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So our Uber day was interesting....
Both my mom and my brother fell asleep in our Uber and I didn’t know what to do and then as we were getting out my brother kicked over his milkshake all over the backseat of the Uber........I think it’s safe to say that our passenger rating went down....
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I really wish that the world could be accepting.
Everyday I see or hear about people that have harassed or bullied or beat up. I wish that things like this weren’t on the news or anywhere else. I wish that LGBTQ+ teens and adults could just be accepted, without question and without speculation. Saying that someone is only “confused” or “going through a phase” is just as rude as calling someone a faggot or dyke or tranny or freak. I know how much it hurts to be ridiculed by people for being you and there’s nothing (in my opinion) more hurtful than that. I guess this message is mainly to just say that this blog is, in every single way, welcoming and accepting to all members of the LGBTQ+ community. The world doesn’t need more hate, not now and not ever. Now of all times is the time for people to come together no matter the differences. Being black, pansexual, and genderfluid, I’ve experienced the oppression that each group suffers and it needs to end. Ignorance is no reason to be violent and hateful towards one another but rather than punishing ignorance, those who are ignorant need to be taught. Not everyone will understand but we need to try. I don’t want my little siblings to grow up in a world of pure hate and if there is anything I can do to help that, then I will do everything I can. 
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Tonight is not a good night.
It’s one of those nights where I feel like either crying and jumping off a building or cuddling with someone and watching Netflix.
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I like small talk
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Felt super cute today so I thought I’d bless you all with my face. My apologies for that🌸
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space asks i guess 💫
nebula: put your itunes on shuffle, give me the first 5 songs that pop up
cosmos: what are you like when you’re angry at someone?
shooting star: what are you like when you're sad?
eclipse: what are you like when you're happy?
luna: favorite names?
space dust: are you happy?
constellation: have you ever read a book that is worse than the movie?
black hole: do you have any diagnoses?
comet: do you like the person that you've become?
galaxy: are you a sun, moon or star person?
milky way: do you prefer math or humanities?
satellite: when was your first kiss?
betelguise: what's something that calms you down when you're upset?
solar system: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
sunspot: are you a sensitive person?
andromeda: describe your first best friend
saturn: what do you think about before falling asleep?
pulsar: what kind of person do you want to be?
cassiopeia: what do you like most about yourself?
orion: what do you dislike most about yourself?
meteor: do you have a favorite historical figure?
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I’m not sure why I post these in the first place
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<<I’m actually so inconsistent when it comes to posting literally anything. Oops>>
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<<{why are people so shitty?}>>
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•Not here for this•
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//*Fuck this hell on earth*//
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Think I'm gonna start posting my own photography on here. It's kinda shit but whatever😂
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