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The dread when you can’t decide between becoming a scientist/doctor because you always thought yourself as becoming one and you really like biology and chemistry. It would mean you’d research to cure illnesses, you’d probably live in a big city, work for an university, maybe even become a professor and live an interesting but also challenging life. Or you could give into your love for languages and literature, become an author and live far from the madding crowd on the country side with your own little farm where you produce for yourself and live in tranquillity.
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instead of studying or working on my papers I am now researching why do we keep having belly buttons after birth because that is the one true question here
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Hot take this, cold take that, how about some proper room temperature takes.
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old men to young women: damn bitch you look kinda dead inside in a public space ... if you don't smile for me right now i will turn you into a little marionette and shackle you in my attic forever
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Y'all are just not ready for the truth
Please don't tell me that I am the only one that notice that Clueless (1995) is just a cheap ripoff to Emma by Jane Austen?
A spoiled brat living on her own with her difficult father that loves to make matches for other people, but herself doesn't think highly of men for herself until she finds a man that is clearly only into her for the show? That finally falls in love with the dude that was hanging out at her house and working with her dad for ages and she at first didn't notice until someone else fell for him? C'mon the dude she tries to set up her friend with is called Elton. Do you mean Mr. Elton? That has an annoying girlfriend/wife afterwards?
Am I the only one?
Let me break it down.
Cher is Emma obviously.
Ty/Tai or whatever her name is, is Harriet. She gets a make over and is Cher's pet to manipulate. She also likes Elton/Mr Elton because Cher said so.
Well Elton doesn't like Ty but Cher, he only shows interest in her to get close to Cher.
So that doesn't go well.
Let's not forget that skater dude that is supposed to be Mr Martin which is like so way under Ty's standard blablabla.
Meanwhile Cher found someone of interest herself Christian or Mr. Churchhill in the novel. Well in the film he's gay and that's the reason they don't get together in the novel he already has a fiancée.
Oh have I already mentioned that dude that hangs out with Cher's dad? Josh, yeah that's Mr. Knightley, slightly older than her (while reading the novel I thought he was way older than her but apparently not). Well they tease it eachother, he calls her out for being selfish blabla, Cher doesn't realise she likes him until Ty is like "Mhh I'd tap that" and Cher is like "???? NO??" and then she goes up to Josh and they kiss, yay. And Harriett gets together with the loser skaterboy.
Of course they changed a lot of the book to fit Hollywood, there is no Dion and her bf in the book. And in the film there is no Mrs and Miss Bates as well as Jane Fairfax oh and the whole Mrs/Mr Weston lol.
Clueless is a ripoff to Jane Austen and nobody knows it!!11!!!11
Never fucking mind. I had to google one of the characters and it is actually supposed to be an adaption of Emma. What the fuck.
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141K notes · View notes
but for real, nothing can match the tenderness, the warmth, the private & public love & fondness of the couple portrayed in the Etruscan Sarcophagus of the Spouses…I mean. look at them:
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the way they chose to be pictured in this loving moment, so they could remain together for eternity! she used to be holding what we assume was a tiny pomegranate (a symbol for eternity), and she was pouring perfume in his hand… i….the tenderness. but also the way their bodies connect, almost being inextricably tied to one another; the playfulness of their expressions, the intelligence of their eyes, the expressiveness of their gestures (italian legends lol), and the sweet domesticity of their position, which was typical for dinners with friends - husbands and wives remained under the same blanket and conversed w their guests over dinner…….. 
but most of all. how wordlessly beautiful it is to see their heads from behind, looking (with all the differences in costumes of their time) like a couple we could easily see sitting in front of us at a restaurant. they’re lost in a lively conversation with their friends. the man’s arm is around her shoulders, and she’s laughing, moving her hands animatedly while telling a story. they love each other. it’s a story that never ends. 
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6K notes · View notes
Please don't tell me that I am the only one that notice that Clueless (1995) is just a cheap ripoff to Emma by Jane Austen?
A spoiled brat living on her own with her difficult father that loves to make matches for other people, but herself doesn't think highly of men for herself until she finds a man that is clearly only into her for the show? That finally falls in love with the dude that was hanging out at her house and working with her dad for ages and she at first didn't notice until someone else fell for him? C'mon the dude she tries to set up her friend with is called Elton. Do you mean Mr. Elton? That has an annoying girlfriend/wife afterwards?
Am I the only one?
Let me break it down.
Cher is Emma obviously.
Ty/Tai or whatever her name is, is Harriet. She gets a make over and is Cher's pet to manipulate. She also likes Elton/Mr Elton because Cher said so.
Well Elton doesn't like Ty but Cher, he only shows interest in her to get close to Cher.
So that doesn't go well.
Let's not forget that skater dude that is supposed to be Mr Martin which is like so way under Ty's standard blablabla.
Meanwhile Cher found someone of interest herself Christian or Mr. Churchhill in the novel. Well in the film he's gay and that's the reason they don't get together in the novel he already has a fiancée.
Oh have I already mentioned that dude that hangs out with Cher's dad? Josh, yeah that's Mr. Knightley, slightly older than her (while reading the novel I thought he was way older than her but apparently not). Well they tease it eachother, he calls her out for being selfish blabla, Cher doesn't realise she likes him until Ty is like "Mhh I'd tap that" and Cher is like "???? NO??" and then she goes up to Josh and they kiss, yay. And Harriett gets together with the loser skaterboy.
Of course they changed a lot of the book to fit Hollywood, there is no Dion and her bf in the book. And in the film there is no Mrs and Miss Bates as well as Jane Fairfax oh and the whole Mrs/Mr Weston lol.
Clueless is a ripoff to Jane Austen and nobody knows it!!11!!!11
Never fucking mind. I had to google one of the characters and it is actually supposed to be an adaption of Emma. What the fuck.
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Dear fellow Americans:
The use of tear gas is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have gassed every major city.
False surrender is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have kneeled to draw protesters within range of tear gas.
Destroying and contaminating water is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have been destroying stocks of water used for the protestors.
Destroying medical tents and supplies is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have destroyed medical tents and attacked medics in various cities.
Attacking journalists is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have targeted and attacked journalists both native and foreign in multiple cities.
Your police are worse than war criminals, this isn’t even a war and they’ve managed to violate major international codes. 
You truly believe “looting” or staying out past curfew is a valid excuse for actual war crimes to be committed against civilians? 
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I want you to write me love letters, so I can read them again and again.
Make me a mixtape of the songs that remind you of me, so I can see myself in your eyes.
Show me one special place you've never shown anyone before, so I can let you in my heart and never let you out again.
Give me your love so I can give you mine
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someone, reading my writing: wow great story!
me, sticking my hands in the plotholes: thanks it has pockets :)
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“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.”
— Maya Angelou
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