Hello everyone!
I am very sorry for not updating in a while I have been very busy travelling and setting up a new streaming channel on twitch!
I hope you follow me on twitch and YouTube! There are no videos currently as my first official stream is Monday the 29th April!
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sowenarubi
Follow me on X (twitter) for more updates:
X: http://www.twitter.com/Sowena_Rubi
Hope you are all well!
I know I say this a lot but I am hoping to update some of my Levi oneshots once life calms down a lot for me again! For future plans I'm hoping possibly publish one of my stories (of course with changing names so it isn't a fan fiction) but there is a lot to do and plan and change so this is very much a future future plan of mine!
Thank you all for your support!
0 notes
Levi + Modern Transmigrated Reader Part 1
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning⚠️⚠️⚠️
In this oneshot there will be descriptions of heavy bodily injury, i.e breaching broken bones (bones sticking out of the skin) blood, infection (puss and redness) and just general suffering of the character (Y/N). There will also be descriptions of death some of them quite horrible (mangled bodies etc) of adults and children some very young. It will be the entire way through the oneshot (roughly) so I cannot section where the descriptions are so you can avoid them.
Please if this offends you or effects you in anyway please feel free to skip this one. Part 2 of it should be more family friendly and I will put a short description of what happened in part one at the beginning of part two.
Thank you and I apologise.
Your heart beat slightly faster in your chest as you finally put your bags above your head in the luggage hold. There was a weird clinical but plasticky smell in the air and a weird vacuum sound in your ears. Once you were sure your luggage was stable you slid into your seat by the window, using the view of the tarmac outside to calm yourself.
You were travelling, taking a year of your life to see the world before you were pulled back into the hell of existence. You were currently heading on a flight through Europe checking out everything you possible could with your limited time and money.
You were alone. A friend was supposed to come with you, however, they had some family problems come up just before and therefore was unable to come. You were sad but completely understood and you offered them to join you later on In your trip if they could. You would be fine on your own, you were safe when travelling and cautious, so it wasn't essential that you needed someone to watch your back for you.
There was a low hum around you as people boarded the plane. You were in the cheapest seats so there wasn't a lot of room... which was just made more obvious when someone sat next to you. You turned your head to see who it was, a young woman with a baby in her arms.
The baby was quiet at the moment, but you knew that would change the moment the plane started its assent. The mother gave you a small smile and a 'sorry' look, you just smiled back expressing that you didn't mind... or at least did not let on that it bothered you slightly.
Once everyone was sat the flight crew began making their checks and the safety announcement, you sat quietly listening and carefully looking around the cabin. Once everything was ready there was a slight tension in the air as the pilot waited for the go ahead to move.
And finally you did.
You heart jumped again when the plan started moving towards the runway, the pilot voice came over the intercom. Here we go, you thought, bye bye home... see you in a while.
Finally, your plane was looking down the runway and from there it didn't take long for your plane to get the go ahead, the plane sped up and eventually took off before the end of the runway. Your ears popped and your stomach flipped as the plane got higher and higher, and sure enough the baby beside you let out a loud ear grating scream. You cringed a bit from the noise but said nothing, only continuing to look out the window.
*Time Skip*
The sky was dark and your brow creased with worry, the plane was basically quiet apart from some low chatter, since the baby had calmed down and fallen asleep. No one else seemed to see the problem that you had. It was dark outside like it was night, however it wasn't nighttime, with where you were on the planet currently it should be about midday.
Even worse was what was causing the darkness...
There were very large and angry storm clouds surrounding your plane, the area was covered, there was rain and a low rumble of threatening thunder. It felt like the end of days for you all, like you were on a very small island in a big ocean, however this ocean was about to throw a tsunami at you.
Your eyes kept glancing from the window to the flight staff whenever they were visible. The longer you kept looking the more worried they seemed to become, but the flight continued. Your worry only deepened with time and a low rumble was finally heard through the cabin, the people around you finally seemed to take notice of the issue. A hummer of noise from the cabin of people worried clearly they were talking about the monster outside.
There was a bright flash in front of your very eyes blinding you and striking the wing of the plane, the plane jolted slightly tipping at the strike and a fire quickly followed, screams now filling the cabin. Your face went white and your body froze in fear, your brain couldn't comprehend what you had just seen.
Violent lightning...
The sky roaring at you...
Your plane was hit again the screams in the cabin only getting louder, the lightning seemed to be following your plane, hellbent on taking you all down. There were mumbling of prayers and loud disorienting yelling, the plane shook and the unfortunate flight crew yet to seat themselves went flying down the footwells and corridors.
The sounds there bodies made when striking parts of the plane made you cringe so violently you curled in your seat, you desperately tried to put the seat belt as the situation got worse and worse.
God seemed to have forsaken you all as another heavy strike came down, completely engulfing the entire plane. Another heavy strike followed straight after hitting the plane and making it jolt, it was a blinding flash that seemed to cover the entire plane in a death hug.
All your hair stood on end as the flash forced you to shut your eyes. You felt another heavy strike in between bright lights dancing in the darkness of your shut eyes and your hands gripped the arm rests tightly as the plane rattled and twisted and rotated around you. You opened your eyes, but they were filled with swirling colours in between the dotted vision and a horrible dizziness struck you. You felt sick.
You floated in between unconscious and consciousness which seemed to last forever before you were finally pulled back, there was a weird silence but distant rattling from the plane around you, you could tell you were falling. You could feel the plane moving down, falling from the sky, your stomach flipping continuously. There was a smell of smoke and your head shot up to look around.
Everything seemed to slow in that moment, the other passengers were still screaming and panicking but you couldn't seem to hear it, only see their panic filled faces, it was like your ears had turned off. You turned to look out the window, something was off about what you saw, but you were too panicked to realise.
The plane just continued to fall getting closer and closer to the lush green ground below, a group of trees seemed to be in your path. You were supposed to put your head down and brace however you couldn't pull your eyes away from the wing as it hit one of the giant trees and was immediately ripped away. The plane itself jolted sharply and your head smashing into the hard back of the seat in front of you, immediately knocking you out.
*Time Skip*
Pain was what woke you. Your ears where the first to come back - the was a screeching sound that could only come from metal, as well as a spitting sound of a small fire. Your brain was muddled, confused as to what has happened, you peeled open your blurry eyes that eventually did clear up. A choking gasp erupted from your lips at the sight.
It was a horror scene, there were mangled bodies everywhere, smashed up, sliced, deformed, torn apart, missing limbs or even half their body, the rest of them who knows where. They were basically unrecognisable, blood splattered everywhere, congregating in pools in the bottom of the plane, a disgusting bloody metallic smell rising up making you almost vomit. You were very close to vomiting but the pain from your body forced your brain to kick into gear and swallow it back down.
A painful sob replacing the vomit, your eyes carefully looked around you and once again you were almost sick. Beside you the young mother and her child were stuck in their seats, but not thanks to the seat belt, a long metal pole had impaled both of them.
Judging by the position it had pierced them both through the heart, sticking them together even after death, they must have died instantly. Their blood dripped downed the pole landing in a pool underneath them. Another pained sigh left your lips, this was harrowing to look at.
A scream left your mouth, a painful throaty scream, there was no response to your shout, so you only screamed again which once again received no answer. Everyone had to be dead, and if they weren't they must be so injured they couldn't answer and were near death.
You gave up on outside help and instead looked down at yourself, not allowing yourself to question if and why you were the only one left alive.
You yourself were badly injured. Your head was leaking blood which you could feel dripping from your chin, something had to be going on in your chest as there was an uncomfortable tightness as you breathed, accompanied with sharp, shooting pain. You then checked your arms one seemed ok with only some light cuts and bruising but the other... the wrist seemed to be dislocated? Broken? Crushed? You couldn't tell. It was your dominant hand as well.
Your body didn't seem so bad, and you hadn't been impaled by anything, just cuts and bruises. Your wrist and chest were painful, however, you didn't really have the equipment or knowledge to deal with them, nor did it feel like you really needed to as at the moment they weren't life threatening. Finally, you looked down to your legs.
'Fuck its bad' you thought
Somehow there wasn't an extremely dangerous amount of blood, however you could clearly see the thigh bone sticking out of the skin, your sick feeling was coming back. Lower down your leg, your skin was crushed between two seats and was stuck.
You tried to give it a wiggle to see how stuck the leg was, but you soon realised that it being stuck wasn't the worst thing, a mind-numbing pain washed over you. Your nerves lit up and your brain felt like it was set on fire with how much negative information it received, but it was possible you could get it out.
You groaned in pain and annoyance, you looked around again for something to pry the seats open. The plane was on fire, but the fire didn't seem to be moving, it was only small fires that were on their way out. You were lucky as nearby there was a small gap just big enough to squeeze your body through and get out, all you had to do was free your leg.
Finally, your eyes and brain settled on the pole that had impaled the young woman and baby, unfortunately it was perfect to get your leg out. The pole was long but looked sturdy but not only that it wasn't stuck in that position, there was a room below to manoeuvre it and pull it out before using it to pry apart the seats, it was stuck in the ceiling but it looked like it could be pulled up and wiggled out rather than just pulling it down.
Luckily you good hand was next to it so you turned a bit and began using your hand to shake the bodies off of the pole, they were more stuck than you thought but by pulling up and shaking they did eventually come loose and fall to the floor with a heavy bang. Blood splashed up and hit you in the face making you flinch. You tried not to think about it.
"Sorry" you said to them. You could no longer see the baby's body, which was actually a bit relieving, only the mothers back was facing you which now had blood spurting from there wound a bit.
Here comes the sick again, you thought as bile rolled up your throat again, but you quickly swallowed it, throwing up into your wounds would only make everything worse.
With a bit more fighting you managed to jam the pole just below your leg, in the small place between the two seats, you then with a lot of effort, began to pull and push the pole trying to get the gap bigger so your leg could drop out. A weird grunting and straining noise came from your throat and sweat trickled from your forehead.
There was a crunch and groan, and a snap from the seats until finally your leg dropped out. You shouted in pain as immediately after the pole snapped forcing your body over the seat next to you, this bumped both your leg and your wrist, the seats then quickly snapped back together.
You looked down to your limp leg, which was humming in pain. Your shin wasn't actually bleeding that much, it was a lot of dried black crusted blood with only a few spots of stagnant fresh blood. Your thigh however was still bleeding, however your bone didn't hit the artery, as if it had you would have already died. This meant you didn't have to be extremely worried about it right now.
You groaned as you moved your mind over to the next problem... you needed to get out of this place.
You needed to get out of the small hole beside you, you took a deep breath readying yourself, closing your eyes. This was going to fucking hurt... surprisingly your hip and knee were still sort of functional on your damaged leg. You swung your legs and arms around, using the momentum it created to flip your body half out of the hole and half onto the chair behind you.
"Argh!" You groaned, with out rest or stopping you began to painfully pull yourself out of the plane. There was about a 30cm drop on the other side, which meant that once enough of your body was out, your own weight would do the rest sending you tumbling out.
Another slightly louder shout of pain left your lips as your body hit the ground, your whole body radiated with pain, and you lied there waiting for it to subside, only moving your eyes. You were exhausted and search for somewhere you could get a bit of cover for a while.
Not far away there was a tree with a small opening, there seemed to be just enough space for you to fit in, you now just had to drag yourself over there. You carefully flipped yourself over, once again baring the pain, while also slightly hooking your bad leg over your good leg to keep it elevated, and then dragged yourself across the ground. It was a struggle, but you worked your way across the ground until you were able to roll into the hole.
Finally you could rest... sort of... you needed to start to fix up your wounds...
Feeling around your pockets you realised your phone was gone, it must have flown off during the crash, but you didn't really need it. You doubted there would be any signal wherever you are which meant that you were completely unable to call for help, only the flash light would have been helpful. But the light from outside was enough, starting with your legs you began to assess yourself.
Your shin would have to be washed so you could see the damage, and right now that wouldn't be possible, and it felt pretty sturdy to walk on. Your thigh was the most worrying, the bone was slightly protruding out the skin in your current position, however if you moved your leg around the bone would disappear, the blood that was coming from it was also very concerning.
Stitching the wound would be the best option however you didn't have anything needle like you could use to pierce the skin, the next best thing would be to tightly bandage it and then use some wood to make a very rough brace to steady your bone a bit better, it would allow you to kind of walk.
You had a jacket in which you could use as a top, if you took your current shirt off you could use it as a bandage, the jacket although frayed and slightly ripped should give you a little warmth at night.
With a quick change you zipped up your jacket and then began to rip up your shirt into long strips of cloth, finally you tightly bandaged your thigh to put pressure on your wound. It would do until you found water to clean it properly and something to stitch it up.
Once you were sure that everything was tight and secure with the first layer you made the stint and walking support with the second, it took some time and a bit of searching about for sticks, but you eventually made something with good support. With a carful wiggle you checked it and nodded to yourself, it is good enough.
Secretly proud of yourself you then began to make you way out of the tree hole, it was a lot of shuffling and crawling, but you did eventually make it out. Your leg still hurt like hell however now that you had given it support it was manageable, you could walk with a heavy limp, but you could now get around as a normal human would.
Once washed and stitched it would be much better but for now this was fine. After you had made it out of the tree hole you stood and stretched your body for the first time, the feeling of your body clicking and cracking felt really good and it was a relief. Your muscles were uncramped and ready to be used again, putting all your weight on your good leg, your eyes scanned the area assessing your situation properly.
What was left of the plane was just in front of you, the small fires that were around were basically put out now or on their way out, the trees around you were big and only let filters of light through to the ground... it was actually quite magical to look at.
You were in a forest, there were giant green trees around you that dwarfed even the plane, the trees that the plane had hit were only damaged non had fallen. The bark had been ripped off but apart from that the trees were fine; they weren't even on fire. You took a moment to think...
How the fuck am I still alive...
You shook yourself from that thought and focused on the plane in front of you. You needed to move away from this area, the fires were receding however you didn't want to risk and explosion, even a spark on fuel could set everything off.
But also when the fires had gone out predators would start to move in, there were a lot of corpses and you defiantly didn't want to be close to this feeding frenzy.
However, the plane had supply's that could be very useful to you, instead you could wait nearby for help to come. So you were going to risk an explosion to get the stuff that you needed, if there was an explosion everything that could be of use would be ruined, so the best option would be to stick outside to scavenge rather than trying to get back into what was left of the plane.
You limped around the plane searching for anything that you could use, you were lucky, the plane had crashed in a way that meant that the underside was ripped out, but the stuff was mostly damage free.
You had access to a number of bags from the outside, you smiled and then using your body weight you pulled out everything you could and then moved them further away, it was tedious and aggravated your wounds but necessary.
Around the area there were other cases you pulled to the area as well salvaging everything you could, even though the contents inside were a lot more damaged, in the end you had six full cases and a pile of other stuff from the area.
You first looked through the items, there were a lot of tattered clothes which could be used as bandages in the future, so you picked the nicest ones to use. There was also a notebook you decided to take it with you, if you didn't find something to write with you could always use ashes from fire as you had found a lighter and some matches that were in decent shape, finally there were some smashed up souvenirs which were useless.
However one of the souvenirs from (home country) had a wire which seemed quite sharp, you could use this to stitch yourself up with, it wouldn't be a perfect needle but it would be better than nothing.
You then went through the suitcases, after you had been through the first case you flipped it up to empty it properly and placed all the useful stuff you had back inside, you would use this one to carry your things. You found clothes, bits of food, more lighters and some general supply's which could all help. You also found some alcohol, it would be perfect for sanitising your wounds, there were five bottles that were in good condition.
Happy with your haul, you took another look through everything to check that you hadn't missed anything important. Satisfied you looked around again, your next issue was water, you'd die of thirst before hunger, but also you needed to bathe and wash your wounds before they got seriously infected.
Once your new suitcase was zipped up and stood on its wheels you realised you had to make a decision, which way to walk. You looked around a little, then started walking. You walked in the in the direction that the forest looked most luscious and green, you guessed that this was where the water was going to be.
By limping and stumbling you slowly made you way through the forest, birds chirped, and animals called through the rustling of the trees, your body however was sweating. It was a warm day, coupled with your injuries adding to your struggling, it all ending with a very uncomfortable feeling. You were beginning to stink quite bad, a running river right now would be perfect, preferably one that was cool.
But you had a slow pace and at the time you had actually made it to a decent enough stream, the sun was beginning to set, you couldn't solve your injuries in the dark, and predatory animals also meant you couldn't stay exposed like this.
There was also the problem of getting cold, you could feel the temperature dropping, sharply dropping, and there was a chill in the air. In the fading light you looked around trying to find somewhere more hidden. Nearby you noticed some sort of abandoned animal burrow, it would be dirty but it would have to do.
*Time Skip*
When morning came you dragged yourself out of the animal burrow, you had barely slept not feeling at all safe, you couldn't light a fire to ward of predators inside the burrow as you would smoke yourself out, and outside the burrow would also be a risk as a fire you couldn't watch could light up the whole forest.
The animal calls the were cute during the day quickly turned frightening when darkness fell, you were exhausted, but you had no right to complain, you were alive and everyone else was dead and a little sleepiness was almost welcomed... it meant that you were still alive.
Your leg now had more of a burning pain rather than the throbbing that was there before, you could feel the starting of an infection in the thigh wound especially, it was now imperative that you throughly cleaned it and stitched it up, an actual doctor can deal with the wound when you found rescue... or they found you. You were also looking to re-brace the wound to something more secure.
The river wasn't very far and thankfully your suitcase full of stuff hadn't been ripped apart during the night, you grabbed it and went over to the river. The river was a running body of water, quite fast but not dangerous if you wanted to swim, and it was wide enough that you wouldn't be able to jump over it on your best day. You were lucky it was running water; stagnant water was dangerous to drink and put on your wounds, clear running water like this was perfect.
You sat down by the river and opened the suitcase, the alcohol bottles were on the top, so you took them out and lined them up beside you, not yet opening them. You then ripped up a greenish shirt, that was very big, and washed it in the water. Each time you washed a length you would hang it up over a nearby branch to dry it off a little.
Finally, when everything was prepared you began carefully peeling your make shift bandage, you kept the branches to remake the stint but discarded the bandages both in the river and on the side, hopefully someone would find them and come to help. It was a bit of a useless hope but you still did it just encase, watching as the pieces of cloth floated down the river and out of sight.
Your eyes went to your wound, it was bad, but what else was there to expect. You could still feel the bone moving and grinding especially now that the splint was off. It was very red and swollen from infection, there was the crusting of a scab around the open wound and when you pressed on it gently a watery yellowy green puss pooled out of it, if you weren't quick and carful with this infection you could end up losing your leg.
Your other wounds weren't really hurting anymore, and your shin didn't look too bad, it was weeping a lot but didn't really look infected yet, your wrist was a closed wound and was just a bit swollen and your head had stop bleeding a while ago. Your wrist would need some support you could make with bandages, but that would be quite easy.
You looked into the water and saw that there was crusted blood and dirt on your face, and you could see where the wound on your forehead started but couldn't see the rest, it was quite a deep wound but it wasn't life threatening it just needed a wash. However, you couldn't discount a more serious and deeper head injury. You needed it was everything, a full body dunk in the water and a body scrub with your hands would be perfect, plus the clothes that are currently on your body were ruined anyway. You peeled off your clothes and once again sent them down the river, you had plenty of clothes in your suitcase anyway.
You gave your body a quick inspection, there was still a general ache around your chest which formed in large patterned bruises and there were a lot of scratches, you didn't think there was anything extremely serious though as you count breath normally. At worse a couple of fractures around the chest and ribs which you couldn't currently deal with.
There was no one around, so while naked, you took a dive. The river was shallower than you thought, the water just covering your waist. You fully ducked under making sure your hair was also wet, you began scrubbing your entire body with your hands, the water turning a muddy red around you.
You paid special attention to your hair, pulling all the blood and grime off the strands, then running your fingers through carefully to untangle it. When you finished you could probably use a length of cloth to tie it all up, you didn't want to keep untangling your hair like this, so a braid would help.
Once satisfied you carefully jumped up and sat on the side, as you had been cleaning your hair you felt that your head wound had been cleaned up nicely. The wound on your thigh was still the most worrying and was clearly red and inflamed, however the wound itself was quite small. Your shin wasn't particularly great either.
There were multiple lacerations all over your shin from the crush, you couldn’t see the bone and you could guess that there were defiantly fractures at least, You groaned, you weren't a doctor so trying to fix the bones was way above your pay grade, wrapping the wound tight with bandages would be the best thing you could do it would control infection and bleeding.
You grabbed one of the alcohol bottles nearby and using a cupped hand began slowly and carefully working the liquid onto your lower leg, making sure that it was all covered, alcohol could fight infection so you made sure you were thorough. This was especially important for your bigger wounds.
Your nerves were lighting up with pain the moment the alcohol touched it, your leg felt like it was on fire, you hissed in pain but continued. Once satisfied that everything was thoroughly cleaned, you grabbed a nearby strip of cloth folded it and then held it against the bottle opening, by carefully tipping the alcohol you soaked the cloth through.
Once you had fully soaked the cloth through without wasting any of the alcohol, you wrapped it tight around your leg. By the time you were done you had almost finished your current alcohol bottle, about a shots worth was left in the bottom, it was a success in the alcohol saving department.
The next wound to take care of was your thigh, you biggest wound. You had to stitch it up especially now that you had the equipment, you sanitised the wire, a long piece of string you got from the frayed cloth and your wound with the alcohol once again.
You then created a loop in the wire as small as you could, tying the string into it, however just looking at your little creation was terrifying enough, and now you had to put it through your skin... with no pain killers.
Your hands shook, your eyes were glued to your wound, as your hand moved closer. The piece of wire was sharp but not needle sharp, so it would require some forcing to get it through your skin, the only good thing was that it was bendable so you wouldn't have to stab too deep. However, your small hand made loop was the scariest part, it wasn't as small as you would have liked.
You just went for it, it took a lot of force but once the skin broke you could immediately manoeuvre the hook out and to the other side, repeating the process. Over, under, over, under, over, under, over, under until with a pull it was all stitched closed.
Now for the bone, the bone was still moving about like crazy and there was a risk that it would open your wound again and leave you exactly where you started. However, if you did your splint well enough it should hold everything solid enough. The best option would be to put it around the bone itself but you didn't have any of the skills for that.
Before doing anything you once again began carefully putting the alcohol over the wound, cloth, and even the sticks that were going to be the actual splint. Then you began tightly remaking your splint, tight wrappings of cloth that sandwiched sticks, making sure that your bone would be held as still as possible.
After, you tied up your hair into a plat to keep it all together, one leg dipped into the water. Your wrist was still swollen, so with more ripped up cloth you tightly wrapped it. Finally, you carefully stood and put on a fresh set of clothes that were a little big, a simple top and trousers as well as a jacket, and set off down the river following it down stream.
You needed shelter at least, a town or a congregation of people would be even better. It was around midday now, so you had time to carefully stumble along beside the river, so you didn't need to panic just yet. As time passed your eyes looked around at the greenery, now that your leg had been fixed, kind of, there was only a dull ache left.
You were so lost in thought you almost missed the dull slow thumps that seemed to shake the very earth beneath your feet, your eyebrows furrowed in concern. You didn't know what was causing this, but it heavily reminded you of that scene in Jurassic Park with the T-Rex and the water, you'd laugh if you weren't worried that it was an actual t-Rex coming to get you.
As it got closer you could start to figure out where it was coming from, facing you directly, your body tensed ready to get out of there as fast as possible. Finally, through the trees came something that was completely unbelievable and frightening, it was a giant naked human, that started at you with large dumb eyes and shiny white teeth.
Dumb... yes just looking into those eyes you could tell it had no intelligence, you trusted your instincts and right now they were telling you to get the fuck out, they were telling you this thing was deadly...
You didn't wait and stare but turned and hobbled away as fast as you could, your bum leg slowed you down a lot. You didn't hear the thumps of it following your straight away, but once you had gotten a certain distance away, they started up again...
Slowly getting closer and faster...
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Levi + Eren Sister Reader
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AN: hello everyone this is the last request I have however I will not be taking any requests at the moment as I have a lot that I have missed and am very interested in writing also I would like to write for myself a for a little bit as I am starting to fall out of writing and I also don't have a lot of time and I hate and feel very bad about how long these requests are taking. Hope you all understand and am very sorry but my requests will open up again in the future it's just for now.
If you are the person with the missed request I will take that one as it was one I was supposed to do this time around just remake it and I can do that for you. ❤️❤️❤️
*3rd Persons POV*
Eren had very faint memories of his older sister, his clearest memory being an imagine of her back facing him staring out into an orange sky with the dark shadow from the wall cutting the sun off from reaching her. It was the last memory he had of her as shortly after she disappeared. She looked strong and proud as she uttered those words... those damn words that changed everything "Eren I'm joining the scouts" she turned to look at him a bright smile on her face, tears sparkling in her eyes "Just pretend that I never existed."
With a gasp Eren shot up in his bed, that dream again, it had been coming to his mind a lot recently. His sister left years ago now starting her journey in the scouts, he didn't know if she was alive or dead, but he didn't care. Eren hated her. She left without a word to her parents and Eren himself was too young to feel the weight of those last words.
From then on, his mother had fed him harsh words against her finally leaving him with hatred built on lies that couldn't be confirmed or denied. Coupled with this, he himself wanted to join the scouts and his mother was firmly against it because of (Y/N). He only managed to remember the name (Y/N) as his mother would often use it to badmouth her, along with other names.
The only thing left was this stupid memory that appears more and more frequently, Eren got up and looked out of the calls bars in front of him, it was time for breakfast everything else could be forgotten... in this dark cell, breakfast and sleep was the only break from boredom.
Eren looked around the cold and dark cell slowly getting his bearings, today was the day of his trial, he had no time to think of his stupid sister, his own life was currently more important.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
You walked straight laced and tight lipped all the way to your place in the court, it was your brothers trial today, your heart jumped in nervousness but it didn't show on your face. You sighed internally. What the fuck has that stupid brother of yours gotten himself into now? You trusted Erwin though so didn't make any big moves or make your distress obvious, you brother would be fine.
The scouts around you nodded in acknowledging us you walked to your spot, right by Captain Levi "Captain Levi, Commander Erwin" you greeted
"Captain (Y/N)" Erwin nodded Levi just looked at you and gave you a slight nod.
"Sorry I was late sir that... mission you sent me on took a bit longer than normal" you handed Erwin a file that you were sent to dig up.
"No problem, fine work as usual (Y/N)" Erwin praised. You noticed a small smirk coming to Levi's face, but you said nothing.
You turned around, standing by Levi to watch the court, a small “Huh” caught your attention causing your eyes to shift to it. You made eye contact with a very familiar grown-up Armin. It seems upon hearing your name he turned to look and then the smarty pants obviously recognised your face, even with the limited number of meetings you had he still managed to recognise you.
Mikasa stood beside him, she hadn't seen you, her focus only on Eren. You didn't know her as well as Armin and Eren as she had only lived with you for around a week before you made you exit, but she was still clearly still living with or more like was attached to Eren. Didn't want a girl my ass. Is all you could think a small squint coming to your eye, if you hated girls so much to ruin my childhood why take her in with love and care... bullshit you just had it out for me.
"Something wrong" a deep voice close to your ear made you shiver, it was Levi
You moved your eyes away from Armin and towards where Eren was being escorted in "nothing" you felt Levi's eyes on you for a moment longer before he too looked towards the centre of the court. That voice... just brought you back to the fact that you worked with this attractive man, you were on the same level in fact both Captains of squads. You both got along well and often had a late-night tea as both of you struggled with sleep, sometimes you wished those night would never end.
You heard a small a curious 'hummmm' from beside you, but Levi didn't continue to ask you questions. The court room session had started everyone's attention fell on Eren, your heart slightly jumping.
*Short Time Skip*
"-Put your faith in me!!!" Eren let out a long scream at the MP's making the court go silent, you cringed where you stood Jesus he's gotten worse... such a little brat. You thought. The MP's were the 'first' to react, by pointing a gun at your brother, you flinched slightly but didn't move. Instead, it was Levi who moved delivering a perfect kick to his face, a slight tilt of your lips coving up the laugh that would have come out.
You didn't feel bad for Eren in this moment, the kid needed to be taught some control of his emotions, he was never properly disciplined in your memories, and you can't imagine it changed when you left. It just always became your fault even if it wasn't, that little shit got you in so much trouble as a kid, this beating you were watching now was a little like revenge just with someone else's hand... or foot.
You saw movement just in front of you from Mikasa, she was going to go after Levi, a growl coming from her lip. You sent a swift a small kick to her back, normally for Mikasa this kick would do nothing, but she wasn't focused on you at all and was mid step, so this unexpected kick easily sent her to the floor.
"Mikasa!" Armin said in a harsh whisper.
Having been alerted to your presence Mikasa turned and froze when she met your eyes "stay down" you growled out leaving no room for arguments.
She recognised you the moment she made eye contact, you could tell she recognised you the moment she saw you, with a growl she got up, you could see in her eyes she was figuring out how to argue with you.
But you cut her off "Just watch, make a move if you like but you better be ready to take responsibility for Erens execution."
She stopped immediately, Eren was her big weakness threaten his death and you can make Mikasa at least stop and listen. But you were done with this conversation turning back to Levi who was done beating Eren, the verdict was in, but you weren't focused on that you knew the moment Levi got involved it was a done deal. You were more focused on Mikasa, she clearly had a lot of hatred for you, you hadn't even known her for that long only a week, you could only guess what she had been taught about you from this reaction.
Thinking about it deeper, you wouldn't at all be surprised if it was your mother's fault. I left and gave you what you wanted did you really have to continue dragging my name through the mud, you thought. But you couldn't change that now, if they hated you, they hated you nothing you could do. What you could do is silently protect them all from the shadows not drawing attention too much to yourself.
*Time Skip*
You could hear a bunch of voices all calmly conversing in the room before you, Eren, Hange, Levi and Erwin all talking. You could make out that they were talking about the previous court room scene and Erens future in the scouts. You were supposed to have gone in with them, but you put it off with the excuse of a quick but important squad meeting you hadn't had the time for before the court session, but you couldn't wait any longer you at least needed to appear with your status in the scouts.
You were one of the top scouts, it took you a lot of time and effort to get there but you had, and now you were important to things you rather wouldn't be. Judging by Mikasa's instant hatred of you, Eren would probably hate you as well, not to mention... you really weren't looking forward to the explanation you'd have to give your commander and fellow captains when Eren popped his lid off... Levi... oh god this would be... your heart jumped at the thought of how badly this could go in front of the man you secretly loved.
You sighed in preparation then knocked on the door, a short "come in" from Erwin heard from the other side.
You calmly opened the door and then walked in face expressionless, you heard a small gasp from the sofa and a shuffle of someone about to stand but then stopping themselves at the last second, your eyes glanced over to Eren giving him a short look but giving nothing away. His muscles were tense like he was about you rush at you but with a small glance at Levi, who was seated next to him, and everyone else in the room he relaxed a little... at least on the outside.
"Captain (Y/N) any problems with your squad?" Erwin asked.
"Yes sir, they are ready for there next mission and are waiting outside the courthouse for your next orders" keep everything professional (Y/N), don't panic at the death stare drilling into your head.
"Good, as for now you're going to be merging squads with Levi squad until told otherwise, your overall status in the scouts will not be affected however to avoid possible confusion Levi will call the shots you his second in command if he is absent or unable to make decisions. Hange will also be joining you for a few days but will not be merging" Erwin instructed.
You nodded, you completely understood this move from Erwin, Levi squad was taking control over Eren, and it would help them a lot if they had a few more expert hands to keep him in check if he went mad as a Titan. It was Levi's squad originally that got this mission so him taking total control was more than expected, it's not that you both didn't work well together you were actually extremely in sync often fighting together in your younger days against the titans, but confusion was always possible no matter how well you could read each other's minds.
"Yes sir, i will brief the squad unless there is a thing else, I am needed for" you nodded to him and waited for his ok before making your exit, Eren surprisingly hadn't exploded but his eyes staring at you was making you uncomfortable, but not only that Levi had been watching you both for a while with curious eyes... he clearly had some questions.
You sighed the moment you closed the door. Oh yeah! Success! Didn't freak out at Eren and he didn't freak out at me... just gotta keep this up until one of us dies! Some false positivity creeped its way into your mind. However, a few meters down the hall you heard a call of your name "(Y/N)" it was Eren his voice had changed slightly, which was more obvious without the screaming, but you could still recognise it.
Oh, half success, you thought. You turned and looked at him but before you could register it Eren had grabbed your collar forcing you back a few steps, now that he was standing so close to you you noticed how much taller and stronger, he was, you felt your lips slightly shake at this new situation, but you didn't falter and just stared him in the eye.
"Your still alive, we'd all hoped you had dropped dead in a titans mouth by now, but no here you are living it up with the scouts while... while..." Eren was faulting slightly but soon found his speech again "everything you did and everything you have done to our mother to the family... and you weren't even there to make up for it when the walls fell... our mother was eaten before my eyes, her back was snapped and she was bitten in half. Blood spraying everywhere. And you! You weren't there to save her she died because of you."
People were starting to look at you both and you weren't far enough away from the room with you comrades in for them not to here. This burst of energy really fucked with your head; you liked your quiet life were there was nothing to disturb you... Erens arrival meant it was time to say goodbye to that.
You quickly realised that this wasn't going to change if you didn't put him in his place. You signed "our mother?" You grabbed his collar forcing him off you "our mother! What OUR? You mean YOUR mother! She was always only your mother! To me she's just the woman who gave birth to me and then hated ME for that, like I had the choice. You dare stand here and get in my space, take up my time and insult me about families when I clearly wasn't a part of it. It wasn't my job to be there and save that woman who made my life a living hell I have my own life and job to be getting on with. I'm not a Jaeger don't treat me like I am"
Eren was in silence mouth wide open and eyes shimmering with confusion and fear, with your hand still in his collar you forced him back so that he was now an arms legs away from you "what did you hope to achieve by confronting me hear and now? Huh? An apology from me? Feel remorse? Trying to make me care? Get down on my fucking knees to beg for your forgiveness? That's some funny ideas you have there because quite frankly I really don't care"
You hooked a leg around the back of Erens legs, with a small push he fell down onto his ass, a bang sounding out "unless you have something nice or relevant to say leave me alone, I have a job to do which concerns your very life so... best be nice to me"
You turned and left, but very soon you heard a small growl and a scuffle and something grabbing onto your shirt to rip you back, you turned to give him another piece of your mind, but your words fell through. Eren had raised a fist to punch you, and in your current position there wasn't really a way out of it, you were unbalanced and would break an arm trying to grab his wrist from this angle. The only thing to do was minimise the damage and impact to your face, fucking brat I didn't think you would actually hit me.
You closed your eyes and turned your head so that he would hit more of the back of your head... where the stronger bone is and raised your arm to deflect, you better make this count... once this lands I'll show you what he means to be a scouts captain. You thought. However, the hit never landed, you opened your eyes looking up, it was Levi. He had cleanly caught and stopped Erens fist and was in the process of prying his other hand away from your shirt. Disregarding the situation, it was kind of sexy...
Eren noticed him too "Captain Levi" he soon let go and saluted a cold sweat clearly on his face... Levi looked thunderous. Eren had been caught assaulting a superior by Levi.
You did however care for Eren even if he was a brat and tried to hit you and you didn't want him to get too harshly punished... or beat again, so you tried to step in "Levi" you greeted, you were outside the court room, so you didn't have to be so formal.
He turned to you "are you ok?"
A small hidden smile appeared on your face "I'm fine, would have been even if it connected."
He just nodded and turned back to Eren "I thought that what happened in the court room would have tempered you a little bit, but it seems that it wasn't enough. No matter your past or your grievances with her she is your superior and our two squads will be spending a lot of time together. I better not catch this happening again-"
Levi was going to continue but you stopped him not wanting someone else involved in your problems and least of all Levi "Levi I was just about to head out to my squad; did you want to join me on a walk out there."
Levi's eyes flicked back to you clearly thinking about wether he should continue to chew out Eren or if he should come on a walk with you. Eventually he nodded to you and gave one last order to Eren to collect his stuff, you both watched Eren leave, finally you both turned making your way out. Levi didn't ask you about what happened, and you didn't tell him but from the corner of your eye you cold see he was thinking, you didn't know how much he heard but it was probably quite a lot.
*Time Skip*
Time went by smoothly after that, Eren hadn't caused you any problems despite you both spending a lot of time together now yours and Levi's squads had merged, well apart from the death stares in the back of your head. You sighed waiting around and looking down into a well where your brother was stood, he was trying to turn into his Titan form and Hange and Levi were currently giving him instructions.
You all walked away from the well and was now just waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... after an uncomfortably long time you, Levi and Hange all looked at each other before agreeing to go and check on Eren. You heart jumped the moment you saw him, Eren was covered in deep bite marks the were bleeding and looked very painful. He was wailing about not being able to transform but you weren't really listening to him. You signed again to calm yourself before jumping into the well, Hange and Levi tried to stop you encase he turned last minute, but you had already jumped and made it to Erens side quickly.
"Are you ok?" You asked and grabbed his wrists to stop him from biting again and to check his wounds
You looked about his wounds "fine" he said shortly.
"Stop acting like an idiot and tell me the truth Eren, it's not going to help you if you lie, and you defiantly did it look fine a moment ago" you said.
After a short assessment you looped your arm around his waist and manipulated your ODM gear to bring him out from the well, once on solid ground you were going to begin dressing his wounds, but Eren greeted you with a harsh shove. You didn't stumble back you just gave him a harsh look, you grabbed his collar and pulled him over to stand in front of you and forcefully bound the wounds.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Levi and Hange coming over to you both "stop being stubborn. Your hatred of me is going to take your life if you're not careful, you're a scout, we're also a part of the same squad that means we work as a team wether you like it or not."
Once finished you turned and stormed away, you had had enough of being treated like this by your brother especially, you had originally missed your brother when you left to join the scouts and had continued to over the years but clearly, he didn't feel the same. You walked past Hange and Levi, Hang called your name, and you just gave a short back handed wave not stopping, Levi was the closest and turned quickly grabbing your wrist.
"My office to talk, bring dinner and tea" was all he said before letting you go.
He had noticed the tension between you and Eren and clearly, he was done leaving it to work itself out, he wanted to know what had happened and you didn't blame him, you gave him a short nod showing you agreed and had no issues and then finished your exit.
*Time Skip*
You walked slow a meal tray in both hands carful not to spill anything, another reason you were so slow was because you really didn't want to have this meeting with Levi even though you knew at this point it was kind of necessary. You did eventually make it to the door but with no hands you couldn't open it, so instead you kicked the door twice in the place of a knock.
"Come in" you heard from within.
"It's me, sorry I can't open the door my hands are full" you called back and just waited.
You heard the scrape of a chair and footsteps heading towards you, you placed a polite smile on your face as the door opened, Levi gave you a simple glance and a head nod indicating you could enter. As you walked past Levi you placed the tray that was his on his side of his desk, and then walked back to your side of the desk to sit and eat. He walked past you and sat opposite you.
You waited politely for Levi to get settled before you started to work through your meal, both of you ate quietly. Levi said nothing and you didn't either both of you satisfied with each other's company.
Once you finished eating you moved onto your tea it was then that levi spoke "so what's going on?"
Open question... a very general open question... which meant you knew you couldn't get away with a ‘nothing' as Levi knew that it wasn't nothing, so the only thing to do would be to tell the truth, the whole truth. You didn't quite know where to start the story, so after thinking for a while you decided to start with the most obvious.
"He's my brother" Levi just stared not saying anything, so you continued "when he was younger, before I ran off to the scouts, we actually used to get along. I can only take a guess as to why he hates me now..."
You paused and Levi filled the silence left behind "I'm not going to judge you or anything I just need to know so that I know what to do with the brat... and for you of course."
"I know and thank you" you smiled to him, you saw him flinch slightly and a red tint added to his cheeks. You continued "it must have been my mother, she always hated me and that hate immediately turned into neglect, especially when Eren was born. Even as a baby, when living at that house, I've been close to death a frightening number of times and as a kid I couldn't do anything about it. My dad would spend all him time in his secret cellar or whatever not even noticing, it's just luck that I made it to an age where I could care for myself. So... the moment I was old enough I ran away and joined the scouts, I've never looked back, I knew Eren would be fine and that was enough."
"Why did she neglect you? If it isn't too painful for you to answer" Levi asked getting out of his chair and coming over to you placing a warm hand on your back for what you could assume was comfort. You hadn’t realised it yet but you had started to cry.
"I wasn't born a boy, she never wanted a girl but ended up with me, if I died, she wouldn't care, to be honest I can guess that she was probably quite it relived that I went off to the scouts to die as it meant she wouldn't have to 'accidentally' kill me herself" you made a mocking laugh that came out as more of a choked sob.
"Ok, well thank you for telling me" Levi sounded... soft? It was weird but also comforting, he didn’t pry to far into the details which you were thankful for and out together things on his own. You smiled at him again while trying to wipe the tears that had fallen down your cheeks.
You saw Levi jolt slightly again, but you didn't think on it too much as right after he reached over to his desk and grabbed a tissue for you, you took it with a thanks and began dabbing you eyes. Levi cleared his throat and then spoke a sentence that almost made you fall off your chair.
"I would like to ask you on a date."
"Huh?" You stoped crying immediately, this was completely out of the blue, looking at Levi who seemed to be squirming where he stood. He was serious you could tell, and incredibly awkward, this was a strange but cute side to the usually stoic man.
"Sorry ummmm" Levi started his brain seemed to be shutting down right in front of you "to make it up to you, I mean, to cheer you up... come out on a date with me... please."
There was silence as you stared at his figure, you couldn't help it, it was so left field and out of character for Levi that you just burst out laughing. Levi's whole body froze, and his face went white as you laughed, rocking back and forwards in the chair desperately trying to stop, it was just to funny and strange.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for laughing it just caught me off guard" finally you stopped laughing and looked up at him a bright smile on your face "of course, yes Levi I would love to go on a date with you... I’m very glad you asked me actually.”
Levi's face turned bright red as a small smile appeared on his own face "you worried me then, I thought you were going to say no... Shall we go then?”
"Huh? What? Now?" You stood up from your chair.
"Why not, I gave the reason 'to cheer you up' so I must make good on it” he began walking to the door but then stopped with a frown, something seemed to be up.
"What's wrong?" You asked getting ready to leave for your date.
"Nothing" he said and opened his door waiting for you to leave before closing it behind him.
*Time Skip*
It had been just over a week since your talk with Levi and you had been much happier, Eren seemed to be avoiding you, and you and levi had been on a few more dates so you didn't really have space to think about your brothers strange behaviour, you and Levi weren't together officially quite yet but it was getting close. A smile would come to your face just thinking about that future.
Levi was awkward and cute when dating, he clearly wasn't used to dating, so at the moment you were both just cruising through your relationship going around a steady pace that was fit for both of you. You were now heading over to Levi's office now for an evening cup of tea and a chat to finish off both of your days, however you were stopped.
Eren stood in front of you "captain (Y/N)" he started.
Captain? You thought, strange, what's going on?
You nodded preparing for the berating you were about to get but it didn't come "I don't hate you" he started. What? You thought, now you were confused and slightly interested.
"I don't hate you" he repeated "and I'm sorry, I was confused and angry so I blurted out stuff I should have, this doesn't mean I like you though so don't get confused."
"Thank you Eren and that's fine we can start again if you would like or we could just remain neutral, as long as it doesn't affect our jobs, I'm happy with whatever you are comfortable with" you answered "if I may ask? Why the sudden change in attitude?"
Eren turned red and was unable to make eye contact with you "I... heard what you and Levi spoke about last week and it made me think."
"Ok" you quietly said he began to make his way from you, clearly very embarrassed, but you spoke again "and Eren, you're my brother, so don't hesitate to come to me if you have any trouble. I'll help you any way I can."
He gave you a little smile and saluted, you smiled back and then turned to leave with a smile on your face, you and Eren were back on good terms, life was going well. You got to Levi's office door and knocked, you heard a 'come in' and opened the door.
Levi frowned "what's with the smile on your face"
"It seems the problem with Eren had solved itself, turns out he was listening to out conversation, but you knew that, didn't you... well maybe not at the start but at the end?" You smirked.
"Sorry didn't want to worry you" he said.
You, in response, sauntered over to him and leaned in giving him a short kiss on the cheek "thank you, I know why you didn't tell me he was there."
Levi's brain seemed to have exploded, with a bright red face and wide eyes, maybe the kiss was too much. You laughed, your life finally seemed to be going in a very sharp positive direction and you couldn't be happier with your new further boyfriend and improved relationship with your family.
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Hello, I had a question about your last post that you said you couldn’t recover one fic you wrote. Do you remember who it was for? I feel like it might have been one I requested, but I’m not sure 😅
Hello yes, it was Yelana+Reader+Levi, it was just the fine details of the request that I was missing I kind of remember what it was but I didn’t want to miss anything out or my memory be really wrong. Sorry if it was your request. ❤️❤️❤️
0 notes
Levi + Reader Pocahontas AU
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AN: hello everyone I’m very very sorry but My phone went crazy and I was unable to recover one of the oneshot requests that I had received, the two that I did manage to get back was this one and Levi + Erens Sister reader. I am very sorry to that person that made that request but can you please remake it when my requests open again and I will put it straight to the top,I do sort of remember what the request was about as it was in my masterlist but unfortunately I don’t have the specifics of what you wanted in that request I’ve tried to find it on my tumblr but I haven’t had any luck. Thank you for reading ❤️❤️
About this AU- it’s going to be slightly different from Pocahontas as it is set in the AOT universe but I will try to meld things together as best as I can.
I am not using the indigenous people from Pocahontas as my mould, everything written in this fic has nothing to do with the indigenous people like in Pocahontas, as I don't know enough to not accidentally be offensive. The tribes etc in this are a completely made up fictional group that will be further explained in part 2.
Words: 3698
*3rd Person POV*
The rumbling through the ground slowly came to a stop as the horses who were creating it did. The area immediately fell silent. They all gathered tightly together for a quick rest, the humans sitting on top of them nervously glancing between themselves. Once there commander signalled it was safe, the silence was filled with the clicking and clinking of gear as they moved, no one spoke they just glanced at each other, however, they weren't thinking about the danger which could arrive at anytime.
This expedition was special, but not in a good way for most of them. This time around the MP's and scouts were forced to go together. Well... it's more that the MP's were forced to follow and observe the scouts, the scouts were under fire from above and their funding had been cut down as they encountered failure after failure, the MP's were sent to feed back information on wether they were necessary and what they did.
The expedition seemed like a simple one and wasn't as dangerous as normal, they simply had to check out a cliff range in the opposite direction of the primary direction the titans came from. They were unlikely to meet any titans, just odd stragglers and abnormals, so it would be easy enough for MP's... or more for the scouts to protect the MP's.
A 'tsk' was heard though the big group making everyone tense and jump into a random activity to look busy, only one man stepped forward a smirk on his face "captain Levi, scaring my men is a bit unfair don't you think? I'd appreciate it if you take a step back and remember your place...the MP's call the shots on this expedition... not you scouts... if you're not careful someone may have an accident."
Levi turned and looked at him in the eye a scowl on his face "I didn't do anything. Was only thinking about how useless you all are, I didn't even voice it till you asked, and you may have been put in charge by the higher ups inside the walls, but they know nothing about what life is like out here... so out here you're not in charge. No matter how much you refer to the order. I don't trust you and you know nothing of titans. If I listened to you, I wouldn't make it home... none of us would"
"Levi" a deep voice called before anything else could be exchanged between the two.
Levi turned immediately and walked over to the person calling him. "Erwin" Levi nodded.
They ignored the MP captain in charge of them today, Stephen, and began to talk about the current mission. From where they were currently, they could see the cliff side in the distance, everyone was about a day's ride away. The plan was to ride through the day and then sleep through the night from around midnight for four hours when the titans would be least active, and then scale the cliff when the got to it, leaving the horses tied up at the bottom with long leads so that they had a bit of freedom.
Once on top of the cliff side they could check it it was safe before setting up camp and having a day to recuperate from the long ride before properly exploring the the area. The purpose of this mission... was to check the cliff side to see if it would be a safe place to settle with civilians. The cliff side was more than high enough to keep titans out and away, with the current problems going on with the walls falling they would be able to relocate a lot of the people who lost their homes to this cliff side if it was safe, taking a lot of pressure off of the people in the walls.
After a short break Erwin gave the signal and everyone set off again, they probably wouldn't have another break until they got up the cliff edge as they were still in danger here even though there weren't any titans it wasn't something to risk lives on.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
You huffed angrily leaning back against an old broken down stone statue, your feet dipped into the pond the koi fish swimming in close before rushing away and then repeating the cycle. Oh, how you wished you were one of these fish right now, just swimming around in a mystical pond without a care in the world, but then again if it wasn't for you, the upbeat predators or simple disease would have killed these guys off a while ago.
You were hidden away in your little hidden spot. Only one person knew of this spot so you knew you were safe here as she wouldn't tell. You were in the depths of a cave, white crystallised rocks around you and a hole above you, where the sunlight beamed in lighting the cave brightly, it was beautiful and peaceful, a perfect place for you to relax and just think about your current predicament.
You lived safely and happily on top of a massive circle natural cliff, you stop high above everything else and those giant creatures below that were very few and far between couldn't get to you. Your grandmother had told you before how dangerous those creatures could be... they are humans, and while you were comfortable up here, they were always in the back of your mind. But you were safe here... so here is where you would stay... here is where all of you who live would stay.
The cliff edge was very big and there weren't many in your village... a few hundred people maybe... it wasn't ever counted so it was hard to tell, there were a few other villages across the cliff that totalled probably around thousand people in total. You had more that you all ever needed up here thanks to the very rich soil and abundant wildlife. You wouldn't need to worry; you would all live in peace as long as you respected what you were given. Currently what you were hiding from was your village...
You see, your village had secretly set you up with a marriage with someone from a near by village, it wasn't for good relations or anything as the entire cliff side was like a big family, it was simply because the boy from the other village that liked you was the son of that village leader, and you were the daughter of your village leader. So as far as they were concerned it was a great idea, that usually how marriages went around this place, status meant a lot in marriage.
You however didn't think it was a 'great idea' you didn't like that boy at all. He was arrogant and proud like he had fought against the army of invincible monsters below, when in fact he was the most cowardly coward there was, he most likely hadn't even wielded a spear. You rolled your eyes at the the thought of that man, you all never killed more than you would need, but still, he could at least bring something back from hunts.
An arrogant asshole that only the most stupid people would want... a scuffling in the nearby bushes made your head snap up, you made eye contact with your grandmother and gave her a weak smile "(Y/N)! you must come out from there now, not because of your marriage but because there are a group of people in green capes advancing on the cliff edge... we aren't sure if they are friend or foe and the village chiefs want everyone accounted for ready for war"
"Green capes?" You asked with a slight frown on your face.
"Yes, the tribes are coming together out of defence, they aren't planning to greet these people or start a war, only coming together encase they try to attack or destroy our home" your grandmother responded
"Ok I'll come in a bit... I promise" you reassured her, she knows that unless you promised her you would probably never show up or be late by a few hours, so you added that promise to reassure her.
*3rd Persons POV*
The scouts and MP's had made it to and up the cliff edge in very good time and condition, a few scouts were sent out to scouts around the area in teams to make sure everything was safe for them others set up camp for the night, once it was confirmed to be ok the MP commander Stephen shouted out his orders.
"Ok everyone set up camp and some of you go find some supplies and animals to kill so that we can start to sort out dinner, tonight we are going to have a party to celebrate our arrival, someone get the booze out"
The MP's cheered at the sound of a party, the scouts just stayed silent. Levi was the next to talk cutting through the cheerful atmosphere "be quiet! You're so stupid. You cut off Commander Erwin, someone you should be listening to if not me, then you give vague and stupid orders... you don't even separate the cadets into groups for building the camp for finding this food for your, 'party' that's not happening by the way, I mean really? A party? We don't even know if we are fully safe as we only checked near our camp and not that far away, the 'party' could be drawing anything in, just be quiet and let the scouts handle this."
Stephen immediately turned around to speak back "oh what's this, is Levi running his mouth to his superior again? Erwin you should keep a tighter rein on your subordinates, it wouldn't be embarrassing for the scouts then"
"You fucking-" Levi was cut off by Erwin very quickly.
"Levi! Go I'll handle this, go calm yourself head" Erwin nodded to Levi telling him he'll handle it.
Levi calmed very quickly at Erwins word, and with a simple nod back walked away, he couldn't cause trouble for the scouts commander no matter how much the MP pissed him off so leaving before he punched a high ranking MP was probably a smart idea. He did feel bad leaving Erwin to deal with it, but it was the best option and Erwin had Hange for back up if he really needed it, she was smart when she wanted to be.
Levi wondered off into the woods by himself, unlike anyone else he didn't need to group or let anyone know for safety, he would come back in a couple of hours when he had cooled down. He just walked through the forest not really concentrating on the things around him only keeping one ear open for possible danger, the anger inside him continued to bubble up as he thought back to that MP, and finally he exploded.
He pulled out his blades from there sheaths and began repeatedly slicing away at the undergrowth imagining that smug Basterds face on every leaf, he was going mad with rage just striking and striking in a furry not seeing anything around him.
You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you down know?
You don't know...
"Stop!" A female voice from somewhere near Levi cut through his rage.
You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a death thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Had a life, had a spirit, has a name
The anger inside of Levi immediately disappeared, he didn't recognise this voice, he turned his head with his hand still high and ready to strike down. Levi's eyes widened when they met the woman, the woman looked scared, but Levi couldn’t tell if it was completely directed at him or for herself, but that wasn't the biggest shock. She wasn't from the walls; she wasn't a scout or an MP.
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger,
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew
She wore very light clothing and no shoes and didn't seem to have any weapons on her, Levi could tell she wasn't a threat at the moment, and she looked at him directly in the eye like she was looking into his soul. It was weird but Levi couldn't say he hated it. A small blush appeared on Levi's ears, they both just stood there any watched each other, Levi's mind running a million miles a hour at this strange situation.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
She was the first to cut the silence "I'm thankful that you stopped, you shouldn't really be carful with where your rage slicing next time"
Come run the hidden line trails of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth
She walked over to Levi until she was standing directly where he was about to cleave down another strike, Levi started slightly and then lowered his hand watching her carefully. But she was no longer looking at him, she had turned and was gently peeling back the underbrush, an innocent smile appearing on her face when she found what she was looking for.
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
"Come here quick look" she waved him closer but Levi didn't move.
How night does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
Her eyebrows twitched slightly when she realised, he wasn't doing as she asked, she turned turned to look at him confused raising an eyebrow, but Levi still didn't come over "who are you?" Levi asked.
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain
We need to paint with all the colours of the wind
"Huh? Do you want to come and see what you were going to cut in half or not, I'm being patient but honestly I'm angry" she frowned at him her countenance changing completely.
You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is earth until
You can paint with all the colours of the wind
"You're angry? What do you have to be angry about, just tell me who you are and why and how you're here we are outside the walls you should be dead, your coming back to camp with me for questioning" Levi said still not moving, it was strange how they were having a semi normal conversation under these conditions but that didn't last long.
You come from a land full of wonders
And you say what we have here
You improved on king ago
You'll tech us how to live
But what lessons will you give?
When it seems there is so much that you don't know
You down know...
The girls frowned slightly deepened and she didn't say anything. She simply snatched his wrist and pulled him forward and too the floor, all Levi think to ask was why the fuck she was so strong. Levi flinched the moment his knees hit the muddy ground, a splat sounding around them, he was about to snap at the girl in a rage but paused when his eyes caught what she was trying to show him.
You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
Bunnies, tiny little fluffy bunnies snuggled together in a little underbrush nest, right where he was going to slice. If he hadn't been stopped, he would be covered in bunny blood right now.
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew
"Ah" Levi's eyes widened and met her woman's eyes, she was smiling again "angry for them?" He asked simply.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Levi was slightly startled but quickly realised what was going on "sorry about that" Levi didn't know who he was apologising too but he did so anyway which caught even himself off guard.
Come run the hidden line trails of the forest
Come take the sun sweet berries if the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth
"It's fine, at least I managed to stop you in time, you know... no matter how angry you are you should remain aware if your surroundings" the girl smiled at him, her anger seemed to have been fading but Levi could still see a spark in her eye.
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
Levi's mind snapped when he realised that he was still kneeling on the muddy ground, he shot up to his feet, he didn't scold the woman for making him dirty just stared at his muddy knees, the mud was wet so he couldn't brush it off with his hands as it would then be on his hands. His creams trousers now had a very dark brown patches... patches that were going to stain... maybe she did deserve a talking to.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or let the eagle tell you where he's been?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
"Oh sorry about that" she gave a cheeky smile making Levi's heart slightly thump "the stain will come out with some lemon juice and some of the white salt rock that collects in a gem cave under the water fall"
How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
Levi immediately forgot about telling her off and looked at the girl seeking the answers with this new stain removal tip "thank you, what's your name and where can I find these items."
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colours of the wind
The girl also stood "the names (Y/N). very nice to meet you...?" The woman paused for Levi to say his name which he answered and then she continued "nice to meet you Levi... I'll get it for you just..." she looked behind Levi at his path of destruction "promise me me you'll be in more control, especially if you and your group are all staying here, there is a lot of wildlife we depend on"
You can own the earth and still
All you'll own is earth until
You can paint with the colours of the wind
Levi nodded "deal, I will be careful from now on, I was just angry"
(Y/N) smiled and was about to respond when a loud horn was sounded, she spun quickly looking in the direction of the noise before spinning back around to face Levi "meet me back here tonight when the moon is at ur highest, I'll bring the stuff for you then"
She didn't give Levi and chance to respond before she ran away disappearing into the underbrush, leaving Levi behind bewildered and amazed at the short interaction that they had, he still didn't know anything about her and the only way to change that is if he found her again something that he was very much into.
16 notes · View notes
Hello! I was wondering if you have posted your fics somewhere else? I can’t seem to find the one I’m looking for here on your blog. You said you were continuing a story called A Dragons Heart, but I looked through your blog and couldn’t find it? Was it deleted or posted somewhere else? I love dragons and was really hoping for a good dragon fic like your werewolf and mermaid fics❤️
Hello yes I do post else where, wattpad and ao3 (although my updates on ao3 are very slow so doesn’t have half of what’s up on here or wattpad). However these places have exactly the same things, the dragon book you are looking for was taken down as I felt it wasn’t up to a high enough standard, I may rework it as some point and then repost it it just a matter of wether that is actually possible. ❤️❤️
0 notes
hi! i hope you’re doing well! you’re actually my favorite author on here and the only one i have post notifications on for :) it’s funny because i thought about you today and i wondered how you were because it’s been a while since i’ve seen you post and then out of nowhere you posted a fic haha i love your writing so much and i love the effort you put into them. i know you take your time with them and the detail is just *chefs kiss* fulfilling every request perfectly! thank you for being amazing! i hope you have a great day/night! :)
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it and it means a lot to hear that you like my writing.
Yes sorry about the very long wait I got really busy with work because all of our staff was going down with Covid and then I had to focus on moving for uni. But now that I am settled I am planning on writing alot quicker and alot more so hopefully my requests will be able to be opened again very soon as well.
Once again thank you very much and I hope you have a great day/night as well ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
0 notes
Levi + Shot Reader
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Words: 2046
AN: Hello everyone thank you for reading, sorry for the long wait once again work and moving had me very busy but I will try and get content out fast now. Obviously just as a disclaimer somethings will be different from the anime/manga I just used them as a general guild line for this oneshot. Just wanted to let you know that this oneshot has two endings, bad and good. Thank you for reading once again and I hope you enjoy.
You were silently stood beside Sasha and in front of Jean, conversations were going on all around you making the airship quite loud, you could join in but you were quite happy to just listen. You were slightly annoyed that you had to be separated from Levi, your boyfriend, but hey ho where you were put is where you were put, you wouldn't complain and make it difficult.
Oh and yes, your boyfriend was Captain Levi Ackerman, Humanities strongest soldier. You didn't know what you had done to get the gods to bless you with this man, but here you were and your relationship had been getting more and more amazing, you had even had marriage come up in conversation more than once which was a surprise to you as Mr Grump was the one who brought it up.
Levi hated marriage you knew this before you had even gotten together and so never even bothered to think about it let alone talk to Levi about it, and so you never expected anything from him in that department, so when he started the marriage conversation it caught you quite off guard. You even thought he was joking but no the man was deadly serious... so serious that it was a bit scary, but still you had never been happier that the man was prepared to take that next step with you. At the moment it was semi decided that you would both tie the knot after the fight against Zeke and the Marleyans.
You realised that you had been spacing out and quickly zoned back into Jeans voice talking with Connie "weird he should have come back a while ago" oh they must have been talking about Lobov.
A grunt, shuffling noise and a click sounded behind you, you turned to see what it was. But before you could properly see a huge bang sounded making you flinch and jolt, Sasha beside you made a choked sound and then staggered backwards, before finally falling beside you with a thump. When she had collapsed to the floor the whole airship went silent just looking at her, you couldn't move and could only look, your fingers twitching and your breath stopped in your lungs.
What the fuck just happened...
You vaguely heard someone call Sasha name and the reloading of a gun as well as two clicks but you still couldn't move, your wide eyes just staring at her still and bleeding body, you couldn't even think to start first aid your mind had been shocked so much. There was tension in the room as two shots were lined up and quickly fired in concession, one shot missed and instead pinged and bounced dangerously around the airship, the other shot... hit you. You felt a sharp agonising pain rip through your body, a pain that entered you right shoulder and burst through your skin in between your neck and your collar bone on the left side.
There was a few moments of pain and confusion before your mind and body caught up with itself as you staggered and fell sideways to the floor, all the power in your body immediately leaving it, just leaving you limp, the sound around you muffled and you saw a blur of black flash past you before you finally lost consciousness to hands pressing against your two wounds.
*3rd Person POV*
"Who the hell are these kids, and where the hell is (Y/N) she was supposed to be here by now" Levi's voice cut through the open air
Jean visibly flinched when (Y/N)'s name was brought up and carefully worked the conversation in a way that would let Levi down gently rather than having it blurted right in his face "they somehow killed Lobov and then used his ODM gear to climb aboard. Captain please try to remain calm, but this one shot Sasha first and then... then shot (Y/N). I don't know if either one of them will make it"
Levi tensed his face showing just how distraught he was by this information, he couldn't hold himself back and quickly rushed out of the room in a panic shouting a curt "Stay here" before anyone could stop him.
Levi quickly arrived to where you were lying, he could see the wounds on your body and it made him freeze up and he knees go weak, he fell to the floor with a loud bang beside (Y/N)'s body his hands hovering over you not knowing where to put them. His heart was pounding in his chest and his breathing was heavy and all over the place, the only thing he could think to do in that moment was call for Hange. So he did while feeling for a pulse on (Y/N)'s body.
Surprisingly Hange did come running despite the fact that she had her own jobs to do and defiantly didn't have time for this, she checked both (Y/N) and Sasha but here on this airship, with the limited first aid equipment, there wasn't much she could do. (Y/N)'s wound started at her right shoulder passed through her entire body and then exited from her left collar bone, leaving two gaping open wounds that were bleeding heavily, the situation didn't look good for either Sasha or (Y/N).
"Levi" Hange said placing a hand on Levi's shoulder
But he shook her off not saying anything, it would be pointless for Hange to explain the situation to him as he already knew how dire it was, so Hange gave him one last pat on the shoulder before leaving him with you knowing that if the worst was to come he would need this moment alone. The moment Hange left Levi broke down with tears falling from his eyes, Levi didn't believe in god but right now but he was begging and praying to every god in existence for you to survive, but who would hear him.
Levi never left (Y/N)'s side the entire time, one hand on her pulse the other wrapped around her shoulders (avoiding her injuries) so that she could be slightly leant against him. Levi's shoulders shook as he desperately held back his open sobs, he could stop the noises but the tears continuously fell, he was in public so didn't want to disturb others... not that they had the same thought.
Loud shouting along with a slight scuffle made Levi slightly glance away from (Y/N). The tears blurred his vision but he could still tell what had happened, Sasha has passed away... Connie left with a gaunt look on his face not speaking and moving almost like a zombie. Mikasa was doing what seemed to be CPR, but it was very bad and panicked CPR that wouldn't be effective for anyone let alone on Sasha with the wounds that she had, Armin was screaming but all of it was blurred to Levi.
Levi felt his heart drop at the death of Sasha, not only did he loose another fantastic comrade, but it only made the situation seem so much more real. The grip on (Y/N) tightened desperately and Levi's whole body shook in desperation, he really couldn't afford to loose (Y/N), without her what meaning would he have to live.
Before he met (Y/N) Levi never thought that he would end up feeling this way about someone else, feel like his entire life would be over without them, but (Y/N) had changed his view of the world and his life and he felt that if (Y/N) left him he would fall right back into that muddy dark existence that he was in before.
*Bad Ending*
Levi's eyes flew wide, he lost (Y/N)'s pulse, he desperately grabbed around her wrist and felt around trying to find her pulse just hoping that his fingers had slipped, but no matter where his fingers touched there was only silence and stillness. Levi's breathing picked up in panic and he was close to hyperventilating, his hand moved to her neck and even to her chest trying to prove to himself that she was still alive, but it was in vain as her heart had stopped.
She was lucky enough to had survived this long with the path the bullet had taken through her, Hange had even suspected that the bullet had shattered inside her body breaking off into pieces just to cause more damage.
Levi couldn't stop himself as he curled around (Y/N)'s body in anguish and let out the most pain filled scream that the whole airship could hear, no one had to be told, from that scream alone everyone knew that (Y/N) had died. Levi felt his heart shatter and his world and future collapse with that scream, his future was over the moment (Y/N) had died, he wasn't even able to look her in the eye and say goodbye before her last breath.
(Y/N), the only person he would love and marry... have a family with, was gone forever and even with his status as humanities strongest solider he was helpless and unable to save her life. This would be with him for the rest of his life and everyone would pay for taking the life of (Y/N).
*Good End*
"Levi?" A very horse and weak voice echoed in the silence
Levi's heart jumped as his body jolted backwards, he looked down to (Y/N)'s face, her eyes were slightly open. They were barely focused but they were looking at him, Levi spluttered and choked as he tried to speak, he was in shock that he could barely even function. (Y/N) was awake, even with a wound like hers and very minimal first aid she was awake, but not out of the woods yet. But... it was better than her being unconscious.
Finally he calmed enough to find his voice "(Y/N)!" A hand came up and was placed on her face to comb back her hair.
(Y/N) hissed in pain but didn't say anything, Levi gently moved her so that she was more comfortably placed on the floor and used random fabrics he could find to lay over her body and under her head. (Y/N) began to try and move to sit up, although this was good news because it meant she wasn't as bad as she looked and that she was probably safe from death at the moment. But she defiantly shouldn't be moving so Levi placed a hand gently on her chest to avoid her wounds and keep her down.
Levi leaned over (Y/N) "don't move, I'm so glad your ok and and alive, just rest until we can get you better medical attention"
(Y/N) let out a short 'hmmm' in acknowledgement before relaxing again, the moment Levi realised that (Y/N) was mostly getting better, the emotional barrier that Levi had put up finally broke. The tears that had stopped started rolling down again landing on (Y/N)'s face, (Y/N)'s face flinched as they landed on her skin and she blinked open her eyes.
(Y/N) lifted a hand and touched Levi's face "don't cry please, instead of crying come give me a kiss" (Y/N) smiled
The smile from (Y/N) just made Levi cry more, completely not caring about the scouts moving around him and staring in shock at the captains sudden show of fierce emotions. But he did still lean down and gave (Y/N) a kiss, it was very sloppy as Levi was still crying and (Y/N) was weak from the wound but it was still a kiss that both of them needed.
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Levi + Telekinetic Reader
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Words: 4435
"Oh shit Jean, I'm so sorry! Did I throw you too hard!?" You panicked you hadn't been properly concentrating, you had felt piercing eyes on you all day and it was starting to get to you leaving you to slip up and put a bit of your powers into the throw. Red thrifts of light wrapping around his legs and using telekinesis to aid in your flip.
Jean created a loud bang when he hit the floor catching the attention of the other cadets around you, all of them had shocked looks on there faces not because you were able to throw Jean to his back, as you were always able to take him down in some way or another, but because for once your voice had raised and you had an unusual expression of your face.
You 'tched' to yourself and then ducked your head so that your hair covered your expression, amongst the eyes of the cadets you could still feel that piercing gaze from before, but it had seemed to intensify. What are they all so shocked for? I'm human! Of course I have emotions! You rolled your eyes.
"It's fine (Y/N), but could you ease up a bit? Out of the two of us I'm the one that wants to join the MP's, so I need to get in the top ten" Jean stood up quickly clearly embarrassed, dusting himself off.
Those piercing eyes were still on you, the cadets had turned back but the previous eyes were still on you frustrating you that you couldn't pinpoint them, and it caused your next words to come out with some anger "sorry, but if I slack off Keith will notice then I'll get in trouble, come on let's go again"
"Jeez, why does it matter that much you want to join the scouts anyway, suicidal weirdo" he muttered at the end.
Your eyebrow twitched and you rolled your eyes, you sent a fast jab to him face which he barely dodged, falling back in his ass again to avoid it. "just because you joined the military for an easy life doesn't mean you don't have to work for it, besides... the garrison is just as useless as the MP's so you can always go there."
You look lord around again for the person staring at you but when you couldn't find who was watching you you finally turned back around to Jean setting up for another 1v1 training match. He didn't say anything back to you simply sighing, it was unless you argue about this with you, you had very strong opinions about the garrison and military police and he knew that as he had try to argue with you before and failed. So, he just left It and you two went back to your practice fighting.
*Flashback End*
Hypocritical asshole, you thought, all that grumbling and you went and joined the scouts anyway. You had no idea why you thought back to that moment now as you were supposed to be keeping an eye on the area, Eren and Historia were being secretly transported by Levi's squad... and Hange's squad minus Hange. Levi your Captain was even crouching right beside you, so why couldn't your mind settle in the task at hand.
Yes, your Captain was Levi Ackerman, humanities strongest solider. It surprised you as well, when you were called into big Keith's office and Erwin and Levi were there waiting for you. They wanted you to join the scouts straight away with Eren as back up to deal with him if he went on a rampage, it didn't make any sense Captain Levi was strong enough even without his team, but you weren't going to question it. You wanted to go to the scouts anyway, so why not, the only thing troubling you was that you were joining Levi's squad.
You wanted to join the scouts but you wanted to join one of the smaller less known groups so that you can hide and just live your life until you either died by Titan or illness or just old age. It wasn't because you hated attention, it was because you had a secret... a big one that no one could find out about. That's why you were always so quiet and stoic, to try and make yourself much less assuming and quietly hide behind everyone else so that you didn't draw any unwanted and suspicious attention.
Oh and your power...
You had telekinesis...
Nobody knew about it, and it was imperative that it stayed that way, you really didn't want to be strapped down to some cold metal lab table and experimented on... in a way you found Eren quite brave to show his Titan ability... not that he had a choice. But it was a close call for him and he was almost dissected, it's only because the scouts found a reasonable use for him that he's still alive, not forgetting the assurance from Captain Levi. But you didn't know if the same could be said about you.
That's why it stayed a secret. You still shiver when you think back to how Hange almost found out, that woman's no-knock policy almost gave you up. You were just playing around alone in your room (Levi's special squad meant you could have you own room) when Captain Hange burst in with a crazy look in her eye. You were lucky the plate you were twirling in the air was close to your hands, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to play it off as well as you did.
You tried to catch it but missed, the plate falling to the floor and smashing "(Y/N)! You really shouldn't throw those plates, if they keep getting smashed, we won't have any left... shorty will get mad!"
You just laughed and apologised "Captain Hange, what have you come here for?" You smiled.
"Oh yeah! Shorty wants you to be the one to watch Eren while I do the experiment" she grabbed you by the wrist and then pulled you quickly to your feet "come on!"
"Huh?" You blanked "me? Why me? Isn't anyone else in Levi's squad better and more experienced?"
She stopped halfway down the corridor her face coming extremely close to yours a scary smile on her face "you ought to have more confidence in yourself, your captain certainly does have confidence in you... unless... it's something more" she got so close her forehead and nose were pressing against yours.
"Uhh, Captain Hange I don't think that's it, everyone else is probably just busy" you tied to back up and get your wrist out of her grasp but she had a strong hold on you.
"Four eyes!" Both if you turned to the new voice, it was Levi.
"Captain!" You said saluting... or trying to salute with Hange still not letting go.
"No need to salute" he turned to you first before going to speak to Hange. But before he could open his mouth Hange jumped on him.
"No need to salute hmmmm, what could that possibly mean, you never tell anyone not to salute to you. What's next? You gonna tell her to call you Levi? Date? Marriage? Childr- Ack!"
Levi stabbed his fingers down into the top of her head, shutting her up and making her fall to the floor "shut up and get going with your experiment, I need (Y/N) to come to my room later" he then turned to you "change into something clean and bring some tea, it's going to be quite a long night"
"SEX!" Hange screamed shooting up.
"Paperwork" Levi growled his eyes narrowing in annoyance before he walked away.
Your face was beat red, and your body was stiff, face stiffer, still stuck in that salute Levi told you to drop a while ago "yes sir" you were desperately trying to hold back your power from shattering windows or making things fly.
This is another reason you tried to stay as stoic as possible as if you had big swings in your emotion, your power erupts from you breaking things and you can't always control what it does, you couldn't have red sparks flying off you and possibly hurting the people around you.
*Flashback End*
From then on Hange would be over your shoulder like a little clawed demon every time you talked to your Captain. She was convinced Levi liked you, and she wouldn't hear anything else, she also annoyingly stuck this idea in your mind. Always stuck right in the back of your head leading you down the rabbit hole of a relationship with the handsome Captain Levi, you shook it away every time, but Hange had dug it deep.
But what if he does like me! What a dream that would be! It would explain a lot of his behaviour, he was always softer on me and trusts me with a lot... I always help him with paperwork at night. I bring him tea and dinner before helping him with paperwork late into the night, the lack of sleep is totally worth the time spent with him... STOP IT (Y/N)! Focus on the task ahead. You turned around to look at Levi "Captain the wagons almost on the move again" you said trying to cover your lack of concentration.
"(Y/N)... you've heard of Kenny the Ripper" Levi started, it caught you off guard that he directly used your name but it always did as he always did use your name. Also the topic of conversation? I guess I'm not the only one not concentrating then?
You blinked "you mean that mass murderer in the capital? The one that slit the throats of over 100 MPs, of course but I thought he was just an urban legend."
"The stories are all true, he's no legend" Levi said not looking at you.
"Huh?" Where the hell is he going with this, if he's trying to scare me or joke around it really isn't the time.
"I lived with him back when I was a kid" Levi continued.
You didn't know what to do with this information and you didn't mean to sound like you distrusted him but you just blanked "yeah very funny sir, this isn't really the time to be making jokes" your voice was shaky and unsure trying to figure out the meaning behind what he was telling you.
There was a very long pause from Levi, but you kept an eye on him out of the corner of your eye, you assumed he was finished with his story. He's acting weird. But then "(Y/N)!" There was a gun shot and it all turned black.
*3rd Persons POV*
Levi ducked just in time to miss the gun shot aimed at his head, he was lucky as that would have been a clean shot if he hadn't turned to warn (Y/N), but for her it was too late. Levi's eyes widened as he saw the blood spurt from her body and up into the air, some managing to reach his face and clothes splattering red. Her body was sent backwards arching her body in an unnatural way.
Levi's eyes widened and he felt his heart drop, truth be told Hange was right, just as she always is, Levi liked (Y/N)... well loved was the more actuate term. So now seeing her shot like this made the world slow and him drastically falter before his mind came back to him and he quickly ducked behind the pillar eyes never leaving her body which was now lying at a very unnatural angle and unmoving.
Levi should have know better at this point, with all that time in the scouts and countless witness deaths he shouldn't have fallen for someone in the same line of work as him... or ever. Other gun shots rang off around the area, the rest of the team was being killed around him, but he didn't hear any of that, all Levi could focus on was the dead body next to him which was beginning to slip slightly down the roof.
The familiar voice he couldn't see the owner off finally brining him from his shock "long time Levi, still a runt or have you grown some?" He could hear Kenny's steps as he got closer and closer and the two very clear sounds of heavy metal cylinders being unclipped and then tumbling away down the roof.
The sounds of what seemed like odm gear being discharged into the pillar right behind him and the burst of gas meant he knew what was coming next a shot "woo hooo" and "nope don't like like you've changed much at all boy" could be heard.
Then he could see Kenny, the man who shot his love and was currently taunting him, all he could see was red, he needed to escape he knew that for sure but he wasn't gonna go until he could at least get some sort of hit on Kenny.
"KENNY!!!" And he threw his blade, getting a hit to Kenny's forehead.
It did no damage but stunned him enough for Levi to throw up his cape and avoid the next shot. The cape fell and Levi looked around desperately, his eyes pausing on (Y/N)'s body for a split second, he desperately wanted to take it with him and give them a proper burial that he could visit them at, but that would have to wait.
He blinked only just managing to tear his eyes away from (Y/N)'s form to make a run for it, avoiding multiple shots along the way. He had to head for the wagon, that was the only goal in his head as he released his own ODM gear and sped away, he could come back for their body later he first had to survive this.
*Time Skip*
*(Y/N)'s POV*
You could hear rustling clothes and the flapping of a cape, distant gun shots could also be heard, your senses coming back one by one starting with your hearing. Next was pain. A lot of pain. A lot of very sharp pain. Your shoulder was the main source of that pain, but the rest of your body also ached like it had been serious jared.
Your shoulder however was throbbing and the back of your head, the pains seemed to be connected with a string of pain that defiantly didn't excite you, you groaned struggling to sit up and lean against whatever was behind you... it seemed to be a chimney wall.
Your eyes squinted and went down to your shoulder, blood was pouring out of it, it took your mind a while to catch up as it had just received a big smack. After a while your eyes snapped open your memories coming back to you, you were shot! Like actually shot! The fuck! And the force of that bullet had slammed you back into the chimney wall you were currently leaning on, which knocked you out. You frowned, how the fuck am I still alive? That shot was aimed at my head wasn't it? You rubbed your forehead almost expecting a hole where there should be a bullet, your brows pinching in frustration.
Your powers had activated, you had turned around right at the sound of the bang from the gun and your telekinesis had activated, you were slightly too late though, and the shield just covered your head and neck. The bullet must had clipped the side of your shield of it and got redirected into your shoulder, a gun shot made you jump your head snapping up to look in the distance, you could see people zipping about and fighting some your recognised as your squad.
"Got to help" you mumbled forcing your pained body to your feet, you ripped your cape to wrap it around your gun shot wound before checking your ODM gear.
It was really busted up giving your no option but to use your power, you unclipped everything to make you lighter, you had been practicing this for a while in private. It was difficult but you could move yourself, like flying through the air, with a jump and a flick of your hands you propelled yourself off the roof of the building heading towards the shooting and gun shots.
Red sparks of light, almost like lightning, float around your body as you jumped from roof to roof. Once close enough you could see Jean and Armin in the wagon along with a downed Eren and Historia, you jolted as the woman in front of jean knocked his sword away and then aimed her gun. You were still too far away to help him, and you could only watch as a gun shot rung out, but it wasn't Jean who was hit by a bullet, it was the woman. Armin had shot her; it was bad to say but you were relieved and glad the woman was the one who was shot.
You were getting closer by the second, still not close enough to catch the cart as three more enemies came up from behind the carriage aiming their guns, you may not have been close enough to the cart but those three were certainly in range.
You reacted immediately you heard Levi shout as you flicked your hands at the three, they were encased fully in your red power making them falter, out of the corner of your eye you could see Levi and Sasha rescue Jean and Armin. You then pulled you hands back and the three were flung backwards and towards you, they still tried to shoot three gunshots ringing, however as they were encased in your power the bullets immediately bounced back into them and striking their chests.
You'd managed to get these three but more soon took their place, you had stopped when you tried to grab the three enemies and you tried to grab the new enemies again but you were at your limit with your bullet wound and the pain it was creating. You switched your focus to the cart, you reached out your arms and flexed your hand to grab it but the moment you tried to do any of that your arm shot with pain completely cutting out your power, you yelped and fell to your knees clutching your wound.
Your head also pounded trying to making itself more known to you. Everyone in the area noticed you the moment you sent those men flying and could then pinpoint you when you yelped, your body tipped as your eyes fogged, your wounds finally getting to you. But before you could hit the floor you felt strong arms wrap around you. You heard Mikasa scream for Eren and your legs tensed you and shook, you were trying to stand up again and help, but your body wouldn't allow it and neither would the person holding you.
"Your still alive?" The voice was hoarse and choked, just about recognisable as it was full of emotion, but you knew it was Levi's voice "also how did you just do that?"
Levi himself still sunk to the floor still holding you, seating you up on his knees as his hand came up and placed itself against your wounded shoulder to add more pressure. You didn't realise that you had bled through your cape. You hissed in pain and black spots started to dance in your vision, you tried to talk to him but your exhaustion was catching catching up with you.
"Captain-" you tired to talk to him
"Shhhh don't speak, we'll talk about it later... I'm glad your alive" that gentle tone and sentence finally reassured you enough for you to succumb to your injuries, feeling his grip on your tighten and a light kiss on your forehead.
*Time Skip*
You groaned, your body was killing you and you could barely move. You opened your eyes discovering a dark ceiling, from the corner of your eye there was the flickering light from the candle and a weight in your hand. You groaned again trying to sit up, but your body shot with pain forcing you to lye back down, you could barely move at all without being in insufferable pain. You slightly opened your eyes which was about all you could do and immediately made eye contact with ice blue eyes.
"Captain" you rasped, your mouth and throat was dry and had no power to it. You felt the grasp on your hand tighten.
There was along pause before your captain spoke "call me Levi and stop trying to move you'll just open your wounds again. Sorry I couldn't get you better care but currently if we step foot inside a hospital, we'll be killed so I had to fix your wounds myself, I also washed and dressed you so don't worry about that either"
Your eyes widened... washed and dressed me? Himself? He's seen me naked, fuck! Levi's seen me naked. You wanted to hide but you couldn't move so could only make very awkward eye contact with him... from your side it was awkward, you couldn't tell how Levi was currently feeling.
You felt the pressure in your hand release and lift, you watched Levi move to a near by box where there was a water skin, he picked it up and held it to your lips helping you to drink. It just made you even more embarrassed, but you couldn't say no as you desperately needed a drink so accepted it. Once you felt you had had enough he then grabbed a food bar and began to open it.
"Captain I can do it" you lifted your less painful arm to take the food bar, knowing what was about to come.
"No. And i thought I told you to call me Levi from now on... now let me feed you and while I do that you tell me how you got to us with no ODM gear and then also killed those men... and also how to avoid a head shot from Kenny" Levi moved the food pack away from your reaching hand.
You paused and then dropped your hand down accepting your fate, you were lying on wooden boxes which were surprisingly comfortable. You nodded and he nodded back sitting back down on the chair waiting for you to talk slowly breaking off the food bar and feeding it to you. Your lips touched his finger tips a couple of times which made you flush but he didn't seem bothered, mr clean freak suddenly wasn't so bothered about cleanliness.
You cleared your throat and began to talk "you probably don't believe me but... I have telekinesis. I have always had it since birth, I can move things with my mind. The bullet missed me because I was able to deflect it into my shoulder at the last minute, and my telekinesis was how I was able to fly to you with no ODM gear and grab those guys."
While you were chewing Levi asked "so why did you keep it a secret? And don't give me that 'I didn't mean too' bullshit because you knew exactly what you were doing"
"Sorry capt- eh uh Levi, I didn't really have a choice, if I told I'd probably be killed and cut open... Eren's trial just confirmed that to me. However, you guys were in trouble and the only thing I could do was use it, and when I was shot it was just a reaction I didn't even realise it had activated until afterward" you bowed your head in guilt.
You just heard a loud sigh "in any case you should have just told me if you were worried, then I could have been prepared and could protect you better if or when it did come out. I'll protect you idiot." He went silent for a while, you had a feeling he had something else to say so you kept quiet "I'm also... glad you... survived. I felt my heart shatter the moment you were shot, and I thought you were dead" he shoved some more food in your mouth, not looking at you.
Your eyes widened as you looked at his slightly ducked head, he frowned and you could see the tops of his ears turning red, it was super cute "don't look at me like that, of course I'll protect you."
You could see him thinking about what he was going to say next, before he nodded and put more food in your mouth "I hate to say this and I'm terrible at feelings and thinking about it deeper it's really not the time, but I have to say it as if I don't say it now I might never get to say it, Hange was right."
"Huh?" You were expecting something big considering the reveal, and although it was shocking "Hange was right' wasn't exactly what you were expecting.
"I mean when she says that I like you, I have for a while now, since that time you shoulder threw Jean back when you were a cadet. You or anyone else didn't know I was there watching the new cadets that day but you caught my eye, and whenI made you join my team with Eren it just kept on developing from there" Levi turned away from you and wouldn't meet your eye.
You froze your mind ticking over his words before finally a very rare and very wide smile appeared of your lips "if I could move right now I would hug you" you very boldly said.
Levi finally turned and looked at you at seeing your smile, you saw his shoulders drop as he relaxed "rest and get better quickly then you can hug me, we have a lot to get through in the future, but once this is all over I'll take you on a date."
"I would like that" your smile some how widened and you felt you walls crumbling down around you, finally you could be you and not worry about hiding your power.
"Good" Levi's hand touched your head smoothing down your hair "the others on the squad will be told as they saw your power as well, not only that, but I will tell Erwin after all of this, but don't worry nothing back will happen to you... I can't let my girlfriend be killed but a bunch of rich assholes, what kind of man would I be."
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Yandere Levi + Titan Shifter Reader
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Words: 1862
You couldn't stop the pain filled sob that left your lips. The cold metal dug into your neck and wrists that were tied behind your back and then was bolted to the wall behind you in one long thick chain. There was a metal bite in your mouth preventing you from biting your tongue in a bid to escape in your Titan form. But that was pointless anyway, with the wounds on your wrist and neck, it was more than enough already to turn into a Titan. You wouldn't turn Titan and he knew that the bite was just there to increase your suffering and make you cry.
Everything was set up perfectly, the entire plan was perfect, and you were filled with confidence when you entered the cadet Corps with your other comrades, Reiner, Bertolt and Annie. You were going to join the Military Police and for that you needed to get in the top ten of the cadet corps/ that was the original plan, before Eren outed himself as a Titan shifter, then the entire plan was forcefully changed.
You were forced to follow him to the scouts and into the special operations squad immediately. At the time you couldn't understand why you were drawn into this, you were friends with Eren but not as close as Mikasa and Armin but you were for some reason the one called to follow him. But now looking back you can't believe you missed the possessive and slightly crazed eyes that lit up in the court room when he got his wish. You originally thought he was happy he got Eren on his team, but now you can see it was related to you, it allowed him to keep you extremely close and be able to watch you all the time.
You had to watch Annie get pinned in the big forest with your usual blank stoic look. You couldn't help her catch Eren and blow your cover under the nose of him... he would cut you down in an instant and then you'd both be caught completely screwing all plans. But luckily this time she got away, you didn't want to take over her role which you would have to do if she was killed or caught.
But that didn't last for long, you were at the meeting and made part of the plan to catch Annie, you panicked even if it didn't show on your face. You told her of their plan warning her to get away as the scouts knew of her Titan shifting abilities, and that was your biggest mistake. You were trying to keep your friend out of trouble, but she still went down and clearly didn't want to go down alone.
You didn't know if it was some sort of panic, not likely that it's Annie, an order from above or just her being an evil vindictive bitch, but she told everyone in the area to the entrance of the underground who you were. If it was just Eren you could probably get yourself out of it, but a lot of people heard her, and you were completely unaware of it. Not to mention when thought about, Annie seemed to know what was going to happen that day, so they believed her knowing that someone had told.
One day, more like straight after the attack you were called to Erwin's temporary office in the ruined city of Stohess, you were confident and originally just thought you would be receiving some more orders. But that wasn't the case. You were restrained and then cuffed the moment the door shit behind you, you were pinned to the floor and kept very still, if you weren't so shocked you probably could have escaped but you were caught completely off guard.
Erwin was sat at his desk along with many other scout Captains which included him. You struggled for a moment and was very close to biting your tongue to turn Titan and make your escape; it would have been the perfect moment as Eren was out of action after fighting Annie and your transformation would kill everyone in the office including the man who kept you prisoner.
But Erwin's words stopped you "don't move, don't struggle and don't cause a problem. Annie gave you up we already know you're a Titan shifter on the enemy's side, so don't try and transform into a Titan to escape either".
This man, he didn't have to give you a reason to be complacent, but you were now frozen and listening. You could see show he became commander of the scouts; he was your enemy but if he gave you one of his famous speeches and then told you to run to your death you would without second thoughts or complaint.
You said nothing and just remained stoic and blank, not giving away any more expressions, that moment of shock from the arrest was enough. Seeing that you were just watching and waiting Erwin showed a small smile, with a nod of his head he sat up straight and began to speak.
"Good. Now then, I do have many questions, with the discovery of you we can pretty much confirm that you are both part of a bigger scheme, so all of my questions will lean towards that. But here isn't suitable so we'll take you to a cell first, if you answer our questions and cooperate with us, It'll be a lot more pleasant for you than it's supposed to be"
They didn't torture you in that cell as he didn't have the control over you that he wanted and were hesitant that pain would cause you to transform and cause havoc, none of which they could afford after the fight with Annie, they simply left you chained up and asked questions relentlessly. But even still you wouldn't answer them or look at them, showing them that you had no intention on working with them. You were conditioned not to answer and unlike Annie you weren't going to sell out your comrades, who were lucky to escape Annie taking them down.
You were quite comfortable in the cell, that was until he took over your case. He moved you to a seemingly newly built cell that was through his office, you were extremely suspicious the moment you were dragged through his emasculate office and into a side room where a cell was waiting. Here no one would ever be able to help you or even think to help you. Who would willingly go into the office of Levi Ackerman?
That's right. Levi Ackerman, he was the one who imprisoned you, you had no idea he was even looking at you or was interest in you. You had no idea that Levi loved you, you barely spoke to each other and thought that it was just the usual Captain and subordinate relationship. But no, in Levi's eyes you were so much more than that, his mind was crazy and dark only thinking about keeping you all to himself.
You slowly came to the realisation that your Titan abilities and your involvement with Annie put you right where Levi wants you, in his possession in a cage where no one could see you apart from him. You mind was stuck in this fear of the unknown and the fear of being stuck here forever with this crazy possessive man, never knowing the outside world again. You biggest regret was becoming a Titan shifter and becoming part of the plan to destroy the people inside the walls, it all went wrong from there.
You felt the bite in your mouth loosen and it made your mind jump from your regrets on the past. Levi was here, and he was allowing you to speak and, by the look of what was in his hand, eat. You began shaking not knowing what he was about to do, he liked watching you cry your face distorting with fear and pain. He would never physically hurt you even if he liked your tear filled eyes, he didn't like your skin to be marked and messy that he could see and defiantly didn't like that blood staining the floor.
The chains around you mainly caused muscle torment, your body pulled into a strange position and forced to stay there the whole time. Levi hated mess, even in this cell your bleeding wrists and ankles were covered so that your visible skin and the surroundings wouldn't be covered in your blood from the wounds.
"I've brought your food, sit still and be obedient..." Levi brought a spoonful of soup before pulling it away to keep talking "don't make a mess." That was a threat.
You didn't look at him in the eye and simply bowed your head in acknowledgment. "Good." you could hear the darkness and satisfaction in his voice.
You looked up and made eye contact with him, a chill struck your soul, your body shivered. He brought the spoon back to your mouth, the food was slightly salted with your tears that you could taste through the extremely bland soup, for the next five minutes he fed you soup and bread while talking. You were completely humiliated.
"Your lucky you're here rather than in a dirty prison cell. You're getting nice food, a clean surrounding... I've even ordered you a new bed so you only have to put up with the floor for a bit longer."
Oh and this isn't a prison cell and I'm not constantly in pain? you thought a sarcastic squint coming to your eye. You bowed your head so that Levi couldn't see your expression. He was trying to melt your mind, you knew that he wanted you to only think of him. So far you had held out, but you didn't know how long you'd be able to, you were constantly in pain and he would just mock you or say he likes you best when your crying.
You used to feel as though you were on top of the world. You were a powerful Titan shifter. You were chosen to take on that power, you were considered special. But now you were at the bottom. Nothing about this was special and you definitly didn't feel any glory in this. When this whole thing first started, when you first took the power of the Titans you thought the worst this to happen to you would be you were eaten by some random Titan, and your power would be past on to someone who wasn't worthy.
But now...
You would pay anything to be eaten, at least you wouldn't end up humiliated and in pain, suffering here with this crazy psychopath of a man.
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Levi + Reader- Anxiety Tics
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Will put a warning on this one if anything in the request upsets you please do skip this one as I have written most of what is in the request but the MC in this oneshot isn't depressed or down about her tics and does look on them in a positive way.❤️❤️
Words: 1437
Your boyfriend, Levi Ackerman, kept glancing at you. You had only just noticed him doing it as you were looking for free space at his table with the other scout superiors, you were confused at first, but he clearly wanted to tell you something, you were confused until he clearly and pointedly rubbed his nose while making eye contact with you. That was the signal that your tics were starting to ramp up, as at the beginning you yourself usually didn't even notice them... most of the time.
This is because they started off small, always with repeated sniffing and scrunching of your nose or crooking your eyebrows, usually something small and a bit mundane, that's why the signal was a rub of the nose. They were anxiety tics brought on by stress or anxiety, expeditions being the main stress point, and there was an expedition coming up in two weeks.
Leading up to the expedition or whatever stress point it could be your tics would progressively get worse. Scrunching of your nose was just the start, after that it would lead to clicking from your mouth and random phrases that you would repeat, that would usually escalate to clapping and shouting before it finally ended with you full on slapping your hitting yourself usually in the face or chest.
When you were younger you would dread this final stage of your tics, but now that you had Levi, he would support you and do his best to stop you from hurting yourself. You would sometimes get tics when there wasn't any stress point in your life, but they were mainly bought on by anxiety and stress.
A lot of people ask you why you joined the scouts because "surely that place is hell on earth for someone like you with those tics" but honestly Fuck them! Everywhere you go or anything you do could result in stress which would trigger your tics, so why should you run away from something you've always wanted to do and it's your life.
In fact, you always tell them "apart from expeditions the scouts is actually one of the least stressful places you have been" Because you love it "Training, commanding and being in charge of a squad and even paperwork didn't stress you out, so why would you go somewhere that would stress you constantly. It was only the expeditions because they are literal life and death, you could lose your life and even if you were cool on the outside, inside the anxiety was slowly crawling around and building inside of you.
Everyone knew about your tics, not as in depth as your boyfriend, no one particularly knew about the build-up and everything else your tics threw at you, they just knew that when it was getting serious or if you were doing something that looked a bit like a tic, they knew to go and get Levi to help you.
As said before, sometimes you don't even know when you're doing your anxiety tics because of how minute they were, that's where Levi and your close friends came in to warn you. Some would say that knowing about it would just make you more nervous, but you had been living with it for many many years, so it was more just par for the course. You were used to it and knowing about it allowed you to protect yourself and everyone else around you.
You took your plate and sat down next to Levi, Levi reached over and gave you a little rub and a pinch on the nose, this side of Levi was so cute and it made you laugh and shake your head a little bit, Levi had a little bit of worry in his eyes as he performed this familiar action, but even so neither of you were particularly worried, for the moment anyway... that would change if it got more serious.
Sometimes you could feel if it was going to get to that dangerous stage but today you didn't have that feeling "don't worry I don't think it'll progress too far today but you never know".
That last sentence was probably a bit harsh sounding, but it was true, that feeling was only intuition and intuition wasn't 100% accurate... it was barley even 50% accurate so you both didn't completely go by it, it was more of a rough outline.
"Ok I'll still keep an eye on you and let the others know, but with the expedition so close this was basically expected, and I'll wrap your hands in our room in a bit" Levi responded his lips slightly tilting up
You nodded with a smile and then turned to tuck into your food, the hand wrapping was a solution that both you and Levi came up with, when your tics seemed to be progressing, or even started out bad, you would wrap your hands with gauze this gave you a little padding. It limited the damage you would do to yourself when you got to the slapping stage of your tics.
You had a good system going which kept both yourself and the people around you as safe as you could.
*Time Skip*
It was the day before the expedition and the last, and worst, day of your tics for this spurt of stress. Yep... your last day. Strangely on the day and during the expedition Your tics never surfaced, like a switch it completely shut off. No one had been able to pinpoint the exact reason it happened, but Hange had theorised it was something to do with the hormones that racing around your body that day... or she said it was something to do with mind focus.
Whichever it was, Hange wanted to find out, so in these days close to and on the day of the expedition you had to go to her lab where she could run tests. It wasn't your favourite thing in the entire world, but you wanted to understand yourself better who wouldn't want to know and she said she might be able to make some sort of medication to help you control your tics better.
You sent a hard blow to your face, it was caused by your tics, but it was ok... or as ok as it could be thanks to your wrapped hands. Even though it was a very strong blow, the landing was more like being hit with a pillow then a fist. But now that it's started you had to just wait until it stopped.
You couldn't stop it and you just kept repeatedly slapping yourself, you also had a bit of a neck/head twitch as you were slapping yourself, all of the muscles on your face would twitch as well, giving you a slightly pained look. You weren't in pain though and even though there was almost a twitching in your mind, you could still continue to walk over to Hange's lab.
You felt a calloused hand gently grab your wrist, it was Levi, he didn't pull your hand away just held your wrist. He didn't try and stop you from slapping yourself as the tense pulling of your muscles could cause injury to yourself or even Levi, you both kept walking and let your tic happen, almost trying to wear it out a bit.
After the slapping stopped you let your hand drop, your face twitched for a bit longer before that stopped as well. Your shoulders lifted a couple of times and that was that for that burst of activity "alright?" Levi asked from beside you, moving his hand from your wrist and to your hand, linking your fingers.
"Yep, I'm okay, I'll just be glad to be over with it after today... hopefully" you smiled.
Your twitch still went on as you walked but it weren't as serious as the slapping at the moment, just the usual nose scrunches and body twitches, nothing to be too concerned about. This was your life and the best way to deal with it is to laugh and be happy, while taking it as it goes.
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Petra + Levi + Reader + Eren
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Words: 4327
You could feel a burning hot jealous gaze burrowing into the back of your head, a cold sweat started to roll down your back as you desperately tried to ignore it and focus on the man in front of you, your body went rigid as you tried to play off how uncomfortable you were. But the more you tried to act natural, the further you were from being normal.
"(Y/N)? Are you listening to me?" The man in front of you spoke catching your attention once again.
Your face immediately turned red, and you now started to sweat for a different reason "yes sir sorry Captain Levi, I've been feeling a bit under the weather today."
You felt a hand in your shoulder "why did you show up to training if your sick? Go and rest you'd only be doing more damage to yourself than good" Levi's eyes flicked over you.
A flash of concern flashed through his eyes and you almost got lost in those deep icy pools, but the gaze intensifying from behind quickly stopped you from getting too far "nothing to worry over sir I was only a little sick and I can't miss training for that."
Levi gave a short hmmmm in acknowledgment and another quick once over with his eyes, once he was satisfied his expression and body language shifted as he went back to instructing you, you were having trouble with a grappling move and Levi was nice enough to come over and help you with it. The best person to help you get the move was Levi, your partner not having anywhere near the same experience and skill as him... no offence to Eren.
Eren was your partner today... he was your partner everyday, you worked very well together but in terms of skill you were slightly better than him. So, if you were stuck with something Eren couldn't really help no matter how much he wanted to and it wasn't like you were complaining about being able to get close to your crush captain Levi. You were not trying to be creepy but during this training session you actually got to feel his rippling muscles below his this shirt, he actually let you practice one him and you were taking every opportunity.
Eren loved you, you knew that he did, he had already confessed to you. Unfortunately for him you didn't love him back you saw him as a brother and you loved Levi, you could take a chance and accept Eren's love hoping that you would grow to love him too as some people have told you to do, but it wasn't fair to Eren you'd feel a bit like you were cheating... loving someone else while being in a relationship with a different guy, Eren deserved someone who would love him back just as much as he loved them.
Eren right now was a little way away jealously watching Levi interacting with you, your relationship hadn't changed, you were still the best of friends and spent a lot of time together. But you didn't really pay attention to him right now and focused on the lesson with Levi. Levi tossed you again but caught you under the arms so that you didn't land flat on your back and hurt yourself, how the fuck does he do that? I'm supposed to be the one attacking him but the next thing I know my ass is flying through the air.
"That time was defiantly better continue with your partner..." Levi glanced back at Eren and a slight hesitance shown on his face "I'll keep an eye on you both and if you continue to struggle, I'll come back over."
"Yes sir" you saluted to Levi a smile on your face, you understood the move now.
Levi was right to swap himself with Eren now that you understood the move, it wouldn't do you any use practicing on a man that was too stubborn to go down, it would be better to take down someone who would actually go down.
Eren brightened up immediately and you took the time to search out the eyes that were glaring at you, surprise surprise it was Petra who was giving you the eye, she didn't even try to hide it and continue to glare even after you made eye contact with her. There was nothing you could do though, she was your senior in the scouts so you were forced to turn back around a pretend it wasn't happening.
This wasn't the first time that this had happened, and you had a feeling it defiantly wouldn't be the last, she had been giving you these looks and making your life hard every time she had the opportunity, but every time you just had to let it roll off your shoulders. You didn't know what you had done to offend her into hating you, but every time you tried to ask her, she would just call you stupid for thinking she hated you, so you stopped asking and just took everything she gave.
"(Y/N)? Everything ok?" Eren caught your attention and you immediately smiled pretending that nothing was wrong.
But you were a bit late as Eren was already looking behind you too see what you were looking at, you could see his eyebrows slowly pulling tight, but you couldn't tell if he had seen Petra looking at you or if it was because he couldn't find what was bugging you. I need to get his attention away from Petra, there's no need for him to be involved in this, you waved your hand in front of his eyes while laughing.
Eren blocked and then smiled "sorry (Y/N), let's try this move then".
*Time Skip*
You sighed while scrubbing your hair with a towel, you had just left the baths and was feeling extremely refreshed and relaxed, there were a few of the other girls in the room so you greeted them nicely and went to your bedside. You were about to lie on your bed and do some reading before bed, but there was a call from the hallway.
"All girls into the hall" looks like there was about to be a meeting.
You rushed into the hall immediately and lined up with the other girls that were in your dorms, you all stood in lines in front of the dorm doors, listening in the saluted position "on the wall behind me is a list of pairs for all of you these are the pairs for tomorrow's training as I am in charge while the captains are having a meeting".
Oh, great we've got to deal with this asshole tomorrow, the stand in. He wasn't a captain or in any high position, but he had been here the longest out of all of the cadet scouts... but that was only because he did logistics and didn't go out on any expeditions, he had managed to work his way into a permanent stay at home 'scouts protector'.
Basically, he stayed at HQ to keep everything in order while everyone else was out risking their lives. It made you all feel bitter as usually those positions would be swapped, he was stealing someone's time at home, which was something very valuable to all scouts as you didn't know how much more time you had at home and in the safety of the walls.
This hogging of safety already made you annoyed, but what ticked you off even more was how he taught you all when he took over, it was like your freedom was taken away. You couldn't pick your partners, speak to anyone, and the places where you were trained... well you were all put in boxes drawn on the floor and if you stepped outside of the box you were punished with the hell run. You couldn't even go to the bathroom or get water outside of the specific times.
The first time he trained you, you actually did step from the box on purpose so that you could escape his prison like training, but they don't call it the hell run for nothing, so you didn't do it again after. You rolled your eyes, every time this guy had even the smallest amount of power, he grabbed it and made all your lives hell, he enjoyed ruining all of your lives.
You all saluted "yes sir" was mumbled from your mouths, right now you could all get away with being a little improper.
He gave you all a stink eye before walking away, probably to the boy's rooms to give them their own pairings for tomorrow. The moment he had disappeared you all rushed forward to find your names, you weren't excited about this but there was some part of you that hoped you were with one of your friends, even though she was basically an OP goddess you'd love to train with Mikasa.
When you got to the front of the group your eyes searched the papers for your name and eventually you found it, but the moment you did your heart stopped, this was certainly the cruellest turn of events. On the board right in front of you was (Y/N) (L/N) ——> Petra Ral... your partner for tomorrow was Petra.
It was quite the shock, mainly because you couldn't be paired with Petra tomorrow or ever actually, your weren't even allowed to choose her as a partner. She was part of the special operation squad and technically was several levels higher than you when it came to combat, you weren't allowed to practice with someone of a much higher status than you, but the stand in was gone so you couldn't question him about it. Not that you would with the way he was, you'd be punished first thing in the morning.
You cursed in your mind, this was seriously shifty, but once again you were forced to bite your tongue. I've been doing that a lot recently, if this keeps up, I'm going to end up biting my tongue off. You scurried back into your room and lied down on your bed and read the book you were going to before, pushing the problem of tomorrow to the back of your mind.
*Time Skip*
The black bags under your eyes made it obvious to everyone how restless you had been all night, you hadn't slept a wink, you were too nervous about training today, you groaned rubbing you strained eyes as you inched away from the proud looking woman next to you, you were so nervous that you were unable to listen attentively to the stand in, you were about to have your ass handed to you.
Your ears just about caught the signal to start the psychical exercises and fighting positions, you sighed and nodded turning around to Petra with a smile on your face, you were about to nicely greet her... but you were unable to. Before you could even blink a striking pain hit your cheek, a loud slap rang out from a fist hitting skin, you were lucky that didn't hit your nose otherwise it would be broken.
You fell to the floor your hand clutching your cheek, it was throbbing, and you could already feel the wetness from blood, you looked up a Petra as the blood ran down your face, Petra looked so proud of her self for whacking someone who was unarmed, unprepared for the blow and wasn't attacking her back "what? Why did you punch me? I wasn't ready and we're not supposed to actually be fighting".
"Well, you should be ready, in the real world an attack could come at any time" Petra responded cocking her hip, she looked away from you and seemed to make cheeky eye contact with someone a little ways away
But you didn't pay attention to this interaction with the unknown person "this is a training exercise, like I said we're not supposed to actually be fighting, grappling moves only. So why-"
You weren't able to finish, she has clearly had enough of hearing you, she launched herself at you the moment you were semi stood up. You tried to hold your ground, plant your feet, and fight back in defence... just trying to pin her down to stop her from being able to attack, but the punch to your face had knocked you senseless and your head was still dizzy and unable to stop the fall. You fell backwards and your head smacked against the floor.
The dizziness just came back tenfold, and your eyes blurred bad, you wouldn't be surprised if you had a concussion from that, this left you even more unable to protect yourself. It went completely down hill from there, it was constant punches, kicks and holds that slowly beat you black and blue, blood pooled below you and congealed with the dusty dirt.
You were sure by this point everyone would have noticed the vicious beating, so why was Petra still going. Her attacks just kept coming and coming, pain constantly exploding wherever she hit, your body went weak the harder the beating came and your felt yourself loosing consciousness. Your body went numb first, the pain just taking over and becoming one unidentifiable entity... and eventually your brain seemed to just turn off.
You weren't quite unconscious though, everything was black, and you couldn't see, hear or think but you could still feel every kick, punch, stamp and slap that came your way. If this continued it would be your end.
*3rd Person POV*
Shouts and screams followed by a loud running disturbed every captain and superior that was in the very important meeting, they all tried to hold off going to investigate but they could only wait around for so long. It was like there was a Titan invasion outside, all the captains jumped up the moment it got too loud to ignore and left the meeting, all of them were concerned that the walls had once again been smashed through. But it wasn't the walls, which is something they realised the moment they got to the training grounds, where all the shouting was coming from.
It was a mess barely anyone was fighting, and they were circled around a small group of scouts who were fighting, but not in a practicing way, it was vicious like a bunch of animals. Levi was the first to the group shouting orders and pushing the bystanders out the way, the other captains soon joining him, the moment he got to the fighting he yelled to split them all up.
He was loud and commanding stopping everyone immediately, the scene in front of everyone shocking them all. The stand in that was supposed to be in charge was pinned down by both Jean and Connie, a few other scout cadets were walking around ready to pin anyone else who wanted to get involved. Mikasa had Petra in a choke hold, looking like she was about to snap the girl's neck.
But what made everyone freeze was the scene behind them, Eren's back was towards Levi but below him was (Y/N)... she was barely recognisable a mess of blood and dirt covering her body, Eren was covering her body with his own like a personal meat shield. Eren was involved in this fight and even he had a bloody slice across his back, so Mikasa being in the fight was no surprised to anyone and if Mikasa was involved well... so was everyone else.
"What the fuck is going on! Mikasa! Release Petra immediately!" Levi ordered. A flash of relief flashed across her face, now that Levi was here, she thought she could get away with everything and was about to make up some long and detailed lie to make herself a victim but Levi didn't even look at her.
She was shocked for a second at his indifference to her and worry for (Y/N) instead of herself, Levi and Hange both walked over to (Y/N) and shoved Eren out the way not worrying about his wounds that were already healing. And just like that, with that short, shocked pause, she lost her chance to gain the victim card. Levi's voice cutting through "well Titan brat tell me why (Y/N) lying near dead on the floor and why your friend is strangling my subordinate".
Another strike to Petras heart, Levi didn't even use her name but did use (Y/N)'s, this was another shock to her system stopping her from talking. Levi was extremely worried about (Y/N) that was plain to see, (Y/N) was near dead on the floor, but he couldn't do anything to help her and could only leave it to Hange but even she would struggle to help (Y/N) now.
Hange had a severe expression on her face as she looked over (Y/N), after she confirmed that (Y/N) was still breathing she lifted (Y/N) up, she had to go to hospital right away. The scouts didn't have the facilities to help her, they could stabilise her, but if she didn't go to a hospital, she would never be able to recover. Hange wasn't even listening anymore and simply got up with (Y/N) and left, Moblit following behind her.
Under Levi's probing and clear blame on him Eren exploded without thinking "why are you blaming me for this you should be asking your bitch of a squad member. She attacked (Y/N) and beat her to near death and then cut me when I went to stop her, even that useless stand in tried to attack me when I pushed the bitch away. How do you think I feel when I see the person I love being beaten to death and then you blame me for this? It's like a kick in the heart because she loves you!"
Everything was silent but it was like Eren hadn't even realised what he said "why do you think Petra tried to kill her! She's jealous because you love (Y/N) And (Y/N) loves you, she knows she has no chance to get you and is trying to literally kill the competition! You-"
Eren was stopped by a large walk palm on his shoulder, it was Erwin "ok Eren that's enough, I think for now we should arrest these two for later questioning. Levi... go to (Y/N), Eren go to the medical room I know you heal fast, but I still want your wound looked over"
*(Y/N)'s POV*
A blistering pain was the first thing you felt when you came back to the world it overtook your senses, so I did eventually fall through unconscious, you thought. You couldn't move your body at all, you couldn't tell if it was the damage done to your body or the pain that made it completely unresponsive, you couldn't even really feel any of your limbs to be able to figure out which it was... it was all just pain.
You couldn't stop the groan from leaving your lips as you peeled open your eyes, the world around you was bright and you could see two black blotted figures above you, sound was the last thing to reach you which came just as your eyes focused.
"(Y/N)?" That sounded like Captain Hange "don't move we're just rewrapping your wounds, give me a double blink if you understand... if you can't blink just grunt or something".
If you could laugh you would have, so you gave a little grunting laugh to her with a smile on your face, once your eyes cleared you watched both Hange and another lady you didn't know wrap white fresh bandages around your injuries, you were naked on top of the covers which was a bit awkward, but you just kept your mouth shut and let them do it. They were helping you and it was a professional and serious atmosphere, you assumed the other lady was some sort of nurse of or doctor.
While they worked your eyes lazily roamed around the room, you didn't recognise the room "where am I?" Your voice was rough and unused.
"You're at a hospital, you don't need to concern yourself with that. You have a visitor outside waiting for us to wrap your wounds again he'll explain everything to you once we're done" Hange explained.
He? You frowned... probably Eren, out of everyone I know he's probably the only one that would visit me. Your mind went back to what had happened and how you'd become this way, Petra attacked you, you wanted to talk to Hange and ask her about it but you didn't know the situation so just left it... you could ask Eren when he came in.
They were nearly finished changing your bandages when you woke up so it didn't take them long, once finished Hange gave you a sad smile and put your still naked body back under the covers before quickly leaving, she was behaving strangely for her but given the situation you could see why. You said a short bye and a thank you watching them leave, your voice was clearing up, so the previous roughness had levelled out.
You weren't alone for very long, the door opened, and you looked up with a cheeky smile on your face, but Eren wasn't the one who walked in. You blinked in surprise, the smile then turning polite as you felt your cheeks heat up, you were defiantly going red right now. The person who walked in was Levi and holy god did he look attractive, instead of being his usual clean-cut professional he looked... messy?
He had on a frantic look, his hair and clothes were a mess, but his eyes were piercing and looking at you with clear worry. It was a very rare look on the man, but you couldn't say that you hated it, god why does this man have to do this to me... wait... why is Levi here? His new look made you forget what was happening and it took you a while to blink yourself out of your staring.
"Captain Levi?" You questioned trying to shrink away in embarrassment.
"(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" His voice was as gentle which was another surprise that was welcome.
"I'm feeling ok sir, in pain but ok" you felt odd now, you were currently naked under the bed covers and was very afraid to move under the sheets encase they fell or moved showing your body off to the world.
"That's good, I'll ask them for more pain medication for you... and please just call me Levi from now on" Levi came to your bedside and sat down awkwardly.
What the fuck is happening "ok... Levi." You smiled "may I ask what happened after I was knocked out?"
"Knocked out? Your too nice (Y/N) say it as it is, you were attacked, it was an attempted murder" Levi said "but yes I can tell you what happened you deserve to know"
You laughed and then went silent but attentive to listen to Levi's long explanation. It turns out that Petra had found the sub in Captain a few days before he was supposed to be in charge, some how knowing that he would be in charge of you and what day he would be in charge and had seduced him into pairing you and Petra during your training that day and into letting her beat you to a pulp. All because she had a crush on Levi and was jealous of you... all this for a man that didn't even love her back.
She didn't expect others like Eren to step in and stop them which created the commotion that got her caught, she confessed to everything, her and the stand in was now in a prison cell waiting for a court trial.
They were probably going to be sentenced for life, at worse put to death. Even if she had tried to murder you, you didn't wish for her death, but in your case, you weren't a judge so could only leave it to them giving your plea to Levi who would be at the trial. He wasn't very happy at your reaction to hearing about the trial but still agreed to take your wish,
Once Levi finished Levi looked really guilty, with a burst of confidence you spoke "so... why do you look so guilty".
Levi actually answered "... because it's my fault, she was jealous because she loved me, and I didn't even notice before she could almost kill you"
"How could it be your fault... it's not like she was making it obvious that she was going to murder me." Lies she's been death glaring me for weeks, you realised just after you said it but couldn't take your word back now "what happened, happened don't blame yourself, I just don't understand stand why she was jealous of me, I mean it's not like you love me" you tried to make a joke to clear the atmosphere, but it didn't go quite right.
Levi just looked at you in silence, a blank look in his face, you felt your heart stop and you chocked on air "oh... really... ummm" you didn't know what to say.
Levi sighed "that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about... the little Titan brat let it slip that you loved me..." Levi looked very unsure of himself, it was clear he wanted to ask you out.
So, you helped him out a bit "when I've all healed up, we could go on a date if you would like".
"Yes. Yes, I will take you out on a date, it's definitely needed" Levi smiled a smile that took your breath away, this horrible situation actually turned and beautiful.
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Request: levi x eren sister reader
I was wandering if I could request a levi x eren sister reader but the reader is the opposite of eren, where she is quite and calm,with the resting bitch face,she joined the military with out her parents knowing, eren and mikasa have been told a lot of bad things about her by there mother and they both have come to hate her for it,they later find out that thier mother hated her because she was a girl and not a boy,so she neglected her,they first meet her at the court where she made it clear that she doesn't care about either of them but she truly does, levi also finds out about her past and decides to confront her and she breaks down for the first time ever,so levi decides to make it up to here,by asking her out,after eren and mikasa learn the truth they stop hating her,but eren still doesn't trust her.
Thank you sooooo much
I hope you reply quickly no pressure tho 😊😊😊
Love your blog btw
Hello yes I can do this for you thank you very much for the request I like the idea ❤️❤️
This is my final tumblr request so my requests are once again now closed thank you everyone for requesting of me I will get them all done as soon as possible. ❤️❤️
31 notes · View notes
Levi + Teen Niece Reader
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Words: 3010
"(Y/N)... you felt a tug on your sleeve with the whisper from your friend, you turned and made eye contact with bright blue round eyes.
"Armin? What is it? Why are we whispering?" You moved in close to him your own voice dropping to a whisper to match him.
He tugged on your sleeve again "the captain keeps staring at you, did you do something to get in trouble?"
"Huh?" Your eyes shifted over to captain Levi who was in fact staring at you "I don't think I've done anything; he doesn't look angry so maybe he's just spacing out...?"
"Captain Levi? Spacing out? I don't think that's possible" Armin mumbled his eyes shifting around nervously, now he was talking to you he was also under the harsh gaze of the captain.
Of course, you knew why he was staring at you, it was because you looked almost exactly like your mother Isabel Magnolia, Levi's old underground friend. Well, they were more like family and ‘sister’ was probably a better term to use than friend, everything but your eyes were the exact image of your mother, your eyes were instead a icy light blue.
Your eyes were your father's, your farther being Furlan Church, and Levi's other underground friend or ‘brother’. You guessed very quickly even before arriving at the scouts, that your appearance was probably very unsettling to him.
You of course knew who Levi was, your parents had told you about how amazing he was and told you all sorts of stories about their days in the in the underground and then eventually above ground in the scouts, those stories even making you want to join the scouts yourself and live up to Levi’s greatness which is where you met Armin and his friends. But you had never had the chance to meet Levi yet while in the scouts or outside of it.
It's sad but after your parents were seriously injured on an expedition they had to retire from the scouts, they were too injured to work elsewhere so they lived in a little house above ground that was funded by the scout's injury fund. The house was small, but it was enough for them and you and it was still above the ground, they weren't forced to go back to the underground which was very lucky as anything was better than the underground.
You didn't know how it happened, but with Levi forced to stay in the scouts and them being forced to leave the scouts, they all slowly lost contact and drifted apart. The once close nit group was pulled apart by the world. You don't even think Levi knew about your birth or about your parent's union, he was probably slowly putting it all together, he may not have had a proper education but the man was still very street smart.
"Don't worry (Y/N), if he goes to hurt you I'll hurt him back tenfold, I still haven't got him back for what he did to Eren so another excuse to beat him up will really help me" Mikasa had walked up beside you before you had even noticed dragging Eren by the collar behind her.
You jolted slightly from her surprise appearance before you laughed "I don't think he will 'attack' me and please Mikasa I know your angry but if you 'beat him up' you'll get in trouble".
Mikasa humpfed "what do I care?"
"Well... If you got in trouble you might get kicked from the scouts which means..." you passed it over to Armin who quickly caught on
"It means you won't be able to be with Eren anymore" he jumped in quick on the uptake.
Mikasa immediately jolted at the thought of being separated from the Titan boy and you laughed once again, this was the usual with you and Armin having to stop Mikasa, her weak point was Eren and you both greatly capitalised on that
“the shorty gets to live" you heard Mikasa mumble.
You laughed again and finally greeted Eren with a wave, the back of his collar was still in Mikasa's grip, so he had to awkwardly turn to wave back to you, an awkward smile on his face at knowing the topic is all about him. Although he didn't say anything to Mikasa knowing that he had no chance at all in changing her mind, If he did speak he would probably just make it worse.
"(Y/N) he's still staring... can we move away he's weirding me out" Armin went back to whispering.
"Yes, If we go and do drills we'll be out of his eyesight and it would probably make him happier" you agreed trying to shuffle the three of them away
*Levi's POV*
Your eyes closely followed cadets as they hastily left, specifically the one named (Y/N), your eyebrows slightly furrowing. You already knew their names as all the new cadets had to introduce themselves just previously, but her appearance brought back sense of deja vu, it was like you were once again in your early twenties standing next to your two only friends/siblings looking out over a sea of horrified faces as you introduced yourself.
You could feel someone poking and shaking you, but you ignored it and moved, leaving both Hange and Erwin in confused silence as you had abruptly left them mid conversation, you followed that girl (Y/N). They had all gone to a secluded part of the training field, which would have been slightly out of your eyesight where you originally stood, it was far away but you were advancing on them fast.
You were itching to find out exactly who this girl was, it may just be a coincidence, but she looked too much like Isabel for you to let this go. You didn't realise this, but as you walked over to them in your contemplating silence, you were actually extremely threatening and angry looking. Your face especially looked thunderous even if you didn't mean for it to be, it was enough to scare a Titan into running for the hill let alone a person.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
Armin's face tensing before you clued you into the fact that something was wrong "(Y/N)... are you sure you haven't done anything to gain Captain Levi's angry eye?"
He was looking beyond you and it made you turn around to see what he was looking at your words dieing on your tongue "no why do you-"
Captain Levi was advancing on your group fast, and he looked pissed, your heart jumped into your throat and your entire body tensed. His eyes were staring at you and you squeaked only one thing coming into your head, Run! And so, you did, you left Armin, Mikasa and Eren on the training field and ran faster than you ever had all the way back to your shared cadet room.
You dove under your bed sheets hiding yourself away completely... why did I run? Why did I run? Why did I run? Was being repeatedly chanted through your mind as you burrowed into your sheets, it's just going to be more awkward now everything I see him... oh god why! Why! Why did I run! Why didn't I just stay there and speak with him like a normal person would have done, I can never show my face again.
It was just an unconscious reaction in a moment of panic that made you run away, he looked angry, but inferring from the stories your parents would tell you of the man, he wasn't angry that was just his face. He just wanted to talk to you, probably about your parents and if you had any relation to them, but you ran away before he could say a word.
Oh shit... I left the others with him without a single word, I could have at least said to them that I was running, but I didn't and just made a run for it. You would apologise to them later and probably explain to them exactly what was going on, your relation to him and all, they probably deserve to know why Levi kept glaring (staring) at you as they were your closest friends.
*3rd Person POV*
Levi stopped walking the moment (Y/N) set off at a very abrupt and fast run, Mikasa, Eren and Armin who were just talking to her also froze, all three of them had a gaping look on their faces. Levi's face didn't change at all his eyes simply followed her as she ran away, once she was out of eyesight, he simply humphed and then turned and walked back to Hange and Erwin.
Once he reached them he went right back to the conversation like he hadn't just awkwardly walked away, Hange and Erwin gave him a weird look to each other, clearly both trying to figure out what was going on. For some reason even Hange wasn't going to give her usual teasing or crazy ways... at the moment.
Erwin was the first one to speak "Levi? Is everything ok? You seemed to make a pretty fast exit to go to those cadets over there?"
Hange followed up "is it something with Eren?" She was eager to get her grubby hands on him since he had been forcefully joined to the scouts yet still hadn't had the chance.
"No" Levi then pointed to the area that (Y/N) had just left "that girl? Where is she from and who are her parents?"
"Which girl, shorty have you gone crazy or something you aren't even pointing to a person" Hange laughed.
"Stop messing about shitty glasses, the girl who just left" Levi growled.
"I'm not sure who she is, why don't you just ask her Levi? Next time you see her, I'm sure she'll give you an answer..." Erwin took over the conversation.
"What did you think I was just trying to do" Levi rolled his eyes the topic of conversation quickly shifting after it had been cut off from that final comment from Levi.
The other two knew exactly why Levi was acting strange, they had met Isabel before she was forced to leave and seen (Y/N)'s file, but they both thought it was best for Levi to find out who she was on his own. Knowing his history with her parents, he would have a lot to talk about with her, so they remained silent.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
From then in every time, you saw Captain Levi you ran fast, and it seemed that every time Levi saw you he made a beeline for you, but you couldn't face him. The embarrassment of you running away the first time stuck in your head and you heart, leaving you unable to speak to him. Armin, Mikasa and Eren helped you with this... well... Mikasa did, she was all for tormenting the short grumpy man.
Every time she saw him, she would simply tell you to run, one short word, and you would comply wether you'd seen him yourself or not. It was childish and sometimes ended in an even more awkward moment of you running straight into the man himself, but there was something about the command from Mikasa that always made you comply.
Armin and Eren always tried to stop you or at least tried to persuade you to not run away like a mad man, but it didn't work you would only give them a weird and passing look before making your exit. But this could only go on for so long, it was highly embarrassing, and people were starting to talk, rumours popping up everywhere.
But the rumours were not the problem, as long as your three friends knew the truth, you couldn't care less about what these rumours were. The problem was that you didn’t know how much more people of this weird dodging Levi could take, every time you ran from Levi, you saw the tic mark in his head get larger. It probably wouldn't be long before he exploded, and actually did punish you:
Speaking of which...
You were alone when it happened, outside cleaning the equipment alone while the other person who was supposed to be helping you had run off somewhere else to get out of work, when the back of your jacket was caught. You were sharply pulled back so fast that your legs couldn't keep up, stumbling and flapping your arms uselessly around, your head swivelling you see who had grabbed you. Your heart stopped the moment you see who it was... Levi.
"Ah! Captain?" You blurted out accidentally, but Levi said nothing. His grip simply tightened on your collar and continued to drag you all the way to his office not giving you a single chance to escape.
Once inside his office he gave you a gentle but firm shove towards the desk and chair that was across from it, it was very clear what he was as saying, 'Sit!' The door shutting and locking behind you just punctuated that point, so you did sit, very awkwardly in the chair facing the desk. You waited hearing Levi moving around behind you, eventually he walked around you and to his side of the desk.
You waited for him to talk first, even though you basically knew what this was about, and eventually he did talk very calmly while shifting papers in his hands "I'm going to ignore the fact that you've been blatantly running away from and avoiding me and just skip straight to the point... I'd like to know exactly who you are?"
There it was, that question, it made you pause even though you knew it was coming. Levi must have interpreted that silence as reluctance to answer Because he added "just to be clear I'm not asking in a creepy way... I'm asking because you look very much like someone, I used to know"
He finally looked at you, having organised his papers, knowing it was your only option, this farce having gone on too long "that old friend of yours... was her name Isabel Magnolia... I look a lot like her and I know who she is Because she's my mother"
You saw Levi's shoulders slightly jolt as his eyes slightly widened, if you weren't watching him closely you wouldn't have seen it, but you were, and the surprise was obvious. You watched him, your words ticking over in his mind, even though he probably expected it, it was still a huge shock for the man to suddenly find out that he was technically an uncle. So, you just sat silently, waiting for him to talk and get his head around your words.
"And your father?" Is the only thing to come out of his mouth, he knew the answer but still wanted to hear you say it.
"Another person you know, Furlan Church" you said and then continued after a beat "they aren't married on paper or legally, as they aren't partially rich and with their injuries... it's hard to get a wedding done its even hard for them to get down to the government building where you sign the marriage papers... but they count themselves as married and had me, I mean that’s what’s important right?”
Levi was silent again for a long while before he finally spoke "so your their daughter and my..."
You nodded "yes technically I'm your niece. It's nice to finally meet you and I'm sorry for being weird over the past few weeks, I've just heard lots of stories from my parents and was unsure how to face you, or how you would react".
Levi held up his hand to stop you "as I have said, I'm going to ignore your weird running behaviour... I'm also transferring you to my squad".
It sounded like an afterthought and made you frown in confusion "Huh?" Left your lips with a head tilt.
"Don't look so confused brat, you really think I'm going to let you go running around on expeditions after you told me all that... not happening, you're joining my squad so that I can keep an eye on you" Levi spoke.
You understood, even if he would not say it, somewhere in his gaze you could tell. 'I'm not going to let the same thing that happened to them (your parents) happen to you' and you weren't going to argue with him, inferring from the stories your parents told you, them getting seriously injured and almost losing their lives was one of Levi's greatest regrets. He left them and they almost died, and there was no way he was going to let that happen to you, you were almost a second chance to him.
You nodded, his reaction was very muted, if it was you in his place right now, you'd be going crazy and a bit insane... but this was Levi and it didn't matter what he was feeling on the inside, on the outside he would be seen as clam and slightly frightening. But you didn't mind as long as he now knew of you everything was fine in your mind, it would take him a bit of time to get used to looking at you as a family member, but you both had time.
"Your parents..." Levi broke the silence "how are they?" He wouldn't meet your eyes and said it a bit awkwardly.
"They're fine and happy... not very happy about me going the scouts but fine" you laughed "they also miss you a lot... when we have time, you should come around for dinner it's been a long time since they've seen you it would make them so very happy"
Levi paused for a moment "...okay... that would be nice".
You smiled, it wasn't much, but finally after everything you were finally able to create plans for them to meet, as long as your family was happy you would be too, and Levi was a part of that family.
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Can I request a levi x reader? Where reader is like pocahontas and levi is like John Smith??? Like reader is living completely fine outside the walls and levi is dumbfounded and in awe of reader's beauty?? The whole "colors of the wind" bit too? Romantic, fluffy and bit of the angst! Thanks bunches!💜💜😁🤗 - 🐺
Hello, yes I can do this for you. I do have a couple of other outsider Reader stories but they aren’t like the Pocahontas style that you requested so it won’t end up that similar. I’ll also have to rewatch Pocahontas because it’s been ages since I last watched it 😂😂.
I really like the idea so i will defiantly get this done for you, it might take a little while because I have lots of other requests but I will defiantly have it in the near future. Thank you for your request ❤️❤️❤️
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Hi! I had a question ^^ do you only do Levi requests? I had an idea for a Yelena + Reader + Levi idea where the reader and Levi are together. When everyone meets Yelena for the first time, Yelena gains feelings for the reader when she saw them for the first time. Ever since, they’d try getting close to the reader despite knowing that they’re with Levi and he’d give her shit for it because he wants her to leave his girl alone, etc. Yelena doesn’t care and still does it and then starts sending the reader letters. Levi notices the letters in a stack by the readers nightstand on their side of the bed and is curious and reads a couple of them himself. He assumed they were from Yelena before and is sure of it now that he’s read them and later on confronts the reader thinking they’d leave him for her and stuff for keeping the letters, but the reader reassures him it isn’t true and they never would. I just thought it was a cute idea since I am obsessed with them both haha. Thank you in advance if you’re able to write it :)
Hello thank you very much for your request yes I do do other characters as well and would be happy to do this request for you.
I hope that you don’t mind but I have quite a few other requests so it might take me a bit of time to get to it but I will defiantly do it in the future. ❤️❤️❤️
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Levi + Epileptic Reader
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Words: 2275
Warning: There will be an epileptic fit (seizure) in this one which could be sensitive content for some people⚠️⚠️⚠️
*This Entire OS is from Levi's POV/ written as if you the reader is Levi*
You walked through the hall, despite your strong stature and imposing air, your footsteps were light as they always were. You barely made a sound. You knew where you were heading and took the most direct route, you were heading to one of your squads room, (Y/N) (L/N)'s room. She was one of your top squad members and you did often go to her just before every expedition to go over the plan, especially when it comes to secure and important information. You didn’t have to do this you just like to get a third and outside opinion away from the higher ups.
That wasn't the only reason you went to her to do this type of thing, it was also because, to put it lightly, you had become attached to the girl. You loved her, you never thought that in your life you would end up in love with someone, but here you are... spending all of your free time trying to think of ways to spend time with (Y/N), like an obsessive schoolgirl. It was embarrassing to admit this but luckily most people stayed far far away from you and did not read into anything you did, well everyone but Hange.
Fucking four eyes, nothing could escape her notice, it took a maximum of two days for her to come to you with her discovery, and probably much less than that for her to figure it out. You grumbled under your breath at the embarrassment you felt when Hange slammed open your doors demanding to set you up on a date with (Y/N), that woman had absolutely no decorum, you hadn't even confessed to the girl yet and Hange was already planing out the rest of your life with her for you.
You huffed in annoyance, your once light footsteps turning heavy with annoyance, the grip you had on the papers in your hand tightening and crinkling them. Anytime you and the crazy woman came into contact she just stared at you with wide psychopathic eyes, it was extremely uncomfortable, and you felt like you were being stalked or something.
You shook your head to forget about it you were at (Y/N)'s door already, you cleared your throat and straightened your posture, you unconsciously adjusted your look so that you were less threatening before you made your entrance. When you were ready you knocked rhythmically on the door, then waited for the 'come in' but it never came.
Thinking she just didn't hear it you knocked again, and this time called out "(Y/N) it's Captain Levi Ackerman here to go over expedition information" you leant close to the door so that you didn't miss her reply.
There wasn't a reply, but you could hear movement in the room but also so bangs and scuffling that sounded extremely erratic, something was wrong. You debated it for a second, going in without the ok was against good manners and you could see something that would be awkward, but you had a big sense that something was very wrong and doing nothing could be disastrous.
Ignoring proper manners as you could apologise for them later, you opened the door, the question of 'what's wrong' on the tip of your tongue, but you weren't at all prepared for what you were about to see, the question dieing on your tongue immediately. The papers in your hands dropped to the floor spreading wide across (Y/N)'s floor, your heart stopped, and your eyes widened. It was like the world had frozen around you, a fearful dizziness washing over you suddenly. 
(Y/N) was lying on her side in the floor like she has collapsed there, but that was the part that made you freeze. All of her limbs and body were ridged, her muscles tense and defined, as her entire body jerked and jolted violently, her eyes were half lidded as drool fell from the corner of her lips to the floor below, you couldn’t even tell if she was breathing properly or even if she was at all conscious.
But the most noticeable thing was the cause of the loud bangs, from the way that she was lying, her head smacked hard against the floor from her jerking. The sound her head was making as it hit the floor was horrifying, she had no control of her body and so couldn't move to a position that would stop this abuse to her skull.
(Y/N) was having a seizure...
A bad one...
Your body moved before your mind could properly register anything, you rushed forward and jumped to the floor reaching out to place your had between her head and the floorboards. You didn't want to turn her over to her back encase she choked herself on her spit or tongue that she was unable to control, so instead used you hand to cover, you winced from the pain of (Y/N) repeatedly smashing her head into the back of your hand but you were more than willing.
Feeling how hard her head hit your hand now, it really put it into perspective of how hard her head was whacking against the ground, looking at the back of your hand now you could see blood... and it wasn't your blood. Your other hand could only rest on her shoulder in a comforting way, you didn't know if she was conscious enough to feel your presence, but this was all you could do.
Your mind was running a mile a minuet and you heart was beating out of your chest, you had never felt this lost before, the person you had a crush on was having a bad fit right in your arms and there was nothing you could do, you were helpless. Your body shook unconsciously, as for the first time in a very long while tears gathered in the corners of your eyes.
You did the only thing you could think of in that moment "HANGE!" it was the loudest you had yelled, if Hange didn't hear it someone would have and would go and find the woman.
Just at that moment (Y/N) abruptly stopped fitting and she took in a massive shaking gasp followed by a cough, you looked down at her face, her eyes were still vacant at best and barely open as she looked around. You lifted her up in your arms settling her on your lap so that you could hold her in your arms more securely, using your sleeve you wiped the drool from the corner of her lips.
You could hear running footsteps and (Y/N)'s door slam open "you called!" Came a teasing voice.
But you were in no mood for games, and hange pulled away slightly the moment you looked up at her "stop joking around, it’s (Y/N) she's just finished having a fit, do something! You're the professional in this situation".
Hange immediately jumped into action but she didn't seem that worried "ok, bring her to my lab, quickly I don't know how long she was fitting for, so I have to run a few tests and check on her"
You nodded quickly pulling (Y/N) up into your arms, a small voice then ringing out "Levi? What?"
You looked down meeting (Y/N)'s eyes she was much more conscious now "don't worry, you've just had a seizure I'm taking you to Hange's lab".
(Y/N)'s eyes seemed to widen slightly, from what seems like fear which confused you slightly, but you didn't bring it up, (Y/N) was already stressed from just having a fit and she still looked really groggy, you didn't want to stress her out further. So, you kept your mouth shut and just ran along the corridors keeping her close to you.
*Time Skip*
(Y/N) was now fully conscious, it didn't take her that long to come properly around, her eyes were now shifting between you and Hange nervously. Hange had fully checked her over by now and was just finishing up by cleaning the bloody mess that was (Y/N)'s head, the injury was much worse than you originally thought and Hange had to put in stitches to close the wound, apart from that she seemed ok, but you could never know by just looking at her.
"From the look of this wound you had been fitting for a long time, defiantly longer than five minutes, right?" Hange's voice rang through the silence.
"I'm not really sure but I felt I was out for a long while" (Y/N) responded her voice sounded clear and didn't sound like there was anything wrong.
"Ok..." Hange started "I want you to stay with Levi, and in his room at night, for a week so that there is someone to keep an eye on you. You were fitting for a very long while and banging your head against the floor” Hange made eye contact with you and winked.
You felt your heart flutter at what she was insinuating, but outwardly rolled your eyes, looking away and to the corner of the room "and why can't she stay with you glasses."
"Because I'm very busy experiment on my Titan babies, you wouldn't want (Y/N) near them while she's still at risk of having another seizure or collapsing".
"Fine, I'll look after her, I wouldn't trust her with you anyway" you contradicted yourself but you couldn't go back now, you turned to (Y/N) "pack some stuff you're moving to my bedroom, I'll help you so don't worry about it being too much stuff."
(Y/N) just nodded before muttering out a small thank you, Hange patted (Y/N) on the shoulder telling her that she was done sorting her head, you reached out and grabbed her arm like you were expecting her to fall. Hange caught notice of your hand as you did this and tutted to herself, she walked away and you hear the opening of a cupboard, then she came back holding an ice pack.
"What's this for?" You frowned.
"Ice your hand it looks bad and it'll draw out the bruse" Hange responded passing off the ice pack to you.
You glanced down at your hand, she was right, a purple and black bruise had already begun to show. You nodded and pressed the ice pack against your hand, jerking your head to usher (Y/N) into moving, you nodded to Hange in thanks and followed (Y/N) out after she had said a quick 'thank you'
*Time Skip*
It had become very awkward the moment you turned in for the night, you lay in your back staring straight up. (Y/N) was next to you getting comfortable. There was silence only the ruffling of sheets and breathing, it was very awkward silence that made you hold your breath, feeling that if you breathed out loud the world would end.
"Levi?" (Y/N) called "if you want me to, I can go and sleep on the sofa, I would hate to disrupt your sleep."
"No!" Your voice rose a bit too loud "no, it's ok. I don't sleep much anyway; I want to be close to you encase you start fitting again I'll be able to feel it and be there for you".
(Y/N) was silent for a moment "... You're not going to ask anything about my seizures?"
"No, I kind of guessed that it was a medical condition you have, Hange's very relaxed reaction when I told her you had just had a seizure gave it away. Your clearly uncomfortable talking about it so it's fine" you still don't look at her "I'm just worried about you, if your on an expedition and you have a fit-"
"It's cleared with Erwin don't worry and Hange supply's me medicines that do combat it a bit, but obviously there not completely effective" (Y/N) laughed "but I am cleared to go on expeditions. And thank you, as my captain I will tell you about it eventually just maybe not right now I'm still a bit shaky".
It was silent again, for a very long time you just thinking to yourself, before you called "(Y/N)? Are you asleep?"
"No not yet, what's up?" She responded.
Well... nows probably as good of a time as I would get, not sure how she would react you mumbled out what had been on your mind finally looking at her “You know I was hoping that instead of you just staying here for the week... you would stay here indefinitely, as my girlfriend?"
You heard (Y/N)'s breath catch "... Do you really mean that? You're not joking are you?"
You looked at each other "do I look like the type to joke about this, I've liked you for a long while and the fear I felt seeing you having a fit today, finally pushed me to tell you that I love you and want to be with you?"
You felt arms wrap around you making you tense up "yes! I love you too Levi so much" she laughed.
You let out a small smile that she couldn't see from her place in your arms, who would have thought that this terrifying day would turn into something this happy and loving, but you were glad for it as I gave you (Y/N).
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