ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [58/100]
This week I need to start planning my final essay so I decided to do some reading on poetry analysis in order to know what I need to do better and then started the planning by choosing my essay question. Then I decided to work on my portfolio a bit since I still need to write a million more descriptions 🙃
🎧 Pod of the day: Ep. 428 - Unexplained Encounters Podcast
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
the long-term effect of studying translation and interpreting* is that you just have to suffer your whole life now listening to people refer to interpreting as "translation" and correcting them every time. And them continuing to say translation.
*very basically: translation deals with written content, interpreting with spoken content
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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10/17/23: japanese + consumer behavior
listening to: the neighbourhood
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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14/100 days of productivity | 161023-221023
Second week of the semester is done!
reviewed part 1 mock exam questions with our lecturers
I was able to prepare and answer most of the questions and since we are not that many people in this lecture I was able to present many of my answeres. I was really happy with myself - I tried to push myself to be as open and communicative as possible and take this opportunity to present my answeres to get direct feedback (which luckily was positive). I do feel like this has been a very positive influence on my learning progress so far.
presented a figure from a paper in our “journal club“
So for each part of the module we host a little journal club. Everyone (or rather: every group) is assigned a figure and we will have to present it to the rest of the class, explaining what information are given and so on. I worked on it a bit earlier than my other group partners so I shared my notes with them on what I had collected so far. The presentation itself was super chill and it helped alot to split the work and then also to be able to discuss our findings. I tried to explain confocal microscopy and our lecturer was pleasantly surprised I actually looked it up. Afterwards I was able to have short chat with him about neuronal markers and he explained some things on a huge microscopic image mounted in the entry hall of the institute (it‘s from one of his research papers, it’s massive and mad impressive). He is very kind and so excited about his work - I am humbled to have such ethusiastic lecturers for this module.
finished part 2 lectures
Just another amazing lecturer who is passionate about his work and research. Unfortunately I missed the first two lectures of part 2 but the way he structured his lecture it was easy to pick up where they left of last week. He (most likely) is a native English-speaker and this is one of these moments where I am really glad I spent time abroad. After graduating school my English was fine but I did not feel very confident in my abilities. Nowadays I do not care too much anymore if my English is going to be perfect - it‘s natural to make mistakes but I also feel less intimidated and stressed out and therefore I can speak my mind, answer questions freely without hesitating if my English is going to sound weird or not. I also wanted to point out one specific scene where he sincerely offered his help and told us his door is always open if we have questions or problems. Obviously all of our lecturers have said this too but something about the way he said it was so pure and kind. And I do feel the need to share this since it was such a special moment (for me).
loads of guest lectures
About: adult (human) neurogenesis, brain-behaviour relationships, neuroscience of sleep, human brain development and organoids
Pretty fucking cool lecture, people and too much information to list it here. But consider me intrigued.
met up with one of my friends NH
We actually wanted to meet up together (the four of us) but in the end it was just NH and me - which was really chill in the end. She inquired to do her bachelor‘s thesis with a labgroup at the institure where I am having the lectures at the moment. Which would be really cool so I am to see her more often. We haven‘t seen each other in like two months so it was really nice to catch up. We spent the day shopping (since I needed a new par of sweatpants) and then we grabbed korean corn dogs and fried chicken for lunch.
walked a ton this week
I am really proud of myself for being able to integrate more physical activities in my life - this has been an ongoing struggle as long as I can remember. Early this year I had surgery (the issues had been bothering me for two years before that but I was too scared to see a surgon… but it obviously hindered me in my abilities to be physically active). So after my surgery I tried to be more active again. During Covid I moved very little (depression and social anxiety shoutout) and I have never felt so uncomfortable in my own body. So I started this little game which was supposed to motive me: at the time I was 24 years old and so I decided to walk (not run) at least 24 km per week - I was really embarrassed when I told my best friend about this idea, like who the fuck needs an extra goal to get themselves moving??? Well obviously I did and I am sharing this with you today because I want to tell you that since I have started this little challenge I have been able to hit this goal reliably and I am now also able to walk even more. This week I hit 50,5 km and I am really proud of myself. Not only that but on Saturday I also ran (very short distances) for the very first time in years! So maybe if you are struggeling too, to get some daily movement in this little challenge might help with that. :)
phone calls with both of my grandma‘s, my mum (and dad) and my best friend R
post‘s dedication: more rain, thankful for my umbrella, thankful for the lovely conversations with my peers
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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17.10.23 ⭐︎ 54/100 days of productivity
its about time we got some october-appropriate weather here, however i'm not used to the cold so today's studying had to be done from my bed and with a hot water bottle
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
Wednesday, September 27.
If ever you're in France, accompanied by your kitty cat, and you find yourself unintentionally (and quite unexpectedly) projecting intestinal gas produced within the body by bacteria that has broken down food, and said kitty cat looks a little alarmed, and you don't know what to say, well. Fortune smiles upon you this day. Consider #langblr your knight in shining linguistic armor. Chat, j'ai pété.
It really can happen to anyone. But langblr is here for all your polyglot needs: learning how to say chai tea in Czech, the frankly adorable etymology of peninsula, Greek paleographic fonts, for words of support for those underway with their language-learning adventures, or if you're in need of some support yourself. It is a particularly wholesome corner of Tumblr, for those with an interest in the slow-burn magic of learning another language. 
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
study update Mon 16.10.
personal success: because of my interpreting class i am finally "forced" to care about and stay on top of the news, and i have to say, it's not so bad! i've found some news podcasts in all my working languages, so now i can know what's going on in the world AND have some listening exposure (especially in Polish)!
right now/today i have to:
✅finish a reading assignment for tomorrow's seminar about non-professional interpreting & translation (NPIT) ⬜start research for Thursday's translation assignment ✅summarize the info from Wednesday's class and start prep for this week's
(evening update: wooof ok my eyes are hurty and my head is Empty lol, the rest will have to wait for tomorrow; now it's dinner time!~)
this week i want to:
study the next Korean unit
clean out and tidy my wardrobe
return/exchange some clothes i bought recently
order a new bookshelf so i can actually organize my desk area
and of course any assignments that come up :)
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
Just found out that "harsh studyspo" and "toxic study motivation" is a thing. Fuck that shit.
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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14.10.23 ⭐︎ 51/100 days of productivity
worked on data analysis notes from my bed today which turned out unintentionally ~cottagecore vibes~
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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here, have some pics I forgor to post last week ^^ I took some notes and finished learning the Korean alphabet (is it technically an alphabet? hm.), and have been practicing the vocabulary from the first unit this week.
also look at my cute cow-pencil! She's helping me learn Korean! <3
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
15.10.2023 - weekly update
Sooo, the first week of uni is officially behind me, and the second week is about to begin! Today I had to catch up on some small homework assignments, as I didn't get around to them during the week.
homework for English Interpreting ✅
reading for my seminar ✅
The other homework I'll probably do tomorrow and/or on Tuesday, since it's getting late and I want to enjoy the last hours of weekend before being productive the whole week.
As for university, the first week was pretty good; my profs all seem nice, and I've managed to talk to someone new in every course (except for one where I already know everyone), which is awesome! Making new contacts and possibly friends, yay! I am really glad and proud of myself for this, bc I usually have a hard time being social in these classes where I don't know anyone, but this semester I've managed to start a conversation with at least one person in every new class, which I see as a big personal success!! (Even tho we had to discuss things in class with our seat neighbor, so I had to talk to people anyway, but I still managed to hold a non-awkward conversation and extend it until the end of class, so I'm counting it)
Ngl I'm kind of excited for the second week, I feel like I'm on a roll recently, I've been managing to be productive and accomplish something every day, and also taking care of myself and not over-extending myself... It feels really nice, hope i haven't jinxed it now...
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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find a color you like 🌱 make everything in your life that color ✅
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
you heard of the academic icarus, now get ready for:
Academic Achilleus: your argument is pretty indisputable and strong- except for that one weak spot that could take it (and you) to the grave.
Academic Ulysses: you are soooo close to your conclusion but somehow something always leads you astray. you have been writing this paper for what feels like 10 years. the gods are against you
Academic Sisyphus: You have deleted and rewritten this paragraph numerous times. it still does not work out. you delete it again.
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
I loooove construction work taking place outside my house. I don't mind at all that they've been working for weeks and that they'll finish next spring. I totally enjoy it being so loud that I can't keep the windows open and need to wear headphones on top of that even though we have special noise cancelling windows because of the airport close to our home. It's really fun actually.
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ohlookjostudies · 8 months
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2/100 days of productivity | 15/10/2023
i was not really ( at all ) productive in terms of studying or uni, but more so emotionally ? it’s been a rough couple of days, but alhamdulillah, things are falling into place. i hope i learned something from it.
what i did not learn, however, is self control so i bought a random book because i liked the cover and summary.
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