astrobabyx · 8 months
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astrobabyx · 10 months
Be the first to purchase a reading from me on etsy. They are £10. I will give you a detailed birth chart reading covering your main placements in astrology.
Hi there I have now opened a shop on etsy giving out some birth chart readings using western astrology. Please support my business and buy a reading from me❤️much love
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astrobabyx · 1 year
Aquarians see the world, like you watch a movie. We sit back, watch, observe, analyse everything around us and we see everything as if we are watching from a distance. Aquarians are detached from themselves, therefore it makes it difficult to connect to others. Aquarians however are very connected to anything that's larger and more complex.
Aquarians are the best people to go to for advice because as the 2nd oldest zodiac sign, we can look at situations for what it is. Emotions do not come easily to an aquarius because it just goes against the way we think. Aquarians however are very attached to world issues and societal problems, and will go above and beyond to fight for what's right.
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astrobabyx · 1 year
Hi there I have now opened a shop on etsy giving out some birth chart readings using western astrology. Please support my business and buy a reading from me❤️much love
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astrobabyx · 2 years
Your thoughts on Pluto in Sagittarius in the 3rd house?
I have the same exact placement!! So I'll explain a bit about it and then my own personal experience. This placement indicates an intense mind that loves to learn as much about certain topics as they can.
3rd house pluto would make you somebody that can come across very secretive when it comes to what you know. You also can become quite obsessive when it comes to learning or communicating and in sagittarius, you can often feel that you need to really explore topics in depth, and want to search for a higher meaning with it all which if you have harsh aspects can make you feel as though what you learn is never really enough because you are are always seeking something beyond the information that is shown to you.
You need to know all the facts before you feel comfortable enough to talk about things which can make you appear closed off or private. Once you feel like you know enough about a certain topic though, you can become very powerful when commincating this to others, sometimes to the point of appearing a bit domineering and intimidating.
Power struggles with siblings are definitely found here and you probably go through a lot of mental transformations in your life. You are able to transform the way you learn and think, if harshly aspected these transformations can be painful and forced upon you.
My experience personally, and I have this harshly aspected mercury too is that I have a powerful way with words, but only when I know enough about something otherwise I keep my mouth shut and I barely talk.
Learning from others can be difficult too because I feel like it's so easy to butt heads with teachers with this placement, and in my own experience I always found that teaching myself was the best thing for me.
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Taurus Moon ☪️♉️
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Hi, could you please make a gif set for Taurus moon? Thank you :)
Yes 😊
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Moon Transiting through the houses
*Check your transit chart to see what houses your natal planets are in right now and bear in mind that aspects and signs will affect this.
Moon transiting through the 1st House - You will feel and appear more emotional than usual. Emotions may be slightly harder to control and you could be feeling more confident during this transit. Be careful not to act on impulse during this time and make sure you think before you act. This is a great time to get a lot off your chest and this transit will also give you the motivation to get things done, especially anything you feel strongly about. If you have harsh aspects to your transit moon, be careful that you don't lose control of your emotions and act in ways that you will later regret.
Moon transiting through the 2nd House - You will be thinking more about your income and job, shopping for materialistic items and anything that could comfort you in some way. This is a great time to buy some new items, practice your talents and focus on your job. Be aware that harsh aspects could make you more impulsive with spending right now so make sure you won't regret your spending spree later. Singing and delving deep into your talents will be a great way to balance your emotions right now. You may be more emotional about your job and income right now so take it easy. Taking a bubble bath with some scented candles might be a good idea right now. Anything that stimulates the senses or that comforts you may be of interest to you right now and is a great way to relieve emotional stress.
Moon transiting through the 3rd House - Your mind will be quicker than usual. You may find yourself thinking about different topics or you may have a thirst for knowledge during this transit. This is a great time to learn something new and do some research. Taking short trips might help you to relieve any emotional buildup you might be experiencing. This is a good time to connect with siblings and you might feel closer to your siblings and maybe cousins during this time.
Moon transiting through the 4th house - You will want to stay at home during this transit. Emotions could be heightened and you could find yourself thinking more about your family. You might feel closer with your mother right now and you will feel more empathetic and sensitive to the needs of her, as well as your family. You might feel more emotional in family settings. This is a great time to spend time with your mother and your family as it is a great time to strengthen your bond with them. This is also a great time to complete any plans associated with the home as you feel closer to matters of the home during this time. You may feel like exploring your heritage and roots during this time, and feel more emotionally connected to your ancestors. Harsh aspects to transit moon can cause problems within the home and emotions towards the family and mother.
Moon transiting through the 5th house - You will feel more creative during this transit. You will be more involved in your hobbies and possibly even children. You could be thinking about having children especially if you are in a relationship and you may be more emotionally involved in your love interests during this time. This is a great time to get started on a creative project, start a new hobby or do something fun. You be a little bit more dramatic in your emotional displays, especially if you have natal moon in leo or have aspects to natal 5th house planets, so be careful not to overdo it.
Moon transiting the 6th house - You will want to get stuff done and work will be something that you will be thinking about more during this transit. You will be feeling closer towards your pets during this time as well as co-workers. You will be thinking more about your health during this time and problems with your emotional health are more likely. Health problems are also more likely to come to the surface. You could be more health conscious right now, sensitive to anything that may be affecting it. Meditation, exercise and healthy eating is a great way to keep your mental and physical health in check and make sure you pace yourself! This is also a great time to get work done.
Moon transiting the 7th House - You will be thinking and feeling more in your one-on-one relationships with others. You will be more sensitive to any problems in your relationships. You may feel the need to be in a relationship or find yourself starting to feel emotionally involved in any new relationships. Confrontations with enemies may come up.
Moon transiting the 8th House - You may feel more emotional and sensitive during this time. You may find yourself being more interested in taboo subjects such as sex and death, or you may even be more sensitive about these topics. You may feel even closer to the people you have strong emotional ties to and this is a great time to be intimate with others right now. This may be a time where you're more likely to be given an inheritance or if you aren't careful debts (check for harsh aspects). This may be a time where you can borrow money from somebody, even if this isn't the case shared-finances may come up more. You may feel more psychic during this time and have the ability to enter parts of your mind that you can't usually. You may feel slightly moodier and more solitary, or you may come across this way to others and even though sex and deep connection and intimacy is more likely it's not always the case.
Moon Transiting the 9th House - You are more likely to be more interested or involved in politics and religion. You may be more interested in travelling and you may feel like booking a holiday during this time. Interactions with foreigners are more likely and you may find yourself more interested in different cultures or spiritual practises. You may feel closer to your religion, or maybe you will find yourself more active in this area during this time.
Moon in the 10th House - You will start to care more about your public image and career during this transit. Expect interactions with your father, or anything associated with your father to come to light, especially when it comes your emotions. You may start to be more interested in others with a good career or public image or maybe your public image and career may cause you some emotional issues. You will be able to focus more on improving your public image or career during this time, although harsh aspects could cause your emotions to get in the way of this.
Moon In the 11th House - You may be thinking about your friends more than usual. You may think about being a part of a group or organisation. You may feel really strongly about a certain cause and you may feel the need to speak up about certain problems in the world. Hopes, wishes and dreams may be intensified and your emotions may help you to be more motivated to achieve your goals. This is a great time to speak up about something that you feel strongly about and to make a change in the world.
Moon in the 12th House - This tends to be a time when any emotional problems you've been facing will hit you like a truck, especially with harsh aspects. You will be more likely to try and keep your emotions hidden during this time and you may be more creative. For some you may feel more fearful and scared during this transit and others will feel like they are stronger emotionally. You will feel a lot more sensitive to the feelings of others and you may also feel more sensitive emotionally during this time. This is a great time to write your thoughts and feelings down in a diary, spend some quality time to yourself, play music, practise self love and one of the best of all with this transit is to delve into your creativity. You may find ways to explore the subconscious mind, delving deep into your emotions.
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Tips with coping with the pandemic at home ~ using astrology
*Part 3 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses
*Some non-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology
Planets in Libra/7th House
*Focus on your relationships whether that's in your household or online*
- Call, Skype, Facetime or Houseparty your friends and loved ones - Keep in contact with everyone. Maybe catch up with someone you haven't talked to in a long time.
- Take time to think about the relationships you have with others.
- Maybe try to think about resolving conflicts with enemies, if it's still bothering you.
- If you're staying with people in your home, use your time to spend quality time with them- build your relationship with them.
- Maybe write a letter to someone or emails(romantic if you are in an intimate relationship).
- Work on creating harmony in the home
Planets in Sagittarius/9th House
*Increase your knowledge on different Cultures, religious practices and beliefs online*
- Keep up to date with what's happening politically around the world
- Look up different spiritual practices, religious beliefs and cultures that interest you.
- Watch videos and documentaries of different countries you wish to travel to.
- Start learning a new language
- Cook recipes from different cultures.
- Maybe start talking to people who are from another country or culture online.
Planets in Capricorn/10th House
~Build your Image~
- A great time to connect with your father or authority figures in your life (unless you have negative aspects)
- Start a youtube channel on or post your daily routine or new hobbies or talents you've developed in quarentine.
- Think about whether there is anything that life has taught you or may have taught you. Confronting past struggles may help you to feel more content with yourself.
- If you are in a household with others, maybe take on the role as the responsible individual who can give others helpful and mature advice.
- Keep a diary and develop routine schedules to help you stay busy
- Build your public image online/express yourself online
Planets in Pisces/12th House
~Be Artistic, Use your imagination~
- Practise Meditation and Yoga
- Do things at home that are kind and giving, it's the little things that matter.
- Keep a dream journal and keep track of your dreams.
- Draw, create art, write stories/ delve into artistic pursuits at home.
- Create your own dance routines/Express yourself through dance.
- Listen to music- explore different artists and genres
- Write songs and sing them in your own way
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Tips with the pandemic at home using astrology
*Part 2 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses
*Some non-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology
planets in the 1st House/Aries
*New Beginnings*
- practice indoor exercise and meditation. High intensity work out sessions will help to healthily release all the energy.
- Start something new, a new routine, a new hobby, a new goal
- express yourself over video
- Throw a photo shoot
- dress uppp!!!
- Dance or practise some pilates indoors. Get physical.
planets in the 2nd House/Taurus
- create a comforting home space with all your favourite items, and all the things that trigger the senses - looks good, feels good, and smells good. Create your own indoor luxury retreat
- plan your own little self-love day, run yourself a scented bubble bath with scented candles, apply a face mask, paint your nails, do anything that makes you feel comforted and beautiful, positively triggering your senses.
- Start a notebook writing about all the many things you love about yourself
- Practise and make plenty of time for your talents, find them if you are unsure of what your talents are.
- Sing your heart out to your favourite songs
planets in the 3rd House/Gemini
*Learn something new*
- Communicate with people over Phone, video call and online. You could communicate with people by writing posts on social media or just generally talking to people in your household or on social media, via phone.
- Research or read about anything worth learning. Learn something new whether it's events in history, facts about historical icons or celebrities, a new language, a new skill, anything. You have the opportunity to learn anything right now.
- Practice meditation, focus on your mind and how it works.
- If you aren't living with them, keep in contact your siblings or cousins.
planets in the 8th House/Scorpio
*delve deep into the taboo*
- Research and read up about taboo subjects and deep topics of life and one's existance.
- Sit in a quiet room alone, or your own private spot and dive deep into your thoughts.
- indulge in sexual exploration at home.
- stay in contact or spend time with the people you share close intimate bonds with.
- throw yourself a fright night
- create a secret diary or something that you can keep hidden and private.
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Tips with coping with the pandemic at home ~ using astrology
*Part 1 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses
*Some non-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology
Planets in the 4th House/Cancer
*Explore your roots*
- Tap into your role of the mother/nurturer whether that is online or in your home. You might have the ability to help people who are struggling emotionally during this time.
- update and improve your living environment
- Rearrange your furniture and items at home
- Contact family members over phone, video call or social media. You could even start a family group chat.
- Start exploring your family history/ancestry online
- Create a Photo album full of photos of your memories, whether that is photos of memorable times with your family, parents or anything that makes you smile
- Be mindful and appreciative of anything that makes you smile in your present environment, it could be a sentimental item, just being appreciative of your home or someone you live with.
Planets in the 5th House/Leo
~ Get Creative ~
- Blast some music and throw yourself a party at home alone or whilst facetiming friends/get involved with an online party (video chat).
- create mini creative movies, dance videos or fun, silly videos
- Watch creative videos on youtube
- Start a youtube channel showing off your creative talents
- binge watch netflix or throw yourself a movie night
- Choreograph your own dance routine
- Try and fit in your hobbies at home, find creative ways of taking part in hobbies at home
- Learn how to play a musical instrument or a creative skill at home by researching or watching videos online
Planets in the 6th House/Virgo
*Be of service*
- Be of service somehow, to yourself and others. Volunteering to help out in the pandemic or helping your friends and people online or over phone who are struggling to cope with it all. Make sure you are practising self care too.
- Work from home
- Write a to-do list or create a planner to start a healthy routine and work-schedule
- Work out, meditate and practice yoga or pilates at home / watch videos online to help you do this
- Watch health videos and read about how to stay healthy at home
- Find some books to read (this could be online) of your interest.
- Look after your pets
- Research accurate information online and post advice online for others to stay healthy and well during this time.
Planets in the 11th House/Aquarius
~ be a part of an online community~
- Join an online chat room
- Join an online community, meet people online that share similar interests to you
- call and facetime friends / video chat more than one person
- start writing down your positive hopes and wishes for the future in a notebook
- spread awareness on how to help others suffering from the pandemic or maybe even get involved in helping people suffering from the pandemic through being a part of an online community helping others who are struggling.
- Keep up to date and conscious with what's going on around the world and let your voice be heard
- Research and look up charities and organisations to be a part of online or in the future.
We will get through this together
bless you all 💕💕 i hope this has helped
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Pluto through the Houses
Pluto in the 1st House - Your presence when you enter a room is powerful and has an effect on people. Some people may percieve you as destructive, other people may find you intimidating when they first meet you and you carry yourself in such a way that either draws people in or scares them away. You may be obsessed with your appearance or have the ability to transform the way you appear to others. Physical power and transformations are found here. The transformations can be extremely painful. You may have been bullied into transforming the way you look or dress or maybe an experience affected the way you hold youself. New beginnings can be where you experience rebirth and tap into your powers of the self. You may experience a transformation of the self everytime you start something new or have the opportunity to. Entering the world may have been a painful experience. Self harm could also be found here.
Pluto in the 2nd - You have a powerful way with money and your job. You have the ability to transform your income and transform through your income. Your job could force you to go through a transformation. You may have a job in power and use money to gain power. You could be obsessed with your job and more rarely your job could be destructive to yourself and maybe even others. Money could be an obsession and you may go through problems with your income at some point in your life. Your self worth could transform through your job and income. You may be obsessed with your perceived self worth and feel that power is the way to increase this. Your materialistic possessions could give you power. You could love to spend money on expensive things that show off your power.
Pluto in the 3rd - You have a powerful way of communicating with people. You may go through mental transformations. You have the ability to transform the way you communicate with others and how your mind works, these being the sources of tapping into your transformation too. You may be obsessed with learning, especially taboo subjects. You may go through periods of being obsessed with communicating with others about certain topics. The profound impact your words can have on people can not only be destructive to yourself but also others. Power struggles with Siblings, teachers and sometimes cousins is found here. You may have been forced to transform mentally during your childhood, possibly from a mental illness or a traumatic experience. Short trips can help you to transform yourself mentally. You could also be obsessed with taking short trips because of it's ability to help you feel a sense of healing.
Pluto in the 4th - Family is Power. Your mother may have been powerful and/or destructive in some way. She could have helped you to transform yourself somehow or maybe the transformation was the mother herself, possibly you were adopted by a woman very different to your biological mother. You may be obsessed with your family, your home, emotional foundation or maybe even your mother. You could gain power through being apart of a family and starting one. You may go through a huge transformation when starting a family. You may have moved a lot as a child and home is where you had the ability to tap into your power abilities and the ability to transform somehow. Power struggles in the home and family are found here. You may subconsciously seek power or go through transformations of the subconscious mind. Home and family life may be destructive in some way.
Pluto in the 5th house- The way you express yourself is powerful and/or possibly obsessive and destructive. You have the ability to transform your self expression. Your hobbies and creativity could be an obsession, diving deep into artistic pursuits and anything fun and playful. You may go through intense transformations in creativity, love affairs and how you have fun. You may fall into love affairs with destructive and obsessive people where power struggles occur regularly, eventually possibly forcing you to go through a transformation. You may come over as powerful and authoritive towards children, and may have been this way as a child. Your children may be plutonian and you could have problems giving birth/having children with this placement. Having children could cause you to go through a transformation. You may be obsessed with having children or your inner child. Power in creativity and the arts.
Pluto in the 6th house - You are powerful when being of service to others. You may go through periods of transformation in the workplace, you may have been forced to transform the way you work, having a powerful impact on you. You may experience health problems that change your life forever. You may suffer from hypochrondia, obsessed with your health. You may be a workaholic, obsessed with working and being of service somehow. Power struggles with co-workers and in the workplace could be found here. Perhaps you or the people you work with are powerful power hungry people. You may have an authoritive approach to being of service to others or be in a position of power when of service. Perhaps the people you are of service to are powerful people or maybe destructive in some way.
Pluto in the 7th house - Power in Relationships. Power-struggles in relationships. You may start relationships with plutonian individuals. You may be domineering and powerful in your relationships as well as your partner, sometimes creating a partnership that is destructive to you both. You could be obsessed with your partner or maybe you could find yourself in a relationship with or attract partners that are obsessive. Your one-on-one relationships with others could help you to tap into your power abilities and cause your relationships with others to go through a transformation. You could have power fuelled confrontations with your enemies (maybe once a relationship or friend).
Pluto in the 8th House - You could gain power and transform through other peoples money, resources and through insurance or inheritance. Sex could be a great way of realising your inner transformative power and you may be interested in power-play when it comes to having sex. You could go through a sexual transformation. Sex could help you to evolve. You may be obsessed with taboo topics such as sex and death. Sex could be destructive in some way. You could have powerful transformative, maybe even obsessive close bonds with others. You could go through a near-death experience that causes a rebirth of the self or witness a death of a loved one that has a powerful impact on your life. You may have a built in understanding of death.
Pluto in the 9th House - You could gain power through higher education and through your beliefs, both political and religious. You may be obsessed with travelling and taking long trips that cause you to transform, possibly a philosophical transformation that impacts the way you feel about yourself and the world or maybe a painful experience in either higher education, religion, politics or travel. Your religious and political views could be destructive somehow. Religion, Politics and higher education could be where your hidden power lies.
Pluto in the 10th House - You will have the ability to gain power through your public image and your career. You may be powerful in the eyes of the public and your career could be power-orientated. You may have a reputation of being powerful or power-hungry. There's a possibility of gaining fame because of your power. You could be obsessed with your career, public image or gaining fame. You may undergo a transformation in your career, public image or reputation that makes a lasting impact on your life and career, possibly forcing you to change career path. Your father may have been a domineering, powerful individual who could have been destructive to you in some way. He could have caused you to go through a transformation, maybe a transformation in your career, reputation or public image.
Pluto in the 11th House- You could be that powerful, authoritative friend in the group. You could gain power through being a part of a group or an organisation. You could be a part of a group full of powerful people or have friends in power. You could find yourself in power-struggles with your friends or in group settings, activating your desire to lead a group. You may hope and dream to gain power or have goals and ambitions that are power-orientated and transformative. Your friendship group or a group that you're part of could cause you to go through a powerful transformation that tests you and causes you to feel reborn. You may associate yourself with powerful people and you could feel the need to always be a part of a group or an organisation. You may have the power to speak up for others and to become a powerful activist. You may be obsessed with achieving your hopes and dreams, as well as having the ability to make a powerful change in the world.
Pluto in the 12th House - Your power is hidden in the subconscious mind in this house. You may gain power unconsciously through having a psychic understanding of what's hidden in others' minds and the world. You may have the ability to have power over people and yet they might not even realise it. You may turn to drugs to find your hidden power, tap into your subconscious, making you feel more powerful. You could have the ability to gain power and transform through lucid dreaming and exploring the subconscious mind. You could have powerful psychic abilities and the ability to gain power through spiritual practices. Pluto here can either create a fearless individual or someone you may find subconscious power through their fears. You may attract power-hungry or destructive people without any known reason. You may act in ways that are destructive, powerful and obsessive but not be aware of it. You may go through painful karmic transformations and rebirths without any control. Your power may be hidden deep in the subconscious so nobody ever sees the power you possess. You may seem powerless to others but behind close doors you may shock people.
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astrobabyx · 4 years
A quick post on my thoughts on having pluto in the 3rd house
I have pluto in the 3rd house and for me it is a very powerful placement for me. I won't go into details with what pluto is aspected to in my chart but i will go into the possibilities one might have with this placement by going over what i have experienced with pluto in this house.
Pluto is Power, destruction, transformation, rebirth and all things dark and taboo. The 3rd house on the other hand rules the mind, communication, short trips, siblings, cousins, neighbours.
As a child i was very quiet but i always had many secrets, a love for the taboo and things a girl my age shouldn't have been into as it would have been deemed too shocking, and i was aware of that. I loved to investigate and i was very good at it. Curiosity was like a secret mission and i would make sure nobody would ever find out what i was trying to learn.
I was very protective of my sister but we would always argue and fight and our relationship has never been stable.
Pluto in the 3rd house for me is not necessarily a positive placement, infact i believe wherever pluto is, there is dark but powerful energy. Pluto has caused me to go through a tremendous amount of mental changes, powerful and positive changes, but only by going through a lot of mental pain.
My words cut deep and i can sometimes come over as intimidating when communicating with others. My words can be very destructive to myself as well as others. My mind can scare me so much at times and i have suffered from mental health struggles in the past.
I also believe raw sexual energy lies here. I forgot to mention that relationships with teachers are also found in this house and for me i have always had a dark, secretive and sexualised relationship with some of my teachers, and also neighbours.
For me the most positive thing about this placement is the powerful transformation and immense healing you can recieve from taking short trips. I take short trips often, especially after going through a tough time and i always come back feeling like i've gone through some kind of powerful healing mentally.
Thankyou for reading
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astrobabyx · 4 years
Hey there, sorry i haven't been active in a while.
I am open for questions about anything astrology chart related other than horoscopes. Just ask away!
You can ask me about my experience and knowledge of the different signs, aspects and houses etc. and i will try to answer.
🥰I really want to further develop my skills so i can help you all.
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astrobabyx · 5 years
astrology is real because our belief made it real  there is no reason for astrology to work, it’s been almost completely defined and constructed by us, even the way we technically apply the laws dont reflect the astronomical reality but rather the path that we see the sun take with our own eyes, it’s the proof that it’s our conscious agreement that makes things exist, not as they are but as we perceive it, which is exactly the same as the real thing, astrology was not created by the gods before humans or for humans it was created by us over hundreds and thousands of years of gazing and observing and storytelling and imbedded so deeply in the conscious it is passed on generationally through the unconscious… hence why every  culture and part of the world has a unique yet symbolically non-separate interpretation of astrology that they respond to in some inexplicable form 
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astrobabyx · 6 years
Moon Sign descriptions part 3
~ Cancer Moon ~ Libra Moon ~ Sagittarius Moon ~ Capricorn Moon ~
*Always look at your other signs and placements as well as the house in which your moon is placed. These descriptions will only be a part of your astro personality*
Cancer Moon - Cancer moons are just like any other water moon sign, they feel deeply with their emotions. Cancer Moons tend to be very caring individuals but their sensitivity can get the best of them, and they can go out of their way to hurt people who’ve hurt them over matters that appear childish and immature. This is because they are easily hurt by even the slightest of things you could do or say and they will be sure you know they are upset too. Expect this sign to sulk and take everything you say to heart. Don’t be surprised if a Cancer Moon starts lying to others about you, spreading rumours and turning people against you. Cancer moons are indirect with their approach to anger and conflict which causes them to use others to help them bring you down. They can be good at manipulating others, but don’t forget this is only the dark side of the moon. On the bright side, mature Cancer moons can be extremely caring and fatherly/motherly to the people they love or people they feel are in need. Mature Cancers will usually be emotionally intelligent with abilities in empathising and looking after others. Sometimes cancer moons can come off as quite vulnerable and childlike, embracing their inner child. Cancer moons tend to feel the extremes of every emotion and learning to control this side of them is really important for their wellbeing otherwise they could suffer from self-destructive tendencies,mental health issues, drug, alcohol or emotional problems.
Libra Moon - Libra moons love stability and thrive on fairness. Libra moons are always fighting for what they think is right and they will not be afraid to shout it out to the world either. Libra moons are social butterflies at heart and their friends and family are very important to them. You will often find that Libra moons can be very flirtatious and it comes very naturally to them, and they are almost always the one that is constantly in a relationship. On the darker side, some Libra moons (also depends on the rest of their chart) can come over as drama queens or queen bee like individuals who live off drama and feeling the need to control every situation that comes their way. More dark traits of this moon is bitchiness, passive aggressiveness and drama after gossip after drama, as well as tendencies to manipulate situations and people, but this is only the toxic side of the moon. Libra moons will often be friendly, very light and bubbly individuals with a strong-willed and serious streak. Even though these moons detest conflict and try to avoid it at all costs, they will most certainly fight for the people they love and what they believe is right.
Sagittarius Moon - These moons love to explore and you’ll never guess what they will do next. Travelling comes naturally to these moons, they will travel and investigate pretty much anything that interests them. These moons can be multitalented too, taking up different hobbies and interests or exploring different career paths. Sagittarius moons are adaptable and driven, which helps them immensely career wise. However, Sagittarius Moons can be prone to recklessness, being unreliable and irresponsible which could cause issues with substance abuse and overindulging themselves in having fun. Sagittarius moons can be the life of the party but they need to make sure they don’t let this side of them take over other areas of their life.
Capricorn Moon - Capricorn moons can evolve their life around their work and they will usually accomplish anything that they set their heart to, even if they have no natural talent in the subject. Capricorn individuals can be quite aloof individuals, even though they will always speak up when they need to. These moons may struggle with high expectations in their work or studies as well as possible issues in relationships or friendships, not because they can’t hold one, but because Capricorn moons can sometimes pick their work and career over dealing with people. Capricorn moons can also come over as hypercritical of themselves and other people, and they need to be careful they don’t overdo it! Overall Capricorn moons are practical, organised, strong-willed and critical people who need a work environment and lifestyle that challenges these traits in a healthy way.
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astrobabyx · 6 years
My Astrology Blog Introduction
Heyy guys, I just wanted to write an intro post to let you know that I am new to the blogging world. This is my first astrology blog and I’m hoping everything will go well. Astrology has been a hobby of mine for years and I strive to better my knowledge in it everyday, as well as teach and educate others what I’ve learned.
I have already posted some stuff already, just to get this blog started. I will hopefully be posting a part 3 on the moon sign descriptions soon, which will cover Cancer moon, Libra moon, Sagittarius moon and Capricorn moon. All of my moon sign descriptions are written from all the knowledge I’ve gained from the moon signs over the years, especially real life experience with the signs. Just bear in mind that you should always look at your full astrology chart in order to see if there’s anything that might be blocking or diluting the expression of your moon, especially if you don’t relate.
The quality of my posts should improve over time. Everything I post will be as relatable as possible. If you’d like to give me feedback or advice on how I could improve, that would be great.
I’m excited to be writing for you guys.
Hope you enjoy :-)
- astrobabyx
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