Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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*over text*
Ravenclaw: Dashing through the halls
Slytherin: With my teachers up my ass
Ravenclaw: I have to take a test
Slytherin: I really hope you pass
Ravenclaw: This school is actually hell
Slytherin: I can’t even spell
Ravenclaw: You get to class right now, you want to make the bell
Ravenclaw: I’M SO DONE
Slytherin: THIS ISN’T FUN
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“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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reblog if girls
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How they see each other
How Nayru sees them: She sees Din as a leader and a friend. She sees Din as someone who would be willing to put her life out on the line for her friends and family. She sees a Din who's eyes light up when things go according to plan. She sees a Din who is soft to the touch but hard on the inside.
She sees Farore as a warrior and home. She sees Farore as someone who will stand beside you, not against you. She sees a Farore who has the biggest smile in the world when it comes to herself and Din. She sees a Farore who protects her memories while she can.
How Din sees them: She sees Nayru as a sorceress and another half. She sees Nayru as someone who will try to figure a way out of anything where no one is harmed, for life is precious to her. She sees a Nayru who has a flushed face when she is complimented. She sees a Nayru who trembles at the thought of death.
She sees Farore as joy in a human and a best friend. She sees Farore as someone who will make you something in order to make you feel better, not matter the situation. She sees a Farore who has the tears in her eyes when the responsibility feels heavy. She sees a Farore who is careful not to break others.
How Farore sees them: She sees Din as a role model and a hot-head. She sees Din as someone who will argue for her friends before herself, because their honor means more then hers. She sees a Din who presents a small smirk when she knows something everyone else doesn't. She sees a Din who laughs with her whole being, no matter what.
She sees Nayru as a dictator and and a believer. She sees Nayru as someone who will overthink simple emotions. She sees a Nayru who will mindlessly mess with her hair when bored. She sees a Nayru who looks at the moon with admiration and not fear.
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There are a lot of times I feel like just…flipping the vegan script.
It’s not ‘polyester’ it’s plastic
It’s not ‘vegan leather’ it’s plastic
Its not ‘faux fur’ it’s plastic
Plastic is a pollutant and causes far more damage to the environment both now and in the future than leather or wool.
Please stop telling me that the Plastic Lyfe is the only life, it is not. My leather shoes will last a decade where pleather is lucky to last 12 months. Leather (and wool) decompose and are renewable. Plastic is neither of those.
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Love without Sex
I’m doing a Philosophy paper on Asexuality. Please reblog if you think Love without Sex is possible! I really need the data. Like if you think love has to have sex.
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Lesbian 5'1"
Hey lgbts!! Rb this with your sexuality and height let’s see how many of y’all are really short ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m Bi and 5’4
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Zodiac sings? That’s so 2017
We Dungeon and Dragons 5th Edition classes now:
Barbarian - (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Bard - (Apr 20-May 20)
Cleric - (May 21-Jun 20)
Druid - (June 21-July 22)
Fighter - (July 23-Aug 22)
Monk - (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Paladin - (Sep 23-Oct 22)
Ranger - (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Rogue - (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Sorcerer - (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Warlock - (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Wizard -  (Feb 19-Mar 20)
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Modern Aesthetics of the Three Zelda goddess
Because who pays attention in class anymore
Din: bonfires in the middle of summer/high ponytails/leather jackets in summer/the slight use of eyeshadow when going out/intense lip kisses/bruised fists/laying in the bed of a truck/tabby cats on the counter/Converses with dirt
Nayru: jumping in the river for a dare/wearing pins on a denim jacket/binge watching TV shows/kisses on the top of the head/stylish scarves/paint stains on jeans/wearing earrings to family events/high-tops with designs
Farore: rolling in the grass/hand kisses/lip gloss/natural colors/waiting for spring/playing vintage video games/believing in magic/necklaces with silver/tank tops with rainbows/drawing tattoos/tucking hair behind the ear
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The other side of the houses
Gryffindor: not all of them are up and ready to go straight to battle. No, some of them are just ready to stand up for their friends or that kid in the halls. Some of them are just now being able to stand up to the ones who didn't treat them right. And yeah, some of them are still afraid of spiders. Not all of them want to win, some of them are just ready to get their exams done with because they are tired of studying.
Ravenclaw: not all of them are getting straight A's. Some of them are just managing to get their grades up from near failing because they managed to ask for help. Some of them still haven't been able to always answer the riddle at the door. Not all of them want to sit and read and study new ideas, some of them just want to sit and look at the stars and dream.
Hufflepuff: not all of them want to get close to everyone. Some of them are still selected off and are scared to get close to the others. Some of them still can't do bake to save their life. Not all of them want to do Herbology, some of them want to run around the castle and cause a little bit of trouble.
Slytherin: not all of them want to be in a high position job. Some of them just want to be able to hold hands with the one they love without being cold. Some of them just want to be able to explore the forest for hours on end. Not all of them want to be good at potions, some just want to hold their cat as they help the first years.
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hi, sorry to interrupt your scrolling, but I just wanted to remind you that you are beautiful and loved. thanks! carry on
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Asra: Oh well that's unfortunate. *is talking about Faust wrapped around the table leg*
Julian: *pokes his head in* You called?
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