inversefunction · 7 days
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inversefunction · 9 days
windows, doors, and other means of ingress
courtesy of a locksmith who told me out
to break into my apartment the first time
i locked myself out it seemed so easy but
buying the tools wasn’t worth it when i just
kept a window unlocked from then on i
figured if someone wanted to jump the fence
to get into mine then they could have what
i often took for granted i really don’t want 
much more than what i can give myself until
i see and sense and find what cannot be
delivered but built and earned and i wish
i had bought the tools earlier because
the grass is always greener where you
water it and brother i don’t pay my bills
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inversefunction · 10 days
everyone's a little late on mondays
built into our muscles twitch an hour
open before alarms go off fuck but
all of this again oh well that’s the life
we tell ourselves something like fifty
times a year i keep the books open until
ten anyway so i can sit and have my coffee
not worry about morning traffic and potholes
in center lanes no i can do my crossword
take an extra ten minutes in the shower
get enough done so by day’s end i feel like
i’ve already won the week and if its nice out
i call a neighbor out and down the street
for martinis on a patio - gin, up with a lemon
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inversefunction · 1 month
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'The Embrace'. Malcolm Liepke. 2015.
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inversefunction · 2 months
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— The Countess Cathleen, by WB Years
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inversefunction · 2 months
a true artist cannot help but repeat themselves
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After much introspection and soul searching I've turned over a new leaf and have decided to continue making poison swamps 😌
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inversefunction · 2 months
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inversefunction · 2 months
high on the mountain
looking down into the ravine
resting muscles and trying not
to think about anything in
particular in lieu of attempting
to commune with the endless
i wonder after the further path
of rocks downhill to boulders
to smash dead trees and
interrupt life cycles of tiny
things below and i wonder
again if this is how god feels
about all of us
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inversefunction · 2 months
need is a strong word
tranquil the day moves as all
days have moved before it
exchanging breath for breath
food for energy sleep for living
out another day ride the car to
some place do a thing ride again
somewhere else - i do not need 
anything i do not have i do not
want anything i cannot get it
is simple math that it takes a man
years to figure out but goddamn
when you get there i must say
the view is spectacular
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inversefunction · 2 months
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inversefunction · 2 months
the old stuff
i can sense it sometimes
though it doesn’t happen
as often as it used to but
that’s to be expected from
the passing of time among
other things but still it does
occur the subtle sniffing
around eye contact lingers
a bit longer than normal
laughter and smiles and i
used to remember how the
trick ended but as it happens
these days i usually just
make it up as i go along
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inversefunction · 2 months
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inversefunction · 2 months
korean barbecue
its raining and i am new to this
loud and clumsy city i didn’t know
it could even rain this hard we haven’t
spoken in a few years but you were nice
enough to meet me when i visited last so
its not too far from me to walk three of us
sit down at a comfortably small wooden 
table i let you both drive we are having a
good time i think i keep to myself and i
don’t remember when you told me you
were in love with me all of this years ago
like i didn’t know it then either and for
whatever reason we never see each other
again and i don’t eat korean barbecue
for another few years after that
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inversefunction · 2 months
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inversefunction · 2 months
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"Will you free my Palestine"
Sticker spotted in Brunswick, Victoria
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inversefunction · 3 months
morning appointments
if you carefully analyze what
specific amount of energy it might
require to accomplish any given
task and then lets say put that on
some kind of mental spreadsheet
well that’s half the work done for you
ahead of time and kind of always as
i see it yes if you don’t shower wear
yesterdays clothes don’t make lunch
don’t make breakfast don’t make coffee
take easy turns instead of waiting for
lights yeah you can sleep another
ten minutes and only be five minutes
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inversefunction · 3 months
who are you to me
never really knew what to do 
with my hair it just had an idea
i let it run wild when i could and
bonsai hobbled it when i couldn’t
anymore it was the trend to keep
it long when i was younger but
i got sick of it after a few years
now a bit surprisingly its longer
than i’ve had it in forever i know
a thing or two about going off
someplace foreign with a grand
idea spend time eating alone at
bar counters smoking cigarettes
under strange awnings when it
rains and going home wondering
if i had died on the plane and just
missed it all instead
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