maruchan25 · 1 day
may I request a headcanon of SCP-035 and SCP-049 taking care of sick reader but they are their lover,can It be a separate request I don't know if you can write for 2 characters at the same time if you don't,don't worry!
hiii there yes I write for multiple characters I hope you like it! Enjoy gifs not mine!
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-he hates when you get sick! Because you are all down
-he would make you stay on bed so you get well more quickly he would use it as a excuse to be more time with you
-he don't know much about medicine well he acted to be a Dr but don't really much know so he would just steal the medicines he consider you need end ups bringing something for a very different thing
-would try to make you soup so you feel better he don't know how to cook very well but he tried! So don't complain if your soup its too salty or has too much water
-he would make you just water not cold drinks he don't want you having a sore throat too
-he would make you lay down on bed and would put a blanket up to your neck so you stay warm
-he would cuddle you as an attempt to make you feel better
-would bring you food to bed so you don't have to stand up mostly things he made
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-you go straight to bed orders directly of the doctor!
-he would be by your side day and night to make sure you don't get worse
-he is a doctor so he knows what he is doing he would keep you in bed and constantly give you water so you stay hydrated
-he would cook you chicken soup with potatoe pieces since it's a warm and light meal
-he would constantly check your temperature to see if you don't get a fever
-with him at your Charge you would just be a few days sick atleast
-he makes you drink your meds you like them or not,he just want the best for you
-he won't fall sleep but he would cuddle you while you rest
-he won't let you alone he don't want you getting worse without supervision
-besides water he would bring you teas mostly lavender eccent tea or chamomile tea both are good for you!
-would bring you the coziest blankets making sure you don't get too hot or too cold
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maruchan25 · 1 day
Ultimate Despair Ben Drowned x Ultimate Hope Reader, because why not?
I love Creepypasta and Danganronpa.
hiiiii there I'm sorry if it took me soo long to write this it's just I didn't know if you referred to a person like Makoto Naegi, Hajime Hinata, Komaru Naegi or a person just with that tittle I'm sorry if it isn't what you wanted if it isn't what you wanted you can send me another request more specific not my gif! I didn't write alot cuz I didn't know what to do exactly, sorry!!
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-he is kinda confused by you how could you still have hope in such a situation??????
-he wonders how could you be so positive about every single thing thta happens you always try to see the positive things of things and the positive traits of people
-he definitely feel reasured whenever you make him see the positive things about most shifty things of his life
-he won't let you lose your hope! He can give up but you no!
-he likes that you always have hope things would change that makes him wanna protect you of the horrible world so you don't get heartbroken when things don't end up Like you hoped they would
-would definitely shut up every person who dismiss your positiveness
-he helps you improve your talent every chance he can he would also help you perfectionate it
-he would introduce you to videogames to see if you are also good at it
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maruchan25 · 3 days
Yandere Ben Drowned with Reader who is like Bloody Queen from Identity V.
hii there I'm sorry if took me a GOOD time to write this it's just I been writing other things I'm sorry if it took long and if it's not what you wanted exactly...well enjoy! Gif no mine!
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-so first of all he loves your fashion style it's not a style he would use but he says it looks great on you!
-he gifts you jewelry he stole from victims since he knows you like jewelry and shiny things
-he loves your short blonde hair it reminds him of hiw own blonde hair the only difference it's that you yes take care of your hair
-would swear alot just to annoy you since he knows you hate insolence and people with bad manners
-he would gift you large plum dresses since you like them too
-would ask alot if he can give you a new style he likes yours but he thinks you would look way better in more modern robes
-he would introduce you to videogames even if you don't like them and see them like a lost if time he can't accept that as an answer
-he likes when you ran but have to stop cuz your shoes got stuck with your dress and you could flip
-he would take you late night dancing cuz he knows you enjoy that with classic songs in the background
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maruchan25 · 3 days
hello! May I request a headcanon of Hannibal Lecter x preagnant wife? I don't know if you write for pregnancy but I love your writing style and would love if you write it!!! No pressure
hiii there yes I write that too and I loved this request! Gif not mine!
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-he planned having kids since you 2 got married so he already had a plan
-when you told him he already knowed since he had already planned it so he acted surprised (he was really happy though)
-he was really exited to have a baby with you even if you were early on he would threat you like you are made of glass
-he would make you have a healthy diet but he couldn't say no to you when you ask for cravings
-he he gives you space and understands when you have your mood swings he won't get mad or frustrated cuz he understands you can't help it
-he would definitely be at any appointment you have and would ask alot of questions to your Dr about the baby and your health
-he won't let you raise a finger cuz he don't want you overdoing things he would help you in anyway he can
-he already buyed baby albums and the first pic he pasted was the ultrasound pics
-would rub your sore feet anything for you his lovely wife
-he would go with you baby shopping with you and help you picking the first outfit the baby is gonna wear
-he defently started baby proofing the house putting plastic all other table corners
-he would love to see you on maternity night gows he say you glow wearing them
-he go sleep on the guests room if you feel more comfy sleeping alone on the master room
-he would make the nursery he don't want you working but if you wanna help him do it he would give you light jobs like folding the baby cloth and putting the new curtains in the nursery
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maruchan25 · 6 days
hiiiiiiiiiiiii im super happy about your francis mosses headcanon could you make a headcanon of him as your husband? i have been looking alot to find headcanons of him!
hii thanks for your request sorry if it took alot I'm trying to write all the things I have on request sorry if I'm taking too much! Gif not mine
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-if he threat you good as a boyfriend imagine as a husband he threats you like you are the only person in his life (you are)
-he doesn't like leaving you alone in the apartment but he needs to cuz heneeds his job
-he is open to have kids with you but he wants to be good financially first
-he worked alot with the motivation of buying a ring and the pretty dress you want, he saved alot just to give you the wedding you wanted
-it was like a dream come true to him taking you back to the apartment but as his wife
-his goal it's to work hard so he can give you the life you deserve
-he loves cuddling you before going to work in the morning
-would love and Praise you if you ever cook something for him but if you don't know how to cook don't worry he can cook for both of you!
-he helps you with the house chores when he cans he don't like leaving all to you
-he loves waking up to see your pretty face next to his
-he isn't a jealous husband he loves you and knows you are loyal he trust you alot
-he loves dancing with you late soft songs like "sleep walk"
-would take you to dates more often
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maruchan25 · 8 days
Can I request SCP-049 x female Reader soulmate AU where you see colour for the first time when you meet your soulmate?
hiii there! Thanks for your request I absolutely love it! I hope you enjoy this! Gif not mine!
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You were a part of the new personal equip of the foundation they assigned you to do interviews you were provided with a carpet were you would write all the answer you get from the anomalies you are assigned to, as soon as you worked your first days there it was horrible no matter why they were hiring
You were walking by the white corridors accompanied by 2 guards who were walking you to the new containment cell where you would make the next interview, sweat going by your forehead thinking what would be waiting you on the next door your only support for your nervousness was your carpet what you grabbed tightly while walking as soon as they got you to the room you heard a stoic voice greet you
"Ah good evening madam, you would be the one interviewing me?"
You looked around to see who just spoke to you it was a man with the look of a plague doctor he was sitting hand cuffed to a table in the middle of the room you stayed there in place just staring you feeled different you feeled warm you didn't know if it was just your mind and body getting happy that it was one of the only anomalies who didn't want to eat you or kill you
Perhaps this interview could be pleasant atleast he is being cordial and hasn't attack you...
Scp 049 pov:
I'm here sitting down waiting for the interviewer to arrive when the door is opened 2 guards come in first without thinking to much I greet them after that a pretty lady came in my heart stopped she don't have even the slightest peek of the pestilence she is the only pure human being I ever have the pleasure to meet if I can say I would say u even saw sparkles when she entered the room I didn't lose my time thinking and I greet her too
Back to y/ns pov
He is staring at me? I wonder what he is thinking of...well I need to start this interview
After that interview you try to get more interviews with him with the excuse that you would get more crucial information of him you just couldn't help yourself every time you heard him talk you wanted to know more of him so did him he would always ask you questions it looked like he was interviewing you instead you didn't know what was going on but you could see sparkles every time he speak and ask you things of you he feeled the same way as you did that interviews ended up on him being the scp assigned to you and it was wonderful he was a complete gentleman to you and helped you with the information you needed of him after some time of talking until the hours passed one of those days were your bosses let you go see him after your shift ended you go see him
You feeled he was weird he looked nervous? You couldn't know cuz his mask but he came to you you got scared would he kill you??? Then he stopped a few centimeters away from you he grabbed a bouquet of paper flowers and he said
"Miss y/n I most let you know that since you entered that door I can't help myself but think of you all day miss y/n I offer you the 3 most important things for me my time, my mind and heart accept this flowers and be mine"
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maruchan25 · 13 days
hello may you make a headcanon of scp 035 as your bf x fem reader?
Without pressure-
Also, your works is AMAZING, I love every one of it❤️❤️
hiii there!!!! Awww thanks alot for your support comments like this motivates. Me alot <3 thanks for your request I hope you like it!
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-he would gaslight you so you stay with him and just with him
-would definitely find a host just so can feel you against him even if it's by a body that isn't his
-he is protective of you you are his angel after all you are the only good thing he has being trapped there
-he loves you don't doubt it it's just he sometimes doesn't know how to feel about you
-he would show you how to scape and manipulate people for your own good just incase
-he can't help but think what have been of you 2 if you both form a life outside
-he would be determinated to scape the foundation with you so you both could be a good couple out of that 4 walls
-would gift you papar flowers or organs on heart shape
-would be affectionate with you when the microphones and cameras are off he wouldn't want to lose his image as the bad guy he Is
-if you 2 get to sleep together he is the big spoon depending on the height of the host he was using at that moment
-jealous 7/10 he don't tolerate you're attention not being his
-his favorite pet names are "my love" and "dearie" he mostly use that last one to tease you alot
-would definitely notice when you have subtle changes you can't hide your emotions from him at all
-kisses with him aren't very long cuz the mask and his liquid but they are passionate
-he takes advantage of when he gets a new host to be very affectionate with you rather than with words
-hates the idea of anyone hurt you the one who hurts you won't be his host he would just kill them right away
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maruchan25 · 14 days
May I request Yandere SCP-049 x female reader?
thanks for you're request sorry if it's short! Gif not mine!
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Warnings:yandere behavior and he really its not like that and wouldn't be but this is just a headcanon of him if he was a yandere!!
-his love sick for you, he cares more of you than his investigation
-he is obsessed with you, you're the only one who has ever show affection to him so he sees you as the most important thing he has so he has to make sure to keep for himself
-would get you sick on purpose just to have an excuse to take care of you and be with you
-he would kill anyone who wanted to get you out of his cell you're his and only his and you have to be with him not even lavender calmed him down at that point
-would definitely tie you up if it was needed so you stay with him
-he would absolutely keep you away from other scps with the excuse that they could harm you
-he would kiss you and let you bites and bruises to mark you as his
-would make you his the times necessary until you understand that you are only his and you are his property
-would kill any guy he dares look at you with lust only he has the right to look at you all his wants and admire how beautiful you are
-would definitely scape the foundation with you, just to form a life out with you
-would definitely not want your beautiful hands to do hardworking so your only job it's to be a Good girl to him and demonstrate you still loyal
-he loves seeing you dressed as a nurse he would definitely put you to help him "cure" people
-he would absolutely take you as his beautiful wife
-he loves everything that comes from you even if it's a simple rock he would save it
-he gifted you a human heart so you know how much he loves you
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maruchan25 · 16 days
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Christina from Morel Orel drawing!!!
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maruchan25 · 17 days
May I request Yandere Ben Drowned with Reader who is like Miss Circle? (I’m not sure if you heard of Miss Circle. If not, then I can request Reader as psychotic, brutal, and deadly instead.)
hiiii there thank you for your request sorry if it took too long I was busy writing other stuff I hope you enjoy sorry if it's not what you wanted it's just my first time writing for this character but I'll try my best! Gif not mine!
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-he loves your personality and loves when you become a completely sadist when killing
-he knows you are not a person to play with that's why he loves teasing you and watch you go mad trying to catch him
-would definitely invite you to kill with him he loves to see your sadist smile as the blood of your victims covers your face with every stab
-he would bother you and tease you alot just to get beat up by you and fight you back
-he hates when people steal your attention from him he would go and grab you by the hair until your attention is drawn to him again
-he let's you go mad and act by impulse cuz he thinks its amusing to see you trying to fix what you just done out of your pure anger
-he hates when you talk to human beings and would immediately go kill that filthy mortal for even thinking they got a chance with you
-he would pin you down and pull your hair and bite your neck hardly until he see blood just to bother you after all you are nothing more than a crazy girl yet the girl that captured his gaze
-would lock you down if it's needed to keep you with him he would even kidnap people for your own sadist pleasure
-would help you and buy you new tools as gifts to kill your victims
-dont expect him to do things for you,you need to tell him what you want so he do it
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maruchan25 · 18 days
May I request SCP-049 with manipulative, malevolent, mischievous SCP entity reader? Like reader play mind games and other sick games?
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hii there thanks for your request I'm sorry it took so long it's just I was busy written other stuff but finally here it is! By the way the gif it's not mine!
-he is definitely surprised by your...well your unique traits
-he would a bit repulsed by you since you remind him alot of SCP-035 in that sense
-he would see it as repulsive acts wherever you do one of your sick games as he calls them, in his presence
-would appreciate if you didn't invite him to play that kind of games but if you do he would decline you politely "Ah sorry my friend but I'm not into that kind of games" on his french accent
-he would appreciate if you didn't bother him while he "cures" people since he finds you quite noise when you are going to do naughty thing
-he would just sigh as he presence those poor minds getting broken by your sicko games
-he would tried to cure you cuz he senses the pestilence on you, you're soul...you are just not fine
-as much as you tried he is very intelligent he isn't like the humans you often manipulate he isn't weak minded
-as much as he is disturbed by your acts there's always a pic of intrigue and curiosity as he looked at you gambling with the corner of his eye
-you would have to gamble an organ or something that way hesitated but he would probably accept
-he never meet someone like you he can tell you are good at what you do
-would be intrigued by how easy you can broke a human mind he would find it rather appealing
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maruchan25 · 19 days
Curious about headcanons like
Scp-035 as a father for son
without pressure
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The gif it's not mine! Thank you for your request hope you enjoy it!!
-he was scared when he was told he was gonna be a father he isn't stupid he is aware of what he is and what his heir could come looking like
-he tried his best to be atleast a decent father he didn't know anything about taking care of a young child he knew how to take life not how to take care of it
-he was proud it was a boy he would have a male heir who could take after him (don't mean he wouldn't want a daughter)
-he teached his son how to escape and manipulate persons to make them go free just in case
-he would teach his son how to be strong since he is aware he won't be there for them forever
-he scaped the foundation to give his child a life out of 4 walls he gived his son a life out of the prison he passed decades at but still had the fear that they would go after him or worst his son
-overprotective father since his child is the only thing he has for now...
-he take his son killing showing him how to take a host until its body has nothing more to offer
-he would scape to Europe with his son so he has the life he had
-he would teach them to be strong,intelligent and manipulate
-he would show them how to get what they want by manipulating people
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maruchan25 · 20 days
Hello there could you please make a headcanon of pelle from midsommar being jealous?
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Thanks for your request and the gif isn't mine!
-Pelle isn't the jealous type he is just protective of you he don't want you to get hurt by bad influences he knows how cruel people can be
-he can jealous like everyone but not to the point to make a scene he isn't like that but he would definitely get in if he notice you are getting uncomfortable
-he don't like guys flirting with you if he see that he would go and put hand on your hips and kiss your neck if that guy wanna say something to you he can tell it to him too!
-jealous 5/10 he thrust you and know you are a decent and loyal person that's why he loves you
-he would definitely take you out of a conversation if he noticed you are getting uncomfortable or wanna end the conversation always with excuses or just taking your hand and going
Sorry if it's short its just I ran up ideas
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maruchan25 · 22 days
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chose a side!
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maruchan25 · 24 days
scp 049 drawing
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Just made a doodle
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maruchan25 · 26 days
Hello there could you please remake your birthroleplays again? Thank you there's no need to rush take your time!
hiiiii there as a I said before I Allready make it again!!
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maruchan25 · 26 days
Hello there could you please remake all the headcanons you had from Simon petrikov?
hiiii there thank you for requesting it though I only had 2 headcanons of him I Allready re-post them both!
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