wifekasa · 3 years
how the scouts would react to a reader who was mentally scarred beyond repair after the war
manga spoilers !!
tw: bad mental health, delusions, ticks, non-verbal reader, reader has extreme ptsd, mentions of death and war,
(please let me know if i should add anything to the tws)
this isn’t a romantic fic at all but take it as you will. just don’t romanticize mental illness please. also, this isn’t super accurate bc i am not very knowledgeable on these topics but it is based off of the patients in the hospital in marley that eren was in.
nothing was the same after the end of the war. you’d suffered many losses and seen things that will be forever ingrained into your memory. the pure terror and stress caused your mental health to deteriorate. it was like after the fighting was over, you’d come down from an adrenaline high and the fog cleared to reveal how much of an impact it all had on you. nowadays you sit in a small house in silence, the only sounds being the tapping of your hand on your leg and the sounds of your caretaker busying themselves.
how do they react?
levi is the first to visit you. you and him were in similar shape physically, so you usually sat in silence. occasionally levi will clean your house, muttering about how sloppy your caretaker is. eventually though , levi is forced to fill the silence. he makes meaningless chatter about his new companions, gabi and falco. he says he’d bring them with but he’s worried gabi’s loud personality may scare you off. he sounds quite fond of them.
armin visits as frequently as he can, despite his busy schedule. he often bring a small chess board with him and will play through a game with himself, making all the moves you used to make when the two of you would face off in chess competitions. he smiles at the thought. armin fills you in on everything happening in the world, he wants you to know that you helped make a difference.
sometimes, jean’s mom comes with him when he visits, she’ll bring along her baked goods and warm smile. it doesn’t have much of an effect on your emotionless self but it helps… slightly. jean will gently hold your hand with his, carefully as to not trigger you, as he reads the latest chapter in the book he saves just for his visits with you. you’ve went through 3 books together already.
connie takes longer to visit because it breaks his heart, the thought of you like this. he can’t help but feel that he got out lucky, if he could, he’d shoulder this burden for you instead. he tries his best to keep his visits upbeat, often bringing new clothes for you, even though he knows they will sit in your closet untouched unless your caretaker chooses to help you into them.
mikasa brings you flowers everytime she visits. you have a large vase filled with multi-colored flowers that have been gifted to you by the raven-haired girl. she speaks to you in a soft voice, asking about your day and telling you about hers. she does not mind the silence, to her, being with you is enough.
reiner and annie do not visit you. they tried to once but the fear in your eyes was enough to drive them away with heavy hearts. however, annie sends you small stuffed animals that she knitted together and reiner will often give your caretaker food that he remembered you enjoying.
they’re all happy you managed to survive. as selfish as it may be, considering the state you are in. they do their best to keep things normal and will often bring up old stories of you and your antics from years ago. as much as they try to keep it positive however, they cannot lie and say they do not miss the sound of your voice and cheerful smile.
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wifekasa · 3 years
random aot modern hc’s
eren can’t skateboard at all but he carries one around to look cool
mikasa can skate really well, she just holds back to make eren feel better
armin farted one during a test and it was super quiet so no one knew who it was but it smelled SO bad they had to go out into the hallway (he’s taking that secret to the grave)
annie always shakes her head to move her bangs out of her face lowkey annoying but i feel her pain
bertholdt fell down the stairs on the first day when he saw annie
reiner got labeled the school perv </3
ymir and historia r that annoying couple that hug and swing each other around in the middle of the halls
mikasa has a fanpage
historia is that one bitch w 263748200 unopened snaps / messages
everyone hates floch
jean is literally the only normal person
sasha and the lunch lady are bffs!! 👯‍♀️ sasha be carrying her salary fr
connie is in detention everyday (he convinces jean to do shit w him and jean only agrees bc detention is the only quiet place he can draw)
hange is the really cool science teacher who makes you super excited to learn
levi teaches math and his style of teaching is great but people r too scared of him to ask questions which pisses him off
erwin is a history teacher and everyone likes him but he goes off on random tangents that are too big brain for everyone :\\\\
miche and nanaba are PE/ health teachers (they’re so chill everyone loves them)
pixis is the principal and homeboy is SO COOL. like he’ll learn the trendy dances and do them at assemblies
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wifekasa · 3 years
# random aot modern hc’s !!
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eren can’t skateboard at all but he carries one around to look cool
mikasa can skate really well, she just holds back to make eren feel better
armin farted one during a test and it was super quiet so no one knew who it was but it smelled SO bad they had to go out into the hallway (he’s taking that secret to the grave)
annie always shakes her head to move her bangs out of her face lowkey annoying but i feel her pain
bertholdt fell down the stairs on the first day when he saw annie
reiner got labeled the school perv </3
ymir and historia r that annoying couple that hug and swing each other around in the middle of the halls
mikasa has a fanpage
historia is that one bitch w 263748200 unopened snaps / messages
everyone hates floch
jean is literally the only normal person
sasha and the lunch lady are bffs!! 👯‍♀️ sasha carrying her salary fr
connie is in detention everyday (he convinces jean to do shit w him and jean only agrees bc detention is the only quiet place he can draw)
hange is the really cool science teacher who makes you super excited to learn
levi teaches math and his style of teaching is great but people r too scared of him to ask questions which pisses him off
erwin is a history teacher and everyone likes him but he goes off on random tangents that are too big brain for everyone :\\\\
miche and nanaba are PE/ health teachers (they’re so chill everyone loves them)
pixis is the principal and homeboy is SO COOL. like he’ll learn the trendy dances and do them at assemblies
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wifekasa · 3 years
devoted hearts
levi x gn! reader
warnings !! major spoilers for ch 138 and 139. mentions of death, blood, gore.
genre: angst to fluff???
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All you remembered was a bright light and faded screams as the world around you faded. There was darkness, complete peace. And then it came back, you saw the battlefield, painted in crimson. However, your vision was... higher up. And you couldn’t think. You were aware of what was happening but your body moved on its own accords, no thoughts echoed in your head. It was torturous, time felt too long and it was dizzying, watching yourself move. Except it wasn’t you, it was a mindless titan. You saw as you lunged for people, scooping them up without a second thought. You tried to cry but no tears came out.
Levi watched as the one person he loved was turned into a mindless titan, the thing they’d fought so long to destroy. It took everything in him to not scream your name and run for you as he ordered the shifters and Mikasa to climb onto Falco’s winged titan form. The last time he saw your face, he saw the love, the fear, the anticipation. Every emotion was written across your face in your last moments as a human. Tears threatened to roll down his face but he wouldn’t let them, he may be handicapped but he still had a job to do. To lead.
So he fought, he gave his all to commanding the others and slicing through whatever titans he could. But not yours, he refused to touch your titan. He could see you clearly inside, the twisted version of your face taunted him, for he was too weak to slay that one titan.
The time you spent as a titan felt far too long, like an endless loop of mental pain. Until finally, the light came back. The screams came back, you’d never been so happy to hear screams. Blinking furiously, you saw body parts strewn across the land and your gut twisted at the fact that you couldn’t save them, hell maybe you even killed some of them. You saw as the other non-shifters rose up, regaining feel of their bodies. You helped Jean up next to you, his words of gratitude not even registering in your mind as you gaze covered the land.
Where is he?
You left Jean and the others as you sprinted through the clouds of dust, praying to Ymir that none of the body part’s you stepped over were his. You knew Levi was strong but his injuries left him weaker then normal and you’d seen even the “strongest” get knocked down. As you ran and jumped over heads and fingers, the sickly thought crossed your mind that you could’ve cause some of these. You could’ve caused his demise. The thought made you queasy but you kept running like a madman, searching for those cold, grey eyes.
You made it out of the dust and saw a group of people all standing completely still, they were practically see through. As you got closer, they vanished and what was left in front of you caused you to inhale sharply.
Levi sat, with his hand placed over his arms in a salute. Bloodied up, but alive. You shouted his name as you sped towards him. His eyes rose towards your figure, a relieved smile adorning his features. Before he could say anything you fell to your knees and pulled him into your chest. Tears ran down your face as you hugged him, clutching onto the fabric of his shirt. Although stunned at first, Levi sighed and wrapped his arms around you as best as he could.
“They’re gone, Levi. They’re really gone. The titans. We did it.” You cried into his shoulder. The realization catching up with you, that you’d done it. Eldia was free.
“Took long enough.” He muttered, his tightening hands contrasted his nonchalant tone.
You chuckled as you pulled away, looking at his uncovered eye, “What’d you say we open that tea shop now?”
His eyes widened slightly and he smiled, a real smile, “I like the sound of that.”
a/n: um this is short asf and idk if the mindless titan description was accurate?? idk my brain is mush rn!! anyways i’m so glad levi’s alive :’) 139 was great.
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wifekasa · 3 years
local bird will NOT stop shitting on the head of every man who flirts with alliance member mikasa ackerman. more at 7
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wifekasa · 3 years
aot college headcanons
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☾ eren jaeger
• majors in criminal justice or philosophy
• he’s definitely in a fraternity
• literally EVERYONE on campus knows him. can’t say whether that’s a good or bad thing lol
• has a skateboard that either has a really cool design or is covered in stickers. whenever you see him outside he’s on it
• i could see him playing a sport. football, soccer, or hockey.
• he is such a flirt. not in a bad way, he respects other people’s boundaries but just has a flirty personality
• toes the line between insufferable asshole and lovable himbo
• if his classes were online, he wouldn’t go. has frequent study sessions with armin and mikasa because of this
Keep reading
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wifekasa · 3 years
it’s so funny to me when people write levi as big kinky dom when it’s cannon that he’d be like “w-wanna maybe hold hands....”
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wifekasa · 3 years
erwin doing the fly handrub just makes so much sense
random scouts hcs!
I did a post like this for the warriors my beloved (here) and people seemed to like it so here's one for the scouts :) had some input from @afrival for this one luv u
no warnings I think
if he had twitter he would have a vaporwave bart simpson profile picture and tweet lil peep lyrics. also uses way too many hashtags
he's scared of snakes and hates armin's ball python
his eyes are probably crusty as hell and mikasa has to wipe em for him because he won't
when he's losing an argument he goes "ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and it always escalates things but he doesn't stop
almost exclusively wears american eagle
"what's a pronoun".mp3
uses the 💯 emoji in every other text message he sends
sends his friends pictures of cats cuddling/hanging out and says "me n you <3"
genuinely can't stand when people have dirt under their fingernails. he gets so mad at eren bc his nails are dirty asf and armin forces him to clean them
he calls himself sexy a lot (e.g. "that was really sexy of me")
chews on bottle caps then is like hmm why do my teeth hurt
he hates feet. toes look weird to him. nobody in his house is allowed to take their socks off
unironically uses faces like ^-^ and :3
acne :(
she's really bad at giving advice. don't go to her for help she'll literally be like "that's tough"
probably has like 4 instagram accounts made just to follow eren
solid black profile picture and no bio
maybe now and then she'll put a my chemical romance quote on her story but that's about it, she doesn't respond to dms or anything
doesn't wash that damn scarf so it's probably stinky
sticks staples, pins, etc through the tips of her fingers for no reason other than she likes freaking people out
probably hisses at people
the only possible relationship dynamic somebody can have with him is rivals to lovers
very short social fuse and has to stay home for several days after public events bc it's just exhausting
he's an introvert adopted by extroverts (connie and sasha) and has to deal with their shenanigans. truly the mom figure between the three of them
marco has to listen to him ranting about connie and sasha's foolery and doesn't have much advice to offer bc he doesn't know either
for a long time he only knew "straight" and "gay" and when he found out about the concept of bisexuality his mind almost imploded
he sighs and yawns a lot and doesn't even realize he does it. people always think he's either annoyed or tired
probably dresses like a diet e-boy. crewneck king
the kind of kid in your high school gym class that wears mismatching neon clothes. bonus points if it's nike
also the most likely to start a food fight for funsies
he doesn't yell often because his voice cracks when he does and it's embarrassing
sasha and him hate cafeteria food so he always brings an ungodly amount of food in his backpack instead to share with sasha. connie's backpack is 90% food
unironically says things like "pogchamp" and "rad"
he works at zumiez and probably lives there. always rocking their latest drip
jumps up and slaps exit signs
randomly breaks into song (usually disney songs) and connie will automatically duet
manages to fall asleep in any situation. on buses, while watching movies, sometimes even mid conversation if she's zoned out enough
tried to take armin fishing one time but he almost cried because he felt so bad about it
at least reiner will fish with her though. the himbos always come through
her instagram is all pictures of fish she caught and now and then there's an awkward candid pic of niccolo
stayed overnight in a walmart one time and got away and brags about it but she won't admit it was an accident. panicked and spent the night eating snacks off the shelves to "survive"
while she's talking her voice slowly gets louder and louder and she doesn't realize it until people tell her to stop yelling
pulls people by the ears to bring them down to her level
also kicks people in the shins a lot, if she's arguing with someone they'll usually keep their distance to avoid getting shin kicked
loves climbing on ymir's back and just being carried around like the little creature she is
posts inspirational quotes on her story
would definitely be a cheerleader in high school. nobody would guess a prep like her is dating some grunge girl w a pretty much opposite personality
she always has bandaids with her for some reason. if someone gets scraped she'll whip out a bandaid immediately. her friends call her "mom" sometimes
hates grilled cheese so god damn much. can't stand it
"damn I don't remember asking".mp3
is always the first one to comment on historia's instagram posts. her comments range from "beautiful my queen!!!" to "damn ma yo ass fat"
she always called reiner gay as a joke then he came out as gay and for a while she thought it was her fault
her and reiner have wlw and mlm solidarity, they're bffs for that matter
if someone tells her that her music is too loud she'll say "huh?" and turn it up
similarly if someone scolds her for something she'll go "hm? repeat that, I'm a little deaf in this ear"
"bro stfu you always tell me you're gonna fire me for being late"
really really hates cooking pasta because straining the water is for some reason more difficult than it should be
"do not underestimate me, bitches"
always refuses to get his hair cut at places in shopping centers. especially walmart great clips
makes monkey noises when he sees something he likes. he started doing this as a joke to mock zeke but it evolved and now he can't stop doing it randomly
will not hesitate to knock someone on their ass if they're talking shit
coffee makes him jittery so he drinks tea instead but won't admit to anyone that he lowkey also has a redbull addiction
hange calls him a catboy but he doesn't know what that means so he's always like "yeah" bc he thinks it means he's a cat person
buys levi shoes from the kids section and doesnt tell him bc he likes them anyway
such a millennial, they say shit like "doggo" and "adulting"
"for practical reasons I don't exist. do not perceive me"
probably wants to marry mothman
levi has had to scold them on several different occasions for bringing live animals into the house
legally isn't allowed to cook bc they can and they will blow something up
goes on tipsy rants almost nightly
white skechers king
hosts barbecues in those white skechers. he talks shit about people with nile and pyxis like a bunch of gossiping middle aged fath- wait
his profile pictures on social media are probably pictures of himself taken from awkward angles with an empty expression. it's always posted like six times as well
when levi is getting Out Of Hand he'll pick him up from under the arms and carry him away like "okay, that's enough" and levi kicks around but can't escape
rubs his hands together a lot like a fly. nobody knows why he does it. what are you scheming
falls asleep on couches while watching sports games
[swinging his keys around his finger] "let's rock and roll"
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wifekasa · 3 years
Happy Endings
Pairing: Jean Kirstein x Reader
Word Count: 1134
Warnings: angst, character deaths, manga spoilers up to ch. 138
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The Scouts were huddled around a makeshift campfire, the only source of light in the big forest you were based in. You and your friends were all telling stories, from Sasha’s hunting adventures to Eren’s exaggerated encounter with titans. Laughs were exchanged, eliciting a warm atmosphere in this cold world.
“Y/N, do you have any stories?” Historia asked, a smile on her face. Always one to include everyone, she now turned to you in anticipation.
You pondered for a moment before shrugging, “Not any from my childhood, it was pretty average.”
“Not even anything embarrassing?” Ymir whined, earning a nudge from Historia. She turned to her friend and stuck out her tongue.
You shook your head, “No, not really. I suppose I do have a story from my childhood that my mom always used to tell me.”
“Is it a fairytale?” Eren asked, with an eyeroll to accompany his question.
“No,” you replied. “But it does have a happy ending.”
“So, it is a fairytale,” Jean teased, leaning into you for emphasis.
You blushed, “Okay, slightly. I’ll just tell you the story:
Long ago, to a time before Titans, a princess lived in a hole. She had no recollection of how she got there. There were only items that could keep her alive with no way out. She tried using her clothes to make a rope, throwing it up in hopes that it’d latch onto something. Yet nothing was there. Then, she tried using spoons to dig her way out of the hole. But the spoons broke, never to be used again. After that, she tried calling out for help until her voice was so sore that she couldn’t speak. However, one day, a knight in shining armor came by. He fell in love at first sight. He asked her, ‘My fair lady, do you require help?’ The princess replied only with a nod, but that was enough for the knight. He helped her up and they lived happily ever after.”
There was a silence. Eren laughed, “How is that a happy ending? She struggled for no reason.”
“The moral of the story is that you just need the help of others to be happy.”
Jean chuckled, “Even from this suicidal bastard?”
Eren sneered with anger and rose, until Mikasa dragged him down. You spoke, “Yes. Even Eren.”
Armin tilted his head and queried with a small voice, “Y/N, do you believe that happy endings exist?”
You peered at Armin, whose eyes held a glimmer of hope. Your blank face lifted into a smile, “Yes.”
“How can you have hope in a world like this?” Jean asked. His eyes didn’t hold his usual cockiness, but a genuine wonder.
You shrugged, “We all need hope, don’t we?”
It seemed that there were happy endings. Although Commander Erwin passed away, Armin survived. Once they unlocked Eren’s basement and discovered the truth of the world, everything seemed so much more possible.
A few years flew by, with Eren making a grand speech about not wanting to give any of his friends his Titan powers. Jean had his arm around your shoulder, being one of the few relaxed in this situation. His presence was calming and you leaned into his neck. You two had long confessed your feelings for one another, but would you two live long enough to be married?
Ironically, the rashest boy was being the most vulnerable in this moment. “I won’t let my friends have the Attack Titan.”
A part of you was relieved, knowing that you and Jean could live a long happy life together. If the rest of the world would let Paradis live in peace, though. Before meeting Jean, you had nothing to lose. You entered the Scouts thinking that you’d be able to sacrifice your life to a greater purpose. No one was waiting for you at home, anyways. But now? Now you had everything to lose.
You clutched Jean’s arm, basking one of the nice moments that would inevitably end.
“Y/N, do you still believe in happy endings? Even when we’re hated by the whole world?” Connie asked after his stare-off with Sasha.
Truthfully, you wanted to believe in such things. Deep inside, you wanted to say yes because under the right circumstances, it could be. In a different world, with different choices having been made, this reality had the possibility of being one with a happy ending. Surely, it had to be.
In an assured voice, you answered. “Of course.”
However, the world truly seemed to be ending. Millions had died at this point, all because of Eren wanting to protect his loved ones. Ironically, Sasha was dead, but so many of his other friends died, too. Not in the physical sense that they no longer walked this earth, but the innocence that these children once had was buried into the ground long ago.
“I want you to live long lives.” Weren’t those the words of a friend from long ago? Certainly, that boy died, too.
Oh, those days when you would just rest with Jean under a tree or eat ice cream when you first arrived to Marley. Now, things could not be more different. Trees were trampled into the earth and all the ice in the world melted from the overwhelming steam of the Rumbling.
Still, happy endings truly did exist. All you ever wanted to do was die surrounded by loved ones. Now here you were, surrounded by gas with the threat of turning you, Jean, and Connie into titans. “It’s just another day for the Survey Corps.”
Connie made some remark about Jean being the one to blame because we all joined him. Yet, you mulled over all the details of Jean’s face, like you were looking at him for the first time. You thought about how his facial hair would tickle and prick you when you two kissed; over how you would brush your hands through his hair; and the feeling of his rough, calloused hands clasping yours in a secured fist.
“Y/N, still think that happy endings exist?” Connie asked, amused by the idea of hearing a different answer.
Did they? All the promises you and Jean made to each other - to survive this and finally marry each other – to have kids of your own... they wouldn’t come true now.
But you shook your head, “Always. I’m with the people that I love so this is my happy ending.”
Connie nodded and Jean kissed you one last time. His lips displayed a neediness that you never truly felt before. His head leaned into yours further. Then, you tasted the saltiness of tears. Whether they were yours or his, you couldn’t tell. Then it hit you: this was the kiss of a lover saying goodbye.
Then, you couldn’t think anymore.
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wifekasa · 3 years
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Helloo!! I wanted to say i'm so glad i found your tumblr bcz you're one the best writers for Levi fanficiton i've found here! You manage to make him romantic yet not very out of character. Could you maybe reccomend other tumblr pages that write in character levi fics? Thank you wo much!
Ahhh no stop you’re so sweet!! 😭❤��� I appreciate your kind words, thank you ✨
Lowkey nervous to do this (which is why my reply is late cause I had to gather the courage), but I genuinely love the work of these writers so so much. I’d absolutely drop everything to read their work and have probably binged most of what they’ve posted (more than once in some cases). I’d give anything to be able to read their stuff for the first time again. The following writers (with the exception of @thecaptainsbride cause I am such a big fan) are in no particular order, I equally love their work
— @thecaptainsbride
— @xtodorcki
— @writertitan
— @anlian-aishang
— @b0rista
— @inomios
— @mysteriousmagicx
— @alrightberries
— @bakugohoex
— @xxdragonwriterxx
— @ackerszn
— @ackermans-freedom-inc
— @sleepysnk
— @xsugarysweetsx
— @unloved-cadillac
— @author-k
— @annie-the-cutest
— @levi-lover
— @icarus-fell-in-spring
— @starrynightlys
— @miekasa
— @katsuhera
— @velvethrts
— @lunaslovelyrambles
— @jean-does-not-have-a-horseface
The list is not created with the intention of leaving anyone out or claiming some are better than others. It just represents some writers who brought out work that I personally love. I’m sure I’ve many more writers yet to discover and enjoy their work. This community is honestly so beyond talented, my heart practically swoons (or breaks) with every great fic I’ve read. I look forward to continually enjoying, supporting and being grateful for the content tumblr writers share with us.
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wifekasa · 3 years
levi x reader
warnings: mentions death (reader), slight gore, angst, crying, mentions of insomnia
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It had been two weeks since you died. Two weeks since a titan took you in it’s jaws and ended your life. And yet Levi hadn’t cried a single tear.
He shamed himself everyday for it. He wanted to cry so badly but he wouldn’t let himself. Tears had been spilled by almost all of your comrades when they’d heard of your passing. Yet, Levi wouldn’t even allow his eyes to mist over. Maybe because then, it would be real. You’d really be gone.
He didn’t know if he could take that, accepting that you were dead and never coming back. His heart ached at the thought even though it was his reality that he had chosen to ignore. Hange and Erwin worried for him, the Captain had thrown himself into work, only occasionally coming out of his office to grab a cup of tea that he held with shaky hands. At dinner, there were no sarcastic remarks, no clicks of the tongue, not a sound from the shorter man. The few times Hange had tried to talk to him, he snapped at them before promptly slamming the door in their face.
Every night, Levi had nightmares in his cold bed. Sweat would drip down his brow as he clutched furiously at his sheets. His insomnia got even worse and he began to only sleep a few times a week. The lack of sleep was written all over his face.
He missed the way you used to lull him to sleep, even if it was only for a few hours. He missed the way you used to ruffle his hair as he glared at you. The way you’d make his tea. The way you were the only person who’s cleaning suffixed. The way your eyes would glow when talking about something you loved. The tired slump in your shoulders when returning home from a particularly long day or mission. He missed you. Everything about you.
It was the second week anniversary of your death when Levi walked into his room, absent of your presence and quiet chatter. His footsteps felt too loud, creaking against the wood. Your voice wasn’t there to dull it out anymore. The room was cold and he got chills whenever he stepped foot in it. He hardly even slept in there because most nights it was too painful to be there without you beside him. He usually crammed himself into the couch in his office that wasn’t quite big enough to fit him, yet felt ten times more comfortable then his bed that held only the ghost of you.
So, when he walked into his room and heard his loud steps and felt the chills run down his spine, it took everything in him not to turn around and bolt out the door. He stood there, frozen in place, staring at something that had been calling out to him for weeks. Your closet. It housed all your valuables, clothes, trinkets, books, everything. He hadn’t touched it since your death, he didn’t want to stain anything that belonged to you with his hands. Yet, he mustered up the willpower to walk over to the daunting closet and slide it open.
Looking through your valuables, the knot in his stomach tied tighter and tighter... until he could barely breathe. Finally, something caught his eye. A old sketchbook. Dust coated it’s dull brown cover and he wiped it off with distain as he picked up the thick book. He let out a shaky breath before flipping through it. It was filled with your art that he had always been so enamored by. How you could kill titans with such fury yet also make such delicate art was a mystery to him. He slowly flipped through the pages, tracing the outlines of your work. Until finally, he got to your most recent drawing. What he saw shook him to his very core.
In your book, was a drawing of him. It showed him sitting in a chair reading a book, his Sunday tradition. You must’ve drawn it without him noticing on one of your shared off-days. The details in it shocked him, it was stunningly accurate. You captured everything, from the slight furrow in his brow to the sunlight dancing over the pages. A wave of emotions hit Levi as he stared at it, his cold hands trembling.
And finally it happened.
A tear rolled down his cheek. Followed by another and another, until he was completely sobbing. Every emotion he’d kept hidden had come to the surface as his body shook. His salty tears blotted the pages, causing the ink to run down your art and turn your stunning piece into a mess of ink and water. The image was distorted, his eyes dropping and the pages were blurred.
In that moment, Levi realized he’d lost you. You were gone from this world, dead. All he had was the ghost of you, precious memories and trinkets that you’d left behind. The room grew colder as he continued to cry.
He was alone.
a/n: what’s with me and writing ackerman angst LMAO ,, pls i kinda like this?? idk
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wifekasa · 3 years
fUCK this is so cute i’m ^-^
i keep seeing dad!levi on the tl and i cant stop thinking abt him as a dad😩 can i request drabble/hc/fic of levi and his s/o adopting gabi and falco🥰 no thoughts. just dad!levi brainrot go brrrrt
AUTHOR'S NOTES: gn! reader.
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never would you have ever expected to take in a pair of children as your own. better yet, never would you have ever expected him to. while you knew his soft side all too well, everyone has their limits.
gabi and falco moving in with you and levi likely just,, happened. a temporary housing for them, considering they had nowhere else to go. seeing as though imprisonment for a second time was a bit of a reach, it was a minor debate within headquarters regarding what to do with the two. through careful consideration, your lover made a decision.
what better way to supervise them than in our own home?
of course, the thought conflicted you. the enemy, living with you? sure, they were barely teenagers, but that didn't make them any less capable of murdering you in your slumber.
knowing levi, though, that would never be the case. the man was already the world’s most calculating insomniac, lord knows he’d never let either of those kids out of his sight. especially not around you. 
nevertheless, your guys’ experience living with the remaining warriors of marley would be far more different than either of you would ever think to realize. 
to your surpise, falco’s quite literally the sweetest pre-teen to ever roam the earth. of course, you’d only assumed it was all an act. that was,, until you genuinely caught him attempting to befriend levi's horse one morning. he was outside holding a fistful of grass, holding it out to the thing as if it were some sort of a beast. eventually, you joined him, and you showed him just how to handle it. and while the boy seemed skeptical at first, you saw that glimmer in his eyes the moment the horse allowed him to pet its mane. from the window, levi only watched.
speaking of levi's horse, that thing absolutely despises gabi. you're not quite sure why, but it does. you've literally had to run out and claw her hair out from between its teeth before— she's scReaminG, you'Re screaming, even the horse is screaming.
"why does this keep happening to me?!"
"this has happened befoRe?"
whenever either of the two children curse, levi's quick to correct them. despite having quite the foul mouth himself, he doesn't hesitate whenever he has to toss out a blunt "language."
^ at first, they were bitter. with time, though, they stopped swearing.
a key moment in time that helped develop you and falco's relationship was one afternoon where he was helping you out with yard work. somehow, his little crush on gabi came up, and the two of you got to talking about it. after giving him some genuine, appropriate advice for a kid with a crush, he really did start looking at you differently.
as for levi and gabi, those two bonded over intense, hilarious training. he found her punching the air in his backyard, and decided to drop in with a few sarcastic pointers. somehow, it ended in him kicking the poor girl around like a rag doll— not violently, he never hurt her. instead, he fended off each and every attack she fired at him, leaving her absolutely exhausted. she was tired out, and he was perfectly fine. imagine gabi, laying on the ground, tired as shiT, and levi, gently nudging the toe of his boot into her side:
"you can fight, but you're messy. if you ever stand a chance at surviving this war you started, i suggest you clean up your act."
cue gabi, glaring.
"if you care so much, then help me become better."
and so he did 🥺🥺 the two bond over levi practically coaching her, and as the days merge into weeks, she grows to actually respect levi, and maybe even look up to him.
basically, while you and falco live your cottagecore lives and bond over horses and apple picking, levi and gabi beat the everliving shit out of eachother in the backyard. it's a great balance.
for the first couple of nights, eating at the dinner table with those two was disgustingly awkward. it was utter silence, nothing more. however, one night, falco dropped his fork, and when he bent down to get it, he looked underneath the table for a milliseconD— there levi was, leaned down, stArinG at him. it was both hilarious and terrifying altogether, and falco ended up screeching and knocking his head into the table, hard.
"and? gRemlin."
it surprised all of you, hearing gabi laugh. a genuine, real laugh. eventually, that turned into a conversation. and after that, you had conversations during every dinner. the development process was cruel, but worth it.
the kids help you prepare breakfast in the morning while levi downs his fourth cup of tea at the table, and it's always cute. because of you, falco knows how to make scrambled eggs! and also because of you, gabi knows how to prank somebody using an uncooked noodle. literally, she just places a piece of it between her teeth, pretend to crack her nose, and crunch. she made falco scReAm, and levi just looked at you like 🤨 bitch, tf are u teaching her
now, this was around three months into supervising them. one night, they were sitting alongside you on the sofa, and you were reading them a story. while falco was into it, gabi thought it was silly— still, though, she listened. eventually, they passed the hell out on either side of you. you drifted off, as well. when you woke up, you'd woken up to levi, his head rested onto your lap while his knees prop him up from the floor. by the looks of it, he wanted to be included.
whenever either of them step out of line, they earn a swift flick to the forehead from levi. it's a daily thing. gabi says something stupid, flick. falco slacks off during chores, flick. one time, gabi tried flicking him back, and it just started a flick war. you were done with all three of them.
both gabi and falco love telling you about marley's technology. you'd never heard of such things, and to know that they exist? shit, the look on your face is priceless. they absolutely adore getting a reaction out of you, and they often butt heads over who gets to tell you what. when they do, cue the overly aggressive forehead flicks from levi.
while levi told you not to, you couldn't help yourself. you showed them just how cool it is to use ODM gear. of course, they lost their shit, because holy hell that looks fun. your boyfriend, of course, caught you swinging from tree to tree while the two children gawked at you, and he gave you a stern talking to. before he did, though, that motherfucker joined you in the trees. again, the kids lost it.
eventually, they just think you guys are the coolest people they've ever come across. which stirs up one heLL of an identity crisis for gabi, because,, lol aren't y'all devils or sum?
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wifekasa · 3 years
hello! i really enjoy ur content and i read that ur requests are open, so is it okay if i can request something where levi and the reader had an argument, and the rest of the scouts are very aware of it because of the very cold and scary aura coming from them, and so the squad tries various ways to set them up so they can make up with another? thank you!!😁
a/n: ahh first of all thank you! second off, i love this idea omg 🙏 also the reader is another captain!!
levi x reader
“don’t die on me.”
cw: swearing, one kiss scene, mentions of death (barely)
The scouts immediately knew something was wrong when you entered the dining area. It was like there was a dark aura floating around your body that caused everyone within a 4 foot vicinity of you to scatter away like startled birds. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your back was hunched. You stalked into the room and sank down beside Hange who seemed rather unfazed by your cold attitude.
“Oi. Y/N. What’s up with the murderous look in your eye? I think you made the scouts shit themselves.” They chuckled, biting into their bread and looking at you with a hint of amusement twinkling in their eyes.
You lip twitched downward as you scoffed, “Ask shorty.”
Hange made a noise of surprise that you ignored, turning back to your food. You were not in the mood to be pestered. Picking at your food with distain, you tuned out the rest of the room. Due to this, you missed the short raven-haired man walking into the room with the same cold presence that you were amitting. You felt his eyes burning holes into your head but refused to look up, you didn’t wanna give that bastard the time of day.
Levi scoffed when you ignored him, grabbing his plate and settling down at the opposite end of your table. Hange nearly rolled their eyes at the pettiness the two of you were displaying.
Clearing their throat, the titan enthusiast spoke up, “Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up.” You both countered in sync, still refusing to acknowledge eachother.
The two of you were too stubborn to admit that you were wrong. Maybe neither of you were in the wrong but after the shouting match that took place last night, you didn’t feel like immediately making amends. You had tried to express to Levi how scared you were that he was going to die on one of these missions, however your tone was quite harsh and Levi misread it. He took it as you not having faith in his abilities which was a punch to the gut for the stubborn Captain. He in return, argued that you were running the same risk on missions and since you weren’t nearly as strong as him, you had an even higher risk of getting hurt. Frustrated that he insulted your abilities and didn’t see your point, you stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind you.
The two of you hadn’t spoken since the blowup last night and it was now mid-afternoon the next day. You were in charge of training the scouts this afternoon and due to the anger boiling up inside of you, you put them through a particularly rigorous training course. All of them were clutching their sides and panting heavily when you finally dismissed them.
“Is it just me or does Captain Y/N seem a little harsh today?” Connie spoke up as he downed a glass of water.
“Yeah, that training course kicked my ass. I think they had a fight with Levi, I heard some of the soldiers talking about it.” Jean replied.
Sasha was quiet for a minute before she finally spoke up, “I have an idea!” She exclaimed with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“That’s not good.” Armin commented quietly.
Later that night, Sasha had cornered you and told you there was scary noises coming from a broom closet and had asked for help checking it out. You reluctantly agreed, only because it was getting late and you wanted to get to bed. The two of you went to the closet, footsteps echoing across the quiet halls.
Entering the small room, you spoke, “Hmm. Sasha there’s nothing in here, are you sure-.” You got cut off due to the door being slammed in your face and locked shut.
Jiggling the handle aggressively, you yelled, “Sasha Braus I swear to god, if you don’t let me out of here it’s no bread for a week!”
Sasha gulped but stayed strong, hoping Armin was on his way with Levi. Ten minutes later, Armin showed up... without Levi. Sasha’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, “Armin, where the hell is Levi?!”
Armin scratched the back of his neck, “He wouldn’t come. Said I should ‘get some balls and go look at the noise by myself’.”
Sasha sheepishly opened the door to a very angry Captain, crying as you yelled and told her she wasn’t getting bread for a week. You’d almost felt bad if it weren’t for the fact that several spiders decided to crawl up your leg while you were trapped inside the miserable closest.
The next day, you were in an even worse mood because of the broom closet accident. So, the scouts went back to planning the reunion of their two grumpy captains.
The new plan consisted of getting the two of you within ten feet of each other, which proved difficult. Eren and Jean would both ask for combat training from the two of you and hoped that maybe being close to each other would spark a conversation between you two.
However, the plan backfired when seeing eachother made the two of you even angrier so you both fought the boys aggressively which resulted in Jean and Eren laying on their asses as the two of you stalked off in seperate directions.
You were quite grumpy at this point, snapping at the smallest things and taking things out on the wrong people. You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t help it; it felt like everyone was trying to piss you off.
By now, Hange had grown tired of you and Levi’s negative energy and the beat-up scouts. So finally, they decided to step in.
They found you in your office working on paperwork and quickly grabbed your hand, rudely dragging you away from your work.
“What the hell Hange!” You exclaimed, trying to turn back to your work but Hange had a suprisingly strong grip.
“Sorry! But I need to show you this thing I’ve been working on. It’s urgent!” They explained as they pulled you through the halls. They stopped in front of a random room, opening the door and shoving you in.
“Oi, four eyes, where is the ‘urgent thing’ you needed to show me?” You gasped as you realized Levi was in the room that Hange had just thrown you into.
Levi’s eyes widened when he noticed you in the room and he started shaking his head, “Don’t you dare Hange-.”
Hange locked the door, leaving the two of you sitting alone in your tension. The silence was heavy as you avoided eye contact, plotting the many ways you could get back at the scientist for this later. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn’t even realize Levi was staring at you till he spoke up.
“Do you ever plan to let us talk this out or are you just gonna be an angry brat for the rest of your life?” His tone was cold.
Your eyes snapped up to meet his grey ones, searching them for any emotion but you were met with nothing, his walls were up. “What is there to talk about? You made it clear how you feel.”
“How I feel?” He questioned.
“That I’m not strong enough for you. Maybe I’m not humanity’s strongest but I’m talented and that deserves to be recognized. I’m not gonna let you shit on my talent just because I hurt your ego. Which by the way, I don’t even know why you thought I was attacking your skills. I just want you to be safe and I don’t know why you can’t just- MHPM.” Your rant was cut off midway by the feeling of warm lips against yours.
You froze for a moment before returning the kiss, running your hands up into his hair and opening your mouth to deepen the kiss. Levi’s hands snaked around you waist, pulling you tight against his chest. This continued for a few more seconds before you pulled away, cheeks flushed and lips swollen.
Levi spoke up, “I know you’re a talented soldier, it’s something I really respect about you. I shouldn’t have phrased it the way I did, I just... I don’t want to lose you. So, I want you to be the best because then, my chances of loosing you are less.” You looked at him in shock.
His grey eyes showed love and ... fear. The fear of loosing you like he’d lost so many. Your chest tightened at the sight. Tears pricked in your eyes as you pulled him into another hug.
“You don’t have to worry about me, okay? I’m gonna fight with everything I got to make sure I come home to you. You just make sure you do the same, don’t go dying on me.” Your speech was slightly muffled by his shirt but he nodded nonetheless.
“Yay! The lovebirds finally made up! Good! I was worried you were gonna kill the scouts.” Hange laughed from the other side of the now opened door.
a/n: this ain’t the greatest but i wrote it at midnight so yk 😐👋
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wifekasa · 3 years
— aot boys with a witty/funny s/o
jean, armin, eren, levi, connie
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i feel like jean would thrive SO hard with a funny s/o
especially if you help him bully eren
you will literally get the cold shoulder for a week
he’s a big baby </3
if y’all are in battle and everyone’s getting serious and shit and you scream
he’s like holy shit wtf????
turns out you just saw a really ugly titan
one of those mfs that looks like a deformed fly
yeah 😀
u just start roasting it
“jesus christ ur mom must’ve been ugly as FUCK”
“y/n they don’t have moms”
“neither do u eren, u wanna keep interrupting?”
i feel like he gets so proud of ur jokes
if u crack a good one and people laugh hes over here like 😊
yuuup that’s my s/o
with him it’s all about timing
if u crack jokes at bad times he’s not gonna like it very much
(help id probably piss him off cause of that)
big fan of dad/nerdy jokes
“why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?”
“idk, why”
“because then it would be a foot” :D
“marry me.”
can take stuff
he probably isn’t gonna get offended
i think he has a pretty good sense of humor when he’s not being a rage monster
like armin it’s about timing
probably likes jokes about jean and titans
make fun of titans and homeboy will fall in love
call jean a horseface and he’ll fall even more
just help him be a bully ok :’)
his jokes are probably kinda bad
just don’t tell him that tho his ego will be bruised
my man appreciates witty jokes
not so much for dad jokes but will deal w them for u 😔
i think he’d like a sarcastic s/o
to match him yk
bold and sassy jokes will get a chuckle out of him
he’s got a good sense of humor so you make him laugh a lot
the scouts are just like :o wtf
he’s gonna be mad if ur joking around during battle tho
bully hange w him pls <3 (lovingly ofc)
“i think four eyes wants to fuck a titan”
levi: *chuckles*
hange: “scientifically speaking that wouldnt even make since considering-.”
being funny is a MUST
ur allowed to bully him a bit too
he’s gonna act all offended but he actually thinks it’s funny
you help him and sasha pull pranks on jean
y’all cannot be serious 🤚🏼
fr seek help there’s people dying
he likes ALL the jokes
laughs at anything
he REALLLY likes pranks tho
y’all tried to steal mikasa’s scarf once
it didn’t end well </3
you wrote him a letter while hiding from mikasa telling him that this was the end and that the scarf was kinda musty 🙅🏻‍♀️
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a/n: might make one with the girls idk yet
send requests PLEASE
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wifekasa · 3 years
Say Your Mine
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Summary:   Levi and you head out with a small group of Scouts out of the walls to clear out some titans and your taught a small lesson on why your hair should not be long and in the fear pint up emotions are brought out into the open. Warnings: Swearing | Some Violence | Spoilers for No Regrets OVA   Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader (y/n) Genre: 18+ | Fluff  Word Count: 2.8k Author’s Note: So my dumb butt forgot Flagon is dead… so I fixed Confessions in the Snow switching it to Mike, nothing changed though. Anyway, let me know what you guys think! and if anyone wants to be tagged in future Levi fic’s just let me know and I’ll start a taglist 😊 💜
|| Masterlist | AOT Masterlist ||
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Year 845 - Spring
You sat on your horse next to Levi, running your fingers through your horse’s mane with a soft smile, soaking up the little amount of peace you would have for the majority of the day. The morning sun just barely breaking over the top of the wall as you waited for the gates to open. A soft spring breeze blowing through you, sending a chill up your spine. The frost on the almost bloomed flowers that lined the streets and in window garden beds of the homes around you was a symbol of the cold night air still lingering around. 
Your hair blew wildly around you and you quickly swiped it away from your face with a huff as you continued running your fingers through the mane, your horse letting out a snort in appreciation lifting its head for you to pet it more causing you to let out a small giggle scratching the underside of its chin. You heard Levi click his tongue and you looked over at him with a tilt of your head.
Keep reading
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wifekasa · 3 years
# aot characters when you’re on your period!
jean, armin, eren, levi, mikasa, hange, annie
some of these are modern au and some of them aren’t??
x fem! reader !!!!
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ok so we all know this dude is a SIMP™️
like he always treats you like a princess but this week??? oh boy
literally gets u everything
chocolate, heating pads, meds, tampons, pads etc.
will probably put his hands on ur stomach if that makes u happy
probably gonna use it as an excuse to lie around w u all day
literally ur personal butler
“imma go get some water”
“no let me get it for u”
“dude i can WALK.”
my sweet angel child
literally so observant it’s almost creepy
like if ur kinda sore or something he’s gonna KNOW
probably knows all the best medicines and techniques and is down to try them
the most knowledgeable out of the dudes fs
y’all r gonna watch disney movies idc
“ we should watch tangled”
“fuck no, the little mermaid is where it’s at.”
probably will read to u
it may be some weird book about astrophysics or some shit but his voice is <calming3
probably a dick the first time (on accident, bless him he’s trying)
yk the good old “jesus r u on ur period or something”
“....oh shit”
he makes up for it tho
pretty knowledgeable cause of mikasa so he can help u out
doesn’t spoil u as much as jean but he makes an effort
y’all will probably watch movies all day and he’s gonna eat just as much as u or more
if u get weird cravings hes 100% gonna try them with you
“you want pickles and whipped cream..?”
“aight bet let’s do it.”
def the most chill about it
probably pretty knowledgeable (idk why i just feel like he’d know)
more touchy then usual
cuddling a lot more and would probably abandon work early to come take care of you (ur THAT special)
pretty sure isayama confirmed he’d be shy around someone he liked (correct me if i’m wrong)
so i feel like if it was a new relationship he’d sorta just be helpful and there
but if it’s older relationship he’s gonna be a lot more touchy and soft
would make sure ur still eating healthy (unlike eren)
probably massage ur tummy if u want
overall just v chill abt it
we know this women is already PROTECTIVE asf
expect this 100x on ur period
someone bumps into you?
they better run for their lives as u attempt to hold back ur pissed gf
but w you shes like 🥺💗🥰😽💌💞
if y’all synch she’s gonna put all her energy into helping u and totally neglect herself
“mikasa let me help you”
“sit down >:(.”
she protecc
100% will massage u and get u chocolates
ugh someone get me a gf like this
ok so we all know hange has a very loud personality
however they would turn that down for u when it’s ~that time~
they excitedly whisper about their day especially if u get headaches cause they’re v considerate <3
even more then jeanboy
literally you’ll wake up and it’ll look like christmas with the amount of gifts they give u
the gifts r probably kinda odd,, but endearing
long hugs (v gentle incase ur tiddies r sore 😔)
will just HOLD ur boob??
not even in a sexual way
they just
put their hand there??
kinda comforting ngl
levi probably walked in on this
“OI FOUR EYES... oh”
hange is so chill like
“what’s up”
anyways i love them goodbye
annie my beloved
the entire week she’s just
puts u in her lap and strokes ur hair
will literally do anything u ask
if SHES on her period??
oh boy
super emotional
“i just can’t believe how lucky i am”
“darling it’s 3am please sleep”
anyways back to u
literally will carry u everywhere (cause she’s super strong like holy fu-)
little thoughtful gifts 🥰
probably gives u a lil note everyday
“make sure u drink water today :)”
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it’s that time of the month for me and all i want is a gf to cuddle up w me but nOoO 😔
i’ll probably do a part two w some more characters !! lmk if u wanna see anyone else
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wifekasa · 3 years
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mikasa ackerman:
when ur on ur period
annie leonhart:
when ur on ur period
soulmate au
hange zoë:
when ur on ur period
levi ackerman:
when ur on ur period
with a funny s/o
“don’t die on me.”
devoted hearts
eren jaeger:
when ur on ur period
with a funny s/o
armin arlert:
when ur on ur period
with a funny s/o
jean kirschtein:
when ur on ur period
with a funny s/o
conny springer:
with a funny s/o
sasha braus:
things she would do in a relationship
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