I keep seeing people say 'you can't ship Alastor (or whatever character) because he's ace'. YES, YOU FUCKING CAN!!
PLEASE, for the love of whatever, get your labels and sexualities straight before you say something stupid. Being asexual doesn't mean you can't date romantically. It MEANS you have certain views and preferences when it comes to sex, NOT ROMANCE! Most often than not, that means experiencing little to no sexual attraction.
As an ace myself, while unable to speak about the whole community, it deeply bothers me when people misunderstand what asexuality is and spread false information. Be it consciously or unconsciously.
That's where aromantic comes in. This is where you feel little to no romantic attraction. I'm tired and frustrated when people treat it as if aromantic and asexual are one and the same and are interchangeable terms, which they AREN'T!
Now that this is out of the way, let's get back to Alastor as he's the reason I'm making this post. Personally, I don't give a shit if you ship Alastor with anyone, as long as you respect his identity as aroace. There are a LOT of identities that fall under the aroace spectrum and if you bother with researching and actually caring about us (aroaces) as individuals we generally wouldn't mind you using a character that's supposed to represent us. Showing respect is what we ask for.
With that said, SHIP AWAY! It's all about fun at the end of the day. As long as you're being mindful.
Edit: Since it wasn't clear apparently, I was in a rush when writing this, I know Alastor is aroace, that's why I go over the aromantic spectrum as well (in less details because I'm not a part of it). Just wanted to clarify, I didn't mean any disrespect to the aro community.
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Second collab: Kimiko, the Dragon of Fire.
Coincidentally, I made the lineart resemble her symbol ^^' (Sorry if we butchered it)
The first drawing (and some backstory on the project) you can find here.
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I posted the WIP of this a while back. Here's the finished drawing.
I believe there's an explanation needed for what's going on.
So, since I read a lot of fanfiction (like every other fangirl/fanboy), I mostly see these three outcomes.
Jack quits and later returns more evil than ever (and is sometimes immortal), imprisons everyone, practically wins (and starts dating Chase or Hannibal or one of the monks). That's the blue future Jack on the left. The evil, sometimes insane, maniac, with magic powers/magic rivalling machinery.
Jack quits and is indifferent to what's going on between the Xiaolin and Heylin, focuses on family, success, school, etc. Sometime later someone drags him into the conflict again as an adult and he's on his own neutral side and is badass. That's the one in the middle, but with my hcs instead of all those fanfic-y things. But the premise is similar enough.
Jack joins the monks and is later reviled to be the Xiaolin Dragon of Metal (if Jermain is not there). He grows up to be a respected warrior and starts dating one of the monks, but that's like the distant future so he's one mischievous motherf-er until tragedy strikes and he has to take the initiative to prove himself. That's the yellow chained one. (Or that can just be Good Jack cosplaying as a monk... There's not enough fanfic for this himbo!!)
Since I'm on the Jack is an albino train, in two of three futures, he lets his hair grow and stops dying it, so white-haired Jack!! Also, another personal hc is that he has a scar under his left eye and is applying make-up, hence the eyeliner.
It was fun few days doing this! Thanks for reading! <3
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Here, have Omi.
My friend and I did a little collaboration. The line art is mine and he did the coloring, and I'm really sorry if we butchered the Chinese water symbol. It was supposed to be a one-time thingie, but now we're planning on doing all of the monks. (He said he's not doing Jack 'cause he's too popular and he's leaving him to me.)
A little backstory on the whole project: I offered my friend to do a collab during a late-night discord call. I was drawing Xiaolin Showdown related stuff and he was talking about art and it just came to me, so I offered. He accepted and we started, like, immediately. It took us some time to figure out the pose (especially the hands) and we decided to postpone the coloring 'cause it was getting really late and we were tired and couldn't bother anymore.
The next day we did the late-night call again and he finished the drawing. And I think I pulled him in with me into the Xiaolin Showdown rabbit hole 'cause he offered on doing all the character. Also, he refuses to do the line art, says it's better not to switch, so I guess all the characters would be in the same art style. I'll try making him switch 'cause I'm curious how the monks would look in his art style with my coloring.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
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Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles fandom poster by TheDocRoach
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You're going full musical mode, I'm loving it xD
But it'd be cooler if Omi was present to see the downfall of the others and Jack saving him for last remembering TAT. ...He might even be the 'princess' that Chase chose over him...
Also, Wuya definitely has a soft spot for Jack and vice versa. They might even be distant relatives, I hc..
Am I the only one who thinks that "Queen of mean" from Descendants 3 is the perfect song for Jack? Like, listen to it. Doesn't it give you a vibe of early childhood of mistreatment, isolation, forced perfection, neglect and one's descent into villainy to prove themselves?? And then Jack snaps at everyone for their treatment of him, rejecting all of them and deciding to go down his own path alone because it's never worked when he's tried to work with someone.
Am I the only one hearing this??
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Am I the only one who thinks that "Queen of mean" from Descendants 3 is the perfect song for Jack? Like, listen to it. Doesn't it give you a vibe of early childhood of mistreatment, isolation, forced perfection, neglect and one's descent into villainy to prove themselves?? And then Jack snaps at everyone for their treatment of him, rejecting all of them and deciding to go down his own path alone because it's never worked when he's tried to work with someone.
Am I the only one hearing this??
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A little redesign of everyone's favourite Jack Spicer.
Got lazy over the background...
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Saw a couple of those. Decided to make a chart of my own.
(And now I have a new (old??) obssesion)
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What is the Harry Brother's Relationship with the Peter's and Others?
(Split it into parts, No stress)
They have a pretty good relationships everything considered. I bit scattered, good luck understanding.
Jr and Peter are best friends. The twins, Theo and Harold, Benjamin Anderson and Gwen Stacy are also besties. But the twins are both in love with Benji while he's still confused about his sexuality. He's considering all three of his best friends as future partners but is also afraid of ruining their friendship. Gwen is not sure if her loyalty to those idiots comes from love or her idea of a perfect relationship. She's very confused too. Especially since she has some problems with her dad. They might be in a poly-relationship in the future. They are all just hormonal teens with problems, what can I say.
Ozzie, Thomas and Ned are close. Tom and Ned are best friends, Ozzie is content with being just friends, maybe acquaintances, his trust issue and prejudice are standing in the way of a good relationship with people outside his family. Harry is closer to them, but he doesn't hang out much so. Harry met Ned and Tom on one of his brother's school ceremonies and Michelle Jones later joined them when she changed schools.
Things between Michelle and Jr are strained because of the way Mary Jane treats him and Peter, but he finds the younger sister to be much more bearable. Still, they are not close in any way, they just tolerate and ignore each other.
Miles Morales joins the friend group a lot later when he moves to New York with his father. He is quickly accepted into the group though. Ozzie is the last to warm up to him.
Mary Jane and Flash Thompson are dating like in the original movie. They are the popular kids and the older MJ often gives her (unwanted) advice to the younger MJ. She's not very well liked by Jr and the other brothers don't really care. Harry is the most accepting of her since Michelle is one of his friends and he doesn't like arguments and enemies and all that jazz.
Flash is Flash, his self from practically everywhere before his redemption and Spider-man obsession. Doesn't bother Ozzie and Harry much since he doesn't see them on a daily basis and is afraid (though he wouldn't admit it) of what Jr and the twins would do if he ever bothered them. He bullies only the older brothers and their best friends e.i. Gwen, Peter, Benjamin, and whoever else he deems a nerd. He grows up eventually and apologises though.
So, uhhh, that's the school relationships and friendships. Let's call it part 1?? I was thinking of adding Ursula, but I dunno how I can fit her in. So I guess she's just there????? But like, in a different school????? Dunno... I'll post the other characters soon, probably.
Sorry it took so long to answer. Hope this is enough of an answer for now
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Another headcanon I've been thinking about is that all the brothers curse. And they're allowed to. Like, Norman doesn't give a shit if his sons use inappropriate language, he knows they'll use it anyway when they grow up, why stop them? He just thinks it's hypocritical that some parents use curse words and prohibit their kids from doing the same.
Harry *messes up a drawing*: Oh, shit!
Newly appointed nanny #1 *gently but firmly*: We do not use this language in this house.
Jr *looks up from his homework*: Actually, we do. Dad has no problem with it.
Been-working-here-for-a-while nanny #2 to helplessly looking nanny #1: Just roll along with it.
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Late night studying.
It was a late summer night in the Osborn penthouse. It was quiet and seemingly peaceful, the dark was engulfing everything, the sound of the air conditioning system a soft buzz in the large living space. You could hear anything, any little noise, any little disturbance, but you could see nothing.
Except in one room. Artificial light was on by the desk covered in all kinds of papers and books and notes, keeping the darkness at bay and the quiet stillness that was creeping in.
By the desk was a teen, studying the papers, reading the books, taking notes. His eyes were tired and he was dimming the light every so often to help his increasing headache, allowing the darkness closer. The only sound was of rustling pages, a pen scribbling down on paper, objects sliding across hardwood.
Norman Jr was standing over the desk, sitting down now and again to write something, standing up to pace while holding some random folder, organising and reorganising everything again and again. He put his glasses on and took them off a few times, letting his eyes rest for a bit before continuing. Muttering under his breath trying to remember what he read, muttering a few curses when he got it wrong, sighing when he got it right.
It was a while before he noticed the silhouette at the door. By now it was almost as dark inside the room as it was anywhere in the penthouse. But Jr could recognise that figure and its posture anywhere: Norman Osborn Sr.
Jr turned the brightness of his desk light higher, just as much as it wouldn't hurt his eyes, so he could look at his father. The two squinted a bit at the change of light, having gotten used to the dark, but at least they could see each other's faces.
Seeing that he had Jr's attention, Norman spoke, "Harry's already asleep. And you should be too."
Jr rolled his eyes, "I'm not a kid anymore," looking back at the pile of books that he still had to sort through, he sighed, "Besides, I still have to study..." there was a bitter note at the end of that sentence.
Looking at his desk, Junior couldn't help but think about his brother, Ozzie. The kid was a genius despite his age, he was picking up everything from the air, doing everything effortlessly. Jr also couldn't help feeling envy. If only he could do all the things his brother could, if only he could stop flunking school after school, if only he could stop being such a disappointment.
All of his brothers were living their lives not knowing how it felt. How he felt. None of them were held to such high standards. Ozzie was at some camp for geniuses, doing science stuff, stuff Jr never understood. The twins were out, at some party, doing who knew what and their father was fine with it. They were staying at some friend's place for the night and Norman trusted them enough to let them. And yet here he was, telling his eldest to go to bed as if Junior didn't know how to take care of himself. Which, fair, was somewhat true.
But it felt unfair, it was unfair. The only one who remotely understood him was Harry and yet, the kid was never held to such standards, never pushed to the edge, over it, it was never expected of him what was expected of Jr. But he was still young, that was the excuse Jr conjured up for him, for them. All of his brothers. They were all his little brothers. They should have a childhood, they deserved a childhood.
Unlike him.
Norman might've caught on to his thoughts or maybe ha was lost in his own, regardless, his dad was now beside him, flipping through pages with that uninterested look he often wore. He spared the notes a glance, something Junior wasn't sure he liked his father seeing.
"You study a lot," stated Norman, not lifting his gaze from whatever was in his hands, "You have the rest of the summer ahead of you."
Ha, as if that was ever enough. It's all in vain, even this study session was a last-ditch effort to memorise something. He knew he wouldn't remember it by the beginning of the school year, heck, he wouldn't remember it by tomorrow, he knew, he just knew.
But instead of voicing all of that, Jr shook his head, reaching for something on his desk. He needed something to distract himself with.
"Maybe if Ozzie was here..." the tone was distracted, musing, as if Norman was talking to himself and not his son. It stung. Junior wasn't even worth his attention, the only thing that mattered were his studies, his brothers. Not him, not his interests. Only the work he's done.
"Well, I'm not my brother, now am I?"
It stung.
At this Norman looked up and at his eldest with that unreadable expression of his, the one he often wore around Jr. It wasn't disappointment, it wasn't anger, it was...nothing. And it frustrated Jr. He preferred the uninterest from earlier than this!
"If you had put in a little effort during the school year, you wouldn't be doing this now," a frown formed on Norman's face, letting whatever he's been holding fall onto the desk. Junior didn't miss the undertone of the remark.
"Don't you dare!"
He slammed whatever he was holding onto his desk. It wasn't enough that he beat himself for everything he's ever done wrong, but to hear it from his father was too much right now. He was trying, he was trying so hard, too hard, to live up to his family's expectations, to the expectations the Osborn name brought about. But he was never good enough. His father would never look at him the same way he looked at Ozzie, or Harry, or the twins.
"Don't you dare compare me to them."
He's supposed to be the oldest, damn it! But all he wanted was to be the youngest. It wouldn't be fair to forsake his responsibility and thrust it on someone else because of his selfishness. He had to keep going. For them. His brothers, his father, they had expectations he was failing to fulfil. He shouldn't be failing them.
He was going in circles, his thoughts were, he knew. But he couldn't help it. Maybe his dad was right, maybe he should rest for the night.
Chancing a glance up, Jr noticed Norman's has deepened. His eyes were cold, his back straightened, there was that authoritative air around him he often had during meetings. Jr hung his head ashamed. Had he really yelled at his father?
"Go to bed, son. We'll discuss things in the morning."
There was no room to question that decision, it was a command, Norman's word was final on the matter. And Jr obeyed, going to change into something more comfortable to sleep in, doing his nightly routine before finally climbing into bed. Norman stayed in the room the whole time, arms crossed, gaze cold, following his eldest's every move. And not once was Junior able to meet those eyes.
After he covered himself did he muster the courage to look his father in the eyes, "Good night, dad," he whispered.
At those words, Norman's eyes softened and Jr could've sworn he saw a small smile before the light went out. The darkness suddenly swallowed everything, its claws wrapped around the last place of light left in the house.
"Good night, son."
And with those words, the silence fell, the chilling stillness and inky darkness claiming everything.
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So I found a few angst prompts and since I'm bored I'll share
"Just leave."
"I hate you! God, does it feel good to finally say that."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"You care about me...right? This wasn't just a lie, was it?"
"Please, not now."
"You thought this was real."
"I never loved you. Why can't you accept that?"
"Alcohol is the only thing I have left. You abandoned me as soon as you got the chance."
"You deserve so much better than me."
"Did you even care? Ever?"
"Do it." "You are family. I'm not gonna do anything-" "Do it. Please, God, please just end this!"
"I never got the chance to tell you I loved you." "Maybe that was for the best."
Please, I'm open to write anything!
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I never specified the timeline!
Okay, it should probably be 2002 since that's when the first movie came out and I'm using Raimiverse mostly. But I wasn't eVEN BORN BACK THEN!! I wanna write something closer to me, so now everything takes place in 2017, well, the first movie at least. That's when the last cartoon came out (Marvel's Spiderman) so I think it's as good a time as any to start. That, in turn, would make the 5-year gap between the first and the last movie in the present 2022. It'll be easier to write something when it takes place in the present and as a person that's living in today's society, it'll be easier to connect with the characters, and so would anyone else if executed properly.
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Time for more characters! No Hcs...
Some 'bad guys' and secondary/background characters.
I'm starting with Otto Octavius and Rosie Octavius (the Raimi versions). They are Norman's closest friends and they helped to raise the five boys after Emily's death. They are like an aunt and uncle to the boys. That's why Jr turns to them for help after he inherits the company.
Adrian Tooms (a combination between the SSM and MSM versions). Not so sure about his role in the AU, but he'll appear after the Green Goblin and before Doc Oc. He'd probably have a personal vendetta with Norman (like in the two cartoons).
Max Dillon (I'm mixing the SSM and TASM versions).
The Marco family I'm taking from the Raimiverse.
Eddie Brock and the Daily Bugle with all its employees will exist. Eddie will be based on my hcs, a little bit from the SSM and Raimiverse, some from his solo movies, but he'll be just a version from my imagination because I find all those versions lacking in some capacity.
J Jonah Jameson, do I need to explain.
John Jameson, haven't chosen a version, could be any.
Curt Connors (I'm taking both movie versions in one).
Ursula Ditkovich and Mr Ditkovich (never knew his name). I don't know if they'll be Peter's landlord, but I wanna put them in the AU.
As you can see, I haven't figured out a lot of stuff regarding secondary characters. I'm mainly focused on the Osborns, then the Peters and everyone else is at the bottom of my list.
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