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Omega Level Mother Energy ⚡️
#XMen97 #Storm
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Cyborg #3 (Cover art by Edwin Galmon)
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Indulge me a moment, so I can finally get this in writing somewhere. Call it a writing prompt or creative exercise if you will/must.
It's been 23 years since Arnold Perlstein stepped foot here. It's honestly surreal. The floorboards of the school hallways creak a bit more than he remembers. And things look far smaller, as they would when you've last experienced a place when you were nearly 2 feet shorter. But some things remained the same. The smell, for instance. That odd mixture of old books and a summer coat of paint, with the occasional waft of perfume or...wood chips? Alright, maybe not everything was the same as when he was a kid, but Arnold would have to parse that mystery out later. He had a classroom to find.
Arnold had been surprised when he was offered the job at Walkerville. The school had expanded its class number since he was a kid, and was now a K-8 school. But Arnold was offered the 5th grade slot, when the kids started going to different teachers for their subjects. Whenever Arnold was asked by he wanted to become a science teacher, his answer always took him back here, to 4th grade. His classes were extremely engaging, fun...and for some reason caused him high amounts of anxiety occasionally. Still, he looked back on them fondly, especially the field trips. Although, he could never remember them in full detail for whatever reason. He usually chalked that up to childhood amnesia, though.
Arnold found his room, a newly built science lab and classroom where he would guide his students for the year through discovery! Exciting. As he opened the door, the smell of wood chips once again hit him. The source became immediately clear, as in the corner of the room near his desk, there was an enclosure containing...nothing. But the spread of wood chips on the floor leading from the case was immediately of concern. Quickly, Arnold shut the door behind him to prevent anything from escaping, and began searching the room.
The woodchip trail led from the cage to the desk, when some of the drawers appeared to be opened. Did this creature have opposable thumbs? Arnold's concern rose, as he distractedly passed by the colorfully wrapped package sitting on his chair. He followed the wood chips to a drawer labeled "Don's Delights", which was conspicuously empty, save for some spare wood chips scattered within. Who was Don? And why were his "delights" in this room? Distressing. Arnold continued his search, until coming upon a series of blocks, toys, and other items, stacked in decreasing size and leading up to a window. And there, at the top of the stack and hanging off the window handle, was a small brown rodent with a long tail and light brown stripes.
Arnold thought for a moment that this was a chinchilla, but the color was wrong, and it was way too small for that. The two looked at each other, frozen in an awkward moment. Arnold looked back at the aquarium in the corner, and caught the nametag "Don the Degu", along with a small display about this animal. But as he looked back, Don had jumped off the stack, and was running for it! Arnold had never been the most fit person in the world, but he managed to catch up to Don before he could squeeze beneath the supply closet door.
As Don stared at Arnold with big, wet brown eyes, knowing he was going back in the aquarium, Arnold looked back at him with a bit of pity. After all, who knows how long he'd been in the enclosure without food or water? "If I let you go, and give you some snacks, do you promise not to run away?" Arnold wasn't quite sure why he was talking to this animal in plain English, as if expecting to be understood. But he was even less sure of his grasp on the situation when the degu nodded at him in response. Weird, but...OK, Arnold thought, as he released his grip on the degu. Don climbed onto Arnold's shoulder and began grooming himself, then cast a glance that was clearly looking for Arnold to hold his end of the promise.
Arnold searched for the snacks in Don's Delights drawer, but couldn't find them. In response, Don hopped off of Arnold's shoulder, and led him to the desk. Arnold followed and opened a drawer that this...surprisingly intelligent rodent was pointing to, and found a bag labeled "Cheesy Treats", which Don dove for immediately. Tired from the events that has already taken place, Arnold sat in his teacher's chair for the first time, and finally saw the present sitting on his desk.
The box was wrapped in possibly the most wimsical and colorful wrapping paper Arnold had ever seen...yet somehow extremely familiar. It was decorated in stars, planets, asteroids and comets, various trappings of space. He wrote it off at first as a Dollar Store wrapping paper...until he picked it up. The planets were actually remarkably accurate, with Jupiter's Great Red Spot immediately drawing Arnold's focus. If he stared closely enough at it...it almost seemed to move and swirl around. But Arnold shook it off, relegating it to his imagination.
He cast his eyes towards the tag on the paper, which said only two words on it: "Take chances." Not like he hadn't done that already with this job. Again, Arnold hadn't applied for it, it was offered to him on great recommendation. But he wasn't even sure whom that recommendation was from. In previous schools, he'd been a little too ambitious with his curricula, using sometimes flashy demonstrations and high-budget experiments to get his students to learn and remember his lessons. This is what he remembered as a student himself, and large efforts on the part of his teachers got him to love science in the first place! But, that never made him the most popular teacher amongst administration. So, taking a recommendation from his old school on face value was a chance in and of itself. Still, Arnold noted it, and opened the small present.
Engraved on the box within the wrapping was yet another message: "Make mistakes." Again, not a concept Arnold was foreign to in his life. Not that he was a complete screw-up or anything, but he'd certainly changed his career prospects enough times to know about mistakes. His parents had wanted him to be something reliable, like an accountant. His cousin Janet was a big-shot lawyer in New York (which his aunt just loooooved to mention at any given opportunity). And he'd tried those things, amongst others. College was supposed to be a place to find yourself. Well, he did. A LOT. And all those versions of himself were...not him. Until coming upon science education, where he felt something click. The idea of spreading knowledge of the world around us and beyond, to change the world through changing forming minds...that was appealing to Arnold. After all, science was about making mistakes and learning from them. That was basically Arnold's whole adult life up to this point.
With his introspection done (and with Don having eaten an entire bag of treats, which probably wasn't great for him), Arnold opened the box. Inside was a tie, covered in stars and planets like the wrapping paper, and made of some very nice material. Perhaps most surprising of all to Arnold was how cold it was to the touch. The room was a normal temperature, but the box and the tie felt refrigerated. As he unfurled this gift, another produced itself: a key with a key fob. Arnold tried it on the desk, the supply closet, and any other keyhole he could find, to no avail. And when he pressed the fob, he couldn't hear or see anything change. But last of all was the message on the inside of the box: "Get messy." To which Arnold took this as a reminder to clean up the mess that Don had made. And so, distracting himself from the mysterious key, Arnold set to work cleaning the room and getting familiar with all of its features. School started in a few weeks, after all.
By the time Arnold was done with cleaning and inventory, and with convincing Don that he'd be back tomorrow, it had turned dark outside. Tired, he made his way to the parking lot, where he would get in his beat-up car and head home and watch something on Netflix. Maybe a documentary or that one TV series about the drug lord he'd been meaning to start. He reached into his pocket blindly and pressed the fob to unlock his car. But in the process, he heard a far-off horn honk, rather than the car right in front of him. Taking the key out of his pocket, he revealed his mysterious gift.
Arnold followed the sound of the horn to the back of the school lot. A stand of trees lined the entire parking lot, but Arnold followed the asphalt to find a pathway leading through it. But it was dark now, and possibly dangerous on its own, not to mention the idea of following a mysterious horn caused by a key given by someone you don't even know...Take chances, Arnold thought. Foolishly, he entered into the wood. It was louder than he thought it would be. Crickets and frogs peppered the night with their sounds, getting the last cries out before summer ended. Fireflies, too, danced around the wood, creating a beautiful-if-eerie atmosphere. And then...he saw it.
An old, yellow, rusted and broken down school bus. A school bus. Somebody had given him the key to a rusted-out school bus. But despite the absurdity of giving a teacher command of their own bus, nevertheless one that'd been retired in, like, 1997, Arnold was drawn to it for some reason. Why had he been given this key? Whose bus was this? And how could this broken-down junk heap respond to a modern key fob? He walked up to the bus, and the doors swung open for him. Knowing better than this...Arnold entered the bus anyway.
The inside of the bus appeared as broken down as the outside. This bus wasn't safe or operational by any standard, then or now. Still, it reminded Arnold of childhood, and he sat down in the seat. There, on the dashboard, his eye was drawn to another surprisingly modern flourish, a keyless start button. This was...impossible. And yet, Arnold surprisingly couldn't help himself. He pressed the button, to see if the old junk heap would start. But rather than the engine starting up...a message flashed on the dashboard in front of him. HANDS ON THE WHEEL, AND SEAT BELT ON, PLEASE! Enraptured by the insanity of this situation, Arnold put on his seatbelt, and put hands 10 and 2 on the steering wheel.
And that's when he remembered it. He remembered all of it.
Memories of field trips came flooding back to him. Impossible, whimsical, magical, TERRIFYING field trips re-entered his mind. Underwater volcanoes, flying through the clouds, traveling back in time, going to space...dying in space? So many beautiful and horrible things that he could now remember, enough to traumatize a child forever, and yet...all Arnold had now was true understanding. His love for science, his will to teach, all of it...his inspiration was these trips, which had somehow been altered by his mind into good and engaging teaching, instead of what it actually was: magic.
Realizing everything he'd forgotten, Arnold looked around at the bus: it was the same as it was when he was a kid, now. As if brand new, with a fresh bus smell, right out of the factory. With his memory restored, he quickly realized who gave him the key. "Ms. Frizzle.", he said out loud. And he was quickly met by a voice in return. "HelLO, Arnold! So very good to see you again!" Startled, Arnold looked up at the windshield, and the face of his old 4th grade teacher, Ms. Valerie Felicity Frizzle, appeared projected upon it. Arnold yelped and jumped in his seat in surprise, to which Ms. Frizzle chuckled a bit.
"Ms. Frizzle! What...how...why...what's happening? Am I going crazy? Is this...was this all real?"
"It was, Arnold. All of it! Every fantastic journey into the unknown, into discovery! All real. And all wonderful. And now that I'm retired, well...it's yours to discover now."
Arnold hadn't immediately noticed it, but Ms. Frizzle was obviously older. Her once frizzled orange hair was now a frazzled white, and prominent crows' nests and smile lines told the story of a life full of joy and excitement. After all, it'd been 23 years. And as Arnold's head was spinning from these thoughts and recovered memories, another quickly came to him. "...You sent the recommendation for me to work here? For ME? To get all of THIS? I used to be terrified of these trips! Why on EARTH would I be your choice for this?"
"Because I saw something special in all my students, Arnold, and I've kept track of you through the years! Through social media, not magic. Still, with every path and choice you've made, you've proved yourself to me to be the right person for the job. You've taken chances, you've made mistakes, and you've learned from them! Now, you can use those lessons to impart on others."
Arnold grew quiet. That had been his whole reason for teaching: to help the future generations learn about the world and themselves. "I'm not...agreeing to this yet. After all, like I said, those trips were terrifying. But...how does this whole magic bus thing work, exactly?" Ms. Frizzle smiles that old mischievous smile that Arnold remembered (and also remembered dreading).
It was time for another field trip.
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My DCCU Interlude: The Legion of Super-Heroes (Part 1)
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Prologue: Long Live the Legion
This year, I've decided to give into my unending nerd urges (...nerdges?), and have been writing essays on how I would create a DC cinematic universe, similar to how James Gunn and Peter Safran have been given to reins to do the same. Except, y'know, they're talented nerds with extensive filmmaking and writing careers, and I'm...a nerd. BUT nevertheless, I've been jumping in headfirst, and honestly, I've enjoyed it.
Up until now, I've finished a series on Superman. And that was a lot, but it's nowhere near the end. In fact, Superman is a lynchpin for a particular corner of my DCCU, focusing upon space and the cosmic (unsurprisingly). The other two lynchpins are Batman (for street crime and down-to-Earth stuff) and Wonder Woman (for magic and mysticism), which shouldn't be too surprising. But while they would each launch segments of my DCCU that would involve multiple other films and projects, television series would also be involved with each hero, ideally. James Gunn is, of course, doing the same, and Marvel's been doing this for years now. So, when I had to think about a series associated with the Man of Steel that I would want to see...well, there's only one choice, really.
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I am a huge fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes. They've had a shit-ton of incarnations over the years, in comics and in other media, for good and for bad. But the Legion is one of the first DC hero groups I faithfully followed, starting with the 2005Waid/Kitson Reboot run, which I still remember fondly. And the Legion is, of course, inexorably linked with Superman, as their first appearance involved them recruiting a teenaged Superboy into the group from the 31st Century. So, naturally, this was the FIRST group I thought of when I thought about a TV series. After the animated series is one of the best adaptations of its time period, especially in the second season.
But why talk about this now? I mean, I'm in the middle of my Batman series, so why interrupt that? Well, it's Legion of Super-Heroes Appreciation Week here on the ol' hellsite, so for those people who are fellow fans of the Legion, and also want to read the desperate rambles of a midly-obsessive and frustrated nerd, why not take advantage? I would contribute art to this, but my time is weirdly limited. I have drawn my version of Saturn Girl, though, so feel free to check that out if you want to. Anyway, lemme get into the mini-series here. Starting with one question...why not a movie?
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Chapter One: Soap and Space
Let me preface this by saying...I don't like the 2023 movie. At all. Don't get me wrong here. It looks great, voice acting is quite good, and some of the character designs are stellar. But goddamn it, for a Legion of Super-Heroes project, they dropped the ball SO goddamn hard, in a lot of ways. Also, Mon-El...what the fuck have you done to Mon-El? God, that movie pissed me off SO hard the entire time...but I digress. Jest because I didn't like that movie, that doesn't mean a film based on the Legion is impossible. But I also think that it...doesn't really work as well as a TV series would.
The reason for this, in my opinion, is because of what the Legion is at its best: a soap opera and a space opera combined. One of the best things about the Legion is its setting and its members. During its height, the Legion was a massive team brimming both with interpersonal conflict (because, after all, we're mostly dealing with teenagers at first), as well as set amongst a wider sociopolitical interplanetary conflict that these guys are supposed to navigate amongst. It's Teen Titans...IN SPACE. That rules. It rules so hard.
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One of the things that makes the Legion so very compelling is simply the fact that you get to know the characters, and their personal struggles. And given that most of these guys are aliens, despite how human they often look, those interpersonal conflicts are made even more complicated, and even more interesting as a result. A movie honestly can't balance all of that in a way that feels authentic to the Legion. The animated series technically did this, but still steered away from a lot of the soap opera aspect in lieu of making it more of an action series. And obviously, it's gotta be an action series...but it could and should be much more than that.
OK, what about multiple movies? Again, for a group as large as the Legion is, even making a franchise isn't exactly guaranteed to work for all of these diverse characters. And, uh, that's assuming you'd be able to MAKE a franchise. How many times have we been comic book films made with a franchise in mind, only to perform so badly that the entire idea is scrapped? So, no, we're not relying on a possible set of sequels. Instead, let's plan a story over the course of seasons, with each season of this series acting as a discrete story (just in case it gets cancelled prematurely).
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OK, what about medium? Should it be animated or live-action? Well...I actually vote for the latter, IF the budget it high enough. Let's not skimp on the budget for a wide-sweeping space opera, if we can help it. But the, if that's a problem, then animated is a viable option. After all, it's worked before, and it can work again. The only caveat here, for both, is that we're aiming for a platform like HBO, or at the very least not the CW or a more public network. Reasons for this are because more money is available from HBO and such, and also because...well, frankly, we want a mature show of actual good quality. CW quality ain't gonna cut it, sorry.
OK, so we have a mature-leaning series of good quality, packed full of drama in multiple facets, with a large cast that the audience can follow and latch onto. Lastly, because each season is meant to be insular to a certain degree, there's an overarching plot for each season, which concludes with the season finale. Commonplace, obviously, but important nonetheless. With all of that out of the way, we should now talk about a few things here, right? Those things are:
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Setting: Where is our series set, and what are the day-to-day struggles associated with the setting? Where is the Legion within this setting, and how do they interact with it? What notable people or forces can be found here and drive everyday existence?
Cast: This is a huge potential cast, so who are we primarily following when the series starts? For that matter, how large is the Legion when the series begins, and will that number change over the course of the first season? Who are the major characters, and can the Legion be put into groups that can be followed? And finally, what are the backstories and interpersonal relationships amongst the primary cast of characters?
Story: What is the main conflict over the course of the season, and who are the major players? What are the stakes as we lead up to the season finale, and how will our characters resolve it? How will this conflict change our characters or the setting, whether or not the characters actually solve the problem? And what other problems or consequences will result from this resolution?
And all of those things, frankly, are super goddamn basic in terms of storytelling, but still important to keep in mind as we go through the planned season. For each season, we'll assume 12 episodes, which is a reasonable number of episodes to assume per season. And before I start plotting this whole thing out, I'm gonna put together a brief synopsis to sum up the season 1 plans. Once that's done, I'll be going through the above three points one at a time, then looking at a potential future for the series. And if people are interested in more, I may just oblige that request! So...what's this theoretical season one about?
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The 31st Century is a peaceful utopia on a knife's edge. Building tensions are bringing the United Planets close to dissolution, if not to outright war. This strife has led to conflict, and a lack of faith in authority across the cosmos, especially on the famously rebellious planet Earth. And amongst all of this, forces are trying to widen the gulf between civilizations that much farther apart. A group of young heroes, inspired by legends a millennium past, have stepped up to the plate, calling themselves the Legion of Super-Heroes. Learning to work together under difficult circumstances, the young heroes must navigate many threats.
Leader of the group Rokk Krinn struggles both with his compatriots, and also the difficult role of leader thrust upon him, while struggling to balance a life amongst all of the stress placed upon him. The silent Imra Ardeen works against culture shock, while also feeling a deep and profound duty to her home world of Titan, and a palpable distance from her responsibilities to that moon of Saturn. Garth Ranzz comes from a planet in economic strife, on the brink of leaving the United Planets. With his older brother and twin sister on different sides of the conflict, he must navigate both family and political strife, while finding his own path amidst conflict with Rokk and burgeoning feelings for Imra.
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Newcomers to the organization are now navigating this new environment. Chief amongst them is Lyle Norg, a superhero enthusiast and brilliant teenage scientist who has given himself powers of invisibility. Tinya Wazzo is a highly connected young woman with her own responsibilities, a mysterious demeanor, and an agenda of her own to pursue. Luornu Durgo is an exile from her home, which she talks about very little, but still seeks to return to with her good deeds. And Elgar Degep, who comes to the Legion on recommendation from a secretive benefactor, claims to be a descendant of ancient Earth heroes, but hides a much more insidious secret.
This small and young group of heroes has many opponents to their success. The Science Police of Metropolis are wary of their presence, and their extremely ambitious leaders are in constant conflict with the heroes they see as vigilantes. Behind the scenes, a cult named the Dark Circle seeks to take advantage of the strife, driving criminals across the United Planets to strike against the police and the Legion alike. And beneath it all, corruption within the United Planets itself seeks to set the Legion up for a fall, influenced by a greater power beyond their understanding.
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A rough synopsis, but believe me...I have ideas. So very many ideas. But I'll go into that further in future essays. So, if you're interested, stay tuned for more of that! And if you actually read this mess...honestly, thank you, I appreciate it. Long like the Legion.
See you in Part Two!
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Part Two of the Story (and possibly more if I can hack it) coming out this week in celebration of LoSH Appreciation Week 2024!
My DC Cinematic Universe: Legion of Super-Heroes
Listed below are the links to more insane ramblings, this time about what I would do with a Legion of Super-Heroes television series, were I given the reins to the DC Cinematic Universe. Not as long as my Superman series, but still real long, real nerdy, and just generally a lot. And as before, if you read this series, I genuinely appreciate it. Hopefully you enjoy it, and feel free to give me feedback!
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Part I: Introduction (AKA Long Live the Legion)
Part II: The First Three
Part III: The First Recruits
Part IV: Supporting Cast and World-Building
Part V: Villains
Part VI: The Story (Part One)
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the joker is like ah yes my favorite song normal frog
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...Wait...did he...did he rename the film...Superman?
HE DID! I FUCKING CALLED IT!!! Seriously! At the end of Part Seven of my insane goddamn essay series, I said...
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Holy shit! That was over a year ago, too! Well...shit, any other ideas or predictions of mine gonna come true?
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It's Superman's birthday!!! Whoo! So, may as well repost my Superman essay series, 'cause...eh, why not, right?
My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman
Listed below are the links to my insane ramblings about what I would do with a Superman film, were I given the reigns to the DC Cinematic Universe instead of James Gunn. Enter if you dare, because this shit is LONG, real nerdy, and just generally a lot. But if you DO read...well, thanks, I really, genuinely appreciate it. Hopefully you enjoyed it!
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Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
Part XIV: Epilogue (Part Three)
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OK, hear me out. An American version of Watership Down, but instead of rabbits...it's prairie dogs. Just a bunch of prairie dogs living in the American West, and they need to flee land developers and find a new home. They have to flee a bunch of predators, cross through roads and near settlements, until they finally find a new place to settle in an empty, field (unbeknownst to them, located in a national park or otherwise protected area). Other animals come to live in and around the town, and they have to figure that out; they may have to deal with rival prairie dogs like in the original story, until fending them off using trickery and...not speed. They have stumpy legs.
I call it Watership Town. Maybe Wolf Creek Town, after the real location in Colorado? Eh? Eh? Eh, it's a work in progress.
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It's time for some themes!
This year the week will take place between the 4th of March and the 10th of March. We'll be using the tags #loshweek and #loshweek24 and you can also tag @loshappreciationweek in your post or submit it to us.
Rules and info can be found here. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or ideas!
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I should revisit this headcanon one of these days; could be fun! Get back into the artist swing, too. Man, I have too many potential projects.
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So, a while ago, I posted my version of Saturn Girl from the Legion of Superheroes in DC Comics, and I’ll get back to my headcanon version of more LoSH members eventually, I promise. But, in my never ending quest to establish my own headcanon of established characters (because it might be a little cringe, but I enjoy it), I also have my canon version of Transformers. Basically, I think of these headcanons as ways I’d write or adapt these characters, especially if given the opportunity to make an animated series or comic book. Not gonna happen, obviously, but it’s fun to pretend! If anybody wants to learn more about my ideas for a Transformers series, I’ll happily share it! In the meantime, I was inspired to do this artwork, making this my first finished Transformer!
So, who is my version of Moonracer? A lot of my version takes from the original version, as well as the IDW version of the character. In my view, Moonracer is one of the original team of Transformers that ends up stranded on Earth. Originally from the colony planet of Velocitron, Moonracer was well-known for her speed and accuracy in racing, as well as an excitable and active personality. With her Cybertronian hovercar mode, she reached some minor fame on the planet. When the Great Civil War reached Velocitron, Moonracer quickly chose the side of the Autobots, believing in the ideals of unity promoted by their leader, Optimus Prime. Picked up by his small team on Velocitron, she helped them escape the colony planet under the nose of a group of Decepticons, led by the newly indoctrinated Velocitronian Knock Out. Accompanying them on their travels to a mysterious planet called Earth, Moonracer played her part until the Autobot ship (The Ark) crashed on the planet, breaking into pieces of re-entry. After a long period of hibernation underground, Moonracer woke up alongside leader Optimus Prime, scout Bumblebee, artillery master Ironhide, and medic Ratchet (who is female in my headcanon). As a part of this group, Moonracer would enter the fray against the awakening Decepticons (who had also crashed), and find the rest of the lost Autobots to prepare for the coming and building conflict.
Moonracer, as a fairly young bot, is an enthusiastic soldier, and is prone to act before thinking first, rushing headlong into action. On Earth, she takes up a Koenisegg Agera alternate mode, as this allows her to use her normal fast speeds without too much suspicion. While she’s a very outgoing and extroverted bot, that doesn’t make her any less serious about the Autobot cause than her compatriots. When focused on her task, she’s the best sharpshooter in the galaxy. When she’s focused, anyway. A valuable asset to the Autobot cause, she has earned the respect of her compatriots, as well as that of her primary Decepticon rival, Knock Out. But, surrounded by bots and people not of her colony’s culture, her mind often drifts happily towards home, and towards old friends on the racing planet, like best friend Override. However, her old friends have been through quite a lot while she’s been in stasis on Earth. One day, she’ll hopefully get back there.
OK, that’s the basis for my version of Moonracer! If anybody’s interested in my other ideas for Transformers, let me know! And who knows; maybe I’ll share them here after all! And, uh, forgive the amateur artwork here; still new at drawing Cybertronians, but I’ll be getting some more practice!
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Too real. Far too real.
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When Harry Met Sally (1989) dir. Rob Reiner
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For context...
King Vulture (Sarcorhampus papa)
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Order Accipitriformes, Family Cathartidae
I adore this bird. They're condors technically, which is to say that they're New World vultures found in Central and South America, going from Mexico to Argentina. They're fairly common, and gorgeous birds at that. Both males and females look like that, which is typical for the birds in this order. And, as vultures, they're scavengers rather than hunters, which is why I hesitate to call them raptors or birds of prey...'cause they're not. In fact, they're called kings not just because they're regal-looking (and were worshipped as holy by the Maya), but also because they make the first cut in a fresh carcass, and other vultures come in to feed after the king has arrived.
Why are they colorful? Not entirely sure, to be honest. Probably an honest signal about health and fitness, which is good for attracting members of the opposite gender. But that's a best guess, nothing more. The featherlessness is for the same reason that all vultures have mostly bald heads: to prevent blood and flesh from gathering in their feathers as they feed.
As for other fun-facts...
They're mute! Vultures aren't exactly noisy in the first place, since they're more hissers and grunters, but king vultures in particular are voiceless!
They're rainforest and savannah dwellers, mostly taking advantage of areas where there's a high concentration of potential prey items. Not huge prey like livestock, though; king vultures tend to stay away from development and agriculture.
Longest living accipiter in a zoo is a king vulture! Vivian from the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, Texas is 71 years old as of this post, set to turn 72 this year!
And finally, like other vultures, kings practice urohidrosis, an evaporative cooling behavior in which the vultures...y'know what, look it up. It's somewhat gross for the uninitiated, though, so fair warning on that front. It's a bird thing that they do in place of sweating.
Anyway, that's the King Vulture! Let me know if you're interested in more bird stuff; it's literally my profession and passion (outside of comic books and movies, which fall under the category of the latter).
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I don't post bird stuff much on here; I should. If you knew me, you'd know how weird that is.
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snail kite meme #3
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I got bored and decided to list the ✨vibes✨ different live-action versions of Superman give off.
Don't take my ramblings too seriously. ;)
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Disclaimer: Not all live-action versions represented
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