mari-chai · 6 years
Adrien is slowly falling for Marinette
Perception of romance love varies from person to person and I may be coming from a place of rose coloured glasses and personal preferences but hear me out. Adrien has always had a good impression of Marinette. He acknowledges her abilities with praises and compliments.
From her fencing skills in Repost 
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to her artistic talents in fashion design in Mr. Pigeon
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Adrien knows how great of a person Marinette is but considering he is in love with Ladybug, I don’t believe he really allowed himself to feel or look at other people, specifically Marinette, the same way. Until now that is. 
I really feel that after he confided in Marinette on her rooftop and then brought her over to the date spot he set up for Ladybug, it really changed his perception of her. 
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He confessed his feelings to Ladybug, probably for the first time seriously to someone other than Plagg in Glaciator, which is a big deal considering that Adrien is most like himself when he’s Chat Noir. We’ve seen his Chat Noir characteristics slip while he’s not in his suit.
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It’s not unreasonable to start to feel more comfortable or more compelled to open up more to a person who has given you a positive response from being vulnerable and yourself. But when it happens for a second time, a psychological response might occur that will make Adrien associate Marinette with safety (operant conditioning). 
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This then creates a positive perception of someone, regardless of that persons intent, and evidently it can lead to growing affections. Which bring us to the most recent episode: 
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That face, with his hand over his heart. That’s definitely not something I’ve seen before. Maybe to some I might be looking into this too much but he already had confidence that she would impress by saying, “I’m sure you’ve come up with something awesome as usual” before she revealed her gift. But the gesture of a hand being over the chest not only conveys feeling to the observer, it naturally follows that it arouses emotion in the observer. He is sharing how he feels about the present, possibly without realizing it, because it has to do with the fact it came from Marinette. Somebody he trusts.  That’s one of the many steps of falling in love, in my opinion. 
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mari-chai · 6 years
Hawk “I’m not letting my son leave my sight” moth:
*sees Luka and Marinette together*
Hawk “regret” moth:
Hawk “quick before the fandom switches side” moth:
Gabriel “totally Adrienette” Agreste:
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Chat sacrificing himself for Ladybug
Zombizou Miraculous Ladybug
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mari-chai · 6 years
Yep. I think that was what he was hinting at the start? Around origins?
IMPORTANT. Please read.
Okay guys, please hear me out. So, everyone’s talking about how Marinette was going to get akumatised, and how Ms Bustier is the best teacher, and the class, DjWifi, and redemption for Chloe etc.
They’re nice and all, but we’re forgetting something.
Remember what Hawkmoth said at the end?
Hawkmoth: “If love does always conquer, then someday my most cherished wish will come true for sure.”
Guys, this is important.
Is he hinting that he does plan to bring Emilie back?
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mari-chai · 6 years
I love them all really
Kim in this episode though
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“Just go before I change my mind” ugh what a HERO
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“You take care of Chloe. Besides, you’ll save all of us, like you always do, right?” My child you are breaking my heart
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mari-chai · 6 years
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SEASON 2 EPISODE 13: Zombizou (A Slightly In-Depth Commentary/Review)
Ok so I loved this episode because on the surface, it was so cute and pure. But when you look at it deeper you'd notice that the plot is really beginning to thicken.
NOTE: I really appreciate it if y'all would take the time to freak out with me and read what I have to say. But this post contains spoilers. Proceed with that in mind.
Here are some things I noticed and loved:
1. You can try to resist an akuma???
Miss Bustier has become one of my favorite background characters. She was the first to get akumatized because she was protecting Marinette. She's so pure that she actually tried to resist an akuma. My heart clenched.
Honestly, before the episode aired, I was wondering why and how Miss Bustier was akumatized. And why kisses? I was wondering whether she had problems in the love department, but why take it out on her class?
So to say I freaked when I realized that Gabe had intended to akumatize Marinette, is an understatement. AND THIS WORRIES ME because of what it can entail for the future. Will one of the miraculous wielders fall victim to Hawkmoth? (Maybe this is how Queen Bee becomes Queen Wasp??? Oh No)
if either Adrien or Marinette become akumatized in the future, i will freak so hard Gabriel Agreste would feel it break the fourth wall
Even before S2 started, we've been informed that Chloe's going to be given a miraculous. And up to this day, we can only speculate why the fuck.
And in Despair Bear, we've been shown that Chloe can actually shape up and make an effort to be a better person (she just has to dig really deep).
Today, in Zombizou, we're given another glimpse at Chloe's softness. Sure, in the beginning 'til around 3/4 of the episode, she remained to be insufferable, but she actually started to come thru when she told Ladybug she'd be out of her hair.
She actually really came thru when she told Miss Bustier her thoughts the truth, and during the shot of them hugging. Here we can see a vulnerable Chloe who has probably, most of her life, put a pretentious guise over her feelings to protect herself, which she probably earned from her mother. (She also came thru when she finally sacrificed herself to save Ladybug)
I honestly expect more character development in Chloe before her family arc.
tl;dr: Chloe kinda came thru and is probably slowly showing us why she deserves a miraculous
4. The 110% trust everyone has on Ladybug
( I really wanna talk about how our ships came thru here but maybe in another post??? )
I honestly felt my heart clench for Mari/LB when she saw that all of her classmates, up to her partner Chat Noir, had willingly sacrificed themselves without a second doubt for Ladybug to save the day.
It was cute and aww-worthy when most of the class did it, but when Chat Noir spoke to LB before he was completely engulfed by Zombiezou's powers I cracked, I quaked, I was deceased.
Hear me out: since S1, we all know that Chat Noir has been putting himself in harm's way for LB. Since they wouldn't be able to fix everything (or even defeat the akuma) when she would be affected by the akuma's magic. But what I noticed was that it was in this episode that Chat had the time to tell LB that, "No, it's okay. I'm okay. You got this. We got you. Only you can fully stop this. So let us put ourselves on the line, so you can finish all of this." (Of course this is totally non-verbatim, but this was what the moment felt like to me?)
Marinette's friends/classmates (and Chat Noir) sacrificing themselves without a second doubt made my heart clench because of the magnitude of it all. They trust Marinette so much, and maybe I was just seeing things, but I could feel the pressure Mari/LB was put through, especially when she punched the door to the elevator after Nino didn't go with them because Alya was zombified. (She punched the door? Girl, I felt that through the fourth wall)
Marinette, the girl who doubted herself a lot, had to witness all of her friends, and her partner, throw themselves in the line of fire, and there's nothing else she could do about it but push through and defeat the akuma alone.
and again, my heart clenched.
tl;dr: Marinette is amazing. Her friends/classmates are amazing. I cry for her I'm not gonna lie
p.s. my heart clenched extra when nino refused to go with them because alya got zombified
5. Marinette Character Development
Not a long commentary here, but I loved how she tried to give Chloe another chance, and not go off at her when everybody else had put themselves in danger just to save Chloe, the root of their problem.
Normally, Mari would let her feelings get ahead of her and passionately fight for what she believed in. But this time, she was shown to be more mature.
To sum up my thoughts: Zombizou was cute but plot thickening as well, and Marinette is amazing. Most fanfic tropes are becoming canon I'm living. Also, where was Nathanael :-(
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk™
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Chapter 21 Eyes without a face.  << previous comic | first comic | next comic | read on tapas>>
🌲 reblogs help spread the comic 🌲
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mari-chai · 6 years
Well Damn I Guess I'm Nobody As Well
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mari-chai · 6 years
web footed geckos are cool
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a lot of people saw a photo of this little guy
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and didn’t believe he was a real lizard
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or even a real creature at all
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but guess what?
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they were very wrong
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mari-chai · 6 years
Gabriel: So Adrien, tell me about this Marinette that was trending on social media. Is she really your girlfriend?
Adrien: Father, Marinette is just a friend.
Gabriel: I see. I was wondering why she was wearing such weird statement on a broad daylight -
Adrien: *slams desk* Weird statement?! She’s a fashion designer, Father, and her jammies are nothing but elegant! True that her thin-strapped tops that accentuated her curves and tight leggings that highlighted her firm thighs are sleepwears, it wasn’t horrible when she flaunted it outdoors! In fact, she looked so sexy and beautiful…and…and…
Gabriel: …
Adrien: *blushes hard* Marinette is not indecent, okay? She’s the sweetest, kindest and one of the bravest girl that I’ve ever met in my entire life! She always stands for justice and right! She takes care of everybody and will help you in times of need!
Gabriel: …
Adrien: *still blushing* She’s also good in baking! She knows how to make the best macaron in the world! Remember T&S Boulangerie? That’s her parents’ bakery! She never fails to help them despite her workloads, even commits to man the counter every weekends!
Gabriel: …
Adrien: *blushing harder* Not that I know Marinette’s activities, okay? I often pass the bakery it’s just so happened that she’s doing the cashier! Yeah! Totally coincidence!
Gabriel: …
Adrien: …
Gabriel: I got it, son. Emilie is just my friend too.
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Moonlight Chats Part 2.  ((Kind of a necessary filler before shit actually goes down in the next part)) Will be posting every Thursday!!
-13asic, with love Part 1
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Moonlight Chats- Part 1 of (Maybe 3 or 4), gonna release one weekly.  Hope you guys like it!  -13asic <33333 (IM BACK FRIENDOS AFTER A LONG AF DRY HIATUS OF THE COLLEGE STRUGGLE I HAVE RETURNED WITH VENGEANCE- Might do a video explanation as to why i haven’t even been able to breathe for the past year- how my life was in shambles and how I’m back to being a regular human being- if anyone cares or even remembers me from like last year lmao hello)
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Chat Noir needs to be protected at all costs
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mari-chai · 6 years
Master Fu picking Adrien and Marinette:
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Writers: *introduces Luka*
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Master Fu:
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mari-chai · 6 years
I need more
I haven’t written fanfics in forever so here is a lukanette ft jealous adrien fic i only have 2 chapters up but here ya go
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mari-chai · 6 years
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Why don’t you take off your red shoes So we can end our night well spent? And why don’t you say what’s on your mind? I won’t run away
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mari-chai · 6 years
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well i just wasted an entire day making this  slightly based on this post Time to return to school work for the next 2 months :’)
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