golden-voices · 4 years
I feel like being alive and writing again, so expect me to be more active.
I played violin again the first time in two months and my ears didn’t get cancer that’s why lol. 
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golden-voices · 4 years
Hi! Im so sorry that your cat has passed away :( please take time for yourself to take care. I hope things improve for you.
Thank you :( Things surely will improve, it's always going to be good. I'll be taking my time, so I won't post frequently in the next few days, I'm really sorry. 😥
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golden-voices · 4 years
When writing for kimetsu no yaiba, I’ll always make the reader a slayer or pillar. If you wish something different for the reader, just tell me in the request.
Hope you have a good day :)
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golden-voices · 4 years
Rainy day headcanons with our men
hello hello! do you do headcannons? if so, i'd like rainy day headcannons with my mans (tengen) pls :D
Finished da headcanons. Sorry it took so long, my cat passed away and my moms a literal devil 😔 I planned on doing Giyuu too, but I’m not feeling well, I’m so sorry. The hc’s may be a bit sloppy, short and not that good, feel free to leave critisicm. 
Uzui/Rengoku rainy day headcanons
🤍 He doesn’t like rainy days that much, but he loves making a fun day with you when there’s bad weather.
🤍 Wakes you up early because he is bored. But not waking you up casually, he’d throw stuff at you from distance, and guessing what will wake you up.
🤍 Tengen isn’t home most of the time because of his missions, so you’re really glad that you can spend some time with him.
🤍 “No don’t go outside, we have enough food at home. It would be boring here all alone” When you try to go out he’d hug you from behind and playfully hold onto you until you give in and let him carry you around.
🤍 You are training your fighting skills with him, as you’re a lower rank demon slayer. The more time passed, the less serious you could stay.
🤍 Even after a lecture from your caring husband about training seriously and the importance of fulfilling the mission he’d break you can’t get yourself together
🤍 “CALM DOWN JESUS-” Soon enough he is laughing with you, starting a play fight
🤍 Of course, Tengen wins your lil laugh fight. He holds you down to the floor on your wrists, his expression getting really serious. “Please take your training seriously. Your the most important person in my life, I don’t want you to die.”
🤍 Reassuring him that you’ll keep yourself safe you kiss him. The fun fight turned into a makeout session pretty soon
🤍 He picks you up to carry you to your futon. Things are getting heaty.
🤍 At the end of the day, you are laying around just ranting. He gets pissed off as the weather didn’t get better but worse. 
🤍 He kisses you on the forehead after you fell asleep in his lap. After laying you down next to him he tries to fall asleep as well
🧡 Doesn't care about the weather that much, but isn’t into rain exactly. He is just about enjoying time with you
🧡He wakes you up with breakfast. “Come on, let's spend some together, it’s rainy today!” 
🧡 Waking up to the sound of rain hitting the ground and your husband's voice is filling your heart with happiness. You two join Senjurou and Shinjurou to eat together.
🧡 After finishing breakfast you are playing around with Senjurou and Kyojurou. You also are helping Senjurou with his chores, so Shinjurou won’t get mad.
🧡 You are playing shogi on the terrace, enjoying the smell of wet earth and talking with Kyojurou
🧡 As soon as shogi gets boring for you, you stand up and pull Kyojurou up by his hands. You push him into the rain. “MY LOVE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING” Faster than you could see you were pulled into the rain as well.
🧡 You are wrestling around until Kyojurou slips and falls into a mud puddle. You were crying laughing at the sight of your man's face covered in mud. He just stands up and throws you into the mud. 
🧡 You screaming draws Shinjurous attention to you. You were ordered to take a bath, “and don’t you DARE get that dirt anywhere”
🧡 After a relaxing bath together you two retreat to your room, just to vibe and talk. Soon you get sleepy, so Kyo wraps his arms around you and lets himself plop to the floor with you.
🧡 You fall asleep happily, knowing that you have a mission with the flame pillar tomorrow.
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golden-voices · 4 years
I sent too early on the broken legs request 😅 but i mean as in like, they were training or just finished some battle and readers legs had gotten broke but they’re kind of in a rural area. Fluff please!
Waking up with a request really is a good start to the day. Yas! I am going to do the headcanons for Bakugou and Todoroki 👌
I have three requests in ma inbox now and am planning to finish em all in the next 3 days. I don’t like to let y’all wait 🥴
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golden-voices · 4 years
Stay healthy my fellas
reblog so your followers won’t forget to drink water
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golden-voices · 4 years
This one of my top three songs lol. If anyone cares haHA
Starting with da rainy day headcannons now ✌️
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golden-voices · 4 years
Oh! I’m glad I took your writing virginity, I hope it was worth it lmao
Was really worth it. It was nice to write about Inosuke, as he's one of my favourites💃💗
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golden-voices · 4 years
Eyooo, I love your stories so far! I know you want feedback but tbh there’s not much to say about the story itself. The only critique I could say is maybe do a gap between each paragraph instead of just one space. But the fics themselves are great! The double spacing just helps my eyes keep up a bit better 😅
Thank you for telling me! I can make my stories more readable now👌🏻💗 And I'm really glad you like my stories :)
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golden-voices · 4 years
Bakugou x reader fluff
Oh sorry! I took a look now lol. Could I get a Bakugo x reader fluff at the training camp. Lets say it’s before everything goes wrong and he helps his S/O in basic combat training (not quirk stuff). Ig if you need to use a quirk at any point tho than ummm... maybe shoot water out their hands or sum? And his reasoning is cause he doesnt want you to get hurt (ya know, bakugo do be tsundere) thankyou!
This was really fun to write! I got all fluffy by myself, almost only listened to cooks by still woozy lmao. It turned out a bit angsty, but it’s still okay I guess. It’s a bit short ik, I’m sorry :’)
Feel free to leave criticism if you feel it could be better!
[Warnings: angst, slight mentioning of violence]
It was a warm evening, fiery clouds all over the sky. You could watch their movements all day long, as they made you feel free and calm. "WON'T YOU STOP LOOKING AT THAT FUCKING SKY?!" A sudden shout ripped you out of your thoughts, followed by a light punch in the face.
"That was not necessary," you said with a pissed undertone looking at Bakugou, softly rubbing your cheek.
Your control over your quirk was excellent and the way you used it as well, your combat skills on the other hand were not that great. In a physical fight against a villain, you'd most likely lose, what you already had to experience...
"I'm sacrificing my evening to YOUR incompetence in combat fighting, SO PAY ATTENTION. And now defend yourself, the next one will hurt"  he bleated out, preparing to hit you another time, but this time from below. You squinched, trying to analyze Bakugous movements and position, but before you could realize what was going on you took an uppercut in, slamming you to the floor.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STANDING THERE LIKE A DUMBASS. REACT, YOU HAVE TO REACT. YOU TRYING TO IMITATE THAT FUCKING NERD OR WHAT? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KILLED, DUMBASS?!" He was gesticulating wildly, hitting his own thigh. "You are just HURTING me not EDUCATING. Why did you even ask for permission to train alone, IF YOU ARE JUST GOING TO SCREAM AT ME?!" Pointing your finger at him, you lied there. Something was boiling up in you... something that made your blood boil and your heart race. "Am I angry? At Bakugou?"
You've never been really mad at your boyfriend before, you could handle his temperament quite well. But since he got into the fight with that sludge villain, he got involved in a lot of dangerous stuff.  That in itself is not the point of your anger, the way he handled it, so careless. As if he didn't care that he could die. Like his health meant nothing to him. Like he didn't mind not seeing you again. Just the thought, that you won't be able to hold him anymore made you cramp up inside. Not being able to cuddle up to him at night anymore, knowing that he'll sling around you when he thinks you're sleeping. As your thoughts were wandering off again, the heat inside you became unbearable. Furious, you were furious. About his careless behavior, about him not caring for your feelings.
Controlled by your anger you jumped up in one sudden move, ready to fight. You tried to hit him in the face knowing that he would block your punch. Arrogant as he is, he thought he had you, but you took advantage of it. With a jolt you yanked his legs out from under him and threw yourself on him.
"Is this... joy in his eyes?" Contrary to your expectations the defeated blonde you were sitting on didn't throw a temper tantrum. "Why can't you be like that in all your fights? You wouldn't be so endangered anymore. And I wouldn't have to punch the shit out of you." His voice was almost breaking, brushing his fingertips over your cheek.
"K-Katsuki, are you worried about me? Is that why you insisted on training with me?" Still kinda shocked you took his hands in yours. The usually wild young hero had an affection-filled glance in his eyes. "I just.. I just don't want you to die. Every time I think about you getting into a fight, something in me breaks-" tears began to roll down his cheeks, "since the USJ incident. You just lied there, blood all o-over you face, a twisted arm... y-you looked like YOU WERE DEAD-" his face grimaced with grief, the tears just wouldn't stop rolling. "I can't forget this scene and this feeling. Like my world ended. AND I DONT WANT MY WORLD TO END, SO YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING DIE!"
You let yourself plop next to him, carefully comforting your sobbing boyfriend. Brushing through his hair, wiping the tears out of his face and fondling his hands. Bakugou couldn't look you in the eyes now, not after he admitted being weak. "Will she still love me, even after knowing that I'm not that strong? Telling this was fucking dumb..."
Gently laying your hand on his reddened cheek, you turned his face to look him in his eyes. "As if I'm not afraid for you myself, honey", "DON'T CALL ME HO-" he tried complaining, but you smacked your hand on his mouth, maybe a little too harsh. "I love you, Katsuki. I love you, and I couldn't cope with you dying either," soon you were crying as well. "I'm so glad you told me your feelings, we can work out a solution now. Why can't you be like this in all our fights?" You smiled softly at your man's face easing out.
Bakugous strong hands pulled you down to him, holding you down. He slightly scared you, until you realized that he was cuddling up to you. A quiet "fuck it" escaped his lips before giving you the most love-filled, affectionate kiss you had ever experienced. Ashamed the red-eyed whispered, "don't you dare tell someone what happened..."
Ten minutes of silence, cuddling and staring at the bloody red dawn had passed when Bakugou mumbled "Hmm, I can understand why you love to watch the sky," his eyes slowly closing. He had fallen asleep in your arms, knowing of you protecting and loving him. "This side of him is for me, and only for me" was your last thought before also falling asleep, your heart as warm as never before.
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golden-voices · 4 years
Hiya! Im the one who requested the Inosuke fic! It was really amazing! I believe you have alot of potential and deserve all the followers and all the request 😤😤 Cant wait to read more! And I’m happy that you’ve been getting request!! 😊😊
Thank you so much :’) I hope you’ll enjoy my future work at least as much as my current! You took my writing-virginity btw haHA. Okay jokes aside, I’m really glad you like what I do 💖
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golden-voices · 4 years
oh my Gawd, I got another request 💞 Some Sanemi stuff is coming as soon as I finished the other two  ✌️ Actually thinking about writing thru the night, it’s already after 11pm for me 😔
And I really wanna say thank you. Four followers and four requests might not seem like a big deal, but for me it is, I never thought I’d get so ‘many’ requests in 3 days ✨
Hope y’all will stay with me till I'm big boi :) And if u know someone who might be interested in my stuff feel free to recommend me haHA. As you know I do almost everything 👊👌 
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golden-voices · 4 years
I’m back home and almost finished the next fic. For anyone who might care lmao.
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me when i can crawl back into my weeb chamber aka room again
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golden-voices · 4 years
hello hello! do you do headcannons? if so, i'd like rainy day headcannons with my mans (tengen) pls :D
Hell yeah mate. Some headcannons are incoming 💃👌🏻
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Cutie pic for y'all
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golden-voices · 4 years
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It’s almost 3am and I decided to draw a profilepicture for my blog. I also tried a new style. Guess It’s supposed to display me??
I’m into the aesthetic of gold rn, as you can see lmao. So tomorrow my page is getting a new style :) But I wont bother anyone with my drawing on this blog, here’s writing zone. But if people get interested in my art, I’ll post my Insta name some time.
And I wanna say big thanks to aliodrocy, you gave me the inspriration to draw <3
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golden-voices · 4 years
Oh sorry! I took a look now lol. Could I get a Bakugo x reader fluff at the training camp. Lets say it’s before everything goes wrong and he helps his S/O in basic combat training (not quirk stuff). Ig if you need to use a quirk at any point tho than ummm... maybe shoot water out their hands or sum? And his reasoning is cause he doesnt want you to get hurt (ya know, bakugo do be tsundere) thankyou!
I posted the “Rules chart” a few minutes ago so it probably didn’t exist when you asked me lmao. But yes you can get a Bakugou x reader!
Unfortunately, I’m not home tomorrow and the day after, so you’ll have to wait until Sunday evening :( But I’ll also have some free time to write your request!
I’m also changing my username as I don’t want to get recognized from any schoolmates (I have a similar on insta)
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Me when I immediately got another request after I made my first one
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golden-voices · 4 years
Hiya! I’d like to request but I’m not sure what sures you write for, is there a general list of shows you’ve watched and feel comfortable writing? Like BNHA, HxH, or Haikyuu?
Haven’t watched HxH and Haikyuu yet, but I’m into BNHA. I posted Rules but they basically say that I’ll do almost everything. So go for it! I’ll give my best :)
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