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Vector the Crocodile from the Sonic games is an mspec lesbian!
[image description] a picture of Vector the Crocodile from the Sonic franchise in front of the mspec lesbian pride flag designed by mod Ash, and a plain version of the same pride flag in the second image. The flag has 6 stripes which are colored, from top to bottom: violet, pink, orange, yellow, blue, and green [end of image description]
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uhhh lesbian as a gender and lesbianism and gender being inextricably intertwined compilation
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comics: all from alison bechdel
book page about butch identity: from Butch Is A Noun by S. Bear Bergman
image IDs in alt text (you have no idea how long that took lol).
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still amazes me how people will accept that men can be lesbians yet won't accept that lesbians can be attracted to men. you accept the line between genders is blurry for gender but not for sexuality? why do you even think they're different? like i hate to be the one to tell you this but if you genuinely consider the statement "men can be lesbians" true then the statement "lesbians can be attracted to men" also has to be true. otherwise ultimately you are not accepting men can be lesbians you're still ultimately seeing them as masculine women- sorry, masculine "non-men"
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I made some mspec lesbian Discord emojis out of our new flag designed by @jewish-alluka!
anyone is free/welcome to save and use these:
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[image descriptions] a transparent version of the mspec lesbian pride flag designed by mod Ash, with rounded corners in the same fashion as all other standard Discord emoji flags, as well as a transparent heart with the stripes of the same mspec lesbian pride flag. The flag has 6 stripes which are colored, from top to bottom: violet, pink, orange, yellow, blue, and green [end of image description]
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Moetron is an mspec lesbian!
[image description] a picture of the Internet character Moetron on top of the mspec lesbian pride flag designed by mod Ash, and a plain version of the same pride flag in the second image. The flag has 6 stripes which are colored, from top to bottom: violet, pink, orange, yellow, blue, and green [end of image description]
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Khione from The Flash (CW) is an mspec lesbian!
[image description] a picture of Khione from The Flash (CW series) on top of the mspec lesbian pride flag designed by mod Ash, and a plain version of the same pride flag in the second image. The flag has 6 stripes which are colored, from top to bottom: violet, pink, orange, yellow, blue, and green [end of image description]
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One thing I’ve noticed on here recently is an increase of people tagging posts about general transphobia with both “transmisogyny” and “transandrophobia,” so I think we need to go over this point again:
Transmisogyny is not a “type” of transphobia.
Tagging posts about the general experiences of trans people which have nothing to do with the specific experiences of transfems as “transmisogyny” is pretty unhelpful since it’s a misidentification of what transmisogyny is. The additional tagging of “transandrophobia” further drives home the idea that the people who do this don’t understand that transmisogyny is not transphobia directed at trans women; these experiences are not one-to-one.
Remember, transmisogyny is a type of misogyny (a manifestation of patriarchy) aimed at a group of people whose womanhood and/or femininity is denied/revoked and relegated to the third category of gender, “failed women.”
Tagging posts about topics relevant to all trans people (TMA and TME alike) with “transmisogyny,” especially when you tag it alongside “transandrophobia,” waters down the meaning.
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[Image Description: A banner of the pink trans woman flag with white text that reads, “I don’t want to see or be seen by transmisogynists” next to a green check mark /end ID]
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apologies that we've been behind on fulfilling requests! i'm primarily the one doing edits at the moment while others are working over the summer, but i've been plagued by some fatigue spells, so i promise i'm working on it! thanks ^^
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i made an updated version of my mspec lesbian pride flag 💗
i felt like the version with brighter colors was not my best work. while i originally designed it with these colors selected for sewing stripes into a physical flag, they still don't look how i wish they did on digital displays due to how saturated and bright the colors were, which risk causing some people eye strain. so i decided to improve on the old design, and rethink/refine the meanings i had assigned the stripes.
my new version, with stripe colors and meanings listed below from top to bottom:
purple: resilience and liberation fuchsia-pink: sexuality and attraction orange: preserving, learning, and teaching lesbian history yellow: complex gender experiences violet-blue: unique personal identity teal-green: community and solidarity
my previous version, with stripe colors and meanings listed below from top to bottom:
violet-purple: resilience and liberation hot pink: sexuality and attraction orange: preserving, learning, and teaching lesbian history yellow: complex gender experiences sky blue: unique personal identity light green: community and solidarity
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it’s not theft, she used the butch flag and femme flag to create the sunset lesbian flag… which was a bit misguided imo because not all lesbians id with femme or butch and femme/butch dichotomy does not belong to lesbians, we don’t have exclusive claim of the butch/femme spectrum. i don’t like when people act like this is the one and only lesbian flag, because it isn’t. it’s a lesbian flag. there are, like, hundreds of them, which allows all of us to find ones we like.
but if she’s going to make a lesbian flag that she proclaims is for all lesbians… then, sorry, but i am a lesbian! whether she fucking likes it or not! i am a biromantic asexual bigender transfem lesbian. my identity is complicated. i’m sure she can fucking cope.
emily gwen may hate mspec lesbians and insist that we never use her flag becasue we're "not lesbians" but whether you use an alternative lesbian flag (because... who could blame you) or use hers out of spite, this pride i want to remind all mspec lesbians that we ARE lesbians. no matter what the fuck anyone else says. we know ourselves better than the gender cops, we understand our complex identities, we are the only ones who get to label it, and what labels to choose. fuck anyone who says otherwise.
if the flag is for all lesbians, then those of us who like it are going to use it. we count. we are lesbians.
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a t-shirt that says “I ❤️ MY LESBIAN GENDER”
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guys this is tumblr if you have issues with self shippers and systems and people who write in exclusively overly literal ways and people who call themselves contradictory labels you're very much in the minority and should probably find some other website to complain to
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hello! asher (@jewish-alluka) here with an important update, since we've gotten a couple of questions about it recently:
this flag was 'originally' designed as a possible pan lesbian flag, but because the other flag in my original post, i felt, was better suited for the pan lesbian label, i now refer to this as my mspec lesbian flag, for bi lesbians, pan lesbians, omni lesbians, ply lesbians, and all other mspec lesbians.
i hope this clears some things up!
- mod ash
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important update (Apr. 17, 2020) + attention going forward: we are no longer using the bi lesbian flag designed by tumblr user starfaerry. because it is a great undertaking to re-edit all of the posts we have already made or queued, we are going to, going forward, be using an mspec lesbian pride flag, designed by one of our mods, for our edits and our blog title, tagline, and criteria will be changed to provide headcanon post requests for all mspec lesbians.
you are encouraged to re-request any characters featured in headcanon posts that predate this post so these characters can be re-posted with the new designated mspec lesbian flag.
as always, please feel free to send asks with request submissions with whatever label you wish to headcanon that character as - example: “(character) from (full name of source material) is a (…bi/pan/omni/mspec…) lesbian!”
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I think all mspec lesbians deserve cool rocks <3
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The commercial visibility of Pride over the past few years has often excluded the voices of those most marginalized.
Digital illustration of a large group of queer people. There are people of all different ages, sizes, and genders gathered around a sign that reads, ‘no pride for some without pride for all.’
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From a queer elder…
Being queer isn’t supposed to be palatable to non-queers.
We don’t tick little squares on a checklist of “queer enough”, we obliterate the checklist.
We defy societal norms that say our bodies, families or relationships have to look a certain way.
Queer is the insult we took away from oppressors. We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.
The people who hate us will hate us regardless of how palatable we make ourselves.
Stop licking fascist boots by policing queers who are queer in different ways than you.
Oh, someone is bi/pan trans lesbian with he/him pronouns? So what! They’re welcome on the rainbow. Their identity doesn’t have to make sense to you, it has to make sense to them.
Our identities don’t make sense to non-queers. They see us as unnatural and disgusting, so why are you turning around and crapping that same garbage out at your own community??
Once you drive the visible queers underground, the same people who hate us all will target you next. Nobody will defend you because you drove away everybody who would have.
Enough already!
— sincerely, an old queer.
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emily gwen may hate mspec lesbians and insist that we never use her flag becasue we're "not lesbians" but whether you use an alternative lesbian flag (because... who could blame you) or use hers out of spite, this pride i want to remind all mspec lesbians that we ARE lesbians. no matter what the fuck anyone else says. we know ourselves better than the gender cops, we understand our complex identities, we are the only ones who get to label it, and what labels to choose. fuck anyone who says otherwise.
if the flag is for all lesbians, then those of us who like it are going to use it. we count. we are lesbians.
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