bfwriting · 2 years
The Ashes of Life
By Lorna Blackford
The ashes of my life
What can I do with the ashes of my life?
Have I truly rejoined the dust of the earth so soon?
These ashes appear worthless.
A structure erected upon ashes can do nothing
but subside into the ground, a waste of effort.
I turn to God, giving myself fully to Him.
With God, all things are possible.
Even ash can become stone again.
He uses the Holy Spirit to fuse it all together;
God promises to make me anew.
The ashes of my past become the rock,
the firm foundation upon which
Christ builds new life, my life for Him.
I am reborn, the old self dead and buried with Him.
I become a new creation, belonging fully to God.
What once was ugly, scarred, and misshapen
takes new form through God’s grace.
I have been resurrected.
In mercy he has looked upon my life
and found me beautiful within.
I have come through the fires
which burned the chaff from my life,
leaving only the precious golden wheat.
He used the fires of my life to remake me
in His image once again. I am rectified.
Now fully His, He has
fanned the flames of faith within.
But this firestorm is His
and burns brighter than
the flames of this world ever could.
The ashes of my past life are melted down.
From the ashes, I am restored to life.
He used the ruins of my old self
to build a firm foundation, His foundation,
upon which my new life will be built.
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bfwriting · 2 years
The Power of Four
By Lorna Blackford
How does God accomplish
things in this hour?
Does He act in power?
Does He depend upon us, the weak?
Does He use His people
both the bold and the meek?
He is one – the three in one.
Many times, his hand touches
this world as the 3 + 1.
He is the three, who is the one?
I am the one. You are the one.
We are the one – the Church.
Does God love only His followers,
the body of Christ?
No – we are all His children.
Caring for a few does not suffice.
Whether we remember him or not in our rush
to live life to the fullest, he has not forgotten us.
He is one – the three in one.
God as Father, Spirit and Son.
Many times, His hand touches this world as the 3 + 1.
We know the three, but who makes it 4?
I am that one. You are that one.
We are that one – those who listen.
What do we listen for?
We listen for Him to send us.
Those who sit in stillness to know that He is God,
He shows us how to help others bear their burden.
Whether their pain is obvious or hidden,
our call to search them out is not in doubt, it’s certain.
He sends us for the broken, in desperate need of the love of God,
for those who stand in their own way of feeling His ever-present love.
What does it take to reach those
who feel forgotten, unloved and downtrodden,
who can’t see God reaching for them?
It takes the 4, not less, nor more.
This world depends upon you
whether it understands it or not,
whether it accepts you or not.
It needs those who have found the peace of Christ,
those who have felt His loving embrace through the Spirit.
It needs you; it needs me; it needs us.
It takes all 4 – we are the hands of Christ!
Let us use these hands to embrace
our neighbor in love, in forgiveness,
leaving judgement behind,
spreading God’s loving power
to brighten the future of this darkened hour…
He is one – the three in one.
God as Father, Spirit, and Son.
We add to him to make the four.
Together we are so much more!
I am that one. You are that one.
We are that one – let us act as one.
God calls us to act – to BE His
love in this broken, divided world.
Live your life as He has taught us through the Word.
Let God’s Word speak out to all
through the work of the four: Spirit, Son and Father.
With us in the equation it can go faster if not farther.
Let His word guide us to bridge
the gap between us, His children.
If there is no bridge – then use the Word to build one!
Father + Son + Spirit + children:
Let God act through the power of 4.
Apart, we feel insignificant; together we are exponentially more!
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bfwriting · 2 years
The Master Sculptor
By Lorna Blackford
I had my boundaries all drawn in darkly.
I had worked for years, carefully,
Painstakingly outlining my present, my future.
Trying to ignore the roots of my past,
Trying to hide myself from the Truth.
But there is no hiding from You.
You came bringing change.
You brought pain, confusion.
You brought laughter and joy.
You took my life, drawn in shades of gray,
Shadowed and dark,
And with your crayons, your colored pencils,
You colored outside the lines of my life.
You took that which was dark and dreary
And breathed new life into it, into my being.
The well-worn paths of my life were cut off.
Color suffused my being:
The red of pain, of anger and frustration,
Depression drawn in the darkest of blues.
Even as I hit rock bottom, I looked up to You
And saw skies drawn in pastels
Calling to me; reaching toward me;
Drawing me up out of the mire of my life
And painting a new road, a new path to follow.
Hazy and indistinct at first, still it called to me… it still calls to me.
My future, once so carefully planned
Has become a nebula full of color and light,
Swirling in new directions, carrying me
To places unseen, previously only dreamed about.
I relinquish control of my life into the hands of the Master Sculptor
To shape, to mold me into what You wish for me to become.
The light You shine into the darkest depths of my soul
Drives away the last vestiges of black, of gray.
A myriad of colors play and dance before me,
The future You promise as I follow Your path.
No longer seeing the dark, or seeking the dark,
My eyes are now drawn to the light.
I move boldly forward, bold as the colors
You have used to correct my path,
To obscure the dark lines I had drawn. I am set free.
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bfwriting · 2 years
I Am, You Are
By Lorna Blackford
When I am broken, as my past comes back to haunt me,
feeling lost and empty, a shadow of my former self,
aching with a sense that life’s too much to be borne,
in anguish, I cry out to You
and I am, You are.
You are there, strengthening me.
Your presence cutting across the static in my mind,
muting the voices that tell me I am not enough…
As silence descends,
I am, You are.
You are the Father guiding my steps,
picking me up when I fall, wiping my tears away
and wrapping my heart in Your tender embrace.
The judgement of the world falls away
and I am, You are.
You are there with Your Word, which You write upon my heart, singing a song
of Your grace and forgiveness, as a parent crooning to their weeping child.
With tremulous steps I push out into the world again, uncertain…
but I will trust in You and go where You tell me,
because: I am, You are.
You are the light for my path, my rock and strong foundation.
With You, though the world rocks around me,
though blows fall upon me from all sides,
I will not be shaken
for I am, You are.
You are the source of my understanding, my lens through which to view the world.
My focus shifts and I see the pain of the people,
lashing out at what is good and wholesome in the world,
at those who follow You, who live in hope
that I am, You are.
You are the creator of heaven and earth, the conqueror of evil and death.
One who waits with open arms to offer forgiveness and healing
to those who cry out, maybe not knowing to whom they call…
To whom do we cry out? To You,
for You are the great I am
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bfwriting · 2 years
What I Believe In
By Evelyn Blackford
I do not believe
In fairytales of old times
Dead and gone fore’er
I do not believe
That the hope in this wide world
Is a dead-end cause
These statements don’t match
But both can be true all the same
As light and dark reign
Good and evil times
Are always transpiring
Somewhere in the world
You just need to be
Able to see the whole truth
In reality
I believe in this:
There is a careful balance
Between good and bad
We all go through life
Tiptoeing between the lines
Hoping we step right
We have the power
To choose which side we are on
Whether right or wrong
Decisions define
Who we are on the inside
And where we will stand
So choose carefully
The future of your world is
Depending on you.
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bfwriting · 2 years
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
John 13:34
The Holy Bible(ESV)
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bfwriting · 2 years
The Twelve Days of Disney
By The Whole Blackford Family+1
On the ___ day of Disney, my Disney gave to me... 12 hours of driving 11 Disney meals 10 sleepy bus rides 9 closed rides 8 bottles of ice 7 dwarves a mining 6 night time shows 5 pins to trade 4 hours of waiting 3 hours to nap 2 tired feet And a star that we can wish upon.
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bfwriting · 2 years
What Kind of Person Am I?
By Evelyn Blackford
What kind of person am I?
I say embrace emotions
As my masking smile is fried
And I can't remember last I cried
Oh what kind of person am I?
Saying everything's ok
Is just how I get through the day
The happiness in me has died
Oh what kind of person am I?
They say deceit’s a great offense
As I lie for self defense
And I can't escape this cage I've built
The lies I've made are based in guilt
As my veil has finally fell
I've fallen out of this untruthful spell
The feelings I have tried to hide
Are here to stay no matter what I've lied
So better just embrace the pain
‘Cause all my work has been in vain
My emotions are jumbled
And I still haven't cried
But I can handle these things
Most of the time
Remember a smile isn't all that it seems
It can hide one's doubts
And dull one's dreams
But if one drops the act
And stops saying they're fine
One’s problems are faced
One step at a time
I've dropped my masks
I'm true to myself
Though I still haven't cried
Please tell me, what kind of person am I?
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bfwriting · 2 years
Don’t try to Run
Inspired by Leviathan!Castiel in Supernatural
TW: Dark Themes
(Please Don't Read Mom)
By Evelyn Blackford
Stay with me,
don’t try to run.
Your help has gone.
It’s time for fun.
Your help has run,
we’ve scared them off.
Don’t try to run,
we might get rough.
Running is futile
Don’t try it, you’ll see,
That this isn’t the worst,
Of the horror side of me
Your help has run,
we’ve scared them off.
Don’t try to run,
we might get rough.
Our body decays
As we search for another
Your loved ones are taken
Their souls we shall smother
Your help has run,
we’ve scared them off.
Don’t try to run,
we might get rough.
This darkness inside
has eaten us whole.
The terror, you fear,
will swallow your soul
Your help has run,
we’ve scared them off.
Don’t try to run,
we might get rough.
Don’t try to run.
Just give up.
We smell your fear
like it’s poured from a cup.
Stay with me.
The end has come.
Your help has gone.
It’s time for fun.
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bfwriting · 2 years
She Flew with Bright Colored Wings
By Evelyn Blackford
She flew with Pure White wings on her back,
As she blew into this world.
She flew with Pure White wings on her back
As her life’s story was unfurled.
She flew with Bright Purple wings on her back,
The sky a brilliant hue.
She flew with Bright Purple wings on her back
And her smile was quite the view.
She flew with Brash Green wings on her back,
As she watched him fly with others.
She flew with Brash Green wings on her back
As she wished that he was hers.
She flew with Cold Blue wings on her back,
Her tears as cool as ice.
She flew with Cold Blue wings on her back
As she realized not all were nice.
She flew with Bold Red wings on her back
As she tried to contain her rage.
She flew with Bold Red wings on her back,
For they judged her by her age.
She flew with Hot Pink wings on her back
With her heart aflutter beside her.
She flew with Hot Pink wings on her back
As he did not leave for another.
She flew with Dull Grey wings on her back
As she learned he could not be saved.
She flew with Dull Grey wings on her back
As the cost could not be waived.
She flew with Sick Yellow wings on her back
As she heard the battles’ roar.
She flew with Sick Yellow wings on her back
As she was drafted for the war.
She flew with Rich Orange wings on her back
As she found comrades in arms.
She flew with Rich Orange wings on her back
As she sounded the alarms.
She flew with Warm Peach wings on her back
As she was told she could go home.
She flew with Warm Peach wings on her back,
Since she no longer had to roam.
She flew with Soft Pink wings on her back,
As she found a family once more.
She flew with Soft Pink wings on her back,
As she held a child she’d do anything for.
She flew with Deep Red wings on her back,
As her family she did defend.
She flew with Deep Red wings on her back,
When she realized this was her end.
She flew with Pitch Black wings on her back
As her life’s story had been told.
She flew with Pitch Black wings on her back
As she was gone before she was old.
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bfwriting · 2 years
Belief is a Tremulous Thing
By Evelyn Blackford
Hope may be the thing with feathers,
But Belief is a tremulous thing,
And as the fabrics of time unweave,
It changes and changes and changes
As the devout doubt and the idle believe.
The ones who doubt are the ones,
Yes they are the ones that change things,
They are the ones that do.
They want things to matter,
They want things to be true.
The idle believers do nothing.
They "know" things are as they are.
They think they've done their duty;
To have no doubt in their cause,
Rather than bringing forth beauty.
The doers are shamed for their doubt
Even as they make the world a sweeter.
The idle ones revel in praise,
As they dampen the devout ones' actions.
The good ones fall, the evil raise.
So tell me now, which is better here?
To believe wholeheartedly
And do nothing?
Or to doubt it all
But do work in the name of something?
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bfwriting · 2 years
My Life and My Love
By Evelyn Blackford
I love 
Oh how I love 
I will love till the end of my life, 
to the ends of the earth. 
I love the scorned and 
I love those who have an abundance of it. 
I love my family and my friends, 
my acquaintances and even, yes, my enemies, 
though it is hard and hurts to do so. 
I love and I love 
and it sustains me 
and it kills me, 
gives me hope and brings me pain 
and I love to my benefit… and detriment. 
I love those I will never see again. 
I love those who are gone. 
I love. 
Oh, how I love, 
I will love to the ends of my days, 
and beyond.
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bfwriting · 2 years
A Tale I Did Not Tell
By Evelyn Blackford
This is a tale I will not tell Nor have I told And am not telling now. I sat with a girl I did not know In the house we’d shared for years. We told tales there of tomorrow And what yesterday might hold. We sang to music without words We wove stories we’d never heard We wrote the script of an Improv show Me and the girl I did not know. We lay on a bed we did not own As we ate melted ice cream cones. Who were we to sit there though? Do not ask us, for we don’t know. We listened to things we did not hear And spoke of things we did not know We contemplated on our year As friends we did not know. As this is a tale I did not tell And have not told Nor am I telling now, You may not believe the things that befell In the house we’d shared for years. If there is a lie I told In this nonexistent tale It would be the girl I did not know For I knew her very well.
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