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this has probably (definitely) been done before, but I was struck by divine inspiration when I woke up this morning.
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hey, sorry I've been out you guys🥲I promise I've seen you guy's reqs, I've been drowning in a bunch of work and stuff😔 I'll try to get onto the amazing ideas you've given me asap, but I just need a bit of time to get my actual stuff sorted😓 please bear with me🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
I've been loving all your wonderful reqs, they're like the light of my day haha! (got me giggling and kicking my feet every time I see a new one🥰🥰)
please keep sending them in, I promise I'll get to them all🙏🙏🙏
thank you all for your patience and understanding!🫡
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the promised fic has arrived!!
just a cute little thing about the black brothers when they were kids, no angst in this one (though i did get ahead of myself, and have already started a second chapter that is shaping up to be rather depressing)
content: black brothers as kids!, comfort, brotherly love, good brothers!regulus and sirius, bad parents!walburga and orion (but what's new), cute, sweet, reggie being scared of storms [maybe it's because of the loud noises and flashing reminding him of...certain things (but that's for later chapters🤭)], just my favourite brothers word count: 813
enjoy this sweet comfort fic! (while it lasts😈)
Storms and Blankets - black brothers fluff
Regulus silently slipped out of his room, muffling his whimpers and sniffling into the arm of his solid green pyjamas as he stumbled quickly on bare feet to his big brother’s room.
To safety.
Outside, the storm raged, furious and howling, punctuated with flashes of harsh lightning and great explosive booms.
Regulus shivered, clutching his blanket closer to him as he hurried up the corridor, footsteps growing more panicked and rapid as the short distance seemed to stretch. From elsewhere in the house, the obnoxiously gothic ornate grandfather clock tick-tocked loud and harsh, echoing throughout the countless empty, winding hallways of Grimmauld Place.
Regulus flinched, squeaking slightly as the oppressive silence of the night was again disturbed by a threatening growl of thunder, this time joined by an ominous tolling from the aforementioned clock. Twelve o’clock. Twelve resounding tolls punctuated with groans of wood and window panes as wind and rain battered them, terrifying booms of thunder, and blinding flashes of light.
The scene was a perfect replica of a scene from a horror story.
Suddenly, the door ahead of him swung open, washing a patch of the otherwise cold and unwelcoming hallway in warm light. The action was fast and almost could be taken as careless, but Regulus could see how carefully the strength had been measured to prevent it from slamming against a wall, lest it alert their parents. 
Sirius’ head peeked out from the door frame, beaming at Regulus, before his brother stepped out of his doorway fully, walking toward where Regulus had frozen.
“Reg! Come, come, quickly! I’ll protect you from the big bad storm!”, Sirius proudly declared, puffing out his chest with his hands on his hips, and generally making a fool of himself. He wrapped an arm around Regulus’ wiry shoulders, and dragged him the few steps remaining to his bedroom, closing the door behind them.
The distance that had seemed so daunting and fearsomely untraversable just moments prior was suddenly revealed to be only a mere handful of steps.
A small smile fought its way onto Regulus’ face as he buried closer to his brother’s warmth.
The pair shuffled over to Sirius’ bed, sides pressed together the whole while, as though they were conjoined at birth, and huddled together under the warm covers of luxurious goose-down blankets. If there was one thing you could be sure of about Walburga and Orion Black, it would be that they loved indulgent finery, and only ever used the best, as was befitting of the Most Noble and Ancient status.
Giggling, Sirius reached a hand over to where Regulus lay curled at his side, stealthy as a snake on the hunt, before quickly lashing out and digging into exposed sides. Regulus barely managed to smother his shriek of indignance, and suppressed a peal of laughter into muffled giggles as his brother began to launch a merciless tickle attack.
“Siri! Siri stop! Hahaha! Siri-” Regulus struggled out between gasps and bouts of frantically smothered laughter.
“Never! Watch out, Reggie! The tickle monster is out to get ya!” Sirius whisper-yelled.
“Noooooo! Ahahaha- Stop it Siri- No! Hahah- Haha!”
Sirius sat back on his heels, looking down at his little brother, satisfied with having lifted his mood. Regulus lay sprawled on his back, dishevelled and wheezing, very un-lordly.
The older Black brother took advantage of the vulnerable position Regulus lay in, and sprawled on top of his smaller and slighter form, knocking the breath out of his chest once again, before rolling over onto his back and clamping his arms around his arms and waist.
“Lemme gooo! Noooo!” Regulus whined kicking ineffectually at his brother’s shins. This only prompted his aggressor to tighten his hold.
“If I let you up, will you grab the blanket and come cuddle with your big brother again?” Sirius teased.
“No! I’m leaving! I hate youuuuu!” Regulus complained.
Sirius laughed and loosened his arms, knowing the squirming mass in his arms would in fact return to his initial position at his side.
True to his thoughts, Regulus sat up and pulled the bunched and discarded blanket, pushed nearly off the bed in their tussle. When he returned to his big brother’s side, however, he curled up with his back facing Sirius, staunch in his refusal to acquiesce and prove Sirius right.
Well, that won’t do, supplied Sirius’ mind.
With a gentle, fluid motion, Sirius wrapped his small arms around the other, even smaller boy, and pulled him until he was snuggled in his warm embrace, back to chest.
“Goodnight Reggie, my little brother!” he whispered into Regulus’ hair.
“G’night Siri…” was the sleep-slurred reply he got.
And with a quiet chuckle, Sirius shuffled himself closer to his brother, tucking him into his chest in an effort to guard and protect his defenceless sleeping body.
The storm howled on, forgotten by the duo as they drifted into a peaceful slumber.
word count: 814
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Fic Reqs Open!!
i've decided to write fics! i'm aiming to have one out by the end of today, so look out for that!
i've also opened my asks, so if you have a brilliant idea, or something sticking in your head that you want to see fleshed out, feel free to hit me up!
for now, i'll probably only write: jegulus, wolfstar, rosekiller, general, black brothers, platonic bartylus and moonwater
but i might be open to other pairings later on!
feel free to send any ideas or requests my way!
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there is a severe, critical, heart-wrenching lack of Riddle content that isn't y/n based or "slytherin boy" focused.
and so, i will do what i must.
that's right.
I'll do it myself.
i am making an account solely for the purpose, matter fact. I am going to crack ship them so hard. Father son? Brothers? hell no. they're husbands, your honour.
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i have developed an obsession with the Riddles. [tom and the fan-made mattheo] and I have a beautiful cracky idea birthed from a sleep-deprived, delirious brain that has not had sleep in over 24 hours.
i've noticed throughout the fandom that mattheo ranges from being tom's son to being his brother. but why? why not something different?
okay so. hear me out.
they're married.
Mattheo is married to Tom and that's how they share the same name.
yes this is purely an excuse to ship to attractive men together. and what about it.
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Power point night
Remus: why when I say no, you should listen to me
Sirius: the art of being pretty and an absolute devil
Peter: how to survive oblivious queer couples
James: Regulus 101
Regulus: why people should just shut up
Dorcas: an overview of female empowerment through history
Marlene: dorcas
Mary: why Mary does it better
Pandora: Lily my lily and my friends as flowers
Lily: “James, stop it and Sirius don’t do that” and other sentences of my life
Regulus (2): why James Potter is the best person alive and you should all perish, featuring: James Potter
Barty: 69 ways to kill a man and not get caught
Evan: Surviving Barty, a tutorial
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"oh my goly gosh, well I NEVER."
idk... probably sirius black and james potter whenever they were flabbergasted during their first few months at hogwarts
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