jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 24
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 24
Sven paced the tent, face twisted in a grimace of annoyance. “Just so I be understandin’,” he began, stopping to glare at Malcolm. “You were goin’ behind the King’s royal back, and were talkin’ to his nasty son?” Malcolm nodded.  “Then you be tellin’ the Prince that his UNCLE be spillin’ all the King’s royal secrets?” “The Prince left before I could reason with him!” Malcolm said, exasperated. …
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 23
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 23
“How has your stay been thus far?”  The King asked.  He leaned forward on his elbows, staring across the table at Malcolm and Sven.  Beside him sat General Demisatious, Armedious, and Princess Estrellia.  They watched Malcolm and Sven intently.  The six of them sat in the dining pavilion, a plethora of food and drink spread across the table. The morning sun shone through the rolled-up sides of…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 22
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 22
Sven grunted as he tried to pull himself loose from the bramble thicket.  The thick black thorns had dug deep into his leather armor, tearing chunks out of the hide.  “Nasty, heavy, too big armor!” he exclaimed, hacking at the bushes with his knife.  At last, he cut through the branches, breaking loose from the plant.  He spat on the brambles, sneering.  A heap of severed vines lay at his…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 21
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 21
It was early evening when the courier came to pick up Malcolm.  After meeting with King Edvard and Sven, Malcolm had spent some time wandering the camp, taking in all the new sights and sounds.  All around him, men labored to rebuild the town.  Malcolm tried to lend help where he could, but his dislocated elbow limited his movement. When he returned to his tent, he found a fresh set of cloths…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 20
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 20
Malcolm sat up, groaning as his vision spun.  A pair of heavy hands gently pushed him back down. “Did the beast die?” Malcolm muttered, reaching out towards the hands.  He blinked a few times, and the surroundings slowly come into focus.  His left arm throbbed with pain and he could feel tight wrappings holding it to his chest. Oswald stood over him, lips cracked in a faint smile.  “It would…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe-Goblins: Chapter 19
Malcolm and the Toe-Goblins: Chapter 19
As Malcolm and Sven turned a corner, the gate of Bullhaven came into view.  Sven clung to Malcolm’s arm, leaning on the human.  The Goblin’s leg was heavily bandaged, the cloth soaked through with green blood.    The wide gateway out of the town was clogged with pedestrians rushing to escape the town.  Hundreds of people crammed into the exit, as soldiers desperately tried to organize the…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 18
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 18
Sven shook Malcolm awake, pounding the human with his fists for added effect.  Malcolm groaned, rolling over to face Sven.  Barely opening his eyes, Malcolm peered at Sven with surprise. “Sven?” Malcolm whispered, barely holding his eyelids up. “Is it morning yet?” “Listen.”  Sven commanded, pressing a finger to Malcolm’s lips.  They sat in silence for a few seconds before Malcolm heard it.  A…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 17
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 17
As Malcolm and Sven wove their way through the narrow, crooked streets of Bullhaven, the full effects of the army’s presence in the town became apparent.  The streets were lined with makeshift cots and tents, as well as countless racks of bows and spears.  After an hour of searching, they arrived at the town Inn.  It was a large wooden building near the edge of Bullhaven. Rising three stories…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 16
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 16
The night passed uneventfully, a fact for which both Malcolm and Sven were grateful.  After long days of traveling, and all the trouble in Toehalla, a good night’s sleep was much needed.  Exhausted, they slumbered long into the morning, basking in the cool mist blowing off the river. Like the night before, Sven managed to skewer a fish, which was promptly grilled and devoured.  Although the meal…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 15
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 15
Malcolm sat up, blinking as the morning light hit his eyes.  Confused, he looked around for a few seconds before remembering where he was.  The grassy hills that hid Toehalla extended as far as the eye could see in every direction. The thin brown earthen scar left by the Toe-Worm’s attack was just visible in the distance.    Almost hidden within the lush grass, Sven lay a few feet away, deep in…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Fountain of Gold
Within the park on Maple Street
There flows a fountain of gold
Its gushing falls delight the eye
Quite the sight to behold
The fountain masked our trade, our meeting
The mist surrounding us enfold
He laced his words with silver thread
Yet lies were all he told
I should have fled, refused the game
But the die were cast, my fate behold
He spliced the deck and I played my hand
Losing by a tenfold
The clock struck one and the deal was done
It was my soul that I had sold
He came and won my life that night
A treasure to forever hold
So now here lies my mortal form
Buried under the fountain of gold
0 notes
jakoblanne · 3 years
Fountain of Gold
Within the park on Maple Street
There flows a fountain of gold
 Its gushing falls delight the eye
Quite the sight to behold
 The fountain masked our trade, our meeting
The mist surrounding us enfold
 He laced his words with silver thread
Yet lies were all he told
 I should have fled, refused the game
But the die were cast, my fate behold
 He spliced the deck and I played my hand
Losing by a tenfold
 The clock struck one and the deal was done
It was my soul that I had sold
 He came and won my life that night
A treasure to forever hold
 So now here lies my mortal form
Buried under the fountain of gold
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 14
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 14
I am taking December off from Toe Goblins. The regular weekly chapters will resume in early January. However, there will be a special non-Toe-Goblins upload on December 14th. Happy Holidays!
It was late afternoon when Malcolm and Sven emerged from the tunnels.  As word of Sven’s ‘treason’ spread, an increasing number of Toe Goblins had joined the hunt, scouring the tunnels for signs of the…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 13
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 13
By the time Sven arrived back at the prison area, he was completely out of breath.  After knocking out Svith, he had only stopped a few times to hide from the searchers.  The tunnels were teeming with them, as more and more Goblins were recruited.    
I need to get out of this place,  he realized.  Maybe leave for a few years, come back once everyone’s forgotten about this. He yearned to run…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 12
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 12
Malcolm groaned, rolling to a more comfortable position.  Yet another night spent sleeping on stone.  The coarse floor of his cell dug into his ribs, piercing through his thin tunic in places.  A cold wind from some unseen vent swept through, sending him into shivers.  Instinctively he reached for a blanket, but his groping fingers found none. Are they trying to freeze me to death?  he wondered.…
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Sven and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 18
There are links at the bottom of the post to where you can read all chapters for free! Hope you enjoy! 
Malcolm groaned, rolling to a more comfortable position.  Yet another night spent sleeping on stone.  The coarse floor of his cell dug into his ribs, piercing through his thin tunic in places.  A cold wind from some unseen vent swept through, sending him into shivers. Instinctively he reached for a blanket, but his groping fingers found none. Are they trying to freeze me to death?  he wondered.    
He heard the sound of Toe Goblin feet coming down the hall towards him.  Probably just the guard again, he thought, doing his best to ignore it.  The feet stopped outside his cell, just like they always did.
“Wake up you lazy human,” Sven whispered, reaching through the bars and poking Malcolm in the ribs a few times.  “I ain’t got long.”
Malcolm bolted up, blinking the slumber from his eyes. “Whah… who’s there?!”  he shouted.
“Are all humans blind or somethin’?”  Sven whispered back. “Plus, who’s goin’ to visit you here?  Most people are probably thinkin’ you’re dead.”
“Sven?!” Malcolm replied.  “What… how are you here?”
“One of the guards was owin’ me a favor.”
“Svith lied!”  Malcolm whispered. “I didn’t attack them, they attacked ME.  He must have followed me after I was turned away from the council.  They jumped me, and then when I fought back, they called for the guards.”
Sven nodded.  I KNEW something was wrong!  “So Svith... he was at the council chamber before he did the attackin’?  Are you CERTAIN?”
“Of course.  He was the one who told me the Almighty Toe banned me from the meeting.” Malcolm saw that Sven’s face was frozen in thought.  He grabbed the Goblin’s arm, shaking him out of the trance.
Sven jumped up. “I’ll be back later. Just don’t be gettin’ into any MORE trouble.”  Standing up, Sven turned his back to the cell, but was stopped by Malcolm grabbing his thin tunic.
“Sven.” The human whispered.  “I don’t want to die.”  A singular tear rolled down his face as he said the words.  For the first time since he joined up with the Toe Goblins, Malcolm felt true fear.  His life rested in Sven’s little green hands.  
Shocked, Sven turned and stared through the bars at Malcolm.  The torn and bloody shirt paired with the bruised face made the human a pitiful sight indeed.  Sven sighed. “I’ll do my best.  But I ain’t promisin’ anythin’.”
As he left the jail, waving to the guard as he passed, Sven couldn’t help but wonder. If Svith was under orders not to let Malcolm into the chamber, who’s to say he wasn’t ordered to attack as well?
He hustled down the maze of raw-hewn tunnels, carefully avoiding any signs of life.  The fewer Goblins that saw him out, the better.  Deep in thought, Sven wove through the maze of tunnels.  He had waited until most of the Toe Goblins had returned to their homes before visiting Malcolm.  If he was caught at the jail, it could make the human’s situation even worse.
As he was nearing the familiar tunnels of his home, he noticed the faint light of a lantern ahead.  Ducking into a shadowy side tunnel, Sven watched, waiting to see whom it belonged to.  Gradually the owner of the flame came into view.  Sven breathed a sigh of relief.  It was one of the members of his Foot.  
He was just about to call out when he noticed the figures following the torchbearer. There were the two other members of his Foot… and Svith,  now miraculously cured of his wounds.  Sven’s sigh quickly turned to one of sorrow as a handful of other torch-welding guards stepped into view.  
“You three.”  Svith commanded.  “You says you was in Sven’s Foot, yes? Well if he ain’t at home, where else might he be?”
To Sven’s horror, one of his former foot-mates nodded and replied.  “We be knowin’ a few places.  It’ll feel good to finally be nabbin’ that traitor.”  
Another piped up as well. “Haven’t trusted ‘em since he let that murderous human into the Foot.”
“It’s settled.”  Svith cackled.  “You three should be splittin’ up; check out the other places the traitor might be hidin’. The rest of you, fan out, he’s gotta be in these tunnels somewhere.”
The group split off into different tunnels, waving their torches around to illuminate every nook and cranny.  Sven’s heart raced as he silently prayed that no one would come near him.  Before long, the searchers’ torches had disappeared down the various passageways. Only Svith remained behind, waiting for his group to set off before he moved.  Come on… Sven thought. Just go!
At last, Svith looked around for a moment, and then started down an empty tunnel.  The one Sven was hiding in.
As Svith drew nearer and nearer, his lantern light growing dangerously close, Sven considered his options.  Running would be foolish, he realized.  Svith is certain to see me. A silent sigh escaped his lips as he realized what he had to do.
Reaching down, he selected a fist-sized stone from the edge of the path.  What he was about to do,  it was treason of the highest accord.  Once done, there was no going back. Then he thought of Malcolm, and the poor human’s fate. I’ve already lost one member of my Foot.  Sven though, remembering Svengal’s limp body. And I’m not losing another.
He could hear Svith creeping nearer, the guard’s lantern light illuminating the dark tunnel only a few feet away. From his position in the shadows, Sven took a deep breath, then struck.
Just as Svith raised his lantern to peer into a hole, Sven leapt out, smashing the rock into the defenseless Goblin’s head. Bone cracked as Svith collapsed to the ground face first with a nasty thump.  A spear of blood trickled out from the Goblin’s head, staining the cold stone floor.
Still conscious, Svith flopped over onto his back, breath coming in short bursts.  His nose was broken in a dozen places, and his right eye was already swollen shut.  
“Sven?”  Svith groaned as his remaining eye focused.  “What are you doin’ here?”  
Sven knelt down beside the other Goblin.  He lowered his face until it was within inches of Svith’s, so close he could feel the injured Goblin’s breath.
“This.” Sven whispered. Svith’s eyes lit up as he realized what was about to happen.  Sven whipped his stone-welding fist back and smashed it into the other Goblin’s temple, knocking him out instantly. Svith’s body went limp on the floor, his head rolling back into a sharp angle.
Leaping up, Sven dropped his stone, sending echoes down the tunnels.  Freezing in place, he waited, listening for a shout, or a confirmation someone had heard the noise.  The seconds seemed to tick by like hours as he held his breath, ears strained to the max.
Nothing.  The breath he had been holding in was released, and for the first time, he realized what he’d done.  However, he could not help but grin a little as he stood over Svith’s limp body. Now you’re really injured.
Read the full story at: jakobalanne.wordpress.com, https://www.wattpad.com/story/246314089-sven-and-the-toe-goblins, or https://www.inkitt.com/stories/adventure/578255
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jakoblanne · 3 years
Sven and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 18
Malcolm and the Toe Goblins: Chapter 12
Malcolm groaned, rolling to a more comfortable position.  Yet another night spent sleeping on stone.  The coarse floor of his cell dug into his ribs, piercing through his thin tunic in places.  A cold wind from some unseen vent swept through, sending him into shivers.  Instinctively he reached for a blanket, but his groping fingers found none. Are they trying to freeze me to death?  he wondered.…
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