mecthology ยท 4 days
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Dorothy Eady: The Reincarnated Egyptian Priestess.
Dorothy was born in London in 1904 to Irish parents and seemed like any other kid until she had a bad fall at age 3, which left her unconscious. After that, she seemed different. Her accent and speech changed, and she started asking her parents about going back to her 'home'. There are different stories about what really happened after the fall, from brain injury to even claims of her briefly dying and coming back to life.
Despite facing religious conflicts and skepticism, Eady remained steadfast in her beliefs and even described her past life as the lover of Pharaoh Seti I, leading to her commitment to multiple sanatoriums.
Eady's story gained attention when she began receiving visitations from an entity named Hor-Ra, dictating the details of her previous life, which she documented in seventy pages of cursive hieroglyphic text.
She later moved to Cairo, married an Egyptian man, and adopted the name Omm Sety, immersing herself in Egyptian culture and working as a draftswoman at the National Department of Antiquities.
Eady's profound understanding of hieroglyphics and ancient ruins, along with her ability to accurately describe uncharted wall paintings in Seti's temple, astounded experts, and solidified her reputation as an exceptional Egyptologist.
Despite her contributions, Eady faced social and religious isolation, and upon her death in 1981, she was granted an unmarked grave in a Coptic cemetery, leaving behind a legacy of both remarkable achievements and enduring mysteries.
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Source: The Business Standard & Wikipedia.
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mecthology ยท 10 days
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The Van Meter visitor.
The creature was described as having these massive wings like a bat, a pretty awful smell, and apparently, it could shoot bright beams of light from its forehead.
On the first night, people saw it zipping across the roofs of buildings. Then, the next evening, both the town doctor and the bank cashier, Peter Dunn, caught sight of it, and Dunn even managed to take a plaster cast of its massive three-toed footprints.
On the third night, someone saw it chilling out on a telephone pole. Another resident who caught a glimpse of it said it was hopping around like a kangaroo, while the high school teacher thought it looked like something straight out of a devilish nightmare.
The tale reaches its climax when a bunch of folks from the town decide to face off with it at this old coal mine. When they finally faced off with it, it turns out there weren't just one, but two of these beasts lurking around. But then they vanished, and no one ever laid eyes on them again.
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Source: cryptidz.fandom & extraterrestrial.fandom
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mecthology ยท 15 days
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Enigmatic Bennington Triangle: A History of Mysterious Disappearances.
Starting with the vanishing of 74-year-old Middie Rivers in 1945, the area has witnessed a string of missing persons cases, including the infamous disappearance of 18-year-old Paula Welden in 1946, which remains unsolved to this day. A thorough search was done, but all they found was one rifle cartridge in a stream. They figured Rivers might have leaned over, causing the cartridge to slip out of his pocket into the water. Rivers knew the area well and was skilled in outdoor activities.
Adding to the enigma, 68-year-old James E. Tedford inexplicably vanished from a moving bus in broad daylight, leaving behind his luggage and an open timetable.
The disappearance of eight-year-old Paul Jepson in 1950 further deepened the mystery, with a bloodhound losing his scent at a nearby crossroads, hinting at a possible abduction.
Experienced hiker Frieda Langer's disappearance came 16 days after the disappearance of Jepson, and the subsequent discovery of her badly decomposed body near the Somerset Reservoir only added to the perplexing nature of these events.
There aren't any clear links found connecting these cases, aside from the fact that they occurred in the same area and around the same time. Despite extensive searches, the Bennington Triangle continues to yield more questions than answers, fueling speculation about paranormal forces, serial killers, or even large predators as possible explanations for the disappearances.
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Source: Wikipedia & allthatisinteresting.com
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mecthology ยท 20 days
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The 7 Heavens in Islam.
1. Jannat-al-Adan (The Eternal Abode) is the initial level of heaven where believers who have sincerely repented for their sins are welcomed. Described as a serene and stunning place with gardens and flowing rivers, it symbolizes the highest form of acceptance from Allah. This level of paradise is referenced in Surah Tawbah of the Qurโ€™an.
2. Jannat-ul-Mawa (The Resting Place) is a heaven reserved for the devout believers and martyrs. Constructed of brass, it offers solace and repose to those who have made sacrifices for their faith.
3. Dar-ul-Khuld (The Abode of Permanence) is believed to be a level of paradise open to those who have achieved the highest level of righteousness and devotion to Allah. It is often seen as a reward for those who have consistently lived their lives in accordance with Islamic teachings and have demonstrated unwavering faith and obedience.
4. Dar ul Maqaam (The House of Positions) is a level of paradise reserved for the prophets and the most righteous believers. It is a place of honor and distinction, where those who have attained the highest spiritual ranks and closeness to Allah are granted entry.
5. Dar ul-Salaam (The Home of Peace): As the name suggests, this is a place of ultimate peace and serenity. It is the final abode for the righteous, where they will live in harmony and contentment.
6. Jannat-an-Naim (The Garden of Delight) is designated for those with steadfast faith and a lifetime of virtuous deeds. It serves as a reward for their unwavering conviction and righteousness, as highlighted in Surah Yunus of the Qur'an.
7. Jannat-al-Firdaws The Highest Garden) holds a distinguished status as the most esteemed level of paradise. It boasts lush gardens adorned with various plants, including grapevines. This level is considered superior to all others and is believed to be closest to Allah's throne and Jannat-al-Firdaws is believed to be reserved for the highest-ranking individuals in terms of righteousness, piety, and devotion to Allah.
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mecthology ยท 24 days
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The Villisca Axe murders.
Josiah B. Moore, aged 43, and his wife Sarah, aged 39, were the parents of four children: Herman Montgomery (11), Mary Katherine (10), Arthur Boyd (7), and Paul Vernon (5). The Moores were a respected and prosperous family who were highly regarded in their community. On June 9, 1912, Mary Katherine invited her friends Ina Mae (8) and Lena Gertrude Stillinger (12) to spend the night at their home.
On June 10 at 7 A.M., Mary Peckham, the Moores' neighbor, grew worried when they didn't emerge for their morning chores. After unsuccessful attempts to reach them, she enlisted Ross Moore's help. Ross found the door locked but gained entry with a spare key. Inside, they discovered the bodies of the Moore family and the Stillinger girls, all bludgeoned to death. The murder weapon, Josiah's axe, was found nearby.
Doctors determined the murders happened between midnight and 5 A.M. Cigarettes found in the attic suggested the killer(s) waited there until the victims were asleep. The attack began in the master bedroom, where Josiah and Sarah Moore were sleeping. The killer(s) used the blade of the axe on Sarah and the blunt end on the others. Lena Stillinger showed signs of attempting to defend herself, leading to speculation about possible sexual assault, later disproven.
Numerous suspects were considered in the investigation, including Reverend George Kelly, Frank F. Jones, William Mansfield, Loving Mitchell, Paul Mueller, and Henry Lee Moore (unrelated). Reverend Kelly faced two trials, with the first resulting in a hung jury and the second in acquittal. Other suspects were also cleared of involvement during the investigation.
The case remains unsolved.
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Source: Wikipedia & urban-mythology.com
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mecthology ยท 1 month
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The mystery of the man lost in time: Sergei Ponomarenko.
Sergei Ponomarenko was discovered wandering the streets of Kyiv on April 23, 2006. His attire seemed outdated, and he had a museum-worthy camera that appeared brand new. Adding to the mystery, his identity card labeled him as a Soviet citizen, despite its dissolution over a decade earlier.
Initially met with skepticism, Ponomarenko's claims gained credibility when he produced his camera, asserting that he had captured images from the 1950s. Astonishingly, upon developing the film, authorities verified the authenticity of the pictures, depicting Ponomarenko with an unidentified woman and what he claimed to be a UFO. According to his account, he had been transported into the future after snapping the photograph.
The mystery deepened when authorities delved into historical records and found a man with the same name reported missing in 1958. Intrigued by this revelation, they located his girlfriend, now in her 70s, who shockingly turned out to be the woman seen in the old photographs. She recounted how her boyfriend had vanished for a few days in the past before disappearing again in the 1970s. Even more baffling, she possessed a photograph of him as an older man, allegedly taken in the year 2050.
After consulting with a doctor, it appeared increasingly plausible that Ponomarenko's story was genuine, especially given his sudden disappearance in the middle of the night, leaving no trace behind.
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Source: ladbible.com, dailystar.co.uk, indy100.com
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mecthology ยท 1 month
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The Alicanto from Chilean folklore.
Alicantos are commonly portrayed as large birds, although their size and shape often differ based on the specific sighting or story being told. Due to the weight of the ore it consumes, Alicanto is unable to fly and instead runs on the ground. Interestingly, it moves faster when it hasn't eaten recently.
They nest near hills that contain the precious stones that they eat. Spotting an Alicanto is said to bring good luck. If a miner can find and follow an Alicanto for a while without being caught, the miner will find silver and/or gold. However, if Alicanto discovers them, it will push the person off of a cliff or lure them into a deep ravine where they fall to their death. Although, it's also said that Alicanto will help humans that they favor to find gold and silver, as long as the human shares what they find with the bird.
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Source: Wikipedia & cryptidwiki
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mecthology ยท 1 month
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The Nun'Yunu'Wi from Cherokee mythology.
The Nun'Yunu'Wi wields a mystical cane that helps it identify its prey and possesses other magical abilities. It's often portrayed as a formidable sorcerer or healer in Cherokee lore, capable of consuming humans, communing with spirits, and influencing the thoughts of others.
Legend has it that the Nun'Yunu'Wi once ventured towards a village guided by its enchanted cane. However, the villagers had been forewarned by a keen-eyed hunter who had spotted the creature in the mountains. A wise medicine man advised the villagers that while the beast was nearly invincible against conventional weapons, it couldn't tolerate the presence of menstruating women. Consequently, seven such women were gathered and positioned at the forefront of the village. Upon beholding them, the creature was so debilitated that it became immobilized. Seizing the opportunity, the medicine man incinerated the beast, revealing within its ashes a magnificent jewel and clumps of red pigment. The medicine man claimed the stone for himself, and gathering the villagers around him, he adorned them with the red pigment, painting their faces and chests. As he applied the paint, each person prayed for their heart's desire, whether it be success in hunting, mastery in their craft, or longevity. Miraculously, their wishes were granted as the paint dried, bestowing upon each individual their desired boon.
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Source: Wikipedia & ya-native.com
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mecthology ยท 2 months
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Vishkanya from Indian mythology.
According to ancient tales, it's said that kings employed vishkanyas to charm and eliminate foes through poisoned drinks or kisses. Vishkanyas served a broader purpose beyond assassination, engaging in espionage, sabotage, blackmail, and infiltration. Their ability to gain trust and intimacy allowed them to uncover secrets and weaknesses of targets, while their charm and poison could manipulate or influence others. They were occasionally known as nagarvadhu (city bride) or ganika (courtesan), adopting the guise of enchanting women who entertained men in public spaces.
Vishkanyas were thought to possess distinctive physical traits like blue eyes, pale skin, sharp teeth, long nails, or a snake-like tongue, setting them apart from regular women. Yet, these features could be concealed or altered through makeup or magic.
Vishkanyas weren't consistently loyal to their masters; at times, they betrayed them for personal interests or emotions. Instances included vishkanyas falling in love with their victims, attempting to rescue them, or seeking revenge against masters for cruel treatment.
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Source: themysteriousindia.net & Wikipedia
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mecthology ยท 2 months
The 7 immortals (Chiranjivi) in Hinduism.
In the words of the Kalki Purana, "The seven immortals are the pillars of the world. They are the guardians of the dharma, the protectors of the righteous, and the teachers of the future." This Hindu scripture foretells the birth and actions of Kalki, the ultimate avatar of Vishnu.
These legendary beings are believed to endure on Earth until the conclusion of the current era marked by darkness and malevolence.
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Musician: SoulProdMusic
URL: https://pixabay.com/music/-spider-121510/
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mecthology ยท 2 months
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El Cuero from South America.
El Cuero, meaning "the hide" or "leather," resembles a primitive stingray with wide pectoral fins and a barb-less, whip-like tail. Its eyes are on stalks, and it boasts an extendable mouth akin to a sturgeon. Witnesses describe razor-sharp claws along its fringes, used to secure prey, and there are even suggestions that it utilizes hunting knives from previous victims as weapons. El Cuero's size ranges from 2 to 5 feet across, weighing approximately 65 pounds.
According to South American natives, El Cuero is dubbed the "aquatic tiger" due to its reputation as a voracious predator. Similar to a crocodile, the creature is said to surge out of the lake, overpowering its prey, often humans. It allegedly employs a proboscis to puncture the skin and extract internal organs and blood. El Cuero is said to seize individuals and animals while they bathe or cross the water, employing an irresistible contraction by folding upon itself. Using its claws, it wraps its prey, drags it to the bottom, and consumes it. The creature is described as incredibly strong, with the ability to drag a horse into the water. Despite its strength, there are claims of hunting methods involving nooses or throwing cactus chunks into the water, causing El Cuero to pierce itself.
Countless, albeit controversial, human attacks have been reported. In one account, a woman washing clothes by the lakeside claimed that El Cuero surged from the water like a crocodile, swiftly engulfing her sleeping baby. The creature then disappeared into the water as rapidly as it had emerged.
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Pic credit: Paranormal Strange Wiki.
Source: Encyclopaedia of Crytozoology; Cryptidwiki.
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mecthology ยท 2 months
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The Ya-te-veo of South America.
The Ya-te-veo, a carnivorous plant found in Central and South America, as well as in Africa and along the Indian Ocean shores, is described with variations. Most accounts highlight its short, thick trunk and long tendril-like appendages used for capturing prey, with some suggesting the presence of an eye to locate its prey.
This carnivorous tree is said to thrive in the secluded Tepui, a misty mesa in the Guiana Highlands of South America. On this rarely-visited terrain, a unique shrub, known to the native tribes as the Ya-te-veo or "I See You" Tree, has evolved with a particular fondness for human flesh.
The locals harbored a deep fear of the Ya-te-veo, associating it with ominous signs and attributing it to malevolent witch doctor magic. In 1881, intrepid explorer Carl Liche recounted a chilling story of this dreadful tree, the Ya-Te-Veo, believed to feast upon the Mdoko tribe of Madagascar.
The German vividly recounted a horrifying encounter as the plant ensnared its victim: "Slender, delicate palpi, resembling starved serpents, quivered briefly over her head. Then, with a demon-like intelligence, they coiled around her neck and arms. Amidst her harrowing screams and laughter, the tendrils, akin to formidable green serpents, ruthlessly rose, retracted, and encased her in folds. Each tightening with the savage speed and tenacity of anacondas seizing their prey."
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Source: cryptidz.fandom.com
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mecthology ยท 2 months
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Gaasyendietha from Seneca mythology.
Early narratives from the Iroquois and Algonquin mention a collective existence of giant serpent-dragons within the lake. Among the Seneca, the notable figure is Gaasyendietha, described as a colossal hydra snake capable of breathing fire and soaring through the skies like a bird.
The tales of Gaasyendietha have been orally transmitted across generations for centuries, featuring two primary origin legends. One suggests the creature emerged from serpent eggs, while the other proposes that it descended to Earth on a meteor, earning it the moniker "meteor dragon."
The Seneca myth of Ganyadjigowa unfolds as a narrative of a cultural hero and trickster. Traveling across the world, Ganyadjigowa imparts names to things and plants trees. Utilizing deception, she demonstrates formidable "orenda" (spiritual power) as she engages in cunning methods to outwit and defeat various animals.
Encountering a rampant fire named "Djihonsdonqgwen" (ant), Ganyadjigowa endeavors to extinguish it by throwing dirt, only to witness its intensification. Discovering an old man by the fire, revealed to be Gaasyendietha, a fire-breathing dragon, Ganyadjigowa seeks assistance. Despite the old man's agreement, he secretly fuels the flames. Ganyadjigowa, asking for water, unwittingly drinks fire from the old man's gourd, scorching her throat. Attempting to escape, she succumbs to the relentless fire, meeting her demise in the end.
In the conclusion, Gaasyendietha laughs, proclaiming superiority in orenda over Ganyadjigowa and asserting mastery over fire. Departing on a trail of fire, he leaves behind a landscape scarred by scorching, solidifying his dominance over the elements.
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Source: greatlakes.guide, Wikipedia & aminoapps.com
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mecthology ยท 2 months
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The D'Mello House.
Local legends weave a haunting tale about D'Mello House, focusing on two brothers who once peacefully inhabited the property. As the rightful heirs, an unfortunate dispute over ancestral ownership escalated, culminating in a tragic event where one brother took the life of the other. The echoes of this dark episode linger in the eerie atmosphere surrounding the abandoned mansion.
The deceased brother found his resting place in the backyard, with the neighbors believing that he had simply moved away. Unbeknownst to the murderer, a series of unsettling events unfolded. Night after night, he encountered strange noises, an uncanny feeling of constant presence.
Desperate for a solution, he sought advice from others. Unfortunately, people dismissed his concerns, attributing them to a troubled imagination, questioning his mental well-being.
Overwhelmed by the haunting experiences, the tormented brother tragically took his own life in the house attic. The exact circumstances surrounding his death linger in mystery, veiled in uncertainty and remaining unknown to this day.
Following the brothers' demise, relatives sought to claim the property, but tragedy struck again as the entire family perished in a car accident. The surviving members, convinced of a curse, refused to take possession. Eerie occurrences, such as mysterious shrieks, the sudden fall of objects, and a chilling atmosphere, affirmed the presence of spirits, cementing the belief among locals in the haunted nature of the place.
Source: travel-goa.in & Wikipedia.
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mecthology ยท 3 months
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Aicha Kandicha from Moroccan folklore.
Aicha Kandicha is often portrayed as a beautiful young woman with legs resembling those of a hoofed animal, like a goat or camel. While descriptions may differ across Morocco, the common belief is that she resides near water sources, using her beauty to entice and, in some accounts, drive local men to madness or death.
There's a consensus that Aicha Kandicha targets young men, luring them with her beauty or disguising herself as their wives. In specific regions like the Beni Ahsen, beliefs suggest she fears steel knives and needles, and she's associated with a husband or male companion known as Hammu Qayyu.
According to the Buffis, Aicha Kandicha is believed to don black attire, possess camel-like feet, and her presence can lead pregnant women to miscarry. Those under her influence might exhibit animal-like sounds such as braying or barking. Contrary to conventional burials, Aicha is said to lack a tomb or grave, with her spirit freely roaming. Local beliefs suggest that seeking her blessing fulfills the wishes of those who visit her.
Legend has it that Aicha Kandicha once blocked the path of men in villages, attempting to ensnare them with her allure. However, they cleverly escaped by burning their turbans in front of her, noticing her distinctive camel-like feet that set her apart from other women. The tale suggests that surprising her with fire is the only way to escape, as it is considered her vulnerability.
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Source: Wikipedia & mytindy.com
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mecthology ยท 3 months
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Legend of the Candy Lady.
In the quiet town of Terrell, Texas, Clara Crane, born in 1871, becomes the central figure in a tale that takes a dark turn, weaving a web of mystery and horror.
Clara's husband, Leonard Gilbert Crane, an older gentleman and a farmer in Terrell, Texas, shared their lives with their little girl, Marcella. The family faced heartbreak when Marcella, at the tender age of five, tragically lost her life in a field accident.
Blaming Leonard for Marcella's death intensified for Clara, especially upon discovering he had been drinking during the accident. Two years later, still overwhelmed by grief, Clara resolved to seek revenge.
Having laced her husband Leonard's favorite candy, caramels, with poison, Clara presented them to him, leading to his death. The next day, a concerned neighbor, witnessing Clara's shaken state, sought help from County Sheriff Fred Springer. Clara's aggression towards the sheriff resulted in her custody. The grim truth about Leonard's fate came to light, leading to Clara's trial for first-degree murder. Instead of a life sentence, she found herself confined to the North Texas Lunatic Asylum, later known as the Terrell State Hospital.
Her release in 1899 due to overcrowding marked the inception of the chilling urban legend. Local lore tells of children mysteriously disappearing near the old Crane property in 1903. Disturbingly, candy wrappers signed by "The Candy Lady" appeared on windowsills, and the local sheriff vanished, only to be later discovered in a ditch with forks stabbed into his eyes and pockets filled with candy. Adding to the horror, a town farmer stumbled upon tiny, rotten teeth in his field, unmistakably belonging to children.
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Source: Onlyinyourstate
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mecthology ยท 3 months
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The Cursed Pillar of Georgia.
Local lore tells of a street preacher forbidden to share his message near the market. He cursed the place, predicting destruction by fierce winds, leaving only a forbidden pillar. True to the legend, a winter tornado razed the market, leaving just the column. Tradition warns that touching it means impending doom, with tales of fatal consequences for those who dared to move it.
Over time, tales circulated of highway workers facing lightning strikes or bizarre machinery mishaps after attempting to relocate the pillar. The ominous incidents added to the mystique surrounding the haunted column.
In December 2016, the pillar met its demise in a car collision, leaving some residents relieved, but others remaining firm in their belief that meddling with the pillar carried consequences.
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Source: atlasobscura.com & onlyinyourstate.com
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