psythebabe · 4 years
November 16th Night of Hecate
November 16 is the Night of Hecate which begins at sunset. This is the night of the Three-formed Goddess. Hecate is part of the most ancient form of the triple Moon goddess as Crone or Dark Moon. This is also the night of Hecate’s supper at the Crossroads. People who worshiped Hecate honoured Her by performing Sympathetic Magick and holding a supper at what they believed to be the Crossroads.
Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess, the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.
But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.
A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).
Usually classified as a "moon goddess", her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.
A lover of solitude, the Greek goddess Hecate was, like her cousin Artemis, a "virgin" goddess, unwilling to sacrifice her independent nature for the sake of marriage. Walking the roads at night or visiting cemeteries during the dark phase of the moon, the goddess Hecate was described as shining or luminous.
In other legends she is invisible, perhaps only glimpsed as a light, a "will-o-the-wisp". Perhaps it was this luminous quality that marked Hecate as a "moon goddess", for she seemed quite at home on the earth.
Some scholars believe it is also was because her mother was Asteria (the Titan goddess of the Shining Light or "Star") or perhaps it was because she sensibly always carried a torch on her journeys.
Like Artemis, Hecate was usually depicted with her sacred dogs, although Hecate and even her animals were sometimes said to have three heads and that they could see in all directions. Although usually depicted as a beautiful woman having three human heads, some images are fearsome indeed (one with a snake's head, one with a horse's, and the third a boar's head).
This farsightedness, the ability to see in several directions at once (even the past, present, and future) featured largely in her most famous myth, the abduction of Persephone. For it was the goddess Hecate who "saw" and told the frantic Demeter what had become of her daughter.
The goddess Hecate continued to play an important role in the life of Persephone, becoming her confidante when she was in the Underworld. Hades, thankful for their friendship, was more than hospitable, honoring Hecate as a prominent and permanent guest in the spirit world. Surely this had the effect of enhancing her reputation as a spirit of black magic with the power to conjure up dreams, prophecies, and phantoms.
Hecate's ability to see into the Underworld, the "otherworld" of the sleeping and the dead, made her comfortable and tolerant in the company of those most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding.
In her role as 'Queen of the Night', sometimes traveling with a following of "ghosts" and other social outcasts, she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge". In Rome many of the priests in her sacred groves were former slaves who had been released to work in her service.
The goddess Hecate was often accompanied on her travels by an owl, a symbol of wisdom. Not really known as a goddess of wisdom, per se, Hecate is nevertheless recognized for a special type of knowledge and is considered to be the goddess of trivia.
Hecate's farsightedness and attention to detail, combined with her extraordinary interest in that which most of us discount as irrelevant or arcane, gave her tremendous powers.
She knew what the rest of us did not.
Not surprisingly, the people thought it best to give the goddess Hecate (and any friends that might be accompanying her) a lot of honor and a fairly wide berth. When darkness descended they wisely retired to the fireside for supper, but put the leftovers outside as an offering to Hecate and her hounds.
That the homeless and destitute were often the actual beneficiaries hardly mattered...after all, they were under Hecate's protection.
In a similar fashion, food was often left at the crossroads to honor Hecate, especially at junctions where three roads converged --what we often call a "Y-intersection".
Frequently a pole was erected at the intersection and three masks would be hung from it to pay homage to Hecate and to request her guidance in helping to choose the right direction.
Three-faced masks also adorned the entrances of many homes, honoring the goddess Hecate who could, of course, wield her influence over "the spirits that traveled the earth" to keep them from entering the household.
It is hardly surprising that a woman who needed to make a trip alone at night would say a brief prayer to Hecate to seek her protection. The goddess Hecate, like her cousin Artemis, was known as a protector of women, especially during childbirth.
Not only was Hecate called upon to ease the pains and progress of a woman's labor, but especially to protect and restore the health and growth of a child.
Similarly, Hecate played a role that, in contemporary times, we would describe as "hospice nurse", helping the elderly make a smooth and painless passage into the next life and staying with them, if need be, in the otherworld to help prepare them for their eventual return to the earth in their next life.
Familiar with the process of death and dying as well as that of new birth and new life, the goddess Hecate was wise in all of earth's mysteries.
The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.
New beginnings, whether spiritual or mundane, aren't always easy. But Hecate is there to support and show you the way.
She loans her farsightedness for you to see what lies deeply forgotten or even hidden, and helps you make a choice and find your path. Oft times she shines her torch to guide you while you are in dreams or meditation.
Hecate teaches us to be just and to be tolerant of those who are different or less fortunate, yet she is hardly a "bleeding heart", for Hecate dispenses justice "blindly" and equally.
Whether the Greek goddess Hecate visits us in waking hours or only while we sleep, she can lead us to see things differently (ourselves included) and help us find greater understanding of our selves and others.
Although her name may mean "The Distant One", Hecate is always close at hand in times of need, helping us to release the old, familiar ways and find our way through new beginnings.
Goddess symbols, individualized for each goddess, were incorporated into the worship of the ancient goddesses, were often worn as jewelry, and also used in the household decor as talismans to seek the goddesses special gifts, blessings, or protection. A large number of goddess symbols have survived in statuary and other works of art.
Many of the goddess symbols come from the legends surrounding a specific goddess and were "characters" in her story. Other goddess symbols were derived from the rituals used in the ancient rites of worship of these pagan goddesses.
Hecate, "The Distant One" ( best known as Hecate, Greek goddess of the Crossroads) is often represented by symbols associated with her personality traits and her role as Queen of the Night. Since Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, it should come as no surprise that many of her goddess symbols play a prominent role in the celebration of Halloween.
General: Torch, dark moon, raisin & currant cakes, crossroads, three-headed animals or statues, the number 3, masks, and candles.
Animals: Dogs, horses, sheep (especially black female lambs), owls, bats, snakes, and boars.
Plants: Willows, dark yew, blackthorn, groves of trees, saffron, raisins and currants, and gourds (especially pumpkins)
Perfumes/Scents: Queen of the Night (a light flowery fragrance), cinnamon, myrrh, mugwort, honey, lime, and lemon verbena
Gems and Metals: Sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, black onyx, hematite, smoky quartz and any stone that is dark or luminous
Colors: Black, orange, yellow-orange, and red-orange
Offerings: red mullet, (a scavenging fish that was taboo in other cults), sprat, breads, raw eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey. Ideally, the offerings are left at a crossroads and you should leave without looking back.
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psythebabe · 4 years
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Have a good Night People! 🌱💜 by lunarabandit
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psythebabe · 4 years
PBW Witch Shop & Zine Distro
The PBW Witch Shop is a curated selection of witchcraft and magic related zines, books, pin-back buttons, tarot cards and more.
We focus on traditional and folkloric witchcraft, animism, chaos magic, secular witchcraft, magical herbs and plants, queer witchcraft, tarot & Divination, witchcraft & magic in politics, history, culture, and social & racial justice,  and aspects of non-Wiccan forms of witchcraft, magic, and paganism.
Pre-Covid the Portland Button Works primarily made custom pinback button. Selling zines and books was secondary and more of a hobby for me to share things I’d like to read. Right now our business is pivoting to focus on books and zines that people can read in the comfort and safety of their own homes. Some items are from well known witchcraft and occult publisher and some are titles from small publishers with interesting items I don’t see in other shops but I’m excited to elevate.
Not everyone has income to buy books right now, we totally understand that, but I would love it if you were able to reblog this post or share Portland Button Works and PBW Witch Shop with your friends.
If you have been looking for a book about something specific, or if you think something would be a good fit for our catalog, get in touch. We can order almost any book in print, even if it isn’t witchcraft or magic related.
With that being said, here are some categories of items we carry:
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Some good books to get you started studying witchcraft:
Grovedaughter Witchery by Bree NicGarran
Making Magic by Briana Saussy
Magical Power for Beginners- How to Raise & Send Energy for Spells That Work by Deborah Lipp
Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
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Some creative books to help build your witch craft practice:
Spellcrafting- Strengthen the Power of your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
D.I.Y. Magic -a Strange & Whimsical Guide to Creativity by Anthony Alvarado
Psychic Witch- a Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick, & Manifestation by Mat Auryn
Urban Magick by Diana Rajchel
Standing and Not Falling - a Sorcerous Primer in Thirteen Moons by Lee Morgan
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Tarot Books
Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow
Tarot for Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro & Theresa Reed
Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea
Tarot Decks
Next World Tarot (regular and pocket sized)
Science Tarot
Rider-Waite-Coleman Smith Regular sized and Mini sized
Crow Tarot
Modern Witch Tarot
Cat Tarot
Check out the tarot and divination books in our catalog and also check out tarot and divination decks in our catalog here.
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Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine
Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman
Chaos Protocols by Gordon White
Hands on Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus 
Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter Carroll
Other books in the Chaos Magic section
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Anthologies: Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels, Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community, Shades of Ritual: Minority Voices in Practice
Magical Resistance: Witchcraft Activism by David Salisbury, Magic for the Resistance by Michael Hughes, Revolutionary Witchcraft by Sarah Lyons
Witches and Feminist Perspectives: Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici, Witches, Midwives and Nurses by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English , Witches Sluts Feminists by Kristen J. Sollee
Pagan Anti-Capitalism: Pagan Anarchism True to the Earth: Pagain Political Thology by Kadmus, All That is Sacred is Profaned: A Pagan Guide to Marxism by Ryhd Wildermuth, A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer
Queer Witchcraft: Witchcraft and the Gay Counter Culture, Sapphomanteion a Lesbian Oracle, Queering the Tarot
Check out the Witchcraft Culture and History and Witchcraft Politics and Resistance sections of our website.
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Green Witchcraft: The Green Witch by Arin Murray-Hiscock, Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
Plants and Herbs: Under the Witching Tree by Corinne Boyer, Under the Bramble Arch by Corinne Boyer
The Poison Path: Veneficuim: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path by Daniel Schulke, Pharmo/Gnonsis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path by Dale Pendell , Plants of the Devil by Corinne Boyer
Witchy Crafts: Pestlework: a Book of Magical Powders and Oils by Bree NicGarran, Sew Witchy by Rachel Henderson, Sigil Witchery by Lara Tempest Zakroff
Other books in our Plants, Herbs, and Magical Crafts section
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Books on Atheopaganism
Godless Paganism (anthology)
Atheopaganism by Mark Green
Other Pagan Perspectives
Jailbreaking the Goddess: A Radical Revisioning of Feminist Spirituality by Lasara Firefix Allen
The Wakeful World: Anismism, Mind, and the Self in Nature by Emma Restall Orr
Circling the Star by Anthony Rella
All That Is Sacred is Profaned: A Pagan Guide to Marxism by Rhyd Wildermuth
All Other Pagan books
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Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary
A Deed Without A Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft by Lee Morgan
Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Keldon
Backwoods Witchcraft by Jake Richards
Besom Stand and Sword A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft the Six-Fold Path the Hidden Landscape by Christopher Orapello & Tara Love Maguire
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
Folk Witchcraft by
The Flame in the Cauldron by Orion Foxwood
Craft of the Untamed by Roger Horne
Check out the rest of the books in our Traditional & Folkloric Witchcraft Section
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What are zines? Small independently made magazine and pamphlets filled with stories and unique ideas that you won’t find from major publishers!
Some topics you will find in zines we carry are Secular Witchcraft, the fantastic Fiddler’s Green Pamphlets and lots of zine on the places where Politics, Paganism, and Witchcraft intersect.
Check out all of our witchy zines here.
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Other Stuff
witchy buttons
 magnets and hand mirrors
We carry more than just witchy books.
Here are some of the other titles we carry:
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You Were Born For This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nicholas
When Language Runs Dry: An Anthology for People with Chronic Pain and their Allies
What is Gender Nihilism?
Be Gay Do Crime by The Mary Nardini Gang
Radical Brewing by Randy Mosher
You Black Friend by Ben Passmore
Learning Good Consent an Anthology edited by Cindy Crabb
How To Talk To Your Cat about Gun Safety and Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism and Other Dangers that Threaten Their Nine Lives
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Honoring your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise
Do-it-Your Self Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfucking Sad by Adam Gnade
Yes, I’m Flagging: Queer Flagging 101 by Archie Bongiovanni
Full online catalog of books, zines, buttons and more can be found at PortlandButtonWorks.com and the PBW Witch Shop can be found here.
All items are shipped from Portland, Oregon in plain packaging or United States Postal Service Flat Rate envelopes or boxes with the return address as Portland Button Works. We ship daily and most order come with small fun gifts of buttons or magnets.
Thank you so much for supporting your local witch!
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psythebabe · 4 years
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"Witchcraft ... is a spiritual path. You walk it for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and to thereby better know your own life." - CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK
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psythebabe · 4 years
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psythebabe · 4 years
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
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psythebabe · 4 years
Herbs you can grow indoors.
Made this list for my fellow witchies who like their kitchen to be full of the green stuff :
Basil : like lots of sun and warmth. More difficult to grow in the winter months
Bay : needs plenty of sun and fresh air.
Chives : needs at least 6 hours of sun and plenty of water.
Dill : prefers slightly acidic soil, needs plenty of sunlight, doesn’t need too much water.
Lemongrass : My personal favorite as you don’t plant it in soil. Grow in a couple of inches of water. Easiest to grow.
Mint : needs plenty of water and needs to be placed in an area with indirect light. Harvest frequently.
Oregano : does not deal well with cold and drastic temperature changes could kill it.
Parsley : Doesn’t require too much light or maintenance, but is a slow grower.
Rosemary : needs 6 - 8 hours of strong, direct sunlight. Only water when the top layer of soil feels dry. Needs good ventilation. A bit trickier to grow.
Sage : Needs plenty of sun. 
Thyme : Needs 6 - 8 hours of sunlight a day and maybe even supplemental light.
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psythebabe · 4 years
Unpacking Witchcraft - Spell Types
A spell is a manifestation of intents, ingredients, and influences combined to bring about an intangible effect. However, there are a number of different of types of spells, intents, and methods. 
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CURSE— A spell designed to cause a person or place harm or misfortune of a grand scale. Occasionally used to protect when it used against a concept, “cursing out” infections and medical problems.
HEX— Commonly thought as similar to a curse, though it comes from a German word for witch. Commonly interpreted as a weaker curse, or a midpoint between a jinx and a curse on a scale of annoying to devastating.
JINX— A spell to cause momentary bad luck or annoyance, but can occasionally come back to bite someone later. Usually paired with irony, or used to bring about the opposite effect of what someone says out loud or hopes for.
BANISHING— A type of spell, designed to get rid of something specific, whether it be a concept, a person, spirit, or otherwise, and to keep it away.
WARDING— A type of protective spell in which you create and put up magical walls, usually against a specific thing, such as spirits or negative people, but could be used for evangelicals and teenagers that theoretically loiter on your lawn.
BINDING— Similar to banishing. Instead of removing a person, object, or situation from your vicinity, you prevent a person or creature from performing a particular action.
GLAMOUR— Often used for beauty spells, are a type of spell used for creating an illusion over a person or object. They can be used for a number of purposes, to make someone more attract, or to make an object harder to find, or a person be more or less likely to be noticed.
CONSECRATION— The ritual blessing of an object or place by cleansing it and instilling with a specific energy. Cannot be done to living creatures.
POTION— Any drink made to have a magical effect.
JAR SPELL— A spell made and contained within a jar, often herb sealed with wax.
these are just a few types, feel free to add your own!
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psythebabe · 4 years
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Blessed Lughnasadh! I feel like I make bread for literally every sabbat but THIS sabbat is also known as loaf-mass so...yay 🥰🥐🥖🍞🥯
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psythebabe · 4 years
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Artemis Herb, Artemesia of Pontos, Felon herb, Naughty Man, Old Man, St. John’s Plant, Sailor’s Tobacco
GENDER: Feminine
DEITIES: Artemis, Diana
Fun Fact: The name, Artemisia, refers to the goddess Artemis 
POWERS: Divination, Intuition, Women’s Mysteries, Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection
Works well against fevers and sickness
Carry it around to prevent back pain
Promotes the appetite
Used in the bath for gout, rheumatism and tired legs  
Place it under the doorstep to keep away unwanted visitors
Put into the shoe for protection and to prevent fatigue on long journeys
Place dabs of essential oil around your doors and windows to help protect your house and property
Mugwort tea will induce clairvoyance
Place mugwort under your pillow to prevent psychic attacks in your sleep
Placed next to the bed aids in achieving astral projection
Use to ward off nightmares
An excellent Dream Pillow can be made by combining Mugwort, Lavender, and Chamomile
Cleanse mirrors and crystal balls to aid in psychic readings
Overactive dreams can be balanced with a ritual bath of mugwort
Plant in the yard to attract fairies
Carry it around to increase lust and fertility
Lemon Balm for psychic development, Burned with Sandalwood or Wormwood during scrying rituals, Lavender for calm dreaming
SUBSTITUTIONS: Wormwood, Sage, Tobacco
Pregnant women should not take mugwort internally, as it can lead to miscarriage. 
Excessive doses can lead to symptoms of poisoning!!!!!!! 
FURTHER READING: Links are provided for each book so you gather more research before use 
☽ Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications, 2013.
☽ Lust, John B. The Herb Book. Dover Publications, Inc., 2014.
☽ Michaud, Debbie. The Healing Traditions & Spiritual Practices of Wicca. Keats Pub., 2000.
☽ Pursell, J. J., and Shawn Linehan. The Herbal Apothecary: 100 Medicinal Herbs and How to Use Them. Timber Press, 2015.
☽ Wigington, Patti. Wicca Practical Magic: the Guide to Get Started with Magical Herbs, Oils, and Crystals. Althea Press, 2017.
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psythebabe · 4 years
Psychic Protection
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Once you begin actively trying to develop your psychic abilities, you may notice that you are more sensitive to the energy around you. You may find yourself receiving unwanted psychic messages at work, in class, or at the grocery store. This isn’t necessarily bad, but it can be very draining. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep some psychic shields in place.
I want to stress that the reason shields are a good idea is NOT because evil spirits or other witches are out to get you. (In my experience, most spirits don’t care enough to make the effort to intentionally fuck with you.) You aren’t protecting yourself from harm — you’re protecting yourself from minor annoyances and unnecessary drains on your energy.
Think of it like a raincoat. Going out in the rain without a raincoat probably won’t cause any lasting harm, but you’ll be more comfortable if you have one. Another way to think of it is as closing your psychic inbox. A shield lets the world know that you aren’t receiving psychic messages right now.
There are lots of ways to create a psychic shield. Here are a few of the easiest methods:
Visualization. This is probably the most popular method of psychic shielding, because it doesn’t require any tools or elaborate ritual. To use this method, find a quiet place to sit or lay down. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself surrounded by something protective. It can be a sphere of white light, an iridescent soap bubble, a suit of armor, or anything else that resonates with you. The imagery isn’t important, as long as it makes you feel safe. Keep focusing on your visualization until you feel it become solid around you. It’s best to do this exercise every morning before you leave the house, but you can use visualization to strengthen your shield throughout the day if you feel you need some extra protection.
Herbs and oils. There are several herbs that are associated with protection. Keep a stick of cinnamon or a sprig of rosemary in your pocket for protection from both physical harm and psychic overload. You can also make or buy oil blends specifically for psychic protection. I wear a Fiery Wall of Protection oil to reinforce my psychic shield. When you apply the oil, you can say a prayer or incantation for psychic protection.
Iron. Carrying iron for protection is a very, very old practice. In medieval Ireland, iron was said to protect from fairies, but it can be used to protect from all spirits. This is especially helpful for natural mediums who often have spirits popping in at inconvenient times. I work at a very spiritually active place, and I carry hematite in my pocket because of its high iron content. You could also carry an iron nail or other small piece of iron for similar results.
Crystals. There are several crystals that can be used for psychic protection. My favorite combination is selenite and black tourmaline. Selenite is a cleansing stone, so wearing it on your person keeps psychic and energetic garbage from sticking to your energy field. Black tourmaline, in my experience, is more useful for blocking things out. When you wear them together, very few things will be able to get past. Other crystals that work well for psychic protection are hematite (as previously mentioned), shungite, jet, or any other black stone.
Religious iconography. In many traditions, religious jewelry and talismans are believed to have protective properties. Many, many Christians wear cross necklaces for protection, or carry rosaries or images of saints. Wiccans wear pentacle necklaces, because the pentacle is a strong protective symbol. Norse pagans might wear a Mjölnir pendant, Kemetic pagans might wear a wadjet, etc. If you identify with a religion that has its own protective symbols, wearing or carrying those symbols can provide strong physical and spiritual protection.
Ask for protection. Although I think it’s important to be able to create your own psychic shields, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. If you have a good relationship with a spirit or several, you can ask them for psychic protection. You might ask your ancestors, spirit guides, familiars, deities, saints, angels, or any other spiritual beings that you frequently work with. Remember that it’s rude to ask spirits for favors right off the bat — work on establishing a relationship first, before you start asking for things.
Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you don’t use psychic protection. But you’ll probably be more comfortable and find it easier to conserve your energy if you have one or more of these systems in place. Experiment with the different methods of shielding yourself and see what works for you!
Wicca For Beginners by Thea Sabin
A Green Witch’s Cupboard by Deborah J. Martin
Where the Hawthorn Grows by Morgan Daimler
“Crystal Meanings” on the Energy Muse website
Dr. Jackson Crawford’s YouTube channel
Temple of the Cosmos by Jeremy Naydler
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psythebabe · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Psychic Phenomena
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What is Psychic Phenomena?
The internet describes it as: “phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes.” or “phenomena lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge.”
So, in layman’s terms, psychic phenomena are abilities and/or practises that do not comply with known laws of physics and deal with the metaphysical.
*Metaphysics is “a branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space.”
✧ Automatic Writing:
Automatic Writing - also know as “psychography” - is, quite simply, the ability to write without conscious thought. This means that the writings done during an episode or session of Automatic Writing come from a spiritual source. Oftentimes, the writings will not make a lot of sense - Automatic Writing is a form of divination and thus, the writing must be be interpreted by the practitioner if the meaning is not immediately clear. // [How to Practise Automatic Writing]
✧ Clairaudience: 
Clairaudience (clear hearing) is the ability to hear things that are not of this plane. For example, you may be able to hear the voices of spirits and entities that do not exist within the physical human world, or hear the voices of those who have passed. It is said that one can grow and develop this psychic ability over time with practise.
✧ Claircognizance: 
Claircognizance (clear knowing) is best described as the ability to know something intrinsically. This means that you have knowledge of something, someone or a subject that you were not taught and cannot provide a background to. This is often referred to as a higher form of intuition and if you are claircognizant, you know that what you know is true beyond doubt.
✧ Clairgustance:
This psychic phenomena, is probably one of the stranger ones. Literally meaning “clear taste”, clairgustance is the ability to taste something without putting it in your mouth. This form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) is uncommon and those who possess this ability say that they can taste the essence of something from an astral or spiritual plane.
✧ Clairolfaction:
This is a form of ESP that enables the person with this talent to receive information by means of - for lack of a better description - psychic smelling. Yes, you did read that correctly. Much like the aforementioned Clairgustance, Clairolfaction is the ability to smell something - or as practitioners may say the essence of something - without a physical source for the stench to emanate from.
Clairolfaction is also known as “clairscent”.
✧ Clairsentience:
Clairsentience (meaning “clear feeling”), is the ability to acquire knowledge by touch. The gifted individual may gain knowledge of emotion, memory, location and more by touching a person or an object that belongs/belonged to a person. Sometimes, a Clairsentient person may feel the presence of spirits too.
✧ Clairvoyance:
Clairvoyance (meaning “clear seeing”) is the ability to receive information about future events, or spiritual knowledge visually.
✧ Divination:
Divination is the umbrella term used for methods of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by spiritual means, such as using pendulums, dowsing, reading tarot cards, palmistry, and more. 
✧ Energy Medicine: 
Energy medicine, also known as spiritual healing, is a branch of alternative medicine based on the belief that healers can channel healing energy into a patient/client and effect positive results by doing so.
Reiki is a well known form of this.
✧ Mediumship & Channelling: 
There are different types of mediumship and channelling (such as Ouija), but the best way to cover all the types with one small explanation, is to say that mediumship is the practise of communing with the deceased. 
✧ Precognition & Premonition:
Precognition and premonition simply means that the person with this gift is able to have foreknowledge of an event/events. A common form of gaining this knowledge, is through clairvoyance and prophetic vision.
✧ Psychometry:
Psychometry is the ability to gain knowledge of a person - whether that is their location, personal knowledge, or otherwise - through contact with an inanimate object that is associated with them. Commonly the objects used in psychometry will belong to the person you are trying to gain knowledge about, and may be items of clothing or jewellery.
✧ Retrocognition:
This is also known as “postcognition” and is the opposite of precognition. This ability is described as being able to gain knowledge of an event that has already passed that cannot be learned through regular means and must be learned through extra-sensory perception. 
✧ Second Sight:
Often, this term is used interchangeably with “clairvoyance” as it means that the person with this gift is able to predict and perceive future events before they occur through visual means. These visions are often symbolic in nature.
✧ Scrying:
A form of divination, Scrying is the practise of foretelling the future or gaining foresight using a reflective surface, such as a mirror, crystal ball or water. // Scrying [Witchcraft 101]
✧ Telepathy:
Telepathy is the ability to communicate with another person through extra-sensory means - by this, we mean that the communication is done by means outside the known senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing).
✧ Tip Your Witch: Buy Me A Coffee! ✧ 
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psythebabe · 4 years
Baneful Magic Countermeasures, Pt. 1
Protective magics are an important part of magical education. It’s common to see basic protection spells against harm, bad luck, ill health, accidents, and natural disasters. But what if you need protection from other witches? If getting hit with hexes is something that concerns you, here are some basic countermeasures you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your near-and-dear.
Prevention - Cleansing, Nullification, and Warding
You’ve heard the expression, “A pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Well, this certainly applies to magic, and in spades. Laying basic protections around your home is usually enough to take the sting out of casual ill-wishing thrown your way. Wards should be refreshed or recast periodically, whenever you feel is appropriate - monthly, seasonly, annually, however often you feel the need.
If you’d like something a little stronger, a witch bottle filled with vinegar (or urine), iron nails, salt, and warding herbs such as angelica, bloodroot, cascara segrada, bay leaf, rosemary, vetiver, or garlic can be buried by your front door for additional bite. 
An ivy plant kept on the porch keeps away unwanted visitors, and can be blessed to entangle or bind up incoming baneful magic. Thorny bushes such as raspberries or roses can also be imbued for this purpose.
Planting basil, rosemary, cacti, gorse, cedar, oak, birch, elder, or willow on the property will also contribute to stronger magical protections. Charms can also be made from twigs and sprigs of these plants to be kept inside the home as an additional layer of warding. In particular, a woven web of white or black yarn in an oak frame (whether of boughten wood or naturally-occurring twigs) can be a powerful protective symbol. Adding crystals or charms to the web enhances the effect and makes a lovely decoration.
Regular cleansings also help to clear out anything that manages to sneak past your defenses. Something as simple as cleaning your home with the intent to drive out negativity and ill-wishing along with the dirt and grime can be enough to keep things running smoothly and reduce the stress on yourself and your wards. (If wards see heavy use, they may need to be refreshed or recast more often.)
An infusion of lemon, cedar, witch hazel, and pine can be added to floor washes or used to clean the threshold and the doorstep from time to time. You can also make an infusion of peppermint, willow bark, vervain, and salt (or your own preferred blend of cleansing herbs) and use it as a rinse in the shower for self-cleansing. This works best when immediately followed by a recasting or reinforcing of personal protections.
Candles, incense, or purifying herbs can be burned periodically in the home to rid it of lingering jinxes or pervasive negative influences. Be sure to always do this with proper ventilation and while observing proper fire safety measures.
Sigils may also be drawn in chalk for protective purposes, or drawn on paper and tucked away in strategic places in the home. Protective talismans or prayers may be hung about the place, worn as jewelry, or set up as decorations. Daily prayers or incantations may be uttered against magical harm. The list goes on and on. There’s no single foolproof method, but there’s variety enough to make up for it.
(Stay tuned for Pt 2!)
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psythebabe · 4 years
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psythebabe · 4 years
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Herb Spirals
The garden spiral is like a snail shell, with stone spiraling upward to create multiple micro-climates and a cornucopia of flavors on a small footprint. Spirals can come in any size to fit any space, from an urban courtyard to an entire yard. You don’t even need a patch of ground, as they can be built on top of patios, pavement, and rooftops. You can spiral over an old stump or on top of poor soil. By building up vertically, you create more growing space, make watering easy, and lessen the need to bend over while harvesting. To boot, spirals add instant architecture and year-round beauty to your landscape: the perfect garden focal point.
One of the beauties of an herb spiral is that you are creating multiple microclimates in a small space. The combination of stones, shape, and vertical structure offers a variety of planting niches for a diversity of plants. The stones also serve as a thermal mass, minimizing temperature swings and extending the growing seasons. Whatever you grow in your spiral, it will pump out a great harvest for the small space it occupies. I’ve grown monstrous cucumbers in my large garden spiral, with one plant producing over 30 prize-size fruits. The spiral is a food-producing superstar!
Stacked stones create perennial habitat for beneficial critters, such as lizards and spiders that help balance pest populations in the garden. The stone network is a year-round safe haven for beneficial insects and other crawlies that work constantly to keep your garden in balance—and you in the hammock. A little design for them up-front pays big, tasty dividends later.
Read more on Ecologia Design
#permaculture #herb spiral #microclimate
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psythebabe · 4 years
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Ouija Boards / Altar Pentacles / Wheel of the Year
Pandora Witch Shop on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Witchy tags
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psythebabe · 4 years
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