panfluidme · 10 hours
Rant About Snape
So, I've fallen back into Harry Potter. I understand that JK Rowling is an awful person who does not deserve any form of respect. I am also trying really hard to separate the art from the artist. I do understand that the Harry Potter world is far from perfect and that there are many contradictions and holes and some of the things make zero sense, but I do find that the world is very easy to fall into
Now, with that out of the way. This rant is all about Severus Snape. If you like his character, ignore this and just don't interact with this post. I really don't want to argue with anyone about him, I just want to get my feelings towards him out there
Also, I'm currently rereading the books and just finished rewatching the movies, so I apologize if things aren't fully correct. My memory isn't the best and my brain sometimes mashes fanon/headcanons/fanfic with canon
Now, rant under the cut
Severus Snape is a god awful person who does not the deserve the fanbase that he has. Well I do think that him getting a redemption arc is interesting, I hate the way it's done. JK had a few different things she could've used with his character to make him a good person (which, honestly, he's not), but instead she went the "I was in love with your mother and she chose someone else" route
His "love" (I really wouldn't call it that, it's a massive obsession) for Lily is creepy. Yes, Snape was bullied, but he also was a bully in school and as a teacher. Lily told him that she didn't like that, and instead of doing what James had done (taken time to reflect and correct his behavior), Snape called her a slur and joined a group of people wanting to eliminate people like Lily. He was bitter that he was put into the friend zone (something that really only exists because men don't view women as people and get upset when a woman doesn't want to fuck or be in a relationship with him)
I don't like that in the movies (I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen in the books, but I could be wrong since it's been literal years since I last read the last HP book), Snape hugs onto her body and sobs while Harry's hurt and crying in the background. It isn't cute, it isn't romantic. It's weird and creepy and shows how little Snape cares for other people. Yes, I understand that he lost the person he loved the most, but it's still really fucked up to do that while her infant son is screaming and bleeding in the background
Snape is a petty man. He did care somewhat for Harry, but that was only because he's Lily's son, but overall, he was borderline abusive to Harry just because he was James' son. I am not saying that James is completely innocent in things, he was a bully to Snape, but Harry is not James. Harry didn't get a chance to know James
He completely disregards how uncomfortable and defensive Harry gets when Snape insults James to Harry's face. Yes, people should have told Harry about James' meaner side, but they mostly told him that James was a good person (because he was). Snape is challenging this belief and is shitting on James for no reason other than to be petty. I know deep down that Snape knows that James was a better person than he ever will be, and that's why Lily picked James over him. But there was no reason to be so rude to an abused boy who's going through hell and drag his dead father in the mud
Again, I don't remember if this happened in the books, but I hate when Snape is teaching Harry how to build his mental defenses. They're going through some good and important memories with people who are dead and Snape is over here like "getting sentimental are we, Potter?" and "I might vomit". Like, these memories are important to Harry, treasured memories with people he will literally never see again
Then when Draco cursed Hermione in the first book (I think) and made her teeth grow into large buck teeth, he looked at the crying girl and said "I see no difference". Yes, Hermione can be a know it all and very annoying (a whole nother rant, but I do love her), but there is no reason to tell a child who is already upset enough that there's no difference in her appearance. This led her to permanently change her teeth
Snape was Neville's biggest fear. Not Bellatrix, who literally tortured his parents into insanity and probably tortured him as well. Not his grandmother who seems to be a little abusive, not anything else. But one of his teachers. Someone who is supposed to be on his side and support him through school because learning is hard, especially for someone who's magically stunted like Neville is. Honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if Remus had reported this. What bugs me is that he wasn't immediately fired. If a child's biggest fear is one of their teachers, that teacher should not be allowed to teach
It bugs me that Snape gets so annoyed at Harry and Sirius for thinking life isn't fair. Both of these two had been abused. And before you say "Snape was abused too", I know this. But this bugs me because Snape is fine with Snape being mad at the world, fine with Snape holding onto grudges for decades. But Harry and Sirius aren't allowed to be mad for the exact same reason that he is? Like, that's such backwards bullshit
Then Snape outed Remus as a werewolf, which made him quit the job he so clearly loved. Yes, he made the potion that helped the transitions be easier, but there was no reason for him to out Remus like that. Remus already was struggling to get, and probably keep, a job because of a condition out of his control. This just goes back to Snape is a petty and whiney bitch (also doesn't help that he tried to nudge students to figuring this out when Remus couldn't teach and he taught them about werewolves)
He tells Sirius that he would love to see the Dementor's Kiss be performed on him, despite that he knows full well that Pettigrew was the traitor and not Sirius. This stems from him being petty and fucked up. Like, yeah, Sirius was a jerk to you, but does that really warrant wanting a front row ticket to watch him get his soul sucked out of him, a fate that's been stated to be worse than death??? I don't think so
Snape was abusive towards his students (clearly). He was willing to force feed Neville's pet toad a potion that he believed could kill it, doing so in front of the whole class. I do not care that he was abused (no one should be), but he kept that cycle going. It's disappointing that he was allowed to be a teacher with how he behaved
He made fun of Hermione for her Patronus being the same as Ron's, but then his Patronus was the same as Lily's. It can't be both ways. You can't make fun of a literal child for her Patronus being the same as the person she loves (not a fan of the Ronmione ship, but that's a whole different thing), then turn around and have a doe for a Patronus, which is the same one as the woman you "loved"
There's also the fact that he begged Dumbledore to keep Lily's family save, not caring at all about Harry or James, but wanting Lily to be fine. I firmly believe that he would've swooped in and tried to get her to marry him just days after James (and if Harry hadn't lived) and Harry's death. He does not take her feelings into account, and it's annoying
I know some of you are like "he was a spy". He only became a spy (if I'm remembering correctly) as soon as Lily's life was actually in danger. Before, he had no problems in the murder and genocide taking place because of a racist white man
Snape also created a spell that was meant to hurt the Marauders. And that spell is the same spell that lost George his ear (I can't remember is Snape was the person who actually cast that spell that took his ear, but he still created it)
He basically stole Draco's redemption arc. JK had put more focus into the creepy man's redemption than a child's. Draco, like Snape, was abused and reacted the way he did in situations because of that abuse. But, he also is shown to have a heart (something I don't think Snape has). He's shown to be scared and remorseful (i.e. the bird in the Vanishing Cabinet), while Snape's only regret is that he didn't get Lily. Draco was overshadowed by Snape, we didn't get to see how he would've grown so much if he had gotten love and care. I would've loved to see him get redeemed in the books, but Snape stole that spotlight
So, in conclusion, Snape is an abusive incel who is still bitter that he was "put into the friendzone" and wasn't picked over his bully, who was a better person that he was. This man should not be allowed to be a teacher. I struggle to find any redeeming qualities in him, and I wish I could
Genuinely, no hate to Snape Stans. He's a fascinating character, but he's also someone I just can't stand. This is all opinions and the reasons why I don't like him. Remember that I did not create this post to argue with anyone, but I am willing to have conversations as long as they don't turn into arguments. Just ask me anything if you have any questions or want to clear things up. Please don't go into my ask box or DMs to try to change my mind, because I am not changing my mind. This wasn't made to change anyone's mind, I respect that you have feelings one way towards Snape, these are just my feelings and thoughts
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panfluidme · 10 hours
So, I've been wanting to actually finish AUs and shit (even thought I have, like, a million ideas for new ones), so I figured I could ask y'all which ones you would like me to continue. There's a lot and I'm going to give you a brief description of each, so bare with me please before the actual poll.
Purple's Second Chance:
While going to the store, Donnie falls through a time vortex and is sent to the future. He spends the next three years in the bad timeline, trying to find a safe way home. When Casey Jones Jr is sent to the past, Donnie joins him.
Growin' Up Wrong:
Splinter is only able to get away with Donnie, leaving Raph with Draxum. He does take Leo and Mikey away from Draxum, but he falls asleep outside of Big Mama's Hotel, the Grand Nexus. Mikey wanders inside while Leo wanders away. Mikey is taken to live with Big Mama while Leo goes to live part time with Hueso and the other time with Piel.
Experiments Gone Array:
Donnie discovers that he has some bad effects from being linked to the Technodrome. The ship was extremely radioactive and Donnie's body was not built for it. Because of him being linked to it then violent ripped out, Donnie grows ill. He takes it upon himself to fix this, so he begins to experiment on himself. Things go horribly wrong and now his memory is awful.
Twins of Chaos:
After an argument with Raph, Leo and Donnie run away. The two decide to become actors to help make some money as it has been Leo's dream to be an actor since he was a little kid.
The two leave the crime fighting life behind, leaving Raph and Mikey in the process.
Lab Rat:
Donnie loved owning his very own research, development, and tech company. It was everything he's ever wanted in life. His employees respected him, well, most of them respected him.
He had one employee who constantly went behind his back. Recently, this employee found a Yokai and decided to take them back to the company's building. With Donnie gone, off on a business trip, he made a few changes and a special place to keep any other Yokai he finds.
Raised Separately:
Baron Draxum had mutated four turtles, but due to unexpected circumstances, he was only able to have two of them. He made those two into his soldiers, things he was willing to throw away if need be.
Turtle in a Web:
Before Iron Man was even in the process of being thought up, there was a group of turtle teens who protected New York. Flash forward fifteen years, and they had all gone on to do different things. They didn't even speak together, mostly because they were too busy to spend time together. Well, a new superhero came into town and the least busy turtle, Donnie, decided to take him under his wing.
Varian and Ruddiger had gotten cursed. It was a cruel curse that wouldn't ware off for over two hundred years years. It was a curse that turned him and Ruddiger into a statue. Everyone had looked for a cure, but found none. Once the curse had fully settled, Varian was kept in his lab, kept safe from the world. Varian and Ruddiger were in pain, aware of every little thing that touched them. During the time they were cursed, Corona fell. A museum opened up and Varian and Ruddiger's statue were put on display as "unnamed citizen and his raccoon". The museum was placed in a small town across the seas, in a small town named Danville. And then one day, the curse lifted...
Wally's parents sold him to some shady science company after he got his powers. Flash forward, and the TT take the company down years later.
Robin notices that the only experiment that was alive was deemed 'Experiment 23-1-12'. It's obvious that he hasn't been outside in a while as he's super pale. He's extremely malnourished and dehydrated because they didn't give him enough food with his superpowers in consideration
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panfluidme · 6 days
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Update two
I accidentally got paint on the yellow background and smudged it. I found myself liking it, so I did it a few more times on purpose
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panfluidme · 7 days
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panfluidme · 13 days
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panfluidme · 16 days
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I’ve never drawn Cole before, but I’m proud of it
Kai was bored and decided to try to convince the other ninja to dye their hair. Cole was the only one to agree
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panfluidme · 21 days
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panfluidme · 23 days
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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panfluidme · 24 days
Because I am relatively small on this app
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I can’t stop thinking about her, so here’s a trans 2012 Leo that calls herself Leah cause while I think she loves the name Leo, it’s just not her name (I’m the same way with my birth name) and refers to herself as Leah. She picked Leah because it’s similar to Leo, but at the same time, it’s her name that she picked and loves
Uh, I personally can see Splinter as a transphobe (maybe even a little homophobic) as he was clearly raised in a very traditional way. And then there’s the whole thing with Karai and him not calling her Karai. That doesn’t feel like someone who would be supportive of trans people. And yes, he does call her Karai, but it feels like he was forced to instead of him actually making an effort because he doesn’t apologize or correct himself and it clearly makes her uncomfortable to be called Miwa
So, I feel like Leah wouldn’t tell anyone until Splinter dies and after some time to figure out if this is really what she wants. But once she starts transitioning, she feels so much happier and isn’t as uptight (it does help that she isn’t constantly put under pressure by Splinter)
And then the whole thing with her liking Karai after she found out their siblings feels like more like gender envy. I understand that it’s hard to get rid of feelings right away, but it goes on for so long after, it starts to feel like gender envy to me
Mikey is the most supportive. Of course, the others are, but Mikey is ecstatic because he wants to support Leah as much as he possibly can
Leah tells Casey first knowing that Casey isn’t gender conforming (I like to see him as gender fluid like me). Casey was the one to help her find her new style and does makeup with her and they both paint their nails
Donnie is the third to know. He is supportive, but is the one to struggle the most with the name change. Unlike Splinter, he apologizes every time and corrects himself
April’s next, and she’s excited cause now she gets a cool sister. She doesn’t really see Karai as a sister, so when she learns of Leah’s identity, she’s happy because she’s always wanted a sister
Raph is the last to know because Leah was scared to tell him. She didn’t know how he would react, but was very happy to see that Raph didn’t really care and just adjusted to it without a problem
Sorry about that ramble over the picture, it’s just been on my mind a lot recently and I love her
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panfluidme · 26 days
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I can’t stop thinking about her, so here’s a trans 2012 Leo that calls herself Leah cause while I think she loves the name Leo, it’s just not her name (I’m the same way with my birth name) and refers to herself as Leah. She picked Leah because it’s similar to Leo, but at the same time, it’s her name that she picked and loves
Uh, I personally can see Splinter as a transphobe (maybe even a little homophobic) as he was clearly raised in a very traditional way. And then there’s the whole thing with Karai and him not calling her Karai. That doesn’t feel like someone who would be supportive of trans people. And yes, he does call her Karai, but it feels like he was forced to instead of him actually making an effort because he doesn’t apologize or correct himself and it clearly makes her uncomfortable to be called Miwa
So, I feel like Leah wouldn’t tell anyone until Splinter dies and after some time to figure out if this is really what she wants. But once she starts transitioning, she feels so much happier and isn’t as uptight (it does help that she isn’t constantly put under pressure by Splinter)
And then the whole thing with her liking Karai after she found out their siblings feels like more like gender envy. I understand that it’s hard to get rid of feelings right away, but it goes on for so long after, it starts to feel like gender envy to me
Mikey is the most supportive. Of course, the others are, but Mikey is ecstatic because he wants to support Leah as much as he possibly can
Leah tells Casey first knowing that Casey isn’t gender conforming (I like to see him as gender fluid like me). Casey was the one to help her find her new style and does makeup with her and they both paint their nails
Donnie is the third to know. He is supportive, but is the one to struggle the most with the name change. Unlike Splinter, he apologizes every time and corrects himself
April’s next, and she’s excited cause now she gets a cool sister. She doesn’t really see Karai as a sister, so when she learns of Leah’s identity, she’s happy because she’s always wanted a sister
Raph is the last to know because Leah was scared to tell him. She didn’t know how he would react, but was very happy to see that Raph didn’t really care and just adjusted to it without a problem
Sorry about that ramble over the picture, it’s just been on my mind a lot recently and I love her
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panfluidme · 1 month
Memories Etched in Stone
Master Post, Chapter One
The police arrived and had Varian sit down. They were big and much taller than Varian, but most people usually were, so Varian didn't have any problems with it. The woman smiled warmly at Varian, offering a doughnut for him to eat. He took it and broke it in half, offering one of the halves to Ruddiger. 
"What's your name?" she asked softly.
He hesitated then sat upright. "V," he decided to go with the nickname Kiera had given him just in case. He didn't know where or when he was, so he decided to keep himself as safe as he could while still having a name he recognized and responded to.
"Is that short for something?"
"Can you tell us what it is short for?"
The other officer, the man, glared at him. "Where is the statue?"
"I didn't take it, honest. Why would—"
"How do we know you're not lying to us to get out of things? You were the last person see with it."
Varian looked at him, visibly confused. "Uh, no. I was seen where the statue was, I wasn't seen with it. And as I was saying, why would I come back to the scene of the crime if I already have the statue? That seems very pointless. A sure way to get caught. What would be the point?"
"He has a point, Officer Ferguson." She looked at her partner. "There would be no point in returning to the scene of the crime and then so admittedly denying it."
Officer Ferguson looked at her then rolled his eyes. "Fine, then where is the statue, V?"
Varian looked between the two. "How much do you two believe in magic?"
"Magic?" Ferguson laughed. "What does magic have to do with this?"
Officer Wilson looked at Varian, thinking carefully. She took in the features on his face, on Ruddiger, and his clothing. It took a minute or two, but she was the next to speak up. "You're the statue, aren't you?"
He looked at her then nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I am. I don't fully know why or how, but Ruddiger and I were cursed to become stone. I don't know how we became flesh again, but we did just recently."
"Enough with this bullshit, tell us the truth."
"I just did."
Wilson sighed softly. "Ignore him. I'll find you a safe place for you to stay. Feel free to wander around, please don't take anything. Some of the things here are touchable, much like Rapunzel's last journal that she wrote before she passed away in her and Eugene's section. We'll be keeping an eye on you just in case, but enjoy yourself."
Varian smiled at her. "Thank you, miss. I'll just look around." He got up and left, going back to the Corona section. Varian went to the small section that was dedicated to Rapunzel and Eugene. He ignored the group and grabbed Rapunzel's last journal that was free to the public to look through and sat down on the floor, out of the way of people.
Carefully, Varian opened the book. He saw Rapunzel's handwriting, loopy and perfect cursive. The first page was a painting of River getting crowned, Rapunzel wrote about how she and Eugene knew that Varian was the only person from their past that wouldn't be there. 
River looked at his aging parents, both with grey hairs. Rapunzel was looking at him with pure adoration. Eugene's shoulders were a little slumped as they were with every big event in his children's lives. It wasn't that he wasn't proud, but he still wished that his non-blood brother was in their lives.
His hand was grabbed by his eldest child. Eugene looked at him and smiled softly. "Hey, son."
"You okay, dad?"
"I'm okay, I'm so proud of you. I know everyone is proud of you. You will be an amazing king, I know you will." Eugene kissed his forehead. "I know Varian would be proud too."
Varian looked at the paper and smiled sadly. It was nice to know that he hadn't been forgotten, even though he couldn't be in anyone's life anymore. 
"What are you reading?" an unfamiliar voice asked. 
He looked over at the person, who wore a pink vest with stripes and an off-white dress shirt with shorts. A backpack rested on his back and a smile danced his lips. Varian held up the journal. "Queen Rapunzel's last journal before she died."
The teen nodded and sat next to him. "I've read that, the ending is really sad."
"Might I ask how she died?"
"She got sick, it's theorized that it was cancer. King Eugene died of old age four years later."
Varian's eyes widened a little then he looked at the journal. He felt awful that he wasn't there to support her or Eugene. "Oh, I see. What's your name?"
"I'm Milo, what's your name?"
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panfluidme · 1 month
Memories Etched in Stone
Master Post, Prologue
Seventeen years, Varian's statue stood there. People stared at them for a minute or two to take in the details before moving on. While he was incredible, he really wasn't anything special compared to the rest of the exhibit. The rest was about kings and queens and the advancements that the kingdom had made. In their eyes, he was a small blimp there. Something made by an unknown artist, they didn't even know his name.
Field trips came and went. If anyone came through a tour, they would marvel at him for a bit then leave and never thought about him ever again. It was fine, he didn't need to be important to people he didn't know and would never see again.
A tour was going through, passing by him. All of their backs were turned, the tour guide rattling off facts about the real statue of Rapunzel and Eugene, holding a lantern and smiling happily. It had been made as one of Rapunzel's birthdays as a gift for her from Eugene, a beautiful reminder of the night they fell in love.
Somehow, Varian found himself falling to his knees and catching his breath. His whole body was sore, a dull ache itching underneath his skin. Ruddiger clung to his head, also panting. Air, fresh and beautiful air, filled their lungs for the first time in centuries. It was such a nice feeling. Despite not eating, neither felt very hungry.
The tour guide for the tour walked up to his display and screamed. The sound made Varian jump back, falling to his ass. Ruddiger growled at the tour guide. People started to surround the display and the manager grabbed hold of Varian's arm, pulling him along. She kept mumbling about the statue and asking where it went, but never gave him a chance to speak.
While they felt everything, they never really got to see things. Varian only knew he was a display from muffled sounds and the fact that people loved to touch him and Ruddiger to feel the detailing for themselves. So being in a place that was lit by some kind of bright flame was shocking to the two.
Varian was forced to sit down in a hard chair and the manager sat across from him. He looked around, tilting his head at the unfamiliar scents and sounds.
"Where is my statue?" she asked, getting his attention.
"Where is my statue? You were standing where my statue was. And can you please shut that thing up?"
Varian looked at Ruddiger then frowned. Ruddiger was just examining her stapler and chittering as if to ask questions about what it would do. "Ruddiger, bud, please be quiet for just a few minutes, okay?"
Ruddiger looked up at him and held out the stapler. He took it then Ruddiger jumped onto his shoulder instead of in his lap as he went silent for Varian. The manager let out a sigh of relief then picked up her phone.
"Tell me where the statue is."
"I didn't take any statue."
She rolled her eyes and dialed 911. Varian wanted to reach out and take the phone to examine it. He's never seen anything like it. But he didn't take it. She told the police that one of her statues had been stolen and she had the suspect with her. When she hung up, she glared at Varian.
"They'll be here in five minutes, you stay here while I go talk to my tour guide." She didn't give him a chance to answer before she left. 
Varian got up and stretched, feeling his joints pop. It was so nice to move around again, he really needed it. He couldn't stay still for much longer. He had spent so long in one position. Ruddiger ran around the room, Varian watching over him to make sure that he didn't take or break anything. The manager reminded him a lot of Cass and Varian did not like getting on her bad side.
He stopped in his tracks, shutting his eyes. Varian missed his home so much. He missed the people there anymore. Ruddiger stopped running and went to hug onto his leg, the touch extremely comforting for the young, er, old boy. 
Wait, how old was he exactly? Varian had been eighteen when they were hit by whatever curse that turned them into stone. But that was two hundred and eighteen years ago. So technically, Varian was two hundred and thirty-six years old. But he didn't feel that old. He still felt like the teenager he was. 
Varian wiped his cheeks and picked Ruddiger up, hugging him tightly. "I wanna go home," he mumbled.
Ruddiger chirped and nodded. He gently patted his right front paw on Varian's cheek then leaned against him. Varian smiled weakly. He wasn't alone in this.
Chapter Two
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panfluidme · 1 month
Memories Etched in Stone
Master Post
Ruddiger rested on Varian's shoulder, eating a loaf of bread that Varian had given him. The two were out gathering ingredients, nothing new, nothing crazy. They've done it hundreds of times. It wasn't anything that the two thought much of, both moving on autopilot as Varian walked to the same places he always did to get the things he needed.
A light fog started to surround them, but neither took any notice. It was getting night time in the fall and fog tended to cover this area. Plus, it wasn't really that big of a deal. It wasn't thick enough to not see more than three feet ahead of them.
A young woman watched the two from her spot in a tree, cackling a little to herself. Varian had unknowingly been trespassing her land for years, but she had never confronted him about it. Instead, she figured she could teach him a lesson. After this, he would never trespass her land ever again.
Varian got what he needed then walked back to his lab, putting everything in his place. After that, he yawned and went to bed. Ruddiger followed, chittering tiredly. He curled up on Varian's chest. It put a nice pressure on his chest, the familiarity helping Varian fall asleep with little struggle.
Varian woke up on his side, holding Ruddiger close to his chest. He got up, his feet feeling heavier than normal, but he ignored it. He sleepily changed and put on his shoes as Ruddiger slept on his shoulder. 
Man, his shoes felt like they had gained a pound or two each. When he looked down to examine them, he noticed that both of his shoes had turned into stone. He tried to wiggle his toes, but they wouldn't move. Had his feet turned into stone somehow?
He looked at Ruddiger, noticing that his bottom two feet were stone as well. Varian made way to the dining room where Rapunzel and Eugene were. Neither of them noticed their situation as they were discussing plans on the new orphanage.
Varian sat down in his normal spot and cleared his throat. "Raps, Eugene?"
Rapunzel looked at the young alchemist and smiled. "Hello, Varian. How are you doing this beautiful morning?"
"Uh, not great." He picked Ruddiger from his shoulders and showed him to her. "I think we're turning into stone somehow."
Eugene started coughing on his water. "How?"
"I don't know." Varian put Ruddiger into his lap. "It's strange, I can feel my feet. It might explain why they hurt, however. I don't know what's going to happen to us, but I'm sure I can find a cure before it gets worse."
Varian stood in his lab, the stone up to his waist. He couldn't walk around anymore, but he had made his legs spread apart a little for comfort. Ruddiger sat on his shoulder, almost completely stone. Occasionally, he would squeak or move his head, but that was all he could really do. Varian wanted to find the cure before Ruddiger was completely stone, but it was very difficult for him to find the cure when he could barely move.
Rapunzel came in, a hand resting on her stomach. "Varian! I have some good news!"
He hummed in acknowledgement, pouring a pink chemical into a beaker. "What is it?"
"Eugene and I are having a baby!" Rapunzel hugged him from the side, allowing him to still do what he was doing. "I was hoping you could help come up with their name?"
Varian lowered the beaker to look at her in shock. "Me?"
"Well yeah, we talked about it. We want you to name them. We don't know if you'll be able to find a cure, so we thought this would be a fun way to let you still be involved in their life."
Varian put the stuff down and hugged her tightly. "Hey, you're like my big sister. There's no way I'm not being in your kids life. I'll find a cure, I promise you that."
The stone was up to Varian's neck, a book open in his hands that were also stuck as stone. Ruddiger was completely stone, but Varian never took him off his shoulders. It was oddly comforting to have him there.
He was outside, looking at the sunset. Warm tears started to fall from his eyes as he realized he was stuck like this. His whole body hurt. He could feel his molecules deconstruct themselves and rebuild in igneous stone structures.
Eugene stood silently next to him, glancing at him. He gently put a hand on his back and used the other to wipe some of the tears away. It hurt to see that he was so scared and hurting. Eugene wished he knew what he could do to help, but they had their experts looking and no one had found anything. It seemed like it was Varian and Ruddiger's fate to be a stone statue.
Rapunzel had decided that if they hadn't found a way to reverse it, he would be put in his lab. Which would then be shut to the public so his things wouldn't be stolen or he wouldn't get destroyed. Eugene wasn't the biggest fan of it, but they had been working on making it impossible to break into so the two wouldn't get hurt. 
"Varian..." Eugene took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. We really did try."
Varian looked at him to the best of his ability and smiled softly. "I know you did. I'm sorry for failing you."
"No, no. You didn't fail anyone. You didn't cause this to happen. You helped so many people, you've fixed the mistakes you've made in the past. I'm so proud of you. I know River would've loved you if they met you. I know you're dad so proud, you've made all of us proud. It'll be okay. We'll visit and you'll get to meet River."
The stone was starting to cover his cheeks, but Varian grinned toothily at him. "I don't blame any of you."
Eugene put his forehead onto Varian's, watching as his face turned completely into stone. His body started to shake with cries as he hugged onto the statue. "I'm so sorry, Varian."
Two hundred years later, on June fifth, 1999, historians managed to break into the room in the Corona castle that no one had ever been in before. In this room, viles and beakers were resting on a table. Papers full of research were organized on bookshelves. 
However, what was strange was the statue in the middle of the room. It was a statue of a teenage boy, looking to his right with a grin on his face and the ghost of tears on his cheek. A book was in his hands, open with words etched on the pages. A raccoon was on his shoulders, looking to be asleep and gripping onto his shirt. 
What was amazing about this statue, despite how out of place it was, was how detailed it looked. It looked almost like someone had taken a picture and turned it into a life-sized 3D model. The hairs on the statue's head and raccoon were incredibly detailed, like someone had taken the time to carve each and every strand instead of doing clumps. The small eyelashes on the two's eyes and the whiskers were small and thin, and incredibly realistic. The boy had freckles and it looked like he had been crying before he was cheered up.
The room was stripped of the items and the stuff, including the statue, was shipped to the United States. The stuff was given to more historians while the statue was given to a museum where it was put onto display. 
The plaque that showed him read "unnamed citizen and his raccoon" in the Corona section of the museum. Many people visited him to see how detailed this mundane statue was before they would go and read about Rapunzel and her reign, even reading about their head alchemist who had disappeared under mysterious circumstances...
Chapter One
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panfluidme · 1 month
Memories Etched in Stone Master Post
Master Post
Prologue, Chapter One: Curse Lifted, Chapter Two: The Questioning
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panfluidme · 1 month
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Some sketches I made for fun of 2012 Leo 🙃
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panfluidme · 1 month
Some Fun TikToks
Twenty is my personal favorite one, but they’re all great and fun. They’re about characters in my book, Cyborg City, which you can get on Amazon. Fifteen dollars for a paperback, twenty for a hardcover, and five for on Kindle (free if you have Kindle Unlimited).
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panfluidme · 2 months
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