marsplanetsgirl · 2 years
the uk government is trying to scrap the human rights act.
i’ve not seen a lot in the media about this so i’m going to do my best to put this into words and explain what will happen if the government is successful in replacing the human rights act with the bill of rights (aka the rights removal bill).
this will mean that in the uk:
you won’t be allowed to say anything negative about the government
if you are disabled or chronically ill, you won’t be allowed to say no to being given a DNR in hospital
you won’t be allowed to bring ‘trivial’ human rights violations to court
public authorities (the police) won’t have to actively protect people’s human rights
the uk military will be allowed to basically do whatever they want overseas
if you ever commit a crime, they can disregard your human rights
the government will not be obligated to obey human rights
if you are from the uk PLEASE sign this petition, and also to everyone else, please please please share this.
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marsplanetsgirl · 4 years
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Donate if you can please. I’m being charged with assault and battery for punching my racist neighbor for spitting on me during a pandemic. I need to pay for lawyer fees and to move out of my racist town. 💗
If you don’t want to donate through gofundme then you can cashapp me $Muvatokyo
If you can’t donate, please reblog when you see this. I’m desperate. Thank you!
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
Please let the Grammarly people be able to help me get it back because I do not want to have to rewrite everything again.
Those chapters two chapters we're really good too.
Dam it!!!!
So pissed off and angry with myself!!!!
Praying to all the writing gods to help rectify this stupid, mortal mistake I've made.
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
I need to rant.
The thing about being aromantic, asexual, or on the spectrums that a lot of people don’t seem to get is that compulsory sexuality exists.
Not just compulsory heterosexuality. Compulsory sexuality. Period. The idea that every person on the planet feels some kind of sexual and romantic attraction.
I grew up watching media, same as all of you, and how are people that are interested in purely sexual relationships depicted? As cold people. As cheaters. Usually it’s a straight man looking to use women. His character development almost always includes settling down. And people that don’t experience sexual attraction? Characters like Data from Star Trek or Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Androids and characters coded as having a very specific type of autism. And even they have sexuality forced upon them by the writers at least once. With Data it happens in the second episode.
And then we try to explain this to people. Why we hurt ourselves and put ourselves in dangerous and uncomfortable situations trying to fix ourselves. Make ourselves feel sexual and/or romantic attraction. We bring up the bullying we endured. The things our therapists tried to fix about us. We talk about our trauma related to compulsory sexuality and you all just don’t hear us.
I’m so tired of it. I’ve been fighting the fight to be seen since I was fourteen! I’ve given talks in GSAs. I’ve written essays to educate. I’ve comforted other asexual people on the internet and irl. I’ve scraped and grabbed for community. I’ve done my very best to fight to be seen. I’ve healed from the trauma I put myself through in trying to fix myself. I’ve realized that I don’t need to be fixed. I’ve been as goddamned involved as an asexual person can be with the resources we have. I may be young but I have been fighting longer than most and I am so protective of the people just realizing that they’re aro or ace or demi or anything else. No matter how much older or younger they are than me.
And then some people on the internet decide that they get to undo everything I and so many other asexual and aromantic people have done. They get to decide that their trauma is more real than mine. They get to push me and my brothers and sisters and siblings out the door because they don’t see invisibility as oppression. They’ve held up their little sign that says “must be this oppressed to enter” and then held it up higher so that we didn’t fit.
Some of them told me “oh you can come in because you tick these boxes but that other box doesn’t count”
No. That box definitely counts. That box is just as much a part of me as any of the others and it is the one I have fought for the longest. Our community won’t be made invisible again. Invisibility is crushing. It is suffocating. Abuse and hatred of all kinds thrive in silence.
I feel alone sometimes. Like I am the only soldier holding a banner in front of a stone wall. But I am not alone, and you aren’t either. I’m tired of being casual. I’m tired of being seen as a rarity. A novelty. An android. A nuisance. I am none of these things. I, like every other arospec or aspec person, am a friend of dragons. Something that was hidden for so long, protecting itself and what it loves, but has the ability to be loud, dangerous, firey.
Asexual and aromantic people have been polite. Quiet. Because that’s what we feel we have to be. We can’t protest by kissing someone in front of a picket line. What can we do then? Talk. Write. Wear our colors. If we have to keep being polite and quiet about it, fine. That’s how we do. But let’s not be invisible. I will continue to let everyone that knows me understand under no uncertain terms that I am asexual. I will point to our aromantic siblings, sisters, brothers. I will tell you to look at them. Look at us. We exist. We are wonderful. We belong. In queer spaces, in the media, in the public eye.
If you are aro or ace people will tell you that they don’t care. They will ask why they need to know. But being yourself is a radical act. I know it is. We are often polite in this community. We don’t rally. We don’t look to change the world. We don’t depict ourselves as radical or challenging the establishment, but we are. We are. We have been from the moment we realized we exist. Our history is small. We are creating the early stages of it as we speak, but it is still rich. It is still beautiful. Even if we are spread out, I love this community so deeply. So completely. I probably won’t ever be a leader in this community or any other one. That’s not where my talents lie. But I will continue to push for us to be seen. I will write literature for us. I will talk. I will be as visible as someone like me can be. I will fight to make the words ace and aro and demi and grey just as well known as gay, ace, lesbian, bi, trans.
And there are so many of us out there doing the same. We are not alone. We have never been alone. And these people trying to make us alone won’t succeed. I know this. I feel it in my gut.
Thanks for listening to me rant.
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
Hey all you lovely people who have periods, the world is starting to look a little bit brighter now that certain tampon/pad companies have started to allow people to receive small kits and samples of pads, maxi pads, liner, and tampons for free. And I mean 100% free and discreet. You just have to give them your address and name, and bam! You’ve got all the menstrual cycle products you could ever need for no cost. Links below!
U by Kotex
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
Please reblog if you are a girl and have ever been made to feel ashamed of one or more of these things (wanting to prove a point to some asshole):
-your weight
-your clothing choice
-your amount of make up
-having sex
-not having sex
-breast size
-having your period
-saying no
-not appreciating catcalls 
-body hair
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
Question About Twilight FF Writing (Canon Change)
I've been writing a fanfiction story about Jasper Hale since 2008, I started posting the story on Fanfiction.Net back in 2009, but haven't uploaded it since 2012.
This is because I was co-writing it with my then boyfriend, but after we broke up, I decided to scrap the whole thing and start again because I realised it was never going the way I originally wanted it to go because I was letting him influence me to change it.
I've tried a few times to re-write it, but life kept getting in the way, or I was never entirely happy with what I was writing, that been said I have decided that I'm going to give it another chance because I don't want to give up on something I set out to start, I've always felt that I should follow things through when it comes to passion projects, and that's what it was initially.
I finally have a storyline feel I can work with and I'm excited to start writing it.
That been said, I am English, and I don't really know anything about the American Civil War (only that the side JH was written has been on was the wrong side because slavery and racism is beyond wrong), which is part of Jasper's past, and a month or so ago I saw a post about Jasper's history as a soldier and the writer (Whose post I can't find and thus don't know their account name) stated that they wished Stephenie Meyer had done something different with Jasper's past because they felt that Jasper didn't deserve that storyline and that he deserved a better background.
And that got me thinking about the backstory he was given by SM.
And how actual bullshit it is.
So, I want to give a go at re-writing it, making him a man that helped those in need instead of becoming a soldier, meaning he would be someone who helps people escape and feel safe, giving them safe harbour during their time of need.
This would also allow for him to have still met Maria, and would better explain why his powers are that of an empath as he would have also had an inkling to help others as he was able to perceive their emotions and feelings.
I never felt that Jasper was a racist or someone who hates someone else for no good reason, so it feels wrong for him to have been on that side of the war during that time.
I have no idea why SM would choose to make this part of his back story; it always seemed wrong to me.
I want to do my best at giving Jasper a better back story that I feel fits him better.
Does this seem too far fetched as a character background story re-write?
Am I wrong for wanting to change this?
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marsplanetsgirl · 5 years
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help me out guys. reblog this, like this. for every note, everything is pushed back a day for him. I need your help. he doesn’t believe it’s possible to help him. but it’s entirely possible, especially with your help. I know these are so sporadic and cliché to an extent along with becoming so popular on here, but please. I appreciate every single note
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marsplanetsgirl · 6 years
okay guys, ary ( @skishenanigans ) has me really worried.
tumblr has a feature where you can report a user suspected of wanting to take their own life and will do their best to track their ip and roll out authorities to make sure they are okay. you can help ary by doing the following:
1. go onto her blog and see the last post she made. at the bottom there will be a little plane lookin arrow. click it
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2. once you have clicked it a like of options to “share” the post should pop up. you want to click the flag that says “report”
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3. next, three options will appear. click “report something else”
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4. a page with several options for violations will appear. click “self-harm”
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5. tumblr will ask if this user is in immediate danger. no one has heard from ary for a couple of days. click “yes”
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6. tumblr will then ask you for your name and to verify you are a real person. once you have done that, submit the form
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marsplanetsgirl · 6 years
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GUYS PLEASE READ THIS AND READ THIS CAREFULLY. THIS IS SO APPALLING. She literally has a medical freaking condition that could KILL her and they aren’t allowing her to accommodate for it. They can just admit that they’re just tired of this unstoppable black woman dominating and want her to be forced to retire or they want her to get seriously injured/sick. I’m so fucking sick of the elitism (and racism and sexism) that comes with tennis it truly is the worst of the globally popular sports. They should be fucking ashamed. This is sexism and misogyNOIR at its finest.
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marsplanetsgirl · 6 years
To those who are fans of MARVEL…Stan needs our help…please watch the video and spread the word!
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marsplanetsgirl · 7 years
Don’t ever let people try to convince you that you’re not a caring person because you pushed them out of your life. You’re allowed to care for yourself.
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marsplanetsgirl · 7 years
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Psst, Flitz lives to have direct mouth to mouth contact with Wes, past it on
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marsplanetsgirl · 7 years
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Hi smosh fans. Here is a PSA for everyone
I know this is a hard time for everyone but please 1) don’t harass Anthony, Ian, or any squad/games member & 2) it is still the channel we love and Anthony will be able to make what he wants 
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marsplanetsgirl · 7 years
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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marsplanetsgirl · 7 years
reblog if you'd support a 14 year old trans boy
tryin to prove to my mother that it isnt a phase just because of my age
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