coplinswrites · 3 years
Hi! I first read Volatile Chemistry and The Depraved years ago back when I was still exploring ao3 for the first time. I've been in a nostalgic mood lately and I reread them and am currently reading Croatoan. I'm realizing in a lot of ways your writing and ideas for that verse have shaped my love for the archangels today and it got me wondering whether you had a discord for your writing, because I would love to get to know more people who've grown to love them through your writing too.
First of all, thank you! <3 The reason VC isn’t moving forward is the confrontation between Dean and Adam. I had a perfect scene in my head and I was writing up to it, but once I caught up to the scene I’d forgotten the dialogue and everything fucking stalled. (Not everything. I’ve got sections after that finished, but can’t publish them until I’ve gotten things sorted. :P) Now, with that anxiety-inducing piece of information out of the way, onward to your actual question: Wow. Um. Discord is a thing. That exists. That I’m aware exists. *scratches head* Which covers the extent of my knowledge about the thing. ^^’
It’s never occurred to me that there could be an interest in a discord for people who like my writing and like to discuss it, the characters, the headcanons, share reading tips about other writers with similar interpretations of the archangels as mine (now I’d be very interested in reading tips like that myself since at this point I’ve got one that’s still active and hasn’t switched fandom) and so on. Hence, the answer is no. I have Discord installed but never use it and have very little grasp of how it works, really. It’s a good idea, though.
Maybe there are other people out there that would be interested in it too? 
Anyone reading this who knows how starting a discord works? Please help? Because I’m here like:
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coplinswrites · 3 years
Hi! I first read Volatile Chemistry and The Depraved years ago back when I was still exploring ao3 for the first time. I've been in a nostalgic mood lately and I reread them and am currently reading Croatoan. I'm realizing in a lot of ways your writing and ideas for that verse have shaped my love for the archangels today and it got me wondering whether you had a discord for your writing, because I would love to get to know more people who've grown to love them through your writing too.
First of all, thank you! <3 The reason VC isn’t moving forward is the confrontation between Dean and Adam. I had a perfect scene in my head and I was writing up to it, but once I caught up to the scene I’d forgotten the dialogue and everything fucking stalled. (Not everything. I’ve got sections after that finished, but can’t publish them until I’ve gotten things sorted. :P) Now, with that anxiety-inducing piece of information out of the way, onward to your actual question: Wow. Um. Discord is a thing. That exists. That I’m aware exists. *scratches head* Which covers the extent of my knowledge about the thing. ^^’
It’s never occurred to me that there could be an interest in a discord for people who like my writing and like to discuss it, the characters, the headcanons, share reading tips about other writers with similar interpretations of the archangels as mine (now I’d be very interested in reading tips like that myself since at this point I’ve got one that’s still active and hasn’t switched fandom) and so on. Hence, the answer is no. I have Discord installed but never use it and have very little grasp of how it works, really. It’s a good idea, though.
Maybe there are other people out there that would be interested in it too? 
Anyone reading this who knows how starting a discord works? Please help? Because I’m here like:
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coplinswrites · 3 years
not writing
people reading their stories
people not reading their stories
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coplinswrites · 3 years
10 scene ideas for any genre and any story
1. A scene where the character’s biggest weakness becomes their saving grace.
A paranoid character brings the thing that protects them, a gossip shares information about someone which allows someone else to save their life, an impatient person forces someone to leave before tragedy hits. This can be used for as many characters as you have.
2. A scene where their greatest asset becomes detrimental to them.
A loyal person ends up following someone who’s toxic, a brave person ends up getting into an accident, a neat person ends up throwing out trash which was incredibly important. Again, can be used many times.
3. A scene where a character receives a gift.
This is good for any number of things–characterization, plot movement, showing relationships in motion. It can be directly relevant to the plot or symbolic of something else. Make it a genuine but bad gift, make it an amazing but insincere gift–the possibilities are endless.
4. A scene where they give a gift.
Same as before. Good gift or bad gift, it can reveal intentions, move the plot forward, create symbols–this is such a versatile scene type.
5. A scene where a child needs help.
Lost in the store, stuck in a trap, fell while playing–it shows something very simple about your character that you can’t show in any other way. There’s a simple grace to helping a child that you don’t know, and how you handle it is more telling than how you’d help a child that you do know.
6. A scene where they wake up from a nightmare.
Now, I love dream symbolism as much as anyone else, but the conscious actions they take after having a nightmare (and the physical actions they take while they’re still asleep) are just as interesting, if not more. Do they fall back asleep? Eat? Call a friend? Draft a letter? Do they remember the dream at all, or just the fear that went along with it?
7. A scene where worlds collide.
Maybe a character’s friends come into where they work, or they run into people who they’re no longer friends with. A family member brings home their S/O to reveal it’s someone that the character dislikes. Two different parts of their life now meet. How does the character react? How do they consolidate the different versions of themselves?
8. A beach scene
Any TV show that has a beach episode is an anime, right? Well, regardless, swimming is pretty much universally beloved–which means your characters would probably love it too. (And if you don’t believe that this can work in your story, then get creative! It doesn’t have to literally be at a beach, but humanity loves swimming.)
9. A scene where a character gets new clothing.
They have to go shopping, sit through a fitting while their parents makes them a new shirt, rummage through the remains of society in a post-apocalyptic world. Unless you’re writing about nudists (and who knows, you might be), they need to get their clothes somewhere, and seeing how they respond to that, what clothes they pick out, and what the process looks like in this world can be incredibly telling.
10. A scene where plans fall through.
Spice up conflict in your story or just show how characters react when things don’t go their way. Chances are, your characters will make plans at some point in the story, and making them go wrong is a great chance to thicken the plot and make your character more relatable or dislikable. (Or both. Both is good.)
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coplinswrites · 3 years
One of the best tips for writing descriptions of pain is actually a snippet I remember from a story where a character is given a host of colored pencils and asked to draw an egg.
The character says that there’s no white pencil.  But you don’t need a white pencil to draw a white egg.  We already know the egg is white.  What we need to draw is the luminance of the yellow lamp and the reflection of the blue cloth and the shadows and the shading.
We know a broken bone hurts.  We know a knife wound hurts.  We know grief hurts.  Show us what else it does.
You don’t need to describe the character in pain.  You need to describe how the pain affects the character - how they’re unable to move, how they’re sweating, how they’re cold, how their muscles ache and their fingers tremble and their eyes prickle.
Draw around the egg.  Write around the pain.  And we will all be able to see the finished product.
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coplinswrites · 4 years
Hey! I am a humongous fan of your work, especially your Packrunners and Volatile chemistry series, and I have been INSPIRED! Could I perhaps,, borrow, your take on ABO dynamics? I'm writing a fic that would feel lackluster without your incredibly well thought out dynamics, and I would be honored to write with them!!
Yes! Definitely! One of the reasons I’ve put so much energy and thought into the Packrunner’verse, is that I wanted anyone to be able to play around in it as they pleased. Originally, I just wanted it to be possible to write offshoot stories and continue the “saga” by adding their own OCs or adventures after I was done. But having written my ABO has spoiled me for other types of ABOs. I’m quite tired of the rape-y classical ABOs. That’s not to say there hasn’t been classical ABOs that I’ve enjoyed reading. Even tropes or pairings I greatly dislike, can be made riveting if the story is well told. In Packrunners I’ve even laid the foundation to how the classical ABO dynamics could come into being, given enough time and the wrong people in power. (We saw that when Marlon went to a debutante ball, for instance.)
Even if you don’t want to write something in the Packrunner’verse with all its alternative universes, and just want to borrow the dynamics or parts of the biology, I’m 100% okay with that. I love the creativity and inspiration fandom creates and while I’ve long since lost the bright-eyed love for the canon source material (SPN) I base my writing on, my love for all my fandom co-creators remain unshaken. So if you feel like writing something that borrows concepts I’ve come up with, go ahead. As long as you don’t directly copy my words and claim them as your own, I’m delighted to see what other people like yourself can make out of my ideas.
I would be super grateful if you’d send me a link to the fic if you write something inspired by the Packrunner dynamics. Whether you hold on to the basic biology and dynamics I shaped, or re-shape it into something totally different or adjacent. I’ve been longing to read ABOs more like my own. I write what I’d like to read, right? :) It doesn’t matter if it is in another fandom. 
Let the creativity and inspiration flow! It grows when it’s shared!
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coplinswrites · 5 years
Everyday life in the Pack
A short, unbeta read story that will be posted on Ao3 too. It belongs in the Packrunners’verse and takes place when they’re all living together before Sam goes to college.
Dean’s sitting in Marlon’s armchair with his laptop perched on his thighs, writing a report that needs to be mailed to Bartholomew by tonight. Luci’s on the couch, feet rested on the living room table, Raphael’s legs on his lap, his own laptop perched on Raff’s shins. Raff’s lying on the couch reading a book on corporate leadership that Dean probably should read too once he’s done. Sam’s on the other armchair, reading, occasionally jotting stuff down in a notebook. He’d contacted his college to get the names of his professors then emailed them to get a list of what books to buy. He hasn’t even started college yet and he’s already read several of the books. ‘I need to know that I understand the material, Dean. And what questions to ask if I don’t.’ He’s been cooped up in the library with Dick a great part of the summer, studying. Dean’s stupidly proud of the big dork.
Dick’s out of state visiting friends now and Dean hates it. He’s spent a lot of time with Dick lately and they’ve developed a strong rapport. Dean only has to say a few words in a sentence and Dick gets what he’s talking about and vice versa. They’ve talked a lot about Sam since Dean’s struggling with letting go. Sam’s a big boy now. He doesn’t need Dean and he shouldn’t need Dean and Dean fucking hates letting go of the parental role he’d mantled when he was little more than a kit himself. It doesn’t help that Sam’s been in a bad mood around him, specifically, lately. Maybe he’s just overbearing and overprotective? Dean tries to leave his little brother alone. Give him space. That’s probably what’s wrong anyway. Dean being needy and clingy.
But right now all is well. Those at home gathered in the same room just for the company, but each doing their own thing. It makes Dean feel good. Not even Sam is being a pissbaby. Maybe he’s just nervous about going to college and Dean’s just overthinking, taking things personally when it’s got nothing to do with him?
They hear the door open and close, some rustling of clothes then footsteps. Out in the hallway, there’s a galloping sound and a long meow as the cat comes to greet the home-comer. That identifies Marlon even before they can hear him coo and chirp his own greeting since the cat only greets him that way. More footsteps and the sound of his office door opening when he goes to leave his briefcase in there, then, an indignant meow, silence, and a deep sigh.
A minute ticks by before Marlon’s on the move again. This time his footsteps are heavier, almost dragging. He comes to a stop in the doorway, smelling tired. 
“Wow, Sir. You look amazing today. You practically sparkle,” Sam jokes.
Dean looks up and sniggers. Marlon’s covered in glitter. A neat little pile of it still perched on top of his head. The cat winds around his legs―it too all glittery―and his shoulders are slumping in defeat. He gives Sam a tired look. “I suppose today was the day Gabe left for Asia?”
“Yes, it is,” Luci answers with a smirk.
“Of course it is,” Marlon mutters. “Lovely. Well then. I’ll try to get the glitter off of Dolus so he doesn’t swallow it all while washing himself,” he announces and turns to leave, ignoring the sniggers behind him.
Dean goes back to working on his report then frowns. He’d been in Marlon’s office after Gabe left and hadn’t been dosed with glitter.
He looks up to see Luci typing on his computer with a small but notably smug smirk gracing his lips.
Suddenly, Dean knows why Luci was named ‘Gets Away With It’ on Gabe’s phone…
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coplinswrites · 6 years
I’ve stated this before but I want to talk about it again: I do not engage with people who believe calling a character a Mary Sue is a valid critique. Why? Let’s talk about it.
First of all, let’s start by introducing my history. I have been in fandom since the age of 10 and I am now 25. I lived through the Mary Sue Witch Hunt on fanfiction.net. I plugged every single one of my OCs through the litmus test. I read hundreds of articles on the different types of Sues and how to avoid them. I hate a number of amazing female characters because the fandoms in which I participated labeled them “Canon Sues.” Then, I grew up, went to school for English Literature, and started freelancing. I have experience in this field. I am not an amateur.
So believe me when I tell you this: telling people not to write Mary Sues is empty criticism and fearmongering.
Instead of calling an OC a Mary Sue you should be criticizing more specific aspects of a bad character. What, to you, makes that character a Mary Sue? Are they too beautiful, too talented, too powerful, too beloved by the other characters? Can they do nothing wrong? Then SAY THAT. The problem with the term “Mary Sue” is that it can be applied too broadly. If an OC is skilled in some way, they can be labeled a Sue. If an OC falls in love with a canon character, they can be labeled a Sue. If an OC defeats the Big Bad singlehandedly, they can be labeled a Sue. But keep in mind that actual canon characters have these traits, abilities, relationships, etc ALL THE TIME. Canon characters can be beautiful and loved; canon characters can be talented prodigies. It has nothing to do with those aspects of their characters as much as it is with how they are written. So instead of slapping the Mary Sue label on them, think critically about WHY you think they are a bad character, because that sort of criticism is infinitely more helpful than just throwing a dated term at a young fan that may have no prior experience in the field of creative writing.
As for the fearmongering comment: going on Mary Sue witch hunts absolutely discourages young writers. It discourages them from creating original characters. It forces them to go back over and over their character bios and fill out endless character charts and take a million litmus tests. The problem with this is that they get SO FIXATED on the process of character creation and making sure every damn little detail of their OC is acceptable that they never actually write!
Plus, consider this: stories are about extraordinary people. Whether they are brave, loyal, strong, charming, funny, intelligent, beautiful, or something else, the core of a character should be what makes them interesting. However, claiming that any kind of “special” trait makes a character a Sue forces writers to strip anything interesting from their OCs. I would even venture to say that the sheer amount of boring, mediocre brown-haired white girl protagonists who “don’t stand out” in YA literature is a result of almost two decades of emphasis on this idea that your character isn’t allowed to be spectacular in any way. The writers who grew up writing fan fiction during the Mary Sue Witch Hunt days are now professional adults and authors who still have that fear of writing a character who is “too special” instilled in them.
So, if you are a young writer: fuck it! Make your characters as stunning and talented and lovable as you like. Make them look exactly like you. Fall in love with the main character from your favorite show. What matters the most is that you need to WRITE. Because any writer can make a “bad” character look good through the magic of developing their character arc, and the only way you can improve in that category is to practice, not to endlessly peruse over your bible of character sheets for all eternity.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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Who needs basic anatomy, amirite? ;D Oh. And I forgot to sign it because of course, I did. :P They were supposed to be simplified chibis but something went wrong along the way and I ended up with these hybrids.
A little cheer me up for @spnyoucantkeepmedown <3 A how they met Samifer AU.
Lucifer’s seen the boy around. He and his big brother moved here a couple of weeks ago. The boy’s big brother is a jock just like his own big brother but the boy himself? Quiet. Reclusive. Always toting around books. Long hair that makes him look like a boy band reject. And he has the most innocent puppy eyes Luci’s ever seen.
So maybe Luci’s been staring a little. So what? He stares at everybody. It makes people uncomfortable, which is fun. But this little fucker? He stares back. He doesn’t show any reaction when Luci makes faces at him, winks or does lewd gestures. He just stares. Maybe he’s like their cousin Castiel in Illinois, who either stare at people unabashedly or forgets that eye contact is an actual thing. Who rocks himself when he’s stressed, refuses to eat if he doesn’t get the same damn thing every day, hits himself in the head when he’s happy and freaks the fuck out if anyone touches him. It’s lucky Cas and his big brother Gabe live several states away or Cas with his adorable confused squint and gummy smile would deteriorate Luci’s bad boy reputation in the span of a week. He’s just too adorable and awakens something fiercely protective in Luci.
Luci hopes this boy isn’t like Cas because Luci would very much like to touch this boy. He’s one year younger than Luci and he might be the cutest boy in existence.
Luci’s squatting leaned against the edge of the sidewalk outside their school, smoking, when he sees the boy. He stares at the boy while sucking a deep lungful of smoke. The boy glances to his side, meets Luci’s gaze, and stops to stare back unabashedly.
“Yo, squid! Come here!” Luci calls out to him. The boy looks startled and looks around before looking back at Luci. “Yeah, you, bonehead! Come here!”
The boy hesitates for a beat before closing the distance books pressed to his chest. He stops six feet away with his head bowed shyly. He’s so pretty Luci hardly knows what to do with himself when he looks up at Luci through his boy band-bangs. “What do you want?”
Luci pats the sidewalk beside him slowly with a smirk. “Come. Sit.”
The boy hesitates for a beat then comes to sit beside him. Suddenly he frowns and juts his chin out. “I’m not doing your homework for you, if that’s what you think.”
Luci scowls. “Do I look stupid to you? I can do my homework myself, thank you very much,” he scoffs.
“So what do you want, Lucifer?”
That just isn’t fair. The boy knows his name already. “Your name, for starters.”
“It’s Sam. Sam Winchester.” Sam looks around seemingly restless or stressed.
“Wanna cut class and go hang in the park, Sammy?” Luci asks and takes a drag on his cigarette.
“Can’t say that I do,” Sam answers with a lopsided smirk and refocuses on Luci. He’s got dimples. Fucking dimples. Luci feels like letting out a happy sigh.
“What’s the matter? ‘Fraid your brother will see you hanging with the school bad boy?”
“Pfft. Hardly likely since he’s currently trading blowjobs with your brother behind the bleachers,” Sam deadpans. What the hell happened with the shyness?
“With Mikey? My Mikey? No way. He’s straight.”
Sam smirks lopsidedly again, all cocky and amused he plucks the cigarette out of Luci’s hand. “Oh yeah? Does he know that? Or did you forget to tell him?” he jokes before he takes a drag on the pilfered cig and hands it back.
Luci laughs in bemusement. Quiet, reclusive, book-nerd Sammy is a sassy little shit. Luci takes another breath of smoke while looking at the pretty boy beside him. He blows out smoke and smirks. “You wanna go tell them to fuck off because it’s our turn to have a go?” he suggests jokingly. He talks a lot of shit. 90% of what comes out of Luci’s mouth is usually pure bullshit but if Sam were to say yes he’d swallow the panic of risking a public spectacle and go with it.
“No. That’d be dumb. You know how big the risk of getting interrupted would be?”
Luci’s eyes bug. “That’s your problem with it?”
“Look. I’m just sayin’…” Sam mutters and looks at the ground cheeks getting an unmistaken tint of pink.
“Have you ever traded BJs with someone?” Luci wants to know and kills the cigarette by pressing the glowing cherry onto the tarmac. Sam glowers at him but doesn’t answer. Luci sniggers. “Have you ever even kissed anyone?”
Sam’s shyness returns with a vengeance. He refuses to look at Luci, hugs the books to his chest and looks at the ground with cheeks burning crimson. It screams ‘No’ as loud as any word ever could.
Luci sits looking at him quietly for a moment, biting his lip in thought. Luck favours the brave, right? “Hey, squirt, do you wanna cut class and go to my place to look at my book collection?” he asks. Sam looks up with a curious glint in his puppy eyes. Luci smirks cockily. “I do read, you know?”
Sam’s nervous all the way home to Luci. He doesn’t relax until Luci lets him into his room and he sees the wall to floor bookcases with books from every genre. By then Luci’s the one who’s nervous. Sam goes around the room dragging his fingers along the book spines, exclaiming delightedly with dimples of doom drilled into his cheeks and starlight in his eyes. Luci’s heart hammers so hard in his chest he feels like throwing up. He’s not used to this. Some dumbass boy turning his knees to jelly and his belly to a zoo just by smiling. But nobody can call Luci a coward. He’s a lot of things, but not that. So when he’s let Sam look around and marvel for a bit he sidles up to Sam and throws an arm around his shoulders casually, turning his head towards Sam with the cockiest smirk he can fake and says “So, you wanna read or make out?”
Sam’s breath falters and he turns his face towards Luci with lips slightly parted in surprise. He swallows, pulse racing so fast Luci can see it. “I don’t know. Tough choice,” he answers hoarsely.
Luci wants to kiss him so badly. He can feel Sam’s breath on his face but suddenly he’s unsure if Sam wants it or if he suddenly got scared. Fuck, but the guy hasn’t even kissed anyone before. He huffs. “No, it’s not.” Luci points at one of his bookcases. “I’ve got every book Terry Pratchett ever wrote over there. And over there you’ve got biographies of the most interesting people in history. And there you’ve got Koontz, King, Morrell, Clavell, and Clancy. And–”
Sam’s soft lips on his shut him up. It’s soft and chaste and makes fireworks explode in his whole being. He opens his mouth to taste Sam and is let in for a slow French kiss that has him floating on air. They break the kiss to stare at each other, breath coming in rough puffs and cheeks burning crimson. Suddenly Sam grins with a playful twinkle in his eyes. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna go with reading.”
Luci scowls and opens his mouth to protest but Sam sniggers and twists around to kiss him again.
Sam’s a teasing little shit. Luci’s about to learn that first kiss or not, Sam is a lot more than meets the eyes. It takes a full year for their big brothers to figure out that they’re dating since they’re much too preoccupied with their own on-off relationship. A decade down the line when Luci marries the now jolly giant of a booknerd he fell in love with, their brothers are their best men and nobody’s sure if Michael and Dean are currently dating or just banging each other out of spite. 
Not that it matters. Sam’s still the prettiest boy Luci ever saw.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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The latest chapter in the Packrunners series is just posted.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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A Night of No Regrets…?
Summary: Sam realises the previous night’s activities might have had unwanted consequences and panics. He receives help from an unexpected source. Pairing: Lucifer/Sam Winchester Tags: Alpha/Omega dynamics, knotting, pregnancy scare, scent and scent bonds, Day After pills… kinda
Part 21 of Packrunners. READ IT ON AO3 HERE
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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I present to you, the OC Marlon Williams, who I use as a father to the human archangels in my fics if Chuck Shurley simply won’t cut it to represent an upbringing that would reflect the hardness, entitlement, and power of ‘Heaven’s most fearsome weapons’. To decide how he should look I used one of those sites that merge portraits and merged Cas, Lucifer, Gabriel, and Michael and used the outcome (x) as a base, as well as the descriptions I’d already given of the man - like his ice blue eyes. He appears in Meet the Family and Packrunners, as well as the still unpublished Burn Me. He owns the Williams Enterprises, a giant company that dabbles in a bit of everything. He runs in the morning and boxes to keep in shape. Other hobbies include horseback riding and reading. He plays golf but hates it. He’s a sore loser and a very calculating adversary you need to listen carefully to, because how he phrases things might change the meaning. He always keeps his word.
Watercolour on paper.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
Summary: Since Benny helped rescue Sam and Gabriel Dean’s developed a slight obsession that has to be kept very secret. (For now.) He’s currently waiting for yet another visit from the vampire and he can barely contain his anticipation.
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte
Tags: Blood Drinking, Vampire Sex, Human/Vampire Relationship, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, light blood play, Alternative Universe - Kingdom, King Dean Winchester, pirate Benny Lafitte, Secret Relationship, Vampire Bites, vampire kink, blood drinking kink
I got so inspired by the last installment of YouCantKeepMeDown‘s fantasy AU that I asked to write a short follow up on it. It’s my first time writing Denny and I think I’m really starting to enjoy writing supernatural beings again. ^^ I don’t know if this can be read as a stand-alone or not. You’ll have to be the judge. /Coplins
Dean’s all but trembling with anticipation already. He’d made some bullshit excuse about going to bed early, even though he knows that won’t make time go faster. Instead, he’s resigned to pacing his chamber, tensing up every time he hears a sound only to sag in disappointment when it’s not the sound he’s been waiting for.
The knock on his balcony door finally comes and his heart takes an excited leap. There’s only one person it can be that’ll brave the guards and make the difficult climb up the wall, since the angels only ever use the inside door if they seek him. He goes to open and leans against the door post trying to look nonchalant. “Took you long enough,” he remarks with a cocky smirk.
“The guards are on high alert since the Leviathan attack, and I ain’t too keen to be skewered, Majesty,” Benny answers with a lopsided smile, an amused gleam in his eyes. Chances are he can hear the excited dance of Dean’s heart in his chest. The tales and lore on vampires are contradictive, exaggerated, and oft times false, so it’s hard to know what Benny can and can’t do. Like that bullshit about garlic. Dean’s seen Benny carry two braids of garlic slung across his neck while his hands were otherwise occupied. He’d been whistling innocently, walking along. Few knew he’s a vampire. Most didn’t understand the subtle mockery that had been, and Dean had trouble explaining to the people he was talking to at the time, why he was sniggering. “Brought you something,” Benny says and holds up a cloth bundle of food. The scent wafting towards Dean’s nostrils from it, is mouth-watering.
“You’re such a feeder,” Dean remarks with a grin and steps aside to let him in, then closes the balcony door and deadbolts it. Now all entrances to his chambers are bolted from within. Nobody can be allowed to disturb―to know.
Well. Sam can. But this affair is one that needs to be conducted in the shadows for political reasons. The guards that know Benny is a vampire have been sworn secrecy. He can do nothing about their suspicious, frightened stares when they see Benny. Even those who don’t know what he is are suspicious of him, knowing he’s a pirate. Until recently the general knowledge was that Sam had been kidnapped, not that he’d run away. So no matter how friendly the pirates are, they’re still regarded as criminals despite the royal declaration of amnesty for them, and many keep an extra eye on them, waiting for them to show their ‘true’ colours.
During the Leviathan attack, Benny had come to Dean’s rescue, most likely saving his life. Dean had returned the favour by letting him drink blood and that’s both what got this started and why nobody can know. Truth has a tendency to get twisted when it passed from mouth to mouth and herein lies the problem. If the public got wind of their king having let a vampire drink his blood, it was only a matter of time until they thought he’d been turned and would eat them all and feed the rest to a vampire army or some bullshit like that. It would be a catastrophe.
Benny puts down the bundle on the table, walks up to Dean, grabs his wrist and tugs him close. He smirks with a sharp, hungry gleam in his eyes that turns Dean’s knees to jelly. “Uh-huh,” he agrees meaningfully and drops his fangs. They’re there and gone again between one heartbeat and another.
Dean lets out a warbly breath and pulls him in for a kiss. Enough talking. Benny’s strong arms circle him. He kisses slowly and gently. It’d be enough to melt Dean’s brain even without what’s to come. Benny is such a calm, cool guy - until he isn’t.
Dean would be a big fat liar if he didn’t admit to himself that he’s started to love the dangerous part of what they are doing just as much as the tenderness.
It doesn’t take long before they’ve stumbled back to bed, losing tunics and breeches along the way. Dean’s prepared for the visit by keeping a jug of oil on the nightstand. Benny’s slow and sweet and thorough, prepping him, kissing, tasting with his tongue and grazing his skin with teeth, sometimes letting him feel a whisper of his fangs because he’s a teasing little shit. He sets every nerve-ending on fire until Dean’s a gasping, trembling mess, goosebumps all over and pleas pressing against the back of his teeth, held back solely because they don’t work on the smug bastard currently pressing into him too fucking slow. There is no such thing as royal orders here in the bedchamber. Besides, Benny’s a pirate―a criminal. It kinda goes hand in hand with not giving a shit about royal decrees.
Dean’s the impatient one. He’s the one desperately wanting to skip ahead to the main attraction.
His brothers aren’t the only one with a right to favour ‘special effects’ in their lovers. Adam must have developed the wing kink of the century while he’s been away, and judging by how Sam and Gabe are looking at each other, Sam’s not far behind. Dean doesn’t quite get it. Those massive wings seem like they’d be more of a hindrance in bed. And who the fuck wants to wake up with a mouthful of feathers? Plus people don’t lie still while sleeping. You sleep with someone, sooner or later you’re gonna get an elbow in the ribs or a hand flopping down on your face. Those featherheads turning over in their sleep? Fuck, but those strong wings could probably knock your teeth out. (Although, the better Dean got to know Michael, the more he thinks that maybe he would have ended up as happy as Adam, if he’d been the barter piece that sealed the peace. But we don’t talk about that.)
Benny’s not the only one who can tease. While they kiss and Benny drops fangs in an unspoken promise of what’s to come, Dean wastes no time pressing his tongue against their sharp points until his mouth tastes of copper and Benny hisses.
There it is. Benny’s nostrils flare and his eyes darken with dangerous hunger.
Dean fucking loves it. Loves the danger of it. This could so easily go wrong. Like petting a wild bear. Some creatures are not meant to be petted. They’re too dangerous. Instinct could take over and then it’s buh-bye and a nice funeral waiting.
Benny sits up as soon as he’s bottomed out, keeping still to let Dean adjust to the burn. He runs his hands over Dean’s torso with a pleased quirk to his lips. “You’ve put on weight, Majesty,” he states with a pleased lilt.
“Yeah, well, last time you said no because you thought I looked too pale,” Dean grouses like a sulky child. So maybe he’d taken care not to forget to eat properly even when he’d been busy and stressed out, because he really didn’t want Benny to deny him ever again. He doesn’t like to be called out on it. A vampire isn’t supposed to be the sensible one.
Benny chuckles lowly. “I ain’t here to ruin your health, Majesty.”
“So why don’t you go on ruining something else?” Dean counters and rolls his hips to entice Benny to get on with it. With the Leviathan war on their doorstep, there hadn’t been enough opportunities for them to do this, to take their time. The upside is that a vampire can always find anyone they’ve ever drunk the blood from. It’d come in handy when they searched for Sam. It keeps coming in handy for this love affair too. Like when he’d been out inspecting a border post and Benny suddenly stepped out in front of him when he was alone for a moment. “Come ooon,” he begs impatiently. “I don’t got all night.” He does. He just doesn’t want to wait any longer.
Benny chuckles again, darkly and promising, and starts to move. Once Benny starts moving Dean almost forgets why he’s built up all this anticipation. Benny lies down on top of him supporting himself on an elbow while watching him with an intense and hungry gaze. He pants open-mouthed and Dean can see those sharp, pointy rows of teeth being extended. Dean meets every thrust as good as he can with his legs hooked around Benny’s hips. He can see Benny flaring his nostrils every time he lets out a gasp or moan, the scent of blood being carried by his breath. Benny’s heavy and it’s glorious. All day he’s the king, giving orders, commanding an army, making treaties, carrying the weight of the world in responsibility. Just to let himself be pinned down and bent in half by a pirate would have been enough to offset that, but with the added edge of what Benny is, it’s even better.
Benny grabs his wrists and pins his arms to the bed. He’s unnaturally strong. Dean struggles a little just for the sake of it―to prove to himself that he’s helpless. (He’d like to think he isn’t actually helpless, thank you very much.) Benny isn’t a dominant person. He’s surprisingly gentle and caring considering he’s a predator designed to live on human blood. But since he understood that Dean doesn’t mind being manhandled he let part of that predator out and it drives Dean absolutely insane. It’s insane. Benny pulls his lips back in a vicious grin, hissing between his teeth. It’s the moment Dean’s been waiting for. Benny bends his neck, drags his nose along Dean’s throat, follows the curve of the neck down towards the shoulder and lips at the meaty part of it. “Yes, hell yes!” Dean answers the unspoken question. He’ll be able to hide the mark under his clothes until it heals.
Benny bites down, needle-sharp teeth sinking into flesh. Dean gasps, letting out a breathy “Ah!” Chest heaving with the pain of it. “Sonnova bitch!” It hurts like a motherfucker, making a sharp feeling blossom in the tract of his stomach as his body tries to numb the pain. Then Benny’s lips close hot and soft against the surrounding skin, tongue soothing along the inside of his teeth. Dean can feel when his blood starts rushing out of him through the tiny hollows in the fangs. It’s a subtle feeling that only lasts for a moment. After that comes a soothing, warm feeling spreading from the wounds. Dean closes his eyes and stills.
This is so mind-blowingly addicting. This is what has had him vibrating with anticipation all night. The first time he’d let Benny feed on him he’d been high-strung and suspicious, fearing betrayal. He’d missed all the subtle shifts and only concluded that once the first pain had passed it was ‘not that bad’. He’d never believed the tales of people allowing a vampire to feed on them for years free-willingly. But now? Now he trusted Benny despite knowing how wrong it could go if Benny lost control, and it makes all the difference.
The warm feeling seeps into him and chases away every thought of war, internal conflicts, state matters and politics. All that exists is him and the bear of a man-shaped monster owning him. He relaxes further and lets the sensation take over. It’s nearly a euphoric experience. An isle of calm in a stormy sea where nothing or no one can disturb them. He rolls his hips and squeezes his ass. Benny lets out a muffled sound and jerks as he comes, sending a jolt of pain through Dean’s shoulder. Dean holds his head pressed against the shoulder to prevent him from pulling back just yet, balancing on the knife-edge of peril. He’s getting dizzy, euphoria getting a strong hold of him.
Benny tears himself loose gasping, jabbing another jolt of pain through Dean’s body when the fangs slip free. He immediately goes back down to lick at his bite mark to soothe its bleeding, one hand going between them to jerk Dean off. It doesn’t take much in Dean’s state. He jackknives when he comes, clinging to the gorgeous creature holding him.
Afterwards, they lie sweating, panting in the afterglow, Benny licking at the wounds until they stop bleeding. He’s a heavy, comforting weight half on top of Dean. “It’s a dangerous game you play, Majesty. It ain’t easy keeping from drainin’ ya when you make me come at the same time,” Benny remarks and combs Dean’s sweat-matted hair.
Dean chuckles tiredly. He’s dizzy, weak, and full of affection for Benny and his soulful eyes. People who claim vampires don’t have souls can go to hell. “Worth it. Totally worth it,” he answers with a grin. “How do you make that euphoric feeling happen anyway?” he adds curiously.
A small, confused wrinkle forms between Benny’s brows. “Euphoric feeling?”
“Yeah, you know. After the pain fades. First there’s the warmth, then this awesome feeling I can’t describe as anything but euphoric.”
Benny raises his eyebrow in surprise. Slowly a lopsided smile spreads on his face, something warm and happy sparking in his eyes. “That’s all on you, Majesty. Ain’t no trickery I can make happen.” Dean swears Benny’s already exertion-flushed cheeks turn a shade darker.
“Bullshit,” Dean grins at him. He hopes Benny stays the night. He can’t get enough of looking at that beautiful bastard. “You just don’t want to reveal any of your vampirate secrets.”
Benny’s shoulders jump in held-back mirth, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Nu-uh, Majesty. I ain’t holdin nothin’ from ya, I swear it.”
Maybe it isn’t some kind of vampire sorcery.
Maybe he’s just falling in love.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
Ignorance is Bliss
Summary: Dean is trying to keep the political relationship with Caelum stable. Adam’s married to their crown prince Michael so they’re practically family, right? All Dean wants is to help. That’s all, okay? So he lends Michael an un-asked for hand…
Notes: I got so inspired by YouCantKeepMeDown’s fantasy AU that I asked to write another short story in the verse. ^^ So without further ado, prepare to be embarrassed. /Coplins ( @spnyoucantkeepmedown )
A Political Blunder
Dean’s eyes keep being drawn to the offending burrs and thorny twigs poking out of the downy feathers of Michael’s folded wings. The angel had managed to rid himself of the burrs that got stuck on his huge outer wings with relative ease, stretching, flapping, knocking down a small tree in the process. Those wings pack one hell of a punch. Michael’s only reaction to slamming his wing into the tree trunk had been a small, surprised ‘oh?’ like he hadn’t even noticed, and it was an ‘Oops,’ more than anything. Dean wonders if they can feel a damn thing with those feather-flappers on their back. Probably not much.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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Chapter 23 of Going Rouge is posted!
In this chapter, we’ll see something that will mostly remain hidden in VC, only mentioned but not shown, yet it affects everything. You’ll most likely view some part of the plot differently when knowing what happened this night. Know that before you decide to read.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabriel/Dean Winchester Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Knotting, Public Sex, Alpha Gabriel, Omega Dean Series: Part 12 of Packrunners Summary:
Dean runs his errand to the DMV. Waiting could have ended up being torture during his Heat, but he meets a short Alpha with a trick or two up his sleeve to keep Dean entertained.
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coplinswrites · 6 years
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Dean Winchester, a hedonistic, Primal Omega, spends one Heat with a gorgeously smelling ebony Alpha with a rare pink eye flare. His name is Raphael and Dean falls hard. Sadly, Raphael is a businessman only passing through town on a work-related trip. He asks Dean to come with him but circumstances make Dean unable to say yes.
Fast-forward five years and Dean’s in New York with a vainglorious hope to find the Alpha that made such impression on him. All he has to go on is a forename since he can’t remember exactly what Raphael smelled like. On top of that, Dean’s determined to keep the Packrunning lifestyle he grew up with. Not necessarily the easiest thing to do in a world dominated by Conservatives and Progressives, where even most Primals have bought into the idea of mating monogamously with a ‘truemate’ and no longer run in Packs. Dean, like all Packrunners, doesn’t believe in truemates. He believes the heart is big enough to love many. He is living proof of it.
Good thing too, because once he hustles himself into a job at the Williams Enterprises he finds himself crushing on the scent of all four Williamses occupying the corner offices on the top floor.
“Packrunners” is an Alpha/Omega ‘verse where humans have some shifting abilities, smelling is the most important sense, Omegas aren’t suppressed, and the endgame is a polyamorous Pack containing the Winchester brothers and the Archangels. It’s set in a post-war world that would be very dystopian if the Winchesters weren’t such positive, crafty individuals.
It’s a ‘ship all the ships’ sort of series, where I’m just having fun with world building and pairings. Almost any ship might pop up even if it’s just a one-time thing.That’s also why I chose to make it a series instead of a chaptered story. Each installment has the main pairing or liaison tagged.
Beta read by @spnyoucantkeepmedown (Visit on Ao3 for more Archangel lovin’)
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