crumbys-crumbs · 9 months
vegandale fest nyc
It's this Saturday! (09/16/2023) If you're in New York and want to come to a completely vegan event, tickets are buy-one-get-one today (09/12/2023) :3 $25 for two general admission, or only $10 for entry after 4pm.
More info under the cut if you want it <3
Location: Randall's Island (completely outdoor event) Time: 11:00am - 8:00pm ET 250+ vendors, everything is vegan. The weather is supposed to be nice; 75F and cloudy. Yay. I went last year for the first time; There were a LOT of people, and I was still able to find a nice spot to lay out my blanket and chill for the day.
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I was so busy enjoying myself that I did not take many photos of my food last year, but I will try harder this year, lol.
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crumbys-crumbs · 10 months
It smells so good, I'm about to lose my mind
every. single. time i make banana bread, i go to this recipe. i love this woman.
i also always omit more than half of the sugar, though. i usually just do 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup granulated sugar. or like, today i'm outta brown sugar, so just doing 1/2 cup granulated.
i'm also adding half a cup of nuts this time, and in place of the 1 cup almond milk, i put in 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup apple juice (idk it's Fall).
it's in the oven! i'll let you know how it goes in an hour.
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crumbys-crumbs · 10 months
every. single. time i make banana bread, i go to this recipe. i love this woman.
i also always omit more than half of the sugar, though. i usually just do 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup granulated sugar. or like, today i'm outta brown sugar, so just doing 1/2 cup granulated.
i'm also adding half a cup of nuts this time, and in place of the 1 cup almond milk, i put in 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup apple juice (idk it's Fall).
it's in the oven! i'll let you know how it goes in an hour.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
Sick to the back teeth of people lamenting the lies and propaganda that were spouted to hide the impact of fossil fuels but unquestionably accepting the lies and propaganda currently being spouted to hide the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.
There is a reason they tell us we need to take shorter showers and buy expensive new 'green tech' and use less inhalers to help the environment but neglect to mention that using less animal products is for most people the single biggest thing they can do that's going to help the environment.
It should be something to be happy about not scared of that you can simply buy beans or even processed plant based alts instead of animal products and save more water than if you took shorter showers (and youd probably also save money too)
They want you to read their unachievable tips, get pissed off about it and think you can't do anything to change things. They want you to associate plant based diets with extremists and so called 'militant vegans' so you carry on giving your money to an industry that is destroying life as we know it just as much as fossil fuels are.
Yes I'm vegan but at this point I hardly care if people think that animals deserve to be killed, eaten, and have their reproductive systems exploited. We are going to have to stop eating so many animals anyway whether carnists want to or not. Soon there won't be the land or clean water required to keep up production of animal and the crops they need to eat. Soon there will be lab grown meat that's cheaper and more efficient than bringing billions of lives into existence for the sole purpose of ending them.
We cannot keep producing animal products at this scale forever so it would be really great if people would try to stop relying on them so much now rather than sacrificing everything we haven't yet destroyed for a few more bacon rolls and stopped doing the governmentanimal ag's and jobs for them by making posts about how eating less animals is Problematic and veganism is a pipeline to ecofascism.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
had the fanciest vegan ravioli w/ @miyamuratx
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
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Forma Pasta Factory (Brooklyn, NY)
not at all a totally vegan spot; recommended to me by a non-vegan friend, i saw the menu and wasn't hopeful, but i emailed the restaurant about vegan options and they got back to me super quickly! we got the spaghetti pomodoro and the gemelli pesto, both with no cheese or butter. the roasted cauliflower side is vegan as-is.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
the way i lie on this blog about posting a recipe for or pictures of a dish later. like baby idr how i made those biscuits and gravy, good luck.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
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Mr Natural!!!!!
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
carrot soup
6 - 10 medium to large carrots, sliced
ummm 2 - 3 cups veggie broth
1 tomato *
soymilk (or whatever alt milk)
olive oil
smoked paprika
yellow curry powder
nutritional yeast (... 1/8 cup maybe?)
onion powder
toss 2 - 3 tbsp olive oil in a pot on medium-high heat
place whole tomato in the pot (minus any stem that may exist) and let it warm up in there for a lil bit
throw in your carrots, broth, nutritional yeast, and some shakes of the smoked paprika, curry powder, onion powder, and salt. turn the heat to high and bring to a boil while stirring.
turn heat to medium and simmer until carrots are so soffffft (maybe 20 or 30 min, just give em a check sometimes)
turn off heat, pour contents of pot into a blender and blend until smooth (i have a tiny ninja blender so i do this in batches)
return blended contents to the pot, add a cup or more of soymilk, and turn heat to medium-high again
stir, taste, and add however much more salt and other spices as the soup heats through and comes together
turn off heat once soup is heated through, scoop some into a bowl, and sprinkle some pepper on top :3
* you can 100% use as many tomatoes as you want, i just only had one in my house.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
this is how i live, honestly
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but this time it was curry spiced tofu, purple onion, white mushrooms, and swiss chard
life hack: next time you eat instant noodles, add a couple corn or green pea in it. now you have a balance meal.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
i made... something.
like, khaman dhokla but with black beans and i'm from Texas so i was like yeah let's make it Mexican, so i used a lot of taco seasoning and cumin, and i did not have besan or semolina and i'm not about to buy those (where???) so i just used AP flour and cornstarch, and instead of eno (fruit salt?) and citric acid, i used baking soda, lime juice, and apple cider vinegar.
it turned out amazing, i will gather what all i did and put it here. i'm so happy with it.
i don't have a steamer either btw, i used the wok as always, and like, just... plates stacked on each other inside the wok, idk how it all worked out.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
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texas vegan breakfast food that i desperately missed
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
kale pancakes
~ did not take a picture of these but will make again, so. ya know. someday. ~
4 - 5 kale leaves, shredded
small purple onion, finely chopped
handful of blueberries, chopped
nutritional yeast
garlic powder
2 tbsp hot water
1.5 cups AP flour, spooned + sifted
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp sugar
1 cup unsweetened soymilk
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
coconut oil
maple syrup
in a blender, combine soymilk, apple cider vinegar, and 3/4ths of the kale shreds. blend. mine was the consistency of a spread, or maybe a thick smoothie when i was done.
* combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl (flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar). mix well with a fork or whisk.
put 2 tbsp coconut oil in a little bowl with 1/3 cup hot water to melt it.
in a different bowl, combine onion, blueberries, 2 tbsp hot water, and the rest of the kale. season with salt, garlic powder, and some generous shakes of nutritional yeast. mix well until all veggies are coated.
pour blender mix and coconut oil/water combo into dry ingredients and mix well with a spoon. lumps are fine.
heat up a spoonful of coconut oil in a pan on medium-high heat. spoon some of the veggie mix in and sautee it for a sec, scoot it together into a circle, then plop ~1/4 cup of batter on top and spread it over until it covers the veggie mix.
flip after like... 3 minutes??? idk. onions will fly, it can't be helped.
let the new side cook for another 3 min. repeat flips as you see fit, until the pancake seems done, and **plate it.
repeat steps 6-8 until veggie mix and batter is all gone :3
mix 4 parts maple syrup with 1 part mustard, warm it up (microwave, pan, doesn't matter), pour it over your pancakes, and eeeat ***.
* i like to put the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and flour thru the sifter all together, to avoid any icky salty lumps.
** this whole process takes like an hour, so i turn the oven to 150F (lower if your oven goes lower, mine does not) and put a plate in there, and when the pancakes are done i put them on the plate in the oven, so that they all stay warm until i'm done making the other pancakes.
*** i also spread some vegan butter on my pancakes before eating them, but i'm not super sure it was necessary.
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crumbys-crumbs · 1 year
a recent ask has me reaching back to my early vegan days, and how i lived (and still live, sometimes) when i was super broke.
Ramen: Top Ramen has a soy sauce flavor that is vegan, and Gefen has a vegan imitation chicken flavor as well as a veggie flavor. get yourself a bag of assorted frozen veggies and use them in your ramen to add nutrition. when you start using a ton of fresh veggies in your cooking though, you can save the trimmings to make broth, and then your ramen really elevates.
Tacos: pinto or black beans, potatoes, onion, bell pepper, tomato, avocado, greens, jackfruit... there are so many options for making vegan tacos. make sure your tortillas and canned refried beans are vegan! watch out for lard. i like making my own refried beans by heating up canned black or pinto beans in a pan with some oil and smashing them with a fork (:
Pancakes: not just the traditional breakfast kind! but those are good too. by adding some flour, salt and other spices to refried black or pinto beans, you can make amazing savory pancakes. i recently made amazing kale pancakes for breakfast! there are some serious possibilities in this category.
Rice: fried rice, curries, buddha bowls, even veggie sushi if your family happens to gift you a little sushi roller for Christmas. rice is a beautifully versatile carb.
Soup: potatoes are my base of choice for soups, and it can really be as simple as potatoes, alt milk and/or veggie broth, and salt and pepper to make a tasty filling soup. i love pairing soup with rice, and adding assorted vegetables, like other roots, onions, and greens to the soup and/or the rice.
creativity and the internet are your besties in hard times. doing dishes sucks but taking care of yourself is worth it <3
i also think it's important to note: if you are poor and vegan, it's totally okay to eat free non-vegan food that would otherwise be wasted! i was working in food service when i was poor, and we were throwing away perfectly good food at the end of the night, so i would instead take it home and eat it myself. if you're not giving any money or press or whatever to the animal products industry, it's all good (:
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crumbys-crumbs · 2 years
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vegan food holiday slam :3
the myriad of plant-based roasts that are available now feels soooo lucky all the time and especially during the food holiday.
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crumbys-crumbs · 2 years
apple parsnip soup
i bought parsnips for myself this week bc i’ve never cooked with them or had them at all before and i thought it was about time. i looked up parsnip recipes and saw one that also used //apples// and i was like what lol, so yeah i made that with some mods, here it is:
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ingredients - 4 parsnips, peeled and sliced into 1/2 inch pieces (like 1.5 cups?) - 2 honeycrisp apples, peeled, cored and thick sliced - 3 yukon gold potatoes, peeled and sliced into chunky pieces - 1 cup liquid from a can of black beans - 1 cup unsweetened oatmilk - 3 cups water - 1 tsp red curry paste - garlic powder - salt - olive oil
when i don’t put measurements for certain ingredients, especially like, oil and spices... it’s because i did not measure them, please just use them however seems normal to u and don’t think too hard about it.
instructions 1) preheat oven to 450 F (230 C). 2) spread parsnips and apples out onto prepared baking sheet. drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, toss to coat. i just used my hands bc it was easiest. 3) roast these in the oven until they’re tender and caramelized around the edges (like 30 minutes) 4) throw some olive oil in a big pot along with the potatoes, sprinkle some salt on them and toss to coat. 5) combine bean liquid, oatmilk, water, and red curry paste in the potato pot to make a broth. stir everything and turn the heat to high. 6) once the broth is a-boil, stir in apple-parsnip mix and some garlic powder. reduce heat to low, and simmer until potatoes are tender, like 20 - 30 minutes. 7) puree apple and veggie mixture in a blender until soup is smooth. i had to do this in three batches bc my blender is pretty small. 8) put all of your now blended soup back into the pot, stir it well on medium heat, add more salt or whatever if need be, and now you can eeeeat.
i served this with a side of arborio rice laden with chard stem pieces and kale shreds, i’ll write up how to throw that together later and link it here. :3
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crumbys-crumbs · 2 years
cilantro lemon hummus
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15 oz can of chickpeas
head of cilantro
lemon juice
olive oil
strain water from the can of chickpeas and set aside, we'll use it later. toss the chickpeas with olive oil in a pan on med-high heat, and let them cook for around 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. i test taste one every now and then to check the softness.
rake the leaves off of the whole bunch of cilantro. this doesn't have to be done perfectly. i save the stems in a refrigerated container with my other veggie scraps, to make broth with later in the week.
toss all of the chickpeas and cilantro leaves into a blender together, and add a few tablespoons of lemon juice, a few tablespoons of olive oil, a crackle of salt, and a splash of the aquafaba (the water from the can).
attempt to blend, and assess if you need more liquid. i usually end up using at least half of the aquafaba, if not all of it. taste the hummus and add more of whatever you think it needs (olive oil, lemon juice, or salt) until it tastes how you like.
cilantro in hummus is perfect, idk why i've never seen this or done it myself before now. also if you often find yourself buying cilantro and not using the bunch quick enough, this is a great way to make sure you use it all.
this also makes a lot of hummus! i got like four pita meals out of it, and i was using it super liberally bc it's so good.
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