astrologybimbo · 1 year
Advice for the Full Moon (May 2023)
Aries- Don't make any impulsive decisions right now. Don't checkout that online shopping cart you have open. It is easy for you to allow your emotions to rule your life. Strength is knowing when to act on them, and when not to.
Taurus- An old friend is thinking about you right now and may reach out. It feels like all the little pieces of your life are starting to come together. In times like these, it's important to prepare yourself for when the chaos inevitably comes.
Gemini- You do not have to be so calloused. There are many defenses you have developed to protect yourself, and it's time to dismantle them. You must open yourself up to the possibility of new experiences through discomfort.
Cancer- Now is the time to focus on the female relationships in your life. Nurture those, and cling to the people who make you feel safe. Spend time with people who remind you that you are loved and looked after. Isolation is not your friend.
Leo- You feel like a leaky pipe right now. You spill your guts to strangers on the subway. Now is the time to learn the difference between being alone and being lonely. You do not have to spend so much time convincing others that you are all put together.
Virgo- Rejection hurts more than usual right now. Take the time to address your wounds, but don't let them hinder you for too long. New opportunities are just around the corner. Sometimes beginning again is easier than you think.
Libra- Intentionality is not your strong suit. Sometimes you make decisions with no clue as to why. Now is the time to sit with yourself and assess your desires that aren't material. The key to happiness is releasing yourself from want.
Scorpio- You feel like a dark cloud right now. An ex has been in and out of your life lately. This period will push you to make difficult decisions. Now is the time to establish clear boundaries. If you don't enforce them, no one else will.
Sagittarius- There's a trip you've been putting off for awhile. Now is the time to relinquish control over your surroundings. Accept the idea that you are a product of your environment. No matter where you go, you take yourself with you.
Capricorn- There are times when you feel like you are spiraling out of control, and you often forget how to reel yourself back in. Now is the time to ask others for help. You won't know who is closest to you until you provide them with an opportunity.
Aquarius- You've felt like an outsider in life lately. It's easy for you to convince yourself that you have no friends. Now is not the time to feel misunderstood. Use this period to embrace the idea that you are just like everyone else.
Pisces- You view friendships like seasons of life. Now is the time to ask yourself why it's so easy for you to discard people. Pain and rejection are parts of life. You do not have to be a stranger to your own emotions.
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astrologybimbo · 1 year
Let's Talk About the Houses- Astrology 101
First House- The first house in astrology is the house of self. The sign in the first house is your ascendant, or rising sign, as is it the sign that was on the horizon at the time you were born. The first house represents your physical appearance, as well as your general psyche and temperament.
Second House- The second house in astrology represents materials and finances. This does not exclusively mean money. The planet or planets in this house can indicate how you manage your finances, financial blessings, and possessions. This house can determine how you receive money and financial blessings, as well as how often.
Third House- The third house in astrology represents the mind and intellect. This can be understood as intelligence, communication, and thinking. The planet or planets you have in this house determines the way you learn, your communication style, as well as how you research, write, and read.
Fourth House- The fourth house in astrology is the house of home and family. The planet or planets you have in this house can determine how you view your family, its importance in your life and your identity, as well as your relationship with maternal figures in your life. The fourth house can also help you understand behaviors from childhood.
Fifth House- The fifth house in astrology is the house of pleasure. The planet or planets you have in this house determines how you give and receive pleasure, whether through sex, playful activities, or general amusement in your life. This can also rule how you find excitement or enjoyment with friends and romantic partners.
Sixth House- The sixth house in astrology represents health, self-care, and routine. The planet or planets you have in this house determines how you navigate your job, daily tasks and responsibilities, as well as cleanliness and organization. This house can also be said to influence how one goes about overcoming obstacles and challenges.
Seventh House- The seventh house in astrology is said to represent one's love life and romantic partners. The planet or planets you have in this house determines how you navigate romantic relationships, their importance in your life, as well as how successful they may be. This house is more of a reflection of the partner you will acquire.
Eighth House- The eighth house in astrology represents sex, death and rebirth, as well as others' possessions. The planet or planets you have in this house can also determine your legacy or what you will leave behind. It can also determine how you approach sex as well as defining moments of change throughout your life.
Ninth House- The ninth house in astrology represents one's thoughts, exploration and adventure, as well as philosophy and learning. The planet or planets you have in this house determines how open-minded you are as well as how malleable or adventure-seeking the path of your life will be. This house can also influence one's religion and ethics.
Tenth House- The tenth house in astrology is the house of social status. The planet or planets you have in this house determines your public image, career aspirations, as well as your achievements. This can also determine how ambitious or career-oriented the path of your life will be.
Eleventh House- The eleventh house in astrology represents friendships, idealism, and social circles. Having one or more planets in this house will make these items a driving force in your life. This house is also said to rule one's humanitarianism and passion for social causes.
Twelfth House- The twelfth house in astrology is the house of endings. It is also said to rule the subconscious and one's dreams. It is thought of as one's hidden world or mysterious side. The planet or planets you have in this house can represent your deepest secrets, desires, and fears.
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astrologybimbo · 1 year
What You Should Be Doing During the Full Moon (Check Your Moon Sign!)
Aries- Write a letter to your ex and set it on fire
Taurus- Snuggle up with your cat and sip hot chocolate
Gemini- Seek out a tarot reading and take it to heart
Cancer- Phone a friend and talk for hours about your day
Leo- Try on a new outfit and pretend you're someone else
Virgo- Reorganize your bathroom and blast music
Libra- Bake something and give it to your coworkers
Scorpio- Go for a walk somewhere new
Sagittarius- Paint something and then destroy it
Capricorn- Meditate and manifest your dream job
Aquarius- Hold a séance and dance around your room
Pisces- Start a dream journal but tell no one
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What You Need to Focus on During This Retrograde Season (ends Oct 1st)
Aries- Let go of your need to excel, to push. You don't have to be moving at a million miles per hour to be making progress. Burnout can happen quickly. Take your time, go easy on yourself, that big project can wait a couple more weeks.
Taurus- Allow your love life to take a backseat. Things are not going to fall into place for you right now, and that's okay. Remind yourself of who you are when your partner or friends are not watching. Embrace your inner-child and seek comfort in the familiar.
Gemini- Communication has been tricky for you lately. Instead of intellectualizing your feelings, just feel them. Allow yourself to exist in your current state for as long as you need. You do not have to have all of the answers right now.
Cancer- Be honest with your friends about why you have been distant, cold, and withdrawn. It's okay to be moody, so long as you're responsible about it. Allow yourself to dig a little deeper, find out why you're feeling this way. You don't have to do it alone.
Leo- Frustration often gets in the way of your good time. Allow this period to be flexible, and try not to feel as though everything has to be set in stone. You possess the ability to be easy going, if you allow yourself to be.
Virgo- You spend a lot of your time cleaning up other people's messes. Allow yourself to step back and see what happens when you aren't there to do all of the work. Make a mess of your own and leave it for awhile, just to see how the chaos makes you feel.
Libra- Take some time away from social media. Allow the everyday, boring routine of life to wash over your anxiety and vanity. Focus your energy towards real connections with real people. Intentions are often muddled over text.
Scorpio- The groove you've worked so hard to establish is slowly falling apart. You can't force what's meant to happen, and you can't miss what's intended for you. Allow yourself to sleep through that alarm and forget the important date.
Sagittarius- Commitment does not come naturally to you, but especially not right now. Do whatever it takes to set yourself straight. Do not burn bridges for the fun of it in times of uncertainty. Do not buy that plane ticket.
Capricorn- You are often placed in situations where you feel obligated to lead by example. Allow yourself to set the boundaries you need to in order to feel protected. It's okay to feel guilty when telling others 'no', but it can't control your life.
Aquarius- You're in a transitional period at the moment, you're not quite where you want to end up. It's okay to make deep connections that are temporary. Avoid acting on your urge to minimize your feelings for others.
Pisces- Go a little easier on yourself. Eat a little more than you have been. Keep journaling. Do not doubt your intuition, especially in times of uncertainty. You are capable of excelling in any role you decide to take on.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
Saturn In The Signs- How Your Saturn Placement Effects You
**Saturn rules your maturity, self discipline, and karma. It provides insight on where you might need to grow in your life and becomes more prevalent in adulthood.**
Aries- You may lack self-discipline and notice that you often act impulsively. You are extremely head strong, passionate, and self-assured, and it can be challenging for you to accept failure. You have room to grow when it comes to leadership and being disciplined when it comes to your emotions. You will find luck when you learn to cool down your hot temper.
Taurus- You have a strong will and a healthy understanding of self-discipline. You have always been more mature than your peers and may have found that being around people your age is tiresome or annoying. You have room to grow when it comes to welcoming change and stepping outside of your comfortable routine. Your humility is your best trait.
Gemini- You have a youthful, humorous quality that others may misinterpret as immaturity. Growth, for you, will look like knowing when to be solemn and when to crack a joke. You possess the ability to hold back and be disciplined, but it all depends on what mood you're in as to whether you will apply it. You are luckiest when you lean back and observe.
Cancer- You are an emotional, unpredictable person who lacks self control when it comes to your changing moods. You have room to grow in this area, as maturity and emotional intelligence are closely linked. On the flipside, you are an extremely nurturing person who cares deeply for their friends and family. You are luckiest when someone is using you as a shoulder to cry on.
Leo- You have a youthful, energetic spirit that grows with you. Your playful, light-hearted nature can be confused for immaturity, when in reality you have no reservation expressing your emotions. You can, however, grow in your ability to channel your energy into something productive and take action towards accomplishing your goals rather than waiting for things to fall into place on their own.
Virgo- You have an extremely selfless and subservient nature that can often cause you to feel taken advantage of by others. You are particular about almost everything in your life, which can also bring forth feelings of loneliness and isolation. You have room to grow when it comes to compromise and learning to stand up for yourself, especially with family and loved ones.
Libra- You have a light-hearted, humorous nature that gets you far in your friendships and communication with others. At times, you may struggle to buckle down and tackle items that you've been putting off. Emotional maturity is not your strong suit- you much prefer to deflect with humor. You have room to grow in this area, as well as in decision-making and commitment.
Scorpio- You have a disciplined, steadfast nature that assists you with accomplishing goals both personally and professionally. At times, it is easy for you to neglect your personal relationships because you are not a multi-tasker by nature. You have room to grow when it comes to opening up and letting others see your true self. Instead of isolating when life gets hard, vent to a friend.
Sagittarius- You have a naturally curious, child-like nature that has opened many doors for you in terms of adventure and discovery. However your lack of follow-through can cause turbulence in your relationships, especially when you make promises you cant keep. You have room to grow when it comes to embracing monotony and you will find luck when you keep your word.
Capricorn- You are extremely ambitious and calculated, even when it comes to your personal relationships. Social interactions are like a game of chess to you. At times, people may find you intimidating because of your aloof and reserved nature. You have room to grow when it comes to expressing your appreciation for others. You are luckiest when you set aside your competitive instinct.
Aquarius- You possess a logical yet light-hearted aura that keeps you interesting and secure at the same time. You may struggle to allow yourself to feel your feelings, which keeps you distant from others. You have room to grow when it comes to accepting that being vulnerable is a strength. You will find that others open up to you more when you show them your soft side.
Pisces- You are a naturally creative and intuitive person with a great sensitivity to others. At times, your tendency to drift off into your fantasy world keeps you from living in the present. You are rather brash with your creative expression and find it hard to hold back. You have room to grow when it comes to keeping yourself grounded, and you will find luck when you balance your dreams with real life.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
Jupiter In The Signs- How Your Jupiter Placement Effects You
**Jupiter relates to luck and fortune, so your Jupiter placement correlates to where you are granted gifts and receive blessings, as well as your perspective on spirituality, adventure, and wealth**
Aries- Jupiter in Aries manifests blessings in strength, bravery, passion, and confrontation. You may have a very rigid or uncompromising perspective on spirituality, meaning that you prefer to see the world only through your unique lens. You are luckiest when you manage your emotions well and express them in healthy ways. Your best bet is to always look forward, never behind.
Taurus- Jupiter in Taurus manifests blessings in fortune, material items, and love. You may find yourself often receiving gifts as tokens of appreciation from others. You do not consider yourself a very adventurous person and you much prefer to stay wherever you are most comfortable. You are not too interested in spirituality and would rather focus your energy towards what resides in the immediate.
Gemini- Jupiter in Gemini manifests blessings in communication, humor, and friendships. You may find that you are especially good at understanding others and expressing yourself in a way that suits your environment. You enjoy travelling and changing up your routine and your worst nightmare is monotony. You are an internally spiritual person and you use this to guide your decisions.
Cancer- Jupiter in Cancer manifests blessings in emotional intelligence, empathy, and family. You may have a strong maternal figure in your life who has helped guide you along your path. You have the ability to process your deepest emotions in ways that others cannot. Opportunities for travel with family may often come your way, and you know how to make the most of this time.
Leo- Jupiter in Leo manifests blessings in confidence, generosity, and honesty. You have a unique ability to tell the truth regardless of how uncomfortable it may be. You may find that you enjoy travelling or adventuring alone, and that your greatest gifts come from solitude. Your idea of spirituality is rooted in the self, and how to honor your highest self while also paying homage to a divine being.
Virgo- Jupiter in Virgo manifests blessings in thinking, selflessness, and organization. You may find that you are exceptionally good at problem-solving. You tend to have the most luck when you set aside self, which comes naturally to you. Spirituality, for you, is linked with analytical reasoning. Your mind is your strongest asset, your gentle heart comes at a close second.
Libra- Jupiter in Libra manifests blessings in attraction, beauty, and balance. You may find that you possess a naturally flirtatious nature and are good at attracting what you want in life. You have an understanding of necessary balance between good and evil and you use this to navigate your own spirituality. You are most lucky when you put on your best face.
Scorpio- Jupiter in Scorpio manifests blessings in power, magnetism, thinking and creativity. You are luckiest when you can put all of your energy towards a goal or project. For you, spirituality can feel like a struggle or can manifest into a deep internal conflict between what you want to believe and what you know to be true. Your sensitivity is what fuels your power.
Sagittarius- Jupiter in Sagittarius manifests blessings in independence, adventure, and happiness. You may find that your struggle with spirituality stems from your deep desire to be totally and completely free from attachment. You are luckiest when you are trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You have a unique ability to be relentlessly happy.
Capricorn- Jupiter in Capricorn manifests blessings in finances, ambition, and discernment. You climb professional ladders with ease and have no problem staying focused on the task at hand. For you, spirituality looks like a strong belief in your own ability to succeed. You are luckiest when you are willing to collaborate with others on a common goal.
Aquarius- Jupiter in Aquarius manifests blessings in creativity, change, and morality. You have a unique ability to change people's minds through your own self expression. Spirituality is more of a concept for you rather than a daily practice. Your beliefs are rooted in your own sense of right and wrong, which is rigid. You are luckiest when you are enacting change in the world.
Pisces- Jupiter in Pisces manifests blessings in hopes, dreams, transitions, and feelings. You may find that you are extremely in tune with your sensitivities, as well as the sensitivities of others. Spirituality is a way of existence for you, you depend on it for every move you make. However you are not one to be adventurous. You are luckiest when you follow your intuition.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
The Masculine Signs- How Does it Apply to You?
Aries- You are an extremely energetic person and you express your emotions outwardly without hesitation. At times you can be brutally honest and you do not see the point in sparing feelings. You may find that you enjoy participating in rigorous physical activity to release all of your energy. You may also struggle with impulsive behavior and acting in the heat of the moment.
Gemini- You are extremely charismatic and have a way of making people feel comfortable opening up to you. It can be difficult for you to stay in any position or situation for too long as you naturally like change. You can be a bit of a chameleon and it is not difficult for you to fit in with varying types of people or friend groups. At times, you may feel out of touch with your true self.
Leo- You are extremely expressive and you do not shy away from attention. At times, you crave validation from others to soothe your own insecurities. You have a generous spirit and are extremely loyal to those who are loyal in return. You may have a competitive side that can get the best of you. You are selective with whom you share your energy and you do not like most people.
Libra- You have a tendency to be flirtatious and you have a naturally good sense of humor. You tend not to take things too seriously, which gives you a likeable but flighty quality. You value friendships over romantic relationships because you dislike feeling tied down or having to compromise. Your biggest adversary is yourself in that you talk yourself out of what you really need.
Sagittarius- You possess a very masculine energy that can be seen in the way you relate to others and yourself. While you have a passionate, fiery disposition, you also prefer to avoid conflict. At times, you make promises you can't keep. You have a naturally adventurous spirit and you are easily bored by a monotonous, day-to-day routine.
Aquarius- You have a creative, curious nature and you often question authority. You know when to stick to your beliefs but can run into problems when you are unwilling to compromise. You are a loyal friend and will not hesitate to stick up for your loved ones. Your bright, light-hearted spirit keeps you going in times of stress. You are adaptable, forward-thinking, and kind.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
The Feminine Signs- How Does This Apply to You?
Taurus- You may find that you are more connected to nature than others, and that you are generally more in-tune with the cycles of the earth. You are a deeply internal person, meaning that you allow yourself to feel your emotions but may not always express them outwardly. This translates as you being a generally stable, collected, and calm individual.
Cancer- You may experience a variety of strong emotions in a day or a shorter period of time than others. Others may have told you that you possess a maternal quality about you, that you are a good listener, or that you have a comforting presence. You are a deeply sensitive person and you need to be careful who you spend time with as they can influence you easily.
Virgo- You are a generally calm, logical individual who does not tend to express emotions outwardly or extremely by any means. You lose respect for others when they can not maintain their composure. Simultaneously, you are in tune with your emotions and do not tend to misplace them, rather, you possess the strength to express them in appropriate ways.
Scorpio- You are an extremely reserved, introverted individual who does not often feel recharged by others. You look forward to your ability to retreat to solace and solitude. At times, you can be manipulative or vindictive when someone has upset you. Despite the tough exterior you show to the world, you are especially soft and vulnerable inwardly.
Capricorn- You are very grounded in reality and what you can see and feel in your immediate surroundings. Once you've set your sights on a goal or opportunity, you won't stop until you've achieved it. While you do experience emotions, you are usually the last one to openly express them. It is much easier for you to focus your emotions towards accomplishing a goal.
Pisces- You are an extremely creative, imaginative person and it can be easy for you to get lost in your own head. Also empathetic, you can sense the moods and emotions of those around you when others can not. At times, your emotions come on so strongly that you can not imagine anyone else understanding how you feel. You prefer to isolate when you're upset.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
A More In-Depth Look at Your Sign- Water Signs
Cancer- You're a deeply sensitive person with a unique ability to comfort and console others. You may often feel that there is no one to listen to you vent, because you're already everyone else's therapist. In times when you feel down, it is your instinct to hide away. Others may perceive you as moody and reserved, when in reality you are emotional and self-preserving. You have to pick and choose who you open up to. Your greatest obstacle is learning how to set boundaries and stick to them. You already have a strong inner circle, it's time to call on them for help.
Scorpio- You are an extremely complex person, who struggles with misplacing their anger. At times it can be hard for others to truly know you. However you are capable of opening up and letting people in. Your judgement is strong and you know to trust your instincts which has served you well, but you are not as dark and stormy as you would like others to imagine. Your greatest obstacle is learning how to be soft and vulnerable. You already have a loving nature, it's time to lean in.
Pisces- You are a chronic dreamer and reality can rarely live up to your fantasy. Extremely intuitive, you can often sense the emotions of those around you and can respond well to their needs. You are often drained by people for this reason, so it's important for you to have alone time to recharge. People may perceive you as out of touch or spacey, when in reality you are constantly creating scenarios in your mind. Your greatest obstacle is learning to find contentment in the way things are. There's nothing wrong with normal, everyday life.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
A More In-Depth Look at Your Sign- Air Signs
Gemini- You're a bubbly, socially adaptable chameleon who can fit in anywhere. You gravitate towards the odd and fascinating, and tend to avoid anything that feels monotonous or rigid. People may perceive you as being two-faced or disingenuous, when in reality you are complex and misunderstood. There is much more to you than what can be seen on the surface, and it requires a special person to learn every side of you that exists. Your greatest obstacle is learning how to trust and be trustworthy in return. You're already a deeply honest person.
Libra- You have an excellent sense of humor and you have no difficulty being liked by others. At times, you are a bit of a people-pleaser, which can make you feel taken advantage of. You are naturally flirty and know how to make people feel good about themselves which has served you well in life. Your greatest obstacle is learning how to stand up for yourself when no one is around to defend you. You already know how to charm people, and that's a start.
Aquarius- You're an introspective, creative individual with too many ideas to know what to do with. You are highly driven by your personal beliefs and morals, and you use your inner compass to determine your everyday decision-making. People may perceive you as uncompromising and flighty, when in reality you are a free-spirit who is assured of their beliefs. Your greatest obstacle is learning when to compromise, and what for. You already have an open mind, it's time to put it to use.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
A More In-Depth Look at Your Sign- Earth Signs
Taurus- Slow and steady, you do not allow others to make you feel rushed. You have a warm and comforting presence while also possessing a dominant quality. It can be perceived as stubbornness, when in reality you are grounded in your ideas and assured of what you believe. You are slow to anger and do not appreciate emotional reactions from others. Your greatest obstacle is learning when to get angry and when to let go. You are already in touch with your emotions, it's all about expressing them in the right ways.
Virgo- Meticulous and analytical, logic comes naturally to you and it can be difficult for you to be empathetic towards others' shortcomings. Your intelligence gets you ahead in many aspects and you have little trouble solving your own problems. You can be perceived as dry and unfeeling, when in reality you use humor to deflect and you fear vulnerability. Make attempts to decipher your dreams. Your greatest obstacle is learning that emotions are not a weakness, but a strength. You already care, and it's time to show it.
Capricorn- You relentlessly pursue that which you believe to be success. You are ambitious in all of your endeavors, both professional and personal, and you are the last one to give up the fight. You possess a tenacious quality unlike anyone else, and it has served you well in life. Others may perceive you as unpredictable and difficult to read, when in reality you are guarded and strategic. Your greatest obstacle is learning how not to compare yourself to your peers. You are already on your own unique path.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
A More In-Depth Look at Your Sign- Fire Signs
Aries- A natural born leader, you dive head-first into any endeavor you choose to pursue. You often come across as fearless, domineering, and passionate. It can be difficult for you to commit to any singular idea, as your head and your heart are often in many different places at once. It can be mistaken for selfishness, but it's simply your nature to want it all. You can envision your success in a way that others simply cannot. Your greatest obstacle in life is learning how to control your impulses. You already possess all the tools you need to succeed.
Leo- You have a knack for putting yourself in the spotlight. You are careful and selective about who you choose to allow in your inner circle, as energy is everything to you. You are naturally honest and forthright, a trait that can easily be taken for granted by others. At times, you crave validation but don't know how to ask for it. It can be mistaken for being attention-seeking, when in reality you're just grasping at straws. Your greatest obstacle in life is learning how to express yourself without it coming at a cost to others. You're more than capable of empathy.
Sagittarius- A bit flighty and aloof, you possess an adventurous spirit that can not be tamed. Your deepest desire is to be free in every sense of the word, and you go to great lengths to achieve this. You do not shy away from self-exploration as it comes naturally to you. It can be mistaken for flakiness, when in reality you have good intentions but your independence takes precedence. Your greatest obstacle in life is learning how to accept what can not be changed. You already know how to be relentlessly happy, and that's a start.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
Moon Sign Compatibility
**Check your Moon sign**
Aries- Aries moons are outspoken, passionate, and often have their commitments in multiple places. An Aries moon is most compatible with a Gemini moon or an Aquarius moon for this reason, because these signs are light-hearted, easy going, and value their independence.
Taurus- Taurus moons are pragmatic, grounded, and generally strong-willed individuals. A Taurus moon is most compatible with a Capricorn moon or a Virgo moon for this reason, because these signs also value realism, structure, and do not allow themselves to be shaken up emotionally.
Gemini- Gemini moons are adaptable, intellectual, and often experience conflicting emotions at once. A Gemini moon is most compatible with a Sagittarius moon or a Libra moon for this reason, because these signs tend to be playful, intelligent, and can sympathize with ever-changing feelings.
Cancer- Cancer moons are emotional, nurturing, and can often be mistaken as lacking empathy. A Cancer moon is most compatible with a Capricorn moon or a Pisces moon for this reason, because these signs grasp deep emotions and crave nurturing themselves.
Leo- Leo moons are natural leaders, with a genuine heart but can seem prideful. A Leo moon is most compatible with a Sagittarius moon or an Aquarius moon for this reason, because these signs appreciate Leo's generosity and realness, while also being capable of stroking their ego.
Virgo- Virgo moons are logical, orderly, and have a habit of intellectualizing their feelings. A Virgo moon is most compatible with a Pisces moon or a Capricorn moon for this reason, because these signs can appreciate Virgo's desire to compartmentalize while also pushing Virgo to express their feelings.
Libra- Libra moons are expressive and caring, but can be known to have difficulty with commitment. A Libra moon is most compatible with a Gemini moon or an Aries moon for this reason, because these signs do not tend to prioritize commitment, and can appreciate Libra's sense of humor and fun.
Scorpio- Scorpio moons are introverted, sensitive, and intuitive. They can be known to hide their emotions well, however. A Scorpio moon is most compatible with a Taurus moon or Cancer moon for this reason, because these signs understand hidden emotions and can provide unwavering support.
Sagittarius- Sagittarius moons are explorative, creative, and can be known to be a bit wild. A Sagittarius moon is most compatible with a Leo moon or Gemini moon for this reason, because these signs appreciate adventure and self-exploration, and can provide validation.
Capricorn- Capricorn moons are protective, productive, and can be known to deeply struggle with processing their emotions. A Capricorn moon is most compatible with a Virgo moon or Cancer moon for this reason, because these signs can help make sense of Capricorn's emotions and push them to be expressive.
Aquarius- Aquarius moons are innovative, humanitarian, and often base their emotions on their personal values. An Aquarius moon is most compatible with a Leo moon or a Gemini moon for this reason, because these signs admire Aquarius's passions and strict set of beliefs.
Pisces- Pisces moons are sensitive, optimistic, and are often moved by their dreams and aspirations. A Pisces moon is most compatible with a Scorpio moon or Virgo moon for this reason, because these signs can help make Pisces see their dreams as reality, while also staying grounded.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What's Your Ruling Planet?
*Based on your Sun sign*
Aries- You are ruled by Mars. The red planet, named after the God of war in ancient Roman mythology. Mars symbolizes sex and aggression, both of which are present in the ram. Aries represents the courageous, heroic archetype, much like the story behind the planet Mars.
Taurus- You are ruled by Venus. The second planet from the Sun, Venus represents love and physical attraction. Taurus often gravitates towards all things luxury and physical possessions, much like the goddess Venus who is known in Roman mythology to possess similar desires.
Gemini- You are ruled by Mercury. The planet closest to the sun, Mercury is closely tied to the Greek God, Hermes, who was known as a messenger to the gods. Also known as the planet of communication, making Geminis extremely talkative and gifted at expressing their ideas.
Cancer- You are ruled by the Moon. As the Moon changes phases daily, so does Cancer change moods and dispositions. The Moon is also known for its impact on Earth's tides, correlating to Cancer being ruled by the element of water. Cancers may also find that they feel their best at night versus during the day.
Leo- You are ruled by the Sun. As the Sun is the center of our solar system, Leos often gravitate towards being the center of attention. Just as the Sun possesses extremely hot temperatures, Leos' emotions tend to run hot and it can be easy for them to lose control of their temper.
Virgo- You are ruled by Mercury. While Mercury is most known for its impact on communication, it is also associated with routine and order. It's only fitting that this extremely orderly, grounded earth sign is ruled by such a planet. Virgos are extremely good at sticking to a plan, but it can be difficult for them to be flexible.
Libra- You are ruled by Venus. As Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Libras tend to be known for their attractive physical appearance and natural seductive abilities. However Libras can run into trouble when their flirtatious personalities are not taken seriously by those around them.
Scorpio- You are ruled by Mars. While Mars is commonly known as the planet of war, it also rules over death, transformation, and things hidden beneath the surface. As such, Scorpios are known for their mysterious, dark, and reserved disposition. It can be hard for people to truly get to know a Scorpio.
Sagittarius- You are ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is known as the planet of luck and optimism, which is what gives Sagittarius their care-free, adventurous, and sunny disposition. Also known for symbolizing expansion, this also explains Sagittarius' desire to explore every part of themselves.
Capricorn- You are ruled by Saturn. Saturn rules over responsibility, task management, and ambition, making Capricorn one of the most hard working signs of the Zodiac. Saturn is also known for keeping the other planets in line, which is similar to Capricorn's naturally domineering and paternal personality.
Aquarius- You are ruled by Uranus. Uranus is known as the disruptive planet, and in modern astrology, this pertains to Aquarius's free-thinking, independent disposition. Uranus also represents chaos and humanitarianism, which are both prominent traits in people born under Aquarius.
Pisces- You are ruled by Neptune. Named after the Roman god of the sea, the planet Neptune represents dreams, imagination, and spirituality. These traits present themselves through Pisces' divine creativity and emotional intelligence, as well as their dreamer mentality.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What Does Your Moon Sign Say About Your Inner Child?
Aries- Your inner child is fiercely independent. You are determined to go in the opposite direction of those who negatively influenced you as a child. Just be careful with your determined, fiery spirit that you don't destroy everyone in your path.
Taurus- Your inner child is stubborn, strong-willed, and sensitive. You may feel slightly behind others your age, but you are on your own path. Remember to be kind to yourself and patient with where you are headed.
Gemini- Your inner child needs to feel heard. It's important that you surround yourself with people who will listen to and validate your feelings. It can be easy to drown out the truth with humor and noise, but pain demands to be felt.
Cancer- Your inner child needs the space to heal and grieve. You have always been a bit moody and volatile, which you may have been taught to suppress. It's time to acknowledge those feelings you've buried and process the things you've tried to forget.
Leo- Your inner child needs reassurance. Despite coming off as confident, your emotional self tends to lean towards insecurity. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and who validate your importance.
Virgo- Your inner child needs rest. It can be hard for you to make your mind stop. It's important to take time away from responsibilities and just relax and recharge. You don't have to be so hard on yourself in order to be successful.
Libra- Your inner child needs discipline. It can be hard for you to hold yourself accountable. Without structure, you fall apart. You are naturally playful with a cheery spirit, which can cause you to become distracted. Stay focused on the task at hand.
Scorpio- Your inner child is wounded. You have a hard time processing trauma. Your instinct is to avoid conflict at all cost, even when it is necessary. Healing has become a stranger to you. Focus on what you need, it all starts there.
Sagittarius- Your inner child craves freedom. All you want from life is absolutely everything. You are a natural born leader, but with that comes responsibility. Remember to give yourself the space to walk away if that's what you need.
Capricorn- Your inner child craves approval. You feel an intrinsic obligation to succeed. Have you ever questioned where this comes from? Allow yourself to be content as you are. Only then can you truly appreciate your future accomplishments.
Aquarius- Your inner child feels conflicted. You are constantly being pulled in multiple directions, and that gets tiring. Do you worry about letting others down by making a decision? At the end of the day, you're the only person you have to sit with.
Pisces- Your inner child is a dreamer. At times, you are ruled by your emotions. It can be difficult for you to relate to others as you are consumed by your empathy. Remind yourself that you have more in common with people than you think.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What Does Your Venus Sign Say About You?
Aries- You love passionately, but you always save a little bit for yourself. Your deepest desire is to save your loved ones from danger and misfortune. Your love is like a flame that can never be blown out, but it can be hard for you to give yourself completely to another person.
Taurus- You can be slow to fall in love. You do not allow others to make you feel rushed and you wait until you are sure of something to act on it. Your love, once given, is steady and constant. You are slow to anger and it can be easy for you to deescalate a tense situation.
Gemini- You may find yourself often wanting more than one partner or falling in love with multiple people at once. Your love requires intellectual stimulation to keep your attention. You possess the energy to entertain multiple lovers, if you so choose.
Cancer- You love so deeply at times it can be painful. It can be difficult for you to remember to prioritize yourself in relationships. You are an extremely selfless and sacrificial person. You may have been told from former lovers that you possess a maternal energy.
Leo- Your love comes through in grand gestures and suffocating affection. You need to feel admired by your partner in order to be content in a relationship. It is not hard for you to communicate your needs. Your expectations of others are high because you hold yourself to the same standard.
Virgo- You do not think of yourself as a romantic person. At times you may struggle to express how you truly feel. You do best with actions rather than words, which carries you far in your relationships. You must be at peace with your higher self before you can love someone else.
Libra- You show your love through flirtatious jokes and telepathic communication. At times you expect your partner to read your mind or intuitively know how you're feeling. You may also find difficulty settling down as making decisions does not come naturally to you.
Scorpio- Your love is hidden inside of a locked box with barbed wire wrapped around the outside. You are extremely protective of your loved ones and will not hesitate to put yourself in the eye of the storm for your partner. However, you are not outwardly affectionate.
Sagittarius- You show your love by tying things down bit by bit over time. You prefer to dip your toes in slowly rather than diving in all at once. You value a relationship where you can still have your freedom. You are generous, honest, and authentic in your relationships.
Capricorn- Your love, like your state of mind, can be unpredictable. You prefer a partner who respects your schedule and who doesn't try to get in the way of your ambitions. You have a more paternal instinct which comes through in how you navigate your romantic relationships.
Aquarius- You can be extremely forgiving in your relationships when your partner grants you the freedom to be yourself. You crave stimulation and the feeling of being important to someone. At times, you keep your thoughts to yourself and struggle to express them.
Pisces- You are easily disappointed when your partner does not fit the fantasy you wrote out for them. You have grand plans for your romantic life that can be hard for others to live up to. You often find yourself somewhere between realty and a dream.
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What Your Rising Sign Says About How You Are Perceived
Aries- You're a high-energy individual with a fun, light hearted personality. It's easy for you to make the best out of a difficult situation. People may perceive you as a risk taker or an adrenaline junky because of the activities you participate in.
Taurus- You're head strong, stubborn, and methodical in your approach to life. People may perceive you as being domineering or blunt because of how honest you are. You don't see the point in beating around the bush but you are also good-natured and well-meaning.
Gemini- You're talkative, logical, and interesting. A conversation with you can take many turns and is never boring. People may perceive you as two-faced or disingenuous, but that couldn't be further from the truth. You are picky with whom you choose to share your true self.
Cancer- You're a bit moody and unpredictable. Despite being very warm and loving, people may perceive you as cold and ambivalent. You're thoughtful, generous, and emotional. You can, at times, allow your emotions to control how you treat others.
Leo- You have a regal appearance and you tend to draw attention to yourself wherever you go. You are affectionate and boisterous but also kind-hearted. People may perceive you as being self-obsessed or narcissistic, but you are honest and loyal.
Virgo- You're complex, thoughtful, and serious. At times, you can be perceived as a bit dry in your interactions with others and your sense of humor. It can be easy for you to get lost in thought and tune out the world around you.
Libra- You're flirtatious, good-humored, and fashionable. At times, it can be hard for you to take things seriously. People may perceive you as a clown or a tease. You enjoy having a good time, letting loose, and being the life of the party.
Scorpio- You're a bit difficult to approach. You have a rather stormy disposition and you can at times seem to be judgmental of others. People may perceive you as dark and mysterious, but you're truly a soft and emotional person.
Sagittarius- You're a confident, free-spirited individual who does not like to be tied down in any way. It can be hard for you to feel like you're settling. People may perceive you as independent and adventurous, because you are often choosing the path least traveled.
Capricorn- You're practical and ambitious, with a penchant for success and personal growth. You can be known as a go-getter. People may perceive you as a stick in the mud, simply because you are more focused on your goals than anything else.
Aquarius- You're open-minded and creative, your personal passions drive your everyday decision making. It can be hard for you to be friends with people who do not share your same beliefs. People may perceive you as outgoing and forward-thinking.
Pisces- You're dreamy and a bit withdrawn. It can be easy for you to get stuck in your own fantasies. People may perceive you as unrealistic and sappy. You're a deep thinker and you are often philosophical in your approach to life.
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