tamago-toji · 1 month
I lose interest, so I'm interested
I took a national examination a while ago but don't feel like checking my answers and looking back at the examination. My nature of not to be afraid about not seeing future and trying to be amused, so I possibly think that it's not that life becomes easier though you get to pass the examination or it's not that life becomes more difficult though you don't get to pass it.
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Am I being cold? But the qualification is not that guide me the best way for the future and I've thought I shall take the rudder of my ship in myself. Whatever happens, I have an interest that how take my rudder to the future. I have to take maintenance of my antennae to explore my destination because its sensitivity has been down by examination study.
先日国家資格試験を受験したが、答え合わせとかをして試験を振り返えろうなんていう気持ちがこれっぽちも湧かない。 そもそも、どうなるか分からないことを不安がるのではなく、どうなるか分からないからこそ面白がろうとする質だからか、 「試験に受かれば生きやすくなるわけではないし、落ちても生きにくくなるわけでもない」などと思っている。 冷めているといわれれば、そうかもしれないが、 資格が最善の道へ導いてくれるわけではないし、自分の舟の舵を取るのは自分であるわけで。 どうなるにせよ、興味があるのは、この先自分はどんなふうに舵を取っていくのかということ。 試験試験で自分の行先を探る触覚の感度が鈍ってしまったような気がするので、まずはせっせと磨き直さねば、と思っている。
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tamago-toji · 1 year
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wonderful weather, wonderful views, but...
My left knee pained a long time ago is keeping the condition well, so some days ago, I hiked after a long time.
However, I needed to climb while checking the condition of it and maybe I think about possible that my knee gets trouble again during walking so I chose a mountainous in Ura-Takao which is low, safe and it has many escape routes.
I start climbing from the Takaosanguchi station of the entrance to the climbing and I went over Mt.Takao and Mt.Kagenobu to Mt. Jinba for about five hours in wonderful weather but the problem didn't come out at my knee.
After lunch at Mt.Jinba, when I start going down from the summit then I felt my both knees were locked and I can't bend them.
I feel a hard hurt trying to bend my both knees and I can't do to go down the trail normally.
I was climbing down very slowly like a snail to the foot of the mountain while I'm getting the shock that my right knee also broke down.
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tamago-toji · 1 year
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make my mind to climb mountains again
I think to begin mountain climbing again around May. I had trouble with my knee for a long time but I’ve been keeping condition well lately. But I think I should go to a low and easy climb a mountain because I'm not sure my knee is perfect really. I wonder where to go.
5月くらいから山登りを再開しようと思っている。 膝の故障もあって 長い間 登山から遠ざかっていたのだ。 でもここ数年は調子がよく、山へ行きたいという気持ちが膨らんできてね。 ただ、膝の様子を見ながら登ることになるので、まずは低山で登りやすい山を選ぼうと思う。
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tamago-toji · 1 year
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My best partner from long ago
I have to repair my mountain climbing boots. The stitch has loosed and the shoe bottom has worn down. The boots have been with me for 30 years ago. I had a specialty shop of mountain climbing boots made. I had on so heavy weight boots which can use for snow mountain climbing until then but I wanted ones which were lighter than them. I put on them and went up to high mountains or low ones too and they guarded my foot in the rain and for solid rocks and they always have been fitting my foot just and my foot can't pain. They are my best partners from long ago I don't want to let go.
登山靴を修理に出さねば。 縫い目がほつれ、靴底が磨り減ってしまった。 この靴とは30年以上前からの付き合い。 それまでは縦走や雪山にも履いていけるクソ重たくてクソ頑丈ないわゆる重登山靴というやつで山に登っていたのだけれど、低山を歩くにはオーバースペックで、とにかく軽快に歩ける靴が欲しくなって山靴の専門店で自分の足に合わせて作ってもらったのだ。 この靴で低山だけでなくアルプスにも登った。雨に降られても一切水が染み込むことはなく、ガシガシの岩場でもパーフェクトに足を守ってくれた。しっかりと馴染んで足が痛むなんていうことはこれっぽっちもない。 古い古い靴だけど、最高の相棒です。
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tamago-toji · 1 year
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She is one of the people who has inspired my way of thinking.
Her thought is so inspiring and so cool!
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tamago-toji · 1 year
My life has got a lot of errors, but...
My life is not smoother than you,  but  I don’t think that you’re happier than me.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
I want to be water
My memories until yesterday erase when I wake every morning and it's clean like a newborn baby. I imagine it repeats day by day to be finished my life.
"A river water running away isn't the same water saw a moment ago. " The flowing water always is new.
I want to be water.
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朝目覚めるたびに昨日の記憶がない。 こんなことを日々繰り返して一生を終える人生を夢想する。
「ゆく河の流れは絶えずして、しかも、もとの水にあらず」 流れる水は常に新しい。
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tamago-toji · 2 years
What pushing on me to get English
There are two phrases echoing and repeating in my mind in these days that is “Find about possibilities while running” and “Enjoy changing”.
I’m going to not use English in business so don’t be interested the TOEIC or others. I wish only to drink and talk about Bob Dylan and anything with someone who I got friendly when I had English.
I’ve been learning English with no teacher and no schooling. So I don’t know a systematic way of study so I feel that the way is not smooth. It’s like mountaineering that blind to the summit, watering on the desert like so I can be lost the way or the purpose honestly.
I’ve loved the phrase of “You ‘re just present” since teenage. So those phrases “Find about possibilities while running” and “Enjoy changing” echoing and repeating are maybe pushing me on.
I think the real reason I make a decision to get English that is to find my possibilities. Getting English is a step taking to an unknowing world surely. I’m excited to meet or experience there.
最近、とみに「Find about possibilities while running」と「Enjoy changing」いう言葉が頭ん中でグルグルする。
「私はただの現在に過ぎない」という言葉がティーンのころから好きでかっこよくて、いまだに好きで、そんな自分だから「Find about possibilities while running」と「Enjoy changing」なんて言葉がグルグルするのは、目的を見失いそうになっても、立ち止まったり逡巡したり、考えても答えの無いこと自問自答したりしてんじゃねえよ!ってことなのかも。 グルグルする言葉に突き動かされています、私。
自分は中学時代から英語の勉強というものが嫌いで嫌いでサボってたのに、今になって英語を身につけたいと思った本当の理由は、オノレの可能性を探る目論見だったんだと思う。 英語を身につけることは、未知の世���に踏み出すきっかけになるはずだと。 英語っていうやつが喋れるようになったら、はてさてどんな出会いや経験をするんだろ。ふふふ、楽しみ。
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tamago-toji · 2 years
A notice on the restroom door flooding anarchy spirit
"Don’t smoke in the restroom! If you don’t stop, I’ll take a shit out in the smoking room!"
It’s blowing up anarchy spirit!
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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Is this Daruma?
The paperweight is called "Bunchin" in the Japanese language. This Bunchin is my favorite item. The point I like is the shape in Daruma, and it's uneven on the color in dark-rusty red. It's very small but quite heavy. It looks pretty its also manly face.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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The waves took me away to Bob Dylan’s world
This record I bought at the second-used-only record shop when I was about 40 years ago. The reason I chose it is Its cover art gave me a good impression, and low price. As I didn't have knowledge about him and The Band except his name and some songs then. It album made me start into Bob Dylan.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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Walking is Feeling
I’ve been enjoying walking about 10 miles along the river every week.
To able to meet to anythings in this season about the bank of the river.
Soft greens are beginning to spread on the ground.
Singing the song of a Japanese bush warbler or a pheasant is heard in a bush.
The green of the grass or trees is mirrored on the water face of the river.
The smooth flowing river is sparkling, showering the falling sun lights. 
There are the wild ducks resting on the river, a big white bird with a long neck standing quietly in the shallows, and a tiny bird flies like a leap among the stones.
Cherry blossoms of trees standing on the side of the river take off from branches and going to flow in the air.
There are blue mountains far with remaining snow on the tops in the spring mist.
The sun lights are peacefully falling in this place, but far another country under this sky is being that cannonballs are bursting all the time and sacrificed with somebody's ambition.
Restless feeling begins to run in me when I have thought that it.
A swallow is light flying across me.
中洲の土の上を覆い始めた 柔らかな緑。
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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l think the cherry blossoms are more beautiful after the blossoms fallen
The cherry blossoms full blooming are very beautiful really but I like bright fresh green leaves after blossoms fallen more.
But the young green leaves are going to be deep green fast while the wild vitality will be flooding.
Such greenery makes me waving in my mind because the flooding vital power reflects small being of human.
The energy of green so gains that its shade becomes deep so I'm going to be a little sad.
The time of the young green is very short so I have to watch that has fresh brightness before it is lost.
I like greenery watching more than blossoms watching.
I tried writing again anew about the contents written one year ago.
I think it is a good approach to know how much my English skill is up.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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The spring coming but it doesn't leave from my mind
Sunday, Feb.27.2022
I walked along a river today too.
(That is my weekend routine, I walk faster than a senior's exercise walking, slower than a jogger, move down about 10 miles and spend 2.5 hours.)
The sky has no clouds so blue so plain so wonderful.
The southern wind blowing so warm yet it had got cold until last week. 
The spring coming I feel.
The shining snow spread in far mountains will be to became to fade away from today.
That series of mountains had about 4,000ft and it is called Tanzawa, and it is one of the mountains that I give my love to.
I often had gone up to the mountains of Tanzawa from teenager to 20s.
There is Mt.Fuji rises by Tanzawa but, really, I love Tanzawa more than Fuji.
My mind gets full that feeling the spring air and seeing the series of mountains of Tanzawa which is shining snow.
But there is a thought which doesn't leave from my mind that Ukraine facing the crisis.
My mind isn’t bright though the sky is clearing.
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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How does taste the grass?
There’s one cow eating grass on a large field.
The cow is just eating slowly and slowly.
I’ve been coming cold day by day.
I’ve been getting careless day by day.
I have a duller sense than yesterday.
I’m more sleepy than always.
I became thinking them saying true.
The cow has been eating the grass on the field of my mind today too.
今日も牛は草を食んでいる 私の頭の中の野っ原で
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tamago-toji · 3 years
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Is the blue sky symbol of hope?
I feel like a kicked stone away that it is the feeling of being this outside of the world in all the time.
But I can be cleared down this emotion when I see spreading just blue and silent sky.
I don’t look at a piece of hope into the blue of the sky.
I can know that the world has no left or no right or no up or no down or no running time when I looking at not sounding sky.
I don't feel empty or jam, and I don't feel cold or warm.
I stand only on here now.
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tamago-toji · 3 years
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Do you have a strong will? "Going, Going, Gone” by Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan's song "Going, Going, Gone" is in his album "Planet Waves" that l listened at 16s or 17s.
The air of the song is bitter and sad, but Dylan's voice is powerful and sharp.
He takes how to drive words, and he sings to give his emotion to the words so I felt like a strong will of the man of the song in.
So I imaged to one tree without leaves listening to the song.
So I listening to the song, imaged to one tree without leaves
Under the winter blue sky, The one tree standing in a cold wind blowing.
The one naked tree… somehow…
  I been playin’ it straight
  Now, I’ve just got to cut loose
  Before it gets late
  So I’m going
  I’m going
  I’m gone
The man in the song is turned back by someone? or got the heartbreak? threw away her? thrown by her away? wanna change a way of life? go away from home? hope to leave from oneself past?
He wonder to say his will to himself, or her?
Bob Dylan should singing the man’s helpless heart, but I don’t feel a sentimentality, hate and negative taste.
Because I find that he sings not to escape from the pain of separating, and accept to be loneliness.
So I seem to not wrong that I imaged one naked tree or I felt like a strong will.
The taste of Going, Going, Gone is very bitter like strong black coffee.
It is played by “The Band”.
Their playing sound gives this song depth.
It is not to be cheerful, but to spread like wetly to heart.
独りになる覚悟はあるか? ♪ ゴーイング・ゴーイング・ゴーン | ボブ・ディラン
16歳だか17歳の時、いちばん初めに聴いたディランのアルバム「プラネット・ウェイブス Planet Waves」に入っていたのが、この「Going, Going, Gone」という曲。
で、この「Going, Going, Gone」を聴くティーンの頭に浮かんだのは、葉を落とし尽した樹のイメージだった。冬空に枯れ枝を広げて、寒風をまともに受けながら立っている一本の樹。


失恋したのか? 女を捨てたのか、捨てられたのか? 裏切られたのか? 生き方を変えたいのか? 家を出るのか? 過去を断ち切りたい?

恋人に向かって言っているのか? 自分に対してか?

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