The 1st Saturn Return
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(Photo Credit:” Saturn or Saturn Devouring His Son” by Peter Paul Ruben)
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my page, Secondsight Astrology! Today, we continue Pt. 2 of the “Saturn Transits” series relating to the First Saturn Return. I will be sharing with you some of my personal experiences and lessons from my first Saturn Return. I will also be discussing its effect on the Saturn in Capricorn Generation. Later through this series, I will be discussing Pt 3, “The Saturn Return in the Aquarius Generation”. 
What is a “Saturn Return”? 
The Saturn Return is one of the three major human life transits to occur in the four planes (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual) of existence. 
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(Photo Credit/Source: Chiron Rainbow bridge..., Barbara Hand Clow 1993)
At the time we experience our first Saturn Return is when we begin our own initiation into the adult maturation process. The Saturn return is when Saturn aligns itself with its own natal placement at the time of birth in the natal chart. The Saturn Return transit occurs approximately every 30 years. In Astrology, the birth chart is considered a “blue print” of our own current incarnation on Earth and serves as a unifying energy structure. It demonstrates where planetary energies exist within ourselves and how those energies relate to each each other. It also demonstrates how we relate to the influence of current planetary transits. 
Below, I have posted my own chart (via www.Astro.com) as a visual reference. As you can see, My natal chart has Saturn (♄ - The Cross of physical reality over the soul), in the 10th house (House of Career, Responsibility, and our Social Reputation and Standing).
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Saturn’s Bitch
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(Photo Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/qauz/art/Dream-of-Saturn-259783496)
To me, The Saturn Return is a time where we can expect ourselves to be, “Saturn’s Bitch”. Saturn is an outer planet yet it casts a very large shadow over our lives. Its effect is felt as far and wide to every aspect of our relationship with physical reality. This is a time for serious work, preservation, dedication and self analysis. Here we go deep, and do our “Shadow Work”. 
When we first encounter our Saturn Return, our time here on Earth slows down, life feels heavier and more burdensome. We are more aware of our limits. The events that occur during this time can challenge us so deeply and intensely that we can naturally experience melancholy or depression. This transit lasts for a little over 2 years, yet the purpose it serves is to prepare us to attain conscious alignment with the physical world. It prepares us for our next major life transit, Uranus Opposite Uranus. By taking the lessons learned during the first Saturn Return with us, having learned mastery of our own physical reality, we are then prepared to learn emotional maturity during our Uranus Opposite Uranus transit.
It is important to mention, that if by the age of 30, those who do not do the work of their Saturn Return and grow on the physical level, they cannot grow emotionally. These people are already beginning the process of death and experience disharmony within their own vibrational acceleration. To put it simply, they have a more difficult time with “adulting”, they lack awareness and understanding of their own limits and boundaries. They missed the lessons needed to be learned during their Saturn Return that would inspire emotional maturity and mental clarity. 
Saturn Return in Capricorn Generation
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(Photo Credit: Pinterest.com)
When looking back at the transit of Capricorn in Saturn, I think it’s important to describe key attributes to Capricorn Energy. Capricorn embodies the values of: Prudence, Wisdom, Practicality, Resourcefulness, and Ambition. Those with heavy Capricorn influence in the natal chart ooze with an air of status and stability. The reason for Capricorn’s natural inclination towards these values is due to its planetary ruler, which is, you guessed it, Saturn.
For us who have experienced our own Saturn Return in Capricorn, we learned the heavy lessons of our own relationship to Physical Reality. We learned proper measurement of time. What to do with it, how to integrate discipline in a healthy way (which didn’t contradict our ability to focus on what really matters). We learned discipline to become less rigid(although we always assumed rigidity was helpful..it wasn’t), we learned to value integration instead of compartmentalization. To me, I felt the most important lesson was in understanding and appreciating the true value of our resources. If we learned the lessons our Saturn Return taught us, it was to know our worth, our time and effort and we in the Saturn in Capricorn generation refuse to undercut the value of our ability of being flexible in our methods. 
We learned to use our personal power appropriately.
That being said, those of us who have gone through our Saturn Return in Capricorn, should now be able to understand and relate to our friends who are experiencing their own Saturn Return in Aquarius. We can have a major influence on them by demonstrating integrity while expressing our personal power and if we choose to collaborate with our Saturn in Aquarius friends, in the physical world, there isn’t much we couldn’t accomplish in the realm of humanitarian efforts. This new generation are Visionaries. Period. If we folks who have done the work of our Saturn Return in Capricorn and have paid attention to what is beyond personal self interest, there can be major accomplishments carried out when we unify our two generations.
My Saturn Return
To describe my Saturn return, I feel the best place to start is when Saturn was transiting my 9th house and Midheaven in Sagittarius. I was offered a unique spiritual experience that changed my belief system (I'm a recovering agnostic). This was the time where I was being challenged to form a stronger relationship with my Trust in God in the physical world and to own my unique Psychic abilities. I sought after autotelechy and used that knowledge to heal outdated belief patterns that were distract me from my true life’s purpose. I practiced self discipline of my will power through Yoga. It was a time where I also began to travel more often. During Saturn in Sagittarius, I become engaged and then married to my husband. We bought our family home and I started my own business and went back to college.
On December 20th, 2017, the day before winter solstice, my Saturn Return in Capricorn began its transit in my 10th house. Saturn was transiting in conjunction with an orb of 3 degrees natal Uranus and 8 degrees Saturn. As I mentioned earlier, in reference to my own chart, The midheaven/10th house cusp symbolize our most public self. It is our career or “life path” - and it was where Saturn showed up to challenge maturity within my own social standing and reputation. 
It felt like everything that was possible and easy during the time Saturn was in Sagittarius became a true drudgery. I was challenged to limit relationships motivated by feelings of guilt, and in many ways I had to learn my limits with how much I was willing to allow others to influence my decision making. I was forced to get real about who I was and face the consequences of how I was giving people the wrong impression of me. I began to learn my limits when it came to just how much of my personal power I was willing to give away. Lastly, if I had to say what was the hallmark moment regarding Saturn’s lesson, was the experience of the death of my Father. 
These are just some examples of what I experienced and to be honest, every single lesson learned during my Saturn Return began with feelings of deep sorrow, disappointment and frustration. That is, until I realized that I had the power to make my own choices. My Saturn Return in Capricorn was an opportunity to find out what my time was worth. To find out where my limits were, and ultimately, know the value of all my resources. It was a time in my life where I felt called upon to act fearlessly. To find my way through the dark and persevere through everything that was coming my way. 
It is my opinion that the Saturn Return is not a frivolous life experience. It is a very harrowing time in our lives where we can legitimately feel victimized by its lessons. However, if we diligently practice discernment and self compassion, we find ourselves very blessed indeed. To me, the Saturn Return happens to assist us in seeing a balanced perspective of our own lives. We become more self directed and we take responsibility for ourselves and our choices. We are able to see the “big picture”, and we are no longer held back by emotional pain. We understand that emotional pain is just one aspect of self perspective and we learn to trust ourselves to feel own pain. We now know, it doesn’t last forever. 
Saturn teaches us that we no longer feel burdened by responsibility, we know we are capable of anything we put our minds to. We are understanding of the times where we felt powerless, confused and riddled with despair, was the fertile soil of creating a life of purpose. It is the Phoenix rising out of the ashes energy. We are no longer who we used to be and we feel a deep satisfaction where we no longer feel conflicted and ashamed for our immaturity. We have grown.
I hope you all have enjoyed this post. If you are going through your own Saturn return and have questions or would like to request a  birth chart reading, you can contact me at - [email protected]
With Love,
“No one said it wasn’t going to be exciting...We eat tension baby! We eat it! Tribulation, shit lightning! That’s what we do.” - AlexisonFire, Live at House of Strombo
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Saturn’s Transit Through Aquarius
“And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years”.  Genesis 1:14
Today I am going to be sharing with you the significance of Saturn’s transit through Aquarius. There will be a series of material including: Saturn’s Transit through Aquarius. Critical degree 0 in Aquarius, and lastly, Saturn Return in the Aquarius Generation. 
As of June 15th, 2020, Saturn has been in Retrograde and is transiting at 0 degrees Aquarius. Planetary retrograde energy is magnetic and it is where we are called to direct active attention towards the inner self. With the current Saturn retrograde (Rx) transit, a call has gone out to the collective to reorientate structures of value systems and to achieve the long term goal of Universal harmony. 
Saturn in Aquarius
“And He said to them, “Behold, when you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house which he enters.” 
Luke 22:10
Saturn represents the essential structure of all existing things, including Time, Death, Form, and Limits. Saturn’s balanced power of expression also include the destruction of existing forms in order to facilitate new growth. This is the alchemical stage of Putrefaction and is referred to as the “Black Star”. 
Saturn in Aquarius believes we can reap the reward of success through effort and discipline exercised by the organization of faith. Working with the influences of Saturn in Aquarius, there is opportunity to begin mental reconciliation. Mental reconciliation is a gift, where we can be rewarded with conscious control of kundalini energy in the body. This methodology requires the pulling up of the personality from its oppressive enclosures in which, wisdom emerges from right understanding. Thus, we consciously direct the daily aspects of our lives. 
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. The power of Uranus in expression is to serve by rearranging the electrical and neurological systems in the body. Uranus is of the higher mind and urges the unfolding of individual, creative strength to serve the highest good. Under Uranus’s influence, we unfold the structures of our minds and are summoned to embrace divine consciousness. It is a highly energized energy, one that feels like being hit by a flash of lightning - Uranus does not function in stages energetically.
As you can see, When Saturn and Uranus combine, we are in relationship to Creation and our Divine Nature. We can begin to appreciate all sensations felt in the physical body, including moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression, anxiety, and confusion. The knowledge of how to synthesize all sensations in the body are indicative of our strength and God given ability to do the Great Work on Earth. 
So when we synthesize these energies what we are really doing is cleansing useless mental constructs of the survival mind. We are then free and empowered to heal self identity wounds and the healing of societal wounds. The stability that is achieved through integration of the dualities in the human condition produces HIGH CREATIVITY. 
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Defeating Black Magic in Personal Relationships
Today I wanted to share my thoughts with you pertaining to the practice of Black Magic. Most people share a common misconception that magic in itself is only for the superstitious. If we were all to take a look back at the beginning of how we formed our own ideas of what constituted magic, What would we remember? 
For me, I remember reading fantasy books such as the Black Caldron, The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter. I grew up on Disney movies. What I remember most was the message: “Magic is make believe and it is separate from reality”. I never saw in real life Fairy Godmothers conjuring up birthday cakes using magic wands. So, when the only examples I had were in story books or cartoon movies, I concluded that in real life, Magic = Unreality.
However, throughout the years of practicing Tarot, my perspective has vastly changed. Through the practice of the occult sciences, I was endowed with the tools of discernment and I finally began to understand that it was my personality need to hold me back from growth. I knew I had to come to terms with such denial of magic, if I was going to become more of my authentic self. 
Growing up, I possessed a serious lack of understanding of how to communicate my feelings, let alone accept my own vulnerabilities. Being vulnerable felt to me, for a very long time, that if I shared my feelings, I would be met with humiliation, exploitation and exposure. I was incredibly reluctant to ask for anyone’s help. In the back of my mind, I was afraid of being judged and rejected, I didn’t want to appear weak. To me, there was no way I was going to give anyone the satisfaction of exploiting me. 
During my adolescents and into my 20′s, I felt doomed to rely only on myself. I felt terribly isolated from others and I felt that what I could expect from others is that in order to get anywhere with them, I had to trade my personal power in exchange for what I needed. Call it emotional prostitution, if you will. What I learned growing up, was the value compromise. But not in a way that was healthy, it was either you were changing, or I was changing.
The value on compromise wasn’t because it was what was best for both parties. It wasn’t to accomplish a goal that was bigger and better than our own individual self interest. Nor was it to result in an amicable conclusion. The emphasis on change had to do with control. That was the bottom line. Control became a way of life for me, a behavioral pattern I used to survive. It was the only language I was fluent in. In retrospect, I never heard the word “Boundaries” in my household, not even once.
The emphasis of Words of Power and Black Magic are important here when discussing the concept of Magic. As a reality, is there anything less real than how words are used to embody the value of Power? But just as Words of Power are used to to conceptualize union and expansion of life there comes its opposite, words of fear. Using words of fear to me, is the practice of Black Magic. 
One side of the coin encapsulates growth, light, warmth, movement, all the activities defining living life. The opposite creates the illusion of stopping and fearing that place within you that does live. That part of you who looks to the present and says “what now? What is next? Onward!”  is smothered. Words of fear influence us all to become a person of yesterdays. Our focus, emotionally, mentally and spiritually is on what has already come to pass or what we have LIVEd Through. (LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL btw.) We base expectations on ourselves and others, based on experienced that have come to pass. We don’t enjoy our relationships on a daily basis, we base our relationships on expectations we formulated because of what happened 2 months, 2 years ago and even 20 years ago. 
The impact of Black Magic can feel very real. It can impact our ability to live confidently, it can impact the ability to feel in tuned with our own truth. Sadly, words of fear can convince us that we are incapable of making our own choices. Where living in a world of futility, where self denial is our main emotional preoccupation. 
Words spoken through the purpose of deception can and has become a very real way of life for many. The behavior of using deception as a means of communication spreads like wildfire through the lives of those who lack discernment. It putrefies and decays all feelings of self worth and understanding. To me, Black Magic is the art of eroding trust, integrity and virtue.
One of the tools I have learned to use to overcome the illusion casted by Black Magic is in adopting the value of discernment. I began adopting this practice by allowing myself time and space to figure out what feels right and what feels wrong to me, to understand that I didn’t need to react or mirror other people’s behavior. With time and practice I became to know that I was empowered and most importantly I was worthy and deserved better for myself. I was worthy. PERIOD. I began to KNOW I could make any choice I wanted, regardless of the outcome from what I felt people expected from me.
Words of black magic can be impactful, but their impact can lessen if we choose to see them for what they are - an opportunity. Everytime we encounter black magic, we get to practice if what is being communicated holds any truth for you or not. If it doesn’t, you learn how to not take things to personally. You realize most of the time, that when people are saying hurtful, derogatory things to you, it isn’t about you. You don’t have to react, you don’t have to fix the other person’s perspective, or hustle for your worthiness (like Mrs. Brene Brown says), you just realize that there in this moment, someone’s weakness is being directed at you. You can you can either be defined by it, or you can say “I am not bowing down to this”. It never really is our burden to carry, we can trust others to figure their own problems out and wish them the best in doing so.
Anyway I could go on and on about this but I felt like today was an incredibly important day to get this message out. We are living in a time, in my opinion, where black magic is more prevalent in our modern human experience than ever before. So I just wanted to say, remember, you have a choice. Discern how you feel when you talk to yourself. Practice compassion. Meditate of Forgiveness and Gratitude. The only voice that matters is the truth. Let love lead the way. 
On that note, I leave you with this quote <3
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With Love,
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Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my blog, Second Sight Astrology! This is my FIRST post and I am incredibly excited to share with you all my personal experiences in practicing the Occult Sciences. To give you a little bit more information about who I am, My name is Brittany and I am thirty-one years old. I am a practicing student and teacher of Qabalistic Astrology and Tarot. I became a student of Western Astrology and Numerology at the age of sixteen and I have been faithfully studying the Occult Sciences for the last five years. It has been an incredible journey and I am very passionate about sharing what I feel to be vital resources with those who have the intention to become more intimate and loving with themselves and with others.
As a practicing student and teacher, I believe the Occult Sciences can be used as a tool to achieve self mastery. Over the past five years I have discovered a variety of different resources that have supported my aspirations to gain more insight regarding self knowledge and acceptance. I have uncovered skills and talents I didn’t know existed because I didn’t possess the language to know what they were. I have uncovered talents that I felt for most of my life were weaknesses, only because I didn’t know how to use them. Thus, the inspiration of this blog was born. This is what I want to inspire in others.
It is my goal to assist those who want to use these tools to expand and liberate their own lives and the lives of others. I feel that when we don’t feel empowered to make our own choices in our own lives, we rely on fear to lead the way in our behavior and decision making. As one human being to another, I have felt the devastating effects of fearful leadership and as one human being to another, I can’t tolerate to be silenced by it any longer.  It is time to share my voice with you. 
To those who have approached this blog skeptically (because I know I would), is that in regards to the specific practice of Qabalistic Astrology is:
 “The Stars impel, they do not compel”.
You should be aware, that cosmic transits are INFLUENCES only. I want to remind you all that we possess Free Will and we are free to choose as we please. I am not saying I have all the answers for you, but what I do possess is the resources to serve in the expansion and liberation of life and it continues to work for me. Through this blog, I share my power and grace with those who are receptive. I am looking forward to learning and growing with you.
With Love,
If you would like to book a reading, please contact me - 
Instagram: secondsightastrology
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