akateseyeview · 11 years
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
6. GCSU News
Kappa Sigma is banned for 4 years from GCSU campus, no involvement in campus activities and no recognition by university. Found responsible for 10 of 12 charges levied against them.
Petition started by Connor Johnson seeks to remove Chick-fil-A from campus. Funds from student's meal plans go to Chick-fil-A.
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
TW: hate crimes and violence against gay man
5. Four marines are facing assault charges and hate crimes after allegedly beating a film student outside a gay bar
Attack was preceded by anti-gay slurs - Lance Cpl. Lewis Serna, Lance Cpl. John O'Leary, Pfc. Thomas Pentek, Pfc Sean Miller were arrested Monday and have returned to their units on bail.
Maj. Manuel Delarosa says Marines are cooperating with local law enforcement and conducting its own review - "This is behavior that's not acceptable in the Marine Corps. Any crimes of intolerance are unacceptable."
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
4. Snooki had her baby - Lorenzo Dominic LaValle
Says she is not the same party girl her fans have come to know
"I'm not really sure if I'm going to have him grow up on reality T.V. yet."
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
3. Wealthy Russian businessman faked his own death before proposing to his girlfriend
Worked with a stuntman, make-up artist, screenwriter and a director to stage a car crash
She agreed to marry him
Alexey Bykov - "I wanted her to realize how empty her life would be without me and how life would have no meaning without me. I think it worked but I promise it's the last time."
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
TW: rape, violence, abortion
2. Pregnant Turkish woman (26) shot and decapitated her rapist and threw his head into the village square
She was abused by him for months, he threatened to send nude photos to her parents, her actions were spurred by him saying he was going to tell everyone about the rape
"Everyone would have insulted my children. Now no one can. I saved my honor. They will now call [my] children the kids of the woman who saved her honor."
Mother of 2, currently 5 months pregnant
Shot him 10 times, several times in the genitals, then decapitated him
When arrested she said, "That is the head of one who toyed with my honor."
Abortion is illegal in Turkey after 10 weeks, but she is demanding that she be allowed to get one, saying she is prepared to die so long as she gets an abortion first.
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akateseyeview · 12 years
September 5, 2012
1. Election News
Romney's VP pick is Paul Ryan
RNC was held last week, DNC will be held this week
Clint Eastwood talked to a chair holding an invisible Obama
Paul Ryan (widely regarded as honest, straight talker) gave speech with many inaccuracies, out of context remarks and outright lies
Michelle Obama gave an awesome speech. Ann Romney gave an ok speech. 
Chuck Norris and Gena Norris posted a video on YouTube urging people to vote Romney - Gena quoted Ronald Reagan "We will preserve for our children this last best home of man on earth or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness."
Romney and Obama + Biden and Ryan are reportedly preparing for debates - first presidential debate will be Oct. 3rd, focus on domestic policy; VP debate will be a week later, foreign and domestic policy
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akateseyeview · 12 years
We go on air in 10 minutes!
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akateseyeview · 12 years
First Show of the year starts in 5 minutes!
Tune in for election news and awesomeness!
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akateseyeview · 12 years
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akateseyeview · 12 years
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akateseyeview · 12 years
Tune in. in ten minutes for our Radio show!
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akateseyeview · 12 years
April 16, 2012
6. Boston University newspaper editor fired
April Fool's Day edition of the independent student newspaper included articles about the rape and sexual assault of Disney characters
BU has had a series of high-profile sexual assault cases on campus in the previous months
Stories included:
Cinderella involved in a political prostitution ring
Alice in Wonderland taking LSD supplied by frat brothers
Snow White gang-raped by frat brothers (seven dwarfs) 
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akateseyeview · 12 years
April 16, 2012
5. Swan killed 37 year-old man Sunday morning
Anthony Hensley worked for a company that uses dogs and swans to drive off geese from local properties
Was in a kayak on a Des Plaines area pond when a swan attacked him - possible got too close to the swan or its nesting area
Hensley rolled out of the kayak and began swimming to shore, but the swan kept attacking him
Paramedics concluded that he died from drowning
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akateseyeview · 12 years
April 16, 2012
4. Baby Story
Oregon couple successfully sued Legacy Health System for $2.9 million in a 'wrongful birth' suit
Daughter was born with Down Syndrome, which the doctors failed to catch early in the pregnancy when the initial tests were done
Speculation as to why the error occurred -> couple says the maternal tissue, not fetal tissue was tested; Legacy's attorney said the child has mosiac Down Syndrome meaning a significant number of cells don't contain extra chromosomes
Ariel and Deborah Levy say they would have aborted the pregnancy if they knew - this is why these cases are so rarely brought to court
The couple say they will use the money to care for their daughter
Article at Babble (parenting website) -> "Should every parent who has a child with Down Syndrome be entitled to a few million because doctors should have caught the disease during pregnancy?"
Kansas, Oklahoma and Arizona now have laws which would absolve doctors of legal liability if they lie to patients about pre-natal diagnoses to prevent pregnant people from getting abortions
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akateseyeview · 12 years
April 16, 2012
3. Anders Breivik's trial began Monday
Norway mass killer - 77 victims
Says it was an act of self-defense, cited the 'Muslim take-over of Europe' as reason
Has shown no remorse for crimes - shed tears when court showed a video he posted on YouTube which warned of the Muslim take-over of Europe
Breivik: "I don't recognize Norwegian courts because you get your mandate from the Norwegian political parties who support multiculturalism."
"I admit to the acts but not criminal guilt."
When uncuffed, he raised is right hand in a clenched-fist salute and also refused to stand when the judges entered the room
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akateseyeview · 12 years
April 16, 2012
2. Trayvon Martin updates
Zimmerman is in police custody in Florida and has been charged with second-degree murder
Prosecutors plan to prove he shot Trayvon with malice, but not premeditation
Zimmerman plans to plead not guilty and faces up to life in prison if convicted
Bill Cosby said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that the debate should focus on guns, not race
Said there is a need to get guns off the streets and that people should be taught to use every possible alternative before shooting someone
Cosby said the bigger question was what Zimmerman was doing with a gun and who taught him how to behave with it
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