dazailover420 · 4 years
Okay but this is cool
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Dazai Osamu + the four loves
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dazailover420 · 4 years
Theory Masterlist
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Dazai Depression (Dazai and his emotion trauma with Family)
Ranpo’s Personality Theory (Ranpo’s childish behaviour stems from fear and grief)
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dazailover420 · 4 years
Theory Rules
Hello! I don’t know how many people do this, but even if it’s new, I still want to try and make it! 
Please do not make it inappropriate; e.g. No Sexual Ideas
 I don’t mind doing relationship theories, but I DO NOT DO CORRUPT SHIPS. This is only my personal opinions, but I do not like ships like as Mori x Elise. I don’t do underage theories, either. 
When making a request, make sure your clear about your idea. 
For now, I can complete a good, BSD theory because I’ve read both the manga and anime, and are all up to date with them. I will happily complete theories, if I’ve seen both the manga and anime, as I want to make a good solid theory for the requester.
Please be clear about your request. I’m an idiot. It takes a long time for me to process things.
Anime & Manga (I’ve Read/Seen):
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (Completed) Bungou Stray Dogs (Completed) Harry Potter (Completed) The Ancient Magus Bride (Reading)
If you don’t mind me not reading the manga, then the anime I’ve seen is:
Seven Deadly Sins My Ouran High School Host Club Tokyo Ghoul The Promised Neverland Kakeguri Attack on Titan Blood Blockade Battlefront My Hero Academia Black Butler
(I’ve Seen a LOT more, but these are anime, which I plan on reading the manga for)
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dazailover420 · 4 years
Ranpo’s Personality Theory
Okay, before I start writing I am going to give a quick warning. The things I write hurts, because I am an over thinker, who is always trying to find trends and connections. If I write more of these, they will hurt. The truth always hurts. 
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Theory: Ranpo has a childish and immature persona, to hide all of the grief and darkness he’s seen. 
This darkness, he bears, stems from all the investigations and pasts, of all the victims. We get a taste of the work Ranpo meddles with in two circumstances; ‘Murder On D Street’ and ‘Dreaming Of Butterflies’.
Dreaming Of Butterflies:
The first piece of evidence, of this, is Yosano Akiko, in ‘Dreaming Of Butterflies’ Yosano’s past he absolutely horrifying. She was forceably drafter into War of Ability Users, and was to heal the wounds of every soldier. However, Yosano can only heal physical wounds, not trauma. Yosano was forced to heal the soldiers but in the end, not even the soldiers wanted to live anymore, thus calling her an Angel Of Death. During a fight between Mori and Fukuzawa, about Yosano’s past, Ranpo escapes with her. She tells Ranpo: “I can’t go on living like this” and “Is there a place where its okay for me to go on living?”. Ranpo replies, “Join the detective agency” and “We dont want your ability. What we want is that “kindness””. He takes her burden, and gives light that she can see. It was that moment, that changed Yosano’s future. He made her into a strong diligent woman, who shows her kindness to all. Ranpo showed her light and it made her human again. The conversation that occured between the both of them, would’ve emotionally impacted him, if he didn’t resort to his childish, immature ways. His kindness is comparable to an innocent child. He is a child of light and innocence, who gives the light to all those around him. Or at least that’s what he mainly show us. He’s probably seen some of the worst things, on his cases. To be able to bear all of that burden and darkness, everyone at the agency must worship that. 
Murder On D Street:
Throughout this episode, Ranpo doesn’t react to the body of the woman laying there. He rather, orders his priorities and analyses it, briefly, to gather up his leads to the murderer. He only says, “Poor Lady”, to evoke an emotional response, making sure to not become truly numb to the sight. From this, we can tell that he is used to the sight of bodies, and the dead, but is not completely broken at the sight. He must’ve had many more cases revolving around the dead, possibly something as severe as dismemberment or suicide. 
He uses childish behaviour to hold his mentality together. Even with this all in mind, he knows he doesn’t have an ability to protect himself, especially when he delves into some of the dangerous investigations in Yokohama. 100% Ranpo would constantly repeat over and over about how he has an ability that will help everyone. Otherwise, the dark truth, of the fact he can’t protect everyone, would settle in. The dark truth, that he isn’t as strong as the other members, would rip him apart. “If I’m happy, you’re happy” basically says that if he knows how the investigation will end, and if he knows all outcomes and the truth behind it all, you shouldn’t have to worry. However, like when Ranpo goes searching for the ability user, to stop Fukuzawa’s and Mori’s virus, if he doesn’t know the outcomes and all the factors; that is when you should be worried. Ranpo didn’t even act childish throughout the entirety of those episodes. He knew, he couldn’t solve it. While he can control the things he has power over, like the truth behind those investigations; Ranpo still has to live with the fact, he can’t solve every case, and he can’t save every person. So by portraying a childish immature persona, he can bear the darkness he holds on his shoulders, everyday. His darkness is fear. The fear, that he might not be able to hold the next investigation, the fear he might die from one of these cases, the fear that he won’t be able to save anyone. That’s his dark truth,
and yet,
He lives smiling, and giving light to everyone. It’s his way of coping.
How long can he take it for, before he breaks? How long until he gives into the darkness, the truth?
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I like Ranpo. He is an inspiring character to me.
(Bonus) Dazai learnt that being happy and childlike, makes it easier to hold the pain. It’s why he is mainly immature and childish too. But the fact he doesn’t hold this for every second,  like what Ranpo does, proves his darkness is much heavier and painful. 
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dazailover420 · 5 years
200 Followers Celebration Delay
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Im sorry~
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dazailover420 · 5 years
200 Followers Celebration! Day 1!
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Enjoy my chuuya! (Who kind of looks drunk)
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dazailover420 · 5 years
200 Followers Celebration!
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I made it to 200 followers on Instagram!! I’m celebrating for the next three days!
Day 1: Drawing!
Day 2: Head canons!
Day 3: Oneshot!
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dazailover420 · 5 years
Dazai Depression
So I had a thought about Dazai and I cried and here it is. Suffer.
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Spoilers BTW.
Dazai felt like he lost everything before Oda dying. He told himself that he if ever wanted something, it will become lost. He just wanted friends and a reason to live, and he lost all of it. He lost Oda, Ango and every reason he was still alive. He lost everything and yet still no matter how much he wants to lose his life, he is unable to do it, causing him to be in eternal agony until he dies of old age or finally succeeds in suicide.
When he watched Oda go meet his demise, he knew he was going to die. Both oda and Dazai knew that. Yet, Dazai had to witness his friend, something he always wanted to have, go into a battle, knowing he will die. Oda was committing some form of suicide. Dazai watched his friend die before him. He only wanted to keep his friend, but it ended in Oda losing all his want to live.
Dazai still lived. He watched both his friend, who he cared for, die, and his other friend be a reason in causing his death. He lost everything that he wanted, and yet he still lived in the darkness, alone, for five years before finding the agency. For five years, he was totally isolated and had no one. No parents. No friends. No will to live. He only had the darkness and suffering of living, and the will to die. Yet, he still cannot fly free from his suffering, and is still tied to the world. Watching and making friends, that he knows as soon that he wants to keep them, he will lose. He knows. So, he protects them. But keeps that at a distance, so he knows he won’t drag them down into suffering with him. 
Manga Spoiler:
When he’s encaged with Fyodor, he has to keep calm and cool, when there is still the possibility of one the ADA members dying. But he knows he can only keep them safe when he is with the real monster. He tries to protect his family, by staying away from them, because he knows the same thing will happen if he goes with them. He knows. He always knows. He can never not know, because he is afraid of the uncertainty. He forces himself to predict future events, even when he knows it can result in suffering for himself or others. Like how he got shot during his meeting with Fyodor, and when he saw Fyodor in the cafe. He didn’t let any of his ADA family there, because there was the possibility of them getting hurt.  Dazai knows the ADA is his family, and he’s scared because he thinks he might lose them like how he lost Oda.
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dazailover420 · 5 years
Tell me which cover is the best! 
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