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been a bit of a mad start to the semester, hence my lack of posting 😬🤣 here’s a b&w photo of my chaotic admin law reading the other day.
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this is a PSA from ur local friendly law student to limit caffeine intake. i had two glasses of iced coffee today after sleeping at 4 am and now i have the shakes :(((( in positive news though i made incredible progress in studying contracts!
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- your handwriting getting progressively messier as your coffee/red bull gets emptier
- working in really dim light bc your roommate is going to sleep
- smelling peppermint and rosemary oils in the hope that it aids concentration
- making pasta at midnight as a study break
- setting a timer for a fifteen minute nap then hitting snooze a billion times
honourable mentions for studying at home:
having your cat walk all over your keyboard and scream at you till you give him attention.
Realistic study aesthetics
Piles of tissues all over your desk because of this cold you just can’t shake
Lighting a candle when you sit down and then forgetting about it until hours later
Pouring the dregs out of your mug and finding rings stained into it because it’s been sat there for so long
Weird pen marks on odd parts of your body you can’t explain (how did i get pen behind my ear? How long has it been there?)
Piles of crap around the bin you’re too lazy to empty
Not taking your break when the timer goes off because you got into a rhythm and then immediately losing all motivation as soon as you set a second timer
Giving yourself a day off and then forgetting how to study
Quick, 2 minute power cries in between revision when it just gets too much
Aesthetic notes that mean you get pen all over your hands
Small bits of paper with scribbles on for testing pens or gluing bits of paper
So. Many. Empty. Glasses.
Feel free to add your own! 💛🌻
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thank you!! (it’s the only reason i tolerate him wandering over and stepping on my keyboard)
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anyone else love studying somewhere comfy for a change? on days where i feel a bit more energised and less likely to fall asleep i like to work from my bed. just now i’m doing some eu law revision because it was something i struggled to get to grips with last semester, so i figured a little extra studying wouldn’t go amiss. lucky has found his new favourite spot on my beanbag so i’ve got him to keep me company ❤️🐱📖
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anyone else love studying somewhere comfy for a change? on days where i feel a bit more energised and less likely to fall asleep i like to work from my bed. just now i’m doing some eu law revision because it was something i struggled to get to grips with last semester, so i figured a little extra studying wouldn’t go amiss. lucky has found his new favourite spot on my beanbag so i’ve got him to keep me company ❤️🐱📖
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a reminder for fellow students to be realistic about their productivity. real life will get in the way - trains get delayed, books will be on loan, classes are rescheduled. take a deep breath and problem-solve. adapting to the situation is not failure, but we are setting ourselves up for failure if we leave no room for it. 
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this is from my side blog but thought it would be useful to share here too. it’s sometimes difficult as a white person to know what to do to help, and covid complicates this further but if we all try and do our bit to make a difference wherever we can we can make progress towards a better world.
also i haven’t been on here in a while so that’s why i’ve been silent but just to say i’m totally appalled by the murder of george floyd and here’s some resources for yous all if you’re looking to educate yourself or make a difference x
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and remember that no country is innocent of this, not the uk, not ireland, most certainly not the usa as we have seen. racism, particularly institutional racism, is a global problem.
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Things Feel Bad Because They Are
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My voice on here is fairly new, fairly young in contrast to the majority that reside on here. However, this does not make it any less my duty to use this voice that I have been given to express the deep concerns I have for the current crisis we see - most prevalently in America but worldwide too. 
As a white female, I cannot pretend that I know first hand what it is like to suffer at the hands of the people that the majority claim to be our ‘safe guarders’. I will likely never endure the oppression from the system or the people, but that does not mean that I - or anyone else like me - should remain silent. It is our duty to offer our help to those who’s voices have been silenced, and to ensure that basic human rights are granted for all. If you have a voice, regardless of how big or how small it may be, now is your time to use it. Start asking the right questions, start seeing the truth behind the lies of mainstream media and politics. Donate, share links, share helplines. 
If you can get involved, clicking this link here will send you to a site filled with links to petitions, online charities and other useful articles on how to get involved and make a difference. I urge anyone who finds this post to use it. 
There comes a time when silence is betrayal - Martin Luther King Jr.
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i miss the glasgow uni library more than words can describe. especially level 7 at approximately 11pm. simply beautiful.
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students as months of the year
january: fresh journals, black and white notes, bullet journals filled with motivational quotes, cold brew coffee, loves writing letters, finishes everything on time, a daydreamer, seems laid back but really they’re stressed about everything
february: doodles in the margins of notes, the person who lends you their pens, sloppy handwriting, loves motivational speeches and classical music, finishes easy assignments early but writes their essay the night before its due,
march: straight A’s, study playlists, the teachers favorite, color coded notes, everyone thinks they’re naturally smart (but really they’re spending every night studying), forgets to eat sometimes, hasn’t slept for what feels like years
april: open windows, listening to the rain and thunder, tea pots full of earl grey, a functionally messy desk, fairy lights, always losing their pens, a huge nerd, afraid to raise their hand in class in case their answer is wrong
may: cramming for tests, lives in the library, highlighters and sticky notes everywhere, drinks espresso, would definitely consider bringing their coffee pot to school, messy desk, if an assignment is due at 9:00 they’ll submit it at 8:59
june: late nights, smoothies for breakfast, hanging out with friends, takes notes on their laptop, minimalist, organized, says they’re studying but they’re actually on studyblr, tries to study everything at once and gets distracted
july: staying up late to read, learning new languages, focuses on the learning and not the grade, watches documentaries for fun, loves the classics, owns a thousand pens, takes studyspo pictures, hundreds of unread emails,
august: stationery shopping, getting ahead in class, iced drinks, spending weekends with friends, takes very little notes but does well in class anyways, a relaxed personality, healthy snacks, the master of self care
september: a morning person, new pens and folders, a perfectionist, audio records classes and re-writes notes, over works themselves, loves the smell of new books, competitive, “i’m gonna fail!” but ends up getting A’s and B’s
october: chai lattes in travel mugs, will study for three days straight and then not study for a week, snacking in class, uses washi tape and stickers, sleeps for eight hours but is tired anyways, terrible at accepting compliments
november: gratitude journals, mental health days, the baristas at their local cafe know their name because they’re always studying there, study groups, loves to travel but never travels, cinnamon in their drinks, trouble sleeping, sweet smiles
december: hot chocolate, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, says they don’t care about grades but panics when they get less than a B, to-do lists, tutors their friends, watches movies in their free time, vanilla candles
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my amazing friend natanya made this for me, inspired by my cat’s attempts to sabotage my home studying, and i absolutely adore it.
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i kno i don’t have a ton of followers here, and haven’t posted in a billion years, but here’s a lil update. i’ve figured out that i’m going to have a long time before i can actually begin my conversion to judaism, so whilst it is still very much something i think about, its not something i’ve felt i can really blog about at this stage.
at this stage of my life, i’m a law student, it takes up a lot of my time and energy, but it’s also something i’m passionate about. so i’m going to be posting more study related content and also some general lifestyle stuff which *may* include any developments or thoughts i have on gd or my journey towards judaism, but that won’t be the main focus of this blog for now.
hope that makes sense x
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Happy Hannukah!!
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ha nope, doesn't "take the wind out of my sails." and i'm not gonna let you talk shite as if you're somehow wiser and more clued up than everyone else.
1) i didn't mention islamic law, i was making the point that it's possible for muslim women to be scientists and there are many examples.
2) the fact that anouseh is american literally does not change anything i was making a point about religion not nationality.
3) my entire point about malala was that she suffered oppression from EXTREMISTS and yet still maintains her muslim faith, is proud of her pakistani heritage and is fighting for equal rights for women within that area.
4) i'm NOT saying there are no problems with the way certain people from ALL faiths interpret their religion with regards to womens rights but i'm making the point that it is POSSIBLE for women to embrace both faith and science.
i don't even think i've addressed the full ridiculousness of your argument there but i'm very tired and can tell there's no persuading people like you.
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ok i don't know who needs to hear this right now, but:
the stage of your life you are in right now will not last forever.
if you're waking up in the morning and not wanting to get out of bed because of bullying or silently crying in the school bathroom because your friends have dropped you when you needed them the most, or just fed up with your everyday life and surroundings, just know that it's all temporary.
things can and will get better.
one day you will be cuddled up in bed under cosy blankets, with a full belly and the smell of pancakes in the air. you've just said goodnight to some of your favourite people in the world, who always check in to make sure you're doing alright, make you laugh till you can't breathe and spontaneously cook you food. one day you'll look forward to waking up in the morning because you're doing what you love every day.
i look back on high school and it's another world away. the people that used to torment me don't even cross my mind now. so much can change in six months it's unreal.
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ok so i debated reposting this bc it's giving this dumbass notes and attention buuut i'm argumentative so let's go.
warning: sarcasm included.
here, my good christian (yes) (i'm presuming) atheist friend, are some examples of religious women involved in science.
first we have mayim bialik, who is an actual neuroscientist as well as an actor who plays a scientist.
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mayim is an orthodox jewish woman.
then we have...oh yes, the woman who DISCOVERED DNA. rosalind franklin.
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another female scientist, who maintained her jewish traditions.
how about esther lederberg? she was a pioneering microbiologist.
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also a jewish woman, raised in an orthodox family.
but of course, i have only given examples thus far of jewish women in science, i will admit that was instinctive as i'm converting. so what about those poor, persecuted, uneducated* muslim women??
yep they're scientists too.
first, i thought this was awfully fitting, as you showed a woman in space, to show you anouseh ansari, the iranian born, muslim spacewoman.
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and, mindblowingly, i know, women who wear head coverings ... can also do science .... wow
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here is the lovely afghan girls robotics team who won the entrepreneur challenge at the biggest robotics festival in europe.
i hope your mind doesn't hurt too much from the staggering realisation that religious women can do science, but i've got another bombshell revelation!! they can also do law, medicine, politics, business, in fact, pretty much anything they set their minds to.
all of this to an ordinary open minded person is not surprising or particularly new, but i suppose some people on the internet really do need the point driven home.
* i do understand there is a problem with women's education etc. in many muslim countries but this is a matter of patriarchal politics and extremism, not moderate religious observance and tradition. (and in case you aren't aware ((have you been living under a rock??)) that fight for education is being led by muslim women like malala yousafzai)
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types of people as environments
sea: wild hair, iced coffee, probably listens to billie eilish, great instagram, wears bracelets/anklets, was that kid that thought they had some authority on greek mythology bc they read the percy jackson books, seems like they have their life together but actually are lowkey falling apart, can vibe w/ anyone
forest: hot coffee, guitar/indie/folk music, runs an aesthetic blog, doesn’t tell anyone what their favorite songs are bc that’s Too Personal, absolutely has to put fairy lights everywhere, loves their friends and makes sure they know it, if you hurt them they won’t do anything back they’ll just leave without a word or a trace
desert: long road trips, retro diners at 2am, also eats a lot of fast food, nothing fazes them, drunk declarations of love, their hair is their personality, thrives during nighttime, bored eater, acts chill and will say they’re Fine as they lay face down on the floor but also will tell their life story after 10pm
mountains: hot chocolate, gorgeous hair, adrenaline junkie, has a lot of secrets/emotional depth, morning person, will go insane if they’re cooped up indoors for too long, complete 180 from the person their 12-year-old self thought they would be but thank god for that
meadow: softie, henna tattoos, puts flowers in their hair, sparkling water, pastels, likes taylor swift, barely knows how to drive, good at drawing/painting, doesn’t hide their feelings, ppl think their openness can be taken advantage of but they see your motives and Know What You’re Trying To Do
tundra: flawless eyebrows, wears lots of dark colors, thick skin, intense as hell but it’s cool, eyes that stare into your fricken soul, seems emotionally unavailable but actually secretly loves a lot of people and is scared of losing them but will never show it
lake: iced tea, lives at chipotle, hands and feet are always cold, completely screwed up spotify algorithm, hates days when they can’t see the sun, loves spring/summer, really just wants to Calm Down, niche humor, has been saying they’re dead inside since 2014
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