holyhex · 2 years
“the latter.” — colin bridgerton.
note: read Benedict’s book last night and this one scene with Penelope and Colin had me thinking of a blurb immediately so here is this. colin x reader enemy to lovers au??? (may expand on this to a full fic eventually but i wrote this in like 3mins lol)
“I will never marry y/n y/l/n!” Colin hollered from the top of the stairs to his brother Benedict as he shut the door behind him.
Not aware you were up in the Bridgerton library reading a book Eloise recommended, you snuck up behind him, “And who’s to say I want to marry you, anyhow?”
“y/n- I-“ Colin started, clearly flustered at you hearing an outburst not meant for your ears.
Slowly you began charging at him, your finger lodged halfway in a book as one of the corners dug right into his chest, “Let me tell you, Lord Bridgerton, you could be the last man of the ton available, and I still wouldn’t marry you. If the choice was between you and Sir Brimsley, I’d pick the latter.”
With each and every word, Colin was pushed further and further to the wall of the staircase, gulping both at your words and in embarrassment, “I wouldn’t even wish to marry a Bridgerton brother. That would mean I’d still have to be near you. A selfish, shallow, shell of a man.”
The warmth of your breath and the furious look in your eye made something within Colin snap. Something he never felt before was beginning to brew inside him and as he watched you scurry back to the library you came from he thought to himself, maybe marrying you wouldn’t be so bad at all.
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holyhex · 2 years
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“this is me trying.”
— based on the song by taylor swift.
warnings: f!reader. slight angst with happy ending. talks of insecurity and self doubt.
The place you sat was perfect enough to see your assumed, ex lover from his window. Charcoal in hand, you watched as his eyebrows knitted together, his dark and bloodshot eyes were focused on nothing more that the parchment in front of him.
Truth be told, you weren’t sure if he even cared that you came back. Weeks before your depart he noticed that your light had faded. Once the brightest thing in his life, gone the next without the slightest of reason. No goodbye, no note and you had a lot of regrets about that.
Part of it was because you were sure you had no idea what to say, the other afraid he might change your mind and make you stay after all, and that’s not the life you wanted to give him.
The bar had kicked you out hours ago, and in your drunken state you had managed to find yourself just paces away from his door.
On the outside looking in, Benedict had been locked in his room for ages. Thrown and crumbled up paper took up most of his room, along with empty bottles of homemade medicine. Between the two of you, a towns worth of alcohol had been downed, but it still didn’t stop his dreams of you.
Due to the lack of sleep, the rain pattering off the roof bothered him and in a fit of embarrassingly childlike rage he tore off yet another drawing and tossed it at his closed window.
Benedict was never the kind to get upset, and the site of seeing him with his face in his hands, furiously rubbing at his temples was enough to break your heart just like you did his weeks before.
Sighing slightly he looked up from his paper, eyes gliding to the window in hopes a change of scenery would light a fire of some artistic ability inside of him. He’d been pressed by family for so long to go to the ball tonight, but with no avail. He’d rather spend the rest of his years a bachelor than dance with a woman who could never compare.
Afraid his drunken state was once again getting to him, he blinked to make sure he’d seen very clearly what’d he hope to see for ages.
Your eyes caught his and your breath hitched in the back of your throat, heart in your stomach. Before you could process and run away once more, the adrenaline sobered him up and the next time you saw him, the door was flung open, Benedict running to you as if he was afraid to lose you again.
His arms draped around your waist tightly so you wouldn’t dare slip his grasp, and he almost pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, “Soaked head to toe, and you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Your eyes began to mimic the weather, and Benedict’s face dropped, afraid after everything, somehow, he was to blame for your tears.
Without a word, Benedict swept you off of your feet, cradling you into his chest as he packed you back to the doorway and up the stairs into the room he ran out of only moments before.
His room looked the same as the day you left. Your side of the bed was tucked neatly, the gown of yours that lived here folded near the bottom. Benedict picked the warm cloth up, handing it to you before he left you to change, “You get warm, I’ll bring us some tea.”
After he left, you did just that. You disposed of your wet clothes and got into your pajamas, wanting nothing more than to crawl under the bedsheets where the two of you spent countless nights, but you knew in your heart you didn’t deserve it. Instead, you paced ever so slightly across Benedict’s room, fingers gliding over the books he left on the nightstand. Your books.
You felt Benedict’s prying eyes as he came back with two cups in hand, but still you said nothing, afraid that if you did it would be the wrong thing.
He placed both glasses down beside your pile of literature, wanting nothing more than to hold you once more and never let you go.
“Was it something I did?”
“Is it the art? If that’s it, I’ll stop. I’ll get rid of it, I’ll quit going to classes, I’ll—“
Always insecure about his art, it made you feel even worse that Benedict somehow thought he was to blame, and in a fit of rage you yelled over him, “they’ve said i’m mental!”
Flabbergasted, Benedict looked at you with an eyebrow cocked, “Whatever are you talking about?”
“Don’t you see, Ben. I’m no good for you. Here you are, a life to do with whatever you please. I come from nothing, I am of no use to you. You are wasting your potential, and I didn’t want to be here to see it when you could have the world.”
“My dear,” Benedict sat on the empty bed beside you, placing his hand over yours, “I do not care what you have, I care who you are. I don’t listen to what other say because when I’m with you, you are all I can see, you’re all I breathe. I already have the world, because you are the world.”
“You do not think of me as an issue?”
“Perhaps when I can’t get you out of bed in the mornings…” he chuckled slightly, causing you to playfully roll your eyes, “But as far as dreams go, I have the best one in front of me.”
One thing about Benedict was that he was terrible at lying, and the gleam in his eye when he looked at you let you know what he was saying was pure truth.
“They pressed me to go to the ball tonight, but I couldn’t stand dancing with someone, anyone that wasn’t you.”
A giggle escaped your lips, “Is that why their are numerous sketches of me all over the floor?”
He wasn’t one to blush, but with that comment you had him absolutely flustered, “I was afraid you wouldn’t come back, and with time I would forget what you looked like, but now that you’ve returned, I won’t have to worry about dancing with a stranger.”
Still an open wound, you weren’t sure you were in the mood for a ball, “I don’t know, Ben.. I’m rather—“
He cut you off, “I wish only you could see you how I do. Even wet and in your pajamas you would be the prettiest girl there, but we don’t need a party to dance.”
Kicking away a few of the crumbled up pieces of paper, Benedict grabbed your hand, prying you off the bed and into his arms as you began to dance to nothing but the sounds of the rain against the rooftop.
Longing for nothing but his lips against yours, you stand on the tip of your toes to give him a kiss, and without breaking it, you continue to sway to the weather.
Your own insecurities would have to be dealt with later, and you would start by not paying mind to your fellow townsmen and women, including his family who watched you from the hallway, smiles on their faces that Benedict was now back to a healthy point in his life.
This was you trying.
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holyhex · 2 years
When will one of the fics drop?? I’m excited!!
— i’m so glad everyone is excited. 😭
honestly i’m shooting for wednesday for the first, but i don’t think i’m gonna make a schedule because it stresses me out.
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holyhex · 2 years
Hi!! What happened to the Fred Weasley fic?
— i deleted it from tumblr because i didn’t enjoy it and i’m not currently doing hp at the moment. it’s still on my wattpad and the username is holyhex there as well if you still want to read it. ♡
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holyhex · 2 years
hi will the folklore songs be in order?
— no, because i’m more excited for some than others. but i am trying to do one of each brother before i post doubles of a brother if that makes sense.
i’m currently working on “this is me trying” for benedict. “betty.” for colin. and “the 1” for anthony.
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holyhex · 2 years
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folklore. — the bridgerton boys. ( masterlist ) — coming soon.
-✧*̥ “the 1.” — anthony bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “cardigan.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “the last great american dynasty.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “exile.” — anthony bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “my tears ricochet.” — colin bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “mirrorball.” — colin bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “seven.” — anthony bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “august.” — anthony bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “this is me trying.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “illicit affairs.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “invisible string.” — colin bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “mad woman.” — anthony bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “epiphany.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “betty.” — colin bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “peace.” — benedict bridgerton.
-✧*̥ “hoax.” — colin bridgerton.
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holyhex · 2 years
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🥀— “test.” (blurb&fluff)
🥀— “tea time.” (blurb&fluff)
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holyhex · 2 years
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— “close as strangers.”
🥀• your soft spoken and flirtatious friend timothee watches as your co-star gets into his territory. ) fluff&angst
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holyhex · 2 years
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— coming soon.
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holyhex · 2 years
"tea time." -- bucky barnes blurb.
Bucky’s hand caressed the back of your thigh, a feeling you’ve grown to love. Running your small fingers through his sweat drenched head, a sigh escapes your lips; peppering soft kisses to his face. The night time seemed to be the most difficult for him. During the day he was adamant about distracting himself. Your shared home was spotless, everything neatly placed on their shelves. From the outside complete strangers saw him as a very well put together man.
A year had passed since Steve left, but Bucky still had an awful time sleeping. He often awoke from his slumber, reaching a tired arm out to grab you and pull you into him. The way he seized hold of you was like that of a toddler, desperately clinging to their teddy bear for dear life.
Countless nights of screaming, cold sweats, incoherent mumbles; dreaming of his childhood best friend and the countless scared victims from his time as the Winter Soldier. The three of you were those of a pod, and every night as he felt you beside him he let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. The world hadn’t been kind to your boy; and his biggest fear was one day he’d grasp at the blanket beside him and you’d be gone without a trace, just like Steve.
“You alright, bub?” You muttered softly, turning to catch a glimpse of your ginger haired boyfriend, bloodshot eyes already staring back at you.
He blinked, nodding slowly as he pushed a strand of hair out of your face, “’m alright, doll. Just making sure you’re still here.”
You immediately returned the favor, moving a few strands of hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, wiping his face with the sleeve of your sweater.
“Is it tea time?”
Bucky couldn’t help the smile that crept to his face. You were always so patient with him, so kind. Much like a guardian angel, you always knew exactly what to say and how to calm him down from his night terrors.
As the two of you arise from your shared bed, he snakes an arm around you, intertwining your fingers with his.
“It’s just to the kitchen, Buck. I doubt you’ll lose me.”
“We can never be too careful.” He says, placing a soft kiss to the top of your head as you make your way to the tea kettle.
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holyhex · 2 years
bucky barnes blurb— “test.”
“She’s freezing, Buck. If we don’t get her someplace nice and warm now she might not-”
“I’m not touching her without her consent.” Bucky snapped at Sam in reprisal, his arms digging through his packed suitcase trying to find any clothing item to warm you up.
If there was a time and place for Sam to smack Bucky upside the head it would be here and now. The mission was somewhat successful, besides the stunt you pulled.
“You’re a super soldier who radiates warmth and we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere in negative degree weather. I think it’s gone beyond asking for consent. The little crush thing you got going on is really cute, but you’re never gonna make it down that aisle if you don’t use your body heat to warm her.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam already planning your guy's wedding, throwing the bag at him in retaliation, “This is ridiculous.”
And just like that, the buzzer went off, signaling the end to another day in training, and you stood up huffing, “Wow Bucky, not saving me from a hypothetical snowstorm was very selfish of you. I just died. I hope you’re happy.”
“How was I supposed to focus with Sam’s incredibly annoying improv?”
“It wasn’t annoying, it was art.”
“You’re not invited to the wedding.”
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holyhex · 2 years
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“close as strangers.”
slightly based on the song by five seconds of summer.
Description — your soft spoken and flirtatious friend timothee watches as your co-star gets into his territory.
Warnings — (she/her) reader written as y/n, but (she/her) pronouns aren’t used, so should be interchangeable. chris evans x reader for a moment. self doubt. jealousy. playing with ones feelings. hatred directed towards characters. sexual themes & talk. angsty ending. ! ! ! eighteen plus, minors do not interact.
Authors Note — i’m keeping this angsty and decided no part two.
ꕤ ꕤ ꕤ ꕤ
The hotel lobby was where the two of you were stretched out, Timothee's long legs dangling off the side of the couch arm. Your body was placed perfectly in between him, barely meeting his feet at the end. His fingers were tangled in your hair, trying desperately to cling to the last moments you’d have together, at least for the next couple of weeks.
Usually it was him hopping on a plane cross country. This time you were the one leaving him behind; and that’s when his anxiety began to kick. The two of you were peas in a pod. Both of your managers laughed at how attached to the hip you were. If you weren’t lying in Timothee’s lap, his head rested in yours. Constant flirting, hand holding, cuddles and soft kisses; the two of you weren’t more than friends according to your conversations with the outside world, neither of you wanting to admit just how much feelings were behind each and every act of adoration. 
His mind began to race, knowing you were the new lead in an upcoming romantic film with one of the best actors in the world, Chris Evans. Strong and athletic, completely opposing him in every way. The confidence he held so dear with you was gutted for a moment, but he’d never let his voice waiver in front of you, not now anyway.
You were scrolling aimlessly through your phone as he gathered his thoughts together, caressing your jawline with his thumb as you lay near him, “How will you survive without me, mon amour?”
A pair of sleepy eyes were met with his, causing yet another sting in his already wounded heart, “come with me?” 
If prior commitments weren’t an issue he’d be on that flight with you in an instant. Wrapped around his finger was an understatement, and he hoped you knew just how much he wished he could be in the aisle seat next to you as you watched the clouds through the sky line. 
“I would if I could, you know that.” 
The biting of your lip almost caused him to weep. Plane rides were the bane of your existence and time was already running short, your manager tapping at his watch to indicate it was time to leave, “Need me to ride with you to the gate?” 
You shook your head, a pout forming as you began to rise from the couch, sad at the loss of warmth from Timothee, something you wouldn’t be connected with any time soon, “That’ll make everything harder.”
“Okay, drama queens.” Your manager spoke up from the door, trying his best to usher you outside, “I think everyone is going to survive.” 
“Says who?” you pouted once more, turning towards Timothee and rubbing your nose against his a couple times before placing a small kiss on it, something you two started the first time you started this situation-ship.
Timothee laughed, a long sigh following when you walked out the double doors and into the taxi, one last wave as he hollered to you, “Text me when you land!”
But you didn’t. 
Maybe you just didn’t hear him when you left. That would be the actual explanation for it, and his brain was messing with him. In all honesty, he was more scared than he wanted anyone to see. All the intimate moments you two shared, some closer than friends should be, and it made him confirm with himself what he knew all along. Friends don’t act this way. 
A couple months ago, the two of you lay together in a king size bed, white sheets covering your bare bodies, giggling in the moonlight each time Timothee’s lips met your neck. 
The white lace you wore beforehand stopped his heart as soon as your dress had faltered to the floor. Heaven is what you looked like to him in that moment, and he’d be an idiot not to tell you. 
Lips still roaming your neck, he smiled softly, searching for your hand and intertwining his slender fingers with yours, fitting perfect as can be, “You’re something of an angel, aren’t you?”
He watched as your smile fell, worried he’d said something wrong until you brought yourself forward and gave him kunik, just like you had done before leaving to the airport, pressing a kiss to his nose and then resting one on his mouth. 
It was enough to reassure him, the most perfect and intimate moment two could share, a core memory he held onto. The moment he knew how important you were to him.
The moment he knew he loved you. 
He’d thought you felt the same way, some unspoken rule between the both of you, because soon you were curled up in his arms, sleeping soundly as he hummed a melody to you, romanticizing each and every minute of this night with you. 
It had been three days since Timothee had heard from you. And the worst part was that each and every text message he had sent said the same thing. “Read.” 
The both of you were well known for your movies, so the busy schedule was the reason you weren’t answering. It’s what the sensible part of his brain tried to tell himself. However, the other part— not so nice. If enough time was there to read the message, there wasn’t one for a response?
Any other time he would think he was being obsessive, but ever since the two of your lives collided, the last thing you ever were was apart. Both sides of your team laughed that you were attached to the hip, and when you did have to be apart neither side would hear the end of it. 
Timothee had already chewed the ear off of multiple people, anxiously asking if he was being dramatic, which most insisted he was, until that fateful afternoon. After a long day in the press, all he wanted to do was escort himself back to his room. Praying you had answered his calls, texts, even the one email he’d sent in case you’d lost your phone and some stranger was the one reading the messages. He grimaced at the thought of someone besides you seeing just how clingy he really could be.
In his boredom, he scrolled through Twitter, seeing your name trending under his topics, smiling softly to himself. It was unbelievable that the entire world got to see you in the same light as he did, an angel in disguise—- until the picture loaded onto his scratched up phone screen.
Timothee’s heart dropped to his stomach.
Of course.
Now, everything suddenly made sense and he realized he wasn’t crazy. How ironic. Here he was in his hotel room, while you were filming miles away and he was the one living in the movie. The only difference was his was a horror film, each and every one of his mangled and anxious thoughts coming true. 
In the photo was the unclaimed love of his life. If you were just friends, why did it hurt so bad to see your back pressed against the wall, Chris’ muscular body hovering ever so slightly over yours, hand pressed just above your head on the brick wall in order to close the gap between you. He could hear your infectious laugh through the photograph, Chris’ lips whispering something in your ear much like he would do on nights that were meant for only you two and the flies on the wall. 
You two were adamant about keeping your friendship from the public eye, not wanting drama to break what you two shared, and that’s what twisted the knife even harder. Each and every twitter comment was shipping the two of you like no tomorrow. 
That’s when it clicked. You were ignoring him. No matter how many adoring fans screamed Timothee’s name, at this moment, his entire world had been crushed. Not only did you look ecstatic to be with someone who wasn’t him, it was someone who didn’t resemble him at all.
No long curly brown locks and hoodies. Instead it was short cropped, blonde and sweaters. Don’t even begin with the body types, something Timothee couldn’t physically control. The reason you ghosted him was because you met someone else, just like he was afraid of. 
He was sure Chris was a good guy, never once hearing a bad story from him in Hollywood, but he wished more than anything to kick him in his stupid, muscled stomach, that way he know the exact torture he was going through.
It was the worst feeling he’d had since the flu in the third grade. He was sweating, anxious, and numb, so numb he’d skipped the crying stage and immediately went into shut down mode. 
The blinds were closed in an instant, not letting an inch of sunlight inside his room. His next move was to cancel the next couple of days, coughing slightly throughout the conversation to sell his sickness off as a bed rest situation.
When he successfully did so, he replaced his outfit with a pair of his favorite sweatpants and grabbed a hoodie that smelled a little too much like you from his bedside table.
Even in his depressed state, he was hoping for closure, an acknowledgement, anything. That’s why he picked up enough energy to send his Chris’ girl one last text.
Read 4:45pm
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holyhex · 2 years
— bridgerton.
— bucky barnes.
— timothee chalamet.
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holyhex · 2 years
a cat: *touches me with its small hand* me: *eyes tearing up* thank you
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holyhex · 2 years
I would really be the cutest wife to come home to
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holyhex · 2 years
im a simple gal. people raise their voices at me, i cry for an hour
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holyhex · 2 years
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