woleres · 9 months
Who read the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation after seeing a lot of cool art for it....
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...I did :D
Okay I did liked this series but personally I liked Heavens Official Blessing more
Man the stories get so gruesome and dark though not really super expecting that in gay romance novels, but I love the dark and gritty stuff more than the romance truthfully
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woleres · 10 months
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Hello give me money please and I'll draw you something! ;D
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woleres · 10 months
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So I've been a little obsessed with this new story I'm working on...and no one's surprised! :D
Also I got new brushes for Clip Studio and wanted to try them out
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woleres · 1 year
TW: Monster blood and dismemberment
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Some problems with this bounty :/
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woleres · 1 year
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Just playing with some new lighting ;)
(ALT: A witcher with brown hair pulled back in a shotr pony, and beard. He's wearing red and yellow clothes with black leather layered ontop with white fluff for a hood. The witcher is in a portrait pose and has a scar over his right eye and a shock of white hair on his left side. The lighting to the side falls in to pure white and gold)
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woleres · 1 year
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That was tiring
(A witcher with red leather, yellow cloth, and black armour, with a furred hood, rests against a thin tree. Firewood and his swords in front of him.)
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woleres · 1 year
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Found some bad doggos in the forest ;)
(A dark green and Grey forest, with a witcher wearing red, yellow, and black is facing off against three decaying wolves. The wolves have Ted glowing eyes and the witcher has yellow eyes.)
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woleres · 1 year
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Ditched the cloak to fight some downers in a lake ;)
I love water
(Underwater, by a dock a witcher wearing red leather, yellow underclothes and black amour faces off against underwater zombies clawing their way to the surface. The witchers eyes are black and he has a brunette beard with a shock of white on his head)
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woleres · 1 year
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Some sketches of my lovely witcher self-insert
(Multiple different pen sketches of a witcher oc, the witcher is a brunette with a beard and shock of white on his head. Also has a scar over his right eye and wears red leather, yellow clothes, and black armour. One sketch is the witcher complanning about his height, one is of him being a short gremlin, one is him telling himself that he's pretty, one is him calming someone down, one is him offering a flower, one is him in a bath with top surgery scars, one is him in the air yelling about bad ideas, one is shaving his beard with a Dagger, ine is a close up of his wolf medallion it looks like the wolf is laughing)
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woleres · 1 year
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I feel like this would be a regular occurrence
(A witcher is being questioned because he is short and he doesn't think being a witcher has a height requirement. The witcher is at a bar in red leather yellow clothing, and black armour. He has hair pulled back into a short ponytail and a brunette beard, with a small shock of white. He also has a scar on his right eye and freckles)
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woleres · 1 year
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At a tavern...because why not ;)
(A witcher is enjoying a pint at a tavern. He's a brunette with hair tied back in a short pony,, with a beard and a shock of white. He's wearing red leather, yellow clothes, black armour and a fluffy hood.)
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woleres · 1 year
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More monster fighting, and me making up monsters fo fight so it can look cool yay :)
And I have more, I just haven't posted yet...don't ask
(A witcher is battling a human looking thing with grey skin and a huge wide mouth. It's drooling on the witcher whose silver sword is impaling through the top of the monsters mouth. The witcher is on the ground stabbing up wearing red leather, yellow clothes, and black armour, with a furred cloak)
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woleres · 1 year
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I have no idea why I'm getting so many ideas for lovely Wolf School Witcher me, but oh well :/
(A huge monster mouth with a witcher upside down keeping it open and simultaneously stabbing down inside the mouth. Saliva is everywhere and the witcher has black eyes of his potion wearing red leather yellow clothes, and black armour.)
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woleres · 1 year
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So I've been gone a while....Now I'm on a witcher kick and hopefully won't neglect my Tumblr as often
This is me as a witcher because why the heck not and I'm not lying when I say I did 5 separate quizzes on witcher schools for the laughs to see how varied I was and I got wolf every single time...
Anyhow this would be my death because I suck, so enjoy my witcher rotten luck as I die by archgriffen ;)
(The first image is of a witcher battling against an arch Griffen, the witcher is wearing red leather, yellow clothes, and black armour, with a fluffy hood. He's bleeding from the thigh, side, and shoulder, standing on a green plateu of a mountain. The next two images are in tandem as the words "What a beautiful view" is written. The witcher has black eyes from his potion in the second but it vanishes into the witcher yellow for the third drawing as the witcher realizes death is upon him.)
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woleres · 3 years
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Little comic of Tailgate and Cyclonus enjoy :)
-sorry haven't posted in a while :/
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woleres · 3 years
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Some vibes for the ending of October, enjoy :)
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woleres · 4 years
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Tailgate being cute as he watched Cyclonus talk
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