hnlplus · 1 year
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What is Cell Phone Neck? 
This discomfort is caused by spending too much time in this position by bending your head and neck forward while using your mobile phone. The pressure on tendons, ligaments, discs and neck muscles increases. Thus, it is inevitable that you will experience neck-related health problems.
What are The Symptoms of Cell Phone Neck?
Experiencing numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms
Recurring pain in the neck and shoulders
Stiff neck
Scapula pain
How Do You Relieve Neck Pain from a Phone?
Do neck exercises. There is an important trick in neck exercises. You should do the same number of repetitions in each direction.
You should correct your posture as in the image below...
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hnlplus · 1 year
The radiation emitted from cell phones is known to be harmful. Cell phones can increase the risk of developing brain tumors and other tumors in the neck and head region, according to the US Cancer Society (ACS).
The FDA and some officials say cell phone radio frequency (RF) exposure will not cause health problems. They also say that there is not enough evidence for this. These statements are highly doubtful.
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hnlplus · 1 year
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Drinking Water on Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up
About 60 percent of the human body consists of water. Every day, your body loses water in natural ways such as hot weather, peeing, sweating. We cannot continue to drink water while we sleep. Our body loses fluid by morning. Therefore, drinking water after waking up will help your body. It is also known that the Japanese drink water every morning. If you drink at least 2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning, you will see the following benefits;
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hnlplus · 1 year
Why Does My Breath Stink Even After I Brush My Teeth
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Hi. I will be glad if you answer my question. I am a very meticulous person. Personal cleanliness is very important to me. I brush my teeth twice a day but my breath still smells bad. This makes me very unhappy. How do I get rid of bad smell in my mouth? ? Erick Michael Age:23 Alabama/United States
Bad breath is sometimes a big problem and can ruin your social life. We understand you very well. Indeed, this is very disturbing. Bad breath creates great problems in people's social life. In this article, we will describe the 4 most common causes of bad breath. We will also talk about our solutions. We hope it is useful.
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hnlplus · 1 year
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What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Keto Diet?
First of all, good work to all of you. I started the ketogenic diet three weeks ago. I've lost 4 kilos so far. I had a little difficulty at first. But then I got used to this diet. I'm losing weight fast. Will I have a health problem later on? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ketogenic diet? I hope you read and publish my email. God bless you. Natalie Hill Age:45 London/United Kingdom
The advantages of the ketogenic diet outweigh the disadvantages. Keto diet is a very broad and very technical subject. There is too much information to describe on one page. So let's stick to your question and only answer the question of what are the pros and cons of the ketogenic diet?
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hnlplus · 1 year
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What is The Most Common Lie We Tell?
The answer to this question depends on the gender of the liar. In general, men's lies are simpler and more straightforward. However, women's lies consist of multiple layers and are quite intricate. If a woman has learned to lie, there is nothing you can do but believe her. Some women even lie so convincingly that you end up ashamed of yourself.
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hnlplus · 1 year
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What are 10 Ways to Reduce Stress?
Stress is everyone's problem these days. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to get rid of it. We have prepared a list to help you cope with stress. This list is not the type you can find on any website. These are sincere advice that works. Some people may not like it. You may even find some of our advice funny. But we are serious about it. We hope you and our readers will like it. 
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hnlplus · 1 year
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Surveys on social media or many different websites show that women like tall men. The vast majority of women want to have relationships with tall men. So what makes tall men so irresistible?
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hnlplus · 2 years
Hello. I'm a cook. For this reason, I often have to do food tastings. I have to do this maybe 30 times a day. It is very important to me that my teeth are clean and healthy. Is there a simple but effective way to protect my teeth? Do I have to brush my teeth every time? Stuart Geller Age 32 - Ottava/Canada
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hnlplus · 2 years
In this article, we talked about popular teeth whitening methods. Is it really possible to whiten teeth at home? How safe are at-home rapid teeth whitening methods? 
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