banana-milkbread · 9 months
I just wanna vent a bit , I haven't been active in here for ages and I lurk around just to read a few fanfiction, cause in reality I read those to feel someone type of way that will make me feel less crazy and lonely, searching for that love that little girl has always dreamed about
I know that I would never get to experience the true love I have been dreaming about since I was a little girl ,
to be loved as myself and not when I oversexualize myself
to be loved as my real personality and not what I show to others to be accepted by this stander that society made
to be loved romantically and with true feelings and not worrying about being cringe or ashamed
I see my friends and family be in "relationships" but their way of lovin' each other is so foreigner to me...I don't want "that" type of love... I want to love someone very bad ,all this year's I have been keeping this feelings and burning rage to myself
But I don't want to fall in love via text, or facetime or meaningless sex , I want Love, that Love , that now I only can find in my head daydreaming, about stupid scenarios that keep my heart from shattering more from time to time
that Love that makes makes my body burn whenever we hold hands , that leaves scars that I will never be ashamed to look at
that Love that makes me drown with emotions , and let that fill my lungs and forget to breath whenever we're together
that Love that will hold me when I start to crumble, the ground beneath us starts to break but we still hold each other threw it
that Love that I don't have to worry of being myself, with my wierd ways and awkwardness , to never hide myself ever again
That Love that I can't never have enough of it , even when I'll be 80 my heart will still pump the boiling blood of my deep desire to feel you hands on my body , to memorize every scar and lumps on your body , making me feel like a kid , that sweet innocent little girl that had to shatter her own dreams of the love they wanted cause of bad people that only wanted meaningless things and leaving whenever they had enough
cause being to in love is weird apparently ,
cause showing emotions will always back fire and used against you
cause appearance is the most important than the inside of someone's heart
Then when I had enough and stay single and alone I get people saying "there's plenty of fish in the sea" yeah but I think I'm done fishing , putting pieces of my heart as a bait on my fishing stick and loosening it and never catch something.
Anyway I'll keep reading a bit more fanfic here , hope you have a lovely day
(I'm sorry if this has grammatic errors or wired written, I just want to write it! With love for banana-milkbread♡♡)
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banana-milkbread · 11 months
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strong man!
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banana-milkbread · 3 years
Bnha pro-heros x gender neutral reader
Warming : Nsfw and fluff so be aware...!!!!!!
. (Pls don't copy my work , reblogs are very very welcomed and love u guy's hope I made you day kinda!! ) Stay safe
The type to worship your body and kiss every inch of it , he will trace and kiss every stretch marks on you and remind you that you are perfect to him and that you are beautiful in the inside and the outside , and then he will fuck u till your senseless and covered in cum , sweat and marks where there are only visible to him and only.
Nice and quiet cuddles in the evening while watching a TV series/movie with a tone of snacks and will praise you every opportunity he has , even when you are a complete mass under him while his making you see stars with his huge ass dick , you will always be fuckin gorgeous to him.
All might
Bear hugs and sweet kisses anytime he see you , will lift you up and spin you around when he is in his big buffy form and half way almost drops you when he strings , always brings an extra lunch for you and head pats you , and then will fuck you slowly with all his love on his desk till you are a drooling mess underneath him ( will probably ruin every paperwork on his desk with sweat and cum owo ).
Present Mic (his a bottom , can't change my mind)
Will learn your favorite song and sing it to you till you fall asleep,
He will constantly show you off to everyone and flex that he has a s/o like you " yeah , DO YOU want to know what my beautiful and stunning s/o made for me yesterday for dinner?! " Or " oh!! HERE GOES MY HUSBAND/WIFE !! look at them , they are gorgeous isn't it??!! " , Loves saying your name even in bed , he is a whiney mess under you , tries to speak but the only things that comes out of his mouth are moans and grunts , wants to be slapped by you and degradation is his forplay , will act like nothing happened after sex and brag about how good he was.
Hay , i know it's kinda bad but i still post it sooooo yeha.
Hope u like it ;)
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banana-milkbread · 3 years
ATTACK ON TITAN + couple photos
(Modern au).
Warnings : mention of nude and other things on Eren, fluff .
Eren Yeager
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You guys are the~stoner couple ✨.
Y'all have a lot of pictures together but you don't really post them , y'all take them just for the memories of that moment.
A lot of nude pic from both of you.
Once had a picture of you sucking his dick as a lock screen , Armin saw it . Poor guy
Levi Ackerman
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He doesn't like to take pictures or whatever , so most of the pictures you have of him he always looks grumpy and annoyed.
You and Hange always take funny picture of him without him knowing , he doesn't like it .
Once he caught you sending a picture of his butt crack to Hange and Erwin , he threw a slipper right in the face.
Jean Kirstein
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I imagine you guys like a very chill cuddly Couple ✨.
Sasha and Connie always take pictures of you when your guys are acting all cute and cuddly , just cause.
His insta is full of pictures of you and him.
Has a whole folder of pictures of you , his phone memory has left the chat.
Basically very wholesome ✨✨.
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Big cuddler boi.
Probably has you as his lock screen and even his profile picture.
You are the one that takes most of the pic and he always asks you to send it to him even if it's a bad pic.
Probably let's u do make up on him and even let's you post it on your story.
Porco Galliard
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Idk the guy on the picture kinda looks like him.lol
Acts really tough on his insta and extra or whateva , but in reality he is totally wiped for you.
Uses " bros before hoes " under his post , and after a few minutes has a picture on his story where he's giving you a foot massage and butterfly kisses.
Erwin Smith
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He is your person photographer.
surprisingly very good at taking your pic , always gets the right angle , right lighting and other stuff.
But he always take boomer pic of himself for some reason idk .
Very extra when taking your pic ( like on the photo above ) Levi doesn't approve and walks away .
Zeke Yeager
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Y'all remind me of a very rich couple.
Y'all always act extra online and spam a lot of pictures of your vacation .
Whenever he buys you something always wants to take a pic and post it on your story , cause he wants to let everybody that your his baby and how much he spoils you.
It's my first time writing something like this so If it's bad pls don't bully me T-T.
Hope u have a nice day!!
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