allthekpop4ever · 7 months
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Example 4,305,108 of Alfred being an absolute savage
Batman: The Long Halloween Part 1
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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happy birthday to the most relatable cutie, jimin 🥰 (insp.) (cr. jung-koook, qdeoks, namuspromised. transl cr. taee, bts-trans)
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
JM day 2023
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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sassy jimin (insp.)
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
Y’all, please stop sending me questions you can google or questions on topics you already know my answer to, or questions that you know nobody this side of the internet has any answers to.
I understand it could be nerve-racking and unsettling to not have answers you want or to not have them presented in the way you want.
But this is not about you. And I’m quickly losing patience for the people in my inbox who simply cannot resist the impulse to center their own desires and expectations over whatever is actually going on with their biases and/or within HYBE which nobody here actually knows.
What I do know,
- is seeing akgaes complain about BigHit neglecting Jimin for years because out of all the vocal line members, he never had a solo OST project. Like, before BTS’s PET era, this was one of the topics his akgaes would be getting hit tweets on practically every month. This was their raison d’être. How could the company that shunned solo work allow that solo opportunity for other members but not Jimin? Nobody got any answers or even acknowledgement of this great disservice from the company, for years. Not until early 2022 when Jimin casually mentioned that he was never interested in that sort of opportunity in the first place until a friend personally asked him as a favour.
- is seeing akgaes claim the company never acknowledged Jimin’s historic BB Hot100 win, when anybody can google to see that’s clearly not the case. I’m convinced the only reason this continues to be a talking point is due to akgaes and their sympathizers centering themselves in an equation that has nothing to do with them. Jimin has said his team acknowledged it, we can see this from their main sm profiles and the members’ personal sm pages, just as was done for Jungkook, we know HYBE’s management highlighted it as the main accomplishment in the quarter to their investors, and his achievement was positively highlighted in many articles on the k-side. But just as with the cake situation, the people complaining about this want the company to respond in a way that reflects their own personal expectations regardless of the reality of what actually happened, what the members have already said and what they actually wanted at the time.
- is seeing akgaes assert blindly for months that HYBE partnered with Billboard to delete Jimin’s week 2 and all D2C sales. Assert that HYBE masterminded the buttfuck that was the deletion of sales by Hanteo, by Billboard, by *insert random industry player*, only for it to be revealed that Billboard treated every HYBE artist mentioned in their expose article dishonourably, including NewJeans who akgaes have decided for whatever reason is why their chosen idol is not getting the recognition they want for him. It’s been clear that issues with shipping and stocking are not even limited only to BTS members much less just Jimin, and so HYBE must be sabotaging TXT, Enhypen, and the other artists in the company they’re supposedly pushing to replace BTS and Jimin. HYBE must’ve also been behind BTS’s sales irregularities on Hanteo as well as other groups’ including Twice and EXO’s sales deletions in the past.
- is seeing akgaes assert for almost a year that the decision to use Weverse albums and not provide an option for physical versions was forced on J-hope by the company. His akgaes demanded answers for months and received no answers and no acknowledgment. Only for Hobi to reveal almost a year later that he chose that option out of his own desire to try something very different, despite advice to the contrary from others within the company including other BTS members.
Notice, all of this have been things to be legitimately upset about, but akgaes taking control of the conversation has only served the purpose of redirecting any focus away from the members, to render them powerless, shifting focus away from third-party industry players who work independently of HYBE and have their own motivations, and towards the company where they aim to remove their chosen member from to exert more control. 10 times out of 10 this has been the case, even when it’s not just irrational to arrive at that conclusion, but flat out counterproductive. I don’t even like HYBE, but it’s annoying to constantly point out obvious holes in logic or in situations that anybody with any knowledge of how BTS has operated for years can easily see.
We’re not actually privy to the full conversations the members are having with the company about their career strategy and goals.
What we do know is that like any other team, resources are allocated and the results nearly every time have been greatly influenced by their own input. We can judge for ourselves that despite the members working within the constraints at BigHit, such as:
- Yoongi being told he couldn’t release D-2 in 2019 due to unknown constraints but released it in 2020 to no issue,
- Yoongi being told he couldn’t give Jimin a song he wrote due to PDogg’s refusal but this not hampering the artistic output of either artist,
- Jimin being refused his request to have a visual album but no expense was spared for his very elaborate production choices…
…that while the company sometimes says no to the members for reasons we don’t know (and can’t know, we’re fans not A&R managers for BTS), in retrospect these decisions appear tied more to logistical and strategic constraints, sometimes incompetence, rather than malicious intent. The company still supports the members’ projects and all seven members are happy enough with their current management over any other option, that they’ve chosen to renew their exclusive contracts early, not just once, but twice.
I too want Jimin to have received nominations for the MTV EMAs. I want that for all my biases but especially Jimin because his chart and sales performance dwarfed most of the competition, but even more so because Jimin released one of the most remarkable works of art created in 2023. And it deserves to be recognized and celebrated.
But already, the conversation is shifting towards HYBE propping up Jungkook to shaft Jimin, deliberately refusing to submit his work (which just like the other claims about Billboard and Hanteo, none of these people can provide any evidence to support except this happened to another artist years ago and HYBE bad), etc - all akgae talking points that have as little basis in reality we know as any other conspiracy theory you see in any solo space in BTS fandom. These theories only support the idea that the members are in direct competition with each other, do not deserve their team, and should leave the group. Because there’s a whole host of explanations for what we’re seeing here, but the constant impulse to reach for that particular reason is because it leads to only one goal.
I already said months ago after the Billboard article, that it served the purpose of handicapping Jimin’s chart performance to look overly reliant on Asian buyers (read Chinese money) reducing its legitimacy for Western awards, and we’re already seeing that play out. This has nothing to do with HYBE, and everything to do with the carelessness of the fandom in blowing up funding sources while aiming to shatter yet another Western record. When history has shown us every time BTS as a group did this, the industry responded by looking for a way to handicap the group. Which was then done for Jimin as he was the first to break that record.
HYBE could’ve sent his songs to radio. His songs have very good commercial quality. HYBE could’ve sent Still Life ft Anderson Paak to radio too as it had very good commercial quality. But we also know the members chose their roll-out strategy and suit of promotion tools and this likely influenced decisions like why some songs were sent to radio and others weren’t. And the first thing I noticed about all the EMA nominations is every artist had their songs sent to radio. Every single one. And so if the Billboard expose didn’t completely handicap Jimin, then it’s possible because his songs weren’t sent to radio he wasn’t even in the running in the first place. Here, feel free to blame HYBE all you want. I blame them too, but just as I did in Hobi’s case, I also believe this was in part influenced by his own decisions and hold him responsible as well.
I don’t baby any of the members in BTS. I’m not their mother. And when I see things I don’t like, I don’t absolve them of all responsibility and place it squarely on the company, because the members know more than me about their own situations, and are grown Korean men who have all the privileges and options that entails, and who continue to remain in a team they keep saying they respect and are grateful to.
I cannot want more for my biases than they want themselves. That’s not why I’m here. I don’t see myself as their advocate, contract lawyer, mother, manager, or girlfriend. I’m their fan and so I’m ARMY. I’ll support them as much as is within my means and preferences, object to actions of the company that directly impact me or on issues that I find morally repugnant based on having all the facts at my disposal, not based on fan theories made by groups of people who have a history of working outside of the members own interests and desires.
I can manage my disappointment on various things while recognizing all the above. Perhaps after this first set of debuts, both the members and HYBE will rethink their promotion strategies, make modifications, and maybe they won’t. That’s their cross to carry, not mine.
This is my position on everything that happens in Chapter 2 and 3, (because all these grumblings will only metastasize when the members come back, as that’s how it’s typically goes in every k-pop fandom, regardless of the fact this only ever works counterproductively for the artists).
Please read this the next time you mean to send me an ask on a related topic. While I might share your disappointment, I don’t share your anxieties, and I don’t have the answers you’re looking for. The only people who do are the members and they don’t owe you any explanations unless they think it’s necessary. I’m not trying to be rude, condescending, or harsh. This is what I genuinely think.
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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First time posting my knitting to tumblr. Look at my Bug Son
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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letters to namjoon ♡ [©, ©, ©]
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
JK 3D TikTok 6 October 2023
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
This is not Jungkook
And this (Japanese actor) isn't either.
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Or any of these.
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And there are plenty more where those came from. JK lookalikes are a dime a dozen.
Yeah, so not exactly JK, but now just imagine seeing them in bad quality footage. Grainy, or dark or taken from a distance. Or all of the above combined.
NONE of the supposed "this is JK" photos or clips are of a quality that allow you to actually make a proper identification of the person in it.
I also already shared this clip, but will again. To show just how easy it is to edit in the tattoos on as well.
Point being, once again and with feeling:
This footage is not JK.
Before rushing to conclusions and character assassination, which is exactly what people who were supposed to have his back are doing, apply critical thinking, question the authenticity, the legitimacy, the timing, the source.
Perhaps those who were so fast to turn on JK, that it didn't take more than a grainy clip and a few rumours to persuade them that he is literally a monster, should ask themselves what their true reasons are for doing so.
Maybe they should ask themselves why it is JK that has to prove time and time again just how much he loves JM, how committed and devoted he is to him. And why it is that no matter what he does, it's never enough?
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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231006 - hoseok on weverse: "ARMY you all, you've been well right?? 🫡💜 The days (weather) have gotten quite colder!~ Maybe it's because of the cold air, it's a moment where I realize that the time is passing by It does also seem quite exciting, while also making my shoulders heavier and more reverent~
I'm adjusting diligently quicker than I expected but.. since it is a role where I guide and help the young people/youth of ROK in things such as their first steps and also their first starts in the military organization, the pressure along with each group division is also huge.
Still in meaning, I somewhat feel as content/prideful/satisfied as BTS activities 😭😭
Ah…! And also, I achieved Special Forces 🫡 As I do my best every moment in a situation, there's good results as well 🫢😭
I came to let you know that I'm doing really well and maturing even more coolly/nicely
Always be healthy and don't get sick/hurt~ Take care to not catch a cold, our ARMY!!!
'I'm army!' - John Cena"
T/N: 1. I'm not well-versed with military related words so I'm requesting for your understanding 2. John Cena once said he's an ARMY (아미) but he accidentally used the word for military in Korean (군대).
(trans. cr. BTStranslation_)
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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jimin clips that provide me with so much serotonin and love that it literally makes me tear up (part 2)
cr. jung-koook, namuspromised, 0613data
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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Day 2 for @snsmonth23~
insta | ko-fi | twitter | store
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
Ramble Thoughts on 3D ft. Jack Harlow:
- Feels like 3D is something that would have come out in 2006? I’m not mad about it but it does feel like Gen Z is taking this whole Y2K revival thing too seriously 🥹 like y’all have some big Air Force Ones to fill and I’d rather see a fresher take but okay
- Speaking of Nelly people are acting like they’ve never heard a rapper objectify a woman before and it’s kind of odd. I think maybe people haven’t listened to Jack Harlow before if they’re surprised by the contents of his verse. I’m not saying we can’t ask for more or expect more but the shock I’m seeing is kind of strange.
- JK does not sound that good...? To me. It seems like he’s maybe in too high of a register? Or maybe it’s too many minor chords for me. Not that he can’t hit the notes effortlessly but it’s just not a pleasant register to me? This is a song I can see getting stuck in my head in an annoying way and not a “omg I have to listen to it again turn it on” way, which is a bummer.
- I love the dancing, and the fire hydrant bit at the end was very cool visually.
- This whole thing reminds me strongly of some of Pharrell’s more controversial hits in the mid-aughts, especially Blurred Lines. Except… Blurred Lines was a better song 😬😬😬 if you’re gonna talk about women like they’re pleasure dolls in 2023, at least make sure your song is unusually good. Just my humble opinion.
- I think objectification is an interesting topic and we could go on about it, but some of the shocked and horrified responses I’m seeing on Twitter are from NSFW fan fiction writers (of which I am one full transparency) and artists and there is a blatant hypocrisy in that that I find somewhat amusing. Like. Very few of us are truly innocent of ever sexually objectifying someone else and let’s just be honest about that. Not to mention the objectification of Jung Kook’s every body part that has been happening recently, even up to as recently as the promotions for this specific song. Like… hang on a minute. We can all collectively drool over and go feral for and zoom in on his shirtless chest and talk about his waist and his nipples and his belly button but… god forbid he shares a song with someone doing the same thing? Idk maybe I’m oversimplifying.
- The “girl”!! Oh, people are gonna be mad. Why can’t he always only ever sing his songs to a faceless genderless “you”?! Because A) he is not writing these songs and requesting a gender change to a song that someone else wrote would be a declaration. B) I’ve said it before but it’s entirely possible he is into women. Again, he didn’t write this one but in a recent performance he did intentionally swap out a pronoun that he could have skipped and so let’s not make too much of it but let’s also not ignore him over and over again for the sake of our own beliefs. Not with bi visibility day still in the rear view 🥲 C) His behavior toward and about Jimin has not changed so I have not changed my attitude toward their relationship. Simple as that. D) he did not write this song. If he is queer he is closeted. Chill out.
- I want more for him, I’ll just say it! Lol. I think he has so much musical potential and right now it feels like we’re just waiting for him to actually come into it. But I do love the choreography, the boy band vibes, the confidence. I think I’m appreciating Left and Right more and more as time goes on; that seemed like a really excellent creative fit and the concept was so fun. But maybe I’m projecting my wishes onto him. It’s his career, not mine 😅 he is his own person, he doesn’t owe me a damn thing.
That’s all for now, just sort of felt like word vomiting this morning instead of doing anything productive. Would love to hear others’ thoughts!
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
My initial thougts, on 3D.....
First of all, the whole package of song, video, colab choice, and hype is completely what I would "expect", given the market it is aimed at. The target is the Western/American market. That is a VERY different market from that of K-Pop. Everything is different.
Jungkookie has personally set a goal based upon his own desire to be a global star. Global meaning, Western. Make it BIG in the West and every other market falls into place eventually. A truly unfortunate truth.
With his goal of becoming BIG brings in a number of requirements, players, outsider opinions, culturally crafted visuals(to appeal to the Western market), songs in English, giving creative control to those who are the power-players in the West, and a host of other things. It is a huge goal and it requires a lot of different types of choices as well as a willingness to enter into a very different arena creatively.
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Hence, the girls, girls, girls. Hence the allusion to hetero-sex. Hence the use of collabs with artists that really don't get Jeon Jungkook, and probably never ever listen to any of his previous music (solo or BTS). We are seeing Jungkookie attempt to enter into a very foreign world of Western Music in a way that isn't exactly in integrity with Who He Is, as an Artist, as well as a Human Being.
The Western Music Industry would eat him alive, if they could. There are a LOT of darkness-driven powerful people in the music industry and entertainment industry, here in the States. Thankfully, Jungkook has strong Guardian Angels to protect him. There's so much darkness in the music industry here in the US. (I digress!)
Regarding the song, it is what it is. I like it, yet don't love it. Nice beat, I do like his choreo (with Brian and his team), and don't mind the women included. It's catchy and I see the real JK in there.
As far as Jack goes, his lyrics and presence add nothing to the overall song or visual. There's no true energetic chemistry between him and Jungkookie. Jack is involved as a way to attract the US market, AND Jack is involved as a way for him to attract interest and make $$ from ARMYs. All Western high-level music moguls KNOW that any connection to BTS or a Member =$$$.
I'm reminded that any musician, singer, artist will evolve throughout their careers. It's the nature of being a Creative. AND, I'm probably not going to always like what a favorite Artist produces. The number of times my favorite bands or soloists released music I didn't love is a lot. It happens. How many videos have those bands or soloists released that I didn't like? Many.
So Jungkookie is exploring, doing, and navigating according to his own Inner Compass. Even if that means doing things that may not please everyone, including himself. He learns by doing. He won't know until he tries, and then learns from the experience. What matters is that he is taking steps forward on his Path, learning, growing, developing, and hopefully attaining some joy along the way. He's got to do what he's doing, as it is how he is wired in this life. This is a part of his Soul's Plan.
All of what we are seeing is temporary, as Jungkookie is also gearing up for his eventual enlistment. What we have now is all that we have. What we will have on the other side of enlistment will be a different version of Jeon Jungkook. That is important to remember. All of this is temporary, until MS is complete...
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The most important thing in my opinion is to be supportive of Jungkook, even if his music isn't what one would want. It is just a piece of the journey, and it will evolve, just as Jeon Jungkook evolves.
Let's continue to love him and see him achieving his Highest and Best Life, as it is his life after all. Even if that entails choices that we don't particularly care for. Bottom line is that Jeon Jungkook will always be a changing and evolving Human. It's in his DNA. 💜
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allthekpop4ever · 8 months
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