starcrashx · 2 months
This school wasn't different from the one that Galen attended so far. The only difference was that now he had Luke and Leia. The two took it upon themselves the big brother and big sister role although Galen was technically older than them by 3 months. When a boy wanted to make fun of him for being so skinny he could feel Leia's ten thousand yard stare drilling a hole into the bully. He was never alone because Luke always accompanied him almost everywhere. The only time he could get some alone time was when he went to the bathroom. All in all it wasn't bad and he enjoyed helping the two with homework.
"Galeeeeeen help meeee. Chemistry is killing me!"
"No! Galen help me please with algebra!"
"Why aren't you asking me for help?" frowned Anakin from across the table.
He got two judging stares from his kids.
"Come on! I'm really good at math." said Anakin.
"I can help you both so just sit down." motioned Galen.
After a good 2 hours of tutoring both of the twins got exhausted.
"Can we visit the Fett cafe please! I wanna eat the siblings special cake." whined Luke.
"Yeah sure why not. Galen was never in the cafe anyways." said Anakin.
The twins seemed to gain back their energies and sprinted out the door while yelling shotgun. Galen followed suit and got in the car. The ride wasn't long but it was sure loud. When they set foot in the store a familiar face greeted them.
"How is our favourite family?" asked Fives with a grin on his face.
"Hi Fives, Echo, Cody and Rex. We are fine thanks for asking. How is the business going?" said Anakin and shook hands with Fives and Echo who apparently were the waiters at the place.
Cody poked his head out of the back and Rex was at the cash machine.
"As busy as it gets. We had to bring in some helpers." smiled Cody and stepped out of the door, reviling two more family members.
"These are our cousins. Just call them Waxer and Boil."
"Nice to meet you!" smiled Waxer.
"We heard a lot about you guys." greeted Boil.
Anakin started chatting with Rex while Waxer took over the cash machine. Fives led the kids to an empty table and asked what they wanted. Leia requested a slice of matcha latte cake with lemonade. Luke asked for a slice of that super special cake with hot chocolate. Galen was a little lost between the selection.
"I think...a slice of vanilla cake will do." muttered Galen.
His social skills were better now with the ones he already knew but it was still far from perfect.
"But that's what you had for the welcome party too!" objected Luke.
"Let him have what he wants Luke!" scolded Leia.
"I know. But that's the only kind of cake I'm familiar with." replied Galen.
"Can I make a suggestion then?" asked Echo who popped out of nowhere.
Galen nodded.
"Do you like fruit Galen?"
Another nod.
"Then try strawberry cake! It's still a basic cake and it has vanilla cream in it too with white chocolate."
"Okay." said Galen and nodded at Fives.
For something to drink he simply wanted water. What can he say, he was a man of simple things. While waiting for their order Anakin found his way back to the kids because Cody accused him of holding up Rex.
"So how is school? Everything alright?" asked the father of the three.
"Good. Except that the Solo kid is around Leia again." said Luke and made a face.
His twin rolled her eyes.
"It's none of your business!"
"Well he knows the rules." said Anakin plainly.
"He didn't speak to me for two weeks because you scared him too much dad! Besides it's nothing, he is just a friend!" said Leia who was clearly annoyed by the topic.
"Han and Leia sitting on a tree-" started Luke but couldn't finish because Leia practically jumped at him from across the table.
Galen watches the chaos unfold he knew better than to interfere. So Anakin had to save his son from getting choked to death. After this Galen will have to find a silent corner of the house to read. His social battery is being drained right now.
"No killing Leia! And Luke, don't provoke your sister because if she gets really angry even god won't be able to save you!"
Galen snickered at that because it was true. However that caught the attention of the other three. Great. He can deal with this.
"What about you Galen? How is school?" asked Anakin.
"Well...not that bad. I mean...yeah it's fine." said Galen while debating if he should mention the fact that people pick on him sometimes or not.
"I like being with Luke and Leia. And I got a good mark in history."
Anakin smiled.
"That's great! I'm relieved that everything is fine then."
Leia and Luke looked at eachother and then back to Galen. But they couldn't question the missing information since Fives came back with the orders. Anakin got coffee and some chocolate cake. It was his regular order at the cafe. After the little dessert the kids went out to the car while Anakin was saying his goodbyes to the Fetts. Galen had to admit Echo's recommendation was good, a little too sweet for his taste but still fantastic. Leia approached him with a concerned look on her face.
"Why didn't you tell dad that some guys pick on you?"
"It's not a big deal. They just say some mean stuff. I'm used to it." said Galen dismissively.
And it was true he was used to this kind of thing. In his old school they used to pick on him for being weird and poor. Nothing new.
"Well we can deal with it for now right Leia?" said Luke confidently.
"I know I just don't want this to get any worse than it already is." said Leia.
"I will kick their tailpipes if they are mean to Galen again." offered Luke.
"That's...not necessary Luke but thank you. Both of you. I appreciate it." said Galen as he watched Anakin wave his last goodbye.
"Hold your sword like this." said Anakin and showed Galen how to hold his fake sword correctly.
The boy decided to try fencing. It could be a great topic between him and his new family. Obi-wan was practicing with Luke while Anakin was teaching Galen the basics. When the taller boy looked at his adoptive brother he couldn't help but get amazed by how good he is with a sword. But the same goes for the older members of the family. Ahsoka just spared with Anakin to put up a good show for her nephew.
"I'm going to have a contest tomorrow." said Ahsoka while watching Galen take some practice swings.
"And you will absolutely destroy the competition." smiled Obi-wan.
"Nah. Not this time. Barriss is also competing." said Ahsoka with a sad smile.
"That little! After all what she has done they still allow her to compete?" fumed Anakin.
"Yeah! She should be banned." agreed Luke which resulted in a playful smack from Obi-wan.
Galen glanced back and forth between Ahsoka and Anakin, looking for answers. In the end Ahsoka sighed, signaling that she gave in to her nephew's curiosity.
"Barriss Offee was my friend in high school. Her mom and Obi-wan were friends so we saw each other a lot. Barriss's mom was one of the judges of the Fencing Competition Committee so she also practiced fencing. So we started competing against each other and well..." trailed of Ahsoka so Anakin continued the story.
"Barriss became jealous of Ahsoka since she always was ahead of her and won most of their encounters. At the Fencing Championship they got paired against each other once again. Ahsoka won fair and square and when she turned her back Barriss charged at her and injured Ahsoka's leg. She was unable to continue the competition due to that injury and she had to be taken to a hospital. I thought Barriss was banned from competing."
"Maybe her mother lifted the ban." said Luke.
Obi-wan shook his head.
"Impossible. Luminara would never do such a thing. Even for her daughter."
"Then someone else did it." said Anakin.
"We will never know since someone was too lazy to attend meetings." pointed fingers Ahsoka.
Obi-wan made a dramatic sigh.
"Ahsoka Tano Skywalker Kenobi how dare you!"
Galen snorted and looked at Ahsoka. She signaled that of course that wasn't her real full name.
"What? It's true! I bet it's the new teacher that demanded all your attention." laughed Ahsoka, completely forgetting Barriss.
"You! Miss. Satine has nothing to do with this!"
"Obi-wan teaches history at Coruscant University. Miss. Kryze is the new politics professor." whispered Luke to Galen.
"He's a teacher? It kinda suits him actually." answered back the taller boy.
"Satine and Obi are sitting on a tree!"
"Agh what are you, five?"
"Déjà vu." sighed Galen.
"You are both five." said Anakin.
The two glared at him.
"I don't want to hear that from you Anakin "would it be fine to microwave the spoon too" Skywalker." argued Obi-wan.
"Yeah! Stay in your own lane Anakin "building a rocket to a car is a good idea" Skywalker!" said Ahsoka.
"You guys did not just go there!"
"Oh but we did!"
"They are supposed to be adults right?" asked Galen.
"I like your wording. Supposed to be. But they are literally sharing two brain cells." laughed Luke.
"At least Ahsoka isn't sad anymore." murmured Galen.
"Yeah. You could say anything to this family but you cannot say that we don't care about each other. We got everyone's back. And now yours too Galen." smiled Luke.
And for the first time in his life, Galen felt like he belonged somewhere.
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starcrashx · 3 months
At the end of the day Anakin picked up Obi-wan, Ahsoka and the kids to head home. Luke was excited to tell the other three that they met Galen at lunch time, and that the boy saved them from starving. Obi-wan raised a brow.
"You guys made Galen go into town?!? Alone?" scoffed at the kids the ginger man.
"He isn't little. And he clearly nailed it." shuggered Leia.
"Still! What if he gets lost? Corusant is not a small place like our village." said Obi-wan.
"But he didn't...I hope." muttered Leia the last part when she realised she forgot to check in with Galen if he made it home or not.
"And come to think of it he gave all the money back to me."
Anakin practically stomped on the break.
"Anakin." raised his voice Obi-wan.
"You guys are telling me that he has no money and is probably still wandering in the city?!?" shouted Anakin and wiped out his phone to call his adopted son.
"Skyguy please drive I will call him." said Ahsoka and Anakin slowly put his phone away to start the car again.
Ahsoka rang Galen's phone while her niece and nephew got a lecture from her brothers. Fortunately the boy picked up.
"Hey Galen! Are you home?"
"Of course. Do you need something?" said the boy with his quiet tone of voice.
"What a relief! We thought you got stuck in Coruscant without money." said Ashoka and saw that her older brothers visibly relaxed.
"What? No of course not. When will you guys come home?"
"We are like 3 minutes from home. See you soon." said the girl cheerfully.
"Good it won't go cold. By!" Ahsoka wanted to ask what won't go cold but the boy already put down the phone.
"You two are lucky that Galen can handle himself." huffed Anakin.
"It was a good idea to hand him some pocket money Anakin I will give you that." said Obi-wan.
When Anakin parked the car into the garage he noticed that it was cleaner than before.
"Uhh which one of you cleaned the garage?" asked the man.
"It's your responsibility." said back Obi-wan who just got out of the car.
"Do you guys smell that?" asked Luke when they entered the house.
There was a faint smell of chicken soup in the air along with fried meat.
"Anakin you finally did the mopping!" exclaimed Obi-wan when he noticed the floor was free from dust.
"And apparently Ahsoka did the shopping." muttered Anakin and pointed towards the yard where the laundry was drying.
"Well if it's not some ghost that came to clean our house and cook then I can only think of one person that did this." brushed his beard Obi-wan.
The little team went deeper inside the house to find Rex in the kitchen drinking coffee.
"Rex? What are you doing here buddy?" asked Anakin and tapped the other man's shoulder.
"Wanted to check on the lil guy. I came here to find him struggling to carry two bags of groceries and dog food. I helped him carry them inside and from that moment on he made coffee for me and I watched him cook. He is hella skilled with a knife I will tell you that." said Rex and took a sip from his coffee and pointed to the dining table that was stacked with food.
"You mean Galen cleaned the house, did the laundry and shopping, brought Leia her bow and cooked?" asked Anakin with disbelief.
"And I also folded Luke's clothes and fed AR-2." said Galen who entered the room with an apron on and the said dog trailing behind him.
His adoptive family was stunned. Their silence made Galen worry that he did something wrong.
"I-I'm sorry if I went overboard-"
"Kid Jesus Christ you have been more productive in a day than us three combined." said Ahsoka who was the first to sit down at the table.
"You know how to cook?" asked Obi-wan who was the last one to sit down.
"Well I helped out at the kitchen in the orphanage a lot. I was preparing for the possibility that I won't have a family so I wanted to learn as many life skills as possible." said Galen and sat down next to Rex.
Luke grabbed his spoon and took a sip from the soup. He smiled happily and turned to Galen who was still in the kitchen.
"This is so good! You saved us from starving again." giggled the boy.
The other boy smiled back fondly at him. He thought his cooking was mediocre at best, so he enjoyed the compliment.
"Luke's right this tastes good! But please do us a favour and rest for the rest of the day." said Anakin.
"Just so you know you didn't have to do any of this so that we love you okay?" said Obi-wan.
"I did it because I wanted to make you happy." muttered Galen his voice barely audible.
"We are happy just by you being with us!" smiled Ahsoka and got up from the table.
"Give me a hug my little nephew!"
"Uh Ahsoka about that-" but before Anakin could stop his sister the girl was already in the kitchen.
Galen flinched when the girl embraced him. His hands lingered in the air around his aunt while the girl squeezed his face. When she pulled away Anakin spoke.
"I wanted to tell you Galen is not a fan of physical touches."
But it was too late Galen already felt himself tear up. He wanted to hold it back like all those times before but he found that this time, he couldn't. Hot streaks of tears rolled down his cheeks before he could stop it. Ahsoka visibly got scared that she hurt the boy and took a step back.
"I'm sorry I didn't know! I'm so sorry Galen-"
"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just... Physical touch always reminds me of her. And I always get the urge to pull away because I always remember her." whispered Galen and wiped his tears off with a napkin that Rex gave him.
"You mean your mom?" asked Luke with sadness in his voice.
"No...my friend, my only friend. June was awesome and much braver than I was. She was murdered in an alleyway while protecting me. I miss her so much. And I can't get rid of the thought that her death was my fault." said meekly Galen and started sobbing harder.
Anakin stood up from his seat and went over to Galen. Obi-wan and the kids also creeped closer to the crying boy.
"I had no idea you were carrying such a huge weight on your shoulders Galen. I don't know what happened back then but I can say this with the most certainly I have. That it wasn't your fault. No matter what happened or how it happened I know for a fact that it's not your fault." said the man.
Galen got off the stool and slowly opened his arms. Anakin also slowly embraced the boy and stroked his back.
"You can tell us anything. We will always be here to help you."
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starcrashx · 5 months
I have an Au ✨idea✨. You know what that means? Info dumping time!!!
So this Au is called Descendants of the Golden era. Fancy right?
It's way after Rey established the Jedi order. The Siths are more popular this time around because it was common knowledge that mainly the Jedi restrictions were the ones that led to the suffering that most of the universe. There isn't war between the two factions per say but they tend to clash from time to time. In this era crime literally doubled and the Jedi order had a hard time to help out when half of the galaxy doesn't trust them. However there are more force users than ever, most don't join either faction, some join the sith and a few to the jedi and a small percentage operates on their own.
Our main protagonist is Hero Morington Kenway. She is an 11 year old padawan (not so legally but the order will have to deal with it) who is a strange case. To top it all she is a psychopath. Yes. But other than not feeling much emotion and a habit of copying others behaviours and not knowing much social cues she is fine. She is the padawan of Mobius Marek the son of Starkiller. No one knows how old he is or what exactly he is doing but they let him anyway cuz he is OP as hell. He trained Hero under extreme circumstances and after that he said now it's your turn to make your own choices and left for milk.
Our other protagonist is Kor'iwa a nautolen who just got knighted. He became the glorified babysitter of Hero, and he puts up with her nonsense with a smile on his face. He is always calm and collected the total opposite of Hero actually. He is an extremely strong force user however his dueling skills are not so good. That's where Hero helps him out. Hero has an unusual condition. This allows her to channel the force inside her body and enchant her speed and strength. She can lift a building...not broken at all. But other than enchanting she can't do anything with the force. So they basically complete each other and with this new found alliance they try to help those who are in need, keeping as many rules unbroken as possible and trying not to make more of a mess than there already was.
⭐I will add new characters and a deeper character study too stay tuned⭐
0 notes
starcrashx · 6 months
Two kids rushed down the stairs into the kitchen. Luke grabbed his head, while Leia chased him with a quiver. Galen was sitting beside Ahsoka at the kitchen island, eating breakfast.
"Leia! Stop threatening your brother's life! Luke, explain!" said Anakin sternly.
"Leia thinks that I stole her bow but I didn't! I swear!"
"Then who did it?" asked Leia and pointed accusingly at his twin.
On cue AR-2 the dog of the family entered the room with what seemed like a stick in his mouth at first.
"AR-2!!!" said Leia in disbelief.
"Told you." said Luke.
"Alright, sit down and eat. AR-2 give me that." said Anakin and the dog obeyed.
"Are mornings usually..." started Galen but Ahsoka finished it for him.
"This crazy? Yes."
"You said it. Not me."
"Galeeeen! I can't wait to show you around school." said Luke excitedly.
"Welp you have to wait until tomorrow then." said Anakin while munching on a waffle.
"Why?" asked Leia who was still hung up on the betrayal.
"I kind of forgot to do the paperwork so he has to wait until tomorrow to start."
"Obi-wan told you to do it in time but you said later and this is the result. Congratulations." clapped her hands Ahsoka.
Anakin only rolled his eyes.
"Shut your trap Snips. If you guys are done let's go. I have work to do."
"What about practice! I can't go without my bow." protested Leia.
"Leaving out one practice won't kill you." answered Anakin.
Leia huffed and walked off with her plate. After that Anakin turned his attention to Galen.
"Unfortunately I couldn't find anyone who could stay with you at home. But I trust you that you will be alright. If something's up just call any of us and we will come to the rescue." said Anakin and handed Galen a phone.
"It's yours." said the man after Galen's confused expression.
"Oh um you shouldn't have, this is too much I can't-"
"Accept it? C'mon Galen you are a part of this family now. Of course I will provide you with everything you need. And spoiler alert this isn't the only thing we will buy for you." said Anakin.
Galen smiled and pocketed the phone. He quickly learned that there is no use arguing with this man anyways. After Ahsoka and Luke ate, they followed Anakin outside to the car. Leia turned to Galen before she exited the door.
"Look I need your help. Can you go to the Hunter's sports shop today? It's in town but I think you are a capable person and you will solve the travelling problem. I already told Boba my order, just say my name he will know it. After you get it bring it to me in school."
"I will try my best." nodded Galen.
Leia smiled and hugged the boy. Galen flinched back and before he could decide what to do the girl already retreated.
"I knew I could count on you, brother!"
That made Galen smile.
"Oh yeah before I forget. My piggy bank is hidden under my bed. Well more like it's taped under it. Take it and don't tell Luke." she said before sprinting out the door, leaving a very confused Galen behind.
When everyone was gone Galen found a bus for himself on his new phone. He decided to take the 11:00 bus so he had time to kill. He decided to do something productive like mopping and sweeping the floor. He walked to the little storage room under the stairs. On the door there was a neon green stick note.
"Anakin it is your turn to do the mopping! It's been a week, just do it already." Obi-wan.
Well Galen guessed he could do it for his adopted family. The house was pretty big but nothing Galen can't handle. When he was cleaning in the kitchen he noticed another note.
"Ahsoka, stop leaving the spoons all around the kitchen." Anakin.
"Well they wouldn't be there if Obi-wan would do the dishes on time." Ahsoka.
It seemed like the family had a person issue with house work. Galen guessed he could wash the dishes too. He can't use the dishwasher but it won't stop him. When he was done in the kitchen he went upstairs. He went in the bathroom to find more stick notes.
"Note to anyone that is going to the store: I put out 50 dollars on the bookshelf please buy washing powder." Obi-wan.
"It's Ahsoka's turn to do the shopping." Anakin.
"I'm busy with school rn so you buy it yourself or wait until I'm done." Ahsoka.
Galen checked around the washroom and there was not a single washing powder, but just for safety measures he will check the self too. He will buy washing powder too. He ventured into his and Luke's room and he wasn't surprised the least to find pink stick notes on the boy's desk.
"Luke fold your clothes please. Your wardrobe looks like the portal to Narnia would be a high way." Anakin.
Galen peeked into his adoptive brother's wardrobe to find the exact scenario that Anakin described. He thought he could do a favour for Luke, after all the boy had been nothing but kind to Galen. He folded the clothes neatly on top of each other and hung those that fell off the coat hangers. After that he went to Leia's room to take the money and to clean her room too.
"Leia honey the dust is so thick that a sneeze alone could create a sandstorm." Obi-wan.
Galen found that Leia started the cleaning but stopped halfway. So he picked up the duster and finished the job for her. He also found the piggy bank as instructed and took all the money from it, just for safety measures. He went back to his shared room just to find a small sticky note on his desk.
"Dear I put some pocket money into your drawer. Use it as you please." Obi-wan.
Galen was surprised and a little giddy on the inside. He checked to find 50 dollars in there. He pocketed enough for two bus tickets and went downstairs to check the bookshelf. There was the money that Obi-wan mentioned and as Galen counted that was more than 50 dollars.
"Here is this week's shopping list:
- Starcrunch Cereal
- 1 gallon of water
- Super clean wash powder
- 2 carrots
- 1 lettuce
- 5 onions
- a bag of salt
- chicken wings
- dog food for AR-2" Obi-wan.
Galen took the money and the list. He put all the money into different pockets so he knows how many he should give back to each individual. He checked the clock and as much he wanted to start mopping now that he is done with sweeping he had to go to catch the bus. AR-2 run to him for head pets before he left. He loved this dog so much and he was glad that the feeling was mutual.
Upon arriving Galen was slapped in the face of how big Corusant was. It's not like he didn't know the city (from a higher view point too) but now he felt so small compared to the huge buildings and crowd. He hated the crowd. But he will manage without freaking out. Leia is depending on him so he won't be stopped. He used his knowledge on the city to find Boba's shop. It was quite the walk but he is used to it. And if he used some of the alleyways to shorten the route Anakin didn't have to know. When he entered he met with a man that was oddly familiar to the Fetts.
"Welcome to my shop little guy. What can I do for you?" asked the man who was leaning on the counter leisurely.
Galen swallowed the ball that was forming in his throat.
"Good morning sir. I came for Leia's order." if his voice was shaking the man paid no mind to it.
"Oh you are his new brother that she spoke of. Wait for me it will only take a moment." said Boba calmly and disappeared behind the shop.
Galen was able to look around the shop while the man was gone. There were a lot of weapons in different calibers displayed in the shop. The walls were decorated with animal heads. The shop had some fancy bows and arrows too. When he walked towards the counter he noticed a few pictures. On one a young girl was holding a trophy. She was really similar to Leia so Galen assumed it really was his adoptive sister. Next to it there was an older man and a small boy with a gun, both smiling next to a dead bear.
"That's my father Jango Fett." spoke Boba who spooked Galen so much he jumped back and almost tripped. The man snorted and put the bow on the counter.
"So...you and Cody..." started Galen but Boba finished it for him.
"He is my older brother yes. I guess you already met my family."
"Yeah. How much?" asked Galen pointing at the bow.
The deal was sealed easily and Galen said his goodbyes to the man. Then he got a notification when he reached an internet café that had free WiFi.
Did you get it?
Great 👍
I will be outside
Okay. I will be there shortly.
You are my favourite brother
What about Luke?
What about him?😂😂
Galen smiled at the messages. And as Leia promised she waited patiently outside on a bench. When Galen came into view she smiled and waved at him. Galen awkwardly copied the gesture and handed the bow to the girl.
"You did it! And I didn't have to bribe you to do it. Thanks a ton I owe you one." smiled Leia.
"Wait bribe?" asked back Galen.
Leia just shook her head.
"Don't think about it too much. Anyways I-"
"Galen!!!!" shouted Luke who came running towards them.
"What are you doing here?" asked the blond.
"Mail delivery." tried to humour the boy.
"Nice. Come on Leia we should get lunch I'm already...Wait where is my lunch money?!?"
"You forgot to pack it again? Ugh seriously Luke. Let me see how many I have...Oh shoot." sighed Leia.
"Now who is the idiot, sister." smirked Luke.
"Still you. If my bow wouldn't have broken in the morning I would have packed it."
"Please don't fight. Here. It's the remaining money that I bought the bow with." said Galen and handed Leia back her money.
"Sorry I took all of it with me! Please forgive me I didn't know how much the bow would cost and-"
"It's fine Galen chill, I'm not angry. It's quite the opposite! Now we can have lunch thanks to you." smiled the girl reassuringly.
The boy visibly relaxed then said goodbye to his adoptive family. Before he went back home he still had to do some shopping.
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starcrashx · 6 months
They are happy your honour.
You could say that Galen was terrible at social interactions. And you would be totally right. After he agreed to be adopted by Anakin Skywalker two days had passed. In those two days he was planning ahead on what he will say to his family. He composed a nice and polite greeting and even planned small talk with the twins and Obi-wan if the latter was present. The boy of course didn't forget his night outs however today his thoughts were occupied by his new family rather than her. He turned his head to the side and searched for the big dipper. He was also kind of afraid that he would forget her.
"Ready kid?" asked Anakin, who was standing before a gray car.
Galen stood before him with just one bag that contained his school supplies and some clothes. The boy's eyes were fixated on the backseat of the car rather than Anakin. The man followed his gaze and smiled.
"C'mon Luke greet him!" said his father and opened the car door.
The blond boy practically jumped out of the car he was smiling widely and his gaze held a curious shine in them.
"Hi! My name is Luke Skywalker. My father told me about you, Galen was it?" beamed Luke.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Galen Marek." said Galen politely.
"Alright let's go. We don't want to be late after all." said Anakin and Luke jumped back into the car however this time he sat on the other seat, leaving the one he previously sat to Galen.
The boy hesitate a bit. He turned around to look at the orphanage. Some of his caretakers were waving to him and smiled at him. Than he looked back at the car where Anakin already took the driver seat and Luke patted the space beside him gently. Galen took a deep breath and mentally said goodbye to his old life. He sat down beside Luke and closed the car door. He put his luggage down to the car's floor, between his legs. Then Anakin started the car and as the car left the orphanage so did his chance to think twice about his decision.
"You are really skinny." said Luke after observing the newcomer.
Galen looked questioningly at him, not knowing what is the right answer to that question. Fortunately Anakin came to his rescue.
"That was a bit rude, son."
Luke held up his hand in defence.
"Sorry but it's true. But don't worry uncle Obi-wan makes great dishes. Oh and aunt Ashoka's meat ball with tomato sauce is awesome you have to try it." rambled the blond boy.
So there were more people in this family. No worries Galen prepared for this too.
"Hey how about my roasted chicken?"
"Not to be that guy dad but even Leia's weird broccoli shake is better than that."
"Oof that was a low blow." said Anakin and pretended that he got physically hurt by the comment.
Luke giggled and Galen smiled.
"Broccoli shake?" asked Galen curiously.
"Yeah there is a rumor that broccoli shake is good for the skin so my sister decided to test that theory. This isn't even the weirdest thing she's ever done tho." explained Luke.
"Like the one time when she bleached strawberries because one of her classmates said that it was possible to have white strawberries and when she said he was wrong he challenged her to prove it?" chuckled Anakin at the memory.
"Like that. You see Galen, my sister likes to test things out and prove something is right or wrong."
Galen's reaction was a quiet "oh" at the explanation. It really was a weird habit but it was certainly better than his was.
"So how old are you?" asked Luke again.
"I'm 15 years old."
At the information Luke's eyes glint in joy. Galen thought it was rather amusing.
"We are too! That means we are triplets! Right?"
"I don't think that's how triplets work." said Galen carefully.
Anakin laughed at his son's silliness.
"Alright Luke enough questions. You will have plenty of time getting to know Galen when everyone is present."
"But whyyy." whined Luke.
"So Galen doesn't have to tell everything twice." came the simple answer.
"Aww you are such a killjoy." pouted Luke.
Galen smiled again and Anakin let out a small laugh. Maybe this won't be so bad after all for Galen.
Oh boy how wrong he was. When they arrived at a small village that was quite close to the town Galen didn't know what to expect. But whatever he did, it wasn't even close to the truth. Anakin parked before a big farm house. Luke previously told Galen that they were living with their aunt and uncle. But what surprised the boy the most is when they stepped inside the house. They immediately stepped into the living room where there were more people than Galen would anticipate. The little plan that formed inside his head shattered the moment he saw that this was a party. For him. Two girls held a "Welcome home Galen" sign. There was a huge dinner table beside the couch that was full with all kinds of food and drinks. There was also a vanilla cake in the middle with "Welcome" written on it. Galen must have been silent for too long since one of the men (who by the way looked so similar to the other 3 men that were also in the room) asked:
"You don't like vanilla?"
That made everyone chuckle however Galen panicked at the question asked not picking up on the joke.
"N-No that's... that's not it. It isn't at all, pardon my stumbling i-it's just not what I-" before he could make an even bigger fool out of himself Anakin stopped Galen with a wave.
"Relax kid Fives was just joking."
"You made the kid feel shit are you proud?" smacked Fives head the other man beside him.
"Echo language!" said an older man across the table.
"Sorry Cody!"
"God this is a disaster." shook her head Leia.
"I didn't even expect anything else from you guys. Great job." said sarcastically a ginger haired man with a beard.
"How about we sit down and eat? The food will be cold and I don't know about you but putting together that Mac and cheese was a nightmare." sighed the brown skinned girl who held the other half of the sign.
They went through all this trouble just for Galen and he didn't even show any signs of appreciation towards their efforts.
"I'm sorry for the poor reaction. The truth is I'm really bad at talking to people. I was almost always alone as far as I can remember. But I really do appreciate the effort and the work you put into this. Thank you." confessed the boy shyly.
That earned fond smiles from everyone in the room which helped Galen relax a bit. Although Luke was frowning.
"You didn't seem to have communication problems when we talked in the car tho."
"That's because, oh god this will sound weird. The conversation went according to what I planned."
"To what you planned?" asked the man on Cody's right who was the most different from the other 3.
"Yes. I do a graph about the possible questions or topics according to the situation. And then I write answers to them." said Galen slowly.
That earned a suprised expression from everyone one. The ginger haired man looked astonished Cody beside him looked rather deadpaned.
"Wait do you have those on you? I kinda want to see it." said Anakin while smiling.
"Yeah I'm curious too!" chided in Luke.
Fives and Echo made space on the table and Galen opened his bag. He fished around in it for a while before he proceeded to pull out a blue notebook. He opened it and showed some of his work. Luke was bewildered.
"Oh my god. Some of these are exactly what I said! Are you a wizard?"
"No of course not. It's just simple statistics. You can't predict the future because the future changes constantly. However you can predict the most likely question that a person is going to ask based on the situation." explained Galen.
"Jesus kid you should have socialized instead of writing these. At your age I had a girlfriend." said Fives but even he was impressed.
"Fives you are 18. And you never had a girlfriend."
"How would you know Rex! You weren't even there."
"I don't have to be there to know this basic fact."
Everyone laughed at the last comment the tension from before melted away in an instant. After discussing what a genius Galen was (he wasn't he was just desperate for good impressions) they introduced themselves to Galen and  started eating. Galen was sitting beside Anakin and Cody.
"Do you like the cake? We didn't know what you liked so we settled on a basic vanilla cake." said Cody.
"It's really good! It looked so professionally made that I thought it was store bought." said Galen politely.
Cody and his siblings laughed.
"That's because we own the Fett cafe. We also serve desserts not just coffees. It started out as a small business but now we have four shops. One here and there is another in the town too. The other two are a bit far from here." said Rex who was clearly proud of their achievements.
"You look really skinny Galen. Did you eat anything in that orphanage?" asked Ashoka.
"Well yes but we never got much since there were a lot of children and the orphanage's founding... wasn't the best."
"Then eat. You are still growing after all." said Obi-wan.
"Growing? Where? He is taller than me and Leia already." whined Luke.
Everyone laughed at his comment and the rest of the dinner was spent with small talk. Galen stumbled here and there but he thought his performance was okay. After that Anakin showed him around the house.
"Since Leia is in the age of needing her own space, you are going to room with Luke. Hope it's not a problem." said Anakin sheepishly.
"Of course it's okay. I'm used to having roommates."
Galen didn't know what he did to make that impression on Anakin that he would need his own room. He hoped he didn't seem selfish, that would be terrible. When they entered Luke's room the first thing that grabbed Galen's attention was a sword. When Anakin noticed this he said:
"Ah yeah. Back in the days Obi-wan liked to go fencing. He is extremely good at it. I was interested in learning from him just like Ashoka and it became a family thing. If you are interested too, I would be more than happy to teach you too." smiled Anakin fondly at the memory.
"I will think about it." nodded Galen.
After that everyone went to sleep and the Fett brothers left. Although Luke, Leia and Ahsoka begged them to stay, Cody said they needed to open early tomorrow and they had to bake some cakes too. Galen was staring at the ceiling of his newly shared room with Luke. The said boy was happy when his father said that Galen will sleep in his room. Now he was sound asleep. Galen missed his usual night out but he broke his habit for the sake of his new family. So far he enjoyed being with the Skywalkers. And he firmly hoped they felt the same way about him.
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starcrashx · 7 months
I present to you: Mr. Galen Social interactions aren't my strong suit Marek
Kota: You are one of the strongest force user in the galaxy, and your weakness is talking.
Starkiller: That's not tru-
Juno: Hi guys! What are you doing?
Starkiller: I'm witnessing how my argument just died.
Starkiller: Can you stop dying...for like 5 seconds!
Kota: Don't tell me what to do kid. I lived twice as much as you did.
Starkiller remembering that he is a clone: No.
Juno: The stars are so beautiful tonight.
Starkiller: You know what else is beautiful?
Juno blushing: What?
Starkiller panicking and chickened out the last sec: Darth Vader.
Luke meeting Starkiller for the first time: Who are you?
Starkiller: Vader's son's clone.
Luke: But you don't look like me at all??
Starkiller confused: Why should I? I look like myself.
Starkiller: So I'm not an only child?
Luke&Leia: Nope.
Starkiller: Okay time out. I as Vader's adopted son lived with him while his biological children were adopted?
Leia: It's complicated.
Luke: I lived with my uncle and aunt.
Starkiller still not understanding how he not met them sooner: Then I'm either blind or there are ghosts on this ship.
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starcrashx · 7 months
The stars were so beautiful. That's what Galen always thought whenever he looked up at the sky at night. He always searched for a tall building so he could feel a little bit closer to them. This night was no different from the countless ones he already had.
"Or that's just what you think." whispered a tiny voice in his head.
And the voice was kind of right. There were times he wasn't alone. There was someone who was even more beautiful than the stars above. But not anymore. Galen shook his head and bit his lower lip.
"Don't cry don't cry don't cry." Galen thought as if the mantra would stop him from crying his heart out.
From missing her.
A knock was heard from Galen's door signaling that it was time to wake up. Of course Galen was already awake and the caretaker knew this so that's why he got only a knock instead of a shout that it was time to wake up. He went through his usual morning routine and went down to meet the others. The canteen was noisy as always, Galen tried to tune them out and concentrate on his meal. It was a simple ham sandwich with a small piece of cheese inside. Galen wasn't a picky eater, he ate whatever they offered. Even with his best effort to ignore the world around him he still over heard that someone is coming to the orphanage to adopt. Galen didn't get excited as everyone else did. You see he was 15 years old. Everyone wanted a younger kid but he was already a teenageer. No one will adopt him and he only has 3 more years in the system before they kick him out to make space for younger children. So he has to concatenate on his future and study hard to achieve a better life. After breakfast Galen wanted to go back to his room to study but one of the caretakers stopped him.
"Did I do something wrong?" asked Galen quitely.
He hoped they didn't find out about his little nightly detour.
"The man who comes to us today wants to adopt older children. You might have a chance to get a family. You are a good kid after all Galen." said the caretaker and smiled at the boy.
Galen nodded and headed after the kids to the common area. He doubts that he will get chosen but he never disobeyed his caretakers. Unless you count his adventures at night. When Galen reached the common room the stranger was already in another room, probably talking to a kid. Uneasiness pooled into the boy's stomach. He didn't like meeting with someone he didn't even see beforehand. He walked towards an old bookshelf that held no more than 5 books and randomly took one off. The title said: How is it made? Car edition. Galen didn't exactly have an interest. He found everything equally interesting especially if it's new to him. The boy started reading, and almost forgot why he was in the common area. Almost.
"That's some interesting book you got there kid. What's your favourite car?" the voice that clearly called out to Galen was foreign to the boy.
When he looked up, he saw a tall well built man with mid length brown hair and bright blue eyes. He had a scar on the right side of his face that crossed his right eye. He wore a simple brown shirt and black jeans. He was in his mid 30's, Galen guessed because of the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes when he smiled at him.
"I don't necessarily have a favourite. But I like to read about more complex cars, they have much more new information." answered Galen truthfully.
The man before him smiled again, this time wider than before.
"What's your name kid?"
"Galen. Galen Marek."
"Nice to meet you Galen. My name is Anakin Skywalker." said Anakin and reached his hand out for a handshake.
Galen eyed him for a second before shaking his hand. The man sat down beside him and looked at the picture that Galen was looking at. A red pick up truck that was cut in half, showing it's inside to the reader.
"An old model huh." murmed Anakin.
Galen nodded and took note of the man's curiosity in cars. He looked at the book with knowing eyes as if he understood everything that was written down and more.
"Do you like reading Galen?" came the second question.
"I suppose. It's a good way to learn new things."
"You must be a model student at school." chuckled Anakin.
"I have good grades indeed."
"You speak like old people do you know that?"
Galen raised a brow.
"Shouldn't you be talking to kids at the orphanage?"
"I'm doing that." said the man beside him, smile never leaving his face.
Galen sighed and finally turned his full attention to the man.
"I'm 15 years old and my parents died in a car crash when I was only 2 years old. I have good grades I don't have any behavioural issues. I like to read and I'm rather reserved and quiet. And that's all." said Galen.
It didn't go unnoticed when Anakin winced at the mention of the car crash. However he was quick to school his pained expression.
"I'm sorry for what happened to your parents."
"It's okay it was...a long time ago." answered the boy quietly.
They fell into silence after that. The tension could have been cut with a knife. Galen knew he said something wrong that stirred up something in the man but didn't know what to do. Social situations were still foreign to him. Should he apologize or do nothing? He chose the first option.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." said Galen, voice barely above whisper.
The man looked surprised when he spoke up. He looked back at Galen with a small smile.
"You don't need to apologize. It's just...my wife also died in a car crash." said Anakin quietly.
He averted his gaze to the ground. Before Galen could even think about what he should do, the man spoke again.
"Right after Leia and Luke were born. We...were on our way back from the hospital when it happened." muttered Anakin mainly to himself rather than to Galen.
Galen gulped. He felt as if he was suffocating. The sad and fond tone mirrored his when he lost her. The memory was all too real. Tears were burning the corner of his eyes. He had to keep it together, he reminded himself. Galen took a deep breath before he spoke.
"I know how you feel. I'm sorry for your loss and, god I'm not good at this." he muttered the last part.
Anakin looked back up at him.
"I just...wanted to let you know you are not alone." said Galen, finally founding the right words.
Anakin nodded and put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. Galen flinched when he got touched so Anakin retracted his hand but neither of them addressed the boy's reaction. The man seemed nice to Galen however there was one thing he was curious about. As if Anakin could read his mind he said:
"Ask away."
Galen got so surprised his mouth parted a little and his eyes widened. Anakin chuckled at the reaction he got.
"It was written on your face." explained the man further.
The boy cleared his throat and approached the matter as carefully as he could.
"So uhm...you mentioned Luke and Leia. Are they your...children?"
Anakin nodded and started fishing around in his pocket. He took out his wallet which was a simple black leather wallet and opened it. Inside Galen's attention was held by two tiny pictures. On the first one he could see a beautiful young woman with brown hair and eyes. She was smiling so sweetly at the photographer so Galen assumed Anakin was the one who took the picture. On the second one he saw two small kids. They must have been around 5 or 6 years old. The little boy was also smiling it was almost like the woman's. He had bright blue eyes like Anakin and had blonde hair. The girl on his right was pouting. She was the split image of the woman Galen saw previously. Their mother.
"This is Padmé, my wife. This is Luke and Leia." said Anakin softly.
His eyes showed so much fondness. Galen decided that Anakin is a great dad.
"Sooo if you have them why do you want to adopt? I mean I don't wish to prey but it must be hard to raise them."
Anakin looked away again, hands brushing his clean face although Galen noticed the man wasn't skilled with a razor.
"It's hard to tell really. Obi-wan always tells me that I jump into a lot of things without planning. I guess this is one of those situations as well. I don't know the real answer kid, but I thought that it would be great to have a sibling for the twins. Especially for Luke, he always wanted a big brother or sister. And...maybe I'm looking for someone that could fill in the holes in our family that Padmé left but...I'm not ready. No. I'm not willing to marry anyone other than Padmé. Sooo yeah adoption it is."
Galen didn't know what to say. Which wasn't a rare occurrence. After another long silence he spoke.
"Talk to a kid called Joel. He is really sweet and kind. Dennis is also immensely kind and funny. Both of them would make a good addition to your family." Galen said who came to this conclusion.
Anakin deserves a happy family and Galen would gladly list up all the good kids he knows to help the man.
"And what about you?" asked Anakin.
"Don't you want to have a family?"
Galen opened his mouth to answer then closed it again. What is it he should say? That he wasn't good enough? That he was troublesome under all those good grades and report cards? That he was just a shell of a human, who is empty on the inside?
"I..." he began but paused.
"I don't think..." he started again but hit an obstacle once again.
"That you are worth it?" asked Anakin softly.
He asked in the same tone as he spoke about Luke, Leia and Padmé. That scared Galen and he didn't know why.
"Perhaps." said the boy finally.
"You remind me of someone I know. My big brother Obi-wan. I think you guys would be great friends if you are up for joining our rag tag family that is."
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starcrashx · 7 months
An AU idea that I just call Modern AU cuz I'm creative.
I want a functioning Star wars family. But like with Starkiller. I think it would be funny if Anakin a tired dadTM tried to fill the hole in the family that stan queen Padme left but he won't marry anyone else bc well there ain't no badass woman in the galaxy like Padme so he decides to adopt Galen death is a social construct Marek who I made the same age (for chaos purposes) the twins. The twins are chaotic af Luke is a ray of sunshine and Leia is the sunshine protector. She will play fist fight god with whoever insults her boys. Han definitely not pinning for Leia Solo is also making an appearance but the focus is on the Skywalkers. Obi-wan is the wine aunt who has more arguments with Anakin than the whole family combined. Ashoka is the youngest sibling of the trio (all Anakin and Ashoka are the adopted siblings of Obi-wan) is just filming the whole thing and makes a blog titled: Living with the Skywalkers. The Fetts are also there and while they are running a successful café business they make sure that no one dies and nothing burns. Oh and all this in a modern world. Palpatine is trying to ruin the family and has something to do with the car crash that took Padme's life. And if it isn't a coincidence that Galen's parents also died in a car crash. Hmmmmm. But who could blame that raisin ass old man politician for three people's death. It's just silly. Also Juno haunts Galen's every day what a healthy relationship.
If god and anime is on my side I will post this fic I want this more than Disney making Rey a lovable character. Peace✌️
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