soratalks · 6 years
Hey guys !
Sorry it's been so long since my last piece of content! I promise I'm working on something. I've just been working a lot recently so writing has been on the back-burner to sleep sadly. But if anyone wants a stable or some of my headcanons send an ask ! Just to have some content ;_; Thanks for understanding
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soratalks · 6 years
Heat and Handkerchiefs
Series: Love Live! Sunshine!!
Pairing: YouRiko
A/N: This piece is based off a Headcanon @thecuriousinferno posted awhile back! I was really inspired by the post and you can read it here. “Pass the popcorn, thot” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read and so it made it’s way into this fic, so thank thecuriousinferno for that wonderful line! I highly recommend their writing and blog in general and thank them for this inspiration! It’s also worth mentioning that this fic is part of a series of fics under the subtitle Four Seasons of You which is 4 fics featuring 4 different You pairings in 4 different seasons. You can read the first part of this series here but it’s absolutely not necessary for your understanding of this fic. Let me know which fic in this series you’d like to see next, Spring or Fall. Anyway, please enjoy!
It’s hot today, just as it had been every day for the past month. Usually Riko wouldn't really notice, but today she was particularly annoyed, and although in her thoughts she chose to take it out on the weather she knew what was actually pissing her off. In fact, the source of all her frustration is standing right next to her, the girl named You. Riko glances over to her.
She’s leaning with her back against the wall staring intently at her phone. She’s got on a green baseball cap, a basic black tank top, and loose fitted basketball shorts.
You can feel Riko staring a hole in the side of her head, so she turns her gaze away from her phone to stare back.
Riko is wearing a pink floral patterned sundress; You thinks Riko looks over dressed for a movie, but shrugs it off for now.
“W-what is it?” Riko asks in a meek voice.
You raises an eyebrow at the question “You were the one staring at me” she shoots back.
“I was just- well you were looking at your phone, I thought maybe Chika had messaged you” Riko spews out the best excuse she could come up with.
“Nah, she hasn't said anything.” You replies, turning her gaze back away from Riko and fixing her cap. “Not that I expect her to. This is normal for her” she adds.
It was true, being 15 minutes late wasn't out of the ordinary for Chika, nor was it the reason Riko was furious with her; she was angry because today was supposed to be her date with Chika, but instead she had invited You along. Riko would be pissed had Chika invited anyone, but of course it had to be You. Riko never gets along with You, not that she's ever put her best effort forth either.
The silence between You and Riko is again broken by the sound of each of their phones buzzing. They share a glance then look to their phones, it's a message from Chika that she sent to both of them.
“I'm really really sorry but I can't make it to the movie today, I forgot I had to do something for my mom today. I promise we’ll all go see a movie another time! But you two have fun without me! I’ll see you tomorrow at school, tell me how the movie was!”
You finishes reading first and places her phone in her hoodie pocket with a sigh, looking over to Riko. She notices Riko’s eye start to twitch with anger, and You completely understands why.
Riko places her phone back into her bag and turns towards You with the fakest of smiles. “I guess we’ll just go home then? We can see the movie with Chika next weekend! No big deal!” Riko says holding back her anger.
Riko starts to walk towards the bus stop when You grabs her shoulder “Oh no you don't, we have to see this movie today” You demands.
Riko turns on her heel and shrugs You’s hand off of her shoulder. “And why, exactly, is that?” Riko asks barely containing her rage behind another fake smile.
You lets out another sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, “you don't seem to understand. Tomorrow at school Chika is going to ask us about the movie, and what are you going to say if you have yet to see it?” You explains.
Riko flicks her hair behind her shoulder, “I’ll tell her exactly what I told you, I want to see the movie with her.” Riko retorts putting her hand on her hip. Riko imagines telling Chika ‘it's not the same without you there Chika’ and all the other gay ways her conversation with Chika could go tomorrow.
“this dumb bitch” You whispers under her breath, “no, Chika will feel bad if you tell her you skipped the movie because of her.” You explains her annoyance showing in her tone.
Riko’s gay fantasy shatters with this revelation. Her hand covers her mouth instinctively, she's shocked, You was right. “S-so what do you suggest we do?” Riko asks, puzzled.
You squints at Riko, “Umm, we watch the goddamn movie???” she says with exasperation.
Riko’s eyes widen “Are you suggesting you and I watch a movie together, alone?” she asks.
As much as You hates to admit it, this time Riko was right, that sounded dreadful. If Chika was here she would just sit between them. That's when it hit her, what if they replaced Chika with a stranger between them, or even better, an entire theater of strangers. “We’ll just sit in different parts of the theater” she explained.
Riko’s eyes lit up, “that's it! Then I won't have to deal with you at all, it's like you don't even exist!”
“Yeah, right back at ya” You says walking towards the cinema entrance “I'm looking forward to watching this movie in peace.”
Riko follows her, “as am I, you have a great time as far away from me as possible.”
Inside, You buys her ticket first then Riko steps up to the counter, “one ticket for a girl and her dog, a water, and a small popcorn please” Riko says to the women behind the counter.
“Oh, lucky for you, that’s  the last ticket for this showing of that movie, here you are” the attendant says handing Riko her ticket, then she turns around to get Riko’s order. “Enjoy the show” she adds when she hands Riko her popcorn and drink.
“Thank you” Riko says with a smile and turns to head towards the various cinema rooms, she notes that You must have already went inside.
Riko enters the door labeled ‘showing room 6.’ Inside a young cinema employee stands accepting ticket stubs, Riko hands him her ticket “Looks like you're the last one, I think the last open seat is near the top” he directs her.
“Thank you” Riko says starting up the steps.
At the top she is greeted with a very common issue in theaters and other crowded places for a small girl like herself, a tall man sits right in front of the last available seat. Luckily for a common issue there was a common solution, the woman sitting next to the vacant seat seemed tall enough to see, all she needed to do was politely ask her to switch seats.
“Excuse me, miss?” she says trying to get the woman’s attention “could we possibly switch seats? I can't see well in this one.”
The woman turns to Riko and smiles “such a pretty, polite girl. Of course! My friend and I will both move down one and you can have her seat” she replies gesturing to the woman next to her.
“Thank you very much” Riko says with a bright smile. The two women gather their things and move down a seat, then Riko shuffles in front of them to her new seat. When she finally plops down she lets out a sigh of relief. She was finally done with all the stress of that afternoon, done with You, and ready to relax and watch the movie she has been anticipating for weeks. It's supposed to be the most emotional movie of the year, or so the reviews say. Riko could barely wait for the previews to end and the film to start.
“You really aren't getting this, are you?” Riko hears a familiar voice say from beside her.
She slowly turns towards the voice and grits her teeth into a forced smile “what the hell are you doing here?”
It’s none other than You that returns Riko’s fake smile with a blank stare, “I think I should be asking you that, I sat down by a random woman. So why the hell are you there now?”
Riko grimaces, the woman she switched with was sitting next to You. What kind of horrible luck was that? Well she couldn't possibly ask to switch back now, that'd be rude.
“You know if you really did want to watch the movie with me you should of said something. I would have said no, of course, but it would be funny” You teases, snickering.
“Like hell!” Riko yells causing You to shh her, they were in a theater after all. More quietly Riko starts again “This is the last thing I wanted, I just asked to switch because I couldn't see, I had no idea you were here” she explains.
You rolls her eyes “yeah, sure.” Riko turns red with anger but before she can say anything the theater becomes silent as the lights turn off and the title of the movie comes on the large screen signalling the start of the film.
“Just keep quiet, I'm not missing this movie for you” Riko whispers. You doesn't say anything back.
A half hour into the movie Riko is completely enthralled, she munches on her popcorn with her eyes glued to the screen, so far the movie really was all she had hoped for. “Hey” she hears a whisper come from beside her but chooses to ignore it. That's what people always tell her to do with stray dogs, ‘if you ignore them they'll leave you alone,’ this was pretty much the same thing.
“Hey, pass the popcorn thot.”
Riko can't believe what she just heard, slowly turns her head to the side, fire in her eyes. “Excuse me?”
“I've had to listen to you crunch on that popcorn since the beginning of this movie, give me some” You says without looking away from the screen.
“You should have gotten your own damn popcorn” Riko replies and turns back to the movie “And don't call me that.”
“I didn't want popcorn before I had to listen to you, just give me some” You looks towards Riko this time.
“God fine, just shut up” Riko gives in thrusting the popcorn in You’s direction.
You takes some with a “thanks.”
Riko keeps the popcorn on the side You is on hoping it’ll keep her quiet. It's working until both of them reach for some popcorn at the same time and their hands touch in the bowl. Both of them pull away as if they just touched fire. “Eww” slips out of Riko’s mouth.
“Eww?” You questions, eyebrow raised.
“I don't know where your hands have been!” Riko complains.
“Nowhere but up Chika’s skirt” You teases sticking out her tongue.
“ugh, shut up!” Riko barely subdues her desire to shout. You snickers at her reaction.
After a few minutes Riko notices that You stopped eating the popcorn. Was she too mean? She shouldn’t care, she thinks. But even so, she moves the bucket into You’s field of vision to get her attention, “you can have the rest, I’m full” Riko whispers.
You hesitates, but slowly grabs the popcorn with a quiet “thanks.” She looks at Riko but Riko doesn't look back. Riko’s eyes were intensely focused on the screen, and she's anxiously biting her lip. You looks at the screen too, the movie is coming to its climax which explains Riko’s behavior. The movie up to this point has been a bittersweet tale of a young girl and her pet dog growing up and overcoming adversities together; it all ends in this final scene. You thinks it’s a little too predictable of an ending, but it's bound to get to some people.
At that moment You hears something that catches her attention, a sniffle? She hears the noise once again before she turns her head to look. It was exactly what she expected, but nothing like she expected it.
Riko’s eyes, glossed with tears, reflect the blue light of the screen like the ocean did the sky. It isn't like she is crying, it’s like tears are escaping, gently rolling down her cheeks. You stared and stared and stared; the sight is beautiful and despairing and mesmerizing and sad and You can't look away, but she knows she never wants to see it again.
Out of the corner of her eye Riko’s attention is grabbed by something light blue; once she focuses she sees it’s a handkerchief that You is holding out to her. When she looks towards You’s face her gaze isn't returned and her questions aren’t answered, so she looks at the handkerchief again; she's hesitant, but accepts the silent offer, actually quite grateful to have something to dry her face with. You’s hand retracts back into her lap, she doesn't say a word. Riko stares at the handkerchief again before whispering “thank you” under her breath and wiping her tears with it.
She clutches the handkerchief tightly for the remainder of the film, not wanting to bother You by returning it.
As soon as the credits roll and the dim cinema lights turn on You stands and begins to walk out, but Riko is caught in the crowd of people leaving. Once outside the theater room in the lobby Riko is finally able to look around as the crowd disperses; she spots You leaning against a wall by the door looking down at her phone.
“If you were going to wait here you could have waited to walk out with me” Riko points out as she walks up to You.
You hurriedly slips her phone in her pocket “Sorry, I… sorry” she says a little frantic.
Riko tilts her head questioningly, sorry isn't what she expected to hear “it's fine, don't worry about it” she reassures.
You fixes her baseball cap and turns towards the door “should we go?” she gestures.
Riko nods, and walks with You out of the cool air conditioned cinema and onto the hot summer street.
They walk side by side in an awkward silence for some time before Riko finally musters the courage to speak, “did you like the movie?” she asks.
“Yeah it was pretty good, kind of predictable” she says placing her finger to her chin, “I can't believe you cried!” You adds.
“The dog died!” Riko exclaims.
“Of course it did, that happens! I thought you were afraid of dogs anyway?” You questions.
“I am, that doesn't mean I want them to die!” Riko explains. “Weren't you even a little sad or are you completely heartless?” she shoots back.
“Hey I'm not heartless; it was very sad, just predictable!” You attempts to explain herself “I just don't cry easily” she mumbles.
“So the handkerchief is strictly for other girls?” Riko asks smugly, a smirk plastered across her face.
“It's not only for tears!” You answers while rolling her eyes.
Riko giggles, “Well, what do you use it for then?” she asks tilting her head.
You thinks for a moment before answering “sometimes I use them for wiping up small messes or cleaning my hands. When it's hot like it has been I use them to wipe away sweat. They’re just handy to have” You explains.
“Eww. I wiped my face with your sweat?” Riko asks with disdain.
“Shut up” You shoots back “I hadn't used it for anything yet, it's clean.”
Riko squints at You as if she can see a lie if she looks hard enough, “Okay, good” she says, satisfied in her search. “So, you have more than just this one?” she asks.
You realizes she unintentionally alluded to that and slowly nods, “yeah, I have a lot…” She trails off contemplating how much she really wanted to say. “My dad gives me them a lot, he's always carried one on him at all times” You explains, deciding there's no harm in telling Riko.
“Oh wow, so it's sort of like a collection?” Riko shows a genuine interest in what You is telling her.
You smiles, “yeah, he gets me one every Birthday and on other holidays too” You looks past Riko towards the sea they're walking beside while she talks. She subtly points directing Riko’s attention towards the sun setting against the ocean horizon. She doesn't miss a beat in her explanation,  “He sails to a lot of different places for work and tries to get me one wherever he goes” You pauses.
Riko’s eyes are focused on the shining orange light spreading across the ocean and the sky. Her ears are focused on You’s words and the way You talks about her father, it has some sort of warmth to it, nothing like the sweltering heat of the summer day. “You really look up to your father” Riko says exactly what she felt, in this moment it’s too much of a hassle for her to think about it.
You stares into Riko’s back. She thinks about how the red tones in the sky compliment her hair and how the sun gleams on her skin. “Yeah.”
Suddenly Riko turns and starts digging through her purse. “I’ll have to make sure to give this one back then” she says while pulling the blue handkerchief out and extending it towards You.
You looks at it for a second, the way it looks in place in Riko’s delicate hand and the way the sky blue contrasts her light pink painted nails, “you keep it” she says.
Riko tilts her head and lowers her hand to her side, “why?” she questions.
You isn't completely sure why herself, “just keep it, use it next time you cry or something” she says looking down at her sneakers.
Riko feels the heat of her reddening cheeks and turns her face to her shoes as well. “Thanks.”
A silence falls between them and Riko is prepared for it to last until she gets home. They both board their bus like strangers, but You finally speaks up while they’re sitting shoulder to shoulder on the cramped bus. “Sorry to pry but I was just wondering, are you close with your dad?”
Riko looks at You like she’s speaking a different language, but You doesn’t return her gaze. “Oh!” Riko burst out, processing what was said to her. “Umm, well we don’t have a bad relationship, he’s just away for work a lot” Riko explains, “but I guess so is yours…” Riko ponders for a moment, “I guess I’m just closer to my Mom” she concludes.
You finally looks up from the bus floor, “that’s cool too” she says with a bright smile.
“Yeah” Riko smiles back, “I really look up to her, I always have. She’s the one who got me to play piano when I was young.”
“Oh wow, that’s really, like, important to you, right?” You ckears her throat, “Well of course it is I mean” she starts to trip on her words.
Riko chuckles a little “yes it is very important to me, and so is my mother’s involvement in it” Riko explains.
“Right, that’s what I mean! My dad was always the biggest supporter of my diving” You says, “Not that my mom wasn’t, don’t get me wrong” she adds.
“No I get it, same here with my father, but when it comes to music my mom just, like-”
“Gets it more, right?”
Both of them are smiling from ear to ear. To both of their dismays their conversation is interrupted by the bus driver announcing it was Riko’s stop.
“Oh, this is where I get off” Riko says standing up and looking around making sure she has all her things, once she’s sure she looks back to You “Sorry.”
You shakes her head “don’t worry about it, I’ll see you tomorrow at school we can talk more.”
Riko’s smile is stunning to You “Yeah, it’s a promise” Riko says back, “See you” she says with a wave
“See you tomorrow” You calls back watching Riko carefully climb out of the bus. You breathes out once she’s out of sight and tries her best to ignore the racing of her heart.
Riko watches the bus leave, and as she begins to skip home she holds the handkerchief to her chest and thinks for once, just maybe, she was a little sad to see You go.
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soratalks · 6 years
Oh wow I have the most wonderful Kouhai. I really didn't expect this and I'm really not sure what to say. I never expected I'd be gaining one of my very best friends the day I messaged you, but I'm so glad I did. I can't imagine what this past year would have been like without you, and I don't want to know. You brighten up my days so so much. I wish there wasn't a whole world between us but I have no intention of letting a whole world get between our friendship.
Thank you for the past year and here's to another! I love you!
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@soratalks -senpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
It’s been exactly a year since we met! I really cannot express my gratitude to you for messaging me back then, from that I gained a senpai and a friend :’)
Thank you so much for this past one year, and accompanying me through various things (the start of college couldn’t have gone better if it wasn’t for you) and making my days better! Even though you live all the way on the other side of the world and that our timezone differences are ridiculous, I’m really glad we were still able to talk a lot!
Senpai is the best, I love you <3
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soratalks · 6 years
KotoEli drabble from my main~
Could ya write something cute for kotoeli?
Interesting ship! I love rare pairs! Here you go!
The Finer Things
It has been 3 years today since Kotori took Eli on their first date to the local art museum. Back then Kotori didn’t really get the appeal of old sculptures and paintings created by people long dead, but she knew Eli appreciated it. Since then a lot has changed. 
While Kotori didn’t exactly enjoy looking at art, picking out drapes for their apartment, or the bitter taste of dry red wine, Kotori did enjoy Eli, and Eli loved all of those things. Because of that Kotori loved going to the museum, or the winery, or anywhere as long as Eli was happy.
But slowly Kotori grew to appreciate these finer things. She learned to tell the different artists and their styles, the difference between merlot and zinfandel, and she learned why exactly it was that the drapes “tied the whole room together.”
After long enough, Kotori wasn’t just taking Eli places, Kotori wanted to go just as much as Eli did. And now after three years, well…
“Eli!” Kotori calls out jolting Eli out of her thoughts. “Thanks for waiting, I couldn’t stand another moment in those clothes.” Eli looks Kotori up and down, she changed into a airy floral patterned skirt and a yellow camisole paired with a light sky blue jacket. She was always dressed well. Even the outfit Kotori wore to work would have been good enough for their date, but not good enough for Kotori. 
Eli smiles, “no problem, are you ready to go?”
“Yes! I can’t wait! Lets go!” Kotori says energetically grabbing Eli’s hand and pulling her along “I heard they’ve gotten in new pieces since the last time we came! And I want to look at all my old favorites, you know how your appreciation of the same art can change after awhile? I’m just so excited!”
Eli can’t help but smile thinking about how much has changed since their first date three years ago. “Hey Kotori?”
“Yeah, what is it?” 
“I can’t wait to see how we grow and change in the years to come” Eli says. Kotori stops and turns around, giving Eli a puzzled look. “I’ll love you no matter how we change.”
Kotori’s puzzled look turns to a bright smile “Aww I love you too! I’ll love you too!” she says excitedly wrapping her arms around Eli. 
I hope you like it! Thanks for the request!
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soratalks · 7 years
YouRiko headcanons?
-They hated each other at first and were super passive aggressive to one another -Think when two stray cats meet each other -They constantly message each other about instances where Chika interacted with them like it’ll be 3am and Chika will text Riko “HHAHA UP YOURS HUMPTY DUMPTY CHIKA JUST SENT ME A HEART EMOJI.” -Conversely, Riko will pass by You in the halls and be like “Oh hey, by the way Chika-chan came by my house the other day and asked to watch tv I guess you might as well hop on your little boat and float off into the void you second rate Kotori-wannabe.” Mean Girl™ Riko goes for the throat. -They’re constantly thinking about one another -What started as rubbing the time they spend with Chika in each other’s faces turns into them just hanging out, but they’re still mean to each other-“Pass the popcorn, thot.” “Why don’t you put your stupidly toned arms to use and get it yourself.” “W-well if you weren’t so fucking pretty maybe I could pay attention long enough to try.” “What?” “I said you’re fucking ugly and I hate this movie.”“You picked it, and it does fucking suck.”“I PICKED IT BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE IT–NOT THAT I GIVE A SHIT.”“THANKS, THAT’S SUCH A NICE GESTURE. I HATE IT.”-They finally made out and Riko told You she was a horrible kisser and Chika is lucky she doesn’t have to suffer. -You responds with “yeah well I bet you’re lousy in bed you spider-fingered twat.”-They do it out of spite -Now they’re dating -Out of spite
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soratalks · 7 years
Recovering from Missed Trains
Series: Love Live! Sunshine!
Pairings: MariYou (Mention of ChikaRiko and KanaDia)
A/N: This is my first time writing anything for this pairing so I hope I did it justice! This fic has both angst and fluff, so something for everyone! And it’s set in the winter so perfect as we move into winter ourselves (we had our first snow of the year where I’m from the day I started this actually.)  More notes at the bottom of the post but for now I hope you enjoy!
(P.S. I genuinely considered titling this "Snow Homo" and I’ve been laughing about it for weeks.)
A light snow dusts the concrete of the train boarding platform, unscathed by the usual hustle and bustle of commuters on this cold winter night. The platforms only occupant is a lone girl seated on a bench curled up in an attempt to keep herself warm. The silence of the night is broken only by the crunch of fresh snow under her boots and the occasional sniffle of her nose, that is until the loud booming of the incoming train interrupts it. The train comes to a stop and opens it's doors. No one exits the train, no one boards.
After a few minutes the doors close and the train begins its slow roll into the night again, leaving the young girl on her lonely bench. She let's out a sigh, releasing silver colored breath into the dark.
“You missed your train” a voice says from behind the young girl. The girl might have been startled, but the voice was too familiar for her to be.
“Yeah I guess, but that means you did too, Mari” the girl replies with a knowing tone.
“Yeah I guess” Mari replies, showing no interest in arguing. “So, what’s your reason, You?” she asks, moving to stand next to the bench.
You rotates her glassy stare away from the floor to Mari where she's met with bright eyes and a weak smile. “I didn't want to go home” You replies, her voice small.
“Well, I guess we're the same then” Mari says with a forced laugh. “Do you want anything?” she asks lazily pointing to the vending machine in the corner, brightly lit in white light against the dark backdrop.
“No thanks” You answers, returning her gaze to the floor. She listens to the sound of Mari’s boots scraping across the snow, the click of the coins being inserted, the small dings of the buttons, the crash of the drink at the bottom of the machine. More dings, another crash.
“Here” Mari says when she returns to You’s side, holding a can of hot chocolate in front of You’s downcast gaze.
You decides it's too late to argue and accepts with a “thanks.” They both crack open their cans and take a sip. The warm liquids return a bit of color to their pale faces.
You holds her hot chocolate in both hands to capture all the warmth possible. “You like coffee too?” You asks.
“Hmm? Yeah I like coffee” Mari contemplates her drink while she speaks. “But who do you mean by ‘too’” she asks.
“Oh…” You pauses, realizing what she said. “Riko always drinks it.”
“Yeah” Mari takes another sip “she does too.”
You curls her nose, “It's too bitter for me” she sticks her tongue out to display her displeasure
“Hmm? Yeah that's what a lot of people say.” Mari says dully.
They fall silent. The quiet sound of Mari sipping her coffee seems to echo. You awkwardly scrapes her boot across the snow trying to fill the silence with anything. “So, how long until the next train?” She asks, latching onto the first bearable topic that pops into her head.
“I dunno, awhile-” Mari breathes out in response. “Are you planning to get on that one?” she asks.
You’s heart drops. “I… I don't know” she says, awkwardly pulling at the fray of her scarf. As it turned out that wasn't the simplest topic either. “What about you?” she redirects to her senior.
“I dunno” she answers the same. “But, if neither of us know whether to get on the next train or not, there's no real point in waiting for it, is there?” she asks, her eyes lighting up.
“I guess not” You answers regardless.
Mari turns her head to look at You who's staring up at her. She cracks a small smile “Then let's go someplace else.”
You raises one of her eyebrows at this suggestion, “like where?” she asks.
“I don't know!” Mari answers, her tone louder and brighter than before “let's just go! We’ll figure it out when we get there!”
She’s getting excited; You thinks that it's kinda cute, but keeps it to herself.ll
You stands up off her lonely bench and returns Mari’s expectant gaze. “Okay, lead the way.”
Mari jumps in excitement and turns on her heel yelling ”woo-hoo! Adventure!”
You walks close behind her, smiling for the first time in what feels like forever.
They walk together, You a few steps behind, in a comfortable silence. You tries to step in the footprints Mari leaves in the deepening snow to pass the time. She has to stretch a bit each step since Mari’s strides are longer than hers.
Their trek through the snow for almost 20 minutes before You asks, “So, where are we going?”
“Hmm? I don't know” Mari replies complacently.
“Well you're walking in front, so you should decide” You says.
“Is that how this works?” Mari asks, her tone playful.
“Yes it is, you're in the lead, you're my senior, you're in charge” You answers, exasperated.
“Okay” Mari stops suddenly causing You to nearly bump into her. “Let’s play here” she decides.
“Play?” You asks, puzzled when she turns to what Mari is facing, an empty snow covered field.
“Yes play! When's the last time you played in the snow?” she asks.
“I dunno, it's been years” You looks off in the distance recalling the memory. She and Chika played together on the day of the first snow years ago, they were still in junior high. She remembers them building a snowman, making snow angels, having a snowball fight. They had so much fun together back then, just the two of them.
Just as You began to get lost in thought she's brought back down to earth by the sensation of snow pelting her in the cheek. She immediately looks over to see the source, Mari, and she's already bending down to pick up more frozen ammunition.
“you make yourself a very easy target if you just stand there~” Mari says with a teasing tone.
“Why you, I’ll get you back!” You says hurriedly scooping up some snow, but just as she begins winding up to throw her own another ball pummels her chest.
Mari just sticks out her tongue to taunt You then turns around, and runs away into the snowy field. You gives chase and they each exchange snowballs back and forth. They play for nearly an hour before both of them fall, completely exhausted, onto their backs next to each other in the center of the field.
“Wow… I haven't had that much fun since… I don't even know” You says between heavy breaths. She turns her head to look at Mari lying next to her, and Mari looks back at her. Mari, without looking away, starts flailing her arms across the snowy surface.
This perplexes You, “What… are you doing exactly?” she questions.
“Making a snow angel, of course!” Mari answers not missing a beat, or a flail.
You starts to giggle, but it slowly turns into an irrepressible laughter. She can't help but laugh. Mari soon joins in; both of them laugh until they can hardly breathe. You can't tell if she's laughing at Mari’s snow angel or her dorky laugh by the time they finally start to calm down.
“Whew-” You catches her breath, while at the same time starting to gently move her arms to make an angel of her own. “I've really had a blast tonight Mari, thank you” You says with sincerity, looking back up to the cloudy sky.
“No problem~ it's been fun for both of us” Mari replies. “I'm glad we missed our train” she adds with a smile.
“Me too” You says, stopping her arms deciding her snow wings were good enough.
Mari looks up to the night sky as well “Your parents aren't worried that you're not home, are they?” she asks.
“Nah, they think I'm staying at Chika’s house” You bites her tongue, she didn't want to tell Mari that.
“Oh? Why aren't you?” Mari asks, sounding a bit concerned.
“Mmm…” You pauses, thinking hard on her reply. “I was going to stay, but Riko came over instead” that's the least conspicuous answer she could come up with.
“You can't both spend the night at Chika’s?” Mari presses on.
“Well, yeah Chika wouldn't tell me no. But I think they'd rather it be, y’know, just the two of them” You says, her voice starting to get hoarse.
Mari doesn't reply, she sits silently knowing she may have asked too much. She waits while You collects herself.
You coughs lightly into her mitten, then wipes her damp face hopelessly praying that Mari didn't notice,
“So why- why were you here then?” You chokes out a question as best she can through the lump in her throat, trying anything to change the subject.
“I kind of knew this might happen… Like I already said. We're the same” You doesn't follow Mari’s logic but stays silent, waiting for Mari to explain. Mari takes a deep breath and continues “About a year ago, maybe more, a similar thing happened to me. Kanan invited me over so of course I went, I always went. When I arrived, Dia was there, of course she was there, she was always there.” Mari pauses, gathering her thoughts. She reaches her snow covered mitten out to the sky, studying the back, then the front, the back again. “I had loved Kanan for as long as I could remember, but she never knew. I felt like, if I'd told her we might have lost some of the special bond we held. But in the end I only made it worse. I told her in the worst way possible. I let loose of my emotions that night while I was with Kanan and Dia. They didn't do anything really, I'm not sure if it's just the way Kanan looks at her, or if it was just entirely in my head. But I couldn't take it, I ran out of her house into the night. Of course they followed, they always followed. And that's how I confessed. With tears in my eyes on a random street corner I don't even know the name of.” Mari let's the hand she'd been holding in the air fall onto her chest. “Of course I was turned down. I'd always known I'd be turned down. They were in love, Kanan and Dia, it was always so obvious. I went home alone that night and cried until I eventually was too exhausted to any longer. Then when I saw them at school on Monday I acted like nothing ever happened. That's the most awful experience I've ever had. Do you understand You?” Mari turns her head to look at You who had been staring during her entire story, her face still wet with tears.
You just shakes her head.
“Like I said, we're the same. I feel like, I have to be there for you- no, I want to be there for you, because I know what it's like to go through that alone and I don't want you to have to.” Mari flashes a weak smile “you can lean on me, I’ll be your shoulder to cry on.”
Mari notices that You’s cheeks are now flush and her expression has changed to one of anger, then in an instant You rolls over ruining her snow angel as if the angel up and left it's spot in the ice; she crawls on her hands and knees until she's hanging over Mari staring directly into her eyes “Idiot! You expect me to accept that?” She yells, her scarf that was tightly tied around her neck begins to come undone, unraveling onto Mari’s chest “You think I’ll just cry into your shoulder without a second thought, without ever thinking how you never had a shoulder to cry on yourself!? You're such an idiot!” Tears are streaming down You’s face and falling like raindrops onto Mari’s cheeks. Mari’s mouth is agape, in shock from You’s reaction. You moves her hands that were supporting her weight over Mari to behind Mari’s head, embracing her as she leans her head down onto Mari’s shoulder. You speaks in a whisper now, right next to Mari’s ear “From now on, I’ll lean on you, and you’ll lean on me; if I can cry on your shoulder, you can cry on mine. We’ll both be there for each other. Promise me.”
Tears slowly start traveling down Mari’s cheeks, dancing with those of You’s tears still left there. She let's her eyelids fall and comfortably leans into You’s embrace wrapping her own arms around You’s back and nuzzling her face into the crook of You’s neck. Finally, her mouth turns into a smile “Okay, promise.”
The two girls leave the empty field and begin their trek back to the train station, side by side.
“Can I sleep at your place tonight?” You asks, pressing her fingers together timidly. “I don't want to show up back home this late when I'm supposed to be at Chika’s tonight” she explains.
“Yes! I can set you up a futon next to my bed! It’ll be a sleepover!” Mari yells excitedly.
You giggles “Okay, sounds fun, thanks a lot” she agrees. “and…” You begins, causing Mari to look over at her “Will you promise me one more thing?” You pleads.
“Hmm? What is it?” Mari tilts her head questioningly.
“Promise me we’ll do this again, play in the snow in that field I mean.” You’s face is bright red despite the cold.
Mari can't help but smile “Of course.”
- Several Years Later
You and Mari, stand in the same snowy field together, hand in hand.
“It's good to be back” You says, taking a deep breath of cold, crisp air.
“Yeah, it takes me back everytime” Mari adds, clasping You’s hand just a bit tighter.
You uses her free hand to move a stray strand of hair back behind her ear, and then takes a moment to examine that hand and the small, sparkling silver ring on her ring finger. She smiles to herself.
But her concentration is broken by the feeling of cold against her head. When she turns to look at the source, it’s none other than Mari. You hadn't even noticed her slip away, but she smiles at the familiar situation.
“You're spacing out again! That ring isn't going anywhere!” Mari teases.
“I know!” You yells back, bending down to pick up some snow herself “I'll get you back for that cheap shot!” she adds, chasing after her lover into the same snowy field, just as she has many times since the first, and just as she hopes she will many times in the years to come.
A/N: This fic was requested by my friend @desukas. I really didn't know anything about this pairing but after her description of it I was really interested! Now that the fic is done I feel like I could definitely ship this rarepair! Thank you for reading!
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soratalks · 7 years
Cold hands, cold feet?
Series: Love Live School Idol Project
Pairing: NicoMaki
A/N: Just a short fluff fic requested by my good friend @coolez from a prompt post I reblogged. It’s been awhile since I wrote NicoMaki so this was a lot of fun. I hope you Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Love Live School Idol Project
“If you steal the blankets again I’m putting my cold feet on you” Maki says as she climbs into bed next to Nico.
“Yeah yeah, they always end up touching me in your sleep anyway” Nico retorts. She turns off the lamp on her nightstand and lies down on her side “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight” Maki says as she lies down as well, but she turns to face Nico’s back. Well that was disappointing. I thought she’d say something like ‘well if you’re cold, you can come closer.’
Maki’s face turns flush at the thought of Nico saying that. Nico would never say that.
Maki’s eyes have adjusted to the dark room now so she can see her lover lying next to her. Her eyes follow the dark strands of hair running down Nico’s back like a black river. The way her shoulder is white like porcelain, barely poking out of the loose fitting sleeve of her frilly nightgown.
Her clothes are always so… cute. Maki compares Nico’s baby blue nightgown to the short-shorts and old t-shirt she wore to bed in her head. I want to hug her.
Maki let’s out a quiet sigh knowing she had let the opportunity slip by tonight. If only I was more open…
Then she got an idea.
Maki slowly moves her foot towards the back of her girlfriend’s leg. Despite lying under the covers Maki’s feet and hands were perpetually cold, she blames it on her ‘cold, icy heart.’ So with that in mind she would just touch her foot to Nico’s calf and…
“AHH WHAT THE FUCK MAKI!” Nico jumps up in bed at the sudden freezing sensation.
Maki winces at Nico’s shouts. “s-sorry” her voice is small. She had wanted to be playful, but she seemed to underestimate the power of her ‘cold, icy heart.’
Nico sighs and lays her head back down on the pillow, but this time she faces Maki asking “What is it?”
Maki’s face turns red enough for Nico to notice in the dark. “I just- I just wanted your attention.” Maki stammers out. Nico chuckles. “Shut up!” Maki immediately yells in response.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry” Nico says stifling her giggles “You’re just too cute.” Nico moves over to the edge of her pillow and reaches her arms out to Maki.
Maki, embarrassed, closes the distance and rests her head in the nook of Nico’s shoulder, face still flushed. Nico runs her fingers through the back of Maki’s scarlet hair and rests her head on top her lover’s.
“You know your hands and feet really are ridiculously cold” Nico teases.
“It’s because of my cold, icy heart” Maki replies as she has countless times to the same remark.
“You know” Nico pauses to put a chaste kiss on Maki’s cheek “the saying goes ‘cold hands, warm heart.’”
“Sh-shut up”
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soratalks · 7 years
Of Locks and Love Series: Love Live Sunshine! Pairing: YohaRiko Disclaimer: I don't own Love Live Sunshine! A/N: I reblogged a fluff prompt post awhile ago and this is what came of it, a short fluff fic for Yoshiko and Riko. Enjoy~ “Your hair is really soft after you wash it” Riko says sitting behind her junior on the bed stroking her midnight blue hair. Yoshiko is still in a towel from her morning shower. She had just come back into her room to change but this is how things turned out. Riko is perched on her knees in her nightwear, black shorts and a pink tank top, enthralled in Yoshiko’s still damp locks of hair. She combs through the hair with her hand carefully, reaching all the way down to the tips before moving her hand up to run it through again and again. Yoshiko’s face is beet red and she’s fidgeting uncomfortably, but Riko doesn’t seem to notice as she twirls strands of hair around her finger. Yoshiko is so nervous she swears she can feel Riko’s touch through every fiber of her hair. Yoshiko clears her throat “Umm, Lily?” “Hmmm” Riko lazily hums in reply. “What are you doing?” she asks meekly. “Hmm. Playing with your hair” she responds. “Ah yes my little demon, I have gathered as much, but frankly, what I meant was, well, why are you doing that?” Yoshiko manages to babble out with a little help from her persona. “I already said why. Your hair is really soft after you wash it” Riko maintains a hazy voice. “Right right” Yoshiko nods as if what Riko just told her was a groundbreaking discovery. “Well, if you wouldn't mind, could I get dressed?” “Yeah” Riko says with a slight drawl. Despite her words Riko still proceeds running her fingers through Yoshiko’s hair for a few moments, then suddenly, as if she only just heard what Yoshiko said “Oh! Yeah, yes you can get dressed” she quickly moves away from Yoshiko’s back to the side of the bed and sits staring at the floor, much like Yoshiko had been just a moment ago. Yoshiko stares at her back for a moment. “I'm sorry Yocchan” Riko finally says. “Don't- don't worry Lily” Yoshiko says while she stands up and moves across the room to the dresser “The great Yohane’s hair is known to be mesmerizing” she turns to Riko and strikes a pose with one hand in front of her eye and the other thrust out towards Riko, still in her towel. She then turns to the dresser and begins picking out nightwear. Riko doesn't move from her new spot on the edge of the bed “Then, can I- can I maybe, play with your hair some more?” she asks without looking up from the ground. Yoshiko’s answer is to climb onto the side of the bed opposite Riko, now wearing a silk black nightgown, and lay down with her legs under the covers. With her back to Riko she turns her neck back to look at her, waiting for Riko to join her in the bed. Riko wastes no time getting under the covers on her side of the bed. She runs her fingers through Yoshiko’s hair and entwines their legs together under the sheets. They stay like this until both of them drift off to sleep.
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soratalks · 7 years
Series: Love Live Sunshine
Pairings: YohaRiko, ChikaYou
Disclaimer: I don’t own Love Live Sunshine!
A/N: This is now the second fic I’ve written following up on the groundwork my Aqours Group Chat fic laid; this fic takes place directly after Lilies. I think I’ll keep writing in this same timeline and eventually compile it all together, but for now you can read Aqours Group Chat: Yuri Doujins here and Lilies here. I hope you enjoy!
Riko and Yoshiko stand outside of Chika’s door. The cicadas’ calls can be heard in the distance. Riko taps her foot on the ground. “How long is she going to take?” she asks.
“I’m sure she won’t be much longer” Yoshiko gives her best shot at soothing her girlfriend.
“How does You put up with this?” Riko gestures towards the door as if the object is the source of her annoyance. “I’m thankful you wake up easily” Riko adds looking at Yoshiko. Yoshiko smiles, taking it as a compliment.
“How can you wear black in this heat?” is Riko’s next exclaim. Yoshiko is wearing a plain black skirt and tank top; a very airy outfit compared to her usual heavy dresses. Riko is wearing jean shorts and a pastel pink t-shirt that has a big sky blue heart on the front.
Yoshiko has realized the source of all these complaints at this point. “Lily, would you like me to fix you a coffee to go while we wait?” Yoshiko thinks she saw a tear form in Riko’s eye at the mention of caffeine.
Riko jumps to clasp Yoshiko’s hand in both of hers, “How often do I tell you you’re the best?”
Laughing “Not often enough” she teases, “I’ll be back in a few minutes” and with that she walks off towards Riko’s house next door.
A few minutes pass as Riko impatiently taps her white sandal on the concrete until she hears noise on the other side of the door.
“Hurry up, Riko’s going to kill you” You can be heard rushing her girlfriend inside the house
“Eh she’ll be fine. She’s probably still making out with Yoshiko in her house” Chika jokes as she slides open the door “Eek-” she yelps at the sight of Riko’s annoyed expression.
You begins from inside “She’s definitely mad” peeking her head out to look around “And no Yoshiko in sight” she hops out the door excitedly. She’s wearing shorts shorts rolled up at the bottoms and a blue sports jersey shirt. She performs her signature salute towards Riko and asks “Where’s Yoshi?”
Riko turns to look towards her house “She’s inside making me a cup of coffee to go” turning back to glare at Chika “Since someone took so long getting up.”
Chika hides behind You’s back only peeking her eyes over You’s shoulder to look at Riko “Sorry… We were up late” she peeps. She’s in a loose fitting orange top and baggy red sweatpants.
“We were all up late!” Riko bursts out causing Chika to close her eyes and recoil behind You more.
You snickers “Okay stop it you two. We’re here now. Let’s just go get Yoshi, and more importantly Riko’s coffee, and leave.”
Riko gives one last look towards Chika before nodding in agreement “You baby her too much You” Riko sighs before starting to walk back home, You and Chika in tow.
Meanwhile, Yoshiko is just making her way towards the door with her girlfriend’s canister of coffee in hand, but then she trips on the kitchen table leg. The front of her tank top is covered in coffee and so is the floor, “Just my luck” she whines to herself.
At that moment Riko opens her front door and calls out “Yoshiko, are you almost done?”
When Riko, You, and Chika enter the kitchen they find Yoshiko on her hands and knees wiping up coffee with a towel. “Don’t worry I’ll clean it up and make you a fresh cup so just go wait in the front room” Yoshiko says, desperately trying to clean the floor.
Water is forming in the corners of Yoshiko’s eyes and Riko sees it. She crouches down and rests her hand on top of the hand Yoshiko is cleaning with, stopping her from wiping anymore. Yoshiko looks up to Riko, tears still trying to form in her eyes. Riko smiles warmly at her “No. You go change, I’ll clean this up” she says, her tone is almost maternal sounding with love and care.
Yoshiko can only nod, the lump in her throat preventing her from saying anything else. Riko helps her up by the hand she was holding, then Yoshiko silently turns to go upstairs.
Riko kneels back down to clean the floor letting out a little sigh, “She does so much to take care of me that sometimes she forgets to take care of herself” she says thoughtfully.
After a pause Chika and You realize Riko is talking to them, breaking free from their captivation. “Yeah she- Yoshiko is like that” You finally says “She always puts others before herself” after a moment she adds “Especially you.” Chika nods a few times in agreement.
“I know” Riko replies, pensive, staring at the floor “I’m lucky to have her” a smile forms across her face.
Then, she stands up a moves to the nearby closet to grab a mop for the floor. Chika moves across the kitchen to the coffee maker “I’ll make you a new cup” she says starting the process.
“Thank you” Riko says as she starts mopping the floor.
“Then I’ll go check on Yoshi” You says moving across the kitchen to the staircase. Upstairs she reaches Riko’s bedroom door and knocks “You clothed?” she asks.
“Yes” she calls out from behind the door.
You enters the room to find Yoshiko sitting on the bed in a new frilly black skirt, this time with a white cross strap tank top. She’s staring down at her hands clasped together between her legs. You sits down on the bed next to her “What’s up girl?”
Yoshiko is silent for a moment, contemplative. “Is Riko upset?” she finally asks.
“No not at all, she understands” You comforts, her hand resting on Yoshiko’s shoulder.
“I wish she was upset” she sighs.
You stares at her, perplexed. “Umm… What?” she questions, her tone egging Yoshiko to explain.
Yoshiko sighs again before continuing “If she gets upset I know what to do. I need to apologize, and make it up to her as best I can.” She looks at You to make sure she’s still listening, You nods to tell her to go on. She looks back towards the floor “But when she isn’t upset, when she’s understanding, I don’t know what to do. I’m awkward and I have bad luck and I cause her so much trouble. And she deserves so much. And yet she puts up with me and all my mistakes with a smile. I don’t get it.”
Yoshiko turns her body away from You, afraid she may have said too much; You just wraps her arms around Yoshiko and pulls her head to her chest to show her that’s not the case. “You’re right, you don’t get it” You says, she takes a deep breath “Chika is messy, she’s hardly ever romantic, and she oversleeps even when we have plans. She can never read the mood, sometimes I think she’d pick idols over me. But…” she pauses, Yoshiko pulls away from You’s chest to look at her, You breaks from her thoughts and smiles warmly at Yoshiko. “But she’s always smiling, especially when I need her to be. She’s always trying her best to work on her faults and she never stops apologizing for them, I can’t help but forgive her. She never tries to be romantic yet she still manages to make my heart melt, because loving me just seems to come so naturally to her, she doesn’t have to try, that’s why I can never understand why she loves me, but I still never doubt that she does.” You is looking off in the distance as she speaks, and Yoshiko, even if she’s a little confused, can’t help but smile at her friends ravings. Suddenly You snaps back to looking at Yoshiko “Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?” she asks.
Yoshiko blinks a few times “Umm, no, not at all” she says bluntly.
You groans in response. “Even if Chika has her faults, I can live with them, or even more than that, I love those little things about her, they’re what make Chika, Chika. And I know that Riko feels the same way.” You puts her hand on Yoshiko’s shoulder “She appreciates everything you do for her.” she shows Yoshiko one more bright smile to finish off her speech.
Yoshiko slumps back onto the bed, her legs still hanging off the side “Why do you have everything figured out Yousoro? I’m supposed to be the all knowing Yohane!” she bellows in frustration.
You starts to giggle “I definitely don’t have everything figured out, but I sure know more than you kid” she pokes Yoshiko in the side causing her to jump back up. “We should probably get back down there” You says looking at the digital clock on the nightstand “I guess we’re going out for lunch” she points to the clock, it reads 11:38 AM.
You hops off the bed first with Yoshiko following close behind, “Hey… ” You turns her head to look back as Yoshiko talks. “Thanks” is all she says, not meeting You’s eyes.
You grins to herself, facing ahead while they walk down the stairs “No problem.”
When they reach the bottom of the stairs they find Riko and Chika still in the kitchen, Riko is sipping from a mug she holds in both her hands.
“Got your coffee I see” You says as she enters the room striding towards Chika. But before Riko can speak You starts interrogating Chika “You didn’t cause Riko any trouble while we were gone, did you?”
Chika pouts at this remark but just as she starts to defend herself Riko pipes up “No! She was… A big help” as Riko says this her eyes move slowly across the room from Chika and You to Yoshiko.
You gives Chika a puzzled look, Chika responds with a wide grin “Yeah give me a break You” she whines, a bit triumphant.
You waves her hand as if hoping to waft Chika’s gloating grin away “Okay okay, sorry. But if it wasn’t for past occurrences I wouldn’t have to worry” You explains.
“Past occurrences? Name one!” Chika yells.
You begins counting on her fingers “Well there was the time Riko’s hair ended up purple-” You stops to look over at Riko who’s giggling incessantly.
Riko wipes a tear from the corner of her eye “You two. You bicker like a married couple” she says unsuccessfully holding back giggles.
Chika blushes at this but You shoots back “Yeah well you two act like newlyweds” she jokes causing both their faces to turn redder than Chika’s, but getting a laugh from everyone.
Chika holds her gut from laughing so much, “We should get going for lunch.” Everyone nods in agreement and Riko sets her coffee mug next to the sink. They chatter away as they all walk out the front door into the summer heat.
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soratalks · 7 years
@cutegirlsdoingcutethings and I are still married he just took off the ring
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soratalks · 7 years
Fluff Starters
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
“Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
“If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Here, let’s share the blanket.”
“You’re comfy.”
“You are my new pillow.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“We can talk over dinner.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!”
“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
“Will you let me rub your back?”
“Care to give me a back scratch?”
“Star-gazing was a good idea.”
“You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
“I think I love you.”
“You are my love.”
“How about something warm? It will will help you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“It is not morning yet.”
“Shush and go back to bed.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“We’ll do dishes together.”
“How about a kiss?”
“I love your hugs.”
A few were inspired by these.
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soratalks · 7 years
Using this for my new icon and matching with @coolez
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via twitter @relaxmakoto April 19, 2017 at 08:40AM
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soratalks · 7 years
Aqours shower temperature headcanons, GO!
Kanan: fluctuates! When she’s hot she’ll make the water cooler, when it’s cold outside she likes a nice hot shower.
Mari: warm enough to be relaxing but not TOO warm.
Dia: hot. Hot hot hot. Satan’s claws are dragging down her back and she still what’s it hotter.
You: nice and cool when shes just chillin but warms it up when she’s ready to get clean
Riko: boring as hell keeps the water at literally the most basic temperature, she makes sure to turn the “hot” faucet only a LITTLE bit more than the cold faucet
Chika: god who knows she’s fuckin everywhere sometimes it’s freezing and sometimes it’s hot and its not based on anything she doesn’t even care
Hanamaru: likes it hot when she’s taking a bath but a bit cooler when she’s taking a shower. She wants it to feel like a blanket wrapping around her
Yoshiko: competes with dia for hottest water. Not quite there but almost.
Ruby: cool or lukewarm her weak skin can’t handle anything warmer than a room temperature bottle of water
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soratalks · 7 years
drabble from my main. I guess ? It turned out good. For something I wrote quickly.
Dia has just as many yuri doujins as Riko but they're all NicoMaki
“Hanamaru what do you think I should do?” Ruby asks, laying her head on her desk behind Hanamaru in exasperation.
“Mmm, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Maybe she just didn’t want you in her closet?” Hanamaru replies.
“It’d be fine, but she was acting really strangely after I asked. She practically sprinted across the room to bar the door. I just wanted the photo album I know she keeps in there.” Ruby explains. “I’ve just got to know what’s in that closet!” She exclaims standing up from her desk with her fist clenched in front of her.
“I don’t like where this is heading, zura.” Hanamaru sighs.
“That’s it! After school I’ll sneak into sis’ room and see what she’s hiding!” Ruby says, filled with determination. “And you’re coming too Hanamaru.”
“Oh no, zura.”
Later That Day
Ruby and Hanamaru stand outside the daunting door to Dia’s room. Ruby audibly gulps, “It’s going to be fine. Sis is out with Kanan and Mari right now. There’s no way she’ll find out.” She says, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Let’s just go then, zura” Hanamaru says, pushing the door open and pulling Ruby inside. Once inside the room Hanamaru gestures to the closet, signaling Ruby was going to have to do this part.
Ruby inches up to the door, she puts her hand on the handle and takes another look back at Hanamaru, receiving a nod for reassurance. She takes a deep breath and then swings the closet door open. Ruby isn’t sure what she was expecting, but this isn’t it; it looks entirely normal. A wave of relief flows over Ruby “Well I guess it wasn’t anythi-”
“Wow, zura!” Hanamaru cries out, looking in a box in tucked away on the side of the closet. She holds one of the books from within it towards Ruby. “Look at this, zura”
Ruby’s face turns bright red, she swipes the book out of Hanamaru’s hands and examines it closely. “This are of Nico and Maki from muse!” She exclaims “And it’s… It’s…” She can’t seem to finish the sentence.
“It’s a naughty doujin.” Hanamaru speaks for her. Ruby sits on her sisters bed to steady herself, staring blankly at the doujin in her hand. “I don’t think it’s the bad, everyone has some secrets” Hanamaru preaches while examining another doujin from the box.
Just then Dia walks in to her room. She looks at Ruby, then Hanamaru, then the doujin in Ruby’s hand, then back at Ruby. They sit there for a moment in silent tension. “R-R-R-Ruby what are you doing in my room?” Dia studders out. 
Ruby stares at her sister in fear. She looks down at the book in her hand causing her face to turn red again. Suddenly she tosses the book on the bed and jumps up off the bed “Nothing Dia!” she yells while she darts past her out the door, Hanamaru on her heels.
Dia stands frozen in her doorway. It wasn’t going to be easy to explain this.
Thank you for reading and thank you @cutegirlsdoingcutethings for the headcanon
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soratalks · 7 years
Is it Really the City of Love?
Series: Love Live Sunshine
Pairings: YohaRiko
Disclaimer:I don’t own Love Live Sunshine
A/N: Just another short YohaRiko fic. This one is set early in their relationship so it’s not super gay (yet) but it’s still cute. They called each other Lily/Yocchan for the first time in this fic so that’s fun. Also Yoshiko’s fascination with Tokyo is based off Yoshiko’s idol diary that you can read here so check that out if you want. Thanks for reading! -Sora
Practice is over for the 9 members of Aqours. They say their goodbyes and all part ways for the day. “I'm going to the clubroom to get something, I'll see you all tomorrow” Riko calls out as she heads down the stairs. She's met with several responses from her club mates all muddled together.
Riko picks up the notebook she left in the clubroom, putting it in her bag she turns to leave. She stops dead in her tracks when the clubroom door slides open revealing a distraught looking blue haired junior.
“Oh, what's up Yoshi- Yohane?” Riko reminds herself to use the girl’s preferred name.
Yoshiko is silent for a moment, probably gathering up demonic power or something, “the great Yohane has descended here to visit you!” she finally explodes in a burst of movement towards Riko.
“For me?” Riko can't begin to fathom what ‘the great Yohane’ could need her for.
“Yes, I've been made aware you hail from Tokyo.” Yoshiko poses dramatically pointing towards the window as if she's pointing to Tokyo. But Tokyo isn't that way...
“Uhh, yes I moved here from Tokyo. What about it?” Riko wonders where all this nonsense, not that she dislikes Yoshiko’s antics.
Suddenly Yoshiko’s body language shrinks, she presses her index fingers together nervously as she speaks, almost in a whisper, “I want you to tell me about Tokyo.”
So Yoshiko’s intentions are finally made clear, but it's not what Riko expected; although she's not really sure what she expected. “Umm… Okay… What do you want to know exactly?” Riko talks slowly as she attempts to process the broad request.
Yoshiko swaps moods again and bursts outward in excitement, “What was it like living there? Is it really a city of love? I bet everyone is fashionable. I mean you always wear cute clothes. I'm not saying you're cute I meant your clothes! Not that you're unattractive… Oh and what about school? It was probably a lot bigger than here. Were your uniforms cute? Did you-”
“Wait wait slow down Yoshiko. I can't answer everything at once” Riko cuts in, overwhelmed.
“...sorry” Yoshiko shrinks back again.
“It's fine.” In fact it was kinda cute. “I can tell you've got a lot of questions. But I'd like to answer them all fully.” Riko leans on the balls of her feet excitedly “So how about we meet this weekend and I can tell you everything you want to know over lunch?” Yoshiko’s face turns slightly pink.
“Umm, s-sure. Let's do that.” She studders. “Are you sure you don't mind Lily?”
“Lily?” Riko is too hitched on that to answer the question. Yoshiko’s eyes grow wide as she realizes what she said.
“It's a nickname! Just a nickname!” she jumps to explain. “Do you… Not like it?” recoiling back again.
Riko takes a second to ponder it. “I don't mind. But in that case I’ll call you Yocchan.” she decides.
Yoshiko produces an audible gulp noise and her face turns bright red. “okay…”
Riko clasps her hands together cheerfully. “Good. And to your question, no I don't mind, we're friends after all.” she goes on to explain.
Yoshiko is caught off guard again, “W-we're friends?” she questions.
“Of course. We're in the same club. Everyone in Aqours is my friend, and they'd say the same thing about you, I'm sure of it.” she finishes with a bright smile. Riko takes note of Yoshiko’s tendency to feel like an outsider, this isn't the first time she noticed since they met either. Yoshiko returns to her inward body language after what Riko said.
“Yocchan~” Riko calls in a bit of a singsongy tone. “Let's exchange phone numbers, so we can talk about our plans this weekend.” Riko says retrieving her phone from her bag.
Yoshiko, slightly delayed, breaks out of her thoughts to do the same. “umm okay.” They exchange phones to type the numbers in.
Riko takes a second to examine the phone. It has a dark purple case with a skull graphic on the back and a little black winking devil charm hanging from the bottom.
“I’ll text you tonight?” Riko asks as she hands Yoshiko her phone back.
Yoshiko nods, still busy typing her number in “Whenever is fine.” she replies quietly and returns her seniors phone.
“I’ll walk you to the bus stop, are you going to have to wait?” Riko asks sincerely as she begins walking towards the door. Yoshiko follows.
“The next bus will come a few minutes after I get there” she replies.
“I can wait with you” Riko offers.
Yoshiko flails her hands in front of her face and shakes her head vigorously, “No no no” she replies. She does her signature hand sign in front of her eye “The fallen angel Yohane doesn't need a mortal for protection” she exclaims.
Riko notices that was the first time ‘Yohane’ had spoken since early on in their conversation. It’s nice when Yocchan acts like Yocchan. Riko looks over at Yoshiko prompting her to strike another pose towards Riko. I guess Yohane is cute too, though. She snickers to herself causing Yoshiko to pout a little.
They reach the bus stop. “This is where the great Yohane must bid you farewell” Yoshiko points at Riko dramatically while she says this.
Riko smiles, “Goodbye Yocchan. I'll text you later” she says while waving and turning around to leave.
“Bye, Lily” Yoshiko says dropping her persona. Riko turns away to walk home.
On her way to her house Riko can't help but walk with a little skip in her step. As if she doesn't believe it she takes her phone out of her bag to check her contacts for Yoshiko’s. She finds it, above the number reads the name ‘Yocchan.’ Her heart flutters and she can't stop the skip in her step from becoming a full skip for a few steps till she settles down. She puts her phone back away and attempts to make her walk look at least somewhat normal. She was going to have to get used to this.
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soratalks · 7 years
I Would Do Anything For You (Original) - Mark Foster Tagged by @coolez - *pets*
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!  
A - Age: 19, my birthday was a week or so ago~
B - Biggest fear: I think... losing my ability to see or hear. 
C - Current time: 7:45PM
D - Drink you last had: Grape Juice
E - Every day starts with: I wake up and check my tumblr activity, discord chat, and group chats to see what happened while I was asleep.
F - Favourite song: I don’t think I have a favorite... I’m listening to Kimi ni Matsuwaru Mystery, Hyouka’s second ending, a lot since I just watched it.
G- Ghosts, are they real: I don’t believe but if you do that’s cool.
H - Hometown: A Village in US Michigan.
I - In love with: My waifus? Yeah.
J - Jealous of: People who can play musical instruments! I think that’s super cool.
K - Killed someone: “If I was going to kill someone that would be myself.” -coolez. Same.
L - Last time you cried:  Like yesterday. It doesn’t take much-
M - Middle name: Allen. Hella generic.
N - Number of siblings: Two older sisters. 
O - One wish: Umm. To be come an (at least) semi-successful novel author.
P - Person you last called/texted: Umm. A group chat with some of my irl weeb pals. I said “Buy everything” to my friend questioning us about buying LL merch.
Q - Questions you’re always asked: Why are you like this? Due to my blog it’d probably be “are you a girl?” (I’m not)
R - Reasons to smile: Again my waifus. But besides that, I’m fortunate to have really great friends that are always there when I need ‘em. 
S - Song last sang: Probably Drops of Jupiter by Train when I was out with friends messing around singing early 2000′s music.
T - Time you woke up: Like 3pm my sleep schedule is in shambles.
U - Underwear colour: uhh, white
V - Vacation Destination: Umm, I’m not very adventurous but I like going to conventions so I guess anywhere for a big con.
W - Worst habit: I tend to pull out my hair... Like i play with it and it tends to come out. :/
X - X-rays you’ve had: Two for each of my writsts. I broke both on seperate occasions when I was younger.
Y - Your favourite food: @anime-scarves make me food pls.
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius/Pisces. Right between the two.
Tagging: I unno do it if you want ><
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soratalks · 7 years
I cried this is so sweet what do I even say. Umm. When I sent a DM to you @coolez I really just wanted to thank you for the kind tags you put on my FanFiction. I never would have guessed that encounter was with one of nicest people I think I’ll ever meet. I’m honestly lucky to have you as a friend.
Thank you so much! I would usually say “Don’t call me senpai!” but this time I’ll let it go :’)
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18.February - Happy Birthday, @soratalks!
Happy birthday, senpai :p Here’s some YohaRiko for you~
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