I don't see nearly enough positivity for heteromantic aces and heterosexual aros, so here's to those of us who identify as het apsec and LGBTQ+!
Heteromantic aces are amazing and valid! Heterosexual aros are wonderful and awe inspiring! If you're het and aspec, you are still queer, and you bring a unique perspective to the aspec community that deserves to be listened to!
Het apsecs belong in the LGBTQ+ community, and our experiences deserve to be represented and recognized just as much as any other LGBTQ+ person's do. We aren't "straight lite" or basically straight or any less queer for the het attraction we have, because our aspec identity makes us queer.
So stay gorgeous and uniquely you, and don't let the aphobes and exclusionists tear you down!
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You know what? Yes, aspec people are welcome in the LGBT community and that bears repeating, but it's more than that. Aspec people are a valuable and necessary part of the community. Aspec perspectives and experiences are an essential, important part of our community.
Aspec people belong in the LGBT community. Not as an allowance or an afterthought, but inherently. Not the way a kid who doesn't fit in gets invited to a party, like "oh, you heard that? I guess you can come too". Not in a way that is polite on the surface but still othering. They don't need an invitation, because they're just as intrinsic to the community as every other LGBT identity.
Aspec people have always belonged, and they always will. It's as simple as that.
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(Image description: six images divided in half, the right side of every image has a lesbian pride flag, the left side has different gender pride flags including genderqueer, nonbinary, genderfluid, polygender, agender, and bigender pride flags; white and black text says "_______ lesbians belong in the lesbian community" with the identity represented by each flag as the first word.)
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(Image description: two images with a background that is divided in half, one half is the aromantic pride flag and the other half is a lesbian pride flag; the two images have white and black text that reads 1) "aromantic lesbians are amazing" and 2) "aromantic lesbians belong in the lesbian community'.)
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(Image description: two images with a background that is divided in half, one half is the asexual pride flag and the other half is a lesbian pride flag; the two images have white and black text that reads 1) "asexual lesbians are amazing" and 2) "asexual lesbians belong in the lesbian community'.)
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Sapphic couples who are affectionate in public: 💝💖✨💕💯💯 Sapphic couples who are dating online: 💝💖✨💕💯💯 : Sapphic couples who are openly dating: 💝💖✨💕💯💯 Sapphic couples who keep their relationship a secret: 💝💖✨💕💯💯 I love you all, take your relationship at your own pace, and be safe!
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Random person: You do know that romantic and sexual attractions are what make us fundamentally human-
Aros, turning to Aces: Gods?
Aces, nodding: Gods
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you're laying on the couch, next to the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate, with marshmallows in it, you're covered in blankets, snuggled up, with your cat, and your girlfriend, stroking her hair, watching the snow fall outside,
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Queerplatonic relationships are so beautiful and important
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aro + art supplies moodboard // Mod Primaria
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♡ disabled lesbian and cat themed moodboard for anon || Mod Chloe ♡
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by Louise Dolan
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We have always been here.
Vintage LGBT love photography post
Vintage MLM love photography post
Please add more if you have them <3 
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Alloaro trans girls are so important and I’m so glad they’re part of my community
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Religious aspecs are so amazing, I love you all!
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You are my pride and joy
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To all autistic aces:
You are not perpetuating harmful stereotypes
You are not loveless
You are lovable
You are loved
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