twig-twat · 3 months
There's been a jumping spider in my room for about a week now. Tonight I saw lil dude (I named him Thaniel) hanging from a thread of web off the ceiling a few inches. I looked it up and apparently he eepy :) jumping spiders hang upside down in a "resting position" by a strand of web to sleep in the night.
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twig-twat · 10 months
Reblogging purely because 👁️👄👁️
RSD check
Your friends don't secretly hate you
You're not a bad person for things you did and said months or years ago that you now recognize as bad
You aren't cringe for being excited about things
You don't talk too much
If you feel sick from intrusive thoughts/rsd please sip on some water, get a blanket or plush to cuddle, put on some music or a video that makes you feel happy
You are loved <3
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twig-twat · 10 months
I watched plenty of playthroughs, but only just recently finally got the game on my switch to play it.
Feel free to reblog and talk in the tags about the first time you played!
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twig-twat · 11 months
This is actually really useful information that I hadn't thought about before reading this, thanks for the insight. Idk how much reblogging will help this get seen but anything could be helpful.
Why a group may lie about their motivations
Given the AO3 DDoS attack, there have been questions about why a group may lie about their motivation in a situation like this.
I'm not going to comment on the specific group, because I haven't seen cofirmation of who's claimed it, and I'm not going to hypothesize about what their motivations may or may not be.
That said, probably the biggest reason to claim to have an ideology that you don't have is to sow discord. It's a pretty standard disinformation tactic to get two group that are both your enemy to go after each other. It's something we saw a fair amount from Russia during the 2016 election in particular, including on Tumblr.
For example, if you position yourself a religious group, saying that you are targeting a marginalized group due to your religious beliefs, you can get that religious group and that marginalized group to turn on each other and so ultimately undermine both in the process.
It's part of the reason why it's really important not to have kneejerk reactions to things like this--the attack is as much on the supposed attacking ideology as on the victims.
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twig-twat · 11 months
Literally so sad that AO3 is currently down due to ddos attack, gonna go feral without access to it.
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twig-twat · 1 year
One of my favorite ways to deal with the embarrassment of clogging the toilet is to write about it. By no means am I a professional writer or anything of the sort, but it is rather entertaining.
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twig-twat · 1 year
Been thinking about a random thing one of my siblings did when I was a kid that seriously annoyed me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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twig-twat · 1 year
That looks like I meant just don't shower at all until you need to. What I meant to say was like if you shower right before an event instead of the morning of or something so you're extra fresh.
Anyone else just wait to take a shower until just before they need to be somewhere so that they can be as freshly clean as possible?
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twig-twat · 1 year
I FINALLY found out how to get to dark mode on AO3 :') No more burning my eyes in the night while reading.
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twig-twat · 1 year
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twig-twat · 1 year
Do you ever just finish a drawing, and then spend the next 20 ish minutes just sitting in silence staring at it? Like, just commiting every detail to your memory. There isn't any criticism going through your mind, purely appreciating the drawing that you made.
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twig-twat · 1 year
I desperately want to see a crack fic where All For One goes to rehab. Just like "hi, I'm All For One. I'm a couple centuries old and I steal quirks" and then just a collective "hi All For One."
The idea of him just attending a rehab is hilarious.
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twig-twat · 1 year
To whoever sees this, you lost the game.
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twig-twat · 2 years
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✨Heinz mayonnaise✨
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twig-twat · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: It's better to eat ice cream with a fork than a spoon.
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twig-twat · 2 years
Anyone else just wait to take a shower until just before they need to be somewhere so that they can be as freshly clean as possible?
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twig-twat · 3 years
If you look at a bird from the perfect side view, can you see thru both it's nostrils?
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