#&& eternity series
seraheart · 4 months
I kinda wish that the DetCo canon would do more with the fact that the relationship (I don't mean this in the shipping sense) between Conan and Haibara has been, or at least logically should have been, really strained for a long time.
Originally, they had this development where Haibara was really messed up, overly cautious and trying to force her maladaptive survival psychological issues onto other people, and generally not good at positive interactions. Then, slowly, Conan and the others started gaining her trust (not entirely though), and also her general mental health improved (never completely though).
But then it turned around, and started getting significantly worse. Haibara isn't really in a healing arc anymore. If Aoyama still took her seriously as a character (which, to be fair, I don't think is the case), she would be in a retraumatization arc. Conan and his allies are limiting Haibara's agency, invading her privacy, dismissing her concerns about all this, and pretending that this isn't happening while she can obviously tell that it is happening.
I think the really obvious turning point was the Mystery Train arc. Haibara even called Conan and Agasa out on it and stated that she wouldn't forgive if she were to be treated like that again. Instead of taking her hurt seriously, they just told her she should "be thankful", and dismissed her hurt as "tsundere", refusing to take her trauma seriously after using it and using her as a mere chess piece in their plans (and Akai even triggering her more by gloating about it).
Since then, Haibara has been trapped under the constant, violating supervision of these people who have demonstrated that they don't respect her, and also refuse to acknowledge that the problem even exists. It's not a situation where her recover arc could realistically continue. By all logic, she should be spiraling, getting worse again.
And maybe this is on purpose; Aoyama definitely didn't plan the manga to get this long when he introduced Haibara, and originally the slow-burn of her recovery was a good way to postpone a scenario where Haibara could actually trust Conan enough to give him the kind of information that would lead to the finale arc. But... eventually, even with the extreme slow burn of DetCo, Haibara's recovery arc and relationship development with Conan would have gotten to the point where her continued withholding of crucial information would no longer make sense... and, I guess, rather than start concluding the story at a humanly reasonable rate, Aoyama just opted to nuke Haibara's whole recovery arc and character and relationship development (not only with Conan but also Agasa).
Which could have been tragic but realistic (albeit kind of a major downer out of tune with the manga's usual tone, and upsetting to anyone who had been invested in the slow-burn mental health improvement arc), but then Aoyama can't even be arsed to take it seriously, and is now just pretending that the situation with Haibara and her relationships with Conan and Agasa are still "normal" instead of FUBAR.
It's regrettable and really shows how much everyone dragging out this franchise to milk it for more money just... doesn't actually care about the story anymore, hasn't in a long time. They'll eventually just kill central, fan-favorite, long-running story arcs rather than actually letting them conclude or evolve in a satisfying manner if that would mean risking their precious status quo (which has warped beyond all recognition anyway, so I'm not sure why they bother).
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keepthebeanscool · 4 months
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sensing a theme
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astericias · 6 months
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more CRINGE au stuff boo!!! anyone remember when they hid in the ground in double life because they were the only greens. this kinda takes place in their little hiding spot :))
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cairafea · 1 month
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On the idea of Theseus's Ship: in the end, it's still his, isn't it? It was known as Theseus's, and it will continue to be known as Theseus's.
Even after he has returned to the ground which grew the wood of the hammer used to nail the ship's frame, Even after generations of new wood have rotted and the sails are rags clinging to threads, Even after millennia,
it will still be Theseus's Ship.
Thank you for bringing us home.
Goodnight, Phosphophyllite.
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rayandgay · 9 months
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Don't you ever have thoughts like that? (subs by @DE4RKAZU)
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I dare a motherfucker to tell me Batman isn’t the funniest bitch in comics
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enden-k · 4 months
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i regularly replay my all time favorite games for comfort and nostalgia and rn im brainrotting again. have VIII/SxS in 2024
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spirk-trek · 5 months
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Galactic Discourse Fanzine (1977-1987)
Monopoly: Merle Decker, 1980 || At Ease: Nan Lewis, 1980 || Sledding: Toni Hardeman, 1983 || Pillow Fight: TACS, 1987 || Sand Castles: ERIC, 1987
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3-aem · 15 days
i unironically genuinely despise jjk with all my being and spirit sometimes im not even saying this to be like jokes haha i genuinely from the bottom of my heart wish this series did not exist or that i could at the very least have treated it the way i treat like…attack on titan or something
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b3l0v3dzz · 5 months
When Cleo wins the next life series the winners group is just going to be the most divorced group you’ve ever looked at
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clarkgriffon · 10 months
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REVISITING PRIDE & PREJUDICE: PART TWO ↠ The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012-2013)
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Six becomes Five
Inspired by @brittle-doughie and his few works about the 5 Beasts! The ones were the reader being a part of their group caught my eye, so have this!
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You were Compassion, brilliant, and beautiful. You aided the Cookies in their times of need, when they needed you most. Helping them up to their feet, using your powers to heal them, to soothe arguments. Your friends were once like that too.
Shadow Milk Cookie loved to put on plays for the Cookies, and have them join in. He'd always give you one of the main parts alongside him. It was only fair!
Burning Spice Cookie was always so valiant in defending them, with Silent Salt Cookie by his side. The two were nigh unstoppable, and with you near to always heal any wounds, they really were.
Eternal Sugar Cookie would often join you in aiding the common Cookies, always lounging on her cloud. She always made a spot for you, though. Mystic Flour Cookie would tag along too, going on and on about things seen. It always made you smile.
Until.. something changed.
You didn't notice it at first. It was subtle things, especially whenever you weren't around. Being cruel and hateful towards the Cookies, seeing them as lesser. For not having the power baked and blessed into you six.
You only saw it all too late when your comrades gleefully recounted all that they had done during one of your meetup sessions. You were briefly in shock before shakily congratulating them. You didn't want to anger them. You couldn't take all five of them at once in a fight..
However, you didn't need to wait long. Your Creators, the Witches, soon saw this and upon seeing you untouched by greed and corruption, asked for you help.
Mournfully, you agreed.
You called them all to the spot, saying you had a dance you wanted to show them. A special one, just for their eyes. It was difficult getting them in the exact spots, but once you did..
The Forks fell, trapping them one by one. You continued your dance until the sapling of the Silver Tree was planted, where you then bowed to them.
None of them could understand. Why would you betray them?
Why were you walking away?!
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For so long following that fateful day, you tried to stay there in Beast-Yeast, but it wasn't possible. Many of the remaining Cookies, that were the Faeire Cookies, couldn't bare to live there any longer.
So you said a mournful goodbye, and led the Cookies that wanted a new home to a new home. Crispia, you decided it would be called. Once many Cookies began to settle, you turned and left. You couldn't bare the thought of becoming like one of the Beasts, so you secluded yourself, changed yourself.
Your divine appearance, your name, everything. Once a Cookie representing Compassion, now you were a mere shadow of yourself. The only thing that stood constant was your Soul Jam, now a beautiful amulet around your neck instead of attached to your clothes.
It was the one thing you couldn't part with, no matter how hard you tried.
You rebuilt yourself. Made new friends, connections, loved ones.
Until the day came.
You had to return to that land to find White Lily Cookie. You didn't want to, but for the sake of the world, you had to.
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Oh, it had all gone so terribly wrong. White Lily Cookie had awakened, you had your reunion with the Faeires, and then the Seal began to undo. Try as anyone might, it couldn't be resealed.
And from the rift.. came Shadow Milk Cookie.
Without a single thought, you put yourself between the group and him.
He opened his mouth to say something, but when he spotted you, his pupils went wide.
After so long of being trapped, hidden away by the seal and vines, Eternal Sugar Cookie's constant wailings about you being tricked, manipulated, or brainwashed had gotten to all the Beasts. It was the only explanation, it had to be.
And as Shadow Milk Cookie grins widely down at you, obession in his eyes, you swear to yourself.
You really shouldn't have come back to Beast-Yeast.
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firstkanaphans · 6 days
So I literally just started watching We Are today, but it’s been impossible to avoid some of the unfounded criticisms about it over the past few weeks where people are calling it a waste of time or not queer enough simply because it’s a fluffy romcom. Watching the series with that in mind, I found this conversation in the second episode particularly enlightening.
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Sometimes you want a series that makes you think and sometimes you just want to watch something because it’s fun. The fantastic thing about Thai BL is that they give us both. If fluffy romances are not your thing, there are plenty of other options out there, but it’s important to remember, especially during Pride, that showing queer happiness on screen is just as important—if not more important—than showing queer struggles.
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astericias · 5 months
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au drawing
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ibenology · 7 months
I am not listening to anyone Loki WAS looking at Mobius when he said “it’s about who”
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rayandgay · 7 months
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You've tried your best. No need to say sorry.
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