evilsteve · 2 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
1.I know a shit ton of useless lore and facts for no reason
2.I'm really good at killing zombies
3.I have great comebacks(though I never use them)
4.I'm funny(at least I think so)
5.I do an awesome Batman voice
Here's the people I'll tag👾
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evilsteve · 2 years
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The Riddler
Batman Forever Riddler in a swag new outfit
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evilsteve · 2 years
Love me or hate me,I think Batman Forever is awesome.
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evilsteve · 2 years
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evilsteve · 2 years
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There is a moon in the sky, it’s called “The Moon”
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evilsteve · 2 years
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Goblin Man
Issue 00.11367773 of The Amazing Spiderman:Spiderman gets absolutely obliterated by the Green Goblin's sheer supreme awesomeness.
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evilsteve · 2 years
Sorry to disturb you,I don't know if you're busy or somethin' but I thought you might like to hear this. Even if you don't want to hear it you're gonna hear it anyway so suck it up. You're amazing okay? No matter what anybody else says about you or even what YOU say about you,you're amazing. And you're ALWAYS going to be amazing. So go on and love yourself,every little awesome part of yourself. Because I promise you,you're amazing and that's a very loveable thing.
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evilsteve · 2 years
It's actually snowing in Virginia!!!
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Tiny Dean is quite pleased(as am I)💀👌
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evilsteve · 2 years
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The Monster In Your Head
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evilsteve · 2 years
Alright so I'm pretty sure we all know that one of the things that make a supervillain so damn cool and terrifying is their badass costume right? But can you imagine how friggin hilarious it would be if the heroes go through all this trouble to make their costume and then the villain shows up in the most CASUAL attire. Like imagine Spiderman all decked out in his spidey suit and then here comes Green Goblin in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts😹
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evilsteve · 2 years
I am the gay dude who loves the octopus man☠🌈
If ur gay or bisexual/pansexual MAN who loves Otto- just reblog this post
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evilsteve · 2 years
Please become real,PLEASE BECOME REAL 🙀
It's everything I've dreamed of
evil tumblr where you can yike or deblog
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evilsteve · 2 years
*If there was a Spiderman musical*
Doc Ock:"Oh no,what are these things upon my back? I feel a sudden terrible urge,as if I may attackkk!"
Peter:"There's webbing coming from my hands and I just shot a seagull,so ethier I'm now a spider man or I smoked something incredibly illegallll!"
Norman:"What is this voice inside my head? This terrible voice that I dreaddd,it's changing me and turning me and now my boss is fucking dead!"
Harry:"I'll avenge my dad,I'll avenge my father! Even though to be honest he was a bit of an evil mongerrr! I'll kill that Spiderman,I'll kill that Spiderman! I'm here and I have an idea,I have an evil plannn!"
Doc Ock:"I've come to rob this bank,it's best you run away! Or else I'll hit you with my mechanical arms and make you dearly pay! And I'm not talking about taxes."
Peter:"I love this lovely girl,beautiful and unique! But I cannot be with her,for I'm a spider freak! I have great power and great responsibility,and in her eyes I also have a great deal of predicta-bility!"
Green Goblin:"Watch your back you human fools for I have come to make you sick! I'll throw my bombs and punish Oscorp for being such a di-"
MJ:"I'm not sure what I want in life,which man that I should choose! I love Peter,a rich boy,and that sexy spider too! Someone please guide me,help me find the words that need to be said! And oh while you're at it please explain why all the villains want me dead!"
Uncle Ben":I just wish I wasn't car jackeddddd!"
Aunt May:"I don't know what the hell Peter gets up to at night,I just wish he'd do his homework and not get into fights! Oh please someone tell me,I won't give you a fright,just please someone tell me what the hell Peter does at night!"
Spiderman:"I'm flying through the air,swinging through the city! Helping people along the way,and I just saved a kitty! I'm jumping and I'm jumping,but now I'm falling to my death from some towers! Oh wait I'm okay,because I have spidey powers!"
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evilsteve · 2 years
For the love of Satan will somebody please write some more Doc Ock X Male Reader books 'fore I gotta write em myself 😭⚰
Actually now that I mention it why arent there more X male reader books in the world period? Gay men who crush on fictional characters do in fact exist🌈
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evilsteve · 2 years
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Doc Ock!
I love this man🥴🖤
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evilsteve · 2 years
I'm not gonna say "Have a HAPPY new year!",I'm gonna say "Listen here new year,you BETTER be damn good alright?"
We've all been through enough shit💀
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evilsteve · 2 years
This came to me in a dream
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