just-positive-thingys · 10 months
you don’t talk too much. you aren’t too loud. you aren’t too needy. you aren’t too sensitive. you aren’t too this, or that. you aren’t too much anything. you will never be too much: you are you, and you are allowed to take up space. you are allowed to exist however you choose.
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
hey fun fact did you know that if you're on the schizophrenia spectrum, have psychosis, have psychotic symptoms or traits, etc, that you're loved and your symptoms and traits should not be vilainized or seen as evil or ugly?
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
today i overheard a girl say "no, f*ck that. i will be lovely to everyone. maybe some people will remember they have a heart."
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
Every day, I move forward on a track of healing and self-improvement.
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
Comfort your inner child first. Speak softly to yourself, validate your own feelings and don't crucify yourself for your mistakes. Be forgiving and gentle with yourself, do something nice to distract yourself from your strong feelings. You will be ok.
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
it's okay...
...if you made a mistake.
mistakes don't make you a bad person if you realise what was wrong and try not to repeat it.
you're allowed to make mistakes. it doesn't suddenly change who you are ✨
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
If no one has told you today:
🌻 I’m so proud of you
🌻 Just concentrate on your breathing, it will be okay
🌻 You deserve happiness
🌻 You are not your mental illness
🌻 You deserve to recover
🌻 I’m super proud of you
🌻 I love you
🌻 If I could, I would hug each and every one of you
🌻 Please eat something today and make sure to drink some water. If you are tired, take a nap
🌻 Please look after yourself
🌻 You deserve love
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
Take what you need
💐A hug 🌸A moment to breathe 🌹 Peace 🌺 Hope 🌻 Love 🌼 Inspiration 🌷Motivation 🍁Comfort 🍂Healing strength
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
I wrote this post when I really needed someone to say this to me
I am a trans man, I have been out for 9 years, I have been on hormones for nearly 5. When I came out, I was met with some disagreements, nothing serious.
I always dressed masculine, and when I came out I started dressing hypermasc simply to be taken seriously and I thought that was my only option. I also really love masc clothing.
To clarify, I am a binary trans man. I'm not non-binary, I would probably say I'm gender non-conforming which in short means that I don't care for stereotypes. How I express my gender and myself doesn't change the fact that I'm a man. I could wear a dress and still be a man, because that's who I am.
I started experimenting with makeup. I love art, I've always loved being creative and I loved face paint growing up. So when I started 'passing' more I started wearing bright makeup. I have a beard so no one questioned anything. I got the odd comment from loved ones about why I wore make up if I'm a man. It doesn't make me any less of a man.
I stopped. I turned to doing more masc basic makeup. Until I thought about who I was doing it for. I love bright colours, I wanted to do bright makeup. My best friend, she loves it. So when we went out, I would wear makeup. Eventually people just accepted it. I even went to a family function with blue, green, and yellow makeup.
I wasn't going to box myself in to someone else's expectations.
I've been told online multiple times that my expression is too much, simply because I wore makeup. But cis men do it, and no one bats an eye.
Online, I've been told that I can't be a trans man and be gay. I've been told that I can't be trans because I have depression. I've been told I can't be ace because I'm trans. None of that makes sense.
So yeah, I have a few labels to my identity, so does everyone in one way or another. But my identity is mine and its not too much. It may be too much for some people, and that's their issue, not mine. My identity isn't a problem, and neither is yours.
So go out there, and do what you love, dress however you want. Wear vibrant colours, dress more alternative, wear makeup. Dye your hair, get piercings, do whatever makes you comfortable (without causing harm to yourself or others) because you only get 1 life.
You are not too much. You are loved.
You are not too much.
Your identity isn't too much.
Don't squish yourself down to fit into someone else's box. You are incredible in all of your colourful glory.
Take up space.
Make noise.
Do whatever it is that you love.
You're not too much.
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
I never understood why people worry about getting things wrong or admitting that they don't know something.
It takes intelligences to realise that you don't know something, it takes an open mind ready to learn new things. How many people pretend that they know something when they don't?? Why?? We don't start knowing everything, that comes from experience, there is no shame in not knowing.
It takes intelligences to admit you've made a mistake, it takes skills that some people don't have to be able to apologise and own up to your mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn.
We are constantly learning, it's okay to admit that you don't know something or that you've made a mistake. It doesn't make you stupid, it makes you intelligent.
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
It's okay if things don't turn out how you expected.
I doesn't mean that you failed, it means that you tried, you learnt and you grew.
Sometimes happy accidents happen, and sometimes we are left with some negative feelings. That's okay. You're allowed to feel what you are feeling. Give yourself time and space. Then when you are ready, try again
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
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💛 Lovely positive mantra/vibes badges. Spread some kindness with our handmade badges
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
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I found this as someone else's post but they tagged it as c///oquette so i'm reposting!!Credit to selfcareexpress on instagram♡
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
You’re safe. Take a deep breath. Your intrusive thoughts can’t hurt you. Your painful memories can’t hurt you. You are here now and you are safe. Keep breathing. Do what you need to do to ground yourself. It’s going to be okay. <3
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
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Over on my Instagram I've been running a highlight where I put words of supports for trans people by anon people
I thought I'd share some of them here
Feel free to add your own messages below
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
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New Icon, header, theme, and bio- but same old posts
Bio: 🌈 Just a little positivity blog ✨ 🏳‍🌈 Queer owned 🏳‍🌈 Safe Place For All Posting about mental health, queer positivity, body positivity, etc
I've had this account for years and I've had the same icon and bio since I started. I thought that it was time to update it with a little personality. I adore space, and I'm in my cloud era where I'm painting them on everything. Blue is also my favourite colour. The background form the them had blue and white, so I decided to add some pink features to represent the trans flag.
My theme also has an option for light or dark theme, which is easier for you
I hope you all like it :)
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just-positive-thingys · 10 months
...will bring a new opportunity. to try again. maybe even to do better.
tomorrow is hopeful. look forward to it.
and if it doesn't as per your expectations, then there's always the next tomorrow ✨
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