alanaspeaking · 9 years
The end of an era. Well, a seven week era of far too many skin coloured leotards. Off the top of my head, I can count 36.
Its actually over. Well for now. And now is never really that long with SDC.. In fact in three weeks time were on stage with a completely different show, in completely different costumes counting completely different music. Doing I have no idea, because its completely not made up yet. So trying to completely wrap my complete head around that one. 
But this chapter, this short story about pain, numbers, weight, cacti and nudity has come to an end.
We have been on the road for 49 Days.
Travelled to 12 Venues in 3 states and 1 territory.
Performed 16 shows and nailed every single one of them.
Thrown out 169 airline tickets into 284 Hotel room rubbish bins.
And we have driven WELL over 2407 kms.
Thank you stage manager Simon for the fact sheet. On point.
I hope that I have made some sort of sense out of what tour life is like, and how incredible the people I work with are. Because they truly are a very special group of people. 
Babes has gone soppy.
Your all great. Everyone’s just great.
I leave you with this. Our very last day. A snippet of everyone involved behind the scenes, in the scenes, being the scenes. Scene.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Chapter Eleven. Launceston. No bloody way. The final chapter. We have almost landed. A day of rehearsals in the Stompin Studios.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
Sunday for the cool.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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The time we nailed Sunday. The way it should be done.
I don’t really need to say much to be honest. I don’t even need to begin to explain. Because everything lies above.
My mum trekked all the way from Gisborne, New Zealand, to meet me in Hobart and watch me perform. I wanted to organise something ridiculously ridiculous, and then on top of that, ridiculous, to make her smile non stop for hours on end.
Sometimes people truely just deserve the world, and when you know someone like that, I think its important to let them know.
Sunday Schedule.
Team Perf - Mother dearest, myself, Switch, Creeper Treklis which my mum calls ‘the man who always looks perfect’, Chlorelle and his goddess Eff, Chichard Billi and his Calvin Klein model Jack.
10.30am - Pick up from hotel
10.30am - 11.15am - (approx 25min drive) to Stefano Lubiana Wines 11.15am - 1.00pm - Wine tasting followed by Lunch
1.00pm - 1.30pm - (approx 28min drive) to Pooley Wines 1.30pm - 2.00pm - Wine tasting
2.00pm - 2.15pm - (approx 9min drive) to Coal Valley vineyard 2.15pm - 2.50pm - wine tasting
2.50pm - 3.00pm - (approx 4 min drive) to Frogmore Creek Winery 3.00pm - 4.00pm - Wine tasting and cheese platters
4.00pm - 4.30pm - Drive back to hotel
Of course, one wine down and were hours behind Schedule.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Only the best human face on this earth.
Like the whole entire earth. And the new one thats supposedly very similar to our earth.
So yes all of the earths.
And she's my mother.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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No way. A two day weekend? Forty eight hours you say? Like legit with no work? or travel? or anything? 
Well in that case.
Watch this space.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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On stage at the Theatre Royal in Hobart.
Five minute call lighting. The most flattering of them all.
Just a casual warmup with Fred, the theatre ghost.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Rehearsals for Cacti. 
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Alana’s insides.
Im definitely not the master of food display.
Or food photography.
Nor does it look like I have a very creative food brain. Considering all of these meals look more or less the same but on a different typical white hotel plate.
Touring can be hard to maintain a variety in your cooking. More often than not, it just has to be easy and not involve too much cooking.
I have a phobia of setting off fire alarms, the sound makes me want to vomit everywhere and I panic as if I have just been told I’m not allowed to eat avocados ever again. Also hotel fire alarms are so insanely sensitive, all you have to do is look at it and the entire building has to evacuate.
But heres an insight as to what dinner in Alana’s face looks like.
Sautéed Kale, Pan fried barramundi fillet and avocado.
Pan fried salmon, brown rice and chia seeds, baby kale, avocado and beetroot.
Pan fried ocean trout, grilled coconut oil brussel sprouts and avocado.
Wilted Spinach, pan fried salmon, grilled broccolini and avocado.
Paleo bread, avocado and a poached egg.
And thats it and avocado.
and avocado.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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The stages here in Tasmania are.
#1 Yes, absolutely beautiful.
#2 Just not wide enough for our sixteen boxes in Cacti!
Rehearsals to change our sixteen box version to twelve.
Sites specific. Chairs will do.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Goooood Morning Tasmania.
Vitamin D refuel before rehearsals.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Chapter Ten.
Hello Hobart. Why you are awfully cold, and your mountains are white.
But hey whats new, another cold snap chased by Sydney Dance Company.
It hasn’t snowed here since 2006 you say?
Oh, well. We once again have perfect timing.
Chris and Todd in the bus on our drive to our hotel for out first night in Tasmania. 
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Potluck gathering in Jan’s room.
The hostess with the mostest.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
ask Alana .. She’s finally answering those questions you all probably forgot you wrote..
Gina Rose - Having done classical ballet myself for 6 years the stage can be gruelling do you follow a special diet whilst on tour?
I try to keep my diet as similar as I can, as if I were still back at home base. Enough food for energy, especially enough protein for muscle repair, as the performances can be demanding on the body sometimes. I have always eaten particularly healthy, and so I aim to maintain this on tour always. And always having snacks for those long days of technical rehearsals in the theatre!
Rebekkah Law - What is your favourite part of being a dancer/performer?
For me it always comes down to those moments on stage, under the lights, in the costumes. Because that is what I have worked for. The reward of performing to an audience, and showing your years of hard work and dedication to this art form. So far on this tour, nearly every show has been completely sold out. The audiences have been amazing, you can feel the energy radiating from their seats. So my favourite part of being a dancer with Sydney Dance Company would absolutely be the time on stage. Especially when we are blessed with an enthusiastic audience that is enjoying every second of what were doing. The audiences energy gives me that incredible feeling that pushes me to a whole new level of performing.
veronicandrian - how does it feel to dance with Sydney Dance Company?
I feel very privileged to be on the stage amongst some of the best dancers in Australia, and dancing for such a well known successful company with incredible history. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment, that my years of hard work and training were all worth it in the end. The blood, the sweat and the tears finally payed off. That's not to say it's stopped! :)
gymnast.tori1 - Did you find spike?
Yes, we sure did. Spike returned to Adelaide. Watch this video, created by the insanely talented Josie Weise and Fiona Merz. 
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Chapter 9.
Waiting for the company to gather to leave for rehearsals and one performance tonight in Frankston.
Then off to Tasmania. Only two more stops and four performances.
12 days, 16 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds to go.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Spent my day off with Babes Leong exploring Melbourne.
Way too much good food, shopping and wine for one day.
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alanaspeaking · 9 years
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Costume fittings at Toni Maticevski’s studio in Melbourne. 
Masterpieces in the making.
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