colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
• New Moon: Initiation, fluid impulse, the feeling of spring, vivid idealisation, the mind opens for new horizons ;.
☽ Crescent Moon: Harvesting information and applying newly gathered ideas into preparation
☽ First Quarter Moon: Personal conflict and confrontation bought to the surface, resolution awaits, favorable initiation period 
○ Gibbous Moon: Time for change and adjustment, to straighten out physical and emotional ripples 
◯  Full Moon: The fertility ritual, elusion generates. The melancholic streaks sift in like fluid from a bank, the God’s call to be worshipped, inner lunacy is revealed 
○ Disseminating Phase: Lunar celebrations begin, this being the time of socialisation. Compassion and generosity is enriched 
☾ Balsamic Moon: To remember, to reflect, to pull the weeds, to sleep soundly 
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
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Shadow Work Info 🧿🌀🥀
[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
* manifestation emoji spell *
🌿 🕊 🧿🌛✨1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣✨🌜🧿 🕊🌿
manifest peaceful change and exciting new beginnings that you have been wanting and waiting for
* your wishful thoughts will turn into a beautiful reality *
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Earth-Friendly Witchcraft
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Whatever religious or spiritual tradition they identify with, most witches agree that there is something sacred about the natural world. We draw our power from the earth beneath our feet, the sky over our heads, and the air in our lungs.
And yet, many of us live in societies that are actively contributing to the destruction of the natural world. Most developed nations have a linear economy, which means resources are extracted and then sent on a one-way trip to consumers who will use them and then throw them away. This leads to overflowing landfills, air and water pollution, and quickly disappearing resources. The World Economic Forum predicts that, if our habits don’t change, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. And I dearly hope that by now we’re all familiar with the reality of climate change and its devastating impact on global ecosystems.
I’m not trying to scare you, but I do want to point out the hypocrisy of drawing power from the Earth in our magic while simultaneously contributing to her destruction. If we truly want to consider ourselves spiritual allies of the planet, we need to make an effort to live our lives — and practice our magic — in ways that are less harmful to her.
You don’t have to become an environmentalist or switch to a zero waste lifestyle, but we can all make little changes for a more sustainable life. There’s lots of information out there about how to live a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, so in this post I’ll be focusing on how to apply that same philosophy to your witchcraft.
Steps to a more Earth-Friendly Practice:
Limiting your consumption will automatically lower your negative impact on the planet. Follow my previous guidelines for avoiding consumerism to start shrinking your carbon footprint.
Avoid plastic as much as possible. According to the WEF, 70% of our plastic ends up in a landfill or in the world’s waterways, and according to Julia Watkins, author of Simply Living Well, only 9% of household plastics get recycled. Plastic (unlike glass and metal) cannot be recycled indefinitely — it can only be recycled a handful of times before it becomes too degraded to be repurposed any further. There really is no way to make plastic safer for the planet, so it’s best to just avoid it altogether. Look for tools made of metal, wood, or glass instead of plastics, and try to order things shipped in paper and cardboard when possible.
Create spells that won’t leave leftovers. One of the big contributing factors to our current environmental crisis is that we just produce too much waste. You can avoid this in your magical practice by crafting spells that won’t leave you throwing away a big ball of candle wax, herbs, and paper. Kitchen magic is a no-brainer for this, since kitchen spells are meant to be eaten. If you want to do a candle spell, use small candles that will burn up completely — I find larger candles are more likely to leave leftover wax. Making magical bath salts is another great option for leftover-free spells — just make sure everything you include is safe to go down the drain and won’t contribute to water pollution!
Forage for your own spell materials. One of the best ways to avoid plastic packaging and cut down on emissions from shipping is to use materials from your backyard! Learn about the plants, animals, and minerals native to your area, and take regular nature walks where you can gather what you need. Remember to only take as much as you need and to be careful never to damage the plants you harvest from. Make sure to carefully disinfect any animals bits you pick up — you can do this by burying them in salt for a full moon cycle and/or setting them in the sun/under a UV light for several days. If you find a dead animal and want to strip and clean its bones for use in ritual, this is a much more involved process and will require special research, equipment, and lots of time. And, of course, never eat anything you have foraged unless you happen to have an advanced degree in botany.
Keep a magical garden. Another great way to connect with the planet and shrink your carbon footprint is to grow your own herbs, vegetables, and fruits. You can, of course, grow food for your kitchen if you have space, but even if you live in a tiny apartment you can grow a handful of magical herbs in pots. For a list of common houseplants and their magical associations, check out this post.
Shop for spell materials at a local farmer’s market. Buying local is a great way to avoid the environmental impact of shipping produce, and it allows you to support small farms. Farmer’s markets also typically carry seasonal produce, which can help you align your magical practice with the cycles of nature. Farmer’s markets are a great way to find seasonal fruits and vegetables for kitchen magic, but you can use the produce you find there for other types of spells as well.
Trade paraffin wax candles for beeswax or soy wax. Paraffin, the material used for most cheap candles, is a by-product of crude oil, which is not only highly unsustainable but contains carcinogens (chemicals that may cause cancer). Beeswax is a sustainable alternative, and beeswax candles produce a “clean” burn, meaning it does not negatively affect air quality. Soy wax is a slightly pricier, vegan-friendly sustainable option that also produces a clean burn.
Use undyed, unbleached paper for your written spells. The bleaches and dyes used in most commercially available paper have a toxic effect on the environment. Colored paper cannot be recycled or composted because it will contaminate everything it touches. Use plain, unbleached paper for your written spells, especially if you plan to bury them in the ground or dispose of them outside.
Make sure your essential oils are ethically harvested. Essential oils are tricky — although they are marketed as natural, many of them are produced through unsustainable methods. Because essential oils are concentrated, it may take thousands of pounds of plants to produce a single pound of oil. This can have a devastating impact, especially for endangered plants like white sage or palo santo. Look for ethically-sourced, wild-harvested essential oils — these are oils that are gathered from the wild in ways that don’t hurt the local ecosystem. Mountain Rose Herbs and Eden’s Garden are two brands that are committed to sustainable essential oil production.
Instead of burying a spell in a jar, bury it in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. Many traditions call for spells to be buried in the ground. Items like jar spells and witch bottles are traditionally buried on the witch’s property. The problem with this is that plastic and glass bottles do not biodegrade, and will remain in the ground for years. Instead of putting these materials in the ground, bury your spells in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. As a bonus, you can choose this item to support your intention. For example, you might use an apple for a love spell or a spicy pepper for protection. Just make sure everything inside the spell is also biodegradable!
Keep a compost pile as an offering to your local land spirits. Compost is an easy way to reduce food waste, and it gives your garden a boost! Even if you don’t have your own garden, you can give your compost to a fiend who does or look into donating it to a community garden. When composting, it’s important to maintain a balance between carbon-rich “brown” ingredients (leaves, undyed paper, cardboard, etc.) and nitrogen-rich “greens” (fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc.) — you want about four times as much brown as green in your compost. Start your compost with a layer of brown — preferably twigs or straw to allow good airflow. Alternate layers of green and brown materials as you add to the pile. Every time you add to your compost, verbally express your gratitude to the land spirits. Your compost should be moist, but not soggy — you’ll know it’s ready when it’s dark and crumbly and smells like soil.
Make your own tea blends with loose herbs and a reusable tea strainer instead of buying teabags. Witches and tea go together like peanut butter and chocolate, but the individual wrappers on teabags create a lot of waste. On top of that, since many of these wrappers are dyed, they may not even be recyclable. Keep your teas earth-friendly by buying dried herbs in bulk and blending your own teas. Making your own blends is not only better for the planet, but also allows you to choose each ingredient for a specific magical intention.
Find ways to use your trash in your craft. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Instead of throwing things away, find ways to use them in your magic! Use food scraps from cooking, like carrot greens and potato peels, in spells. Turn an old shoe box into a travel altar. Add your coffee grounds to spells to ground them and manifest results in the physical world. You get the idea. Be creative!
Research different models for Earth-friendly living, like the zero waste/low waste lifestyle, sustainability, and the solarpunk movement. This will give you more ideas for a sustainable lifestyle, as well as a sustainable magical practice.
The funny thing about Earth-friendly living is that, the more time you spend taking care of the planet, the more connected you feel to it. I encourage you to try some of the ideas on this list — you’ll be amazed by how quickly you develop a deeper relationship with the Earth and all her creatures.
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins
“By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans, study says” from The Washington Post
A Sustainable Mind podcast
Practical(ly) Zero Waste podcast
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
vine tarot
by ‘holly sweet’ on redbubble
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five feet apart cus theyre not gay
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oh my god they were roommates 
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i wont hesitate, bitch
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its wednesday my dudes
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(no associated catchphrase)
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a potato flew around my room
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i have the power of god AND anime on my side
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~got a red dress on tonight, dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight~
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(no associated catchphrase)
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(’take on me’ opening notes)
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(no associated catchphrase)
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Hi! Omg i love your blog and I feel like you might have soom good insight on this: Do you know how I can become more enlightened? I've bought so man decks, gotten so many readings, I watch so many Youtube videos on spirituality the craft, and astrology and placed a shipment for almost every crystal known to man but don't feel any closer to the divine. Am I doing something wrong? How do I make the best out of all these tools?
Hmmmm... my love, I hate to say this but it sounds like you may be suffering from what is termed as “Spiritual Materialism.”
What is Spiritual Materialism?
It’s the phenomenon that happens when we use spiritual concepts, doctrines, practices, and tools to reinforce the false sense of self, the ego. 
But being free of the ego is the very definition of spiritual enlightenment. I won’t lie, I think we’ve all suffered from it at one point or another. I know I have. so here are some tips to identify whether or not you may be a victim of this mindset.
 1. Being a constant shopper in “spiritual marketplaces”
.... this includes chasing or being thirsty for endless workshops, methods, tools, talismans, and techniques which all promise to make you a wiser, more intuitive, more at peace or blissful, person. These shopping sprees can get out of control very fast. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to educate yourself, or simply being curious [I was a double major in history and international studies, I get it, lol] but we have to remember that the acquisition of these things in an attempt to become more awakened can become more of an addiction than anything else. It’ll also hurt your pockets.
2. “Grass is Greener Syndrome” or “Future Obsessive Compulsion”
Or believing “if I just do this” or “if only I was in *insert Nirvana-esque location here*” that one can get to an ‘elevated state’ in the future. “I’ll be better than who I am now. I’ll be my best.” This causes one to forget the present. To neglect the good already in them. Dwelling on dreams and forgetting to live. It may seem ambitious but it is fundamentally egocentric.
3. Being a “Spiritual Influencer”
Also known as “InstaSpirituality”. These are the types to focus on aesthetically pleasing spiritual practices, things that are Tik-Tok-able or Snapchat/Insta worthy. Spirituality that is used strictly for social capital/gain when there is no sincere desire to really delve into the deeper, messier, Tower-like moments that often walk hand in hand with spiritual awakenings. These moments are typically not ones you want to catch on camera.
4. Spiritual cultural appropriation
Using words, practices, ways of life of cultures other than your own for profit/self-image or self-gain only and not because you truly respect them honor them or even attempted to understand them. We must remember that every culture on earth has a deep and rich history and it is disrespectful to use what others find sacred as a boomerang on your social media feed.
5. Focusing solely on the “positive”
I know this sounds like it should be a good thing but what we have to understand is that humans and the universe as a whole are only balanced with light and dark. Yin and Yang. You cannot have one without the other. Focusing only on “high vibes” or “love and light” creates illusion. It creates a false world so that the ego avoids the reality of its own shadow. In fact, your shadow exists to protect you. That urge you get to defend yourself when you’re attacked by an insult or a sudden ‘left-hook’. That boil in your belly when you see someone getting buck with you and you wish to retaliate. The black and blue balls you give the asshole harassing you in the club after kneeing him in them is your shadow self protecting your conscious/physical-self. This is your basic instinct, as they call it. The basic self will act primarily to preserve the body. It will resist anything that will harm or hurt the body or that will cause destruction to itself  You have to embrace it. You have to work with both and not let one run rough-shod over the other.
6. Spiritual Elitism
Or using spiritual achievements, lineage, gifts, etc to feel superior or disconnect from others. The types who cultivate spiritual resumes [a list of all the important people they’ve met, certifications they have or abilities they claim to own] to impress themselves and others. I also call this spiritual narcissism. This is actually what ends up being the result of spiritual materialism. The ego becomes elephantine. So big and so impervious that it not only consciously believes it is more “awakened” but it will do anything to reinforce this [typically false] narrative. Included but not limited to harming others through arrogance, narcissism, and at it’s worst physical harm. These individuals typically suffer from insecurities themselves. Often you find these individuals within organized religious sectors, yes [Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc] but they can also be found in the Divining, Astro, Witch & Reiki community as well. These are the modern-day equivalents of Slytherins and their “pure-blood” nonsense. Believing everyone else to be of dirty-blood or less than. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, gifts, or things you simply worked hard for. Especially in a world that makes you believe being proud of yourself or your culture [especially if you’re not white] is a sin and self-deprecation and humility are admirable [they’re not.] But are you really enlightened if you do not allow others the same grace to work towards what you believe you’ve achieved? The point is to not be judgmental, but instead to be aware and compassionate with ourselves and others.
7. Self-Improvement addiction
Hopping around from teacher to teacher, guru to guru in your attempt to become more healed, more awakened, more in touch with the supernatural. Practicing meditation with the agenda to avoid any feeling and/or suffering by being detached on a 24-hour basis. The reality is, these practices are more harmful than helpful. You need your emotions. They’re what make you human. And the inconvenient truth is that they are always fluctuating [water signs, I know you hear me on this]. In your attempt to improve yourself constantly, you’re reinforcing the negative mindset that you are somehow “broken” and need to be “fixed” and as a result, you are never happy.
In essence
Spiritual materialism is what occurs when spirituality feeds the ego and the ego greedily sucks it all in. When we take something Divine and try to possess it as our own. When we are fuelled with ego-centric or self-serving motives. Again, we all have this tendency, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I myself have suffered from No. 2 and No. 7 the most. Now that you all know some of the symptoms, can you be honest with yourself? How many of these can you relate to? What steps will you take to be more aware and adjust some of these habits? It may be hard to admit but as they say in AA, the first step is acceptance, of yourself and your flaws. 
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Bruja! ¿Que tal? Can you tell us more about chakras and how they mix with astrology? I'd love to hear your input! Thanks for all your help with astrology by the way. Your posts and very detailed/accurate analysis have been so helpful! :-*
Chakra’s and Astrological Association
Chakra’s by definition are the 7 main energy points in the body. In Sanskrit, it translates to “wheel”. As a result, it has a natural association with the Zodiac or the astrological wheel. Since they are essentially energy centers, they can become balanced or imbalanced. Chakras are also inherently associated with one or two zodiac signs each. 
1st Chakra or Root Chakra
Astrological correspondence = Capricorn/Aquarius
Color = Red
Element = Earth
Demon = Fear
The first chakra is an Earth chakra. Its location is at the base of the spine/tailbone area. It deals with survival, safety, security, basic instincts and their needs like food, water, money/financial security. Because desires such as the aforementioned are all earthly, they are associated with Saturn, who rules both Capricorn [and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius]. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to take on the world and handle challenges and be independent. When it's blocked, we feel threatened, fearful, have trouble controlling our temper and instability in general. There can be cruelty or control issues. Much like the under-developed traits of Aquarius and Capricorn. Physical ailments can manifest as constipation, pain the bones, or colon issues. How to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color red. Earthy things such as massages, especially reflexology, mudbaths, exercise, and healthy eating habits.
2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra
Astrological correspondence= Pisces/Sagittarius [and often Scorpio]
Color = Orange
Element =  Water
Demon= Guilt
The second chakra is a Water chakra. Its location is below the naval/ near the groin. It deals with pleasure, expansion, abundance, sexual energy, seduction, emotions, and sociability. Because intimacy and happiness are emotions, this chakra associated with Water. [Though Sagittarius is fire, remember Jupiter is also the ancient ruler of Pisces] In addition, because of its association with the nether regions & sex, this chakra is also associated with Scorpio. When the sacral chakra is balanced we experience, graceful movement, emotional intelligence, ability to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, mutability, and healthy sexual drive. When it is imbalanced we experience denial of pleasure, obsessive attachment, low self-worth, disinterest in self-care, close-mindedness, drama, need for attention but an inability to find healthy ways of obtaining it or adversely, excessive sexual drive to the point of carelessness. There can also be infections such as UTI’s. Ways to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color orange. Eating orange foods/fruit. Releasing guilt and embracing your sexuality. Connecting with water and dancing.
3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Aries/ Scorpio
Color = Yellow
Element = Fire
Demon = Shame
The third chakra is a fire chakra. Its location is above the navel between the rib cage or in the “belly”. It deals with confidence, charisma, desire, energy, willpower, force, strength, control, and perseverance. Intuition and ‘gut-feelings’ live here. This is why this chakra is often associated with Mars, the co-ruler of Scorpio, and the main ruler of Aries. When this chakra is balanced, you feel joyful, full of life, confidence in accomplishments, and yourself. Good sense of humor. Strong-willed and self-esteem. Balanced ego as well. There’s no need for you to criticize others, and a strong ability to focus and follow through on goals. When this chakra is imbalanced there is arrogance, low self-esteem, jealousy, harsh judgment and criticism of self and of others, manipulative, overly-domineering, low on energy, weak-willed, or easily manipulated. Poor self-discipline and following through with tasks and promises. Emotionally cold—very much like the underdeveloped traits of both Aries and Scorpio. Ways to balance this chakra are utilization of the color yellow. Consuming yellow fruits or yellow foods in general sunlight and vitamin D. Vigorous exercise [running, aerobics, sex, etc.]  and meditation. Laughter or doing things that give you “belly laughs” [watching comedy really helps].
4th Chakra or Heart Chakra
Astrological correspondence = Taurus/Libra
Color = Green
Element = Air
Demon = Grief
The fourth chakra is an air chakra. It is located in the middle of the chest or quite literally, the “heart”. It deals with love and compassion and balance. Very much why it is associated with Libra and Taurus who are ruled by the love goddess, Venus. When your heart chakra is out of balance, your relationship with other people will be out of balance, as well. You become indifferent to their sentiments, and sometimes quite self-absorbed about getting your own needs met. You cling to past griefs and hurts and are unable to forgive. You deal with loneliness and depression. You are cold and unable to demonstrate love. There can also be excessive sacrifice in regard to what you give others. You either be too dismissive of others or depend on them too much. When the heart chakra is balanced, compassion will freely flow and so will understanding towards others in life. You take responsibility for your own actions. You don’t boast or show-off your achievements, nor do you let your mistakes become mountains when they are molehills. Ways to balance this chakra are the utilization of the color green. Eating green foods. Breathing exercises, especially since this chakra rules the cardio muscle. When it opens it will feel painful but this is a release. Embrace it.
5th Chakra or Throat Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Virgo/Gemini
Color = Blue
Element = ether/ sound
Demon = Lies
The fifth chakra is the chakra related to ether and sound. It is located in the throat. It deals with communication. This chakra is connected to our ability to communicate verbally. When this chakra is blocked, voice and throat problems, secrets, speech impairments, difficulties expressing feelings or thoughts can all arise. Blocks or misalignment can also be seen through authoritative or totalitarian conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having trouble speaking your mind. Self-expression will generally be difficult. You’ll either not speak up, or you’ll say more than you mean to. You cannot process what others attempt to express. You over-analyze everything. When this chakra is functioning at it’s prime, speech will be proportionate and free-flowing. You will take the time to respond, not retaliate. The truth will flow easily instead of fallacies. Just like Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo when in their developed state. Ways to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color blue. Consuming blue foods or blue drink. Singing, creative wiring, reading out loud, and loosening the neck and shoulders from stiffness and stress.
6th Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Cancer
Color = Indigo
Element = Light
Demon = Illusion
This 6th chakra is the chakra that rules light. It is located in the middle of the forehead or the area between the eyes/the pineal gland. It concerns intuition, mental functions, memory, active awareness, higher will, psychic/reflective awareness, and balance. Hence why it is associated with Cancer/ the moon. When this chakra is balanced it will manifest as perceptiveness, Imagination, Good memory, or even photographic memory. Healthy dream recall and the ability to think symbolically/visualize or connect with the spirit world. among their cousins, Cancers have a leg up on this. Since this chakra is physically located on the head, when there is an imbalance, blockages can manifest as headaches, issues with sight or concentration, difficulties connecting with our intuition, or sudden insights. People will also experience nightmares, will not be able to connect with their tools well [Tarot, pendulums, etc] trouble listening to reality [who seem to “know it all”], delusions, hallucinations and/or insensitivity.  Ways to balance this chakra are the utilization of the color indigo. Eating foods of this color. Creating visual art, meditation, and psychotherapy. One can also use art therapy, working with memory, connecting images with feelings, dreamwork, hypnosis, guided visualizations, or past life regression therapy.
7th Chakra or Crown Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Leo
Color = Purple
Element = Cosmic Energy
Demon = Earthly Attachment
This chakra is the chakra that rules the spirit. It is located at the top of the head. It deals with/concerns states of higher consciousness and divine connection. Like Leo’s who are considered the royalty of the zodiac hence “crown”, this chakra is all about what is “above or higher”. When this chakra is balanced we feel connected to the universe, spirit, the divine, and all cosmic and celestial energies. Wisdom will free flow. Our mental faculties and brain functions are working at optimum levels. You have an unshakable sense of being. You know your capabilities and do not suffer from constant doubt. Your faith is strong and your relationship with the world and even those outside of the physical will be resilient as well. When this chakra is imbalanced, there will be cynicism, narrow-mindedness, or rigid dogmatic belief systems. You’ll feel you’re living in your head. There will be an inability to respect what is sacred, or a general disregard for it. Inability to connect with our higher self or consciousness and the divine. Awareness and intelligence will also become fuzzy and there will be general feelings of confusion. Ways to balance and heal this chakra are working with the color purple, associated with royalty, or eating purple foods. Reestablish physical, emotional connections with others and the reestablishment of spiritual connections. Release of attachments and an openness to learning and study, meditation, reading, psychotherapy, and examining belief systems other than your own to develop acceptance and understanding. 
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Do you think there’s an astrology to menstrual cycles, if you don’t mind me asking? Or do you think it’s purely just genetics...
Astrology and Fertility Cycles
Of course, at the end of the day, genetics have a lot to do when our regularity and so does diet and lifestyle, birth control, etc. However, I’ve read that there have been studies done by ancient astrologers that have established a correlation between the position of the Sun in a natal chart to the Moon. The connection between the luminaries in a female’s chart specifically could indicate when she was truly fertile or most receptive to pregnancy.
This moment exactly is when the Moon is the exact distance from the Sun as it was when you were born
For example: 
If your natal Sun is at 15° 40 Taurus and your natal Moon is at 23°55 Virgo, the distance between both luminaries is 128 degrees and 15 minutes [or trining]. This equates to every 29 1/2 days and appx 12 to 13 times a year. So every time a woman’s natal Sun and natal Moon are separated by 120-128° a woman can expect her moon cycle.
Moon and Mars
The Moon represents yin energy/ovaries/water and Mars is the significator of the phallic/blood. You can look to the moon aspecting mars every 28 days and find that menstruation will typically occur then. Menstrual disorders or irregularities can be seen when these two planets are in hard aspect as well. Moon and Mars in hard aspect or another malefic such as Saturn and placed in the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th. This can indicate more pain than average during your moon cycles.
Honorary Mention
I’ve also noticed that when there is a particularly strong lunation, such as a super moon or a lunar eclipse, it can accelerate the effects of the fertility cycle. In layman’s terms: it can bring on an earlier period. 
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Moon Phases and How to Use the Power of Mother Moon
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Throughout time, human beings have gazed at the Moon and been in awe of her magnificence. Our ancestors revered the Moon just as much as the Sun with the Sun representing masculine energy and the Moon representing feminine energy. Today many of us may not pay that much attention to the Moon and the power that she wields but it is important to understand her cycles and see how they work in accordance with our cycles. 
The Moon goes through her complete cycle in roughly 29 days from New Moon to New Moon and knowing what cycle you are in can help you to harness the divine feminine energy and use it to help you in all areas of your life. The female body is very much in tune with Mother Moon and if you happen to track your menstrual cycle you might want to see how your bleeding coincides with the cycles of the Moon as well. Knowing this information can give you better insight into your day-to-day life and linking it to your Goddess power. 
So let’s look at each cycle and break them down so that we can gain a better understanding of the energy that it posses.
New Moon 
In this cycle, we can not see the Moon in the sky. Because the Moon is “hiding” this is a time of
new beginnings and introspection
. Emotionally you may feel as though you want to retreat within yourself. The New Moon cycle is when we pause and breathe for a moment. It’s best not to do any serious tasks and to allow yourself to indulge in some much-needed self-care practices. 
Waxing Crescent
The Moon begins to show herself in a beautiful crescent shape and it is at this time that we begin to take action and set our intentions. Plant the seeds for the things that you want to see grow in this lunar cycle. Write them down in a journal or on a sheet of paper, say them out loud, see yourself attaining these goals and wishes for yourself and know that they are yours to have. While it can be very easy to write down extremely large goals, know that there are small steps that need to take place in order for those large goals to materialize. So start small and build.
First Quarter Moon
The moon appears to be split in half and that is appropriate for this cycle because you may face some challenges. You might have to make some snap decisions and act swiftly in order for your intentions to manifest but know that these actions are only bringing you closer to your goals. Writing down your intentions can be vital since you may need a friendly reminder to keep your eyes on the prize.
Waxing Gibbous
Once you have moved through your challenges you may have to refine your intentions. Maybe you had a change of heart. Maybe the Universe showed you that what you thought you wanted really wasn’t in your best interest. Whatever the reason, this is a time to reevaluate your intentions and see if they are still in accordance with the path that you are on. Don’t worry about having to make modifications, we often need to adjust or shift so that Mother Moon can send us what is best for us. 
Full Moon
The Moon is in her full beauty and now is the time that we harvest and reap what we have sown. It is important to be open and prepared. Don’t worry or stress if you do not see your intentions fully manifest right away, it may take a couple of cycles before you see the completion of your goals. Be patient and know that Mother Moon is working in your favor.
Waning Gibbous
Whether you have received the full manifestation of your intentions, or you may have seen a glimmer of something brewing, this is the cycle for showing your gratitude. Tell Mother Moon what you are thankful for, share and spread that gratefulness and love to others around you. 
Last Quarter Moon
Now that you have given thanks it is time to let go of the things that no longer serve you. Release any old patterns that are not for your greater good, remove any people from your life that are only bringing negativity, cleanse yourself of any emotions that you wish to release. You may also want to cleanse your home of anything that you no longer need. All of this is getting you ready for the next lunar cycle.
 Waning Crescent
As the Moon begins to go dark again we take this time to surrender and let the Universe and Mother Moon handle things. You have been exerting a great deal of work and energy during this entire moon cycle and it is time to rest. Whatever will be will be. Do not try and prepare for the next cycle, simply allow yourself to recuperate.  
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
As a witch with a chronic illness that can leave me extremely low on energy for weeks at a time, I’m always looking for witchy things to do that won’t leave me exhausted. Even simple spells draw from your own energy pool so these are the things I do when my pool is running dry.
Cleansing -  Negative energy always builds up in my space during a bout of sickness, after a good cleansing of my outer I find my inner much more positive also. Here are some easy ways to cleanse
-Light some incense -Fill a spray bottle with water (moon water would be handy for this), herbs of your choice (I usually use sage), and some salt. Then go around to each room and spray some into each corner -Cleanse yourself by taking a bath or shower and using gorgeous smelling products -Open a window and let the fresh air blow positive energy into your house
Sigils -  When I don’t have the energy for full-on spells/rituals I sit down and make some cute sigils. I try to make them specific to my situation, so when I am feeling especially down because of health issues I will make a sigil with the intent “My health does not affect my mental state” or something similar. You can also
 -Put a sigil on your pill bottles for a little boost (although magic is NOT a replacement for medicine and you should never completely rely on it for any health issues) -Put a sigil on your heat bags/hot water bottle -Draw them on your wrist -Draw them at the bottom of your tea mugs with honey
Beauty Products -  Being stuck in bed feeling like death himself can make me feel, well, not awesome appearance wise. I found making myself feel nice on the outside can help my moral SO MUCH. I don’t mean you have to get up and put on a full face of make-up, but these little things can make a big difference
-Rosehip oil spray. It smells amazing, has many magical benefits including health and feeling calm and sensual, and is super refreshing with the added bonus of being rly good for your skin -Scented lip balm for when your lips are feeling dry and sore eg I have pomegranate lip balm for when I want to make an offering to Persephone but have absolutely no energy. They come in sooo many flavors and scents, just pick which ones resonate with what you need! -Perfume/essential oils. Just use a scent that corresponds with what you would like to do, like tea tree oil for health or lavender for relaxation. Also, smell pretty=feel pretty.
Prayers -  It can be hard keeping up appearances to the Gods when you have no energy so every night before bed, or generally whenever I feel like it, I say a little prayer. Of course if you are a secular witch you could just take some time to appreciate the things in nature/your life that makes it magical.
Tea -  It’s so nice having a soothing hot drink when your throat feels like a huge cluster of quartz has gotten stuck in there. There are so many posts out there about magical uses for tea but here is a couple 
-Adding herbs for intent -Leaving a crystal in your mug overnight so your mug and tea is charged with intent -Blowing away the steam and visualize blowing away negative energy
Get to know your crystals - Lets be honest, I have so many crystals I’ve forgotten what half of them are. I like taking them out and surrounding myself with them and then picking them up one by one and focusing on its energy to re-connect. This takes barely any of my energy as I can do it in bed, and makes me feel warm and fuzzy seeing all my pretties in front of me.
Read/Study - This is what I spend the majority of my time doing. There is ALWAYS more to learn about witchcraft and I can do it while lying down. There are so many free witchy book pdfs on tumblr as well, just remember not to believe everything you read.
Witchy Crafts - This one could take a little more spoons than the others, but it’s super gratifying. To find some things to do you can scroll through the tumblr tag “witch diy”. Some things I have done are 
-Sewed cute tarot bags to hold my cards -Used thick cotton to make my own little necklace crystal holder -Bought gemstone beads and made my own jewelry
Visualization - This is in my opinion the foundation of all spells and a lot of the time I don’t even use any other ingredients because that takes too much energy. I just focus on my intent and chant a little bit or sing and let the spell come to light all through visualizing it. I have charmed items, helped my plants grow and a lot more this way. I also like to visualize myself in a beautiful, flower-filled forest and feel the sun/moon pulling dark clouds of negative energy/illness out of my body to help when i’m feeling particularly unwell.
Meditation - My favorite spoonie witchy thing to do. It calms you, cleanses you, broadens your mind and senses and helps me personally deal with any pain caused by my illness. It can be done at any time and you really feel recharged afterwards. You can even light some candles, light some incense, sit outside under the moon, so many things.
So these are all I can think of right now, feel free to add on so we can all help each other out! Much love to every one of you 💕
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Add Some Oomph to Your Spells with Magical Timing
Like herbs, oils, and crystals, you don’t need to work with magical timing for your spell to be successful. You can cast a spell at any time, no matter your intention, and get your desired results. However, working with the energy of the sun, moon, and days of the week can add an extra power boost to your magic.
Think of it this way: certain energies are dominant at certain times. Those energies are easier to connect with because they are closer at hand, so to speak, so you can bring them into your life and your spells more easily and in a more powerful way. That doesn’t mean you can’t call on other energies during these times — it just means that you may not connect to them quite so easily.
If you choose to work with magical timing in your spells, there are several yearly, monthly, weekly, and even daily cycles you can align your spells with.
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The Cycle of the Sun: Solstices and Equinoxes
These are the turning points that mark the solar year, and are associated with the relationships between day and night, light and dark, summer and winter. Each solstice or equinox marks the end of one season and the beginning for the next. Because they are so rare and so potent, these days are a great time for your “big picture” spells or for spells that need a big power boost.
Winter Solstice. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, and falls between December 20 and December 23, depending on the year. In some pagan traditions the winter solstice, or Yule, marks the beginning of the new year — you may choose to set intentions for the coming year on this solstice. After the winter solstice, the nights start getting shorter and the days start getting longer — so spells related to healing and bringing things into the light are especially effective at this time of year. The winter solstice marks the end of the “dark half” of the year and beginning of the “light half” of the year; at this point, our focus turns from inward reflection to outward manifestation. You may choose to think of the time between the winter solstice and spring equinox as a “planning phase,” where you examine yourself and your desires, decide what you want to work on in the next year, and make plans for manifesting what you want.
Spring Equinox. An equinox occurs when the day and the night are exactly the same length, representing a perfect balance between light and dark. The spring equinox marks the beginning of spring and occurs between March 19 and March 22. The Christian holiday of Easter and the pagan holiday of Ostara are both related to the energy of this equinox. At this time of year, the natural world is coming back to life as winter begins to fade. Plants are beginning to grow, and baby animals are being born. This is a powerful time of year for fertility magic and any magic related to new beginnings. You may choose to think of the time between the spring equinox and the summer solstice as a “planting phase,” where you “plant the seed” of the things you want to manifest and begin doing the work to make it happen.
Summer Solstice. This solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. It occurs between June 19 and June 23. As I am writing this post, we are coming up on the summer solstice (June 20, 2020). Life, fertility, and growth are at their peak during this time of year, which makes this solstice a perfect time for big manifestation spells. At the same time, this marks the end of the “light half” and beginning of the “dark half” of the year, so after the summer solstice our energy shifts from outward manifestation to inward contemplation. You may choose to think of the time between the summer solstice and fall equinox as the “harvest phase,” where you reap the results of your hard work and manifest your desires in the physical world.
Autumn Equinox. This is the other time of year when the day and night are perfectly balanced. The autumn equinox occurs between September 19 and September 23 and marks the beginning of autumn. This is traditionally the time of year when crops are harvested, and many pagan groups celebrate harvest festivals around this time. Nature is beginning to die or go into hibernation in preparation for the coming winter. This is an especially powerful time of year for shadow work or for magic related to endings and transitions. You may choose to think of the time between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice as the “reflection phase,” when you retreat from the outside world to rest, focus on yourself, and do your inner work and self-healing.
Important Note: This post lists dates for the solstices and equinoxes in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed. If you live in the Southern hemisphere, you would observe the winter solstice in June, the spring equinox in September, the summer solstice in December, and the fall equinox in March.
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The Cycle of the Moon: Lunar Phases
If you don’t have time to wait for the appropriate solstice or equinox, you can still connect with the cosmos in your magic. One of the biggest pros of the lunar cycle is that it happens roughly every month — so you never have to wait very long for the next full moon. The moon is also associated with magic and spirituality in several traditions, which makes it an especially powerful astral ally for witches.
New Moon. The new moon is when the moon is completely invisible in the night sky, and is the phase opposite the full moon. The new moon is a powerful time for shadow work (because it deals with things that are hidden) and for magic related to new beginnings.
Waxing Moon. The moon is waxing when it appears to be growing in the night sky; this is the phase between the new moon and full moon. This is a powerful time for any magic that deals with drawing something in, building something up, or strengthening something that already exists.
Full Moon. Many witches believe that the full moon is the most powerful time of month for any kind of magic. This is a good time to cast any spell that needs a serious power boost. The full moon is also an especially powerful time to release what no longer serves you or to work healing magic.
Waning Moon. The moon is waning when it appears to be shrinking in the night sky; this is the phase between the full moon and new moon. This is a powerful time for any magic that deals with sending something away, banishing negative energy, or bringing something to an end.
Dark Moon. The dark moon is the three day period immediately before the new moon. In some traditions, it is believed to be bad luck to cast spells during the dark moon. Other traditions hold that the dark moon is the best point in the lunar cycle for destructive magic, such as curses and hexes. Many modern witches don’t recognize the dark moon as a separate moon phase at all. I personally like to use the dark moon as a time for self reflection, and may focus on shadow work during this time.
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Magical Correspondences for the Days of the Week
The days of the week also have their own unique magical energies, and each day is linked to a certain planet and to certain deities.
Sunday. Sunday is, of course, connected to the Sun and solar deities. Sunday is the best day of the week for any manifestation magic that needs an extra boost. Its energy is also associated with healing, personal growth, power, and success.
Monday. Monday is associated with the Moon and lunar deities. Monday is a quiet, introspective day, and can feel very ethereal. It’s the best day for magic related to intuition, nurturing, and shadow work.
Tuesday. Tuesday is associated with Mars and with gods and goddesses of war and action. (It is named for the Norse/Germanic god Tyr/Tiw.) Tuesday is a very “active” day, and is good for magic related to action, activism, victory, or finding courage.
Wednesday. Wednesday is associated with Mercury and with gods and goddesses of wisdom, learning, and communication. (It is named for the Norse/Germanic god Odin/Wodan.) Wednesday is all about mental activity. It’s the best day of the week for magic related to thought, travel, communication (written, spoken, or digital), and learning/study.
Thursday. Thursday is associated with Jupiter and with gods and goddesses of prosperity, wealth, and protection. (It is named after the Norse/Germanic god Thor.) Thursday, like Jupiter in astrology, is all about outward expansion. It’s the best day of the week for magic related to career, prosperity, and wealth.
Friday. Friday is associated with Venus and with gods and goddesses of love, fertility, and sensuality. (It is named after the Norse goddess Freyja, or perhaps the goddess Frigg.) The energy of Friday is fun, lighthearted, and sexy. It’s the best day of the week for magic related to love, beauty, and sex/sexuality.
Saturday. Saturday is associated with Saturn and with time and wisdom. (The day and the planet are both named after the Roman god Saturn.) Saturday is practical and wise, but it does have a little bit of a dark side. It’s the best day of the week for magic related to banishing and protection.
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Magical Times of Day
Okay, so you’d like to start working with magical timing, but what about emergency magic and last-minute spells? What if you don’t have time to wait for the next full moon, or even the next Sunday? You can still align your spell with magical timing! There are several moments of power each day, and each has its own magical associations.
Sunrise. Sunrise is, of course, the birth of the new day. This makes it the perfect time for spells related to new beginnings or expanded possibilities.
Noon. This is the peak or high point of the day. This is a powerful time for healing magic.
Sunset. Sunset is the end of the day, and forms a gateway between light and dark. This is a great time for spells related to accepting endings, releasing that which does not serve, and moving on from the past.
Midnight. If noon is the peak of the day, then midnight is the peak of the night. Midnight has a very ethereal, transformational energy. Like with the full moon, some witches believe that any spell will be more powerful if cast at midnight. This is a powerful time for both banishing and attraction magic.
You Are Magical by Tess Whitehurst
Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin [specifically the chapter on the sabbats]
Qabalah Made Easy by David Wells [Note: Qabalah is based on an appropriation of Jewish mysticism, and I am NOT endorsing its practice. However, much of the magical timing associations used in modern witchcraft is shared with Qabalah and other forms of ceremonial magic, which is why it’s referenced here.]
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
I have been getting a LOT of questions about the Deity Identification + Communication spreads again, so I just reblogged my two posts on how to read them, which hopefully will help.
How to Read the Deity Communication Spread
How to Read the Deity Identification Spread
As always, I am unable to help interpret these readings, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that any time I try to interpret it for someone else the answer is always “Apollo”. If you want the answer to be Apollo, there’s my take on it!
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Do you like to read books/novels and can’t afford to buy them all the time and don’t have access to a good library. Here are some e-book sites links I use. 
b-ok  (best)
PDFdrive (good)
8ebook  (mediocre) 
ibookpile (mediocre)
vk.com (only for latest romance/YA/new adult novels)
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
The Pros of Your Rising Sign
Aries Rising: People look to you to lead them, you do not let people get in the way of what you want, you speak what is on your mind without hesitation. 
Taurus Rising: You calm people down with your presence, people trust you, you appear to have the stability of a rock. 
Gemini Rising: You are able to adapt to any situation, you know how to make people like you, you can talk your way in and out of everything. 
Cancer Rising: You make people feel comfortable in your presence, you are always trying to help people, you appear sweet and caring. 
Leo Rising: Everyone loves you, people want to be around you, you make people feel good about themselves.
Virgo Rising: You always appear neat and organized, you are poised, you understand the importance of observing a situation before jumping into it. 
Libra Rising: You know how to make others like you, unlike most people you can easily hide your flaws from public view, you are charming in social situations. 
Scorpio Rising: People are drawn to you without realizing why, you are able to easily command people’s attention, no one wants to fuck with you. 
Sagittarius Rising: You appear like someone who is fun to be around, you will always pick up the energy in the room if it is dull, you know how to mold yourself to the present situation. 
Capricorn Rising: People believe you to be responsible. you have an excellent work ethic, you can easily pretend you do not care what people think about you. 
Aquarius Rising: You are the oddball of the friend group, you make your uniqueness work in your favor, you do not automatically judge people but accept their weirdness. 
Pisces Rising: You are a chameleon who can adapt to the world around you, you appear kind and caring, people usually do not treat you harshly when they meet you. 
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
Ascendant/Rising Culture
-         Getting immediately irritated at someone disrespecting you and showing it
-         Likes to joke and laugh in your face. Never behind your back
-         Putting a huge amount of trust in loved ones. Very open to best friends and close family
-         Not afraid to be the initiator of something
-         Either being very extra with make-up or barely putting on make-up
-         Always having the urge to buy luxury items or having a collection of fav things
-         Eating, eating, eating. Just love food.
-         Being pretty lazy, but never lazy to look good (e.g. getting up to wear make-up or work-out for abs, butt, nice legs, etc.)
-         Like being quirky and very attracted to quirky, smart, and interesting people
-         Very disciplined and not the type to disrespect their parents, friends, etc.
-         “How long can I hold a conversation?… Forever baby!” Just as long as you’re not boring either.
-         Being very quirky, random, and active.
-         Having such a way with words it’s incredible.
-         Like picking someone’s mind (getting to know people) and having themselves picked too.
-         Somehow just always changing or evolving their style/look/vibe.
-         Seem like super caring, warm, down-to-earth individuals. Like very caring.
-         Manners are an important thing.
-         Women are more likely to appear very sweet, sensitive, and mysterious
-         Men are more likely to have a stern face, sweet eyes but serious
-         Can be quite attached to family and close loved ones.
-         “Yes, keep your eyes on me.”
-         Lowkey having a big ego, but not wanting to portray it too much.
-         Somehow, a transformation is very likely to happen at some stage in life. Like ‘from rags to riches’ type of thing, or from very happy to depressed person or sad to very content, or from very known to barely being known, etc.
-         Getting disappointed or sad if there’s very little attention given to them. From anyone. [Attention tickles their soul.]
-         Having a bit of a quirky mind or smart mouth. In a way that stands out.
-         Good at completing tasks given to them.
-         Being naturally assertive, not too passive nor aggressive.
-         Seeming pure and relaxed, with an aura that’s like a mixture of a god/goddess and an emotive angel.
-         Likely to be a perfectionist and self-sufficient.
-         Into tangible and material things and okay with working for them.
-         ­Enjoys having a nice, cool, interesting conversations.
-         Dressing up or doing something pretty on the body when feeling bored/sad to feel good again.
-         Can be obsessed when in love.
-         A passive-assertive voice that says thoughtful things and pretty authoritative sometimes.
-         Likes to see the positive or light side of a situation. Not wanting to feel drained.
-          “Mysterious” “Alluring” “Captivating” Lol nah, just having a vibe that’s serious a lot of the time and thoughts can be written on the face, making it seem so mysterious.
-          You can’t help but obsess over them when you like them though. They just have that effect.
-          Varies from loving simplicity to enjoying chaos and eye-opening things.
-          Can be super stubborn when they’re not in a good mood.
-          Does not let emotions out easily, just good at pretending until deep trust is gained.
-          Optimism is out of this world. Always looking at the bright side in anything.
-          But don’t be fooled, because when their dark emotions hit, they hurt more than anything. [Basically they wear their emotions on their sleeve]
-          Nonetheless, free-spirited and independent (in the sense of not liking attachments).
-          Can be quite dramatic.
-          Love trips. To anywhere. Even travelling with the mind.
-         Can act and be seen as authoritative or a higher-power figure.
-         Respect is super important to them.
-         Not afraid to set goals and work for them while conquering the challenges.
-         Can feel and act open-minded but pretty close-minded in the open-mindedness.
-         Seemingly very serious, though sometimes feeling that the parent or siblings and friends do not understand them.
-         Can get very attached when deeply in love.
-         Bluntest of all, not afraid to speak their truth.
-         Also not afraid of being different and doing things people aren’t brave enough to do.
-         Not really physically affectionate at first, until in love.
-         Affection to them is having a great sense of humor. Connecting with the mind is nicer.
-         Okay with being isolated but also enjoy being around a great, conversational bunch of people.
-         Quiet, conservative and calm.
-         Having an innocent and attractive vibe to them with a shy smile.
-         Very respectful and humble, unless you cross the line, then you’ll see the craziest side you’ve never expected.
-         Great at being of service. If you need something, they’ll gladly help because they love you.
-         Can seem like they’re not focused on what’s going on or what you’re talking about but they’re most certainly listening. They just have these imaginative thoughts that keep coming and going while you’re talking though.
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
pathology of the rising signs - what we seek out and attract
aries rising - always seeking out the dark side in people, hidden pain, suppressed aggression. they’re a bit like emotional vampires. they get confused others don’t wear their anger on their sleeves and are always sniffing to see where they hide it cuz what they really fear is fake politeness and passive aggression that poisons you slowly. what they need to do is realize is that not being 100% authentic and in touch with all of the aspects of your personality doesn’t necessary mean you’re set for demise and sometimes it’s okay to just…chill and stop oozing intensity. and this doesn’t mean you’re FAKE. attracts situations in which there is (opportunity for) abuse of power, but not in an obvious way and in which they have to make a conscious choice whether they will tolerate it or not.
taurus rising - always seeking the antagonist in others and trying to change people so they can be Good & Proper but what they really need to do is accept they are the ones that need changing sometimes and that the strongest life forms are the ones that adapt to the environment. attracts events and people that seem to be constantly testing their ability to resist and stand their ground. they may often get a feeling that the outside world is just not letting them be in peace and chill like they want to.
gemini rising - always seeking out what they can’t have, for one reason or another. what they really need to do is realize life can get quite bothersome and you may feel restless and chronically dissatisfied if you keep always running after what you can’t get, regardless whether that’s about people or goals or things. you’re not missing out on things. what’s obtainable is not boring and suffocating. get a grip bro. attracts emotionally messy situations and people that keep finding their way back into their life over and over again.
cancer rising - always seeking stability in others but what they really need is to develop their own stability and to build an inner fortress which doesn’t shake when they’re overtaken by Moods tm. attracts circumstances that feel familiar and like home and people that appear to be very similar to them but often hold some sort of hidden fundamental difference that causes struggles and forces the cancer risings out of their comfort zone.
leo rising - always seeking out avoidant people who seem to be out of touch with their emotions. they may be stuck in a loop where they don’t get the emotional reciprocation they need from people and it leaves them feeling worthless or underappreciated. what they need to do is develop the capacity to detach themselves from their emotions and to understand that rational responses can be just as authentic as the emotionally driven ones. attracts situations where they have to set aside their personal problems and to tend to other people’s business, supporting them and helping them see their situation from the point of an outside observer.
virgo rising - always seeking out extremely troubled individuals that need ‘fixing’ and help. virgo risings are afraid of their own mess and are trying to feel as if they’re putting it in order by finding people who need help more than they do (according to their weird criteria) and trying to save them. what they should really do is face their problems instead of deeming them “less deserving of handling than the problems of others” and ask for help when they can’t help themselves. and ACCEPT the help. they attract events and people that mirror their unresolved issues but in a more urgent way so they are forced to turn their eyes to their own problems in order to help the other.
libra rising - always seeking out people who start confrontations easily and don’t back down from a conflict. it’s very rare for me to see a libra rising whose close ppl don’t have personal planets in fire. they CRAVE the scandals and the reactivity. what they really need to do is stop trying to please everyone, like, for real. stop keeping up the friendly and charming facade just so you can be the socialite you want to be. being fake af doesn’t delete the sides of you you’re afraid others might reject and they WILL find a way out - and boy, this can get real dark real fast. attracts people and events that enable them to express the suppressed parts of themselves they see as dangerous, but to express them in a hurtful and bad way.
scorpio rising - always seeking for a safe space in people. they want a person that will always be there for them and will manage to make them feel comfortable and as if they really inhabit their body, they want someone to crawl to, someone that always has the emotional space for them. what they really need in order to not keep getting their heart broken and having their entire life wrecked by that is to develop an inner safer space. a mental compartment that they enter like a room and close the door to all the emotional turmoil and existential repulsion they often go through. honey…y'all need inner peace not someone with a soothing voice. attracts the occult - i mean, everyone is like “scorpio risings are soo into occultism” but truth is the occult is into them, not the other way around. they can’t close themselves to dark forces manifesting in their life. they keep encountering bizarre things and people to the point it may seem unreal to an outside observer and the bizarre stuff always has a dark tint to it, there’s something twisted about it.
sagittarius rising - always seeking out people who switch between being hot & cold frequently. they’re afraid of being exposed to a stable behavior cuz it feels suffocating to them and as if they’ve “settled down”, they’ve run out of opportunities and they won’t have any more room for expansion. it’s like there’s nothing more to learn and they know everything now, which can be quite depressing for them. what they need to do is accept their own polarities and allow themselves to change frequently and abruptly. finding a healthy and productive outlet for their desire for new things can be life-saving for them. attracts people and circumstances that demand them to be the stable one.
capricorn rising - always seeking for an emotional mess in others. cap risings can’t deal with their own emotional chaos and seek out those who are more obviously struggling with confusing feelings and unstructured experiences. that way they feel a bit safer about expressing their own raging mess. what they really need to do is make peace with their own vulnerability and stop trying to live it out only through being the safe, stable spot for others that need to express their emotional chaos. they attract circumstances that feel as if they’re set on breaking them. honestly, they have so much difficult shit happening in their lives it’s like..wtf?!? the sign which rules the nadir (the lowest point of the chart, the 4th house) is in their 7th house, so basically they will attract many low points in their life.
aquarius rising - always seeking drama, explosive emotions and selfish desires in others but what they really need to do is accept they don’t always think in terms of “community” and “the people”, they’re not some fucking omnipresent being that just sees everyone from above and wants to grant them what they need, they’re just a human being that sometimes needs to get what they want even if it’s selfish and shows they’re not a robot with functions but without feelings. it’s okay, bro, you have DESIRES. you’re human. get over it. just like scorpio rising, they attract weird shit in their life but it lacks the dark edge. it’s more like…strange coincidences or insight into unusual events and relationships. they get to see the things that usually remain unseen. i feel like amelie poulain is an aqua rising, prolly a gemini sun/aqua rising like me. 
pisces rising - always wants other people to take responsibility for everything. pisces placements, especially moon and rising, are extremely aware of the Whole and how every action has severe repercussions that may not be visible to everyone. this is why they are very wary of doing anything. they’re not exactly lazy, they’re just afraid to take responsibility for everything that happens cuz of them - cuz it may be painful and they’re not ready to understand they may cause others pain. ppl with pisces rising looks for someone who can push them, sometimes literally force them to do things so they can take the blame for whatever occurs. what they need to do is realize being alive and free means taking responsibility of yourself and that by trying to save themselves from being responsible for hurting someone they’re also ruining the possibility to be responsible for someone’s happiness. they attract events and people that are pushing them to take a position of leadership and in which others count on their decisions.
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colorfulwitchangel · 3 years
physical attributes in the rising signs
note: many parts of the natal chart have influence over appearance – looks are certainly not limited to the rising sign alone. these are just some general features that i’ve noticed!
🔥 aries rising - somewhat harsh eyes, but more in the sense of being daring/challenging rather than intimidating or scary. open and youthful faces, always look “on.” focus tends to be drawn to the upper part of face (hairline/forehead/eyebrows/eyes), but particularly forehead in regards to the hairline. expressive brows. tend to put on muscle easily.  
🌿 taurus rising - eyes tend to be kind of shadowed, almost drowsy looking. gentle jawline, rounded cheeks. kind of have this stern softness going on; gentle authority. focus brought to nose and lips. broadness (shoulders/back, stomach/hips) that gives sense of sturdiness. 
⛅ gemini rising - spritely demeanor, often some combination of small face, “awake” eyes (not necessarily round), distinct cheekbones. mouth tends to be smaller in some way (thinner lips, short width across face). tend to look younger than they actually are. something “wiry” about body shape (doesn’t necessarily mean thin, but can mean longer arms, fingers, torso, the like). 
🌊 cancer rising - round eyes, but not necessarily big (irises tend to be the focus rather than the actual eye shape). rounder face shape (especially noticed in jawline and cheekbones; tip of nose can also be rounded). a subdued, broody gentleness. can tend to put on weight more easily, or just look more “filled out” in chest/stomach. something shortened (not necessarily overall height, but can be shorter leg ratio, shorter arms, etc.)
🔥 leo rising - something about the hair or head is a defining trait. wide or long heads/faces, often paired with smaller eyes (can sometimes seem “beady”). similar to aries rising with larger foreheads, but has more to do with eye size/placement rather than hairline. sturdy bodies, especially in shoulders or legs. 
🌿 virgo rising - similar in some ways to gemini rising, but eyes tend to seem more “aged” (shadowed, more prone to bags under eyes, the like — gemini and virgo are anxiety-prone, but it tends to age virgo more visibly); cheekbones tend to be less distinct. youthful, but stern. broad foreheads. torso tends to be defined in some way (defined waist, broad or rounded stomach, etc.)
⛅ libra rising - faces tend to be symmetrical (no one’s face is perfectly symmetrical, but libra is certainly close). eyebrows and nose tend to be a focus, as well as mouth/smile. honestly, there doesn’t seem to be a main attribute that really ties all libra risings together — faces can be small or large, eyes big or small, jaw gentle or more defined. symmetry is the main thing. bodies are similarly “balanced.”
🌊 scorpio rising - eyes similar to taurus rising with being more shadowed, but take on a similar intensity to aries rising eyes. focus drawn to eyes and nose; eyebrows and/or eyes can seem harsh, nose can be long and/or aquiline. high cheekbones and/or defined chin. tend to put on muscle easily. similar broadness to taurus in shoulders and back and/or stomach and hips, but somewhat more defined.
🔥 sagittarius rising - weight tends to be focused in middle or bottom of face to create a diamond or triangle face shape (more defined nose and cheeks or chin/jaw), or face shape tends to be long. nose tends to be most prominent feature, with everything above and below (eyes, forehead, lips) being smaller. eyes can seem “beady” like leo, but have a similar “awake” quality like gemini. tend to have sporty builds (not necessarily thin, but rather can take on stockiness or thickness in certain areas). 
🌿 capricorn rising - broad faces, prominent jawline and eyebrows. tend towards a square face shape. shadowed or deep-set eyes, eyes tend to be small. honestly most prominent feature tends to be thick eyebrows or prominent brow ridge, along with squared jaw. mouths tend not to be a focus, but they can have distinct cupid’s bows. subdued and serious.
⛅ aquarius rising - similar to libra rising, there doesn’t seem to be a singular set of traits that are noticeable across the board; i think this rising can take on similar traits to both gemini and libra in terms of a general “awake” quality and symmetry. can have something distinctly noticeable in their appearance that makes them stand out, but not necessarily true for all aqua risings. similar detachment/seriousness of capricorn risings that separates aquarius from libra and gemini risings. 
🌊 pisces rising - eyes tend to be main focus, either due to being large and rounded or squinted. eyes tend to be rather watery. nose shape also tends to be prominent. weight of face tends to be in eye/nose region, somewhat similar to sagittarius (except with more focus on eyes). smiles can seem strange in some way (crooked, lips cover much of teeth, the like). takes on a similar broodiness to cancer, but more curious than gentle. bodies have a similar softness to cancer, but doesn’t take on the same round/stocky quality.  
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