underrottengaze · 1 month
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underrottengaze · 2 months
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underrottengaze · 2 months
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my beautiful son with every disease
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underrottengaze · 2 months
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You know what? *grants my iterators the ability to walk in the strangest way possible* (it's for au)
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underrottengaze · 2 months
What a great character design! Now draw her as a 30+ years old office lady being incompetent at her job
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underrottengaze · 2 months
Losing my mind over this
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underrottengaze · 3 months
Hate it when cis people ask unnecessary and invasive questions like "are your experiments ethical?" And "where is that screamimg coming from?"
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underrottengaze · 3 months
tag the oc who's not in therapy and should be
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underrottengaze · 3 months
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underrottengaze · 3 months
Rain World Iterator OC Ask Game/Questionnaire
want people to ask you questions about your iterator ocs? want to talk about your ocs and don't know where to start? this is the ask game for you! (slugcat version coming soon)
Does your iterator's name mean anything? In their lore or symbolically? If so, what?
Is your iterator in a local group? Who else is in it?
If your iterator is in a local group, what do they think of their group members? If they are not, do they wish they were in a local group?
When iterators were more connected, did your iterator like to socialize on public broadcasts? Or did they tend to keep to their own group?
Does your iterator have friends outside of their local group? Do they still keep in touch? Do they want to still keep in touch?
What does your iterator like to talk about?
Does your iterator have any specific quirks or niches unlike "typical" iterators? Special jobs, equipment, etc.? If so, what?
What is your iterator's opinion on bioengineering? Natural ability of iterators? A cruel push of artificial will? Something to be moderated? etc.
What does your iterator think of their body? One organism with many moving parts? A giant computer? A small creature stuck in a box? etc.
If your iterator could be anything else other than an iterator, what would they be and why?
Does your iterator have any non-iterator friends/companions? Such as an animal, an ancient, etc.?
How tall is your iterator? Is this an average height for a standard iterator?
How old is your iterator? Compared to their group? Compared to iterator-kind as a whole?
Has your iterator ever modified any part of their body (puppet, city, structure components, things that make up the structure like neurons, inspectors, etc.)?
What did/does your iterator think of their citizens? Their creators? Ancients as a whole?
Does your iterator have an underlying condition (rot, damage, illness, etc.)? How do they feel about it?
How does your iterator feel about ascension? Is it something they want to strive for? Help others achieve? Something to avoid? etc.
Does your iterator have opinions about karma/karmic urges? If so, what are they?
Does your iterator know who Sliver of Straw is? If so, what do they think of her?
Does your iterator know any of the canon iterators? If so, describe their relationship!
Does your iterator have any major regrets?
Where does your iterator live? Describe the region.
When using overseers, what is your iterator's favorite thing to watch/look at?
What do your iterators overseers look like?
When their city was populated, what was it like?
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underrottengaze · 4 months
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Guess who designed an Iterator AU of their main sona
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underrottengaze · 4 months
Ask Game for someone’s OC(s)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
💼 - What do they do for a living?
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
🎯 -What do they do best?
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
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underrottengaze · 4 months
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underrottengaze · 4 months
maybe short people are so filled with rage because they're closer to hell
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underrottengaze · 5 months
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Women that could kill me...............
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underrottengaze · 5 months
🎻💤🎶💘💜!! Pyrr, Truthspeaker, SNH, Maggie, Madam Atolla :] don't have to do all, I know it's a lot + bonus question, any fun facts about any of them you've been dying to share that haven't come up?
If a question doesn't apply to a character or the answer is just "no" I'm excluding them just so I don't make this even longer than it already is.
🎻 Truth - She played a number of instruments at JMA during her "trying out new things" phase! The only one that really stuck with her was the flute, but she stopped playing when she left the academy. SNH - He "sings" to himself sometimes, manipulating the sounds his neurons make to produce small melodies :] Maggie - They play guitar! They've been teaching themself various "vintage human songs" that they've stitched together based off of pieces of sheet music it's found around the place.
💤 Pyrr - He's a sleepy fellow. The sleeber. He is eepy. He's pretty much like a cat in regards to his sleeping habits; when tired nap wherever, whenever. He's also definitely a heavy sleeper, very little can wake him. Truth - A light sleeper with insomnia and chronic nightmares. Sleep as a whole is something she's always had a very strained relationship with.
🎶 Truth - She's a classical enjoyer! SNH - I think he'd be big on rock if the ancients had any kind of equivalent to that. Maggie - Pretty much everything! Rock, metal, folk, pop, indie, jazz, you name it. They absolutely adore music and have multiple record players they've stolen collected scattered throughout their house. Atolla - Also a classical enjoyer! I mean, she's old enough that most of it's from her time anyway.
💘 Truth - Oracle, Spindrift, Embers, and Viridian, naturally! Truth loves them all dearly and she can't express how thankful she is how much they've helped improve her life. SNH - ESI. I mean, not that there's many options considering they're the only person he's been in contact with for centuries. But SNH would [and practically did] do anything for his sibling, and he genuinely does love him even if he goes about showing it in weird, roundabout ways. The two rely on each other. Atolla - The Eternal. Not in an emotional way, Atolla cares very little for her creations, but Eternal is valuable to her and therefor the most important.
💜 Pyrr - This man has one [1] ancestor!! And not even a biological one!! Thus are the consequences of being a god's creation. Truth - A hybrid! Silkwing on her mother's side, nightwing on her father's. Both sides are about as "pure" as they get due to the nature of their respective tribes' rules and relationship taboos.
Bonus Pyrr - He doesn't need to eat or drink! Weird side effect of his immortality. Truth - Truth has to think of all the phrases she says, her inner monologue isn't any different to anybody else's her weird speech is a very purposeful choice. Only she's been doing it so long it's become practically second nature to her. SNH - He very commonly lies to ESI [especially when it comes to his condition, he doesn't want them to worry], not out of malice but because he doesn't want to hurt them any more than he has already. Maggie - They can purr, because robots deserve to be able to purr. Atolla - Sorry, Spoilers :)
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underrottengaze · 5 months
Tag the OC that's funny because of how theoretically serious they are.
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