard, and are micro jumps a thing?”
“Incredibly, and not for the Ark,” Tyche droned, focused on her invisible screens. “We may be able to drift pretty hard that direction, though.”
Before anyone could think of any other options, I saw Maverick brace himself and nod once, barely visible over Tyche’s shoulder. “Hold on to your butts, we’re bowling for buzzards!”
I had just enough time to splay flat on the floor before the entire Ark pitched hard to one side and dropped out from under me.  Vibrations rattled through the deck and into my teeth for several minutes before the rocking and falling feeling stopped.
Rolling to my side, all I could do was gasp desperately for air while screeching came over the speakers. “Hujylsogox Vessel Yjq! You have declared an act of war against the Galactic - “
“Our sincerest apologies,” Noah’s voice cut them off. I realized, not too far behind nearly everyone else, that Noah was playing the audio solely for our benefit. “We were attempting to maneuver away from the threat you detected, in the event of stray return fire. There is still a partially healed breech in the hull on the port side, and we cannot risk our cargo being exposed to vacuum. We were unaware it could be taken as an offensive maneuver, as we only detected debris in the navigatory direction.”
A quick tap to my ears showed no blood, and the resultant ringing was significantly less annoying than Tea-Kettle’s shouting, so I just rested my cheek against the floor.
“We only detected debris,” Noah repeated distantly. “Threat assessment indicated that the asteroids would do less damage to the Ark than stray fire, with eight nines of certitude.”
A very muffled, repulsive noise filtered through my poor hearing. “Your unapproved change in course has damaged several of our vessels. You will return your ship to its correct bearing, immediately, and schedule the Yjq for maintenance once this folly is concluded.”
“We fear the Yjq may need to be decommissioned due to age, but will take your assessment under advisement,” Noah agreed before cutting audio.
“The Ark is returning to original heading,” Maverick announced. “On auto-pilot, so to speak.”
“Pilot Okima, there is nothing automatic about how I navigate the Ark, especially when you have created such stress on the drives,” Noah scolded.
“You’re more automatic than I am. And the drives shouldn’t be too bad off - I used the forward momentum to make the curve.  No braking, I swear.”
“Our ideas of breaking are very disparate.”
Everything settled into a kind of dull roar, and I started pushing myself up from the floor. I managed to get on my hands and knees before scuttling to a table for leverage. “Why is this in the same spot?” I wondered inanely.
“It’s part of the deck,” Tyche groaned as she forced herself to her feet.
Awesome. Good to know.
“I have the S’crirs!” Charly screamed. “Noah, can you patch them through so we can all hear them!?”
Rather than the buzzing answer I expected, a mellow alto voice started. “ - for the distraction your people provided.”
“This is Xiomara Kalloe. Do you know how they found you?”
“Warrior Kalloe, one of our tugs experienced a drive malfunction and the captain would not abandon their freight. It is shameful.”
“Far be it from me to reprimand someone trying to ensure they get paid,” Xio assured. “Are your people safe?”
Brol’s baritone filled the air next. “All who were willing to abandon the tug have been evacuated, yes. Any vessels able to do so have relocated to follow in the wake of the Ark.”
“Can you send Charly the current locations of your ships along with expected flight paths?” Maverick called out. “I don’t want to bump into anyone, and we’d all be grateful to know how badly the birds are aiming.”
“Who is speaking.” Ix’al wasn’t asking. She was demanding.
“This is Maverick Okima, human pilot, Your Grace. Consort to Sophia Reid, and one who loves Teeth as my own.”
Consort? I mouthed, scowling.
He grinned unrepentantly and wiggled his wrist at me.
His message was waiting for me on my datapad. “They’re matriarchal, and I’m not arguing with someone big enough to kill me by accident.”
“This will suffice.” Hell, from Ix’al it was a glowing approval. “Are any other humans piloting, or are we to give you sole credit for such…unexpected maneuvers?”
“Evania Josue, Xiomara’s second, is also piloting. Tyche Reid - “
“Charly and Sophia, you neglected to inform us that your other sister is a pilot.”
“In training,” Tyche offered, fighting a feral smile. “I am navigating, currently. When Miys is not.”
“Well met.” The filter over Brol’s voice sounded like it was laughing, which I took as a good sign. “And this Evania Josue?”
“Evan, sir and Grace,” she responded for herself. “I… am not directly affiliated with Teeth’s family.”
“She stabbed you, Ix’al,” Charly added to the utmost horror of several of us. “She’s the one who removed - “
Shouts attempted to drown her out. I stared down Xiomara and did my damnedest to develop telepathy so we could figure out where to hide Evan. Pranav actually tried to tackle Charly, but failed horribly when he underestimated her agility.  The antics drew everyone’s eyes to Charly, thankfully, so we noticed when she stopped dodging and just pointed up.
That’s when we heard it.
Ix’al was laughing.
“Oh, the one who gouged out her ears!” the alien Queen crowed. “Yes, you were quite fierce! Has your leg healed fully?”
Evan’s eyes widened and she instinctively bent her left leg a few times before rubbing her thigh. “It aches now and then, but I am far fitter than I would be without the Ark’s technology.”
“Scars are trophies that last the rest of our days,” Ix’al advised.  I could almost imagine her nodding.
Pranav brushed off the front of his shirt nervously, and rocked his head side to side. “Your Highness, my apologies for the interruption. I am Pranav Ranganathan, head of data security and programming.”
“The clever one who stole the squeaking vermin’s data, yes. We recall.”
He ran a hand over his scalp in relief. “We believe we have a possible weapon to assist you. How secure is this communication?”
“As secure as it can get with pirated technology and a theoretically mythical being hiding the data,” Charly answered.
“Quite secure then, superb.” Another inch of relaxation hit him. “We solicited the population for ways to block the fleet without killing them all, to ensure we were doing the right thing.”
Brol spoke up. “Yes, a rare act of conscience for a predatory mammalian species.” A thumping noise broke through before he spoke again. “Xale, do not pretend offense. You have often chided your sister for the same thinking.”
Pranav looked confused until Charly whispered something in his ear. She must have explained Xale’s job and relationship to Teeth, because he nodded in understanding. “One of our own provided an idea that we only feel confident in half of, but it is a half that you can leverage.”
Grey, in a rare moment, raised their voice. “Pranav, biological warfare, even under the GeeCee, is considered a war crime.”
“Of sorts,” Brol agreed. “There are exceptions, but your tone indicates that this is not one.”
“It is not,” Pranav confirmed. “But that isn’t the half I’m talking about, thankfully. Derek, our…. Our Teeth, if you will allow the comparison, has suggested a computer virus.  He has even supplied the code within the proposal.  Can we send it to your people, with the express advisement not to actually run the code outside of a sandbox?”
After a brief but heavy silence, Brol spoke again. “And this is the half you are not concerned about?”
“May we ask what the half you were rejecting involved?” Ix’al broached, tone more curious than cautionary.
“Oh, sending over a load of Terran bacterial infections and viruses,” Pranav assured. “I do not approve of bioweapons, however, so I would never relay such a suggestion.”
Splashing overruled any attempt at a response from the S’crirs end, before the line went suddenly quiet. Charly glared at Pranav in accusation, but he only held his hands up and shook his head. “I said it was off the table!”
“The line is not disconnected,” Noah advised. “Merely silenced temporarily.”
“Sorry,” Charly whisper-shouted at Pranav, who nodded in acceptance.
“Our apologies,” Ix’al’s voice broke through. “We needed to calm Xale. Xe once contracted a Terran sinus infection from Teeth and was comatose for several months.”
Tyche’s head whipped over to me, and I couldn’t blame her. My eyes crossed as I stared at my own nose in accusation. Months? Really? I had been prone to sinus infections my entire life… Poor Xale.
“At least they were comatose through it,” I thought out loud. “They’re hell to be awake for.”
“We will run the program in a sandbox,” Brol advised in a rush. “If Terran computer viruses are anything like their biological ones, a quarantine is simply a prudent measure.”
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garebearandnan · 3 months
Love Island: EP16 Aftersun 2
At the VIP table is Gary's Nan, Helen.
Gary's nan, Helen: I’m pretty sure if any of us had a camera on us 24/7 at 20-23, there’d be some pretty damning footage.
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Helen: I reckon when he gets home, I'll send him to the freezer for a bit.
SUMMARY: Love Island: Aftersun is filmed at BT Studios in Stratford, East London with a live audience. It airs live every Sunday at 10pm for an hour and five minutes, straight after the main show. The show consists of interviews with dumped Islanders, friends and family members and also features celebrity guests.
HOST: O.M.G. with an extra-G. What a week our Islanders have had! There’s been some spicy drama, from Operation Nope to secrets revealed, dumpings, dates, a recoupling, and new bombshells. But before we get into all of that, tonight we have a S1 Love Island legend behind the bar. Give it up for Talia, everyone! And keeping those barstools warm, we’ve got Henrik and Rocco, who will be giving their first interview since leaving the villa. And at our VIP table, we have Gary’s nan, Helen, and his best mate, Dickie.
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New Bonue Chapter on A03 and wattpad
TEASER SCRIPT- read full script on A03 or Wattpad. Links above.
The camera pans to Talia, behind the bar and the two ex-Islanders sitting at the bar, who all smile and wave. And at our VIP table, we have Gary’s nan, Helen, and his best mate, Dickie.
Caroline: While 3 may be a crowd as far as Hope is concerned, but for us, it’s the magic number. Please welcome my naughty trio; it’s our panel: Superfans AJ Odudu, HRVY, and Mollie King.
Chelsea: Oh my goodness! I’m on my way to the Villa. I can’t believe I’m actually going in there. I’m just so excited to see the villa and meet everyone. Gosh, they all seem so lush.
Jakub: I’m buzzing to get into the villa. These guys have been here for like ten days. Obviously, they’re a bit comfortable, but you know, hopefully when I come in, they’ll get a bit of me stepping on a few toes, which I am used to. I got really big feet. (He laughs.)
Caroline: Well, he did say, HRVY, that he’s willing to step on toes. Whose toes do you think he'll step on?
HRVY: Yeah! I’m going to curveball. I think he’s gonna step on Noahs.
AJ: Let’s just be honest. I mean Jakub makes the rest of the guys look like preschoolers. 
Caroline: AJ, what were your first impressions of Chelsea?
AJ: I like her and her high-energy! She’s bubbly and sweet. I think she’s gonna do really well.
Caroline: Just when one drama calms down, along comes Chelsea dropping the news about a secret kiss. Let’s remind everyone of that moment when she dropped the truth bomb.
Chelsea: Lottie, I thought you were supposed to be the loyal one?
Lottie: I am!
Chelsea: Then how did you end up snogging Gary when you knew that Grace had something going on with him?
Grace: What the hell! So, that night, when Gary had to choose between Marisol and Hannah at the recoupling, Lottie cracked on with him!
Marisol: Wait, you kissed Gary when we’d only just couple up?
Caroline: Well, tonight we have two people who know Gary very well indeed. Please welcome his nan, Helen, and best friend, Dickie. 
Caroline: I got to ask: What’s on everyone’s lips. Helen, is your Sunday roast as good as Gary says?
Helen: I am a good cook. My roasties are up there. I think Gordon Ramsay-
Caroline: Do you feel there is any hope for Bobby and Lottie in the romance section? The girls keep saying he’s a nice, sweet guy, he’s certainly attractive.
AJ: I like Bobby. He has such a playful and boyish energy. I think he still has a crush on Grace. Maybe Priya too.
HRVY: I think Bobby has good chemistry with several of the girls, and after a night in the hideaway, maybe something a little bit more than that with Lottie. He’s still trying to figure it all out.
S1 Talia at the Bar
Caroline: Talia, You know what it's like to be in there at the start. Especially if you haven’t found the right person. Is it important to lay it on thick and pick one person quite quickly or should you be holding back and waiting?
Talia: I think, early doors for many Islanders still, it’s good to keep your options open. If you put all your eggs in one basket, it can be very difficult and it can end up shooting you in the foot.
Caroline: What are your thoughts on Bobby and Lottie?
Talia: I think now it’s very much a friendship vibe. He does seem to care about her well-being. I like seeing that fun side of her when she’s just chilling with him.
In The Beach Hut
Caroline: Live from the Beach Hut, it’s Gary, everyone!
Gary appears on the big screen sitting in the wicker chair in the Beach Hut.
Caroline: How is life in the villa treating you?
Gary: Oh, amazing. I can’t moan can I? I’m in paradise. It’s probably gonna be one of the best summer’s of my life, to be honest.
Caroline: So, we thought we’d play a quick game of Rate Your Mate, since there seems to be a lot of bromances this year. Are you ready to spill the tea?
Gary: Yeah, I’m up for it. Let’s do it.
Caroline: Who is the messiest?
Gary: Me.
Caroline: Gary, who has the best banter out of the boys?
Gary: Er, the best banter has got to be Bobby. I feel like he’s been my favourite on ‘ere.
Caroline: Who has the best gym bod?
Gary: Erm… Jakub, the lad’s a beast.
Caroline: Moving on. Tell me, who takes the longest to get ready?
Gary: Oh. (he groans) Aw, mate! I’d say probably Lucas. All the hair gel.
Caroline: What do you think about Marisol and Lucas?
AJ: I think they make an attractive couple. They're both attractive and intelligent, but I think that’s it for commonality. I don’t see any chemistry between them. I think they're both place holders for each other.
Caroline: Ouch!
Caroline: It’s Henrik and Rocco!
Rocco: I didn’t think I’d be going today, to be honest. I was meant to be making Marisol breakfast tomorrow morning.
Henrik: I think I was supposed to be having a bubble bath with Lucas tomorrow.
Caroline: I know, it's not even been a week, but as you said, it feels like a long time. People already have connections. You’ve kinda got to be Mr. Steal Your Girl.
Henrik: Mm-hm. Some were pretty closed off, so it was definitely hard. It’s tough to come in and try to make an impact. You know, a few started to crack a little bit towards the end. But nonetheless, I had a lot of fun and still did what a bombshell should do.
Caroline: All right. Rocco, you were getting to know Marisol. Are you disappointed that you didn’t have more time to explore that further?
Rocco: Yeah, definitely. Time is always so fleeting when you don’t want it to be. Hopefully, I’ve given her something to remember me by. Our spirits are really aligned, like, cosmically.
Caroline: Alright, let’s get back to our couples. Obviously, tonight we’ve seen things kick off between Hope and Noah. But let’s go back a couple of days and talk about ‘Operation Nope.’ AJ, you want to start?
AJ: It's Love Island. You don't have to make excuses to graft! Just admit you’re into Noah and own your shit.
HRVY: And poor Ibrahim! He's just sitting there, like, "okay.” 
AJ: I was truly baffled by Bobby's underlying motivation for doing this. He seems to be close with every girl, so it could be that he is simply showing his support for her.
Caroline: Just wondering, does anyone fancy another quick trip to Mallorca? We have a special treat now. Welcome to Aftersun, Chelsea and Grace!
Both girls wave both hands excitedly and smile brightly.
Caroline: Chelsea, you’ve settled in really, really well. How have the Islanders made you feel welcome?
Chelsea: Yeah. Oh, my God, they’re all diamonds. Honestly, straight away, I feel like I’m just part of the weird family.
Caroline: Let’s find out how well you know your fellow Islanders. Are you ready?
Caroline: Jakub’s worst habit is biting his nails. Is that true or false?
Caroline: Lottie… had a Justin Bieber poster under her bed. Is that true or false?
Caroline: Hope’s secret talent is playing the guitar. Is that true or false?
Caroline: it’s time for another week of quickie with our islanders.
Chelsea: What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Lucas: That’s top secret! We have to maintain some mystery. 
Bobby: What superpower would you choose?
Chelsea: I’d wanna read minds, so totes. Think of the gossip you’d hear! I’d love to know what goes through peoples heads.
Bobby: Invisibility—imagine all the cool pranks you could do with this, like pretending to be a poltergeist.
Caroline: There seems to be another love triangle forming between Noah, Hope, and Priya. The latest challenge led to some saucy revelations. Priya revealed Noah is considering choosing her at the next recouple, leaving Hope and Noah questioning their relationship. Hope and Noah are on the rocks at the moment.
AJ: Yeah, it’s the moment Priya goes, “Your relationship is falling apart. Noah and I would be a better couple, and she’s gonna fight for that to happen." War declared. The moment those words come out, savage.
Caroline: It’s like the Battle of Noah, isn’t it?
HRVY: It’s great telly, innit it?
Caroline: Talia, what is it like in there when tensions are running high? Can you escape it?
Talia: You can’t escape it. You can’t get out. Literally. But, me, personally, I would just go to the daybed. Get my favourite snack and just ignore people.
Caroline: Unbothered queen. That’s why we love you.
Caroline: Our Islanders are having the summer of a lifetime in their very own sun-kissed paradise, and no two days are ever the same. This season, a separate villa called Casa Amor will be introduced. Existing couples will be temporarily separated, and the Islanders will have the opportunity to form connections with the new arrivals. 
The screen flashes to six new attractive boys and six new beautiful girls.
Caroline: After a few days, there will be a recoupling ceremony where they will decide whether to stay loyal to their original partners or switch to a new Casa Amor connection. Will the Islanders stay loyal, or will their heads turn?
HRVY: I think it’s gonna be an issue for a few people.
Caroline: Do you think our Islanders haven’t really been tested enough, Talia?
Talia: I think this type of separation will test all their loyalties and might dredge up prior relationship baggage and trust issues.
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myersesque · 8 months
here's some questions spam!
what do you think is the best joke in tgwdlm? which nightmare time episode is the strongest? would you vibe with any of the lords in black? opinion on webby? favorite character introduced in black friday? some people have said that the youtube version of nerdy prudes must die gets fanservice-y with its hatchetverse references - what're your thoughts? which hatchetverse couple is the most transgender in your eyes?
here ends the question spam
YEAAAA QUESTION SPAM I LOVE QUESTION SPAM!!! my laptop is currently updating and therefore i feel no shame doing this instead of my dissertation LET'S GOOO
best joke in tgwdlm? - augh, a hard one. idk if it's the BEST but i always lose it at the hivemind breaking out of unison and having to stop and find their notes/re-harmonise after not your seed (i've been there... SO many times)
strongest nightmare time episode - ok this is the part where i admit i am VERY behind on nightmare time and have only seen a few in random orders - my favourite of the ones i've seen is abstinence camp, though. i think it's a rlly strong, relatively self-contained story, and ofc i'm always down for a friday the 13th parody lmao. boy jerry and girl jeri are my little freaks and i love them (and ofc peter and steph my beloveds)
vibing with the lords in black? - i love all of them an unreasonable amount and would LOVE to hang out, honestly. i never stop singing so pokey would probably be fun company, and wiggly won my heart immediately since i LOVE possessed/evil toys (if the url wasn't a dead giveaway for that) and green is one of my fav colours. but honestly any of them!!! they're deliciously evil and i would love to chill (and then regret it when i inevitably face their torment BUT THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR FUTURE ME!)
opinion on webby - i haven't seen a ton of her but i think she's really cool, both conceptually and in the execution i have seen! i love how the visions she gives hannah are contextualised and start making sense slowly as you work through the show (which it took me AGES to figure out, admittedly, because i'm either eerily good or absolutely terrible at recalling dialogue, and fsr her prophecies always fell through my brain like a sieve)
favourite character introduced in black friday - i'm disqualifying wiggly bc we've established i love him already - honestly, it's a tie between linda monroe (one word: MOTHER) and ethan green (aka the sweetest motherfucker in hatchetfield, holy shit). i find both of their characters super compelling and also i'm very bisexual about both of them so !!!
were the npmd hatchetverse references fanservicey? - i mean... yeah? i don't super mind though, fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. i do wish there was some way to watch a pro shot of the show as it was on stage instead (i Lost My Mind when i found out the gerald part was originally my favourite little freak boy jerry), but i've heard through the grapevine that there's apparently a way to get your hands on a digital ticket recording as a bonus feature or smthn similar, which is good enough for me. so whilst i do think they came on a little strong in some sections (particularly hatchet town), overall i didn't mind - the smaller call-backs don't really harm the show at all if you don't get them (e.g. richie's joke abt peter looking like the homeless guy downtown is still a funny jab without the knowledge of who exactly that homeless guy is and how he's related to peter) and for fans who have been waiting for years, it's an extra little reward. i've seen some people be incentivised to watch the previous shows so they'd understand the audience's reaction to certain lines, too, so there's that. tl;dr it is a LITTLE much sometimes but i don't personally mind it and thought they were all fun
most transgender hatchetfield couple - oh you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE, i LOVE transgenderifying characters. i think lautski (peter/steph) feel very explicitly-queer gen z t4t, if that makes any sense, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't at least mention my quietly-queer first loves paulkins (paul/emma). they're like the chill trans elders (as in the community title, not in reference to their age lmao they're like 30) to lautski's spitfire trans youth. if that makes literally ANY sense
my laptop has great timing and has now finished updating (!!!) so i must return to the trenches of university coursework but this was VERY fun thank u
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trickarrows-bishop · 6 months
I created different stories from each hatchetfield timeline so there will be a lot of spoilers! in the THE GUY WHO DIDN’T LIKE MUSICALS timeline they are a 16 year old with parents (which is weird because half of my OC’s have either bad or dead parents-) they are suicidal so long story short they commit suicide because of bullying and depression
on BLACK FRIDAY they are 18 years old who doesn’t have parents but lives with their older brother Daniel, they’re both kinda poor and Daniel is like kinda addicted to drugs so, Yeah you guessed it, he make money by giving drugs which Dina is unhappy with. They are a bit, Punk? Emo? Either way they were punk clothes AKA their brother clothes which has alot of punk symbols and ‘Live laugh Punk’ t shirts. they are friends with Lex foster (Older sister of Hannah who’s friends with Webby) Dina do have a crush on her but She is dating this guy Ethan green (he is actually not bad but Dina is so jealous of him) but they accept their relationship and stays jealous. They’re kinda a second Sister figure to Hannah even if they don’t talk much. Long story short (SPOILER) a nuke hitter hatchetfield and they all…died
and then there’s the NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE
this one is a bit complicated because they know the lords in black existed since the BLACK FRIDAY, so they made a deal, they wanted to become immortal, but to do that they had to sacrifice someone so…they sacrificed they’re brother. He was homophobic in this timeline so it was kinda easy for them to sacrifice him.
ANYWAYS, in Five hargreeves (From the umbrella academy) style, they’re 22 years old (Born in 23rd November) stuck in their 19 year old body, so to make things less suspicious they go to hatchetfield high. But they don’t go often there because they been seeing flashbacks from the other timelines, which means they remember their other lives, AKA breaking the 4th wall.
they sometimes hang out with the lords in black. Pokey (the blue one) decides to brainwash them by putting some of his blue shit (SPOILER FROM THE GUY WHO DIDN’T LIKE MUSICALS) in their coffee and taking control over their body. Which turns them into…FOXINOLY
Foxinoly is like…Okay uhh
you know like…the yellow is like a goat?? Don’t know if they told you this but they have like different forms, the pictures you seen of them are their human forms, their real forms are like monsters
Foxinoly is clearly a fox, they’re the orange one in the Lords in black. They’re flirty, bit sassy but also protective over the lords in black which is apart of Dina’s personality
foxinoly and Dina is two person in One body, like DID disorder, Foxinoly is almost like an Alter to Dina, so like in the morning It’s just Dina, tired, traumatized, a bit lazy and sad, and overprotective. And then if Foxino wanted to they could take over them at any moment and then it’s Foxinoly who is in control.
there is ALOT more but for now I’m giving you their backstory and such, there are alot of Headcanons, romance, and angst as well!!
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
OK KO Let's Be Heroes Halloween Review: Parents Day and Monster Party (Patreon Review by Emma Fici)
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Happy halloween all you happy people! It's finally the crux of spooky season as we finish things off with a spooktacular at one of the many, many, manny, mannny, MANNNY, Mannnny, mannnnnyY, mAnNnNnNnNnY, man hey nony nony and a fuck you zaslov shows removed from HBO Max this year, courtesy of my pal Emma Fici. Is WBD and the regime before it being awful to this show the reason she commissioned this? No, I simply suggested it since she had me cover Ghoul School earlier this month and the timing couldn't be more perfect and threw in a surprise bonus episode entirley of my own volition. Is it a nice bonus that I both get to spotlight a show I genuinely love with a lot of my heart that got a raw deal and get to throw more shade at a company i've gone from genuinely loving and respecting to hoping badly gets taken out asap.
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So let's watch the show under the cut shall we and see what spooky fun we can have as we both meet Enid's parents.. and in the sequel to that ep some old Ghoulfriends Drop by.
I"ve covered OK KO here before, but since this review is aimed at fans of the show, fans of Ghoul School who might not have seen it, and Emma who definitely hasn't seen it, a small intro is in order. Those of you who are familiar can go wait patiently in the pup tent. I have sent a concierge ahead for you
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So in short: OK KO Let's Be Heroes! Was a late 2010's Cartoon Network show by Ian Jones Quarterly. Ian is a modern staple in the industry, having worked on venture bros for several years before moving on to Steven Universe, being one of the main creative forces behind the show alongside the show's creator, his friend, creative partner and eventually romantic partner Rebecca Sugar. He also voice acts both in his own show and in Bravest Warriors, another show on the ever escalating pile of shows I need to talk about.
While his other work is excellent, again the guy was the story editor for steven unvierse that should say enough on it's own, OK KO is really his magnum opus. It's a clear labor of love that naturally got shit on by cartoon network for the crime of having to premire earlier because HBO Max hadn't happened yet and being an action show on a network trying to stamp those out at the time, though given what we've seen with the reign of he who sucks dirty ass in thunderstorms, that woudl've been MARGINALLY better at best. My point is the show had a lot of love put into it, a passionate fanbase, vibrant animation and a wonderful premise we'll get to in a moment.. and got shat on for it. I try to be a forgiving person, but this is one thing I haven't quite let go for damn good reason.
So what's this show about anyway? Well it's simple and it's not: the world of OK KO is a world of heroes and villians, of any and all kinds, with most trying to be the best like no one ever does.. and many running buisnesses out of a strip mall, Lakewood Plaza Turbo. It's here we enter our title character: K.O., a small child of 6-10, which is how this show does ages, and it's every bit as hilarious and stupid as it sounds. He's the son of Carol, formerly Silver Spark of, the local Avengers/JLA/ JSA/Justice Pals/New Justice Team Equilvent, P.O.I.N.T. who now runs a ladies fitness dojo.
Wanting to be the best like no one ever was, KO seeks a job at Gars Bodega, ran by Carols old friend who still nurses an embarassing crush on her Mr. Gar, basically if Mike Haggar had cool shades and used to be a luchador instead of a WWF style wrassler. After some trials, trivales and Carol asking nicely, KO joins the Bodegamen becoming friends with the other far less motivated workers: Egotistical, buff, hannah barbera style alien with teleknesis that makes the old sound effect rad and Naruto style emo ninja enid.
In addition to the normal stuff: running the counter, mopping the deck which is navy for floor, and stocking boxes, they also reguarly have to fight the evil Lord Boxman, played by my dad and yours Jim Cummings who sadly isn't in these episodes, who regularly sends his stupid robot children to fight our heroes and wants to destroy the plaza because it's there. No really he can't stand the fact there's a hero place next door and has an entire episode going into withdrawls becaues he can't attack them for a day lest his investors drop him. Yes he has investors. Yes this show is wonderful
So now you know the plot there's plenty inbetween there and plenty of depth that really makes the show shine: Sure there's silly shenanigans from taking a genie in a soda bottle to court, to KO impersonating Rad for an episode simply by putting on alien antenna and Rad's nametag.. and Rad forgetting he asked for this leading to a Rad off, to a health week with tons of psas and the bots nursing KO back to health before he punches them while they all smile> This show can be utterly goofy and I love it… but there's also a deep backstory involving why Mr. Gar left point , a mysterious shadowy villian in the background and ongoing arcs.
The characters also undergo noticable and engaging character development: KO starts off fairly naive and while he remains optimstic learns from his mistake and slowly grows as a hero while grappling with his inner darkness.. aka an evil emo tweenager split personality what lives in his head, Rad grows from an obnoxious bro to the genuinelyc arring and kind person he is underneath and Enid slowly thaws her icy heart and lets others in. IT's a show with lots of warmth, character, and worldbuilding and I highly recommend it.
So with all that out of the way we can get to the actual episodes.. which are mostly self contained but I can't help ranting about what I love. They still contribute to Enid's character though, both focusing on who she is and her past and helping shade her in a bit. This first one wasn't requested, but I feel since their the only two episodes set at Enid's house and featuring her spooky family, they belong together. This also has a high possibility of being my last singular episode. Possibly. I might do the other crossovers, more on those later, at some point, but as a whole this series deserves it's own full on review which I intend to do I just have to finish venture bros and take care of a few patreon unlocked retrospectives first. But with how little time I have this may come before the amphibia review. Anyways onto the episodes!
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Family Day
It's Family Day at the Plaza and Ko is so excited he had to be put in his car seat
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Like even for 6 that's a lot.. though that's also the joke so touche Ian. Touche. Basically everyone in the Plaza Brings their parents to visit. The subtle joke that we see Drupe and Ms Mummy's mom, a sentient strawberry and a sentient mummy whose mom's somehow human because this universe found some way to make Tanis parentage even more confusing, despite neither working here at this point. Drupe just loiters outside for now and Ms Mummy lives in the back rooms. And of course as Carol points out she's here every day.
Still K.O.'s excited to meet his best friends parents and we do indeed quickly meet Rad's awkward parents, Ofrang and Theodosia. As I found out looking into Ian, Theodosia is named after his grandmother, Theodosia Okoh, who to my shock lived quite the life. She was a ghanian school teacher who designed the Ghana flag, became the first chair of the Ghana Hockey association and had a stadium named after her, and if I rmemeber right was the basis for Nana Fua, with both the Pizzas and Rad's family being based on Ian's experience as a first generation son of immigrants. As such Ofrang and Theodosia use blorp a lot and frequently embarass their son (and only rad everyone else knows their dope) with their talk of ray guys…
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NO really they refrence this joke exactly. .. why did this show only run three seasons? This is a nice moment for Rad though. While he is frequently embarassed by his parents and grumbles with introducing them…. he still told them Parents day was happening, brought them and introduces them to KO. Keep in mind Rad at this point is in the politiest term possible "a fuckboy" who hangs out with a giant teenage baby and a walking armpit, which both sums up wht they are and their personalites. While KO's shown he has a heart beneath the air of obnoxious douche he puts on, it usually has to be dragged out of him. But here he brings his dorky awkard parents without any reservation, at most is exasperated in that sterotypical teen boy way. For him that's a lot. There's no ego or boasting, no Recess style attempt to replace his parents with cooler parents. Bringing his parents to the event is a low bar, sure, but the fact he cleared it without needing an entire episode to says a LOT.
No the one who didn't bring her parents is Enid, which does make sense: Enid is intensely private, with her pasts with Elodie (her best friend/possible giflriend who abandoned her for a shot at the big times and insulted her) and Rad himself (Who she had a crush on.. and who totally fucked it up by being an obnoxious cloud of axe bodyspray on the advice of aformentiond armpit and genetically modified baby), only coming out thanks to Elodie visting (Enid kicked her ass all over the plaza, though tthe two later properly reconcile next season. More on that when I get there some day), and Cupid forcing the issue respectively. Cupid in this universe is buff and dope as fuck by the way. I didn't NEED to mention that.. but I wanted to so here we are.
Enid claims their on a mission, nopes out of her shift (with Rad hilariously going "We have shifts?", as the show is not afraid of poking fun at itself), and thus KO and Rad decide to do the responsible thing.. and stalk their friend to her house to find out what she's hiding.
That would be unsettling.. if it wasn't so hilariously done with KO casually telling his mom "We're gonna go spy on enid" with a simple Kay from carol and Rad's dad giving him a ray gun.
Our heroes tail her in Rad's sweet van. Dendy, KO's stoic best friend his age and presumed future wife isn't in it this time which is weird. Maybe she had a piano recital. What they find shocks them as Enid's house is a mad monster mansion, enid dresses as a witch, and in his EXACT words, Rad tells us her parents are "A Hot Vampire and a Hot Werewolf". Which tells us Rad is bi.. as did the intensely homerotic dance battle that the crew entirely knew what they were doing with earlier in the season. This show is gay as fuck and I love it for that and about 100 other reasons
Naturally the trained ninja catches them spying on her.. but so do Enid's parents, so they get inside and Rad, being rad, naturally asks a bunch of questions about general spooky stuff such as skeletons in the closest to Wil ("We do but we don't like to talk about them") and bats in the belfry ("I do hang up there sometimes" ). Rad is back to being the shitlord we know and love and Enid can't stand it for understandable reasons. The boys even get invited to dinner, but not before meeting Enid's brothers boris and Icky, a frankenstien and a pumpkinhead respectively. Now you may be asking how the hell any of this works given Bernard's a Wolf, Wil's a Vampire, and their children are none of those things. And that's kind of the point. Sometimes the show has iron tight canon.. and other times it's world runs entirley on nonsense with little to no explination. It's part of it's charm: it knows when to properly explain shit and when to just have things be delightful cartoon nonsense, like the sun being a sentient being with sunglasses you can surivive being thrown into.
So the dinner is naturally our adorable monster couple showing off Enid's baby pictures.. and her dancing in a pizza for no reason while she prays for death btu death won't come. Meanwhile some ghosts hide bellow and decide they aren't getting enough attention so they plot to attack.
Naturally KO being a baby boy baby lets slip Enid's a ninja and her parents are again it, as "Ninjas aren't scary". And it's.. honestly hard to watch despite you know… it being two monsters complaning about their daughter being an anime ninja. While this is more hiding your career than say a sexuality or something, it comes off that way, with Enid being utterly terrified her parents know. Granted the most the two do is not be happy with it, but it's still sad to see two people who were perfectly happy turn on their daughter in an instant.. not too harshly but just enough.
Thankfully the ghosts posses her friends.. which usually isn't a godo thing but having to fight these two idiots not only shows off JUST how powerful B and Wil are… but allows Enid to say screw it, go into ninja mode and summon jutsu a giant shadow monster that whollops their asses in the most terrifying way possible, while Wil finishes the job by swallowing their souls.. and spitting them out. I mean the ghosts are their guests. Can't kill them and the most they did was run arround and do shenanigans. Their fine. They know not to fuck with Wil now.
What's nice though is that while , naturally Enid's parents now see Ninjas can be scary, the real nice line is them bemonaing how they coudl've been so "ignorant". I often forget tha tline but it's the thing that makes this episode work. Without it it just comes off as "oh well your talent is like us we like it now" and more them realizing they were wrong to not only not see it could be.. but to not let their daughter live their life. Totally cool with her being bi though. I mean it's been on her bike for ages, they know. Also she brought her girlfriend home so it's kind of a big sign. They hug, Enid decides to invite them and we ge ta suprisingly nice moment from Rad, who admits he was laughing sure, as he puts it "you know I express myself in the most obnoxious way possible" but he related, also being embarassed by his parents. It was in good fun. And Enid invites the two to visit some time.. you know when their invited and not following her home. That's creepy. Stop it. Happy end for all.
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Monster Party
So we've come to the series halloween episode , one of two but the other I may save for th efuture, the full series review or just whenever. And with this we need to talk about the shows crossovers.
See crossovers don't happen a ton these days and when they do their with shows that are both on at the time or are in the same universe, like Steven Unvierse's classic crossover with uncle grandpa that should not have worked but is one of the series funniest episodes, or Milo Murphy's Law season 2 opening crossover with Phenias and Ferb… which hopefully will get it's own with hamster and gretel. Please.. I fucking need this please.
So it makes OK KO's crossovers stand out: Ian didn't entirely avoid contemperary crossovers, as Rad showed up on the shortly lived and underated Mighty Magiswords (ANOTHER victim of the Zaslav curse) for what ended up being it's finale, and Season 2 had the epic and worth it's own review Crossover Nexus, with KO teaming up with Garnet, Reboot!Ben Tennyson and GO!Raven to stop a generic villian and save CN City.. yes from those old promos.
But that last bit is what really defines Ian's crossovers: Ian goes for what he WANTS to crossover with no matter how weird it is often going back to the very begingings of cartoon network. As such KO met captain planet and WOULD have met Space Ghost had it not been for the tragic passing of George Lowe and Martin C Crocker, and later met Sonic the Hedgehog, a crossover that took until season 3 to get through Sega but thankfully happened. Maybe sonic MOnth next yeah hmmm? He even provided a finale to his early webcomic RPG World despite now resenting the thing, finding a healthy way to end it and give his main character Hero closure.
So while this crossover was a nice suprise, in the context of the show it's not. The real shock is that he pulled this off: that despite being in an era of Scooby Doo where they constantly tried to act like real monsters didn't exist, they let Ian do a whole episode on characters who surely did. Granted part of it was likely that Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are absent. The former two get mentioned offhand, and the latter is naturally persona non grata, but at least gets a spirtual mention as Rad does his own version of the scrappy rap. It's still amazing though as unlike the other crossovers which are just "our heroes happen to end up in a crossover and it's fun and stuff", this one, while having some small elements of that, weaves the girls into Enid's backstory. Had the show continued they could've shown up AGAIN based on this ep alone. It's one thing to have a crossover it's another to weld them to your universe but Ian got away with it and made it look flawless. Well almost. The episode has issues but makign the Grimwood Girls a part of Enid's backstory and old friends of hers isn't remotely one of them.
As for how our old friends get in here, it's fairly simple: Enid's enjoying a day off when her parents announce her old Ghoul School friends are visiting. They told her but well.. she was on her phone which i'd call a stupid teen sterotype.. but as a grown ass man I also often miss important stuff being on my phone or tablet, so fair play.
Enid is actually happy about it, only put out because she's in her day off clothes, and talks to Rad about it as she was already facetiming him. KO is also there hiding in Enid's pot, although given he's with Boris and Icky I theorize he was hanging out iwth them as he's everyone's friend, and just so happened to hear about Enid's old friends.
The show also does a good job explaning why despite being a friend of the girls Enid wasn't in the movie without her feeling forced into the backstory.. by simply using Enid's own backstory: Enid was at Grimwood before the film, but not being happy bein ga witch, she transfered to Lakewood where she could be her ninja self, and as Ashly Burch so brilliantly delivers it "Met the people who ruined my life, including your stinky butt". A mixed bag.
Rad HAS evolved to the poitn he's not fucking shit up intentionally.. but he still fucks shit up, bringing up how it'll be a shock Enid isn't a witch and get sin her head so we naturally get a "character pretends to be what their not episode".. which is EASILY the weakest part of this whole thing. Like even if they call her their witch, anyone whose seen Ghoul Schools knows these girls: Their acceptable, loving and kind. They'd be fine if she was a Ninja as it ends up bearing out. They accepted a 20 something jughead clone, a great dane and a smaller great dane who raps. They can accept a Naruto Ninja. So there's no real supsense or anything. Not only that as KO says
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Enid has grown past needing to hide from people or being open with people, so this plot really dosen't work and feels like it was plotted out a season ago before the POINT Prep arc crystalized how far she came as a character.
Yet the episode works for the same reason the film did despite it's own flaws: The Girls. The Grimmwood Girls are every bit as kind, lovely and welcoming as they were int heir own movie and we get the same amount of spooky fun. Their older now which fits and also gives us ages for the older girls: mid-middle school, probably 7th or 8th grades as their slightly taller than enid in a flashback, which is done in the style of ghoul school, so likely when Enid was in 6th grade since most of her drama happened in 8th, so Enid either transfered mid-year or during 6th and as we saw the school takes most ages, though given the girls have left it they've either graduated or went on to ghoul high school. Either way I think it's neat. It's still vauge, the show loves vauge ages as we've established, but in a way that's easy to figure out. The Girls designs aren't touched much though, still looking like their iconic outfits just teenage versions, except for Tanis and Winnie who are still childrens since they were only 4 or 5 in the original. Elsa gets the biggest change having a longer flowier dress and more normal sandals instead of the platform ones from the movie, but their all great and they adapt to the OK KO art style easily.
One thing that's also barely changed.. is the voice actresses. Incredibly all but TWO Va's returned for this. This is shocking both because only one of them was all that active these days, and because Cartoon Network gladly paid the money for all of them. Not only that the only two that don't return are due to circumstances beyond th eteam's control: Marilyn Scheffler sadly died, so Natalie Palimedes steps up as winnie while Patty Maloney was retired due to injuries discussed last time, and thus Kristin Li stepped in as Tanis. BOth do a great, job and I could only SLIGHTLY tell with Tanis and still had to look up who was replaced. Susan Blu, Pat Musick and Russi Taylor all return, all stepping back into their old rolls like the 80's were yesterday. Russi in paticular was INCREDIBLY lucky as she sadly passed on the year after this episode aired. It shows her talent that much like Teen Donald that same year, you coudln't tell how bad her health was and her delivery was as good as ever. I truly miss her and i'm greatful she got to play Phanty one last time.
The five characters feel like they never left us, being just as joyful, full of puns and happy. The episode works so well because while Enid was rectonnced into the group, she serves as as stand in for us: someone who hasn't seen these girls for a very long time and are utterly happy to see their old friends again, vibrant as ever with all their old quirks, sibella's hair cape and winnie using all fours in tact
We also get to see the girls be badass, as clearly like many of us Ian wasn't really happy with how the whole last act went down, and shows just what the girls are capable of after years of extra honing of their powers with the episodes best scene: the monster showcase, with the girls deciding to show off all their powers. Their funny, charming and entirely badass: Winnie makes a replica of Michealangelos david in seconds with her claws tazzmanian devil style, Tanis casually reads while lifting up Enid's Parents Doom buggy WITH Ko and Iggy inside with ONE strand of her hair, phanty posses Ko for a sec and makes him do a jig, and Elsa shocks herself with a kite
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Sibella easily wins the show though, revealing that in addition to her old bat form she can now create a SWARM of bats, usese them to create a stage mid air and dances with a gentleman also madeo ut of bats.. before going all red eyed and fangy and eating his head whole
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Like she was always the strongest of the group, but god damn. Also Phanty is just.. so fucking enamored the whole time. I didn't think i'd be shipping these two but here we are.
While KO chastises Rad for hecking up… though he's in Jail so he's thankfully been punished for his hubris, it's a whole runner, Enid tries doing a spell but it's been so long since she tried magic, she can't remember them and brings a tree to life.. that eats the children.
Enid is forced to admit her shame.. and while against his plot dosen't work for me the resolution is as obvious.. as it is Grimwood. The girls are not only utterly HAPPY for enid being a nInja.. but always knew, her having dropped her manga in said flashback which we go back to and all it getting out of Phanty is a "oh that makes sense" before they all smiled. THey love enid for Enid not being a witch just as they love scrappy for scrappy and not being a dope ass rapper. They all hug.. then kick a tree's ass as a team. Seriously give these girls a spinoff I beg of you. i get Warner isn't making good decisions but come the fuck on. Phanty posseses it, elsa pries the kids out, and enid uses her shadow possesion jutsu to stop the tree while Sibella rescues the girls and swallows the tree's soul, all cuimlating in rad arriving from the moon in time to lay out rhymes. All in all a fantgastic episode> is it perfect. No but can it entirely coast on reuniting all these amazing characters and having a ton of heart and charm just like the original film? Hell yeah. Consider joining my patreon, follow for more reviews, thanks for reading.. and Happy Halloween!
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e17 inside man (w. andrew dabb)
why are y'all's bedrooms so far apart? say it's downright miraculous what with the time in hell etc, if dean (or sam) aren't regularly having screaming night terrors.
so we're all gonna lie about everything, all right
SAM All right, well . . . It's playing in Wichita, so I might not be back till morning. DEAN Well, I trust you. Make good choices.
what a weird thing to say.
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little freckle appreciation with the blood sigils
small cuteness with dean pranking sam's room. except the toothbrush in the armpit :S gross, dean-o
this entire conversation between cas and hannah, i'd turned off captions so i thought he said "anna" and i was so distracted trying remember if anna was dead or not i missed the whole thing lol
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laughing semi-hysterically at yet another surface product placement (this is the third at least and i know i point them out but i can't fucking find anything with tumblr search. i knew at least one was with charlie so i had to go find posts on her episodes, to find the post with microsoft and surface, both which returned bupkis in the search I HATE YOU. it's like posts aren't indexed, can't site:search them either -- EDIT I FUCKING FOUND IT because i was looking up this ep for 10x18)
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it's silly but it's a little weird pet peeve i have that tv people with short hair never touch it even if it's somewhat reasonable that when you have junk in your hair you don't wanna touch it. i have my hands in my hair constantly (better i mess with my hair than bite off chunks of skin hey hey) so i recall seeing gifs of this moment like hallelujah (but i figured actually it was on a gag reel because when do characters ever do this? NEVER) anyway. all to hustle some pool and look a little disheveled haha
and a wink at the bartender ok
CASTIEL I'll break it down. SAM Dude, dude, dude. Chill. CASTIEL What? I'm helping.
haha that could be his tagline. what? i'm helping 🥺
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so dean is bored and wants to start some shit so he's gonna hustle these dudes in the least subtle way possible and maybe if he's lucky he'll get to beat some people up?
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always here for the bonus competency (i had to search the wiki for scenes dean was playing pool in a later season so i could figure out what fucking episode tag to put in my blog search [9x17] because searching for "competency" "rack" "racking" etc no. *incoherent rage*)
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oh, dean.
BOBBY Hell, I'm already dead. What's the worst that could happen?
shut your mouth, bobby!
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pretty shot. i like how the knife is reflecting a little strip of light on his face. and he's all anger ball up top and very carefully cradling her head lol
ROWENA You're a good influence on him. That's why you need to die.
lol okay. not the grudge against the men of letters and wanting to get whatever shit they have stashed away in the bunker. can't remember really at all what that episode was even about that they were together in
BOBBY Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
no escaping the mob or the winchesters
ANGEL RADIO The Bobbys are fighting back. All hands. We need all hands. They're surly. I repeat, the Bobbys are surly.
this is so ridiculous :p what is dean up to with crowley
CASTIEL Dean doesn't know we're doing this. BOBBY Well, that's a page right out of the Winchester playbook, ain't it?
it's funny because it's true
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CROWLEY She says I've gone soft. DEAN You have. What? Yeah, maybe it's all the human blood that Sammy pumped into you, you know? Maybe it's, uh . . . I don't know. I don't know. But the old Crowley, he would have come in here with hellhounds and demons, and he would have blown the roof off the joint. Now? You didn't want to fight. You wanted to talk. And maybe I've changed, too. Here I am playing Dr. Phil to the King of Hell. Never saw that coming.
waiting for a hug, relive the good old times. so i'm getting more reunited exes vibes than i ever got of boyfriend vibes from their brief fling during demon!dean times
CROWLEY Because . . . We're family. Blood. DEAN That's not the same thing. A wise man once told me, "family don't end in blood," but it doesn't start there, either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's there through the good, bad . . . all of it. They got your back . . . even when it hurts. That's family. That sound like your mother?
you know, i am enjoying this weirdly sincere interaction but doesn't really mesh with where they left things off with the blade debacle
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stop it, bro.
sticking with the ass-tiel, still got a laugh from me unfortunately
METATRON Oh, I'm afraid I am. I know about the Mark. I have your Grace. I make the rules. It's called leverage, boys. Learn it, live it, love it.
he's not live laugh loving getting his grace yoinked and being shot in the leg
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:p goofy
BOBBY’S VOICE “Sam . . . So, this is weird, huh? Look, I just wanted to say that Cas told me what you're doing for Dean. And I'm not asking you to stop, but maybe going behind his back ain't the best idea. Your brother, he can be stubborn. But I think he'd understand. And I know it's the life, doing a little bad so you can do a lot of good. But sometimes the bad's real bad and the good, it can come at one hell of a price.
that's putting it lightly. anyway, i'm glad we're getting someone to tell him straight and plain to one of their faces, to stop fucking going behind each other's backs. and giving them the benefit of the doubt that they'll understand if you explain.
I ain't there on the ground, and whatever you do, I know you'll make the right choice. You're a good man, Sam Winchester . . . one of the best. And I'm damn proud of you, son.
takes a little emotion out of it when all i can think is You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
How Two People Came Together - Part 28
I just wanted too say thank you too everyone who as stuck by me writing this fanfic, it was my very first time writing a fix about Jake and MC. Thank you for all your support and your love on this fic :)
MC'S and Jake's wedding day
The special day had arrived Lilly and Hannah had done an amazing job, setting up and arranging everything they had chosen the black lake for the wedding. As MC and Jake wanted an autumn wedding it was the perfect spot. They had chairs set up with burnt orange and red fabric wrapped around the chairs, there was an archway make out of flowers and sticks on the floor was a red carpet scattered with different coloured leaves. Going down each side of the carpet was lanterns with candles inside. Wrapped around the arch was lights in the shape of orange leaves setting it off really nice.
MCs dress was a long burnt red dress that flowed onto the floor, complete with red roses as the bouquet. Hannah and Lilly where the bride's maides Jessy,Lilly and Hannah had on matching pumpkin coloured dresses. There was a large long table set up too the side with glasses,plates and decorations.
Jessy had spent the morning with MC getting her hair and make up done, this was one of the first nights since being with Jake they had spent apart. Jake stayed the night at Richy's, Jake wore a burnt red suit with a white shirt and red tie. This was the first time Jake had ever had too wear a suit. Although he did feel uncomfortable he knew it was for a very special day.
The time has arrived Jake was waiting at the archway for MC too walk down the isle the music started too play. Friends and family were all gathered round as they watched MC walk down the isle. MC and Jake had bought written their own vows
Jake: all my life I have been looking for my sole mate, I never thought it possible too be this happy I have found not only my sole mate but my best friend and the love of my life. I will love and protect you for the rest of my days MC you are truly the love of my life.
MC: Jake you are my now and forever I have always dreamt of falling in love, I didn't really know what love was until the day I met you. When we met I fell more in love with you than ever before, you are my best friend and sole mate I will forever love you now and always.
The rings were placed on each of their fingers and they shared their first kiss as husband and wife, everyone got up and clapped on celebration of the happy event there was a lot of happy tears from friends and family especially Hannah,Lilly and Jessy.
It was an amazing day and evening
everyone gathered round too watch MC and Jake share their first dance as husband and wife. The rest of the evening was magical these was lots of laughter and celebrating. As the night drew too a close the group of friends had arranged a car too take the newly weds off on their honeymoon. They had all come together and got them tickets too Paris they would be staying on one of the best hotels in Paris.
MC: Omg!! Guys thank you so much I love you all so much
Jake: this is truly amazing thank you everyone for this amazing gift
Cleo: it was the least we could do you have both become very special too us and we wanted too thank you
Jessy: don't worry about Daisy me and Richy will take good care of her, video calls will be round the clock so don't worry
MC: tears of happiness fell from MCs eyes
Jake: we love you all, we will miss you Daisy be good for your auntie Jessy and uncle Richy.
They all said their goodbyes as Jake and MC got into the car on their way too the hotel where they would stay for the night then off too Paris in the morning.
The end
P's there will be two bonus chapters of Jake and MC on their honeymoon ;)
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