*Me and my future wife about to summon demons on a Ouija board*
my future wife: did you bring protection??
Me: *Slaps condom down onto Ouija Board*
my future wife, throwing the amethyst at my head:  n o 
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Witches sometimes have familiars, otherwise known as a spirit, that supports them by aiding them in magickal works. Usually a feline is mostly associated with the witch, and some superstitions believed a witch could transform into a cat. In this day and age, a familiar can be any pet that belongs to the witch. The connection between the witch and their pet is special. 
Most all witches have a love for animals, as they do for all living things. Witches understand the importance of the animal kingdom in general. Always stay in tune with the vibrations of your animals so you can know if they are sick or in need. 
Feathered Friends
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Within Wicca, the blackbird is a cherished thing, and thought to be extremely psychic. If a blackbird sings for you, and looks you straight in the eye, know that love is on its way to you!
Blue Tit
This little bird brings happiness and new of birth/weddings. If these birds are around your garden, you’ll have an abundance of goods. If you see a blue tit scruffy and bedraggled, blow it a kiss and it will live another year. 
Spiritual people attract the crow the most. Wiccans hold the crow as a spiritual messenger. They are very intelligent creatures, and a lot of individuals are very superstitious about them. Sometimes on tarot cards you will see a crow perched on the shoulder of a witch. Throw out some corn and they will hang around your house. 
When the spring finally gets here, and you hear the first cuckoo, make a wish and it will be granted. This bird is good luck and to see one means that you will have more money coming to your life. 
The truth seeker. Tell it your troubles and it will fly away with your problems, leaving them to disappear within the clouds. It will also ruffle it’s feathers if you’re not being true to yourself. 
Do not listen to the bad sayings about the magpie. Wiccans consider the magpie just as useful as any other aggressive bird. Chinese witches say they are half raven, half dove and very beautiful. The spiritually blessed individuals attract the magpie most. If you see one in your garden, you’ll know your home and property are protected. 
The great fortune-teller. All the secrets of the universe are said to be within the owl. Speak aloud to the owl and ask your questions. If it hoots once, the answer will be no. If it hoots twice, the answer will be yes. If you so happen to have an owl enter your house, it is a VERY bad omen. If you see its image on a window where it might have accidentally collided with the glass, there is news of death. 
This is the bird of protection against dangers, especially for younger individuals. If there is a child in the home, and a pheasant is spotted on the property, it is believed that the child will always be protected from danger. Some witches will sew the feathers of a pheasant onto their attire or hats. 
In Christianity, the robin is believed to have gained their red breast from the blood of Jesus after it plucked the deepest thorn from Jesus’ brow while dying on the cross. If you speak to a robin while outside doing things, it may follow you around. If you have a regular visitor in your garden, you are very lucky. However, if it comes into the house it portends some sad news or even news of death. 
If a sparrow flies at you, know to look after your health better. 
Sparrow Hawk
If this bird makes eye contact with you, its trying to tell you news. If you tune into the sparrow hawk you will find it’s understanding and knowledge. 
Your property will be protected against bad weather if a swallow nests in the eaves of your house. 
This guardian of all trees is associated with magickal powers. Use the dust caught from a hole of a woodpecker in spells for happier times. 
This bird is a myth thought to be the king of birds. If this bird flies in your home, it will  leave magick and good luck. If a wren appears to you, something wonderful will happen.
Furry Friends 
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This animal is a lunar animal and part of the weasel family. Lunar animals are magickal and associated with the lunar goddess. There are many lunar animals. The badger has supernatural powers and can sense when it’s in the presence of a witch. Badgers can sense magickal ley lines. These lines are thought to be paths of spiritual energy running through the earth along which ancient monuments were built and sacred sites aligned. 
The bat can usually be found wherever a witch resides. According to Chinese folklore, if a bat nests under your roof, it is a sign of better things to come. 
Dogs are incredibly psychic! Because of this, they can easily detect humans emotions. They are also sensitive to weather changes. 
Frogs, Toads, and Newts
A lot of garden, or green, witches who are into magickal lore and medicinal properties of herbs, will keep an amphibian as a pet. Frogs and toads are lucky to have around. However, if one should be killed or found dead on your property, then sad news of the loss of a friend is to come. 
Another lunar creature like the badger. They represents fertility and new beginnings for many religions. Many witches have images of the hare on jewelry. Star-gazing hares are thought to attract the full moon and stars, and are purported to be the most magickal as they are moon worshipers. If you see one, very good luck. 
The horse is the only creature that may have an issue with witches. This beast is very sensitive and senses vibrations differently from ours. Sometimes Wiccan vibrations can spook a horse. The horse sometimes can be neigh too loud or rear up. This is because the horse simply doesn’t understand the vibrations its sensing and should be handled carefully. A horse can settle down and get used to a witch. Don’t take it personal. Be patient and take time with a horse. 
Like the hare, a rabbit is lunar. If found in your garden, it could mean news of a baby for you or someone close to you. 
Insightful Insects 
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The much treasured bee is a very important insect to our ecosystem. Some witches will keep beehives because of their love for honey often used in healing potions. Bee witches, or witches or keep bees, make sure correct flowers and plants are always available in the garden. Never swear in front of a bee for this thought to weaken them through the presence of negativity. If one flies into the palm of your hand, legend has it that you’ll soon have money. If a bee doesn’t like your energy, it will sting you. NEVER EVER KILL A BEE!!  
Hornet or Wasp 
Interestingly enough, you can use telepathy with these insects. If you tune in right, they will do as you ask. If they aggravate you, speak firmly and say “please leave.” It will usually obey, and if you get stung instead, it’s a warning that there may be a person around you who you shouldn’t trust. Jealousy is associated with hornets also, so be on guard. 
If you are face-to-face with the grasshopper, you will have to make decisions about journeys that lie ahead of you. 
This lovely little bug is also known as the ladybird beetle. It is a witch’s little familiar and if one lands on you, many blessings will come. Hold it in your cupped hand for a few moments and tell it your secrets. Then make a wish and let it go. 
Witches attract spiders the most. They run over clothes, land in your hair, and even creep into bed with you! It is said to be the only living creature on the planet that can understand human language. Some witches will talk to spiders a lot, or put them in their pocket for a moment to increase their wealth. If you kill a spider intentionally, you will have bad luck and a year of hardship. If a tiny spider finds you, circle it three times over your head, and let if drop into your hair. Leave it there to find its way out to increase your money energy three times over. 
The Notorious Cat
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This animal is most closely associated with witches today. Many witches have friendly felines as familiars and many believe them to be psychic. In the day and age when witches were burned, their cats were often burned along with them or just killed outright. The Egyptians were often buried with their cats for help to the journey into the spiritual realm. Sometimes your cat will hunt for you and bring you presents. Thank you for their offering, then dispose of it (if its a dead animal) privately so you do not offend the feline.  
Robbins, Shawn, and Greenaway, Leanna. Wiccapedia. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2014. Print.
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This is so cute I love it ^-^
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Hello, lovelies!
Here’s a freebie worksheet for everybody ❤️
I recently started planning my rituals based on how I wanted to appeal to my senses and it’s really been working for me! Feel free to use this worksheet as a starting point for planning your own rituals and tweak it to suit your practice!
Much love to all ✨
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Usually my tarot cards drag me enough, but damn now tarot memes.
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Beginner Witch Tips
WARNING: I am a sarcastic butthole and it shows through out this hot mess of a post. This is some random craft junk I have learned in my days of practicing witchcraft
Witch craft is not magic.
I don’t care what you have heard. Witchcraft is not magic. It can not turn your eyes different colors. It can not make you into a animal. You will not be able to control the weather or summon wind with your fingers. Ghosts will not do as you say. This is not Harry Potter. Case closed
Intent over tools
Do you think it’s gonna matter if you use a butter knife as an athame? Or you have to sub a white candle for another color because you don’t have the funds to buy that color? Or you had to leave out an ingredient because you don’t have it or you’re allergic? No, it’s not. Witchcraft (to me) is about mind over matter. If you are making an effort for your God/god/goddess/deity/elf/fae/etc it isn’t gonna matter what or how you got there, but the intent you had getting there
Cursing and hexing is up to you and your beliefs
Totally up to you if you believe that this is okay or not. However, if you don’t like this, do not go and tell someone else it’s wrong. If they ask you how you feel you can tell them it’s not your thing. If you do like this, do not go and tell someone else it’s fine and try to get them to accept it. If they ask you about it, you can tell them that you are into it
You do not have to have an alter
It’s up to you and your practice. And if you can where you are etc. If you want one and can not have one, draw one or, my favorite, Set up a pinterest board for your god/goddess/fae/elf/deity etc. and save things that you thing relate to them.
It’s not about fancy stuff
This goes back to intent over tools, as long as you are comfortable with what you are doing and using, do it and use it. I use salsa and yogurt containers, coffee filters taped together, M&M tubes, and envelopes to keep crap in. I use a 99¢ Wal-Mart bandanna to do spells on that I got from Girl Scout camp and it has rainbow peace signs all over it. Do I care? Nope. Does anyone else care or will they judge you? Nope. we are all in the same boat here.
Hand making things is way too underrated  
I LOVE hand making things. Whether you are good or bad at it, it is a good way to save money, and personalize it just for you. Example: I made tarot cards out of printer paper that I cut out and wrote the card name, and definition of what it means (to me) and I love them. Pencil wand? Yas queen. DIY cauldron out of play-dough? Frick me u p daddy.
You’d think I would have to include this bUT Some things are okay to consume. Sometimes if taking a certain medicine you can’t consume that. Sometimes you are allergic to one thing, and in turn you will be allergic to that thing too. Sometimes you are pregnant and it’S HIGHLY DANGEROUS TO CONSUME THINGS WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IT DOES
Never ignore professional medical advice and help in favor of witchcraft methods.
Case c l o s e d
Spirit workers
Not nice spirits can attach to people who have depression and anxiety more so than people who don’t
There are good and bad spirits. if one makes you feel comfomy, do not feel bad for asking it to leave/getting rid of it
Don’t ask your tarot cards every time you have a question
This happens a lot. Especially when you get a new deck and it’s so new and shiny and you can’t w a i t to get your grubby little hands on it and do crap >:D but you don’t want to get into the habbit of “ohgoshgollybatman I have to go to the store, okay let’s see if I’ll get hit by a car… oh and do I really need the applejuice..”  or “do I REALLY need this plant..” bc the answer to that is always yes duh
Divination is not for predicting the future
Now stay with me, it is for guiding you in the future. It can not tell you what day you are going to die, who you are going to marry, etc 
The future is not written in stone
Let’s sayyyyy you do a simple past, present, and future reading with tarot, and you get a bad reading for the future, it doesn’t matter. That is how it is going right now, now you can see what you need to change etc 
You dont need a fancy journal for a grimore or book of shawdows
Heckadoodle I use a binder and notebook paper so I can move stuff around. I just write with a pencil and pen, and color with dollar store crayons or collered pencils.  Now, you may be thinking, “Oh but, it’s a nice binder right?” Lemme stop you right there. It is falling apart, needs to be ducktaped, has a picture of my doggo inside and I’ve used it for school for abouutt.. 7 years? Summin’ it up: It don’t gotta be fancy
If you forget to blow out candles set a timer on your phone
I do this all the freaking time and I’ll leave a candle out, and then here comes mother. Closet underage witches know the struggle. Trying to explain why you have a burning candle left in your room. Or if you are adult and have to adult after a spell or whatever and leave the house and come back to the candle just sittin’ there. Burning away. (my mom did this once and it caught her table on fire) Timer. Yep.
You don’t have to know a certain language 
This is more focused to me bc i am nerd but okie dokie I know Latin from school, therefore I mix it into my spells (like some on @witchy-recipes-and-things) and provide a translation. I don’t want anyone to think you have to have a certain language for your craft.
How to Ouija
Tbh this is too long already so if you want another post on it tell me and I’ll make one and link it
Sigils can be drawn everywhere
In your phone case, in your wallet, in a shoe, under fingernail polish, under seats, wherever whatever-I can also elaborate more on this
When doing love spells, consent from the other person is a must. 
You can be a christian, athiest, pagan, whatever, and still do witchcraft
It is about the craft, not religion 
Witchcraft is not a religion, Wicca is
And you do not have to be Wiccan to partake in Witchcraft
Sage doesn’t have to be in cone shape to burn it
I put rubbed sage meant for cooking on a metal plate and torch the sucker Shane Dawson style but with one of the long lighters, then run around my house in my underware screaming “MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU BITCH” in Latin
When cleansing 
OPEN.THE.WINDOWS.WHEN.DEALING.WITH.SMOKE Trust your witch mother who is allergic to everything and is an asthmatic, open the windows and doors. Also, as the smoke leaves you room through the windows or whatever, the spirits/bad vibes/etc leave with it
You don’t have to believe everything you read
Witchcraft is how YOU feel about things. No matter how other people feel about things
You can have your own corresponces for things
Like I think cinnamon is hot, deals with the sun, direction south, used for healing love etc., but it can be totally different for you
Divination doers do not have to be witches and witches do not have to be divination doers
Can not stress this enough. This is the best thing to do even if you can not practice your craft where you are atm. knowledge is power.
So here is a list I’ve complied :D (yes I’ve made all of these, I was too bored to ask people’s permission to add things, sue me) (All of the spells are all religion inclusive)
Learn you star sign with detail Edible Flower List Witch Tools Tarot Meanings Cheat Sheet
Good First Spell-Calming Tea Spell DIY Charcoal Pencil Get Shit Done Bottle Spell to Sleep Sea in a Bottle Protection and Calm Bottle Find a Item You Lot
Referring to “When cleansing”, Line two, words 3-4, I am now your witch mother and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask! This list was requested from a witchling and if you have any requests feel free to ask :3
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🌿 House Plant Care for Beginners From a Beginner 🌿:
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I’m just gonna list some pointers to help you look after your current house plants and also help you choose plants that are suitable for your space in the future. I hope you find this helpful! 🍃
1) Adoption: Choose a plant that is suitable for your space, for example, plants that do well in bedroom environment and need low maintenance care include; Snake plants, Aloe Vera, Fiddle Leaf Figs and the good ol’ Spider plant! 
2) Get to know your new baby: look them up online, on Pinterest or in books, this is a good way to find out how much to water, when to water them, how much light and where to place your new baby within your space for maximum growing powerrrrr.
3) Tools: I’ve found that a useful tool to have for the less-experienced plant parent is a moisture gauge, you can get these on Amazon or in a garden centre. You simply push the gauge into the soil (about 2cm deep) and it will let you know if your plant is hella wet, good or hella dry! That way you can make sure you’re not over watering or under watering!
4) Love ‘em: Name your new plant! Some people (including me) believe that a plant will grow better and be happier if you name it, talk to it and dead ass love it.
5) Pots: Don’t re-pot the plant too soon, they need to stay in their nursery pot for a little while when you first get them home. It is also very important to make sure your pots have drainage for the plant (aka a hole for water to drain through) this is important as it helps to make sure you don’t overwater them and that they don’t get waterlogged.
So that’s all the tips I have, for now, I don’t wanna bombard ya! I hope this comes in handy, good luck plant parents! 🌿🍃🌷👒
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MC’s Guidebook to Altars
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This was meant to be posted yesterday, but I kind of forgot about it. I’m so sorry for the delay! Anyways, Most witches have an altar, and there are many posts out there about them, but this is just my own little way of what altars are and what they can be :)
What is an Altar?
a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity.(google)
Where do I Put an Altar?
Anywhere as long as it’s on a hard surface, but it doesn’t always have to be on a surface. That’s because there are many types of altars for all kinds of witches and religions :) for our sake I’m going over witchcraft altars.
How Big Does an Altar Have to Be?
Altars don’t have to be a specific size. They can range from a shoe box to a dining table. That is all up to you, the one setting it up and how open you are to your craft.
Do I Have to have one?
Not at all. Again that is 100% to the practitioner. Some find them helpful and will state you need one but that is honestly an opinion. A lot of witches don’t have one and typically just have supplies to make spells and a specific ritual to do them. But you don’t need an altar at all.
I Want an Altar but I’m not open to my family…
A windowsill and a shoe box will be your best friend if you need to. I used my desk and dresser and called them decorations when my mom asked before I told her my religious path. If you have items that will raise red flags to people who don’t know put them in a shoe box and hide it reallllly well okay?
Do they need care?
Absolutely! They are technically a tool in witchcraft and religiously. They are a tool as in they help you with spells and for religious reasons you should think of them as your god/s home within your home. So it’s important they be cared for with routine cleanings and cleansings. Especially since specific deities have rituals for it.
How to Cleanse a Altar
Like all things, Altars can and will accumulate negative energy and would need a cleansing. This is how I Cleanse my Altars(I have three).
Take everything off the altar to start.
Wipe off the surface your altar is on.
Dust all items that can accumulate dust and wash any items that can be washed in a washing machine or dishwasher.
When you put things back in their place, start giving clean energy to everything involved in the altar and reorganize it to give it a fresh feeling to it.
What if I Can’t Have a Physical Altar?
Online and Video Game Altars are a thing!! Games like minecraft and the sims, you can create rooms for specific things. The sims 3 even has an expansion pack for witches that involve a cauldron and a spell book! Online altars you can either make a website or an account on a social media for them(like tumblr for example) and post things you believe relate to your practice or your deities.
What Goes on an Altar?
A lot of things can go on an altar, but you do not need every single item that is about to go in this list.
A knife(Athame)
Statues or Representation of your gods(if any at all)
Book of Shadows(or a place to write about your craft)
Altar Cloth
Mortar and Pestle
The list goes on really. And again you do not need every single item on this list. They are just guidelines that can help you out.
Types of Altars
Now this may get a little lengthy. But I’ll try to explain them to the best of my abilities.
General Altar:
An altar that is for spell making purposes and isn’t for any religion or path
Religious Altar:
An altar that is aimed for a God(s) or Religion alone and maybe spell work as well. This is the place one would give offerings to their deity or deities.
Elemental Altar:
An altar based around all five elements or just one element. These are particularly popular with witches who work with one kind of element.
Ancestor Altar:
An altar to ones ancestors, especially for those who do Hoodoo and Voodoo(these are not witchcraft practices and are closed cultures/religions. You have to be initiated @witchesofcolor(tumblr) has answered asks on this before) or if you are doing general ancestor work.
Spirit Companion Altar:
A altar meant for spirits or a particular spirit companion. This can be decorated however you like with the thoughts of the spirits you are trying to please. More for a spirit worker
Seasonal Altar:
An altar to celebrate the different seasons and holidays within, specifically those revolving around the witches calendar.
Online Altar:
An Altar created on social media for either the practitioner or a god(s)/religion. These are done by posting images, quotes and videos relating to what it is being used for.
Game Altar:
An in game altar, great for closet witches for they are easy to hide, this altar is typically a room with things relating to the thing the practitioner is looking for or feels is right for their practice within the game.
Windowsill Altars
Altars on a windowsill because of many reasons, but some include: space, not being out, and aesthetic
Travel Altar:
An altar meant to be used on the go! Especially when going out of town, but also for everyday outtings. This is usually something small and easy to carry in a bag or purse that wont raise too much suspicion or be too alarming to passerby’s
Shoe box Altar:
An altar contained in a shoe box for various reasons like above, and like a travel altar can be for many things including for god(s), seasons, spirits etc.
Grimoire Altar:
An altar that is contained within the pages of the journal you use to write your craft in, this is for many reasons like portability and outness to those around you. These usually are drawn out or are printed out.
There are many altars out there, look into all of them, these are only the ones I can remember off of the top of my head. Go check it out, do some good research!
The Sleepy Witch
Created: 3/21/2019
Posted(Patreon): 3/21/2019
Posted(Tumblr): 3/25/2019
DO NOT REPOST. Reblogging is fine
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Aries: you’re about to find yourself. it’s about to be hard, scary, and it almost might seem unbearable. you’re going to reach new highs that you’ve never thought you would, and maybe some new lows that will rock you. but, you’re about to find positivity within all the moments that you have. you’re about to understand yourself and your limits more than ever. you’re going to realize that all the strength you’ve ever needed was always inside of you. all of it was fucking worth it, you’re going to feel all of this.
Taurus: you are going to be in a huge transition period this year. you’re going to find immense change in your own world. it might scare you to your core, but it’s exactly what you needed. new things and new people and a new life. most of all, a totally new perspective. you’re going to open your eyes to so many things and you’re going to realize that things weren’t what you always thought they were… they’re better.
Gemini: you are about to feel free. you’re about to go through a year of letting go. you’re going to let go of people who caused you pain in the past, you’re going to let go of shit that messed you up. you’re going to realize that moving forward is the best thing you can do for yourself. you’ll find things that you enjoy doing again this year. you are going to get out of that fog, but don’t completely cross out what brought you here. it’s still a part of you.
Cancer: what a curse it is, to feel so very deeply. oh, but it is also a blessing. this year is going to give you many awakenings. you’re going to use your empathy to your advantage, you’re going to make a change in many peoples lives. seeing someone so authentic like you, gives other people hope that they can open up too, just like you. you’re going to use the things you find the most unappealing about yourself to help other people. it may seem small to you when it happens, but it’s huge. this, for you, is going to be very fulfilling. don’t forget yourself in the process, but remember that what you’re doing is important.
Leo: in 2018, you were lost. you might’ve hit your breaking point and you might’ve thought there was nothing left in you. however, you were just getting started. this year, you will find your fire again. you’ll stand up taller than you ever have and you’ll roar louder than ever. this year, you’re going to learn that you are stronger than you ever believed yourself to be. you’re going to find your confidence again, you’re going to take on this life thing on your own and make it your absolute bitch. the people who left, don’t matter. you’re not going to let them affect you any longer. you’re going to figure out who was always meant to be by your side.
Virgo: this year, positivity is going to be your best friend. you’re so used to things going wrong or not going your way, that you’ve conditioned yourself to think about the worst possible outcomes. but, what if thinking differently was actually the key to everything? you have the power to change your own mindset, and this year, whether you believe it or not, it’s going to happen. you’re going to be so caught up in living life and being busy that suddenly you’ll realize that you aren’t so afraid of being happy anymore. you will flourish, you will get the things you want. all you have to do is keep on believing.
Libra: your worth is greater and bigger than what you think. this year, you’re going to realize this. at some point, you’re going to look at your life and how you let people take advantage of you and you’re finally going to say “no more.” you are wonderful and capable and worthy of all the things you want. you just have to see it for yourself, you have to see that your life should not be lived based on making people happy that wouldn’t do the same for you. it’s going to be an awakening for you, but it’s going to be beautiful.
Scorpio: you are in the midst of chaos right now. you’re thinking that life is always going to be this whirlwind of emotions and that nothing will ever settle down. this year, you’ll find your safe place. the one you can run to when things are going bad. whether that place be an actual place, a hobby, or even a person. it’s going to bring you peace like you’ve never felt before. remember to hold onto it. you’re going to finally let go of that wall you’ve been holding up forever, don’t be alarmed when it comes crashing down. it’s going to be natural.
Sagittarius: what a year you’re going to have. first and most importantly, pure love is in store. this doesn’t have to mean romantic love, but it sure is a possibility. you’ve been holding back for quite some time when it comes to opening up your heart, but thats going to change now. secondly, when you find this love, you’re going to be faced with your natural instinct, which is to run. when this happens, don’t run. you’ll be missing out on a happiness that you haven’t felt before. learning to open up is one of the most important lessons you’ll learn in this life, you have to let it come.
Capricorn: this year, you’re going to end cutting out people and things that don’t make you happy. this is pure self care and the first step to putting yourself first. you tend to not put your needs first too often. you’re no longer going to let everyone walk all over you. you do everything for other people, and this year will be your selfish year. when you find yourself feeling bad about it, don’t. this is the start of something that always needed to happen, and you’ll find yourself much more peaceful if you run with it.
Aquarius: who you are now, might be a stranger by the end of 2019. but doesn’t it always go that way? maybe, but it’s going to be different from what you imagine. you’re going to become stable in who you are. you’re going to suddenly have an understanding of your place in the world, perhaps you might find your purpose. it’s going to come so fast and naturally, that you’re going to question what your world was before this reason for living came along. remember that this is happening for a reason, you are meant to do great things and you’re about to see what all of this means.
Pisces: joy is coming. you’ve had a rough past few years, but this year you’re going to have new beginnings and you’re going to find a new sense of self. you’re going to learn that all the bad things had to happen in order to get to where you are now. don’t try to change the past anymore, or question why certain things had to happen. just focus on here and now because before you know it all of the years are going to pass by. this year is going to be the year that you end up finding the happiness you only felt years ago. enjoy it.
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An interesting read
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ALTAR 101 🔮✨
Here is a guide to setting up your altar based on common traditions for those new to Wicca or interested in beginning or even those practicing wiccans just looking to shake up your current set up!
The most important step in setting up your altar is choosing its location; finding a spot where you are comfortable and feel positive energy is SO important! Even small things such as choosing directionality of your altar is important - if you will be using a round table/stand, directionality may not be as important, but if you are using a square set up or intend to always face the same direction when using your altar, choose the directionality which you feel closest to (you can also change directionality with certain spells if you like):
• North: Earth 🌏
• South: Fire🔥
• East: Air 💨
• West: Water💧
It is optimal to purify and cleanse the area you intend to use for your altar as well as the table/stand you choose to use.
What you choose to set up your altar on is 110% a personal choice. If you don’t want to spend money looking for a specific altar table or building something special to use, simply using something you have laying around already is absolutely fine! For instance, I used an old coffee table that I had laying around not in use. As long as you purify the item with your intent, it can be anything you need. Another consideration is storage - some altars I’ve seen online have drawers and storage beneath which is a great option if space is limited! You will need someplace to store candles, herbs, stones, etc. Also important is deciding how mobile you need your altar to be - if you are a closet witch, mobility is important and a formal set up may not be plausible. Here are some beautiful altar table examples:
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Items of the Altar Include;
⭐️ Athame: A ceremonial blade; primarily this is used as a tool to channel energy through - this is not traditionally used as a cutting tool. Can be used to cast your circle as well as to invoke the elements of the four directions.
⭐️ Bell: Used to open and close rituals - typically associated with banishing of negative influences and energies.
⭐️ Boline: Traditionally used as a cutting tool for herbs, ribbon, flowers, etc.
⭐️ Cauldron: Used for burning of herbs, mixing of herbs, burning of symbols / paper. This should typically be cast iron since it will contain fire often times.
⭐️ Chalice: Used to hold blessed wine or water during rituals or spells.
⭐️ God Candle: Can be yellow or gold in coloration; Used to invoke masculine energies
⭐️ Goddess Candle: Can be white or silver in coloration; Used to invoke feminine energies
⭐️ Pentacle: Used to invoke positive energies into a circle; often times items can be “charged” upon a pentacle
⭐️ Wand: Another tool of invokation used to invoke the gods and sacred energies. Like the athame, this too can be used to cast a circle.
One option for setting up the altar is a more “traditional” set up dividing the table into feminine and masculine energies. The left side is traditionally meant for femininity with items such as your goddess statue, goddess candle, chalice, bowl of water, cauldron, pentacle, crystals, and bell. The masculine right side includes your god statue, god candle, incense, wand, salt, athame, boline, and matches. The center of the altar is dedicated to ritual and magic set up.
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Another common style is an elemental set up with items representative of water (chalice, bowl of water, cauldron) being set to the west, air (bell, wand, incense) to the east, earth (pentacle, salt, stones) to north, and fire (athame, boline, matches / oils) to the south.
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Other items you could consider adding to your altar representative of each element:
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💧 Water: Seashells, Ace of Cups (Tarot), Rainwater, Mirrors, Driftwood, Seaweed, Crystal Ball, Goblet
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🔥 Fire: Cactus, Volcanic Stone, Ash, Ace of Wands (Tarot), Lantern, Dragon Statue, Cinnamon Sticks, Incense
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🍃 Earth: Ceramics, Coin, Stones, Soil, Salt, Ace of Pentacles, Seeds, Herbs, Flowers, Bone
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💨 Air: Diffuser, Ribbons, Wind Instruments, Fans, Butterfly Imagry, Feathers, Ace of Swords (Tarot)
I hope this was helpful as a basic guide! As always I encourage everyone to do things along their own personal style and employ things meaningful to you. ♥️
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Low-effort witchy things to do
-bless your morning tea/coffee every day. Set an intention like, “I am confident and happy, and I love myself” whilst stirring it, then tap the spoon on the mug 3 times to seal it.
-look at your crystals and pick one that matches your needs. Tell the crystal what you’d like to attain from it. Carry it around!
-bless your water before you drink it. Just say “blessed be” and imagine a purifying light shining through it.
-when my friends are sad, I like to send a blessing in my head towards them. “may X have protection and feel loved today”. Obviously you should also try and talk to them if you can, but this is a nice option too.
-make crystal elixirs by sticking a crystal into a jar of water overnight (or for a couple of hours). You can intensify your intention by putting a sigil onto the jar as well. Remember to research the crystals to make sure they’re safe in water first!
-do you spend a lot of time on your phone? Try to put it down for 5 minutes before bed time and just BE. It’s technically meditating but call it whatever you want! Put some selenite in your hand to help purify your energy even more.
-speaking of meditating, when you’re travelling somewhere, try to look around you and find bits of natural life to look at. Quiet your mind and try to focus on those things.
-when you shower, visualise the water washing off all of the bad energies, and sending them down the drain!
-drink herbal tea that corresponds to your intentions.
-open your window at least once a day to cleanse the room and make it feel lighter!
-practise self-care in any form if you are able. Self care truly is witchcraft.
Remember, nobody except you can define your craft. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re doing it wrong!
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My book of shadows is coming along nicely so far
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What to do for the new year as a spiritual person
I thought to make a post on what me and my WHOLE family does when it’s close to the near year. We do this so that we welcome in good luck, abundance and prosperity along with wealth. It’s something that mainly my mom’s side has done for a very long time and good things happen from it (I also called this what to do for the new year as a spiritual person because me and my mom’s side of the family come from a long line of spiritual family members!)
 So first off!
Go through your shit Like seriously. Get rid of things you no longer want or need. Like clothes, nick nacks, jewelry etc. Throw things away that is trash!
Organize make things more nice and neat within your room/home. go through things to find out what needs to be taken out, trashed or placed somewhere else.
Clean now with cleaning… You gotta do some serious shit. Make sure the dish washer is always empty and no dishes are in the sink (as best as you can). Your bed is made, your bath room is nice and clean, No piling trash etc. The point is, you have to try and stay clean as much as you can until it’s finally the new year and new month. Also wash your bedding and curtains if you have any.
Cleanse my grandmother would make flour washes to welcome in prosperity and abundance. She (and my mom when she was younger) would even wash the walls too. You can play music, light a candle, burn incense, use sage, holy water, you can even use perfume or colonge to cleanse your place.
Keep it looking spotless until the new year!
Something to note:
Now this is optional but is VERY helpful. My mom told me if you wish you can dedicate your place to who ever you work with. That your home is their’s as well. That you promise to keep it clean as possible in their honor for you know they don’t like dirty things. 
You could possibly even ask them to help bring in prosperity and abundance if you promise to keep the place clean in their honor most of the time. 
Cleanliness is next to godly-ness
Another thing, My grandmother would always buy new bedding and curtains and other stuff. In with the new and out with the old basically.
Celebrate the new year with your spirit friends, guardians or deities!
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Moons of 2019🌙
Here’s the list of the full moons that’ll be occurring this new year, sadly there aren’t blue moons this year.
January 21st Wolf moon ♌
February 19th Snow moon ♍
March 20th Worm moon ♎
April 19th Pink moon ♎
May 18th Flower moon ♏
June 17th Strawberry moon ♐
July 16th Black moon ♑
August 15th Sturgeon moon ♒
September 14th Harvest moon ♓
October 13th Hunter’s moon ♈
November 12th Beaver moon ♉
December 12th Cold moon ♊
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Ways To Use Sigils Masterpost
Incorporating the elements
Draw the sigil in the air using incense
Draw the sigil on your body and go for a walk
Energetically trace sigils in the air and let the wind carry and charge them
Draw the sigil on paper, rip it up, and let the wind blow it away
Draw the sigil onto a flag, let it blow in the wind
Trace the sigil in the air with your hand, push it away
Draw or attach the sigil to a windchime
Leave the sigil outside during a windstorm
Draw the sigil on your body and take a shower
Draw the sigil on a piece of paper, submerge the paper in water, let the water evaporate
Carve the sigil into a bar of soap and wash yourself with it
When taking a bath, draw the sigil in the bottom of the tub with soap/bath salts/baking soda
Draw the sigil on a stone with water and wait for it to evaporate
Draw the sigil on you hand, then wash it away
Breathe on your window so that it fogs up, then draw the sigil on it
Draw the sigil on any surface using water
Sew the sigil into your clothes, wash them
Draw the sigil on paper and put it under running water
Draw the sigil on a beach, let the ocean wash it away
Draw the sigil on a rock and throw it in a river/ocean
Flush the sigil down the toilet (make sure it’s on biodegradable paper)
Draw the sigil on paper and place in in a jar, add salt and water, then shake it up (Optional: add a drop or two of essential oil matching intent)
Leave the sigil outside during a rainstorm
Put the sigil in a pot of boiling water
Draw the sigil onto a coin and toss it into a fountain
Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and surround it with crystals that match the intent
Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and bury it in the ground
Place the sigil with a plant
Draw the sigil on the ground
Draw the sigil on a rock and leave it somewhere that makes you happy
Draw the sigil on paper and put it in a jar of salt
Put a crystal that matches the intent on top of the sigil 
Trace the sigil with a crystal matching the intent
Tape the sigil onto a window during a full moon
Trace the sigil in dust/dirt, then blow it away
Use herbs matching the intent of the sigil, draw the sigil on paper and mix everything together, paper included
Burn herbs matching the sigils intent, pass the sigil through the smoke
Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and burn it 
Carve the sigil into a candle and burn with intent
Draw the sigil on the bottom of a tea light candle, let it burn out
Pass the sigil through smoke (any smoke works, but incense is best)
Draw the sigil on paper, leave it in sunlight
Carve the sigil into a candle, let it melt away
Sigils In everyday life
Eating and Drinking
Carve the sigil into your food before eating it
Draw the sigil under your kitchen table
When drinking tea, draw the sigil in the bottom of your mug with honey
Trace the sigil on the bottom of a pot before cooking with it
Draw the sigil on the bottom of your favorite cup
If you’re at a bonfire/cooking over a flame, carve the sigil into your food with a toothpick before you roast it (Hotdog, mashmallow, etc.)
Draw the sigil on a piece of bread, toast it
Draw the sigil in a pan with cooking oil, then cook
Draw the sigil out of ketchup on your food
Put pancake batter in a squeeze bottle, draw your sigil in the frying pan with the batter
In Art and Music
Incorporate the sigil into an art piece that has to do with the intent
Paint the sigil over a picture that didn’t turn out the way you wanted
Draw the sigil anywhere on your body and draw a pattern around it, don’t wash it off, let it fade on its own
Trace the sigil onto a pair of headphones/speaker with your finger, listen to music that matches your intent
Draw the sigil on the inside of your sketchbook cover
Draw the sigil and scribble it out
Draw the sigil on paper and tape it to the bottom of your laptop/tablet/phone if you write, draw, or make music digitally
Place the sigil in front of music speakers
Draw the sigil onto a CD that you love, and play it
Imagine the sigil in your mind while dancing
Draw the sigil on a dry erase board and erase it
Draw your sigil on the ground with chalk 
To Keep it With You
Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and put it in your purse
Draw the sigil on the bottom of your shoe
Sew the sigil into your clothing
Draw the sigil on paper and keep it in your wallet
Draw the sigil on your skin with water/oil/marker/etc. depending on intent
Tattoo the sigil onto your body (This only applies to certain sigils)
Draw the sigil on the back of a necklace you always wear
Draw the sigil on your nail, then paint over it with nail polish
Draw the sigil on your car steering wheel
Draw the sigil on your face with concealer, then blend it in
Put the sigil in a locket and wear it
Take a photo of your sigil, then delete the picture
Draw the sigil on paper and place it under a charging device
Draw the sigil inside your phone case
Set the sigil as your phone lockscreen, charge the phone
Draw the sigil on paper and tape it to the bottom of your laptop/tablet/phone
Download a sigil app
Directing Your Own Energy
Body Energy and Visualization
Visualize the sigil in your mind, think about the intent of your sigil
Draw the sigil on the ground/write it on a piece of paper and sit on it while meditating
Exercise while visualizing the sigil and your intent
Leave the sigil under your pillow during acts of passion
Masturbate while thinking about the sigil
Draw the sigil on a vein (wrist works well)
Recite a chant that goes with the sigil’s intent
Draw the sigil on paper and rub it between your hands
Draw the sigil somewhere on your body, tap it when you think about it
Draw the sigil on paper and stab it
Draw the sigil with blood as ink (controversial, not recommended)
Draw the sigil on your palm and clap your hands
Draw a sigil on the corner of your homework assignments
Gather static electricity and touch the sigil
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Protection & Warding ⚔
A guide on protecting yourself and your home. 
Note: this is a long post! 
Personal Protection
Wear an amulet on your person - can be made from man-made or natural materials so long as its intent is to protect
Keep a protective crystal in your pocket
Craft a small protective spell jar and keep on your person
Anoint yourself with a protective oil
Place an energetic shield around yourself 
Place a glamour on yourself to go unnoticed in the presence of harmful or negative energies
Carry a piece of iron on your person
Bathe with a wash made from protective herbs
Sleep with a sachet of herbs under your pillow or hanging above your bed to prevent nightmares
Prayers and offerings to your patron deity
Hang a protective amulet from the rearview mirror in your vehicle for safe travels
Home & Hearth Protection
Hang rose stems with thorns intact above the entrance of your home
Hang an upside down horseshoe above the entrance of your home (some lore states you should hang the horseshoe right-side-up)
Hang wind chimes or bells outside of your home
Create a “Witch Bottle” and bury in your front yard, or in a potted plant on your porch
Create a “Witch’s Ladder” or “Witch Ball” and hang it either inside or outside of your home
Hang imagery of protective symbols outside or around your home
Burn protective incense in your home
Create a room spray made from protective oils and spray around your home
Create a protective wash and use it to clean your windows, door frames, and tile/wooden floors 
Use the wash mentioned above to “paint” symbols of protection on the outside of your front door, on your porch, etc. 
Place a protective crystal at each corner inside your home
Place a small glass of salt at each corner inside your home
Hammer 3 iron nails into your front door
Create a protective powder and sprinkle around the perimeter of your home - alternately, sprinkle outside of your front and back door
Create a sachet filled with protective herbs and crystals - keep inside or outside of your home, in your vehicle, etc.
Hang mirrors inside of your home
Place a crystal grid at the center of your home using protective crystals
Call upon your patron deity to protect your home and those who reside in it
Protective Symbols & Items
Witch’s Knot
Algiz (Elhaz) rune
Helm of Awe
Glyph of the Moon, Mars, or Saturn
Eye of Horus
Crossed Swords
Iron nails
Railroad spikes
War Water
Flying Devil Oil
Third & Fifth Pentacle of Saturn; Third & Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter; Sixth Pentacle of Mars; Second, Third, & Fifth Pentacle of the Moon
Amethyst - protection against psychic attacks and while traveling
Angel Aura Quartz - spiritual protection
Aqua Aura Quartz - protection against psychic attacks
Aquamarine - protection while traveling via water
Beryl - protection while traveling
Blue Goldstone
Catlinite - spiritual protection
Carnelian - protection from negative emotions
Celestite - emotional protection
Citrine - protection from nightmares
Clear Quartz
Fire Agate
Fluorite - protection against psychic attacks
Infinite Stone
Lapis Lazuli
Malachite - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Moonstone - protection during pregnancy, childbirth, and while traveling via water
Mother of Pearl - protection for children
Rose Quartz - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Ruby - protection of the home and hearth
Smoky Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Tiger’s Eye
Vauxite - protection from nightmares
Acacia, Aconite, Acorn (protection from lightning), African Violet, Ague, Alder (protection for the deceased), Alfalfa (protection from hunger and poverty), Alkanet (protection from snakebites and the fear of snakes), Aloe (protection from household accidents), Amaranth (protection from bullets), Amber, Angelica, Anise Seeds, Ash (protection from drowning and while traveling), Aspen (protection against thieves), Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay Laurel (protection from lightning), Bay Leaf (protection for your home and family, protection against baneful magick), Belladonna, Bergamot (protection from illness), Bilberry Bark, Birch (protection from lightning and infertility), Black Cohosh (protection from accidents and sudden death), Black Haw, Black Pepper, Blackberry, Bladderwrack (protection while traveling), Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Blue Violet, Blueberry, Boneset, Brimstone, Buckeye (protection against arthritis), Buckwheat, Cactus, Calamus, Calendula, Carnation, Caraway, Cascara Sagrada (protection against baneful magick), Catnip (protection while sleeping), Cedar (protection from lightning), Celandine, Chia, Chives, Chrysanthemum, Cilantro (protection for gardeners), Cinnamon, Cinquefoil (protection for loved ones on a journey), Clove (protection for babies), Clover, Coconut, Comfrey (protection while traveling), Coriander, Corn, Cotton, Cramp Bark, Cranberry, Cumin, Curry, Cypress, Daisy (protection for babies), Dandelion Root (protection while sleeping), Datura, Devil’s Bit, Devil’s Claw, Dill, Dogwood, Dragon’s Blood, Ebony, Elder (protection for the deceased), Elm (protection from lightning), Eucalyptus, False Unicorn Root (protection during pregnancy and childbirth), Fennel, Fern, Feverfew (protection against accidents and cold/flu), Figwort (protection for your home), Flaxseed (protection for your home, protection against baneful magick), Fleabane, Foxglove (protection for your home and garden), Frankincense, Gardenia, Garlic, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Gorse (protection against baneful magick), Hawthorn (protection from lightning), Heather (protection against violent crimes), Heliotrope, Henna (protection from illness), Hickory, High John the Conqueror, Holly, Horseradish, Hyssop (protection for property against burglars and trespassers), Irish Moss (protection while traveling), Ivy, Juniper, Kava Kava, Lady Slipper (protection against baneful magick), Larch (protection against theft), Larkspur, Laurel, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Lemon Verbena (protection of your home, protection from lightning and storms), Lettuce, Lime, Lotus, Lucky Hand Root (protection while traveling), Mandrake, Marigold (protection while sleeping), Marjoram, Marshmallow Root, Mimosa, Mint, Mistletoe (protection from lightning and fire), Mullein (protection from nightmares and baneful magick), Nutmeg, Oak Moss, Olive Leaf, Onion, Papyrus, Parsley (protection for your home), Peat Moss, Peony, Periwinkle (protection against snakes and poison), Pimpernel, Pine, Pineapple, Plantain (protection from snake bites and jealousy), Quince, Radish, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover (protection for pets), Rhubarb, Rice, Rowan, Rue, Sage, Sandalwood, Saw Palmetto, Sea Salt, Sheep Sorrel (protection from heart disease), Slippery Elm, Snapdragon, Solomon’s Seal, Spanish Moss, Spearmint, St. John’s Wort (protection from baneful magick, lightning, and fire), Straw Flower, Sunflower, Tangerine, Thistle, Toadflax, Tonka Bean (protection from disease), True Unicorn Root (protection from baneful magick), Valerian, Venus Fly Trap, Violet, Willow, Witch Hazel, Wood Aloe, Wood Betony, Woodruff, Wormwood (protection against dangerous roads while traveling), Yerba Santa, Yew, Yucca (protection of your home)
Lunar Phases
Waxing - to attract protective energy and positivity
Full - generalized protection 
Waning - to banish negativity, thus protecting the caster
Days of the Week
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pine trees and witchcraft
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as winter months (and yule festivities) approach, pine becomes an excellent component of green witchcraft. evergreen trees, of course, symbolize immortality and perseverance. they are a great addition to any spell involving resilience or overcoming obstacles.
hanging a pine branch above your door will invite good energies, be it spirits or friends, into your space. placing pine above your bed will ward off illness.
throw pine into the fireplace (or bonfire) to summon protective energy.
pinecones work as a health and fertility charm.
pine is also an excellent smoke cleanser for purifying and warming a space’s energy.
pine trees in general are associated with divine harmony, peace, releasing guilt, and clarity. for this reason, meditation under a pine tree (or with a pine sprig in your hand) can be very healing and beneficial spiritually.
whether you have a pine tree in your home this season, you take a walk among some evergreens, or even just light a pine-scented candle in your bedroom, its wintery magick is wonderful.
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Witchy Song Suggestions
Hello Family! I am with you today to speak about some of the songs which I listen to when I am trying to manifest. I may suggest some *Some of these songs may fall into more than one category.* Feel free to add songs!
Love/Romance Magick:
Wonderful by Lianne La Havas
Serial Killer by Lana Del Rey
Lovefool by The Cardigans
Little Numbers by BOY
Love by Lana Del Rey
Romanitcise by Chelea
A Dream by Rachmaninoff - Sung by Dawn Upshaw
Morgen by Strauss - Sung by Barbara Bonney
Hey Now by London Grammar
Like I Can (Cover) by Jordan Smith
Golden Slumbers (cover) by Jennifer Hudson
Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding
Warm on a Cold Night by Honne
River Flows in You by Yiruma
L’heure Exquise by Hahn - Sung by Susan Graham
The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson
Giant Steps by John Coltrane
Red Arrow by Gem Club
Blue Skies by Ella Fitzgerald 
Long Time Ago by Trad/Copland - Sung by Nathan Gunn
Chi Il Bel Sogno from La Rondine by Puccini - Sung by Renee Fleming
Claire de Lune by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Che Gelida Manina from La Boheme by Puccini - performed by Vittorio Grigolo or Luciano Pavarotti 
Sex Magick:
Is It a Crime by Sade
I Put a Spell on You by Nina Simone
Teeth by Lady Gaga
All Night by Beyonce
Hey Now by London Grammar
Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Hummingbird Heartbeat by Katy Perry
Pillowtalk by Zayn
Do What U Want by Lady Gaga
Off to the Races by Lana Del Rey
Money Magick:
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Coca Cola by Beth Hart
Digital Witness by St. Vincent
6 Inch by Beyonce
Money Honey by Lady Gaga
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by Lady Gaga
National Anthem by Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey
Luck Magick:
Tokyo by Lianne La Havas
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
Evergreen by Yebba
Right Place, Wrong Time by Dr. John
No Roots by Alice Merton
When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing by Lana Del Rey
Nagual by Trifolia 
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae
La fille aux cheveux de lin by Debussy - perormed by Xavier de Maistre
Venus by Lady Gaga
L’heure Exquise by Hahn - sung by Susan Graham
Unstoppable by Lianne La Havas
Radio by Lana Del Rey
Bel Air by Lana Del Rey
Breaking my Heart by Lana Del Rey
Paradise Circus by Massive Attack 
Work Song by Hozier
Summer Bummer by Lana Del Rey
In My Feelings by Lana Del Rey
Brother Sparrow by Agnes Obel
Wallflower by Agnes Obel
Avenue by Agnes Obel
Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac (good cover by Karen Elson)
Up in Flames by Ruelle
Body Electric by Lana Del Rey
Circle the Drain by Katy Perry
No Roots by Alice Merton
Hit Me Like a Man by The Pretty Reckless 
Backfire by Lana Del Rey
Goodnight Moon by Shivaree
Baneful Magick (Curses and such):
Paradise Circus by Massive Attack
Wallflower by Agnes Obel
Strange Fruit sung by Nina Simone
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Power and Control by Marina and the Diamonds
Teen Idol by Marina and the Diamonds
Kill of the Night by Gin Wigmore
The Rake’s Song by The Decemberists
Humans by Sevdaliza 
No Rest for the Wicked by Lykke Li
Killing Moon by Roman Remains
Bones by Ms Mr
Limbs by Widdowspeak
Yubaba (Spirited Away Score) by Joe Hisaishi
The Raven by Alan Parsons Project
Neverland by Sisters of Mercy
Countdown by John Coltrane 
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfuly
Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde
You Know that I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse
Power Gathering: 
Death Defying Acts by Angus & Julia Stone
Django Jane by Janelle Monae
The Curse by Agnes Obel
Superpower by Beyonce
Spectrum (Song and Album) by Florence + The Machine
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Four by Miles Davis
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Retrograde by James Blake
Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
With You In My Head by UNKLE
Out Alive by Ke$ha
Ninth Gate: Vocalise performed by Diana Damrau
Sunrise by Yeasayer
Castle by Halsey
Breath of Life by Florence + the Machine
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Who You Are sung by Jordan Smith
Stevie’s Dream by Janelle Monae
Hunger by Florence + the Machine
Life Goes On by Fergie
Wonderland by Haley Reinhart 
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Alive by Sia
Unbreakable Smile by Tori Kelly
Arabesque No. 1 in E Major by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Im Here from the Color Purple 
Death Defying Acts by Angus & Julia Stone
Icarus by White Hinterland 
Love Drought by Beyonce
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Cranes in the Sky by Solange 
So Much More Than This by Grace Vanderwaal
Arabesque No. 1 in E Major by Debussy
La fille aux cheveux de lin by Debussy
Safe & Sound by Capital Cities
Florets by Grace VanderWaal
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Alive by Sia
Ständchen  D.957 by Schubert - Performed by Evgeny Kissin
C’est L’extase Langoureuse by Debussy - Sung By Elly Ameling
The Fire by Kina Grannis
The Bird by Duke - Sung by James Taylor
Arabesque No. 1 in E Majoy by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Fashion! (Artpop) by Lady Gaga
***Flawless by Beyonce
Bodak Yellow by Cardi B
Raining Men by The Water Girls
Sugar Pill by Kovacs
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds
Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves by Aretha Franklin
Land of Lola from Kinky Boots
Sex Is In the Heel from Kinky Boots
Screwed by Janelle Monae
I like that by Janelle Monae
Bad by Michael Jackson
Check it Out by Will.i.am & Nicki Minaj
Happiness/Just Good Vibes:
Blood (Album) by Lianne La Havas
Blue Skies by Ella Fitzgerald (or anything she sings)
Origami by Capital Cities
Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Beddingfield
Rumors (Album) by Fleetwood Mac
Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy
Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing (cover) by Tori Kelly
Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac
Happy by Pharrell 
Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man
Let’s Get Together by Beth Hart
Arabesque No. 1 in E Majoy by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Tightrope by Janelle Monae
I hope y’all find this useful! Feel Free to add songs! Also, email me at [email protected] for any questions, follow my YouTube @ Mojo Magick for some Magickal content, and Be Blessed! 
Mojo Magick
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