surducktapewallet · 6 months
What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
Reminder that boycotting DOES work, there is historic proof! Don't let anyone discourage you otherwise!
The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. Companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling such huge, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
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surducktapewallet · 7 months
…happy Halloween..
swifties are either straight or in the marauder fandom
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surducktapewallet · 7 months
Im sorry but what happened to Ariana’s “One Last Time” music video??????
Istg she had one. Like it was my fave when I was younger and I’d watch it 20 times a day?????
How tf did it js disappear????????
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
How many owls do you have to see before you start thinking it’s weird?
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
Cardigan and Wolfstar are crushing my soul rn.
Actually, Folklore and ATYD are hurting me rn.
Never a happy moment in this fandom, ESPECIALLY this month. Not ready for the 31st.
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
Ok… I’ll re-read atyd again…
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
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surducktapewallet · 8 months
how did you get banned on soundcloud?
A month ago during the “soundcloud is going down” scare I wrote a script that basically downloaded my entire corner of SoundCloud at incredibly abusive speed and got bandwidth-banned for a month since CloudFlare detected it as a mass DDOS (which is fair I mean I was downloading like terabytes of data)
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
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chapter forty-two of BETTER BY YOU, BETTER THAN ME
↳ read on ao3
November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realises.
/ or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
chapter summary:
Mall guys. What a fucking accolade. Stupid games and stupid prizes, right? Eddie and Steve share a glance, the sort of glance they’re used to sharing, at this point, and then Steve looks beyond Eddie to Robin, and gives her the same kind of glance.
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
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because all the cool kids are doing it: my big bang with @daysarestranger drops in a month!!
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
big fan of when grief drives characters to do fucked up things that are ultimately pointless and do more harm than good rather than just like. going to therapy
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
Thinking about YouTuber Steve who’s gaining a lot of popularity with his weekly vlogs. The routine is very similar: he goes to work, hangs out with friends, acts silly for the camera, cooks for his roommate, watches movies with his roommate, goes out with his roommate.
His roommate is there a lot.
His new growing fanbase doesn’t take long to divide into factions regarding Steve’s dating life and sexuality; There are ships, OTPs, people who want him single so they can date him, and a surprisingly small portion which questions his heterosexuality, which gets always shut up by the following compelling arguments:
“stop assuming he’s gay.”
“Steve doesn’t look gay. He’s just a guy, a former jock, who loves to cook and hangs out with friends. A friend more than the others, but it’s his roommate so it makes sense, right?”
“And yes, they do cuddle while watching movies, but who doesn’t love a cuddle? You don’t have to be gay for that.”
“Sure, they hold hands when they go out but the city is crowded and they might lose each other.”
“Since when two male friends can’t be close without assuming that they’re gay?”
“Have you ever seen them kiss in ten minutes of weekly vlog? No, so drop your gay agenda already.”
And Steve Harrington, who started the whole vlog thing in the first place because he wanted to update his friends who live miles away and still doesn’t know how he got this much heteronormative bullcrap in his comments, has had enough.
One day, Steve Just-A-Guy Harrington, wakes up and chooses violence.
He replies to a tiktok comment that says “stop assuming he’s gay” with another video.
It begins with Steve glaring at the camera “oh yes please, stop assuming I’m gay.”
Then there’s a quick motion and Steve is pulling a curly haired guy into frame: Eddie, his roommate/platonic friend/totally not his boyfriend of 5+ years.
Eddie yawns, looking sleepily at the camera “are you vlogging?”
“I’m proving a point” Steve replies, then kisses him. They almost get lost into it, but Steve is a man on a mission, so he pulls back and turns to the camera.
“This is Eddie, my boyfriend. Not a friend who’s a boy, you delusional homophobes, we are together, a couple, in a relationship. We haven’t been just friends for over 5 years. We live together, he isn’t just a roommate.
And even if he was just my roommate, do you think I would live with this” he squeezes Eddie’s cheeks between his fingers and zooms in to show his face up close. Eddie blinks a couple of times, but let’s Steve do whatever he wants.
“Do you seriously think that I would live with this 24/7 and stay straight? Like, are you insane?” He gives Eddie a quick smack on the lips, leaving him blushing and more confused than ever.
Usually, it’s Eddie the one getting almost feral over Steve, not the other way around.
He doesn’t complain.
“So yeah, stop assuming I’m gay. Because I’m bi, you homophobic little shits.”
The video ends with Eddie pulling Steve for more than a quick peck on the lips, and Steve throwing the phone on their couch, face down.
Somehow, under Steve’s video, there’s still someone that comments “I mean, this doesn’t mean anything. It’s just bros helping bros, right?”
Steve is too busy making out with his “bro” to read it.
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
"i'm gay" "i'm straight" okayy?? i'm a peanut bar?? and i'm here to say your checks will arrive on another day??
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
Sorry, lol, I’m not usually like this lol. I’m like bleeding from my vagina lol. lol.
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surducktapewallet · 9 months
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i love these notes and unused dialogue bits so much (from the original pilot script)
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